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Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that he had all the wrong facts on Social Security.

Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that he had all the wrong facts on Social Security.

During a heated Roundtable discussion on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,”the Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that he had all the wrong facts on Social Security.
“Your facts are false,” Krugman told Johnson, adding, “It's important to realize that the facts that are being brought out here are in fact, non-facts.”
Paul Krugman accused a Republican Senator of trying to have a debate with all the wrong facts.
During a heated Roundtable discussion on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,”the Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that he had all the wrong facts on Social Security.
“Your facts are false,” Krugman told Johnson, adding, “It's important to realize that the facts that are being brought out here are in fact, non-facts.”
Krugman was taking issue with Johnson’s claim that the fiscal health of the Social Security program is in danger because its trust fund doesn’t really exist. Krugman argued on “This Week” that Johnson was “changing the rules midstream” by denying that Social Security has a dedicated revenue base.
Krugman has criticized Social Security detractors for making similar claims in the past. The program is funded both by the federal budget and by a law that gives it a dedicated source of revenue, according to Krugman. That means that even when the money going into the program may be less than the money it's paying out, its fiscal health isn’t at risk because the program still has the money it needs to run.
Still, that doesn’t mean the Social Security program can run in its current form forever. The trust fund is scheduled to run out by 2033. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have said they would be willing to make changes to Social Security do deal with the country’s deficit problems. But they’re far off from an agreement; Republicans say they won’t raise taxes to fix the program, while Democrats don’t want to cut benefits.

The Low-Information Voter’s Guide to Politics

By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

by Oleg Atbashian

Are you typically lost when co-workers discuss current events around the water cooler? Do you have trouble figuring out the national debt or who that Ben Ghazi dude is, but you know what’s on Kim Kardashian’s grocery list?

If you think you only deserve fun answers to all life’s questions … you’re right! This primer will help you look smart and morally superior in any political discussion. Just memorize these big words, explained in easy terms you already know from TMZ and The Daily Show:

BIASED: If you have a weird friend who goes to church and her parents are still married, that’s what they are.

ELECTIONS: These are like the Teen Choice Awards: the coolest and most popular wins. Democrats always win because they are cool and popular. Republicans are more like your weird friend’s parents.

DEBT CEILING: This is like Lindsay Lohan’s probation: by law, she should go to jail if she gets arrested, but we all know she won’t.

PUBLIC EDUCATION. Think Memento. Remember how the guy in the movie learned to go through life and fight enemies by relying on snapshots, notes, and tattoos? Public education does that on a national level as a free service.

IM-MI-GRA-TION: Whew, that’s a long word — just like that velvet rope outside nightclubs. When really fun people arrive, you just open it right up.

QUAN-TI-TA-TIVE EASING: Remember Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can, and how he printed his own checks? Well, that’s what the Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, does. It’s really cool.

TRILLION DOLLARS: This is a silly number. If someone says: “The U.S. national debt has topped 16 trillion,” take it easy. Remember how Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to fifteen life terms while having only one life?

Once you owe more than you can pay, numbers stop making sense. Anything above that is free money; spend it fast so you can get more.

ECONOMIC STIMULUS: It’s like Whitney Houston upping her dosage to get the same high, always needing to use more and more to “chase the dragon.”

SE-QUE-STRA-TION: This is just a made-up word that Republicans say to make you feel stupid.

FAIR SHARE: Someone you know has three Louis Vuitton handbags and you only have one. As many as you can get somebody else to steal from them and give to you — that is your fair share.

ENTITLEMENTS: This is like celebrities getting a $30,000 bag of goodies for showing up to the Oscars, so that the givers get more street cred and respect. And votes.

FOREIGN POLICY: Think Lady Gaga’s world tour: it’s totally awesome but can also get weird — like, she’s hot in places like Europe and Japan, but gets booed and canceled in places like Indonesia.

IRAN: Think Robert Downey Jr. — he may be calm at the moment, but if he gets his hands on the wrong stuff, he could trash his neighbor’s house and pass out naked on the lawn.

MUSLIMS: These are like the blue people from the movie Avatar — they live in a magic tree and don’t need human technology or any of our laws like gravitation, because they have a miraculous energy source inside their planet. Humans must respect that, and send them humanitarian aid. But instead, an evil corporation from Earth brings drilling equipment; that’s why all humans get killed.

ISRAEL: This is like the evil corporation from Avatar that landed on the blue people’s planet.

OIL: Think magic energy source on planet Pandora that humans want to steal. Get over it, humans!

OCCUPY WALL STREET: People in this movement are fighting greed by forcing Michael Douglas’ character in Wall Street to give more money to the 99% of people like us. We need to support their stand against corporations by friending them on Facebook™ and re-Tweeting them on Twitter™.

MEDIA: The good media are like paparazzi and E! Entertainment who keep it real by telling us all the truth about interesting people. The bad media are like bullies who make good people look bad. Nobody listens to them except for your friend’s weird parents.

HIGH-CAPACITY MAGAZINES: These do not contain expensive perfume samples that you can rip out while waiting at your hair salon. See GUN CONTROL.

GUN CONTROL: If Naomi Campbell had a gun, she would be shooting at her maids all the time. Without a gun she just beats them with a cell phone and then gives them compensation. Everyone is alive and happy. As long as the government keeps guns away from the citizens, Rihanna and Chris Brown will always be together.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Think Brad Pitt, dashing A-lister who can’t do anything wrong.

FIRST LADY: She is like Kim Kardashian, only with other people’s money.

VICE PRESIDENT: Think Steve Carell, a lovable nincompoop who likes to make others laugh.

WHITE HOUSE: This is like Cribs, a really fancy pad where celebrities hang out and party instead of working.

MIDDLE CLASS: These are like the extras in movies — kind of important but nobody cares who they really are.

CON-STI-TU-TION: It sounds almost like Cosmopolitan, except it’s really old and has no make-up ads or sexy pictures, but some people are really into it, like Antiques Roadshow.

Mirror Mirror...

When minimalistic design meets electric colours, the result is fantastic (very "me")... and it has one name: Cooee!
I'm sure is not the first time you hear about this Swedish jewelry brand and probably you are a big fan as I am. Today I'm happy to show you my new jewelrys (thanks to Cooee) incorporated in an casual & colorful outfit. Asos neoprene blouse, printed trousers and white Mango wedges
P.S. Spring is here!!!!

                                                                                   Necklaces: thanks to Cooee/ Here
                                                                                   Cuff bracelets: thanks to CooeeHere and Here
                                                                                   Neoprene blouse: Asos/ option Here 
                                                                                   Trousers: H&M/ another great style Here
                                                                                   Shoes: Mango/ Here
                                                                                   Clutch: c/o Khlees
                                                                                   Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV

Spring mood

So happy that I purchased this pair of "fresh" pants while I was in New York. They "scream" S P R I N G and so do I... I'm ready for you!!!
This outfit was put together as a result of my desire for sunny and warm days, blooming trees and relaxing mood... do you see the picture? I do!

                                                                              Pants: Joe Fresh/ similar style Here
                                                                              Sweater: vintage/ option Here 
                                                                              Blazer: vintage/ option Here
                                                                              Heels: BCBGeneration/ similar Here 
                                                                              Bag: Cynthia Rowley/ option Here 
                                                                              Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV

Will the GOP Ever Get It Right Again?...

Will the GOP Ever Get It Right Again?...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee is talking about what the rEpublican party needs to do to win presidential elections as it moves forward to 2016 and beyond.

I listened to the gentleman on the upcoming video twice and I can safely say I'm not sure exactly what he said that was of any real substance. It seems his prescription for future success is essentially changing the way rEpublicans do business to yield more of the same results.

I have yet to hear anything about rethinking their position on DOMA or their position on the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry. The party seems paralyzed by the influence of the NRA when it comes to reasonable unified firearm legislation that would aid in reducing the incidence of mass deaths at the hands of a lunatic. I have yet to see the party make an attempt to get the socons in their ranks, those that would deny the right of a women to a safe and legal abortion, to clear the cobwebs from their heads so they can think clearly.

Further the party is silent on the growing income disparity in America as the middle class slowly, yet surely continues to shrink. As corporations move jobs to offshore locations to gain lower costs and competitive advantage in the global marketplace the rEpublican (and sometimes dEmocratic) party seem oblivious to the effect on jobs here at home. Doesn't it appear that what we are seeing with respect to jobs and unemployment will be the new normal unless we start thinking as innovators and outside the box?

Perhaps Mr. Priebus ought to consider, along with the rest of the party leadership, addressing the above issues. In majority Americans are not in step with rEpublican positions on these issues. Yes by all means open the tent, and get in step with the American public on these issues (there are more like these). Then explain in a rational and honest way why real conservative fiscal values (like those held by Barry Goldwater) are ultimately how we can best solve the fiscal and budgetary crises we face. If the party fails to do this it will indeed become irrelevant.

Oh, and another thing, it's time the rEpublicans stop spending so damn much on foolish issues while preaching fiscal restraint. Now here's Reince.

Via: Memeorandum

serve it up on a tray

It is no secret that trays are a must in home design. Not only do they help to organize and keep clutter under control, but they look damn good doing it.

I'm in a tray mood these days and think I need to find myself a new one.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 /

Seen any great trays lately? Can you think of anything better than a lovely tray with a delicious cocktail on top? That's my idea of a good weekend.

Conservatives Will Not Vote For Moderates or Liberals ... J. D. Longstreet

Conservatives Will Not Vote For Moderates or Liberals   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Conservatives Will Not Vote For Moderates or Liberals
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Rush Limbaugh has it right.  As long as the GOP runs moderates and liberals at the top of the ticket they will continue to lose the  White House.

Millions of conservative GOP voters stayed home last Election Day.  The estimate was around four million.  That is the conservative base of the Republican Party.  And they will continue to stay home -- or change their registration (as I did) to Independent --  rather than support a candidate for President who is not conservative.

Conservatives do not compromise their core values. Supporting a moderate or a liberal simply because he sails under the flag of the GOP is totally unacceptable. 

Turning the GOP more and more to the left is destroying the party.  It guarantees minority status for the GOP for as far into the future as the eye can see.

Limbaugh said THIS about THAT:  “In politics, if we had at the electoral level somebody who could articulate conservatism passionately and from the heart without a teleprompter, without notes, we wouldn’t be in this mess. People respond to it when it’s properly explained. But it’s been so castigated, besmirched, impugned that many conservatives are defensive about it.

“And now there’s a popular movement: ‘Well, we’re gonna have to moderate our stand on immigration, we have to actually maybe be for amnesty. Moderate our view on abortion and kind of forget about the social issues. We’re gonna have to forget being concerned about any kind of morality now. That’s the only way we’re gonna get re-elected. And that’s why we’re losing.”
  SOURCE:  http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/rush-the-real-reason-republicans-lose/#RagLFGgRGxcL6fBY.99

Rush is spot on. 

The election of 2016 is a long way off -- or is it?  Candidates are already lining up supporters and money -- and the dust hasn't even settled from the 2012 election.  But that is the way of things now ... the perpetual campaign.

Unless there is an act of God, it is almost certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Party's candidate for President in 2016. 

Hillary is another "progressive" just like Obama. 

"Progressive" is just another word for "Marxist."  If you look up the word "progressive" in the dictionary,  you will almost certainly find Hillary's photo beside it.

On the day of this writing, we learn that Jeb Bush will most likely seek the nomination of the GOP as their candidate for President -- as will Marco Rubio.  

While I have great respect for Mr. Bush, he has a snowball's chance against Hillary.  Rubio has an even less chance. 

Mr. Bush is a moderate. He will have the same problem with conservative republicans (and conservative Independents) staying home on election day -- rather than compromise their core principals, their core belief -- as did Mr. Romney.   Again, that means millions of conservative voters will not vote for the GOP candidate effectively handing the victory to the Democrats.   

Frankly, I don't know WHAT Mr. Rubio is.  I would say, at this point, that I find his background suspect as to his eligibility to even run for the office of President as he is not a natural born citizen of the US.  That IS open to argument, but never, ever, allow yourself to believe, for one instant, the left or the Mainstream Media (one and the same, actually) will give Rubio the same leeway on his eligibility as they did Obama. It will NOT happen.  They will tear him to shreds.

Paul Ryan needs more mileage and experience, while Rand Paul has roughly the same chance as did his father, slim and none. 

It's time for a little straight shooting -- so, here goes:   Running minority candidates under the GOP banner will never work.  The Republican Party is NOT the party of minorities in the US.  It OUGHT to be -- BUT IT IS NOT -- and never will be -- unless and until the minorities decide, for themselves, they want to take responsibility for their own lives, and their own fortunes, and their own futures, and discontinue their role as "wards of the state."  Until that happens, ALL GOP efforts to "win" them over is simply blowing in the wind, wasted effort.

Rush is right.  When the Republican Party places a conservative at the top of the ticket it will begin to win again.  But not until.

© J. D. Longstreet

North Korea Threatens to Attack U.S. With ‘Lighter and Smaller Nukes’

North Korea Threatens to Attack U.S. With ‘Lighter and Smaller Nukes’

Ignoring threats of retaliation, the United Nations Security Council ordered new economic sanctions against North Korea on Thursday for its third nuclear test last month, unanimously approving a resolution that the United States negotiated with China, the North’s greatest protector.

In an angry response, North Korea said Friday that it was nullifying all agreements of nonaggression and denuclearization with South Koreaand was cutting off the North-South hot line. But beyond those steps, it was unclear how, if at all, North Korea’s young and untested leader, Kim Jong-un, would react to the rebuke. 


The Night Watchman...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The following has probably been seen and read before by many. The message is a powerful message, IMNHO. It is one of those messages that bears repeating, and repeating, and repeating... often. A message that should be reinforced at every turn of the bureaucratic Merry-Go-Round.

But first some thoughts...

We are facing difficult fiscal times that require hard decisions. So far neither the Congress or the Executive Branch has come to terms with the fiscal challenges and the global realities of the 21st century. Perhaps the fault here really rests with us, We the People.

Given that we are a representative republic and power really rests in our hands (self governance or self rule), perhaps it is time we get serious about cleaning up "our house."

As you read the following think about your individual situation. Your neighbors. Consider those things your government does that benefits you and your family as well as those things effect you negatively and unnecessarily adds cost to the government which ultimately coats us all.

Think locally. Think statewide. Think nationally. Think globally. Consider unintended consequences. Think ethically and morally. Think about how this nation of the self governed can create a more responsive and effective government.

Stop bitching about the government and the people you elected to serve in government. Start thinking about why we have the situation we have today and how it might be improved.

And most of all... Stop sending mixed messages to the politicians you elect and accept the responsibility for changing your government. Into the government you want. It takes works and determination.

Oh, and one more thing, perhaps the most important, BE READY AND WILLING TO ULTIMATELY ACCEPT COMPROMISE. Then demand your representatives in government do the same. In a nutshell, look out for your own self interest (and those of your family) with respect to economic and political concerns. It is time the days of the connected and the pull pedlars controlling government come to an end. It is, in the end, up to each and every one of us to make our voices heard and demand better than we have ben receiving for the past 13 years.


Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert.

Congress, recognizing the darker side of human nature said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.

Then Congress asked, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress asked, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control Department and hired two people, one to do the studies and one to write the reports.

Then Congress asked, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they created two positions, a time keeper and a payroll officer and hired two people to fill these positions…

Then Congress asked "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, "We have had this command profile in operation for one year and we are $918,000 over budget, we must cut back." So they laid off the night watchman.

Now, slowly, let it sink in…

Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the Department of Energy during the Carter administration?




Didn't think so!

Bottom line, we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency, the reason for which very few people who read this can remember!

Ready??... It was very simple and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate.

The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977 for the admirable purpose of 'lessening the nation’s dependency on foreign oil'.

Now, wouldn’t you agree this has been pretty efficient?

It is 2013, 36 years later. The budget for this "necessary” department in 2012 was 24.2 billion dollars per anum.  In 2012 it had 16,000 federal employees and approximately 100,000 contract employees. Is it time to finally consider the job it has done?


35 years ago 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports.

Ah, yes – the efficient Federal Bureaucracy.

It is 2013 and we have entrusted the banking system, health care, and the auto industries to the same government Bureaucracy and its inefficient system.

Hello!! Is Anybody Home?

Signed....The Night Watchman

It seems the night watchmen has been paying attention. Isn't it our turn to relive him?

There are places to cut just as there are places not to cut. Figuring out what is right and makes the most sense is really everybody's job, Isn't it? Leaving it to the Washington and state bureaucrats will most definitely insure continuation of the status quo.

Red & Grey layers

What I find great about Winter is that you can layer clothes creating a great effect and also stay warm. I love layering two jackets, or a coat and a jacket, and make them look like one stylish piece. Here is one example that I came up with  right after I came from New York and I totally love it.
What do you think?


                                                                                 Coat: Eileen Fisher/ option Here
                                                                                 Leather jacket: Zara/ option Here
                                                                                 Jeans: Mango
                                                                 Shoes: ASOS/ great option for Spring Here 
                                                                                 Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                                 Sweater: Gap
                                                                                 Clutch: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ on sale Here 
                                                                 Sunglasses: thanks to zeroUVHere


Pay Attention! ... J. D. Longstret

Pay Attention!   ...   J. D. Longstret
Pay Attention!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Back in my misspent youth, while a fearless young reporter, I was covering an appearance of a very unpopular politician (A "Boss Hog" type local tyrant.) when a deputy sheriff threatened me with arrest... just for being there,  for doing my job.  Actually, that deputy knew my political leanings and I knew his -- and I knew who kept him in his job  -- and why.  He knew that I knew.

Anyway, he got overly loud with his threats, so I yelled out:  "Go ahead and arrest me."  I asked him if he'd ever heard of the constitution, particularly the First Amendment. 

That infuriated him.  His facial complexion became beet red. 

By that time I was sure I was headed to jail so nothing else much mattered and I threw caution to the wind.  I begged him to arrest me!  I assured him that not only would I have his job and every thing he owned,  but I'd own the county before I was finished dragging him and the county through the courts. 

The timing was perfect for at just the moment the deputy was about to lunge for me that dreaded politician, (Boss Hog) who owned the deputy, arrived and his attention was torn from me to his boss and I escaped the calaboose!

Lest you think I am making this up, this was back in the "bad ole days" when local government officials let contracts out on reporters.  That's a matter of public record. 

When I began a series investigating the drug trafficking in my neck of the woods, I was paid numerous visits by the Police Chief and Chief of Detectives who told me one of their undercover agents had reported to them that I was a target for a hit. 

That was somewhat troubling.  So, I immediately cleaned my guns, and made sure I had at least one with me from then on.

Nothing ever came of it and I made a complete thirteen week run of programs on the drug trafficking in our community, county, and region.

Now.  I tell you all this to say simply that I DO know a little something about getting one's hands dirty as a field reporter and I DO know a little something about threats from those whom  reporters cover. 

I've been retired for rather a long time now but I'd have thought things would have gotten better.  Apparently they have not.  Powerful people STILL enjoy throwing their weight around.

The stories we are just now beginning to hear of the intimidation of reporters by the Obama White House may seem a little strained to the uninitiated.  Believe me, they are NOT.

What DOES surprise me, however, is that the stories are coming out, not just now, but at all --  especially the stories of reporter abuse coming from members of the Mainstream Media.

Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, knows the MsM has been a lap dog of the Obama Administration. They've promoted the guy, covered for him, run interference for him, in a modern form of "slobbering lust" for Obama's Marxist approach to governing the US.

One could easily feel the MsM is getting their comeuppance with all this. We have warned many times that the thing the MsM seems to NEVER understand is that the leftist politicians, once in power, will seek, almost immediately, to cower the press, or shut them up altogether.  The press  never seems to believe it until their presses are smashed.

This time, however, the MsM and Obama share an ideology.  That places the MsM in a difficult place ... between a rock and a hard place, as it were. As the old expression goes:  "They have made their bed -- now they must lie in it."

BUT.  The Obama people bit of more than they can chew when the lit into Bob Woodward.

I'm not a big fan of Mr. Woodward, though I respect him and his work.  Mr. Woodward has nothing to prove to anyone.  He made his bones quite a long time ago. He's not just any other "big boy."  Woodward is a giant.

By digging in and standing by his story of threats from the Obama White House, he has opened the door for others to publicly relate their stories of "reporter abuse."

We have seen the White House press corp in near revolt in recent days, as well.  All is NOT WELL in Obamaland.

Months ago, we spelled out for our readers what to expect in a second term of Obama. Raw abuse of power.  It has only just begun.

In a column entitled:  "Wannabe Dictator," my friend, Alan Caruba, said recently:  "When President Obama said, 'I’m not a dictator' on the day the sequester was activated, March 1st, he should have finished the sentence, 'but I intend to be one' "   SOURCE http://www.factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com/2013/03/wannabe-dictator.html     

Alan was/is spot on!  There is frightening stuff going on within the Obama Administration that should give every American pause -- and  -- reason to pay attention.  I read an expression recently that said:  "Any American not outraged today is not paying attention!"

Evidence is piling up that the Obama Administration is preparing for a rebellion by the American people.  I do not say this lightly. 

When a domestic government agency is purchasing thousands of armored vehicles, thousands of combat rifles, billions of rounds of ammunition, guard towers, and bullet proof check-point booths, etc, is one justified in thinking that maybe Obama has created the civilian armed force he spoke of early in his campaign?  I think so. I DON'T WANT TO THINK THAT, but the evidence is pointing solidly in that direction.

Now.  After word has begun to leak out of press intimidation, is it outside the realm of possibility that the MsM is not reporting this --  not so much as a result of their love for Obama but as the result of their FEAR of Obama?  Seems to me it is worth consideration.

The MsM would do well to remember that in any attempt to put down a rebellion, the government will take over the press.  Don't believe me?  Abraham Lincoln shuttered newspaper offices and jailed editors.

"But we've got the Internet," you say.  No. Not any longer.  At the first sign of trouble Obama can -- and will -- simply switch off the Internet in the US.  Remember those Executive Orders some of us warned you of?

These are truly perilous times in America.  The recent government attack on the Second Amendment has only outraged the America public and bolstered the grim determination of gun owners across America to stand fast and fight.

The plain truth is -- if the MsM doesn't soon snap out of their love-lorn stupor for Obama they will find themselves running off single sheet broadsides on hand-cranked mimeograph machines in the corner of a darkened basement concealed from government agents searching diligently in the "round about" for them.

Think I'm overdoing it, over-thinking it ?  Just watch -- and wait.

© J. D. Longstreet

Why Does DHS Need Tanks?

By Findalis

Not the type of tanks that store oil, gas, or other liquids.  But the type of tanks that are used in battle.  That is the latest that I have found from my dear friend a12iggymom.
Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile.

This is getting a little creepy.

According to one estimate, since last year the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm.

DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP).

Modern Survival Blog reported:
The Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.

Although I’ve seen and read several online blurbs about this vehicle of late, I decided to dig slightly deeper and discover more about the vehicle itself.

The new DHS sanctioned ‘Street Sweeper’ (my own slang due to the gun ports) is built by Navistar Defense (NavistarDefense.com), a division within the Navistar organization. Under the Navistar umbrella are several other companies including International Trucks, IC Bus (they make school buses), Monaco RV (recreational vehicles), WorkHorse (they make chassis), MaxxForce (diesel engines), and Navistar Financial (the money arm of the company).
Read More: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/

First the government buys billions of rounds of ammunition.  Now light tanks suitable for urban warfare.  Who the hell does Barack Hussein Obama believes he is going to be attacking?  Zombies?  It is beginning to look as if this government regime is preparing for a war with its own people.  And I might not be far from the truth if the Democrats do not take back the House in 2014.

one room challenge - week 5

Week 5 of the One Room Challenge and we are in the home stretch people! (catch up on weeks 1 - 4 here). It is a good thing too, because I don't think the rest of my house can take much more of this. Isn't it crazy how work in one room makes all the rooms around it into chaos?

This week I finished the vanity for the girls' room. My mom bought them this sweet little make-up table a while back and they looove to use it for their morning primp sessions. (Sorry but this bad blogger forgot to take a proper before picture so this is as close as it gets.)

It had already been painted when we got it but it was just a sugar coat and there were several nicks and dents that needed to be fixed. So I filled in the holes with wood filler, sanded it down and took it outside to spray paint. Luckily this step was done before the weather turned on me.

Sorry Richard Branson, but you were on top of the recycling pile. Love that BeeGee hair thing you got goin though.

Once it was painted white I got out my navy craft paint and the smallest brush I could steal from the girls' art supplies and decided to paint a little trim around the doors and drawer.

I cut a piece of paper to size, measured out the size and length of the border I wanted and then cut it out with my trusty x-acto knife. A little lesson learned - don't cut out the entire border or you will essentially just cut a big square out of the paper. Then you'll have to re-measure and re-cut your template. And you'll get frustrated and cuss under your breath like an old man and forget to take progress pictures of the whole thing.

Do yourself a favor and cut out everything except the corners, thus leaving your center in tact. You'll have to free-hand your corners when you paint, but it's better than free-handing the whole thing. If that makes sense.

The template worked fairly well. I did have to go back and touch up in some spots, and the lines aren't razor perfect, but then again, neither am I. And thanks Linda for convincing me to trim out the mirror as well. Smashing.

I picked up the gold hammered knobs, or the 'sparkly knobs' as they are known to the 5-year-old set, at Hobby Lobby for the ubiquitous 50% off.

And as a final touch I painted out the inside using the left over ceiling paint.

It would be bad if I decided to keep this for myself right? Luckily for the girls its a tad small for me, so it is all theirs.

In other news, this is happening.

I wanted to be able to show you the finished piece but it is STILL not dry and instead spread out all over my living room floor. But it is looking good and hardware is in route. Next week my friends.

Makes me happy to see a list with so many lines thru it.

  1. Come up with functional floor plan
  2. Paint walls/ceiling/trim
  3. Paint dresser (new hardware too) Progress
  4. Update vanity (maybe some fun color or hardware)
  5. Find curtains and add trim
  6. Add a rug and new bedding Progress
  7. Hang art and create some personalized pieces Progress
  8. Find/Install new light fixture (buh bye ceiling fan)
  9. Reupholster chair and possibly add comfy floor cushions 
  10. Find/Make lampshade(s) 
Let's take a look at what the others have up their sleeves.