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Floral meets Leather

Just a casual outfit for a busy day but still with my trademark by injecting a popping color here and there( BLUE color this time). Actually this time is a bitter- sweet combination of styles: floral girly tunic shirt meets masculine military jacket and this is the result!
Have  a wonderful and relaxing weekend everyone!

                                                                               Cuff bracelet: thanks to COOEE.seHere
                                                                               Jacket: thanks to Tokyo LaundryHere
                                                                               Tunic shirt: Zara
                                                                               Pants: H&M/ I love this pair too Here
                                                                               Shoes: thanks to PersunMallHere
                                                                               Sunglasses: Ray Ban/ Here
                                                                               Bag: c/o PLNDR

Rep. Louie and the Fear Propagators ...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Louie Gohmert - One Scary Idiot
As it goes Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is one slightly unbalanced and therefore rather disturbing individual. His "way out in left field" claim that President Obama's administration has Muslim Brotherhood members is, IMNHO opinion based on one of two things. The fact "good ole Louie" is incapable of accepting we have a mixed race President, or he is simply stirring the pot of fear. Much like Senator McCarthy did in a bygone era.

In either case he is doing a great disservice to the American public. As a fiscally conservative social Libertarian I challenge the fear mongering right to provide some significant evidence in support of the delusions they would have us all accept as factual reality.

TPM - Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went after the Obama administration's handling of the Boston Marathon bombing investigation in a radio interview Thursday -- and along the way he claimed that Muslim Brotherhood members are in the administration and influencing its decisions.

"It's very clear to everybody but this administration that radical Islam is at war against us," Gohmert told WND Radio. "And I’m hoping either this administration will wake up or a new one will come in at the next election before irreparable damage is done. Because radical Islam is at war with us. Thank God for the moderates who don't approve of what's being done. But this administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.”

Gohmert cited the Benghazi attack, Algeria hostage crisis and the recent Boston Marathon bombings as examples of the administration's pattern of incompetence. One of the Boston bombing suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was added to two U.S. government watch lists, according to the New York Times. He was also interviewed by the FBI, but was ultimately cleared of any suspected connections to extremist groups.

Gohmert isn't the first Republican to claim that members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the U.S. government. Back in July 2012, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) led the charge, pointing a finger at top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Bachmann's accusations were widely condemned at the time.

Note the "news source" Louie Gohmert is using for his avenue of distorted reality. Nuff said?

Listen to Rep. Gohmert's interview HERE.

Via: Memeorandum


if it's pretty it's on instagram

As we prep for another weekend (thank the heavens) I wanted to make sure you are all aware of some series eye candy going down on Instagram. I know you are told this all the time but if you are not on Instagram yet, you need to be.

And when you get on there and set up your account start the party with these three. They have been making me all kinds of giddy as of late.

Parker Kennedy Living
They took the most insane pictures at High Point. Wicked good people.

Grant K Gibson
He has a way of taking beautiful shots of ordinary things and he goes such wonderful places. Living vicariously. And side note -he totes loves my green couch (he 'hearted' the picture on my Instagram). We are so gonna be besties.

Rethink Design Studio
An amazing design firm in Savannah that does a lot of historical work. One day when I get my old river house, I'm calling them.

So am I right or what? And make sure to follow me (@littleblackdoor) too. We'll totally hang out. It'll be a ball.

And don't forget to head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributor and blog buddy Tiffany Leigh is featured today and she's got great things up her sleeve. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Any good plans this weekend? Share them with me...on Instagram.

Immigration Reform = Democratic Control of the US for Generations ... J. D. Longstreet

Immigration Reform = Democratic Control of the US for Generations   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Immigration Reform = Democratic Control of the US for Generations
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

I sometimes wonder why I even bother!  

It is frustrating to write column after column about illegal immigration, about amnesty for illegal aliens and how that amnesty will most certainly benefit the Democratic Party and crush the Republican Party out of existence while I watch the GOP continuing to commit suicide.  THIS time, however, the GOP is insuring their party's death by promoting passage of the Immigration Reform Bill soon to be before Congress and rammed down the throat of America much as Obamacare.

We have told our readers and warned our readers for years that the ultimate aim of immigration reform was -- and remains --  a tool to secure control of the US government for the Communist/Labor/Democratic Party.

I cringe when I see a man many believe will be the GOP's Presidential candidate in 2016 making the rounds of the talk shows on radio and TV and pushing for passage of the Immigration Reform bill.   Has he lost his mind?  Does he not understand the voting rights acquired by those given amnesty under the Immigration Reform bill will be used AGAINST the GOP as that huge block of Hispanic voters will most certainly vote for the democratic candidates from City Hall, to the Congress, to the White House. It is a given.  All we have to do is look at the record to see that this is exactly the conduct to expect.

In an article entitled:  "Immigration reform could be bonanza for Democrats" by Emily Schultheis at Politico.com, Ms. Schultheis says the following: 

"The immigration proposal pending in Congress would transform the nation’s political landscape for a generation or more — pumping as many as 11 million new Hispanic voters into the electorate a decade from now in ways that, if current trends hold, would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily."  SOURCE:  http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/immigration-reform-could-upend-electoral-college-90478.html#ixzz2ROVOU68P

The only surprise here is that ANYONE would be surprised!

"Historically, however, there is no mistaking the reality that most Hispanics trend Democratic during their early years of voting." SOURCE:  http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/immigration-reform-could-upend-electoral-college-90478_Page2.html#ixzz2RQD85okm

Consider this from "Super-Economy:"  "The Hispanic vote is now finally large enough to win Democrats elections. Unlike what Karl Rove, Jeb Bush and Fox News might claim, this is almost entirely due to the growth of the Hispanic population share, not due to Hispanics having moved against Republicans. Hispanics have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in every election during the last three decades."  SOURCE:  http://super-economy.blogspot.com/2012/11/why-hispanics-are-natural-democrats-and_12.html

In the very same article we learn:  "... there has never been a majority of Hispanics voting for a Republican president. This even when Republicans have supported or even enacted an immigration Amnesty, the issue most commonly cited as key to garner Hispanic support. The variation in Republican support is fairly small. What turned out to be decisive in 2012 was hence the increase in the number of Hispanic voters."  SOURCE:  http://super-economy.blogspot.com/2012/11/why-hispanics-are-natural-democrats-and_12.html

Then there is this from Tea Party Connect:  "The burden of illegal immigration on our already overstressed welfare system has been widely documented. Some towns in California have even been taken over by illegal immigrant drug cartels. The disease, crime and overcrowding brought by illegal immigrants places a heavy burden on every segment of society and every level of government, threatening to split this country apart at the seams. In the meantime, radical leftist efforts to grant illegal immigrants citizenship guarantee a huge pool of new democrat voters. With little border control, terrorists can also filter in."  SOURCE:  http://www.teapartyconnect.com/102/the-cloward-piven-strategy-explained/

Then there is this from an article by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh at Canada Free Press:   "Illegal immigrants believe in bigger government and welfare as a source of wellbeing and success. They become new loyal Democrat voters who could ultimately shift the balance of power in our country to Democrats, without any checks and balances."  SOURCE:  http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/54735

Marinka Peschmann, also in an article at Canada Free Press, said: "Let’s cut to the chase. If the Gang of Eight’s so-called immigration reform legislation becomes law, expect the number of illegal aliens that will be legalized in a broken, crime riddled agency, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), to explode. Everyone from family members, step children, gang members and drunk drivers are welcome to apply."  SOURCE:  http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/54653

Look.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on with the Immigration Reform bill.  It is a raw power grab by the democrats to solidify their hold on the US government for as far into the future as the eye can see.  And, judging from their recent efforts, the Republican Party is eager to help them do it.

© J. D. Longstreet

Wild print

chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print

chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, street style, allSaints, leopard print

I have one word for you today: w i l d .  Wild print of course! 
So, here I am wearing a casual print on print outfit + a shot  of color with this statement cuff (thanks to  Cooee.se) and my new Chanel espadrilles. Leopard prints paired with black and neutral colors are a real hit in my list.
I hope you like it and I will like to hear your opinion!

P.S See you tonight: Allison Raff and Spoonful Of Diamonds at the Opening Ceremony event in New York! You are the winners of the Opening Ceremony and American Express contest.

                                                                                  Shirt: Liz Claiborne/ option Here 
                                                                                  Jeans: c/o Lulu's.com
                                                                                  Bag: AllSaints thanks to Polyvore and AllSaintsHere 
                                                                                  Espadrilles: Chanel
                                                                                  Cuff bracelet: thanks to Cooee.se/ Here 

Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran! ... J. D. Longstreet

Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran!
Has Iran Already Crossed the Red Line?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


According to The Israeli National News: "Former Military Intelligence head, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, said Tuesday that "Iran has already crossed Israel's new 'red line'" regarding nuclear weapons development.

Yadlin, who is the Head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), said that in the summer, Iran will reach a distance of one or two months between a decision and a bomb." That is, it will be able to build a nuclear bomb within a month or two of deciding to do so.

"This is a breakthrough range that will make it very difficult to stop Iran, when it decides to have a bomb."
SOURCE:  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/167408#.UXaFQErJIWE

In the same article Yadlin is quoted as saying:  "Negotiations can succeed, he added, if the U.S. creates a credible military option. This will be achieved if the U.S. prepares for a surgical strike for stopping the nuclear program and makes clear that it will be able to deal with the escalation that will follow such a strike." SOURCE:   http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/167408#.UXaFQErJIWE

The long and the short of it is -- Israel -- AND-- the US are screwed!

This, dear reader, is what you get when the free world is led by a lamentably naive golden-throated narcissistic Marxist who never misses a chance to demonstrate his unaffected simplicity and lack of guile and worldly experience when it comes to world politics and global leadership.

Allow me to spell it out plainly:  Unless Israel takes the reins in its teeth and launches an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran WILL build a nuclear bomb -- and all the world will be held hostage to their fanatical Islamic despotism.

If Israel will not, or cannot, mount a successful attack, and Iran acquires the bomb, the fault will lie squarely at the feet of President Obama -- and nowhere else.

President Obama is perhaps the least prepared and least qualified person to ever hold the office of President of the United States -- and it shows.  Oh, HOW it shows.

By his refusal of global leadership the world is in chaos. Heck, the US is in near chaos.  And it is not going to get better until the US and the world get the kind of leadership necessary to screw the lid down on trouble making rogue nations like Iran and North Korea and read the riot act to aggressive nations seeking hegemony in their regions of the globe. That is not going to happen as long as Obama occupies the Oval Office.

Can anyone define Obama's foreign policy?  Is there one?  His diplomatic stumbles around the globe give the impression any foreign policy of his administration is made up on the fly with very little real thought.

Today, we stand on the cusp of nuclear war. Think that is too strong?  Want to take the chance that North Korea has not managed to develop a small nuclear warhead they can mount on the tip of their long range missile?  Want to take that chance?  Because that is exactly what Obama is doing.  And it is YOUR life at risk, and the lives of your loved ones.

We KNOW the DPRK has nuclear weapons. We KNOW Iran is rapidly approaching the final development of a nuclear bomb.  We KNOW that Iran and North Korea are working in tandem and have been for years.  Are you willing to take the chance that IF North Korea has a nuclear warhead for a missile they won't provide one to Iran?   Iran's  problem with developing a nuclear missile to strike Israel would be solved overnight.

The Obama administration exudes weakness and draws enemies attracted by that weakness like flies to a dung heap.  

Just in the past few days we have had one terrorist attack on a major US city and a would-be attack on a major transportation rail line between Canada and the US was foiled by Canadian authorities with the assistance of US authorities. 

Just as sharks can smell blood in the water for miles and miles, America's enemies can detect the "odor" of weakness half a globe away.  Now, as we have seen,  they can and will act on that perceived weakness on our own soil, either by terrorist attacks or by lobbing a nuclear missile across the Pacific Ocean to take out Honolulu, Los Angles, Seattle, Portland, or Anchorage, Alaska.

On top of all his other mistakes, Obama has committed the US military to Africa.  No pun intended, but Africa is a black hole just like those in space.  It will suck anything and everything that gets near it into its darkness -- and leach it dry.

There is a reason the European colonial powers gave up and left Africa a long time ago. Their colonies were slowly bankrupting them!  There is no wining in Africa because there is nothing there TO win. Only Africa can save Africa.  And they are not ready to join the modern world this century.  Maybe in  another hundred years, or so.

So, it provides no comfort knowing that Iran is closing on its desire to have its very own nuclear bomb, which it intends to drop on Israel and the United States at the earliest opportunity.

It should come as no surprise when the Obama administration rolls out their plans for "containment of a nuclear Iran."  Many have felt for some time that was Obama's ultimate goal all the while. 

Understand: The Arab nations are scared witless of the Persian nation. If Iran is allowed to possess a nuclear bomb, expect all the Arab nations in the region to go nuclear almost overnight -- in self defense.  They won't waste time with developing their own nuclear programs, they will simply purchase nuclear bombs and missiles and be done with it.

Now -- allow me to ask you -- how much safer will YOU feel if and when the entire Middle East is armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs and missiles?

This is what we get with the Three Stooges of American foreign policy, Obama, Hagel, and Kerry in charge. Neville Chamberlain would, indeed, be, oh, so proud!

© J. D. Longstreet

Wild Bill for America: VERY Serious Questions on Benghazi response.

5 essential fashion pieces for Spring/Summer

Here today I want to show you what I'm currently craving for this Spring/Summer season. As you all may expect from me it's all about the colors & prints. What is you favorite piece from this list?

P.S.I really need this floral bathing suit!!! 

                                                                                 Bathing suit: Nanette Lepore/ Here 
                                                                                 Dress: Free People/ Here 
                                                                                 Sunglasses: Madewell/ Here 
                                                                                 Clutch: Samudra Moorea/ Here 
                                                                                 Espadrilles: Madewell/ Here 

setting the table

Last week I mentioned that I was lucky enough to help a great local shop, The Service Bureau, with their table at the annual Table Tops Spring Fundraiser for St. Louis Children's Hospital. It is a great event for an even better cause and I was thrilled to participate.

The Service Bureau wanted to go with a 'Nantucket on the Fourth of July' theme and I was totally on board. You say Nantucket and I say oh yeah baby. (read that in your best deep voice). Prep for the event was such a chore - I had to shop the store for items to include on the table that would best showcase what their store has to offer. Good times people. Good times. It was so much fun to say, 'I'll take two of those, and can we have four of these'? It was all very Pretty Woman, but without the snotty sales girls.

One disclaimer before we get to the pictures - in all the chaos I neglected to bring my 'real' camera, so these are iPhone pictures in a room that isn't well lit to begin with. So when you look at these pictures imagine them looking better in real life. And if you follow me on Instagram (@littleblackdoor) you've already seen some of these. (I guess that's two disclaimers)

Although we certainly used red, white and blue through out, we made a point not to make it too 'themey'. Themey, it could be a word.

We used picture frames from the store to display the menu and put a personalized invitation at each plate. A great way to show off all the wonderful stationary they sell.

I loved the lanterns they had in the store, but since it was a daytime event I thought candles would be a bit boring. So instead I decided to use the lanterns as vases and put a beautiful nosegay of flowers in each one. The striped ribbon coordinates with the stripes on the seats.

The craft paper placemats are so fun and I love that the little crab legs stick out behind the chargers.

The chairs were finished off with alternating red and blue scarves from the store along with sea grass ribbon.

After we finished our table, we walked around to see what everyone else had up their sleeve.

My friends at Indie Mats did a great job on their table.

This was a bakery that made their entire tablecloth out of paper cupcake holder things. Crazy time commitment.

Very similar to one of the inspiration pics I had in my post last week.

It was a very lovely event and a great time for me. A big thank you to Becca for including me, The Service Bureau and Bloomin' Buckets.

Been to any great parties lately? Need help planning for one? Let me know, I can help you out!