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happy rainbow birthday presidents day

Today is a holiday on top of a holiday. Not only do the girls have school off for President's Day, but it is also this girls third birthday. (you can take a look at her first birthday party here)

We had the family party last night but we've got more out of control 3-year-old fun planned for today. So I'm off to put make-up on Barbie and play with race cars. Check back tomorrow when I'll have a report on some grown-up fun from this weekend. (Hint - it rhymes with mestate sale)

Until then, may your day be as bright and sunny as our centerpiece was. (three guesses what the theme of the day was)

repeat performance or keeping it fresh

I've been slowly working on getting my house Christmas ready and one of the things that keeps a pep in my step for this yearly ritual is the idea of mixing it up. What will I do with the mantel this year? What type of tree should we get? Lights outside or not?

Sneak peak of my mantel from Instagram

I don't find it stressful, I find it comforting. It is almost as if I'm adding another layer of warmth just as it gets extra frigid outside. It gets me in the spirit and sparks special memories and traditions. (Cue the Hallmark movie cheese ball music)

What about you? Do you put everything in the same place every year? Do you clear the decks and start fresh each year? Do you have any weird traditions or items that you must do/pull out before it feels like the holidays have started?

And don't forget to catch today's feature on the 12 Days of Christmas Tour of Homes. I've listed the first three homes below.

Day 1 - Evolution of Style
Day 2 - Shine Your Light
Day 3 - Dixie Delights

Happy Wednesday!

12 days of christmas tour of homes

Hope y'all had a great weekend. We are all fighting some phantom flu/cold bug that just won't leave our house and it took all the energy the hubs and I could muster to go out with the girls and get a tree. We managed to get it in the house, but now I need a burst of health to get it decorated. But, I know where I'll go for some holiday inspiration.

Today is the first day of The 12 Days of Christmas Tour of Homes. My tour won't be until next week (thank god) but today please do head over to Evolution of Style and see what a beautiful job Jenny has done with her home.

Follow along for the next 12 days for great inspiration and eye candy galore!

Have you finished your holiday decorations? Do you get a real tree or fake? Do you want to come over and help me with my tree? Happy Monday.

holiday pushers

We are officially in the thick of it people. Thanksgiving is behind us (in the US), Chanukah is wrapping up and Christmas is coming. Cue the hysteria. I made an effort to not get online over the Thanksgiving holiday, not even my phone, and it was kind of like a digital master cleanse. It felt damn good I have to say and when we got home last night from a weekend of traveling and I was ready to gear up for Christmas. I didn't feel behind or stressed, I just felt...holiday-ish.

Then I sat down to my laptop and the stress settled in. Holy crap. I've gotten a wicked number of emails and articles and announcements telling me I can get 15% off here, 50% off there, use these coupon codes on these days, and jump three times in place while drinking water and tapping your head. And that doesn't even crack the book on all of the gift guides. Oy! I am on overload already and it is only December 2nd.

Jane Means

How do you manage all your holiday cheer? Do you keep up with all of the 'advice' or just go with what you know? What % lures you in to a sale? (I got an email for 7% off and let me tell you, that is NOT a sale. That's just foolish)

VOTE WITH YOUR FEET Support "Free market" Vacation and Travel Destinations.

VOTE WITH YOUR FEET Support "Free market" Vacation and Travel Destinations.
My U-Haul rate comparisons continue to indicate a migration away from liberal bastions of SF and NYC and Chicago to the Red States such as Idaho, Utah and Texas.  Go to youtube.compubworkstv for latest results

HERE IS AN IDEA---  Freedom loving peoples should be selective where they chose to vacation. For instance, don't support the peoples republic of California with your vacation dollars, support free enterprise destinations over repressive communities.

In fact, make a big deal of it, let the liberal centers know that you won't be visiting them any longer.

Short Trailer (Concept)

California is full of places to avoid. Here is an example, I love mountains and mountain life, I bought a place in South Lake Tahoe 22 years ago. Vacationed there mainly, then moved there in 2007 when I left Morgan Stanley (on my 50th birthday, read between those lines).

From my personal experience and observations with the community of South Lake Tahoe I've come to see it as the poster child for all that is wrong with America. An oppressive government that has devastated the small business community and racked up massive debts from failed government controlled development projects.

It is not surprising after all the "Jewel of the Sierras" has long been a battleground between liberal extremists and conservatives. The Sierra lake community has been hijacked by the leftwing extremists and turned South Lake Tahoe into the decimated community it is.   (Details on the Trailer above)

If you support freedom than you should avoid South Lake Tahoe and communities like it, and let them know why. You can reach the people directly in communities like South Lake Tahoe through their online media. Make a comment in their "locals" newspaper. Let the liberals know that you would not do business with them because you love freedom and they repress it. Perhaps the conservatives among them will then be able to rise to the cause. There are not many conservatives left in the area but there are some, they have been bullied into submission but may rise with encouragement.

Just a few comments in the locals press would cause a tizzy.

Doing something, does something.  Let the community know that their acceptance of government oppression has cost them your business.


That will get noticed.  People will scream and rant.


One of the culprits in the centralization of control and subsequent decline in many destination communities is the success of the Transient occupancy Tax (TOT) a.k.a.  Hotel Room Tax.  This system can lead to a destructive Crony community such as what happened in South Lake Tahoe.  Government insiders working with select outside developers and "Consultants" corrupt the separation between public and private sectors and degradate  the community. Insiders "controlling" the tax flow from TOT and using it to control the community through marketing and promotions that favor the crony goals. The potential impacts are multiple, dramatic and long lasting.

If you want more info, would like to share a experience, suggest a destination, or get info on communities in the Pacific Northwest sign up for my  Travel Blogs by emailing me at PubworksTV@gmail.com

More info on travel: here is a link to a channel promoting the emerging touring talented in the music BUSINESS. Check out Divas of D.V. featuring 3 really fine female singers. 


celebrate good times, c'mon!

Kool and the Gang so early in the morning? I know, I'm a rebel.

Today is my birthday, so I'll be doing some of this
 and some of this.
My Baking Addiction
Then tomorrow is more celebrating with this

And this.
Pinellas Peach
A great time of year for a birthday! Enjoy the holiday if you are in the States. I'll be back on Thursday.