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Obama Free Gov't Phones Given Away In Milwaukee's South Side

Photo: HNG/USA

Two more days left to get your Obama free cell phone!

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 29, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - Wisconsin or Milwaukee County residents have several more days to apply for an free government cell phone provided by Accesswireless dot com or also known as the popular Obama free mobile phone. The mobile Accesswireless staff will be at the 700 block of S. Layton Blvd. in the southside of Milwaukee waiting for those who qualify to apply and get one for free. 
The applicant just needs an ID and a Quest card or information needed to determine eligibility. The Obama phones are now easier to get in Milwaukee. 
Hopefully, the NSA doesn't have access to listening and gather calling and texting information about how low income residents in Wisconsin conduct their lives today?

New York Polka DOwnTown

chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style

chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style
chanel espadrilles 2013, chanel, shoes chanel flats, Costume National bag, polka dots, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, mirrored sunglasses, new york, street style

This past  week was the week of fast and fabulous visits in the big cities that I'm surrounded by: Philadelphia - New York.
Staying casual and comfortable was a priority and this is how I did it. Polka dots shirt, white boyfriend jeans, espadrilles and mirrored accessories for a cool accent. Voila!

                                                                                Shirt: Liz Claiborne/ option Here and Here 
                                                                                Jeans: Zara/ great option Here and Here 
                                                                                Bag: Costume National
                                                                                Espadrilles: Chanel/ craving on these ones Here and Here 
                                                                                Acrylic oil cuff: c/o Cooee/ Here 
                                                                                Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/Here 
                                                                                Ring: vintage/ option Here 

New York City Mayor Bloomberg Draws Fire For Stating the Facts...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
rty -vs- Tyranny

Not really a fan of New York Mayor Bloomberg, but when you're right you're right, political correctness aside of course. Speaking the obvious truth is bound to get ya in hot water. The Mayor did just that recently and sure enough he drew plenty of fire. It is absolutely disgusting what the aspiring to power political class will stoop to.

New York Post - Mayor Bloomberg claimed that people of color should be stopped and frisked more -- not less -- while whites are stopped too frequently.

"I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little. It's exactly the reverse of what they say," Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show, in response to the City Council passing two bills aimed at reining in the controversial policing tactic.

"I don't know where they went to school but they certainly didn't take a math course. Or a logic course.”

The mayor was referring to statistics showing that a majority of serious crimes in the city are carried out by young men of color {emphasis mine).

But candidates vying to replace him wasted no time in denouncing the comments. {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

freshening the foyer - part 2

Previously, on Freshening the Foyer...

We were left with a blank space

and a can of this.

Specifically, Lucky Shamrock by Benjamin Moore. I have a lot of blue in my house and I really do love blue. But I didn't want to become one big blue house. So what goes with blue? What's welcoming and cheery? What would I want to see when I walk in the house everyday? 


And you all know how I like a good lookin' ceiling (like here and here) so I took that paint up north. Happy green ceiling - complete. Now for the walls.

My ultimate dream would be some Anna Spiro wallpaper but for now that isn't in the budget. So I went with this stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils thanks to a Sadie + Stella discount code a while back. (Thanks Lindsay)

And here is where this little spruce up went off the tracks a bit. I got the stencil, I was excited to use it and the walls were painted and ready. The hubs and I skimmed thru the directions (first mistake) and got to work.

And ended up with this. Ruh roh.

How's this for real life DIY? They don't always go so smoothly, am I right? I blame the little dots in the stencil. They threw us off some how. To be honest, I don't know what happened. The whole process went so fast (which I was rather surprised about) we didn't realize it until we stepped back to admire our finished work.

Major let down.

This all happened right before the party, of course, so it was a good lesson in letting things go. There was no time to fix it and I just didn't have the mental fortitude to make it happen.

So this is how it looked for a few weeks. And it drove me bonkers. The stencil is on crack, the mirror doesn't play well with the bench and its hung too high. And the trim still needs to be painted. Calgon, take me away.

Finally I psyched myself up to try this again. I repainted the whole space (thank god it is small) and after playing with the stencil BEFORE painting, revolutionary I know, I figured out what I needed to do.

So learn from my mistakes.

This is not something you can rush thru, even if it may seem straightforward. You will need to do one sheet and step back to check your work. Then place the sheet in the next spot and step back and check your work. Then roll the next sheet and, you guessed it, step back and check your work.

You will want to go over the stencil several times with your roller. Don't. It just makes a mess. And always roll in the one direction. Never back and forth or you will just end up with a big smeared blob.

Play with the amount of paint on your roller a bit before starting. The key is to find the perfect combo of the right amount of paint and the right amount of pressure so you can get the stencil on in one roll.

Much better.

Now all that is left is some styling, finding some sconces and figuring out a solution for the mirror. The round one that was there originally just didn't work.

This mirror is from the family room and I like it's size but I don't like the pine with the bench. But this mirror is from my parents and it is certainly a 'paint it and die' piece.

So my best girl Linda is helping me to scour Craigslist and I've already got a few options. With her mad skills, I bet I'll find something in no time. What kind of mirror would you add?

Look forward to the next installment of Freshening the Foyer to find out how this all ends. Will I get the trim painted? Will I find a mirror? Will I ever clean that floor properly? Too much excitement, I know.

And don't forget Google Reader is donezo on July 1. Have no fear though, you can continue to follow my sparkling personality and quick wit on Bloglovin. Find out how to import your list from Google Reader here.

Happy Day!

U.S. Senate Passed Immigration Bill S. 744 By 68-32 Votes

Historic federal Senate immigration bill S. 744 moves to U.S. House of Representatives for consideration and debate.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 28, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Thursday, anti-immigrant groups felt a blow and a major set back after the U.S. Senate passed S. 744 immigration bill by a bipartisan vote of 68-32. Fourteen Republicans supported the bill. The immigration bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration and debate.
The immigration bill includes sending $30 billion to the southern border to provide tighter security. The bill is moving forward on schedule for a possible final passage in the House by July 4, according immigrant rights groups. 
Some House Republicans say, the bill is dead on arrival. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said, the House is not going to approve what the Senate passed. The immigration bill must be grounded with real border security and have a majority of GOP support to pass.
Boehner said, "The House is not going to take up and vote on whatever the Senate passes. We're going to do our own bill, through regular order, and it'll be legislation that reflects the will of our majority and the will of the American people.  For any legislation – including a conference report – to pass the House, it's going to have to be a bill that has the support of a majority of our members.
"Listen, immigration reform has to be grounded in real border security.  That's what the American people believe, and it's a principle that our majority believes in as well.  Chairman McCaul's done a good job passing a border security bill.  Chairman Goodlatte is doing good work over in the Judiciary Committee. 
"And if immigration reform is going to work, it's essential that the American people have the confidence that it's being done correctly. That's how the House will approach this issue," Boehner stated on Thursday. 
President Barack H. Obama stated, "Today, with a strong bipartisan vote, the United States Senate delivered for the American people, bringing us a critical step closer to fixing our broken immigration system once and for all. 
"I thank Majority Leader Reid, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, and every member of the 'Gang of Eight' for their leadership, and I commend all Senators who worked across party lines to get this done.
"The bipartisan bill that passed today was a compromise.  By definition, nobody got everything they wanted.  Not Democrats.  Not Republicans.  Not me.  But the Senate bill is consistent with the key principles for commonsense reform that I – and many others – have repeatedly laid out. 
"If enacted, the Senate bill would establish the most aggressive border security plan in our history.  It would offer a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are in this country illegally – a pathway that includes passing a background check, learning English, paying taxes and a penalty, and then going to the back of the line behind everyone who's playing by the rules and trying to come here legally.  It would modernize the legal immigration system so that it once again reflects our values as a nation and addresses the urgent needs of our time.  And it would provide a big boost to our recovery, by shrinking our deficits and growing our economy.
"Today, the Senate did its job.  It's now up to the House to do the same. 
"As this process moves forward, I urge everyone who cares about this issue to keep a watchful eye.  Now is the time when opponents will try their hardest to pull this bipartisan effort apart so they can stop commonsense reform from becoming a reality.  We cannot let that happen.  If you're among the clear majority of Americans who support reform – from CEOs to labor leaders, law enforcement to clergy – reach out to your Member of Congress.  Tell them to do the right thing.  Tell them to pass commonsense reform so that our businesses and workers are all playing by the same rules and everyone who's in this country is paying their fair share in taxes.
"We have a unique opportunity to fix our broken system in a way that upholds our traditions as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.  We just need Congress to finish the job," Obama stated.

The Descending Darkness of Obamacare ... J. D. Longstreet

The Descending Darkness of Obamacare   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Descending Darkness of Obamacare
"Waiting for the Stars to Shine Through"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Back in March of 2005, I wrote the following:  “National Health Care is a Socialist dream.  It is also a Conservative’s worst nightmare.”   Americans are about to wake up “to," not “from," that nightmare!

Now, if you really want the government to have control of your life, I mean every facet of your life, then a National Healthcare program is EXACTLY what you want!  If, on the other hand, you want to preserve your freedom, then a national healthcare program is the last thing on this earth you want.

We are, of course, referring to Obamacare, which is now the law of the land.

Look, “womb to tomb healthcare” has so many strings attached that it isn’t worth the hassle , the increase in taxes, and the decrease in the quality of health care that has already begun as a result of the most intrusive government program ever devised by the mind of man.

Already, the damage done to the world’s premier healthcare system has been devastating.  The money saving schemes sold to corporations to reduce that corporation’s expenditure on it’s employees group healthcare programs, of many varieties, has devastated healthcare in the US.

Once, just a few short years ago, the US healthcare system was the envy of the world. No nation on this planet enjoyed the quality of healthcare as did Americans.  That is no longer the case. The US healthcare system has fallen far down the list from the number one position it held a decade, or two, ago.

But, if you happen to suffer from a chronic disease and require frequent medical attention, you already know that.  In my case, I have required 80 some odd hospitalizations since 1965.  Doctor’s office visits for me run about one or more a month or six weeks.  Now, during all those years of experience with doctors and hospitals I have been in an unenviable position, which enabled me to observe the decline of healthcare in this country.

These days hospitals and doctor’s offices run patients through the system at a rate, which approximates that of a downhill bobsled run!

Patients wait in the doctor’s waiting room for an hour to have the privilege of spending 5 or 6  minutes with your doctor.  Does anyone actually expect even the country’s best doctors to be able to accurately diagnose an illness in five minutes? Sure, things like a cold, the flue, etc. But a serious illness is going to be missed.  If the patient insists there is something seriously wrong, then the patient is hit with a battery of tests that cost in the thousands of dollars and yet depend upon the trained eye of the specialist to interpret.  It becomes a circus.

Hospitals are sending patients home “quicker and sicker” than ever before.  In my case the same illness used to require ten days to two weeks of hospital time -- plus 30 days of recovery at home before I could return to work.In the last decade, or so, the same illness requires a hospital stay of three days, four days tops!  What has changed?  The way, in which, the insurance companies pay the hospitals.  These days a hospital is forced to move patients through their system and continuously bring new patients in, and through, the system, at as fast a pace as is possible in order to stay profitable.  Non-profits have to do it to remain open.  It reminds one of the necessity of a shark to maintain forward motion in order to "breathe" and maintain life.

As a result the emphasis, in the American healthcare system today, has shifted from the care of the patient… to the viability of the practice as a business, or the hospital as a business.  The quality of care, for the patient, is nowhere near what it was just 20 years ago.

Now, the dark forces of the American Left have arranged to have the government deliver your healthcare.  That sound you hear is the “death knell” of the American healthcare system.

Back in March of 2005, I wrote the following:

“National Health Insurance” is one of the primary tools used by a government to control her people.  That alone is enough for me to be whole-heartedly against it.

Now, lets get something straight… I believe the health insurance companies, in America, deserve what they get.  They have been, in my opinion, abusing their subscribers for entirely too long.  Rates have risen thru the roof at an undeservedly fast pace.  Sure medical costs have gone up, but not at the percentages your insurance premiums have gone up.  This has to stop.  But National Health Care is a cure worse than the disease.

More government in our lives is more than just a little bit scary.  Once National Healthcare is implemented, and don’t get me wrong, I believe some form will be, your life will be under the control of the administrators of that insurance. 

For Instance, lets say you have an obesity problem.  You have developed a heart problem as a result of the obesity.  You need treatment for your heart. National Health Care says: “OK, we will not pay for the heart treatment until you lose weight”.    Or, they provide all citizens with a chart, approved by the FDA, of the “Approved Foods” all citizens should eat.  They make it clear that if you cannot show proof of having ingested those “approved” foods, on a regular basis, also decided by them, you Health Insurance is no good.  You will not receive treatment.

Or, another example, you may be allowed to have one child only.  It must be a boy. (See China.)  If you choose to have another baby, after the approved ONE, the costs will come out of your pocket.  Get the picture?

Now, this does not take into account the reduced quality of care we will receive from the medical community.  Their hearts will not be it.  After 8 years. or so, in school, to learn their profession -- and they -- will become “salaried government employees”.  Need I say more?

The left is hell-bent on imposing such a system on the citizens of this country.  That is another reason we must refuse them power, ever again, in the Congress.  At least in numbers large enough to affect legislation.

National health care is a socialist's dream.  It is also a Conservative’s worst nightmare. 

We must be on our guard, for some form of national health care is about to raise its ugly head in the nation’s legislature.  It is time for conservatives to exercise their power and stop it in its tracks as we did the “Clinton Care” attempt in the ‘90s.

Lets get it done."SOURCE:  INSIGHT on Freedom:  http://www.insightonfreedom.blogspot.com/2006/11/dark-forces-of-left-insistent-on.html

That was written in March of 2005. Some eighteen months after its publication the democrats had control of the Congress.  Their goal was to bring socialist change to this country. They did that as quickly as they could before the American electorate had recovered from the shock of the election.

Let’s face it.  The America my generation grew up with, a global super power, a nation that could not fail… because it did not believe in failure, a nation that had a vision unlimited even by the sky, is gone.  What we are left with is a defeated, deflated, depressed, democrat socialist country, with its core slowly rotting away. 

Obamacare, the national healthcare system we warned America of, will prove to be the last nail in the coffin of a proud, independent, and free, America.

Those Americans among us, who still value freedom, must continue to fight Obamacare even unto our last breath. We must ignore the laughter, the smirks, the out and out denigration from the left and maintain our drive toward repealing Obamacare.

We have been leaderless in the Congress for a long time now.  Now there appears HOPE on the political horizon!

Thank Providence, a leader SEEMS to be morphing from the ranks of the young conservatives who were sent to Washington to stop the backwards slide and the leftward tilt of the GOP, which had seemed dead set on suicide for many long months.
I hesitate to even mention the name of this human "catalyst" for fear that I will be disappointed once again. But I can tell you this:  He has an Hispanic name, is of Cuban extraction, born in Canada, lives in Texas (Where else?), is a lawyer, and is now a junior Senator, who, for all intents and purposes, is powerless -- and yet -- has the power to strike fear in the hearts of the democrats, the entire left, much of the GOP, liberal republicans, the leftist media, and -- a "slew" of conservatives who fear that he is NOT legally qualified to be a candidate for President of the United States.  

I know it appears hopeless. I continue to remind myself -- from deep inside the moribund democratic cloak of darkness smothering freedom in the USA literally "to death," -- that "It must be dark before one can see the stars."

Well, it sure as heck IS dark!  Is that pinprick of light in our darkness a star we see, or is it the brilliant blase of a penny match at the apex of its short but fiery existence?  The answer is yet to be determined. 

© J. D. Longstreet

Morales Returns As Captain To District 2 Station Where He Began As A Rookie

Milwaukee Police Officer Jesus Gloria and Police District 2 Captain Alfonso Morales


Captain Morales assigned to Milwaukee Police District 2 in the South Side of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 27, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - Last Monday, Alfonso Morales, 42, began his first day as the newly assigned Captian to the Milwaukee Police District 2 Station. Police Chief Edward Flynn officially promoted Morales to Captain on June 23, but his promotion was actually recognized during a police promotion ceremony for all those rank and file that were promoted, including officers on June 21.
In 1993, Morales as a police rookie was first assigned to the Second Police District and served four years. But last Monday after 20 years of service with Milwaukee Police Department, Captain Morales returned as its commander. 
Captain Morales told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that he was elated to return to the Milwaukee Police District 2 Station as its commander. He is currently working to reach out to the community in his district along with Officer Jesus Gloria, a decorated Community Liaison and wants to make a difference by working with the young population as well. Captain Morales confirmed that in the month of June about 17 armed robberies and 17 strong arm robberies were reported, which many of those crimes were committed by juveniles. He plans to deter and minimize those statistics and believes that young people can look for alternative and positive things to do,  once given the opportunity. He is ready for that challenge and is confident he will succeed in lowering violent crime statistics with help of the community.
Morales is bilingual and speaks Spanish very well, which he says is an asset in communicating with the predominantly Hispanic population in his district. Morales is one of 10 siblings and his father is originally from the state of Michoacan.
He went to Milwaukee Trade and Technical High School from 1984 to 1988, in that same year he entered Carroll College and later received a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal justice and Spanish. While attending high school, he met assist. football and baskeball Coach David Borowiscz who encouraged him to pursue a college degree. Morales credits Borowiscz for his success today and he also wants to encourage other teens to succeed as Borowiscz has done for him.
Captain Morales has an impressive and honorable service record in the department. He was an officer from 1993 to 1999, then was promoted to detective from 1999 to 2003 where he served in the homicide division, then became a Lieutenant in 2003, where served  in several assignments that included the homicide division, internal affairs, training academy and the narcotics bureau.
Captain Morales will also be working with a former detective partner, Lt. Timothy Heier at district 2. Another highly recognized and respected supervisor is Lt. Alexander Ramirez. The Milwaukee Police District 2 Station has been making strives in community and police relations by preventing crime. Now with Captain Morales' leadership and experience, the highly staffing of professional police personnel at district 2 will definately contribute in lowering crime statistics and to provide a good working relations with the community it serves and protects.
With Captain Morales at district 2, there will definitely be no communication gap or misunderstanding between police and the predominantly Spanish speaking community, according to Morales. Morales is eager to be working to lower crime in the area, so local businesses can strive in district 2 and provide the much needed jobs for teens and the community. He is planning to encourage hard working parents in the district to be more aware of what their kids are involve in to prevent future problems.  
Captain Morales replaced Captain Rebecca L. Pixley who is now working for an assist. police chief. Captain Pixley was the first woman to head Milwaukee's Police District 2 Station in the South side. Captain Morales is the second Hispanic to command at district 2. Former Captain Eduardo Negron became the first Hispanic to lead district 2.
In May 2002, Morales was also instrumental in stopping a convicted murder felon from escaping during a trial at the Milwaukee Public Safety Building courtroom. Laron Anthony Ball, 20, was fatally shot by then Det. Morales after Ball attempted to escape from the courtroom moments into his convicted verdict. Ball jump from the box and tried to go through a window, but failed. He then jumped a Milwaukee deputy sheriff and while trying to disarm the deputy, the weapon fired shooting the deputy in the left leg. Ball also had bit another deputy. Det. Morales took out his service weapon and killed Ball.
Morales was hailed as a hero for preventing Ball from getting control of the deputy's weapon to shoot his way out and possibly injurying other people in the courtroom during his dramatic attempted escape. Ball had just been convicted for felony murder and several counts of arm robbery charges, according to court records.

Governor Rick Perry Sounding Like "Reverend" Rick Perry...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Governor Rick Perry displaying once again his Fundie judgmental attitude as he essentially trashes his adversary, Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis (D). Whether the Gov realizes it or not his holier than thou attitude gains him more detractors than it does supporters. Well, other than the Fundies that populate the Bible thumping belt. Gov is only a few breaths removed from the fundamentalist Muslims. IMNHO.

Here's the video of Reverend Gov delivering his judgment on Sen. Davis

TPM - Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis (D) responded to Gov. Rick Perry on Thursday, chiding him for using "small words" that tarnished Lone Star state values.

Perry invoked Davis' experience as a teenage mother at the National Right to Life conference in Dallas Thursday, telling attendees that it was "unfortunate" that she "hasn't learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."

"They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view," Davis told the Associated Press Thursday. "Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test."

She also added that his comment was "without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds."

For more on this story go HERE, and HERE.

Via: Memeorandum


Just out. Following is a very interesting article by Jonathan Chait from The New York Times. She makes many valid points and pretty much defines the debate with accuracy. To her credit the article is relatively balanced.

The teaser...

... The immediate liberal reaction is that Perry was "attack[ing] her motives and her experiences," or "dismissing her as an unwed, teen mother." But Perry is not attacking Davis here. Perry is pointing to her life as a success. His comments are tantamount to a liberal arguing that Ted Cruz's family history shows why we need more immigration.

Now, to be sure, Davis would respond that giving birth was her choice, and ought to remain her choice. I agree. But this merely pushes the debate back to irreconcilable moral premises. The abortion debate, at its root, pits differing ideas on the fundamental question of what is a human life. Perry's side thinks that sperm plus egg equals human life. My side thinks the fertilized egg does not approach human status until much later in the process, which means the mother's prerogative supercedes any rights it has.

There's no real resolution to this dispute. Nobody even makes much of an effort to resolve it. Both sides advance arguments that only make sense if you already accept their premise about what a human life is. That's what Perry's doing here. He's saying we should force women to give birth even when they don't want to, because babies born in bad circumstances can be happy anyway. That isn't an acceptable burden to place on women, in my opinion, but it surely is if you think abortion is murder... {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

Russia Is Pulling Out Of Syria

By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

And they are doing it fast.  Very fast.

You know that things are heating up in Syria when longtime ally of Bashar al-Assad's Syria is pulling their troops out of Syria.  Add to that Israel going on high alert, President Obama and his Security Council is not concerned, and one can expect the area to blow up soon.
Shortly after the DEBKA aired a special video on the Syrian war’s widening circle, Moscow announced Wednesday June 26, that the evacuation which had begun Friday of all military and diplomatic personnel from Syria was now complete, including the Russian naval base at Tartus.

“Russia decided to withdraw its personnel because of the risks from the conflict in Syria, as well as the fear of an incident involving the Russian military that could have larger consequences,” said a defense ministry official in Moscow. He stressed that a 16-ship naval task force in the eastern Mediterranean remains on post and arms shipments, including anti-air weapons, would continue to the Syrian government in keeping with former contracts.

In another sign of an impending escalation in Syria, the Israeli Golan brigade staged Wednesday an unannounced war maneuver on the Golan, attended by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and top army chiefs. In London, Prime Minister David Cameron called the government’s National Security Council into session in Downing Street on Syria. Opposition leader Ed Milliband was invited to attend the meeting, a custom observed only when issues of the highest security importance are discussed.

Earlier Wednesday, debkafile carried the following report in its special video presentation under the heading: Putin and Obama cross swords on Syrian. What Next?

The sullen confrontation between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama at the G8 Summit in Northern Ireland last week condemned Syria to five months of escalating, unresolved vicious warfare – that is until the two leaders meet again in September.

For now, tempers are heating up between Washington and Moscow on Syria and other things too, notably the elusive American fugitive Edward Snowden.

Click here if the video doesn't load.

US and Israeli intelligence watchers see the Syrian crisis entering seven ominous phases:

1. The Syrian army plus allies and the fully-mobilized opposition will hurl all their manpower and weapons into winning the city.

Military experts don’t expect the rebels to hold out against Assad’s forces beyond late August.

2. Neither side has enough manpower or game-changing weaponry for winning the war outright.

That is, unless Presidents Obama or Putin steps in to retilt the balance.

3. The US and Russia are poised for more military intervention in the conflict up until a point just short of a military clash on Syrian soil – or elsewhere in the Middle East. US intelligence analysts have judged Putin ready to go all the way on Syria against the US - no holds barred.

The Russian president is meanwhile deliberately goading Washington and raising temperatures by playing hide-and-seek over the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, charged with espionage for stealing and leaking classified intelligence. At home, he is considered variously as a traitor and a brave whistleblower.

For several hours Snowden vanished between Hong Kong and Moscow – until the Russian president admitted he was holed up in the transit area of Moscow airport and would not be extradited by Russia to the United States.

4. Iran, Hizballah and Iraq will likewise ratchet up their battlefield presence.

5. A violent encounter is building up between Middle East Shiites flocking to Syria to save the Assad regime alongside Russia, and the US-backed Sunni-dominated rebel forces.

It could scuttle the secret US-Iranian negotiating track on its nuclear program, which was buoyed up by the election of the pragmatic Hassan Rouhani as President of Iran.

6. The Geneva-2 Conference for a political solution for the Syrian crisis is dead in the water. Moscow and the US are divided by unbridgeable issues of principle, such whether Bashar Assad should stay or go and Iranian representation.

7. So long as the diplomatic remains stuck in the mud, the prospects of a regional war spreading out of the Syrian conflict are rising. Iran, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon may be dragged in at any moment – if they have not already, like Lebanon.

A small mistake by one of the Syrian warring parties in Syria could, for example, touch off Israeli retaliation and a wholesale spillover of violence.

What we are seeing is the product of President Barack Hussein Obama's foreign policy of leading from behind.  Behind truly is.  As we are getting the shaft right up our Ass.

Marco Rubio: more Democrat than Republican

Marco Rubio: more Democrat than Republican

Marco Rubio: more Democrat than Republican


Marco Rubio’s fraudulent immigration bill is nothing more than a series of false assertions that hide the truth of this pending legislation. Rubio has been all over the media with interviews, commercials and ads purporting immigration reform is a moral imperative. On close examination of his words, they are nothing but a series of misrepresentations and outright lies. His claim that illegals will not receive federal entitlements if legalized is a sham. Most entitlements are managed by state political machinery not on the federal level. Presently millions of our friends from south of the border partake in these goodies and that will continue under his immigration disaster. With few exceptions for those with criminal backgrounds, all those illicitly in America are welcome under his plan. Rubio wants to bring his illicit comrades out of the shadows so they will eventually become taxpaying members of this society. The truth is once legalized the Democratic Party will have tens of millions of new voters, guaranteeing the left stays in power for decades to come. Border security was never his or the “Gang of Eight’s” top priority. Instead, Rubio and his collaborators buried the most important element of immigration reform deep in this fraudulent legislative effort, legalizing illegals first then finding solutions for border security later. Rubio has been flooded with negative fanfare concerning his border security stance. His first response was the fines from illegals, on the path to citizenship, would help pay for a secured border. When that crock of nonsense didn’t fly, the Gang of Eight derived a 30 billion dollar scheme to enhance border security. This waste of taxpayer funds comes with one caveat, the Executive Branch will be left in charge of these funds, therefore nothing will change on the border. One lie after the next from this once rising star in the Republican Party. Immigration reform may not be dead. Yet, the scent of this decaying legislative effort has been sensed by tens of millions, who know when they are being scammed. Rubio may intend to run for President. The question is: in which party? Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnet ReviewServices,www.healthnetsreviewservices.com
platomd@gmail.com Twitter.com/americassage. Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Streets of Philadelphia

Did it happened to you to leave the house when there was a beautiful weather outside and right when you got to your destination to start to rain heavily? This is what happened to me when I went to Philadelphia last week. I saw how the rain started and it became stronger and stronger... and I was thinking: this is a summer rain and I'll be completely wet. This is exactly what happened, but at least I was smiling in the rain :)

                                                                                  Top: thanks to KedsHere
                                                                                  Shorts: thanks to KedsHere
                                                                                  Espadrilles: Stella McCartney/ Here and Here
                                                                                  Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ I also love Here
                                                                                  Necklace: Anadna/ option Here and Here 
                                                                                  Leather bracelet: thanks to Poshlocket/ similar Here 
                                                                                  Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren/ option Here 

Obama's New Crisis: Global Warming ... J. D. Longstreet

Obama's New Crisis:  Global Warming   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Obama's New Crisis:  Global Warming
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Ever since Obama's swearing in the US has lurched from one crisis to another, ever off kilter, never quite getting a grasp of the real situation, rushed toward an Obama sponsored answer to a problem that we are not quite sure actually IS a problem to begin with.

This, dear reader, is a methodology as old as con men.
And who can dispute we have a world class con man splendidly hunkered down in the Oval Office of the US government?

For the past four-and-a-half years the whole country has been subject to a good old-fashioned "bum's rush" by Obama and his Progressive/Marxist/Socialist minions. It has been well planned, well orchestrated and well played, for the most part, by the legions of experts at Obama's beck and call.   As a result America has something we call "Obamacare" a form of socialized medicine that has already begun to deconstruct the
world's finest healthcare system in favor of a slide back to the days when doctor's danced around the bedside of the sick waving fathers, blowing smoke, and shaking gourds containing a few loose grains of sand, some dried beans, and an okra seed or two to enhance the, er, music, with which the healing spirits are summoned from that night sky galaxy containing the campfires of the dead.  It's all very "Hollywoodish," but not very effective at healing the sick and/or the wounded.

Currently, even as I write, Obama and his henchmen are ramming a so-called Immigration Reform bill through the Congress.  Most of America is reeling from the  lightening like speed with which the bill is moving.   It is ONLY 1200 pages of new law, yet practically nobody has actually read the accursed thing -- but -- they are going to vote to pass that piece of garbage into law. (At least the Senate is expected to pass immigration reform.  The House of Representatives MAY NOT.)

And already, the initial steps are being set up, and played out just outside the spotlight, to ram through the next big Obama nocturnal emission -- saving the world from Global Warming.

Never mind that there is no such thing as Global Warming.  That doesn't matter, you see. It's just more of the same --  a continuing, all encompassing,  power grab by the "progressive overlords of the USA."         

Just as Obamacare was so carefully designed by its creators to fail, so will be the new war on global warming.  Both are crafty "herding" and "shepherding" machinations intended to drive great masses of Americans into the arms of government for succor.   Obamacare is, of course, intended to eventually become a single payer, one hundred percent, government run healthcare program -- just as soon as the current iteration crashes and burns and the voters demand something to replace it. 

Obama's war of global warming is something else altogether, but it, too, is designed to regulate practically every aspect of your life.  Put the two together -- Obamacare and the WGW (War on Global Warming) and the end result is a people totally dependent upon the government for their day to day existence.  We are describing a dictatorship, here -- a Marxist/Socialist/Communist dictatorship -- where the USA used to reside.

Obama's Ministry of Propaganda, otherwise known as the Mainstream Media, has already taken its cue and  pranced to center stage with a myriad of stories, articles, features, and pubic service announcements assuring us of the imminent end of the world due to man's polluting the globe with his existence upon it.  You can expect this avalanche of global warming propaganda to only become deeper -- and more insistent -- as Obama nears a launching day for his proposed laws to save mankind from himself.

"Not only has our planet stopped warming, but we may be headed toward a vast cooling period."  SOURCE: http://www.policymic.com/articles/3824/a-really-inconvenient-truth-global-warming-is-not-real

Read the next paragraph slowly and digest it carefully:

"New data shows that in fact the Earth has not warmed at all over the last 15 years. In fact, the Daily Mail reports that the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, after taking data from nearly 30,000 stations around the world, have found that the earth stopped warming in 1997. The report suggests we are headed toward a new solar cycle, Cycle 25, which NASA scientists have predicted will be significantly cooler than Cycle 24 which we are in now. This data largely contradicts the accepted theory among the public that carbon dioxide pollution is causing global warming and even proposes that we are actually heading toward global cooling."  SOURCE:  http://www.policymic.com/articles/3824/a-really-inconvenient-truth-global-warming-is-not-real

(We recommend you read the entire article at Policymic.com here:  http://www.policymic.com/articles/3824/a-really-inconvenient-truth-global-warming-is-not-real )

When the big push begins and Obama's troops take to the field to convince Americans that global warming is not only real but WE are the cause of it, we will be exposed to the greatest up-ending of truth ever experienced by man.  That which is truth will become a lie and that which is a lie will become the truth.

Fore warned is fore armed.  We know it is coming. We also know that too much of our legislative branch of the government is weak-kneed enough that they will present no barrier, no impediment, at all, to implementation of Obama's scheme to regulate the freedom of Americans into oblivion. 

Consider this:  "Since 1998, 31,000 scientists have signed a petition agreeing with the fact that there is no scientific evidence or consensus that man-made global warming exists while the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has the support of only 2,500 scientists. Yet, for some reason it is accepted that global warming is scientifically undeniable."  SOURCE:   http://www.policymic.com/articles/3824/a-really-inconvenient-truth-global-warming-is-not-real

Why, do you suppose, so much of the world has bought into the lie that is global warming?  Could it be there's something else going here, I mean -- other than climatology and meteorology?

© J. D. Longstreet

Patriots Cut Hernández From Team After Murder Charge

Aaron Hernández

Hernández was arrested early Wednesday and charged with the homicide of Odin Lloyd, a Boston Bandits semi-pro football player.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 26, 2013

Attelboro, Mass. - On Wednesday, police arrested Aaron Hernández, a New England Patriots player for the homicide of Odin Lloyd, 27, a semi-pro Boston Bandit football player. Hernández was also charged with five counts of weapons charges, one count for possession of a handgun without a license, two counts for carrying a high capacity firearm and two counts for not having a gun FID permit to own high capacity firearms at home.
Judge Daniel J. O'Shea ordered Hernández held without bail. Hernández is scheduled for a haering on July 24. 
The New Orleans Patriots decided shortly after Hernández was arrested and charged to cut him from the team.
Hernández lives with his fiancee and their 8-month-old baby.
Hernández became the focus of a murder investigation after Lloyd's body was found with multiple gunshot wounds in the back and front chest, according to police. 
Police recovered a video surveillance showing Hernández leaving his home with a gun.
On June 14, the victim and Hernández were seen at a local Boston bar where they argued and then left the place. Hernández and two friends on June 17 around 2:30 a.m. picked up Lloyd at his home and it was the last time Lloyd was seen alive. Lloyd was taken to an industrial park about a mile from where Hernàndez lived. 
Police were able to get a text from Hernández cellphone where he text his sister about being with Lloyd at 3:22 a.m. Then investigators say, workers at the industrial park reported gunshots between 3:23 a.m. to 3:27 a.m. to police. Odin's body was found nearby where the shots were fired. 
Police haven't determined who fired the weapon  or who killed Odin, according to the criminal complaint. 
Odin was dating the sister of Hernández's girlfriend.

Four Dead After VxT Facebook Mistakenly Posted La Cucaracha Business Was Associated With Zetas

Days after La Cucaracha business deposit in San Fernando was singled out as a Zeta hangout by Valor por Tamaulipas on Facebook, gunmen went to the business and killed the owner, her dentist son, an employee and a customer.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 26, 2013

San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico - On Wednesday, the administrator of Valor por Tamaulipas (VxT) posted on its Facebook account that Imelda Galván Zárate, the owner of La Cucaracha Deposit Business, her Dentist son Dr. Hugo Gabriel Gonzales Galvan, an employee and a customer were all innocent and were not members or associated with the Zetas as previously alleged on a posted meassage by VxT on June 20. 
A Zeta local leader Goyo Villa Franca used the business to collect quotas, held Zeta meetings and the Zeta's used the business as a hangout because the owner was threatened, forced to look the other way and ignore what was happening, according to VxT.
Last Saturday, La Cucaracha business Deposit was attacked by gunmen after it was exposed by VxT of being a Zeta hangout. The gunmen suspected to be from the Cartel del Golfo (CDG) around 6:30 p.m.went to the business and shot three people including the owner who was killed. Her son was also shot in the attack, including a customer and an employee. They all later died of their injuries. 
VxT had posted on Facebook on June 20 at 9:20 p.m. that a Zeta leader, Z Goyo Villa Franca used La Cucaracha business to hangout, get mail, where people came in to pay extortion quotas and use it as a meeting place for the local Zetas. VxT posted that it was confirmed that La Cucaracha was utilised by Villa Franca after he threaten the owner.
The owner of La Cucaracha was identified as Imelda Galván Zárate, a teacher and her son as Dr. Hugo Gabriel Gonzalez Galván, a local dentist.
The business was owned the Gonzalez Galván family and the former owner was Hugo Sr. who recently passed away and Imelda later took over the business with her son. The family is well respected and has no ties to organized crime, VxT is now posting.
The VxT administrator took responsibility for what occurred at the business after it was posted that La Cucaracha was used as a Zeta hangout and an extortion quota collection business. VxT asked his 240,000 followers, if VxT should continue to expose suspected businesses being operated by organized crime or cartels? 
In this case, four innocent people were killed by gunmen after La Cucaracha business was exposed as a Zeta operation by VxT. But many FB users following VxT who use fictitious names on accounts to protect themselves from retribution by organized crime say, no matter what VxT actually does, innocent people become victims of the cartels and organized crime every day. 
VxT confirmed, that users have a final say whether the FB page continues to expose criminal activities by organized crime.
VxT had previously stopped posting for a week and then came back active, but has become more blunt in exposing businesses, people, social gatherings, crimes, extortions, corruption in all levels of the Mexican government, including Tamaulipas and quinceñeras sponsored by cartels or organized crime.
A few days ago, a video was posted on the Internet by a cartel that depicted a woman being killed for tipping VxT about an incident. On Monday, VxT posted, there was no information of any tip provide by the woman killed after checking and reviewing the VxT inbox. VxT does not recognize or remember the woman killed.
VxT indentified both cities of Tampico as the capital of kidnappings and Victoria for homicides.