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  Days like these (foggy) are requesting boyfriend jeans & heels as go-for-it!
I'm glad that finally I got to wear this leather jacket c/o Rachel Zoe (a new color in my mini leather jackets collection) and also the striped top c/o Joe Fresh.
The classic blue is always refreshing!

                                                                                         Leather jacket: c/o Rachel Zoe/ Here 
                                                                                         Top: c/o Joe Fresh/ Here
                                                                                         Jeans: American Eagle/ Here
                                                                                         Pointed heels: BCBGeneration/ option Here 
                                                                                         Sunglasses: Ray Ban/ Here
                                                                                         Clutch: Hare+Hart/ Here


Huehuetoca Municipal Police, Federal Police And Immigration Agents Raided Immigrant Shelters In Mexico

Several immigrant Huehuetoca shelters in the state of Mexico were raided by municipal police, Federal Police and immigration agents without judicial warrants violating federal law.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 18, 2013

San José Huehuetoca, Mexico, Mexico - On Monday, volunteers, activists and immigrant rights groups reported that Huehuetoca municipal police, Federal Police and agents from the National Institute of Migration (NIM - immigration enforcement agency) just before noon raided several San José Huehuetoca immigrant shelters allegedly violating Mexican federal immigration laws. The municipal police, federal police and NIM agents detained several undocumented immigrants inside the San José Huehuetoca immigrant shelter with excessive use of force, several other immigrants were detained, beaten with a night stick and then forced into a squad car. 
The raid began around 10:00 a.m. near the immigrant shelters and spread to the shelter nearby around 11:30 a.m., according to a letter sent as a complaint to five Mexican federal agencies by a collective group of organizations.
The groups wrote that four municipal police squads, Federal Police and several NIM agents were involved in Monday's raid. At least 30 undocumented immigrants were detained by authorities. Some of them had their hair pulled and were beaten with excessive violence and force by police while taking the immigrants into custody.
None of the authorities showed any judicial warrants to enter the shelters or to arrest undocumented immigrants. The groups and organizations want all operations of similar raids halted because federal immigration laws have been violated by the authorities. They are asking for the NIM to issue humanitarian visas to the immigrants that were abused, beaten and arrested by authorities involved in the joint operation. The groups are also requesting accountability for those authorities that used excessive force and beat the undocumented immigrants. They should be held accountable and prosecuted for violating immigration federal laws and human rights, according to the activists.
Andremar Galvan from COAMI posted in Facebook, that the authorities involved in the raid violated NIM immigration Article 76, which prohibits police and NIM to enter immigrant shelters, including organizations that provide assistance and protection to undocumented immigrants for the purpose to check for legal status.
The authorites also went to another shelter known as "La Carpa" (Tent) and detained more immigrants. The immigrant shelters provide food, a place to rest, spiritual aid, information about immigrant rights while traveling in Mexico and medical assistance for those in need.
The NIM in a press release on Monday confirmed, it has reinforced efforts in their application of human rights and the permanent capacity for public service providers to protect undocumented immigrants. Ardelio Vargas Fosado, the NIM Commissioner recognizes that undocumented immigrants are a vulnerable group and has instituted by privilege for all NIM personnel to respect their human rights independent of their undocumented status, according to the press release.
Fosado did not provide any information about the 30 immigrants that were detained on Monday. The NIM says it does investigate complaints filed by human rights groups.

Morton, U.S. ICE Director Resigns Effective End of July

John Morton and Moises Mory Lamas

Morton submitted his resignation to President Obama and will take private job position with Capital One in Virginia.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 17, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, John Morton, the director for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced in an e-mail to his staff that he will resign by the end of July. Morton submitted his resignation to President Obama. Obama appointed Morton to head ICE in 2009. Morton will work in the private sector with Capital One in McLean, Virginia as head of the compliance office, according to Tatiana Stead, spokeswoman for Capital One.
Under Morton, more than 400,000 of undocumented immigrants were deported each year. Multiple federal lawsuits were filed against ICE for illegal actions by agents during raids and detentions. In April, 22 plaintiffs in the Adriana Aguilar v. ICE federal civil lawsuit case were awarded $1 million in damages and fees in a settlement agreement for illegal ICE raids and home intrusions between 2006 to 2007 that resulted with arrests of suspected undocumented immigrants in New York. 
ICE had to change its policy of entering homes or properties without permission when searching for undocumented immigrants. 
The lawsuit claimed, ICE's warrantless home raid practices have typically involved a dozen armed ICE agents surrounding a home in the pre-dawn hours, pounding on the doors, shining flashlights through windows, and demanding or forcing entry. Once a door was opened, the agents would push their way in, enter private bedrooms without consent, and drag or order terrified, just-awakened residents – often only partially dressed in nightclothes – into central areas. Agents claimed these practices constituted "consent to enter."
Now, they have to have a legal warrant instead of an administrative order or get permission to enter a home and property during raids.
Another recent lawsuit filed in federal court, ICE and Border Patrol agents are accused of coercion for forcing undocumented immigrants to sign voluntary departures without offering options or family and legal counsel advice.
In June, the ACLU in Southern California and Cooley LLC filed a federal suit Lopez-Venegas v. Napolitan in Los Angeles against ICE and U.S. Border Patrol claiming they have used coerced expulsions (administrative voluntary departure) to deport hundreds or thousands of undocumented immigrants during detention. The ICE officers in Southern California have "compel immigrants to involuntarily sign summary expulsion orders" by threatening them that they would be held for months or that their families in the U.S. would also be targeted for deportation. Most of those in question (deported) have lived in the U.S. for a decade or so. The ACLU reported that, immigration enforcement authorities in Southern California routinely use misinformation, deception and coercion to pressure undocumented immigrants, some of whom have lived in the U.S. for years to surrender their right to seek legal status.
In 2010, Morton failed to hold ICE officials accountable for any wrongdoing in deportation cases. One case in particular, Moises Mory Lamas, 55, had received a letter in November from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) at his residence in West New York informing him of an interview for November 16. Unfortunately,  Mory Lamas was deported despite an open pending case for residency. Ruth Mory a U.S. Citizen, his wife had petition for Mory Lamas residency in 2004, under the 1986 amnesty Northwest Immigration Projects. Mory Lamas was set to go for an Interview-Application Status as a Temperary Resident Under Section 245A (Form I-687).
On November 16, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) officials confirmed that ICE deportation officials erred in the removal of New Jersey resident Moises Mory Lamas, 55, who was deported months earlier in September. Mory Lamas was deported to Peru after more than a decade of challenging his removal due to a minor violation of a state law.
On September 9, despite his pending petition for amnesty and residency, ICE Deportation Officer Catherine Brantley decided to deport Mory Lamas to Peru. In brief, on August 12, three ICE agents took Peruvian citizen Mory Lamas to the Peru Consulate in Paterson, from an ICE office he was reporting as required, so temperary Consul Alejandro Beoutis Candahuana could approve his deportation. Mory Lamas alleged, Consul Beoutis told him he had to surrender his Peruvian passport to ICE, or face legal authorization for ICE to deport him anyway from the Peru government, if he wouldn't comply. Beoutis staff deny the allegations, but an official Peruvian Consulate Act (agreement for voluntary departure) signed by Beoutis and three ICE agents in Spanish confirms otherwise.
Mory Lamas said, that afterwards three ICE agents took him home and confiscated his Peruvian passport, as approved and mandated by Consul Beoutis. Peruvian Consul Beoutis, and three ICE agents were identified in the Act signatures as Juan Mezarina, Oscar Torres and James Laforge along with their official capacity under the names.
Mory Lamas had spend at least five years in immigration detention, until he was released in early 2009. Mory Lamas was convicted of possession of drugs, a minor state offense. He pleaded no-contest in 1986, and his lawyer did not advice Mory Lamas of the consequences and possible deportation. He served 6 months in jail and was fined $30.00 for the conviction.
He began his appeal in 1999, served one year in '99 and then served four years from 2004 and was finally released in January 2009. Since then, Mory Lamas was put on an electronic device, had to report to an ICE officer at least twice a week, until he finally was granted a work permit until 2011.
Mory Lamas had a pending habeas corpus appeal with federal Judge Dennis Cavanaugh in the district of Newark, before being deported. He has a 17-year-old daughter who is a U.S Citizen.
Ruth Mory, Moises' wife is a cancer survivor, suffers from diabetes and other ailments.

Syria: America's next mistake

Syria: America's next mistake

Syria: America’s next mistake


Syria is immersed in a civil war whose incipience dates from March of 2011. Popular demonstrations during that time were concurrent with the Arab Spring in other countries, which called for transitions in their various governments. In Syria, protesters vehemently demanded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad immediately step-down from his long-term post. Equally as significant, they wanted an end to Ba’ath Party rule. Assad responded to these civil protests with violent acts including but not limited to mass shootings, torture, and outright murders of political dissidents. Assad came to power on the heels of his father, Hafez al-Assad, who died in 2000. Desperate to hold onto the reins of power, Bashar has shown he will go to the extreme. Recent revelations his army used chemical weapons on civilians displays he will do anything to quell the opposition. Estimates of 100, 000 casualties to date, from this civil war, creates a growing pressure on the surrounding countries to find a solution to this “uncivil conflict.” Countries and rogue political groups are involving themselves in the mix. Hezbollah has sided with the Syrian regime while Al-Qaeda has moved in the direction of the rebels. Russia has sent munitions to Assad and recent news reveals Iran is sending 4,000 troops to aid the current regime. As the days go by, more needless deaths are paraded across World Media outlets. Within the last week, the Executive Branch has decided to aid the rebels with a level of armaments yet to be determined. Obama Administration officials know that once the two sides find common ground and settle their differences the newly unified country will return to its hate America posture. Why provide Syria with weapons knowing that enemies of this country will take possession of them?  Obama’s penchant to place Muslim interests before those of Americans is very well known. Similar to the minor pretext used by the Johnson Administration to involve the nation in Vietnam, Obama is taking a page from history and repeating an error. In this case, Obama’s pretext is utilization by the Syrian regime of chemical weapons on a small number of its citizens. America is risking involvement in a conflict which can quickly explode into a regional war. Polls, taken by both major political persuasions, show overwhelmingly lack of enthusiasm to enter this civil war. While ancient John McCain pushes for our hand in the mix, Sarah Palin has shouted from her media pulpit the reverse. From a historical perspective, America will inch its way forward towards full involvement, including boots on the ground. In nearly every decision President Obama has made on foreign policy, the consequences have been nothing less than fatal to a country that has seen enough war. America should stay out Syria, nothing good will come from our involvement. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, platomd@gmail.com, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com, Author of the book Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming work, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Join, comment and debate with some of the best minds on LinkedIn. Look for us on twitter.com/americassage.

Scandals and Surveillance Taking Their Toll on the Obama Adminstration...

Scandals and Surveillance Taking Their Toll on the Obama Adminstration...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

It was inevitable.

Sooner or later the mounting scandal allegations, combined with the NSA surveillance program, would take their toll on the administration of President Obama. With his approval ratings in almost free fall it is apparent this has happened.

Ultimately the President is held to account and deemed responsible for the inner workings of the government the people of the USA entrusted him to LEAD.

CNN - President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight percentage points over the past month, to 45%, the president's lowest rating in more than a year and a half, according to a new national poll.

The CNN/ORC International survey released Monday morning comes as the White House has been reacting to controversies over a massive U.S. government surveillance program; the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of tea party and other conservative groups who applied for tax-exempt status; the administration's handling of last September's attack in Benghazi that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead; and the Justice Department's secret collection of journalists' phone records as part of a government investigation into classified leaks.

The poll indicates that for the first time in Obama’s presidency, half of the public says they don't believe he is honest and trustworthy...


The president's approval rating stands at 45%, down from 53% in mid-May. And 54% say they disapprove of how Obama's handling his job, up nine points from last month. It's the first time in CNN polling since November 2011 that a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president.

"The drop in Obama's support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47% last month to 37% now, with Obama's disapproval among independents jumping 12 points to 61%.


Six in 10 disapprove of how Obama is handling government surveillance of U.S. citizens, which is higher than the 52% who disapproved of George W. Bush on the same issue in 2006, when government surveillance was also in the headlines.

Obama's approval rating on terrorism, although still above 50%, has taken a 13-point hit since mid-May. By contrast, his approval rating on domestic issues such as the economy, immigration and the deficit only dropped by two to four points, within the poll's sampling error.


The number of Americans who think he is honest has dropped nine points over the past month, to 49%. Fifty-seven percent of those questioned say they disagree with the president's views on the size and power of the federal government, and 53% say he cannot manage the government effectively. Fifty-two percent say the president is a strong and decisive leader. That's still a majority, but it's down six points from last month.


Forty-three percent of the public says that the Obama administration has gone too far in restricting civil liberties to fight terrorism, with 38% saying the administration has been about right and 17% saying it has not gone far enough.

"That's roughly the same reaction that the public had to the Bush administration in 2006 when the details of a similar program to gather phone records were made public," says Holland. {Read More}

Indeed the President's luster seems to be dulling, fast.

Note also the Canter interview. The proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Via: Memeorandum


CNN - ... Even more surprising: The overall decline in his approval rating was partially fueled by a plunge in support from younger Americans, a huge base of Obama's support.

Last month, nearly two-thirds of those in the 18-29 age group gave the president a thumbs up. His approval rating among that bracket fell 17 points in Monday's poll and now stands at 48%.

The CNN/ORC International survey was conducted last Tuesday through Thursday.

It comes as the White House has been dealing with controversies over a government surveillance program; IRS targeting of tea party and other conservative groups; continuing fallout over the deadly terror attack on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya; and the Justice Department's secret collection of journalists phone records as part of a government investigation into classified leaks.


"Today, there are only minor differences between older and younger Americans on that measure, but a month ago, two-thirds of younger Americans considered Obama honest -- at least 10 points higher than any other age category. So maybe one reason why Obama fell so far with younger Americans is that he had farther to fall," he said. {Read the Full Story}

Via: Memeorandum

$8K Reward Offered For Slayer Of Delavan Snapping Turtle

A reward of $8,000 has been offered for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of a suspect or suspects in the brutal and fatal golf club beating of a Delevan snapping turtle.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 17, 2013

Delevan, WI - On Monday, a reward offered for information leading to the arrest of a suspect or suspects who on June 10 brutally beat a snapping turtle with a golf club has been raised to $8,000. The turtle was found between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. critically injured with punctured holes in its shell and an injured eye near a sand bunker at the Delbrook Golf Course in Delavan. 
There were numerous people at the golf course and information of who registered to golf that morning was provided to police, according to Delbrook Golf Course operators.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) confirmed that the turtle had died several days later. The turtle was able to lay her eggs and an attempt was made to find her eggs, but a search in the area where the turtle was found turned out empty.
Anyone with information about this case should call the DNR hotline at 1-800-TIP-WDNR or 1-800-847-9367. Callers can remain anonymous.

Arizona's Proof Of Citizenship Requirement To Vote Struck Down By Supreme Court

Arizona's Proposition 200 (2004) requiring voters to proof citizenship when registering to vote over exceeded federal law, Supreme Court decided on a vote of 7-2.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 17, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday,  the U.S. Supreme Court on a vote of 7-2 in the case of Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. decided to strike down a provision of Arizona's Proposition 200 enacted in 2004 requiring voting age people to proof citizenship when registering to vote. Arizona's proof of citizenship requirement to register to vote over exceeded federal election law requiring an oath statement of citizenship when registering to vote, according to the majority of the court. Committing perjury while registering to vote is criminally penalized under federal law. Three other states, Kansas, Alabama and Georgia, which have similar citizenship voting requirements had joined Arizona in its argument to allow the requirement stand.
The Supreme Court let stand another Proposition 200 provision allowing police to check the legal status of all those they suspected of being in the country illegally during traffic stops.

Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. dicision at link (PDF): http://1.usa.gov/10qkXHP

i survived

Have you ever been so tired that you have trouble forming a full sentence? That would be me.

I told y'all about the 50th anniversary party we were set to have at our house on Saturday but while I got ready for that last week I also had a surprise 4-day hospital stay (the hubs and he's OK now), an unexpected tree removal, out-of-the-blue plumbing problems and a sudden downpour.

But the Sister Sledge in me held on and I survived. And more importantly, 60 people had a great time. If you follow me on Instagram you got a few sneak peaks, but I'll do a proper party post after I sort thru the tornado that is my house and see if I got any good pictures.

Until then here is the welcome wreath that greeted guests at the front gate.

So what did I miss last week? Anything exciting happen? Share, share!

Obama's Syrian Mistake ... J. D. Longstreet

Obama's Syrian Mistake   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Obama's Syrian Mistake
Obama And al Qaeda Team Up In Syria!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


If I was a cynical person, which, of course, I'm not, I'd probably say something like:  "Boy, America's Syrian Adventure will sure divert the Media's attention away from some of Obama's problems here at home, right?"  But, see, I'm not at all cynical, so I didn't say that, now did I?

Having said all the above, I must, in all honesty, admit that I DO have a, uh, sneering disbelief in the selflessness of, uh, certain politicians on the national and international scene -- and -- some who stand astride both.  But I shall put forth my usual monumental effort toward refraining from expressing contempt or ridicule for those poor dolts as we investigate and comment on their most recent -- totally idiotic machinations -- as they pertain to another Middle Eastern hellhole/dung heap referred to simply as -- SYRIA.

I very nearly titled this piece:  "Obama Takes sides in Islamic struggle dating from the Seventh Century"  But then again, most Americans, ignorant of history as we are, would have absolutely no idea what the heck I was talking about. But make no mistake -- that is the way most of Islam will see Obama's decision to drag America into the Syrian civil war.

I must begin by asking a simple question:  What -- exactly -- IS America's (the country's) interest in Syria?  Anyone?

The silence is ear-splitting.

If there is none, then why are we about to spend more of America's treasure and most likely -- blood -- in another fight in which there are no good guys?

Look.  I don't mind a good fight when there is a reason, such as a bone fide American interest.  But, for the life of me, I don't see America's interest in the brew-hah-hah that is Syria today.

Actually, watching America's enemies eviscerate each other to learn which side can either maintain (or establish) the most vicious dictatorship over their fellow Islamic citizens is far more satisfying than joining the brawl -- at our own expense, I might add,  with zero chance of an out come that will be advantageous to any degree for America.

On the other hand: could this be nothing more that a micturating contest between Obama and Putin?  If so, my money is on Putin!  Somehow, I don't see our "Hamlet in the Rose Garden" participating in such manly pass times.

The all out riot that is Syria today is a proxy war for certain. Problem is, who the heck is America's proxy?  There is one, and believe me, Americans are not going to like it when it is revealed! 

There's Russia, Iran, Assad's Syria, and now America acting through regular and irregular troops on the ground. 

Now that Obama has agreed to supply the rebels with arms (Like we weren't already doing that!  See: "Benghazi") the US will be arming AL-Qaida forces with arms that, no doubt, at some future date will be turned against Americans.  If you can see the sense in this maneuver you are way better at ciphering than this humble scribe.

I sometimes think America's famously short memory is exceed in its "shortness" only by the collective memories of its leaders.

Does anyone remember the debacle of Afghanistan in which the US supplied weapons to a group known as the Taliban only to have those weapons turned against America's troops a few years later?  Normally one learns from such mistakes.   Not, however, the good ole US of A.

The only friend America has in the region, Israel, shares a border with Syria.  That is a problem.  Israel has, unarguably, one of the best militaries in the world.  They also have one of the best intelligence services on the planet. Being where they are -- geographically -- and knowing what they know, even Israel is tip-toeing around the Syrian mess.

I can't help but believe that Obama is being pressured by the soon-to-be new UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, to act under the UN's "R2P" or "Responsibility to Protect" policy.

"The RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT ("RtoP" or "R2P") is a new international security and human rights norm to address the international community’s failure to prevent and stop genocides, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity."  SOURCE:  http://responsibilitytoprotect.org/ 

If the US subscribes to R2P, it seems to me, it virtually guarantees America will be continuously at war for as far into the future as the eye can see.

R2P is just another of those leftist warm and fuzzy policies that feels good, and looks good on paper, but in reality only adds more paving stones on that infamous road to hell.

A few RINO Senators are demanding a NO-FLY ZONE be established by America over certain parts of Syria.  Have they forgotten the Russians have supplied Assad with their very efficient S-300 surface to air missiles?  Are those same senators willing to accept the consequences when an S-300 knocks one of the American aircraft out of the air killing a pilot, or worse -- having the pilot survive, be captured on the ground and beaten or tortured to death with his body dragged though the streets of Damascus by a mob shouting "God is Great!"?
Again I ask -- for what?

Too late.  We're in it now. No.  I mean we ARE REALLY IN IT THIS TIME!

The UK's Independent recently said this:  "Washington’s decision to arm Syria’s Sunni Muslim rebels has plunged America into the great Sunni-Shia conflict of the Islamic Middle East, entering a struggle that now dwarfs the Arab revolutions which overthrew dictatorships across the region.

For the first time, all of America’s ‘friends’ in the region are Sunni Muslims and all of its enemies are Shiites. Breaking all President Barack Obama’s rules of disengagement, the US is now fully engaged on the side of armed groups which include the most extreme Sunni Islamist movements in the Middle East."
  (Emphasis mine) SOURCE:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iran-to-send-4000-troops-to-aid-president-assad-forces-in-syria-8660358.html 

The same article in The Independent makes this hair curling statement:  "The very Sunni-Wahabi Islamists who killed thousands of Americans on 11th September, 2011 – who are America’s greatest enemies as well as Russia’s – are going to be proxy allies of the Obama administration."  (Emphasis mine) SOURCE:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iran-to-send-4000-troops-to-aid-president-assad-forces-in-syria-8660358.html

I'm just happy our President is deeply concerned over our involvement in Syria and spending every waking moment as Commander-in-Chief pondering how to prosecute America's part of the war and not gallivanting off on some jet-setting playboy vacation to the Dark Continent.
Uh, wait ...

© J. D. Longstreet 

Electric Avenue

My last outfit in New York is the one that I wore at the BCBG Max Azria Showroom. I wanted a mix of casual pieces with some inserts of electric accessories. So, I paired these Rag and Bone jeans with this beautiful embroidered blouse from Paul and Joe and Zara silver pointed shoes that seems to work great with every single color or pattern. Volia!

                                                                            Blouse: Paul and Joe/ I also love this one Here
                                                                            Jenas: Rag and Bone/ Here
                                                                            Pointed- Toe shoes: Zara
                                                                            Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ Here
                                                                            Sunglasses: Foster Grant/ option Here 



Click to enlarge.

I finally pulled into first place on the Playstation 3's version of the Rocksmith Scale Runner mini-game.

Note the "wide" margin of just 3,200 points out of 162,498,000 points. Hey, it sucks to be in second place right now. Not my problem! ;)

In all seriousness, it is not a coincidence that the margin is so small. I played for many, many hours today. I felt no great desire to pad my score once I reached my goal. I could have added roughly 100k had I improved just one of the 11 scales by just one note. It was certainly doable. What's the point though? I expect to improve my score in the months ahead anyway. I don't think I've peaked yet.

I've only hit 274 notes in a row twice so far. Fortunately, both were in the same game today (on two different scales). It made getting into #1 a bit easier. It still took most of the day to get there though. 8 hours of play? This marks the most I've ever played this game in one day. I'm definitely ready to face plant.

As if my posting activity wasn't low enough, don't expect much from me for the rest of the summer (unless the economy implodes again). I'll be spending more time outside. I should post my weight charts but I'm just not motivated enough I guess. I'm not even tracking my weight on a daily basis any longer (for those interested, I think the seasonal effects are finally working in my favor now).

Climbing an extra 20 flights (or more) every day has definitely become a permanent habit. It's not even a question of motivation. It's kind of like brushing my teeth. For what it is worth, I managed to climb 20 flights on the stair climber in just 2 minutes and 57 seconds on the 8th of June. I don't know what my previous record was, but that definitely blew it out. Hiking season here I come! :)

See Also:

BCBG Max Azria/ Herve Leger/ BCBGeneration Resort Collections 2014

    A visit at BCBG Max Azria showroom to preview the 2014 Resort Collections was the reason of my visit this time to New York.
I guess these photos  will show you completely what was all about; abundance of prints as the most intellectual chosen on fluid materials embracing the bohemian style but also scuba shapes in constructive body-con dresses.  The highlight of the day was seeing this creative mind, Lubov Azria in attendance. It is always a pleasure to see the designers and their collections... the artist and his/her art...

                                                                                    BCBG MAX AZRIA/ Here 


A Public Servant in the Best Sense of the Word, and Smart Governor...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

After Hurricane Sandy

There are lots of reasons to like New Jersey Governor Christie. The following is just one of many...

THE HILL - New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) raised eyebrows among Republicans last year, when he heartily embraced President Obama in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which hit shore just days before the presidential election.

On Friday, Christie doubled down on his bipartisan outreach, appearing with former President Bill Clinton at a seminar in Chicago for the Clinton Global Initiative.

The appearance came while other top Republicans were gathering in Washington, D.C., for Ralph Reed's annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference, an illustration of the basic tension facing the New Jersey governor: appeasing both voters in his traditionally Democratic home state while minding the dyed-in-the-wool conservatives who dominate the Republican nominating process.

Clinton and Christie recognized the high-wire political act, with the former president joking that the governor was "consorting with a leper."

But the duo heaped praise on one another, with Clinton applauding the way Christie navigated New Jersey through the aftermath of the storm.

"We need to redefine leadership beyond how you just respond to an emergency to how you keep emergencies from happening, and he's done a good job," Clinton said.

Clinton told Christie that while he got "praise and damnation for ignoring the political differences you had and still have with the president," his efforts to prepare his state for future disasters should win bipartisan support.

"We've got to stop waiting for something horrible to happen and then spend ten times as much," Clinton said.

Christie agreed that disaster preparedness and response could unify Americans across party lines. {Read More}


Via: Memeorandum

Santorum Sounding REASONABLE...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
berty -vs- Tyranny

Santorum said Republicans must talk to working-class people, not CEOs. | AP Photo

Ex Senator and failed Republican Presidential candidate jockeying to capture the populist platform for 2016. I was brutal on Santorum the Fundie during the 2012 campaign. Having said this I must be fair and balanced. His recent remarks following are ones many can relate to an agree with.

POLITICO - Rick Santorum ripped Mitt Romney’s campaign Thursday for mishandling President Barack Obama’s “you didn’t build that” gaffe last summer.

The former Pennsylvania senator recalled all the business owners who spoke at the Republican National Convention.

“One after another, they talked about the business they had built. But not a single—not a single —factory worker went out there,” Santorum told a few hundred conservative activists at an “after-hours session” of the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington. “Not a single janitor, waitress or person who worked in that company! We didn’t care about them. You know what? They built that company too! And we should have had them on that stage.”

“One after another, they talked about the business they had built. But not a single—not a single —factory worker went out there,” Santorum told a few hundred conservative activists at an “after-hours session” of the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington. “Not a single janitor, waitress or person who worked in that company! We didn’t care about them. You know what? They built that company too! And we should have had them on that stage.”

Santorum did not mention Romney, whom he challenged in the primaries, by name during a 21-minute speech in a dim ballroom at the Marriott (a company on whose board Romney sits). But there was no doubt who he was talking about.

“When all you do is talk to people who are owners, talk to folks who are Type A’s who want to succeed economically, we’re talking to a very small group of people,” he said. “No wonder they don’t think we care about them. No wonder they don’t think we understand them. Folks, if we’re going to win, you just need to think about who you talk to in your life.”

Trying to carve out a role as a leading populist in the 2016 field, Santorum insisted that Republicans must “talk to the folks who are worried about the next paycheck,” not the CEOs. {Read More}

Perhaps Santorum actually understands why the concerns of the "common man" is important for the republican party to understand if it is to survive. Now, if only he would temper his frothiness a bit with respect to his fundie religious proclivities.

Via: Memeorandum

The US Military Finally Destroyed ... J. D. Longstreet

The US Military Finally Destroyed   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The US Military Finally Destroyed
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


It would almost be funny if it were not so serious -- the reports of sexual assaults coming out of the various divisions of the US military today.

I have to ask:  What the heck did they expect???  I mean, of course, the so-called experts who insisted that adding women to combat units within the military and then -- to really set the entire experiment up for failure -- adding homosexuals openly serving in the military to the mix.

A complete blithering, slobbering, idiot could see this coming from a league away. (OK -- a league is THREE miles -- 15,840 feet)

Look.  I'm a veteran.  But today, I am embarrassed to have the Army stickers on my truck! They'll soon come off. I cannot support the organization masquerading today as the US Army. 

Since its founding America has taken great pride in it's military. But no longer.  The pride is lessening as each day passes and Americans become more aware of what has happened to our military, to our soldiers, to our boys.

Consider this from the Daily Beast: " ... male-on-male sexual assault. In the staunchly traditional military culture, it’s an ugly secret, kept hidden by layers of personal shame and official denial. Last year nearly 50,000 male veterans screened positive for “military sexual trauma” at the Department of Veterans Affairs, up from just over 30,000 in 2003. For the victims, the experience is a special kind of hell—a soldier can’t just quit his job to get away from his abusers. But now, as the Pentagon has begun to acknowledge the rampant problem of sexual violence for both genders, men are coming forward in unprecedented numbers, telling their stories and hoping that speaking up will help them, and others, put their lives back together. “We don’t like to think that our men can be victims,” says Kathleen Chard, chief of the posttraumatic-stress unit at the Cincinnati VA. “We don’t want to think that it could happen to us. If a man standing in front of me who is my size, my skill level, who has been raped—what does that mean about me? I can be raped, too.”   SOURCE:  http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/04/03/the-military-s-secret-shame.html

The article in the Daily Beast goes on: "In fact, it is the high victimization rate of female soldiers—women in the armed forces are now more likely to be assaulted by a fellow soldier than killed in combat—that has helped cast light on men assaulting other men. For most of military history, there was neither a system nor language in place to deal with incidents of soldier-on-soldier sexual assault. It wasn’t until 1992 that the Defense Department even acknowledged such incidents as an offense, and initially only female victims were recognized. But last year more than 110 men made confidential reports of sexual assault by other men, nearly three times as many as in 2007.Source:  http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/04/03/the-military-s-secret-shame.html

My friend, Alan Caruba, said in an article published in January of this year:  "In recent times, two Presidents, Clinton—a draft dodger—and Obama have had no military experience to draw upon. Over the objections of their generals, both introduced policies to include and protect homosexuals in the U.S. military services. Now the doors have been opened to permit women to fight beside men. The military is not a place where one conducts social experiments. It’s a place where men go in harm’s way to protect the nation." SOURCE:  http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com/2013/01/destroying-us-military.html

In an article entitled:  "Destroying The U.S. Military From Within," at cnsnews.com,   Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. writes:  "The Obama administration's announcement that it is going to put women in front-line ground combat positions is but the latest example of a deliberate and systematic wrecking operation it has conducted against the armed forces since 2009." - SOURCE: http://cnsnews.com/blog/frank-j-gaffney-jr/destroying-us-military-within#sthash.MfjXHzm3.dpuf

Gaffney goes on:  "It is impossible as a practical matter to provide for separation of the sexes in frontline positions. That guarantees a loss of privacy and greatly increases the chances of pregnancies and harassment that: profoundly affects the personnel immediately involved; causes degrading of their units' warfighting capabilities; and traumatizes their families or, at a minimum, erodes the essential support for uniformed service that those loved ones provide." - SOURCE: http://cnsnews.com/blog/frank-j-gaffney-jr/destroying-us-military-within#sthash.MfjXHzm3.dpuf

Gaffney continues:  "The disastrous effect on the U.S. military of such wholly avoidable wounds is compounded by such other Obama administration-directed measures as:  The imposition of the radical homosexual agenda on an institution that has, until 2010, by culture as well as by law, prohibited openly gay individuals from serving in its ranks." - SOURCE: http://cnsnews.com/blog/frank-j-gaffney-jr/destroying-us-military-within#sthash.MfjXHzm3.dpuf-

Now take all this and add to it the loss of two wars (The War in Iraq and soon the war in Afghanistan)  and there can be no question that the American military is coming undone -- is coming apart.

The loss of moral support by the civilian public at home, alone, will gut the US military of, perhaps, it's greatest source of strength.

Heretofore, young men were encouraged to join the US Military.  It was famously said: "It will make a man of you!"  That can no longer be said, except in jest.  I suspect that "... looking for a few good men." will be dropped as well.

As the deterioration of the US military continues, I believe the US will, in years to come, be better served by an army of mercenaries than by our regular forces. 

It will take a while, but eventually the ranks will be purged of moral, God-fearing troops from the officer corp down through the lowliest Private. Already, they are being told they are not welcome into today's military. 

Consider this:   On September 16, 2010, Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick, Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of personnel matters made a speech regarding the pending repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell". He was reported as saying, "Those serving who oppose the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) agenda are no longer welcome."  SOURCE:  http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/writers/john-mcternan/declaration-of-Gods-holiness.htm

It is not much of a stretch to believe that as God-fearing troops are driven from the military, America will eventually have a military made up of godless, mind-numbed robots of the political left who will, without thinking, carry out the orders given them -- including orders to act against the American civilian population.  America will be left with a military that will have no qualms about acting against the American people.

It should be clear now why our Founding Fathers did not support a standing army for this new country.  Nearly two and a half centuries ago they could see the danger we are about to face with our modern standing army.

I have heard the protestation that the US doesn't need as strong an army as we have had in the past.  We have all the new electronic gadgets, drones, missiles, satellite guided weapons, even computerized artillery to fight our wars.  They go on to say that even the weakest of women can push a button taking out hundreds of the enemy's soldiers at one shot.

That is true, as far as it goes.  But aren't we forgetting that a single EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) artillery shell, or missile, or bomb will instantly throw us back to the time of the American Civil War and have our troops struggling on the battle field, man to man, hand to hand, with nothing but small arms and bayonets, or as sometimes happened during the Civil War, with bare fists, sticks, and clubs.

The danger has always been with the new advanced weapons of war that we would become far too reliant upon them.

I could go on and on with scenario after scenario but the simple truth is this:  We have compromised our military and, by extension, the defense of the country.  And there is no acceptable excuse for it.

We have already begun to pay the price in lost souls, lost lives, lost wars, lost treasure, lost pride, and --- if we aren't very careful -- a lost country.

© J. D. Longstreet

Lawyers: America's fifth column

Lawyers: America's fifth column

Lawyers: America’s fifth column


Lawyers have undermined every institution and tradition that has made America great (ref: Demons of Democracy, 2011 Healthnets). The harm they have inflicted on this country is so egregious that mere words fail to express the full impact. Battalions of social science majors graduate yearly with degrees to nowhere. Many seek the safe harbor of a law school believing the road to success is a mere three years away, without considering the reality around them. Except for a few high end earners in each community, the rest struggle to justify the time they spent earning their degrees. Many seek the comfort and regular pay of government service, here is where they do the most damage. With no special talents in science, economics, health care, military management, religion, environment or sundry other fields they create and enforce draconian regulatory structure that benefits a few at the expense of many. Obamacare, as it has come to be known, was written end to end by lawyers to confound the health system not improve it. Environmental legislation that failed to pass in Congress, no problem for the legal profession, they simply embed the same regulations in treaties bypassing democratic procedures (reference Dick Morris’ book Screwed). From Wall Street to Main Street lawyers not only pump out the laws which continue to reduce freedoms, they are the enforcers. Prosecutors, by the thousands, have been less than honest with their judicial counterparts when presenting cases. Thousands have gone to jail, paid huge finds and in some cases spent an eternity by bars on false evidence. Duke Lacrosse debacle exemplifies the dishonesty embedded into the American prosecutorial system. Guess who manages the SEC, Lawyers. When Bernard Madoff made off with billions he had been under investigation from this fine unit of the government for years. The lawyers and only the lawyers stopped the revelations from surfacing about his activities, they even dropped the investigation. Lawyers are making billions defending illegals, with the taxpayer footing the bill. Every treaty they write gives the other party the benefit at guess whose expense. Perversion is part of their repertoire as they push homosexual marriage on the majority who believe it is a deviant form of existence. From dumb down education to weakening the military the hand of an ignorant lawyer is somewhere in the mix. Federal Government’s top four officials President, Vice President, Secretary of State and Attorney General each have the golden JD, the degree that has taken the best country on the face of the Earth and made us a joke around the World. Some new laws to look forward  to: 1) Owe taxes, you will not be able  obtain a passport, 2) removing the requirement for prescription drugs as exemplified by a 12 year old’s ability to obtain birth control pills over the counter, 3) government mandate to control your thermostat, 4) taxes levied by the number of miles you drive, 5) forced payment of taxes on all winning at casinos, 6) forced government inspections of your homes for “environmental” purposes yearly, 7) abbreviating physician education, 8) a universal code for internet usage so Obama can know all activities you perform in cyberspace, 9) national identification cards for everyone ( remember the Germans asking for “Papers” in Indiana Jones, its coming soon), 10) Government will test each individual and assign you the profession of their choice not yours (see Brave New World by Aldous Huxley). Alarming as these potential laws may sound they are not some pipe dream by this author, they are being floated in different sections of our government to make life more “efficient” for all. Lawyers, lawyers and more lawyers are challenging the very basis of our democracy and they must be reined in. In the Book Demons of Democracy the astounding case is delineated how America has been maneuvered into a type of socialized democracy, a model of which has failed all over the World. My question to the reader is: When will Americans say “enough is enough” and stop the impending catastrophe by these Demons of Democracy. Mark Davis MD author of the latter book that warned America, tyranny is at our doorstep directly caused by the “legal profession.” platomd@gmail.com

Leftists, Nazis and other Tyrants

With our failed education system few Americans today are aware that Democrats are the party of Slavery in our history. In fact the former democrat senator Robert Bird was a Grand Wizard for the KKK. The liberal media tries hard to hide the history of the Democrats and the connection of Leftists and liberalism to tyrants and dictators. Here is some additional info on the leftists and Nazis.


What I love doing early in the morning when I'm in New York is dressing up and taking my guy for a great breakfast, especially in SoHo. Somehow this neighborhood reminds me of Europe and is always a pleasure spending precious time there...

                                                                                     Top: thanks to Joe Fresh/ Here 
                                                                                     Skirt: thanks to Sugarlips/ Here 
                                                                                     Pointed-Toe shoes: Zara/ great option Here 
                                                                                     Bag: Helena and Troy/ Here 
                                                                                     Silver nut cuff bracelet: thanks to Cooee/ Here 
                                                                                     Gold cuff bracelet: vintage