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how did i do - 2013 review

So we can't get started on the new year without seeing how I did last year, right? It's always fun to see if your December 2013 self was in tune with your January 2013 self - did I get anything done or not? So with that said, may I have the envelope please.

My 2013 goals were:

1. Entry Refresh - Wahoo! We are off to a good start. It may have taken me a while (I started in June and finished in...October) and I did have to redo the entire stencil, (sometimes I guess it pays to read the directions) but it turned out even better than I had envisioned and now it's fresh and bright and a jolly little welcome to our little home.

2. Sew something. Anything. - Bam! I rocked this one like a hurricane for the One Room Challenge in November. It is amazing what confidence a looming deadline will give you. I had just days to go before the big reveal and I was staring at a pile of fabric and no pillows, so I bit my lip and gave it a go. I will say that the intimidation factor is squarely on that damn machine. Actually sewing a pillow is pretty simple, its that blasted bobbin that gets me. Every. Time.

I even went ahead and made myself some pillows for my bedroom while I was at it. Overachiever.

3. The girls' room. This already feels like a million years ago, but I knocked this one off the list in February/March thanks again to the One Room Challenge. This was one of my favorite projects of the year and I'm happy to say the room still looks largely the same - just with the addition of a thick layer of clothes, toys and naked barbies strewn on the floor.

4. Bathroom Redo. This one is a mixed bag. Yes, I have updated the bathroom. Good homeowner. But I have yet to share the updates. Bad blogger. I did share a very small sneak peak a while back on Instagram but that is it. For shame! I promise a full reveal before we hand out Valentine's.

5. Open my little black door a little more. I just realized how...interesting that line sounds. But anyway, it was about sharing more about other aspects of my work, my life, and just putting myself out there more. And I did work on this. I shared some client projects here, here and here. I started a new series, Fess Up Friday and shared more of my crazy life on Instagram, which I consider like a mini-blog of sorts. I have more plans and more work to do this year, so we will call this one 'under progress'.

So all in all, not so bad for old Elizabeth. And I'll tell you, this has gotten me motivated for 2014. I'm ready to get working! And I'll share those plans tomorrow.

So how about you? How did you do with last years goals? Do you make any years goals for yourself, your business, your home?

freshening the foyer - finale

Morning sunshines! I hope you all had a great weekend. I have a long overdue update on the entry for you. So let's jump in, shall we?

To jog your memory, here is where I left the space back in June. Yes, I said June. (read parts 1 and 2 of the entry makeover here and here)

We all agreed at the time that the placeholder mirror wasn't doing anyone any favors and it didn't really add anything. I'm trying me best to be a thoughtful and slow caretaker of this little house and wait for the right thing rather than just buying the closest thing. I looked on Craigslist, thrift stores and antique shops and found a big fat nothing.

Then I went on vacation and made a stop in one of my favorite antique stores in Sarasota. And this little gem was just waiting for me in the corner. A cool shape and the right size to not dwarf the bench or the narrow wall where it would sit. The man at the shop told me he had just bought it at an estate sale at the oldest house in Sarasota (which is why he hadn't hung it up yet) but he is also quite a shyster so who knows what the real story is.

At any rate it is the same store I got my coffee table and one of the raspberry dressers in my living room from, and I like that I get so many of my orphans from the same spot.

I've drifted off topic..where was I? Ah yes, the mirror. So the paint job on the mirror was not in good shape and it wasn't the right color. So I sprayed it black and bam - I'm calling this entry done.

I had originally wanted to add some sconces to either side of the mirror but all the ones I liked were too wide for the space. Then my genius mother suggested we go to a shop we are lucky enough to have downtown that sells nothing but vintage china.

We found this great pattern with all the colors of the entry and the living room. Love that pattern and that woman.

Feels good to have that wrapped up.

Have you held out for the right piece before? Has it taken forever to find something to fit in a spot in your house? Want to borrow my mom for her problem-solving skills? She's good.

freshening the foyer - part 2

Previously, on Freshening the Foyer...

We were left with a blank space

and a can of this.

Specifically, Lucky Shamrock by Benjamin Moore. I have a lot of blue in my house and I really do love blue. But I didn't want to become one big blue house. So what goes with blue? What's welcoming and cheery? What would I want to see when I walk in the house everyday? 


And you all know how I like a good lookin' ceiling (like here and here) so I took that paint up north. Happy green ceiling - complete. Now for the walls.

My ultimate dream would be some Anna Spiro wallpaper but for now that isn't in the budget. So I went with this stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils thanks to a Sadie + Stella discount code a while back. (Thanks Lindsay)

And here is where this little spruce up went off the tracks a bit. I got the stencil, I was excited to use it and the walls were painted and ready. The hubs and I skimmed thru the directions (first mistake) and got to work.

And ended up with this. Ruh roh.

How's this for real life DIY? They don't always go so smoothly, am I right? I blame the little dots in the stencil. They threw us off some how. To be honest, I don't know what happened. The whole process went so fast (which I was rather surprised about) we didn't realize it until we stepped back to admire our finished work.

Major let down.

This all happened right before the party, of course, so it was a good lesson in letting things go. There was no time to fix it and I just didn't have the mental fortitude to make it happen.

So this is how it looked for a few weeks. And it drove me bonkers. The stencil is on crack, the mirror doesn't play well with the bench and its hung too high. And the trim still needs to be painted. Calgon, take me away.

Finally I psyched myself up to try this again. I repainted the whole space (thank god it is small) and after playing with the stencil BEFORE painting, revolutionary I know, I figured out what I needed to do.

So learn from my mistakes.

This is not something you can rush thru, even if it may seem straightforward. You will need to do one sheet and step back to check your work. Then place the sheet in the next spot and step back and check your work. Then roll the next sheet and, you guessed it, step back and check your work.

You will want to go over the stencil several times with your roller. Don't. It just makes a mess. And always roll in the one direction. Never back and forth or you will just end up with a big smeared blob.

Play with the amount of paint on your roller a bit before starting. The key is to find the perfect combo of the right amount of paint and the right amount of pressure so you can get the stencil on in one roll.

Much better.

Now all that is left is some styling, finding some sconces and figuring out a solution for the mirror. The round one that was there originally just didn't work.

This mirror is from the family room and I like it's size but I don't like the pine with the bench. But this mirror is from my parents and it is certainly a 'paint it and die' piece.

So my best girl Linda is helping me to scour Craigslist and I've already got a few options. With her mad skills, I bet I'll find something in no time. What kind of mirror would you add?

Look forward to the next installment of Freshening the Foyer to find out how this all ends. Will I get the trim painted? Will I find a mirror? Will I ever clean that floor properly? Too much excitement, I know.

And don't forget Google Reader is donezo on July 1. Have no fear though, you can continue to follow my sparkling personality and quick wit on Bloglovin. Find out how to import your list from Google Reader here.

Happy Day!

freshening the foyer - part 1

Thanks everyone for your great potty training tips and ideas. Today the fun begins, so I'll keep y'all posted.

A few years into our marriage, I gave my husband a valuable little nugget of truth that has helped him to accept deal with my never ending project list - "by the time I mention something to you, know that I've already been debating the idea in my head for quite some time." I know, poetry right?

So when I told him a few weeks back that I had plans to overhall the foyer, his response was music to my ears -"Cool". He's a good egg.

Now I may get some slack for this because this little image is pinned quite a bit, but I'm tired of it. That wallpaper was one of the first projects we (aka the hubs and my dad) tackled in the house. Seven years ago. It is faded, scratched and is starting to come off on the corners.

Also, as much as I like the yellow table on its own, I was never in love with it with the wallpaper. It was all a bit too ketchup and mustard for me.

And the third strike, as great as this layout is in theory it isn't real life. We don't come in the door and put our mail and keys down. We come inside and take off our shoes. And 50% of the residents of this little cottage need to sit down and take several minutes to get those little shoes on and off. So its time to pull a Dr. Phil and 'get real' - we need a spot for all of this action.

Enter my new favorite. You may remember I was fortunate to snag my beauty of a bench a while back and it fits perfectly in the foyer. But the wallpaper isn't doing it any favors. This bench deserves a snazzy space.

So the wallpaper came down.

No one in this house is exempt from a good DIY.

Thanks to plaster walls, I was able to remove all of that wallpaper, all of it, with just my hands. No tools needed. See, I told you it was ready to come down. An important tip in removing wallpaper though, once the paper is off the wall, don't think you are finished. You still need to give the wall a good scrub with a wet sponge to get off all of the glue that remains on the wall. That sponge also helped to loosen up those pesky little pieces that hung on.

After about an hour before bed and then an hour or so the next morning I had a blank palette. I'm already in love with how much brighter and bigger the space feels. And let's face it, anything I can do to make this tiny space feel bigger is a thumbs up. So I painted the entry the same color as the living room (Arrowroot by Pratt & Lambert) to help with that bigger space feeling trick.

But fear not, I didn't just leave it that way. You know I can't go without a good dose of color. Next week we'll see where that color went and what to do when DIY goes wrong. (how's that for a tease?)

What are your plans for the weekend? Any DIY projects planned? Any plans to fix a DIY project?

garden stool makeover

I've had my eyes out for a garden stool for quite some time and I think I finally found a winner.
 I love the various shades of maroon and grayish green. And the roses. The Golden Girls style is making a comeback. I mean, everything about the 80's was so beautiful.

This lady is fugly. But she was only $12 so I couldn't pass her up.

Originally I just planned to spray her white and call it a day.
But after all the fun talk of DIY'ing some gold polka dots last week, I couldn't resist.

I already had some leftover stencil sponges and gold paint (of course) so all I needed was a stencil from Michaels. (This was such a spur of the moment decision that I didn't even think to take this pic until after the fact. Bad blogger!)
I was a bit worried that the paper stencil wouldn't really hug the rounded stool well enough, but it worked like a charm. And a great perk was that any mistakes I made wiped up easily.
I didn't really have a plan (surprise surprise) and just randomly 'polka-dotted' as I saw fit. The whole project was 15 minutes.
No styled image available yet as this sucker will be in the living room, but I'm loving it so far. Somebody better take my gold away before I painted my children.

Have you tried to style a garden stool? Impossible. Any good stencils you recommend? Anyone else ready to kick Ramona off the island? (I love my RHNY)

Happy Tuesday!