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NYFW Day 2-my outfit for Mara Hoffman and Herve Leger By Max Azria Shows

Lee Oliveira taking photos of me :)

Mara Hoffman

Herve Leger By Max Azria

NYFW Day 2

My second day at NYFW started at Lincoln Center with Mara Hoffman and Herve Leger By Max Azria Fashion Shows. While Mara Hoffman unveiled in her show an abundance of fluid materials, vibrant colours and symmetrical prints, perfect for a tropical getaway, Herve Leger By Max Azria kept us warm and stylish for the actual winter with fur, hats and indubitable leather accents in almost all the looks... a Heaven on the runway...
My outfit was created around of emerald green colour along with a striped top and my bold 3.1 Phillip Lim bag.
What do you think about it?

                                                                      Coat: H&M/ a very great option Here 
                                                        Jeans: Ralph Laurenoption Here 
                                                                      Top: thanks to ShopAKIRA.comHere  
                                                                      Heels: Shoemint/ option Here
                                                                      Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ option Here
                                                                      Necklace: Portland Museum Of Art/ I also love this one Here
                                                                      Sunglasses: Foster Grant/ option Here

The Wages of Unfaithfulness ... J. D. Longstreet

The Wages of Unfaithfulness   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Wages of Unfaithfulness
The Demise of Mainline Religious Denominations in America
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I have written earlier of what I believe is a direct correlation between the decline of America and the "great falling away" of her people from the religious faith, which historically was a part of the foundation of the country.

Deny it, if you like, but it does not change the facts, the TRUTH. 

Since the Second World War, when returning GI's brought something called "moral relativism" from Europe to America, there has been a struggle between the secular side of America and the religious side of America.  The secular side -- the side that rejects religion and religious considerations has been consistently gaining ground.  Sad to say,  ofttimes their advances were made with the assistance of many in the clergy.

Today we recognize moral relativism as "political correctness."  Since creation, there has been no greater evil spawned by Satan and delivered upon earth from the deepest bowels of Hell itself.  

The very definition of deception, political correctness has saturated American society. 

It is easy enough to understand how our government would instantly adopt any form of deception that might aid their lying and scheming.  But, when the cornerstone denominations of the Christian faith in America embraced political correctness,  its hellish properties became apparent ... at least to some of those religious denominations that insist upon hewing close to the grain of the Holy Scriptures from which they draw their bearings.  The evangelicals railed against political correctness while the mainline denominations drank it in  much as a thirsty man at a cool spring in a desert oasis.

Decades ago it became clear to many observers that America was headed for trouble.

And today -- America is IN trouble.  BIG TROUBLE!   The crisis of which I speak is a crisis of the soul of every individual American.  And the blame for this endangerment of the souls of Americans can be laid at the feet of the hierarchy of the mainline religious denominations in America.

This nation, whether you choose to believe it -- or not -- was founded as much on biblical scripture as it was on common law.  America used to be a “God-fearing” nation filled with people who KNEW they relied upon the kindness and the grace of an omnipotent God to guide them through any troubles they/we as individuals, and as a nation, faced.  That is no longer the case.  The result of switching America’s fealty from God to man is plain for all to see. We are today – a pitiful nation in decline.

America resembles nothing less today than a once powerful, muscular, man whose body is riddled by cancer and has shrunken to a shell of its former being.

When America was young and vital the ministers of the mainline denominations took to their pulpits to preach from the Scriptures.  They told their parishioners of the story of God’s benevolence, his faithfulness, and they told us of his jealousy.  They reminded Americans that God Himself said:  “I am a jealous God!” 

Those of us perched in the pews knew there was a price to be paid for willfully disconnecting oneself from the power source that is God.  Equally as important, I think, we Americans knew, in those days, that America was no accident.  We KNEW that America was to us as the Promised Land had been, and remains, to the Jewish people.

The extreme importance the ministers, priests, and rabbis of the churches and synagogues cannot be overestimated.  It was they who shepherded the huge flock known as America in the way they should go. And America was so much better for it.

The bitter truth is, in my opinion, the church has turned its collective back on the One it purportedly serves and now it serves, instead, its own interests, its own politics, its own politically correct philosophy of what God OUGHT to be, and, in so doing, they have created God in their own imageAnd what a pitiful god they have created!

Moral relativism (political correctness) has no place in the pulpit.  When God, Himself, refers to some action, or inaction, of man as a sin, then it is not left to the ministers to equivocate.  They are bound to pass God’s pronouncement on to the sheep of their flock.  For a pastor to do less cannot be defined as being honest with either man or God. 

There was a time, not so long ago, when ministers were the pillars of their community, both the religious community and the secular community.   They were solid citizens.  They could be looked up to, relied upon, and trusted.  In many cases they were role models for youngsters who would later join their ranks as pastors, priests, and rabbis.   That was then.  This is now.

Those members left in the congregations of today’s mainline churches are growing older as the rolls continue to shrink.  Attendance at services is very low.  In some of the denominations there seems to be an on-going struggle of wills between the membership and the hierarchy of the churches.  Such an atmosphere is not conducive to worship.  Sniping? Maybe. Worship?  No.

So what has happened?  It has been my personal observation that the hierarchy of the mainline churches went left and adopted so much of the philosophy of the political left that many of their members left.  I don’t mean the membership went left, also.  I mean they LEFT as in:  They went away.  In fact, many of them went right.  That is just another way of saying they began to associate themselves with churches that still believe, preach, and practice the scriptures.  That explains why the evangelical churches in America are growing by leaps and bounds.

Look, churches cannot claim to be representatives of God on this earth, a Christian church, and then teach a congregation a lifestyle that is not Christian and certainly not in keeping with what the scriptures tell us God/Christ taught us -- and demands of us.  It is as simple and as uncomplicated as that.

Somehow, the mainline denominations have made a turn away from God, away from those age-old lessons He has taught us through the authority of the scriptures, and now they find themselves blindly stumbling down the road to complete oblivion.  And the really sad thing -- they don’t understand why.

I know this is not the popular explanation for what has befallen those shrinking denominations – I DO  But when you clear all the smoke away, get past all the excuses, and really, REALLY, look at how the churches got into this fix, there is only one answer.  

Look, I am a refugee from one of those churches.  I saw this coming.  I fought it for about five years, or so. I argued my way up the hierarchical ladder to the top – only to have my national bishop tell me I didn’t know what the dickens I was talking about (in a kindly and gentle fashion, of course).  It was then that I decided to cut my losses and hit the door. I did so amidst numerous accusations that I would not stay and fight from within the church.  My answer was that I was following the teachings of the scriptures in getting myself “OUT from among them.”

I hold that the collapse of the mainline denominations not only will have, but already HAS had, an extremely negative effect on America. All one has to do is consider our society today, our government, our education system, practically every facet of American life which was so carefully influenced by the church in the early days of America.  Observe how it has all become so crass, so unkind, and so angry.  It is obvious that something is missing.  The churches in America once provided that missing thing.

There was a time when the church not only set the standards for American society, often times it WAS the standard for our society.  They spoke with the authority of the scriptures.  When the mainline denominations turned their backs on the scriptures they began losing their authority… and their followers who, naturally, sought green pastures and still waters in the flocks of the evangelicals who still believe that being biblically correct rather than politically correct is the path to righteousness and the guarantee of eternal rest.

Why is this so difficult for our mainline denominations to understand?

© J. D. Longstreet

President Obama Makes a Gutsy Call and Stands by His Man...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs - Tyranny

Unfortunately Chuck Hagel gave less than a stellar performance during his confirmation hearings.Therefore it is reasonable to expect many, especially in the rEbublican and neocon camp to have grave reservations with his nomination/confirmation. Taking a step back and reviewing his background and qualifications I find no reasons not to confirm. Perhaps reason will prevail in the Senate (unlikely) and Hagel will be confirmed.

POLITICO - President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have fiercely defended the nomination of Chuck Hagel, despite advisers and Hill Democrats who questioned the move and predicted a firestorm, according to Democratic sources.

That opinion was validated, at least for the moment, by events Thursday as Senate Republicans narrowly blocked cloture on Hagel’s nomination. Obama immediately slammed the filibuster — which could be broken after a 10-day congressional recess.

But an irked Obama is dead set on installing his pick at the Pentagon — even though the bitter battle over his confirmation is likely to leave lasting scars on his nominee at a time of looming military cuts and dangerous new developments in Iran and North Korea.

“We’ve never had a secretary of defense filibustered before … there are only a handful of instances in which there’s been any kind of filibuster of anybody,” the president said during a Google+ chat after the Senate vote.

“My expectation and hope is that Chuck Hagel … will be confirmed as our defense secretary,” he said. “It’s just unfortunate that this kind of politics intrudes at a time when I’m presiding over [a war in Afghanistan].

Senior White House officials predicted that a battered Hagel would manage to limp over the finish line and take the job of defense secretary later this month. But others pointed to the cost after weeks of absorbing criticism about his previous statements on Israel, his personal finances and unanswered questions about Obama’s personal response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

“It’s going to put him in a difficult position once he gets there,” said Bill Cohen, a former Republican senator from Maine who served as defense secretary under President Bill Clinton. “I’m sure there will be some lingering discontent on the part of some on the Hill. That, however, speaks to the process we’re talking about. ... [Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

NYFW Charlotte Ronson 2013 F/W collection

A short post with my outfit that I wore at Charlotte Ronson presentation last Friday + some photos with the wonderful collection that it was nothing less than I expected. Again my eyes were on the leather garments, green leather trousers  and floral/forest dresses and pants, a beautiful 60's feel in the entire collection.
As for my outfit, I opted for a well prepared Winter outfit with earthy tones and prints, perfect for a night out after the show, attending two parties, Rebecca Minkoff  and Charlotte Ronson after party, a little bit of each with a great company, Polyvore stuff( now friends).
Tomorrow a new outfit post!

                                                                  Coat: Isda & Co/ option Here
                                                                  Pants: Bloomingdales/  great option Here
                                                                  Boots: Adrienne Vittadini
                                                                  Sweater: Zara/ I also love this one Here
                                                                  Bag: Joe Fresh/ Here

Gambling lost her more than $1 billion over 10 years,-Jack In The Box

Gambling lost her more than $1 billion over 10 years,-Jack In The Box

How the mighty do fall. San Diego’s Maureen O'Connor was a rising star in the city’s political circles, winning a seat on the City Council at the young age of 25 and going on to serve two terms as a populist, crowd-pleasing mayor — a female first, for the city.

Thursday, she admitted in federal court she took $2.1 million from her dead husband’s charity foundation to fuel a gambling addiction — that lost her more than $1 billion over 10 years, according to a report by The Associated Press.

She pleaded not guilty to money laundering, in a deal with the Justice Department that puts her prosecution on hold for two years and gives her time to repay the foundation.

Under the terms of the agreement, Ms. O’Connor, 66, will also receive help for a gambling problem, AP reports.
Gambling debts decimated her bank account.

AP reports she once held between $40 million and $50 million of inheritance from her husband, Robert Peterson, who founded the Jack in the Box Inc. fast-food chain. She now lives with her sister, AP reports.

AP reports she once held between $40 million and $50 million of inheritance from her husband, Robert Peterson, who founded the Jack in the Box Inc. fast-food chain. She now lives with her sister, AP reports.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/feb/15/maureen-oconnor-san-diegos-former-mayor-lost-1-bil/#ixzz2KzCLfyic
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where's the fire

Happy Friday all!

This week I poured over the new issue of Matchbook probably at least once a day. I tell ya I can't get enough of that thing.

One image that I kept coming back to was this one.

Bailey's house in Matchbook

OK, so really it is three images, but I'm looking at the same thing in each one - the very cool match strike collection.

While they are by no means a new thing, I seem to be noticing them more and more in magazines. They are a great sculptural element and make a great addition to a coffee table, mantel or vanity. Much better than the free matchbook in the bathroom for sure. You can find vintage ones in antique stores and Etsy and I think they would make a great thing to keep an eye out for on vacations and trips. A unique souvenir to bring home.


This one is just funny.

I think I found a new collection.

I'm off to get my arse in gear for tomorrow's celebration. Eve is turning two! It won't be the big celebration we had last year, but good times are on the menu.

Also, I'm over at A Lived in Home today talking about some things I've learned from DIYing. Make sure to check it out.

Have a great weekend!

Starving Students? ... J. D. Longstreet

Starving Students?     ...   J. D. Longstreet
Starving Students? 
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I recall a fellow (when was a lad) who had made a deal with the local schools to pick up the school cafeteria food dumped by the students every day.  Back then, at least, the food from a school cafeteria REALLY sucked!  I mean, it was beyond bad.

But I digress. 

The man I referred to above had a trailer behind his pickup truck and on that trailer he had multiple 55 gallon oil drums that he would practically fill to over-flowing every single school day.  This was food the students threw away, wouldn't eat, didn't want, and couldn't stand.  This, uh, "refuse" he fed to his hogs.  He had some of the most well-fed hogs in the county, quite likely the state!

Please note:  This was a few decades before the Obamas and their "healthy food" experiments in our public schools.  If that old fellow was still alive to date, I'd suggest to him that he might want to look into some sort of contract with his local schools to pick their food refuse today.  Problem is, as the food has been described to me -- I have serious doubts his hogs would eat it!

Of course, we can expect the enterprising student who will see an opportunity in all this and put himself through college bootlegging candy, chips, soft drinks, and other treats from his backpack, or locker, or the trunk of his car in the school parking lot.  (I am intimately acquainted with a fellow who did exactly that way back in the 1950's.)

If I had children in school today, I would prepare their lunches and send them to school with food they would be sure to eat so their minds and bodies would be working at top efficiency during those critical hours they are supposed to be acquiring knowledge.

What we have here, in my humble estimation, is our "Progressive Overlords" training our kids to accept strong governmental power over them while they are yet young and their minds are malleable to such machinations. (Get 'em while they are young and you've got 'em forever!)

Come ON, folks!   This is not about food.  This is not about health.  This is about control of the masses.

The paternalistic ruling elite in America have so twisted our public schools -- and the mission of our public schools -- that they are now nothing more than indoctrination centers and training centers turning out good little Marxists much as some giant cookie cutter machine.  

See, the government figured out long ago that there were at least two institutions upon which they could heap social experiments. One was the US military and the other was -- you got it! --  our public schools.  The kids have been at their mercy ever since.

This is just another reason to get you kids out of the pubic school system -- any way you can.

Look, I don't think our kids are "fat" so much as a result of what they eat as lack of exercise.  Sitting on one's backside playing video games is not conducive to a healthy body. That is inarguable.  It just IS.

I am so old I remember when kids actually "played" -- OUTSIDE!  They would be running, and jumping, and screaming for pure joy -- and not because they were running from perverts or someone was shooting at them.

I can understand how some parents feel their children are safer sitting in their rooms playing games on the computer, texting, or whatever the latest electronic "thingy" is especially in urban areas.  Playgrounds are hunting ground for perverts.  And we have recently seen just how safe our schools are.

Taking all this into consideration, SURELY there is way to serve descent food to our kids in school that they will actually eat and be able to accomplish the goal of learning during those long hours when an agile mind is required.

I must tell you, as an adult, I wouldn't eat much of the food the kids describe as being among the choices they have. 

If I had a hog farm, I'd certainly make an effort to secure some sort of contract to pick up the refuse food from the public schools because there will certainly be overflowing garbage cans. 

Oh, and yes, we DID have a word for it back in my day.  It was called "slop."

© J. D. Longstreet

The Simple is to Difficult, For Congress Anyway...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

I have long wished the penny would disappear. It has very little, if any practical purpose in today's marketplace and they only take up space in your pocket or pocketbook. Finally we have a President registering his agreement.

Los Angeles Times - President Obama on Thursday said he supports eliminating pennies, but that it’s unlikely to happen because it’s so low on the list of congressional priorities.

In a Google Plus “Hangout,” Obama was asked why the U.S. Treasury continues to mint pennies even though the cost to mint them is more than they’re worth.

“I got to tell you, I don’t know,” Obama said. “It’s one of those things where people get attached emotionally to the way things have been.”

The president said the penny was a good metaphor for other inefficiencies in Washington that become institutionalized.

“Any time we’re spending money on something people aren’t going to use, that’s something that should change,” Obama added.

He argued he has asked Congress for the authority to reorganize inefficient agencies to perpetuate a more modern federal infrastructure, but said until Congress grants him that authority, it was up to them to act on eliminating the penny.

“The penny is something I need legislation for, and frankly given all the big issues, we’re not able to get to it,” he said.

Indeed! A simple legislative initiative that makes ultimate sense, saves dollars, and Congress won't find time to "get to the simple." So typical.

Via: Memeorandum

Is the Grand Old Party a Bit Behind the Times? Some Believe So...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Something to think about rEpublicans and Tea Party enthusiasts...

Indeed. h/t to Robert Draper of The New York Times.

Via: Memeorandum