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what's the word

Tired. That's the word. I forgot the word for meat last night. Meat. And I love meat. Does anyone else feel like this was three long weeks rolled into one? Thank goodness the weekend has finally arrived.

I have tons of wonderfulness to share with you - another finished client space, some projects I've started around here and of course all the deets on the party table I did this week. But for whatever reason I'm having trouble stringing together the words. Like I said, just plain tired.

So I will leave you with a beautiful picture as I pretend this is where I'm going for the weekend.


My little (imaginary) house on the river.

And a reminder - if you haven't already please remember to sign up for the Indie Mats giveaway. You only have a few more days left! The winner will be selected Tuesday morning!

And some additional exciting news, I'm a style contributor for Simply Baby's blog party which will be happening every Fridy for the next six weeks! Head on over to the party and check out my blog friend, Beth of Design Post Daily.

Join the party here

Make sure to check it out each Friday because there are some pretty amazing ladies participating:

Tiffany Leigh of Tiffany Leigh Interior Design

Beth of Design Post Daily

Heather of Vivid Hue Home

Cindi and Emily of Scrappy Love

Katherine of Rhymes with Smile

Kelley of Forever's Like a Dream
Like I said, a lot of good things going on! What are your plans this weekend? Working outside? Working inside? Coming to my river house with me?

Happy Weekend!

Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart ... J. D. Longstreet

Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart
A Commentary by J.D. Longstreet

We "deniers" have now become "debunkers!"  We have known all along -- and have not hesitated to tell the world -- that global warning was, and remains, the worst hoax ever played on mankind.

We have been telling anyone who will listen that the world stopped warming about 1998, or so, and that we are now trending toward another little ice age. 

Environmentalists are red-faced.  It is their day in the barrel! We debunkers are laughing our bippies off!

Reuters is reporting:  "Scientists are struggling to explain a slowdown in climate change that has exposed gaps in their understanding and defies a rise in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Often focused on century-long trends, most climate models failed to predict that the temperature rise would slow, starting around 2000. Scientists are now intent on figuring out the causes and determining whether the respite will be brief or a more lasting phenomenon.

Getting this right is essential for the short and long-term planning of governments and businesses ranging from energy to construction, from agriculture to insurance. Many scientists say they expect a revival of warming in coming years.

Theories for the pause include that deep oceans have taken up more heat with the result that the surface is cooler than expected, that industrial pollution in Asia or clouds are blocking the sun, or that greenhouse gases trap less heat than previously believed.

The change may be a result of an observed decline in heat-trapping water vapor in the high atmosphere, for unknown reasons. It could be a combination of factors or some as yet unknown natural variations, scientists say."
  SOURCE:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/16/us-climate-slowdown-idUSBRE93F0AJ20130416

See what I mean?  They're tying themselves into knots as they attempt to cover their derrières!  It is priceless! 

Hey!  Remember how we were told the Himalayan glaciers were melting and would soon be completely gone? Well, check this:  "Some experts say their trust in climate science has declined because of the many uncertainties. The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had to correct a 2007 report that exaggerated the pace of melt of the Himalayan glaciers and wrongly said they could all vanish by 2035."  SOURCE:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/16/us-climate-slowdown-idUSBRE93F0AJ20130416

There are some environmental "experts" trying to figure out why there is now MORE sea ice in winter.  Seems to me, I recall them telling us the sea ice was melting, especially at the poles.  Turns out not to be correct. 

Do you remember  how we were told that so-called "superstorm" Sandy was a result of melting arctic ice?  Oh yes, we were slammed over and over again with that bit of unfounded wisdom.

In the first place Sandy was NOT a super storm.  "Superstorm" was a term made up by Mainstream Media as a scare tactic.  The truth is: SANDY WAS NOT EVEN A HURRICANE WHEN IT CAME ASHORE AT ATLANTIC CITY!  To be a hurricane a storm must have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour.  Sandy was so weak that the storm didn't have winds high enough to be classified as a hurricane and was therefore only a "tropical cyclone."  Actually, it was LESS than that.  It was, in fact, what is known by meteorologists as a "Post Tropical Cyclone."  That's about as weak as a storm can can get and still be classified as some kind of cyclone.
I know, I know!  Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, but thems the facts, Jack!

Remember, there were two other weather systems that combined with what was left of Sandy to create that godawful weather event now dubbed Superstorm Sandy.

Many of us debunkers warned at the time that the "environuts" would use those combined storms as a means to spread fear of non-existent global warming.  They did.  Oh, how they used it.

Just remember:  "Sandy was never a superstorm. There are no superstorms."  SOURCE:  http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-11/dictionary-hurricane-sandy-superstorm

So what was Global Warming all about, anyway?   Well, former Czech President Václav Klaus said this: "This ideology preaches earth and nature and under the slogans of their protection – similarly to the old Marxists – wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world"

Global governance.  A one world government. To be more precise:  A one-world SOCIALIST government.  

Let's face it:  The socialist movement is relentless.  If you ever wondered where all those communist and socialist went when the old Soviet Union collapsed -- look no farther than the environmental movement -- the Global Warming crowd.

So now we can expect another  campaign to shut up those of us who are, in fact, debunkers.  But it won't work.  See, facts are stubborn things.  They won't go away.   And most importantly, truth has no agenda. Truth IS -- period.

It is the truth were are interested in spreading.  Nothing more.

© J. D. Longstreet

Weekend look

 I hope everyone had a great week so far. I can't complain but I'm still waiting for the weekend and the chill mood :) I have for you today an outfit that I wore a few Sundays ago for breakfast and some market shopping and is pretty obvious that this is a weekend look.
Now you can see why I'm waiting for the weekend: to spend some precious time with my guy:)

                                                                                 Shirt: thanks to Sheinside/ Here
                                                                                 Pants: Mango/ option Here  
                                                                                 Bag: Pulicati/ great option Here 
                                                                                 Shoes: Calvin Klein
                                                                                 Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

Terrorism Finally Attacks America's Soft Underbelly ... J. D. Longstreet

Terrorism Finally Attacks America's Soft Underbelly   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Terrorism Finally Attacks America's Soft Underbelly
The Beginning of the Beginning
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The attack on the Boston Marathon was an event many Americans have been waiting for -- and dreading. It marks the beginning of the beginning, if you will.  The beginning of a campaign by terrorists aimed directly at American's freedom and liberty.

Terrorism will now use the freedom and liberty Americans have taken for granted since the American Revolution -- against us. 

I am sorely afraid this is the premier of a campaign of attacks on American shopping malls, sports arenas, churches, subways, trains, municipal buses, (God forbid -- school buses) anywhere and everywhere an attack can bring maximum pain, suffering, death, and most important -- terror to Americans.

If the Boston attacker was, indeed, a "Lone Wolf" it is quite possible to expect more attacks similar in nature-- and soon, especially if there is not a fairly speedy arrest.

Terrorism is a double edged sword.  Not only does it create terror, it creates a yearning for security by a people who suddenly feel vulnerable.  That yearning for security can very easily move a people to trade freedom for security.  Therein lies the 2nd danger -- the second edge -- of the terrorism sword.

So what do we Americans do?  We suck it up.  we bury our dead, we suffer our grief, and we get on with our lives.  I understand that it sounds crass, but, really what choice do we have?  We cannot give in to fear. The moment we do that, the terrorists have won. 

For an example of how a society deals with these types of terrorists attacks we have only to look to the people of Israel.  For over six decades they have suffered relentless terrorist attacks. Yet they refuse to give in to the terrorists and continue to get on with their lives. 

America is renown for being able to deal it  out.  Now the question is -- can we take it, as well? 

Not only are Americans going to have to defend  against terrorists, we are going to have to defend against legislators in our government who will, no doubt, move to increase government power over the American people.  Fear is, perhaps, the greatest motivator.  And there are always power hungry leaders eager to use any crisis to seize more power for themselves and their political party.

Yes, I understand it is impolitic to speak of such dangers just days after a gut-wrenching terrorist attack on American soil, but such is the world we live in today.

I hail from the generation of Americans who performed the "duck and cover" drills in school.  We lived our lives under what we believed was a constant threat of nuclear annihilation.  We KNEW the world could end at any moment.  For the most part, none of us, save for the experts, knew that our duck and cover drills were absolutely useless and would not save us from a nuclear attack.

But those drills gave us something to do, something to instill a portion of confidence that we could survive and live. And so we would duck and cover, crouch down and hug a wall in a hallway, drop into a ditch, even pull an opened newspaper over our bodies as we lay on the open ground. 

After a while, the fear became a part of who we were.  We lived with it day and night.  In time we learned to deal with it and get on with the routine of daily life. 

Unfortunately, we may have cycled right back to the duck and cover mentality of the middle of last century.  If so, we are about to learn what modern Americans are made of.
America is a "target rich" environment for terrorists.  It is a terrorist's dream.

Consider this:  "The United States proclaims itself the world's foremost economic and military superpower - the mightiest nation on Earth, "land of opportunity" for those who want to work hard and prosper. But as Monday's bombings at the Boston Marathon illustrate, the reality is that, from sea to shining sea, this is a nation of "soft targets," full of opportunities for those who want to do it harm."   SOURCE:  http://apnews.myway.com/article/20130417/DA5N4K100.html

Here's the thing, as I see it:  We're Americans, damnit!  We don't give in and we don't give up.  Terrorism will not break us.  Sure, we'll be afraid -- initiallyThen we're going to get mad as hell -- and when we do, retribution will be visited upon the perpetrators, their children, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren.   If we find it is possible, we will reach into the afterlife and torment you in your version of paradise.  

You wouldn't know it today by observing our national leadership and our media, but America is a warrior tribe.  The LAST thing the terrorists want to do is get our blood lust up. If they don't know that now, they soon will.

I can only hope our Commander-in-Chief has already ordered our fleet of drones to rain a veritable hailstorm of hellfire missiles on known terrorists, their homes, and their encampments around the globe.  Our counterterrorism must be stepped-up exponentially and we must continue to do so around the clock.  There must be a price to pay, far in excess of what the terrorists are willing to pay, for attacking the American homeland.

The problem, as I see it, with "winning" over terrorism is this:  When a people hate America more than they love their lives, or the lives of their children, the only way to stop their attacks is -- extinction.

Another thought in passing:  If these soft target attacks continue in America, maybe more Americans will begin to understand the thinking of our forefathers during the 1940's when we opened internment camps for the Japanese-Americans.

Remember, dear reader, back on 911 the terrorist took down two buildings.  America, in turn, took down two countries. 

They will only defeat us if we allow them to defeat us.  We can only lose -- if we quit.

I'm not about to quit!  Neither will my fellow Americans.  

© J. D. Longstreet


December 31, 2012
The "Free Lunch" Weight Loss Plan v.019

On the 5th of December, I set what I think is a new all-time personal best of 44 minutes and 57 seconds to climb 200 flights of stairs.

The stars aligned. I got a good night's sleep (which is rare since I am an insomniac most nights). The sun was out. I mowed the backyard and weeded the front yard to some degree. I was therefore in good spirits. I worked out to the second episode of the first season of Alias. It was apparently motivating enough to knock exactly 4 minutes off my best time. It took me just 40 minutes and 57 seconds to climb 200 flights today.

It is not a coincidence that the time ended in 57 seconds again. Call it a 3 second safety buffer. I started off at a 50 feet per minute pace. At first I thought I could get down under 45 minutes (with the intent of slowing down at some point). That's how long the episode was (no commercials, Comcast On Demand). 44 minutes started looking doable. I then started shooting for 43 minutes. Hope rose that I could do it under 42 minutes. And lastly, I really pushed near the end to make it just under 41 minutes. My pace varied from 47 feet per minute to 53 feet per minute (the final push at the end). I averaged 48.8 feet per minute.

Under 40 minutes was right out. First, I weigh about 6 pounds more than the last time I made a serious attempt. Second, I was alone in the house (my girlfriend had errands to run). Third, there is no phone in the room with the stair climber (to call an ambulance in theory, lol). Fourth, I don't have health insurance at the moment.

I managed to give myself a temporary dehydration headache. I drank a 12 ounce glass of Gatorade before I started. I drank another 12 ounces as I was climbing. I followed it up with yet another 12 ounces after I was done. That was definitely not enough liquids. Once I realized that I was on a record pace, I didn't want to stop to get more fluids though.

I felt like Ted Stryker attempting to land a plane. Let's just say that I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande. ;)


Alongside the path of the Niesenbahn is the longest stairway in the world with 11,674 steps. It is open only once a year to the public for a stair run.

Holy mother of...

Spring has finally sprung. It hasn't shown up in my weight yet, but I've been exercising a lot more over the past week. The day before yesterday I watched the first episode of the first season of Alias while working out (at a much slower pace). There are a LOT more episodes to go! It is very likely that I'll be climbing well more than the minimum 20 flights per day in the coming months. Once again, 20 flights remains my minimum though. It keeps me in the game and allows me to climb as many as I like whenever I like. Over the past few months, I've only been doing the minimum. It was clearly enough exercise if today is any indicator.

There was very little pain (other than the slight dehydration headache which was entirely preventable). My legs are not sore right now. The limiting factor was my cardiovascular system. It was the air I could breathe in and how fast my heart was beating that mostly decided my speed. I'm definitely not a believer in the no pain, no gain theories, especially when it comes to exercise. All it takes is modest and consistent exercise each and every day to make a huge impact overall. Baby steps! 20 flights a day seemed like a chore when I started. Now they seem trivial. It takes just 4 minutes now (or 5 minutes if I'm feeling especially lazy).

Give it a try. You might like it. Walk up the street once a day. Climb some stairs. Just do something that you think you can do each and every day for the rest of your life, even if it seems trivial. You will not regret it. I sure haven't. Anything is better than nothing.

party at my table

There is a party mood happening today because I've got tablescapes on the brain people. I'm styling a table for a local charity event this evening and then I'm hosting a big party at my house in June, so Pinterest and I have been chatting of nothing but linens, flowers, napkins and silverware. (forks on the left...i always forget)

So I thought I would share some pretty inspiration pics with you. Because I don't know about you, but I enjoy a good looking table when I sit down to my catered dinner.

source via pinterest
source via pinterest
source via pinterest

source via pinterest
source via pinterest
source via pinterest
source via pinterest
I'll be sure to share pictures from tonight's event sometime next week.

So what do you think? Does it get you in the mood to have a party? If you do, can I come? I am full of sparkling conversation.

And btw, don't forget to sign up for the great Indie Mats Giveaway! You only have until Monday.

NYC man convicted of stealing toner worth $376K

NYC man convicted of stealing toner worth $376K

NEW YORK (AP) — A former employee of a New York city law firm has been convicted of stealing more than $376,000 worth of copy machine toner from the firm.
Thirty-nine-year-old Adrian Rodriguez pleaded guilty to second-degree grand larceny for his thefts from the firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance said Tuesday that Rodriguez ordered more than $376,000 worth of toner from vendors between 2010 and 2012. Prosecutors said Rodriguez then resold the black ink toner for $10 per box and the color ink toner for $15 per box.
The cartridges were worth $80 to $259 apiece.
Officials have said Rodriguez's scheme was part of a growing black market for toner cartridges and other office supplies.
He will be sentenced May 21

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/crime/article/NYC-man-convicted-of-stealing-toner-worth-376K-4438955.php#ixzz2Qel52L8T

Clear thinking on mass killings and gun control is slowly emerging

Clear thinking on mass killings and gun control is slowly emerging

Efforts to prevent future mass killings, like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting where 20 children and six adults died last year, continue on Capitol Hill. These efforts, however, are symbolic, not substantive, and focus too much on guns, magazines and related firearms issues, instead of on what causes people to commit these horrible crimes. The key element in these shootings is the mental condition of the killers and what things fostered their desire to kill people, and that must be addressed.

Whatever Congress comes up with will certainly put the liberties and privacy rights of Americans at risk, as limits on 2nd Amendment rights and invasions of private medical information will necessarily be under consideration.

We will not reduce mass shootings by limiting what law abiding gun owners can purchase, since they won't use them to hurt other people. Vice President Joe Biden's insulting implication that people don't really "need" an AR-15, and just want one because of how it feels ignores a basic tenet of the nation that elected him: we have personal liberties here, and that's all the reason we need to buy any gun.

Similarly, a blanket denial of 2nd Amendment rights to those with any record of treatment by or consultation with mental health professionals is excessive.

There has been strong support for the idea that guns, high-capacity magazines, etc. are responsible for mass shootings and should be restricted or banned, but that support is waning. More important is that this truly misses the point, and basing policies on missed points is a prescription for failure.

And now there is more compelling evidence that banning or restricting guns or magazines won't work, and even will make things worse, and it comes from a group that has instant credibility on this issue: police officers.

In March, PoliceOne, which serves police officers across the nation and has more than 450,000 registered members, "conducted the most comprehensive survey ever of American law enforcement officers’ opinions on the topic gripping the nation's attention in recent weeks: gun control," so states the introduction to PoliceOne's report.

"More than 15,000 verified law enforcement professionals [70 percent of whom are field-level law enforcers who are face-to-face in the fight against violent crime on a daily basis] took part in the survey, which aimed to bring together the thoughts and opinions of the only professional group devoted to limiting and defeating gun violence as part of their sworn responsibility," the introduction noted, in discussing the nearly-thirty question survey.

Here are some of the takeaway points from that survey:
** Ninety-five percent said that a federal ban on manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would not reduce violent crime.
** Seventy-one percent said that a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of some semi-automatics would have no effect on reducing violent crime. And, more than 20 percent say any ban would actually have a negative effect on reducing violent crime.
** Roughly 85 percent said passing the White House’s currently proposed legislation would have zero or a negative effect on their safety.
** They cited things they felt would help prevent mass shootings: more permissive concealed carry policies for civilians, 28 percent; more aggressive institutionalization for mentally ill persons, 19 percent;
more armed guards/paid security personnel, 15 percent.
** Nearly 90 percent believe casualties would be decreased if armed citizens were present at the onset of an active-shooter incident.
** More than 80 percent support arming school teachers and administrators who willingly volunteer to train with firearms and carry one on the job.
** More than half of respondents feel increased punishment for obviously illegal gun sales could reduce gun violence.
** The officers were about evenly split on whether citizens should be required to complete a safety training class before being allowed to buy a gun.
** They believe that cultural/societal influences promote gun violence: violent movies and video games, 14 percent; early release and short sentencing for violent offenders, 14 percent; poor identification/treatment of mentally-ill individuals, 10 percent. However, 38 percent cited a decline in parenting and family values.

The majority plainly does not support the ideas being pushed by gun-control advocates favoring restrictions on weapons and magazines, and many feel those controls will negatively affect their ability to fight violent crime. They also support enforcing existing laws before passing new ones.

The mainstream media openly supports restrictions on personal liberty, at least where guns are concerned, and suppresses news of gun owners stopping crimes. Many of our elected public servants, who prefer an unarmed and therefore compliant populace, also support gun control.

But the majority of police surveyed overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry, would like to see more guns in the hands of responsible people, and are skeptical of any greater restrictions placed on gun purchase, ownership, or accessibility.

Police officers patrolling America’s streets have a legitimate interest in making sure that we make decisions about guns that support their work and do not make things worse. With this survey, their voice has been heard, and they disagree with the current mania.

Perhaps it would be smart to listen to them.

Print theory

   I never get tired of wearing jeans and heels! This time I replaced the boyfriend jeans, my No.1 favorites, with wide leg denim and I paired them with more than one print.
A spin of Pop Art is always so refreshing no matter if you are wearing classic pieces or modern ones.
An artist always loves wearing art pieces !

                                                                                Top: thanks to Sheinside/ Here
                                                                                Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                                Jeans: Levis/ option Here 
                                                                                Heels: Shoemint/option Here 
                                                                                Clutch: 3.1Phillip Lim
                                                                                Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

Don't Think. Feel. ... J. D. Longstreet

Don't Think. Feel.   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Don't Think. Feel.
The Politics Of Emotions
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Oscar Wilde said:  “The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence.”

That single sentence by Mr. Wilde, from a very long time ago, explains everything you need to know about the American left, indeed, leftists around the world.

They are ruled by emotions.  In my opinion,that explains their overly abundant use of profanity and vulgarity to express themselves.  

As I said above:  they are ruled by their emotions.  Rational, reasoned, thinking is nowhere to be found when these folks get their hormones flowing.

Those who populate the left side of the political spectrum are easily manipulated and they are manipulated quite often.  They are the "Useful Idiots" so often employed by the Marxists to further their agenda around the world and especially in the United States. 

It should be obvious why the word "idiot" is used in describing them.  Simply because they seem to be incapable of "reasoned" thinking.

For instance... have you paid attention to how the leaders of the left have manipulated their followers over gun control legislation?  They are using pure, raw, emotion.   It is of no concern to them that the laws they are proposing will not do a single thing to reduce gun violence n America. 

Gun control is all about people control, not gun control.  To realize their goal the left's leaders have whipped up the emotions of the useful idiot crowd and tossed any attempt at reasoned debate right out the window.  Their mission was to ignite as much emotion throughout America as was possible in the shortest time possible and get their gun control law through the Congress before Americans had a chance to cool off and look realistically at what was being proposed.

That explains the disrespectful way the victims of the school massacre in Connecticut were treated and the way their families have been treated -- and -- used as pawns to continue to stir up America's emotions.

Fortunately, the political right has caught on and began delaying tactics as soon as they possibly could to allow a cooling off period in which the ability to reason returned (to some degree) to the American populace.

Consider this from Kyle Becker at The American Thinker:  "Today's typical totalitarian leftist is thus not a jackboot-wearing thug, but an overly sensitive, cardigan-wearing milquetoast, whose obsessions about feelings make him immune to rational argument.  The danger of granting the government endless power to do good, like everything else, is rationalized away or dismissed by the leftist, since even the thought of making peace with an imperfect world makes him uncomfortable.  This is why the left will never learn from history: the past is only prologue to the coming utopia, which will be perfectly just and fair."   SOURCE:  http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/01/the_lefts_greatest_mind-trick_politicizing_emotion.html 

As crazy as it may sound at first, one must understand that liberalism is a philosophy of totalitarianism.  Liberalism is an authoritarian philosophy.   The left is all about accumulating unto themselves as much power as they possibly can.  See, they believe all that power will be used for good, which is to say used to further their agenda which, of course, IS good.  They will trample over their own grandmothers to acquire power.  In their minds the ends justify the means. 

They will not hesitate to use force to implement their "good" agenda.  Anything that helps bring their much sought after "Utopia" is justified.

As a conservative I believe absolutely in individual rights, liberty, and freedom.  But -- I have a very close friend who subscribes to the philosophy of the left and he is all for the "greater good" and pooh-poohs anything having to do with individual freedom and individual rights.

The very idea of America is based on the rights, the freedom, the liberty of the individual.  It is based on the fact that a man owns himself, that his life is his own to make of it what he will, what he is capable of, without outsiders, especially the government, forcing him to alter his life for the "greater good."

Mr. Becker, in his excellent article at The American Thinker says:  "The rule of law and the scientific method were developed precisely to protect human beings from the hazards of acting on raw emotion and ignorance.  Democratic politicians and left-wing activists, on the other hand, thrive on these human vulnerabilities." We encourage you to read Mr. Becker's article, in full, at:  http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/01/the_lefts_greatest_mind-trick_politicizing_emotion.html

As I write, America is facing the full brunt of Obamacare, socialized medicine. The majority of Americans never wanted it in the first place.  It was forced on us by a socialist Democratic Party. Not a single republican in Congress voted for it.

The left used raw emotion to to flay anyone who did not agree with them on socialized medicine for America.  Those of us who resisted were accused of not caring that sick people weren't being cared for  -- notwithstanding the fact that anyone, with or without funds, can, and will, be treated at a hospital in America just by showing up.  The left was attempting to whip up the emotion of the proletariat.

Even today, in the gun control debate, the left is using gut-wrenching, raw, undiluted emotion -- no reason mind you, just plain hyper-emotion -- to push their plan to confiscate America's guns.  The left doesn't care that some of us are embarrassed and sickened at their naked abuse of the victims and the families of the victims of recent violent episodes in which the gun was the tool chosen to deal death in large quantities.Again, for the left, the ends justify the means.
So, here we are today with emotion and reason squared off against each other in America -- the political left and the political right.  

Emotion and rational thinking are mutually exclusive.  There is no common ground.  This explains gridlock in our government. The left is furious with the right because the right will not succumb to their emotional tirades and just give in and allow them to drag America into the cesspool of socialism/communism.  (Make no mistake -- THAT is the end game for the political left.) 

Emotions have a way of cooling after awhile.  Smart politicians on the left understand the need to maintain the emotions of their followers at a fever pitch.  You, dear reader, need to understand this to know why America seems to lurch from one crisis to another -- continuously.  It is contrived by the leadership of the left to stoke the fires of emotion in their followers.  It is summed up in their motto:  "Never let a crisis go to waste."       

The left's use of emotion and arrogant condescension in politics is as old as Marxism, from which it sprang, and to which they subscribe.  The Utopia they seek is a Marxist America.

The "reasoning right" will never be free of the "emotional left."  Even if we split the country and gave the left, oh, say, all the territory west of the Mississippi.  They would be forever attacking us across the river because we OUGHT to be doing things THEIR way because they are GOOD and we are BAD, they are right and we are wrong, and their agenda is so good it must be forcibly instituted on us -- for our own good.

So what can we do, those of us who rely on reason in making decisions and ordering our lives both on a national and a personal level?  Other than recognizing the near insanity of the left, there is little we can do.  We must continue to block their advancement as often as we can, however, else the county would/will be in a state of utter chaos.  Too, we must understand that it is not going to get better.  The power brokers of the American left, and the world, have learned they can control the "useful idiots" of the left by whipping up  emotion and channeling that emotion in the direction they desire.  They will continue to take full advantage of that fact by taking America from one crisis to the next until, finally, she collapses.  Then the cycle will begin all over again.

I wish I could offer a more constructive, more satisfying answer to the problem, but I cannot.  Since Cain killed Abel in a fit of emotion we humans have been seeking a way to coexist amiably, peacefully, with our emotional brothers.   We have made some progress, but not nearly enough.  

Until such time as all emotion can be erased from the human mind, we are stuck, in place, dealing with our near insane brothers.  

On the other hand, we must never forget that emotions help make us human.

So. In the end, in the final analysis, we are involved in a never-ending struggle with ourselves.  The "reasoning right" can learn from the "emotional left" as they pile up failure after failure while feeling good about having tried!  We can learn from their mistakes, correct what we can, while ignoring their protestations,  order our world aright, and build a better tomorrow.  Really, we have no choice.

© J. D. Longstreet