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A dream called FENDI- S/S 2013 details-

I have many source of inspiration and one of them is of course the runway shows. Today I wanted to show you some of my favorites details from Fendi S/S2013 collection. Colors, textures, makeup, constructivism and minimalistic design are the major factors that makes me love this Fendi collection in particular. What do you think ?

P.S . We have the winner of the Tellstyle Giveaway: Congrats Ruby Girl ! I will contact you soon!

guest post - the pink pagoda

I'm over at my girl Jennifer's today for her 31 Days of Pink series. Lovely pink in all it's shades of goodness. And there is a reveal of sorts on there too (boy am I teasing again?!).

Check it out!

Classic Blowhard, the "Donald" Trump...

Classic Blowhard, the "Donald" Trump...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Mr. Donald (the blowhard) Trump has announced he is going to release a "bombshell" that is "very very big" about President Obama. He has assured FOX News that they will be covering it in "a very big fashion." He anticipates it will be released Wednesday. Presumably (IMNHO) to allow time for spin activity following tonight's debate.

Right... Like the pompous blowhard that he is it is really all about the buildup of negative imagery and creating the perception of dastardly and apocalyptic consequences should America reelect President Obama. Perhaps it is so that if Obama is reelected it may very well be a net negative for the country (I believe it is). However, the truth is the country will still be here in another four years. We will undoubtedly have many more opportunities to alter direction and correct bad situations come 2016. Just as we always have. Just as the founders intended.

So, get serious dude. People of intelligence will judge Obama on his performance in office. Ascertaining how his decisions have affected them PERSONALLY as well as how they have affected the country will determine how informed individuals will vote. They really don't need, nor do they  want the likes of your pompous a*s feeding them a line of BS that simply put suits your own personal agenda.

Of course this is just my opinion and many will disagree. However, I'm betting a boatload more will find themselves if not in full agreement at least in partial agreement.

Politico - Donald Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Monday that he'll reveal “very big” news about President Barack Obama by Wednesday, but declined to give any hints about his plan.

“Something very, very big concerning the president of the United States,” he said. “It’s going to be very big. I know one thing — you will cover it in a very big fashion.”

Trump, who said he will announce the news on Twitter “sometime probably Wednesday,” suggested it could “possibly” impact the election. The businessman, who considered a run for the White House but endorsed former Gov. Mitt Romney, has long been a high-profile Obama birther conspiracy theorist.

 Watch the debate tonight. Think critically. Reflect on the last four years and how it has affected you and your family. At the end of the day and the process vote your conscience. I know I will be doing exactly that.

 Via: Memeorandum

Romney VS Obama - NFL Style Referee Needed!

Romney VS Obama - NFL Style Referee Needed!
By Dan Turner October 22, 2012, 4:30 a.m.

About the best thing that can be said about Monday's presidential debate in Boca Raton, Fla., is that it's the last one. In theory, debates should represent a terrific opportunity for voters to assess the competing arguments and policies of presidential candidates. It's a nice theory, but that's not what we were presented with Tuesday night, nor in the first debate.

What I heard, over and over again, was a lot of barking: One candidate barks out statistics or obscure references to his opponent's record or statements, followed by return barking to the effect that it's all a pack of lies. Sometimes they even bark over each other, such as the embarrassing exchange Tuesday between President Obama and Mitt Romney over whether oil drilling on public lands had increased or decreased during Obama's tenure.

 Was anyone edified by this? I doubt it. Republicans came away sure that Romney was telling the truth, Democrats equally certain that Obama was the honest one, and undecided voters were most likely pondering a move to Canada.


Sporty elements

 To comeback at sporty looks is always a pleasure:) No matter how much I love wearing heels, I love wearing flats and sneakers as well. I wore my newest pair of Nike with skinny jeans, neon sport blouse,  Zara coat and this very special bag, that I had the pleasure to receive from Polyvore and the designer herself, Meredith Wendell. I chose this bag , of course, for the striking color combination and for the unique design. I just love it !

                                                                              Coat: Zara/ similar design Here
                                                                              Bag: Meredith WendellHere
                                                                              Blouse: New Balance/ another great one Here
                                                                              Jeans: thanks to Lulu's.com/ similar Here
                                                                              Sneakers: Nike/ similar design Here
                                                                              Bracelets: Neon ones (DIY ), Speidel
                                                                              Sunglasses: Foster Grant/similar design Here

                                                FACEBOOK /BLOGLOVIN

rollin' down the river

I've been workin' it like Tina in her best leather mini skirt all weekend long. And I've got the pictures to prove it. Here are some sneak peeks...

More on all of these things in the coming days.

Now I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! Did you do anything exciting? Jump in any leaf piles? Discover that you love cucumber water? Me too!

As the Obama Administration and a Compliant Lame Stream Media Continue the Benghazi Spin...

As the Obama Administration and a Compliant Lame Stream Media Continue the Benghazi Spin...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

From the lame stream media, no doubt fed by the not to be trusted Obama administration, we are hearing more false spin from dutiful left wing wing nuts.

The Washington Post The Romney campaign may have misfired with its suggestion that statements by President Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice about the Benghazi attack last month weren’t supported by intelligence, according to documents provided by a senior U.S. intelligence official.

“Talking points” prepared by the CIA on Sept. 15, the same day that Rice taped three television appearances, support her description of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate as a reaction to Arab anger about an anti-Muslim video prepared in the United States. According to the CIA account, “The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.”

The CIA document went on: “This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated.” This may sound like self-protective boilerplate, but it reflects the analysts’ genuine problem interpreting fragments of intercepted conversation, video surveillance and source reports.

The senior intelligence official said the analysts’ judgment was based in part on monitoring of some of the Benghazi attackers, which showed they had been watching the Cairo protests live on television and talking about them before they assaulted the consulate.

“We believe the timing of the attack was influenced by events in Cairo,” the senior official said, reaffirming the Cairo-Benghazi link. He said that judgment is repeated in a new report prepared this week for the House intelligence committee. {Read More}

More wing nuttery from the progressive lame stream media.

Via: Memeorandum

a POP of RED

  The weather is very indecisive in my area these days. Today it looks like a friendly Fall day, but the next day is kinda cold and very close to a winter day. In this situation, I prefer to play it safe and stay somewhere in the middle when it comes to choosing my outfits.
Yesterday was one of these days, not too cold but certainly not warm enough, and for the first time this year I was wearing my leather trench. Also for the first time, I wore this red Phillip Lim bag that I am crazy about. It is a mix of old with new, high and low pieces and this is the result. Looking forward to hear your opinion!

                                                                      Leather trench: vintage/ similar design Here
                                                                      Sweater: Sisley
                                                                      Trousers: Forever21/ another favorite of mine Here
                                                                      Heels: Aldo/ another great option Here
                                                                      Bag: Phillip Lim/ I also love this one Here
                                                                      Bracelet: Kate Spade 

Enough To Sicken Even the Most Hardy Free Man and Free Woman...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

What you are about to read will sicken you. That is if you are a liberty minded individual who values freedom, private property rights, opportunity to succeed based on your individual merits, and ethical objective behavior.

If you're American and it doesn't sicken you then may I suggest a relocation to the Middle East or perhaps Venezuela?

The Telegraph Take a close look at this promotional poster. Notice anything? Alongside the symbols of Christianity, Judaism, Jainism and so on is one of the wickedest emblems humanity has conceived: the hammer and sickle.

For three generations, the badge of the Soviet revolution meant poverty, slavery, torture and death. It adorned the caps of the chekas who came in the night. It opened and closed the propaganda films which hid the famines. It advertised the people's courts where victims of purges and show-trials were condemned. It fluttered over the re-education camps and the gulags. For hundreds of millions of Europeans, it was a symbol of foreign occupation. Hungary, Lithuania and Moldova have banned its use, and various former communist countries want it to be treated in the same way as Nazi insignia.

Yet here it sits on a poster in the European Commission, advertising the moral deafness of its author (I hope that's what it is, rather than lingering nostalgia). The Bolshevist sigil celebrates the ideology which, in strict numerical terms, must be reckoned the most murderous ever devised by our species. That it can be passed unremarked day after day in the corridors of Brussels is nauseating.

Indeed, Indeed...

Via: Memeorandum

Rep. Joe Walsh Proves His Relative Ignorance...

Rep. Joe Walsh Proves His Relative Ignorance...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

In continues to amaze. I mean what is it with the social conservative politicians (socons) that they continue to make themselves look foolish to any knowledgeable and thinking person?

Rep. Joe Walsh's statement that because of current medical science there is no longer ever any reason to terminate a pregnancy to save the life of the mother is just plain nonsense. Of course Mr. Walsh (R-IL) is hoping that UN-knowledgeable people will accept his statement without question, thereby moving the socon agenda further down the road.

Make now mistake about it, individuals like Joe Walsh, and the religious right want to control the lives and health of women. All in the name of what they mistakenly view is in the name of a higher moral principle.

Walsh, and organizations that support him and those like him present a very real threat to the rights of all individuals. Hopefully Mr. Walsh will be soundly defeated in his reelection bid this coming November.

THE HILL - Republican Rep. Joe Walsh (Ill.) said Thursday that abortions are "absolutely" never necessary to save the lives of pregnant women.

"With modern technology and science, you can't find one instance," Walsh said. "There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing."

The comment was first reported by WGN radio. It came after a debate between Walsh, a House freshman, and his opponent, Democrat Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran. The race is a likely Democratic pickup, according to ratings by The Hill.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund released a statement blasting Walsh.

“Joe Walsh’s ignorance about women’s health is alarming. It is deeply troubling that he and some politicians have such a fundamental disregard for women and women’s health. As the advocate for Planned Parenthood health centers, we know that ending a pregnancy can often be a very complex, personal decision and that there are absolutely times that a woman’s life depends on it," said Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens.

Abortion and women's health issues have been at the forefront of several races this election cycle, including the contest for the White House.

The Republican Party platform would ban the procedure with no exceptions, and the Democratic Party platform would allow it with no exceptions. Most Republicans, however, do believe in exceptions in the case of rape, incest and life of the mother.

In the interest of educating Rep. Walsh the following article is based on sound science and demonstrates the startling lack of knowledge he possesses. Certainly there are other criteria, but I shall leave it for another discussion. There is sure to be many more opportunities to expose the ignorance of politicians like Rep. Walsh.

Washington University in St. Louis Scientists have identified genetic errors in women with autoimmune diseases that increase the risk of preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs in 10 percent of all pregnancies.

The researchers also found the same mutations in some women with preeclampsia who don’t have underlying autoimmune diseases. Their findings provide genetic targets for new treatments and suggest that screening tests could one day identify women at risk of the condition, which accounts for 15 percent of all preterm births.

“We’re going to need to confirm these links in a larger study, but if they are validated it may be possible to develop better ways to identify and treat women at risk,” says senior author John P. Atkinson, MD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Preeclampsia typically develops after the 20th week of pregnancy. It causes dangerously high blood pressure, protein in the urine, headaches and swelling of a mother’s hands and face. The only treatment is to induce delivery, which can be fatal to the baby if preeclampsia strikes too early in pregnancy. {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

Back in black

Last Sunday, I was wearing for the first time this Gucci bag that I won at a Polyvore contest, last year. There was something special about this contest, because  it was around Christmas time and I had the chance to win this bag for me and another similar one for a friend, to whom I chose to dedicate my contest set. "The Art of gifting "You can see my set here.
Let's get back to my outfit and what I was wearing that day. More black than usual...even the accessories were black and there weren't any colors at all. Let's say I made an exception :)
Express pants, Liz Claiborne shirt and this beautiful jacket received from Sugarlips.com. I hope you like it !

                                                                                 Jacket: thanks to SugarlipsHere
                                                                                 Shirt: Liz Claiborne/ another great one Here
                                                                                 Pants: Express/ similar design Here
                                                                                 Shoes: Aldo/ similar design Here
                                                                                 Bag: Gucci/ similar Here
                                                                                 Watch: Burberry/ similar Here
                                                                                 Bracelets: Hermes, Louis Vuitton/ inexpensive version Here and Here