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Stripes and Overalls

This look that I wore last week is very appropriate for the upcoming Holiday: stripes, denim overalls and a burst of red is very 4th Of July.
What I loved about this look was the easy transition from the city chic to the perfect casual afternoon just changing the shoes with a pair of espadrilles. Next time I should take some photos with the second pair as well.
NOTE: I always carry a pair of flats in my bag. You never know how much you have to walk sometimes...

                                                                                Denim overalls: Zara/ super great options( blueHere , (whiteHere and (redHere 
                                                                                Top: c/o Joe Fresh Here 
                                                                                Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ another favorite Here 
                                                                                Sandals: Zara/ great option on sale Here 
                                                                                Bracelets: c/o Poshlocket/ option Here 

a break from celebrations to celebrate

Thought I'd take a quick break from my birthday/4th of July vacation week to share some fun news. My bedroom is featured in CNN's Open House series (along with my friends Emily and Bethany).

Now that is a great way to celebrate a birthday!

Check it out and see a lot of great spaces.

Happy holiday weekend y'all!!

Iowa Supreme Court Reconsiders Opinion Of The Nelson v. Knight Case

James M. Knight and Melissa Nelson

The Iowa Supreme Court decided to reconsider the Nelson v. Knight case and will most likely render a different opinion.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 2, 2013

Des Moines, Iowa - The Iowa Supreme Court announced it had vacated the prior ruling and will reconsider its opinion in the case of Melissa Nelson v. James M. Knight in which the justices had ruled that Knight had the right to fire Nelson to prevent a divorce from his wife. Knight, a dentist acted properly when he terminated Nelson, 32, for finding her "irresistibly attractive." The prior appeal ruling had exhausted further appeals after three years of legal challenges against Nelson's unjust termination.
Nelson filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against Knight after he was pressured by his wife to fire her for just being an attractive woman. Knight's wife felt threaten that her marriage would be dissolved after she discovered that her husband had sent text massages to Nelson. Knight confessed to his wife that he indeed found Nelson irresistibly attractive.
Nelson is married and has two children. Neither Knight or Nelson had ever engaged in any extramarital activity between them. He intimately just found her attractive.
The all male Iowa Supreme Court ruling set precedent that any woman can get terminated in the state for just being attractive to preserve the best interests of a marriage. The case drew national criticism for its ruling. 
Especially, the marriage of a male boss who finds his employee attractive even, if they never engaged in any type of advances resulting in an affair, according to the Iowa Supreme Court ruling.

What Puts Some Over the Top?...

What Puts Some Over the Top?...
From the Desk Of:
Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Received this in the inbox at Rational Nation USA this afternoon. It certainly seems to apply to some executives and almost ALL politicians methinks.

A bit crude but entertaining . . . ENJOY!!!

*Mathematics:* This comes from 2 math teachers with a combined total of 70 yrs experience. It has an indisputable mathematical logic. It also made me laugh out loud. This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint. It goes like this:

What makes 100%?

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.

How about achieving 103%?

What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:

If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


+18+11 = 98%


11+14 +15+23+12
+5+4+7+5 = 96%


+4+5 = 100%*


2+21+ 12+12+
19+8+9+20 =103%

And, look how far ass kissing will take you.

1+19+19+11+9+ 19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while “Hard-work” and
“Knowledge” will get you close, and “Attitude” will get you there.
It's the “Bullshit” and “Ass Kissing” that will put you over the top.

Now you know why some people are where they are!

Kirsten Powers Speaks Out, and Powerfully on Reasonable Abortion Law...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Kirsten Powers is a woman of the left. Yet there has always been something about her that I knew set her apart from the pack. It's called COMMON SENSE Kirsten recently reaffirmed my belief in her ability to reason clearly.

THE DAILY BEAST - It’s amazing what is considered heroism these days.

A Texas legislator and her pink sneakers have been lionized for an eleventh-hour filibuster against a bill that would have made it illegal for mothers to abort babies past 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in the case of severe fetal abnormalities or to protect the life or health of the mother.

But the fight is not over. The bill will be reintroduced, and supporters of the ban are optimistic it will pass. For now, Wendy Davis has achieved the dubious victory of maintaining a very dark status quo. Texas women will still be able to abort a healthy baby up to the 26th week of pregnancy for any reason, as the current law allows.

According to the Parents Connect website, if you are in the 25th week of your pregnancy, “Get ready for pat-a-cake! Baby’s hands are now fully developed and he spends most of his awake time groping around in the darkness of your uterus. Brain and nerve endings are developed enough now so that your baby can feel the sensation of touch.” Let’s be clear: Davis has been called a hero for trying to block a bill that would make aborting this baby illegal.

In addition to the limit on late-term abortions, the Texas legislature sought to pass regulations on abortion clinics similar to what was passed in Pennsylvania in 2011 after the Gosnell horror. The New York Times warned that the Texas bill “could lead to the closing of most of Texas’s 42 abortion clinics.” That sounds familiar. In 2011, the Pennsylvania ACLU claimed a post-Gosnell bill “would effectively close most and maybe all of the independent abortion clinics in Pennsylvania.” Last month, a Pennsylvania news site reported that “several” abortion clinics have closed, which isn’t quite the Armageddon the abortion-rights movement predicted.

So no, I don’t stand with Wendy. Nor do most women, as it turns out. According to a June National Journal poll, 50 percent of women support, and 43 percent oppose, a ban on abortion after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape and incest.

One can assume I am also not the only woman in America who is really tiring of the Wendys of the world claiming to represent “women’s rights” in their quest to mainstream a medical procedure—elective late-term abortion—that most of the civilized world finds barbaric and abhorrent. {Read More}

Kirsten Powers is a liberal democrat on the right side of the abortion debate. She, like the majority of American women understand the issues clearly. With women like Kirsten speaking out is there any doubt but what reason and common sense will ultimately prevail?

Kirsten, you go girl...

The Obama “War on Coal” is a disgusting government over-reach

The Obama “War on Coal” is a disgusting government over-reach

President Barack Obama continues working to destroy the coal industry, most recently by changing carbon emission standards in such a way that a) coal-fired power plants will be heavily affected, b) encourages plant owners to convert to natural gas, and c) will discourage the construction of coal-fired plants overseas.

Rather than work to solve the very real problems of the nation – like unemployment, the economy, his scandal-ridden administration and the troubles on the international scene – he chooses to fight a war on coal through agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, which impose extreme regulations and severe penalties on the industry.

Federal agencies routinely put regulations in effect without regard for the chaos and harm they will cause. Coal mining and related job losses and other financial repercussions just don't matter to the president and the bureaucrats. To them, the jobs of tens of thousands of Americans and the economies of 27 states are far less important than their narrow ideological goals.

These agencies criminalize behavior through regulations and impose fines or jail time as if those regulations were law. But according to Article I of the U.S. Constitution, only Congress can make law.

These agencies create regulations and penalties because Congress repeatedly fails to determine how measures it passes should be implemented, and allows or directs the Executive branch to decide how to do that. But the Constitution does not provide the Legislative branch the authority to transfer its law-making obligation to Executive branch agencies.

The Founders deliberately set up a tripartite government with specific and limited roles for each of the branches and a system of checks and balances specifically to prevent any of the three branches from assuming too much power, all based upon the concept of a limited government with few and specific responsibilities.

Briefly summarized, the Legislative branch makes laws, the Executive branch administers and enforces laws, and the Judicial branch rules on questions of law and operates the court system.

By abdicating its duty to complete the lawmaking process, and leaving part of that function to the Executive branch, the Congress has failed in its fundamental duty, which is a basic tenet of the Constitution, and it abets the Executive branch in developing its evolving tyrannical persona.

Since the nation's law-making authority resides with the Legislative branch, the rules and penalties federal agencies wield so freely and often arbitrarily are void of any true authority. It is time, therefore, for the people and the states to stand up and say, like Howard Beale in "Network": "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

The federal government collectively does not have the authority to target a given industry for destruction, and the Executive branch darned sure doesn't have that authority all by itself.

If any one or more of the 27 states that mine coal want to mine continue doing so, they need to do it as responsibly as is possible and feasible, and tell the federal government officially and formally to buzz off. The time-honored mechanism for restraining an over-reaching federal leviathan is known as "nullification."

The United States seems to be infected by a philosophy like that expressed by entertainer Britney Spears, whose inferior talent actually looks good compared to her abysmal thinking: "I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens."

Fortunately, Ms. Spears' naive reasoning was not shared by Thomas Jefferson, who had a better idea and suggested that rather than just sit back and allow a president or Congress or judges to arbitrarily alter the meaning of the Constitution, we must make only those changes that have popular consent and do so through the amendment process, which the Founders sensibly included in the Constitution.

Not all amendments have been good ones, of course, as evidenced by numbers 16, 17, and 18 (which was repealed), but that process is far superior to what we have done and are doing to the first 10 amendments the other way.

It is indeed sad to observe the embarrassing and shameful lack of knowledge and understanding of the founding principles of our country and how legions of Americans who don't know or understand them threaten our very survival as a free nation.

But as bad as that is, it is far worse when our elected officials, who took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the United States Constitution, share in this ignorance. Or worse, if they ignore their oath in favor of not preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution in order to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" to meet some foreign ideological vision.

Just how many of our 535 elected representatives in Congress and the hundreds of thousands of other federal employees – including the president and his cabinet – really understand the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution, is unknown. But watching Mr. Obama's behavior and the behavior of the rest of the government suggests that number is horrifyingly small.

Ignorance is bliss, they say. But not in our government.

What IS Truth? ... J. D. Longstreet

What IS Truth?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
What IS Truth?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


There seem to be two events based on the Zimmerman trial unfolding simultaneously.  One:  The judicial system's trial of George Zimmerman -- and two: The media's public lynching of George Zimmerman.

Unless the prosecution pulls a surprise from the woodwork, I am beginning to wonder how the heck they even got this case before a judge.

I am compelled to ask myself if this whole trial of Zimmerman is nothing more than a "sop" thrown to the black community -- a concession, if you will,  given to mollify or placate them in the hope that they won't riot.

It could also explain the state  "over-charging" Mr. Zimmerman.  By over-charging, I mean charging him with an offense worse than the circumstances of the case would seem to dictate. 

Why second degree murder rather than manslaughter?  There's no question the hike in the difficulty of securing a conviction for second degree murder makes a finding of "not guilty" far more likely.    

The Zimmerman trial is destined to join the ranks of the cases tried in the media. There have been many cases in the annals of the  judicial history of the United States openly tried in the media.  This, then, is one more.  

From the liberal use of the words "murder" and "murderer," by the MsM, you'd think Zimmerman had already been tried and convicted of murder.  He has not ... at least not by a jury in a court of law.  One cannot say the same thing for the court presided over by the MsM, however.

I'm not an attorney.  But as a law enforcement officer, many decades ago, I spent a lot of time in courtrooms ... in the witness box and in the gallery ... just listening and observing.  I am hardly ever surprised at what witnesses say in response to questions from attorneys -- especially when the phrase; "Please describe, in your own words, what happened on the night in question."  That's when the "pucker-factor" within the courtroom community increases exponentially. 

Then there are some witnesses who appear for one side yet, in the end, actually assist the opposing side's case. 

That being said, I must tell you it appears to this layman that the prosecution is the best defense Mr. Zimmerman has! 

Look.  The plain truth is -- we will probably never know exactly what transpired the night of the confrontation between Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Martin.  Sadly, the truth of such events almost never sees the light of day -- and -- if and when it does,  it is oft times dismissed as fantasy, the product of an overactive imagination, or out-right lies. Too often, I have to remind myself, trials are not so much about finding the truth as they are about getting the accused found not guilty.

In an age of instant communications anywhere on the face of the globe, almost zero privacy, where everything is known about everyone,  you'd think the truth would be easily found and/or discerned.  Not so!  In fact, along with our digital revolution came the ability to create and/or destroy entire personalities.  We can create a "fact" or a "truth" and -- on a whim -- destroy it completely. 

We even have a name for this electronic mischief.  We call it:  "computer generated."  As a result far from being more trustful of the "truth" we tend to be far more suspicious of that which is presented as "truth."

Pontius Pilate, as he completed his inquisition of Jesus, said sneeringly: "What IS truth?"  I submit to you that ole Pontius would REALLY be confused today!

Truth be told, (no pun intended) the result of the Zimmerman trial will change few people's personal evaluation of what they think happened that night.  Minds were made up long ago.

How people comport themselves after the trial, especially if Mr. Zimmerman is found not guilty, will speak volumes about how well  America's so-called "multicultural society" is working out for Americans.

So far as that goes, as a white man now in his eighth decade of life, I can, from experience, report that race relations are not much, if any, better than they were when I was a lad.  Some, yes.  But not a great deal.  

The difference is (I believe) -- we have learned to create facades much better now than we could then. To do that, we have had to learn to distance ourselves from the truth and quench our collective conscience.  As a result, we have produced at least one generation of psychopaths.  

Multiculturalism is unworkable for a society that is expecting to grow and thrive.
  Even God, Himself, seems to have had problems with it.  I refer you to the story of the "Tower of Babel" in the Bible at: Genesis 11: 1 - 9.

You would think the event between Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Martin was a black and white racial issue.  I remind you -- no white person was involved.  When the MsM was un-ceremonially reminded of this fact, they suddenly invented a new race: a WHITE Hispanic.  Rather than change their "narrative" -- they changed the facts.  That should tell you everything you need to know about the motive of the MsM.

Something tells me this trial is not going to go the way most expect.  

Dr. Sam Sheppard  once said:  "I therefore believe that our system does not have a word for failed trial, and that is where the American public does not realize that our criminal justice system sometimes makes mistakes."  (Samuel Holmes Sheppard was an American osteopathic physician who was found guilty and later absolved in the murder of his wife.  There was a movie and a TV series said to have been based on the Sheppard case -- "The Fugitive."  Perhaps you've heard of them.)

© J. D. Longstreet

Fire And Police Commission Mayoral Appointee Cabrera Met With Diverse Members of The Community

Marisabel Cabrera


A fair Spanish translation pay for bilingual officers, police confronting mental disabled victims, residency requirement removed, lack of proportionate rank and file promotions for Hispanic and Afro-Americans to their communities, since Chief Flynn was hired were some of the issues discussed at a south side meeting with Cabrera, a mayoral appointee to the Fire and Police Commission.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 1, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, a diverse group of Milwaukee community members met with Marisabel Cabrera, a mayoral appointee to the Fire and Police Commission. Some of the issues discussed were hourly pay for bilingual police officers who are paid $1 per hour compared to a contracted translation firm that is paid $25 per hour, police confrontations with mentally ill victims, disproportionate promotions of Hispanic and Afro-American police officers to their community populations, since Milwaukee Police Ed Flynn was hired.
Community members and State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milw.) want the Fire and Police Commission to push for more training of officers to handle mentally ill people when called to domestic and other calls. There is currently one bilingual Hispanic officer that is trained to handle situations where a mentally disabled person happens to be the subject of a domestic emergency call. Some members of the crisis intervention team (SWAT) are trained to handle situations involving cognitive disabled persons in crisis. There been multiple police related shooting deaths in the Afro-American community where police fatally shot someone with a mental illness instead of using other alternatives less deadly.
Mike Tobin, the executive director of the Fire and Police Commission said, the bilingual pay for officers is a union contract issue and a city contract agreement with a translation services company. Whether the Latino Peace Officers Association will continue to lobby for officers to get fair pay for providing translation services as other police departments in the country do is a another issue.
Cabrera, an immigration attorney, a Board member for the Council for the Spanish Speaking, also a member of Voces de la Frontera and American Immigration Lawyers Association met with community members at the St. Anthony Keyser Hall, 1730 S. 9th St., which the public meeting was moderated by Alderman José Pérez from the 12th District. 
Cabrera says, the community concerns and issues addressed at the meeting "will not be forgotten,"  especially if she gets confirm by the Milwaukee Common Council as Police and Fire Commissioner. But, she would first have to be approved as a commissioner by the Common Council Public Safety Committee.
Cabrera would fill one of three positions open in the commission, if approved. 

Bondmageddon Thoughts

Click to enlarge.


Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate

Some Interesting Info... Not Surprising

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

America is indeed changing. More accepting and tolerant. For certain the nation has a long way to go before bigotry and prejudice is finally eradicated for good. But the movement is encouraging and no amount of religious right influence or  latent racial prejudice will stop the trajectory.

Some interesting snippets of the changing times.
USA TODAY -...  Last year was the first time a majority of Americans had backed gay marriage.

The only major demographic groups in which a majority oppose same-sex marriage are Republicans (68%) and seniors 65 and older (51%). Even in the South, which continues to be the only region that doesn't show majority support for gay marriage, opposition has slipped below 50%.

• By a narrower margin, 48%-43%, those surveyed favor the Supreme Court's decision declaring unconstitutional part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which barred the federal government from providing benefits to same-sex spouses. Views on the issue are intense. Those who feel strongly about the issue split 29%-29% in favor and against the ruling.

• By 53%-37%, Americans say affirmative action programs are still needed to counteract the effects of discrimination against minorities. That reflects a rebound in support after the court's ruling. In an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll taken a few weeks before the court's decision, the nation split 45%-45% over whether such programs were needed or had gone too far.

In a case involving the University of Texas, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action programs in college admissions were permissible but set a tough legal standard the programs have to meet.

• By 49%-40%, those surveyed oppose the decision by the court to strike down the provision in the Voting Rights Act that required some states, mostly in the South, to get federal approval to change election laws. Two-thirds of African Americans oppose the decision.

The country divides 43%-44% in approval-disapproval over the way the Supreme Court is doing its job. That's the lowest level of approval in eight years and nearly 20 percentage points lower than it was as recently as 2001...  {Full Report Here}

The only thing that is inevitable is change.  Best to accept change and work to make things better. Without giving up the many good things that have always been America. 

Via: Memeorandum

As We Keep Doing the Same Things and Expecting Different Results...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

This individual has enjoyed his four plus years spent political blogging. It has been my pleasure to encounter some very intelligent individuals from the conservative libertarian side as well as from the liberal progressive side. Of course the downside has been there are are in fact some really dumb individuals on both sides. Individuals that lack the ability as well as the desire to even consider that there may be a different and possibly better way of looking at and approaching issues. I'm sure you all know somebody like that.

For me the journey has been informative and instructional. All of us develop our values, principles, and aspirations based in large share on our early life experience. For those with active and inquiring minds I'm fairy certain you understand. For those who prefer the known and avoid the temporary mind chaos of considering and sorting out new ideas and concepts, well turn in to Fox News or MSNBC.

After 61 years of a rather eventful (and stressful) life it simply astounds me that given all the changes in technology, the increased knowledge we have gained (especially in science), and the opportunities for economic growth and expansion that we have remained relatively stuck in the status qua. I suppose that is because humans my their nature prefer the known over the unknown.

So, we keep clinging to the data points we learned as children and young adults. Believing that doing so preserves our comfort zone and thereby our emotional and mental security. This phenomenon is not specific to just conservatives, it in fact extends to liberals. Regardless of political ideology, proclivities, or indoctrination people being people respond to what they know positively. Being open to different concepts and possible ways of doing things is, well, frightening for many. Perhaps most.

It has been said that the definition of insanity is to repeatedly do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

America has sadly arrived at that low point.

To crib Forest Gump... " And that's all I have to say about that."

America's History - The Preambles

America's History - The Preambles
Often overlooked the Preambles are critical components of our nations founding writings. This video highlights both the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States. It also expresses a fundamental concern over the state of our nation and flies our Old Glory in a respectful sign of distress.

BEACH odyssey

A long waited beach day finally happened last week and I couldn't enjoy more the endless blue view, fresh fruits and plenty of sun...
P.S. I took some sun home with me and possible I go for more these days :) Follow me on Instagram HERE for more #Colorful-Insta-Moments

                                                                                    Kimono: Zara/ option Here and Here  
                                                                                    Shorts: Divided (DIY) / option Here 
                                                                                    Espadrilles: Stella McCartney Here 
                                                                                    Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/ Here 
                                                                                    Hat: from T. J.MAXX/option Here and Here 

Conservatives Forward! ... J. D. Longstreet

Conservatives Forward!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Conservatives Forward!
J. D. Longstreet

Sometime ago, a friend asked me what I thought President Ronald Reagan would think of Obama.

It only took a moment to answer. "He'd laugh," I said. Then I added: "A real side-splitter!" It was an honest answer and one I believe is true.

I think Ronald Reagan, if he were to suddenly re-appear upon this earth for a brief visit and be told that Obama was President, would, indeed, break up in near uncontrollable laughter.

Reagan would think someone was playing a practical joke on him. He would just KNOW Americans had better sense! I can hear Ronnie saying, "Why, he's just a, uh, child! A grown man, yes. But, still a naive child. A narcissistic child, at that!" Then, he'd laugh again, enjoying the joke, still unconvinced that Americans could do that to themselves and their country.

After Reagan had watched a few videos of Obama's speeches, the smile would slowly drain from Reagan's face as he scanned the adoring, worshipful, faces of the crowd while some fainted in their passion for the boy/man "messiah" and I can hear the crestfallen President say in a voice grown husky in bitter remembrance: "I've seen those faces before.... in Berlin in the 1930's."

Then, Ronald Reagan would weep.

A friend sent me the piece below a few days ago. I have no idea who put it together, but I'd like to thank them.

As America continues her decline and collapse, under the heavy hand of socialism, Americans are going to need memories of the America we used to know to hold on to, to sustain us, until we can rescue our beloved America from the clutches of the power-hungry, left-wing elite currently strangling the life out of her.

As you read the "Reagan Gems" below and remember the America of greatness, the America that once led the world, challenge yourself to do all in your power to keep those memories alive. And prepare. As Thomas Jefferson said: “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."

I have often thought that democracy is quite likely the greatest gamble a nation can take. For there is no guarantee "The People" will not vote in a tyrant as their leader. When that happens, as it sometimes does, (See: Middle Eastern Arab Spring) then, it is up to the same people to prepare for the tyrants reign -- and -- the tyrant's removal.

British author Aldous Huxley once said: "So long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons, the Caesars and Napoleons will arise to make them miserable." That was the danger some of us on the right tried so dutifully to warn America of during the last presidential campaign.

Thomas Jefferson once said: "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."

I ask you to look objectively at our government today and ask yourself if you are truly comfortable with that much power in the hands of THOSE people. If you find you are comfortable, then, dear reader, you need to wake up and begin paying attention!

Now we have the yoke of socialism chained across our shoulders and around our necks. We Americans, yes, WE placed it there. Soon we will be completely dependent upon the government for our very existence. To my fellow Americans I say, that is NOT living FREE! That is SLAVERY!

To see what a REAL President says, and means, and believes... read the "Reagan Gems" below:

'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.'- Ronald Reagan

'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan

'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so'- Ronald Reagan

'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.' - Ronald Reagan

'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.'- Ronald Reagan

'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.'- Ronald Reagan

'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.'- Ronald Reagan

'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.'- Ronald Reagan

'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.'- Ronald Reagan

'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.' Ronald Reagan

'Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.'- Ronald Reagan

'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.'- Ronald Reagan

'If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.'- Ronald Reagan


Reagan is gone and there will never be another.
I am reminded of the expression:  “Leaders, like eagles, do not flock.  You find them one at a time.”  On could add, I suppose, that leaders come few and far between, too.

I think Reagan would be disappointed in the  conservative movement in America today,  as well. The conservative movement in America is currently leaderless – and it is hurting badly. 
One thing that has become crystal clear, however, during this aimless period (at least to this scribe) is that the conservative movement no longer belongs in the Republican Party. 

In recent years the GOP has been moving ever leftward and, dear reader, conservatives should have no truck with leftists – even leftists in the Republican Party.

Let’s face it.  We conservatives have never been completely welcome in the GOP. We’ve been tolerated and treated like the storied red-headed stepchild.

Methinks America needs a conservative political party which will be THE Conservative Party. 

Oh, there are conservative political parties dotting the political landscape in America -- and none of them very effective. Bring those conservatives all together under a single banner and their energy, zeal, enthusiasm, and will to win would be darn near unstoppable.  But splintered, as we are, we are easy targets for the left, which gives no quarter to their adversaries.

One week after the last election, in November of 2012, after having been a republican for nearly fifty years, I changed my registration to Independent (“Unaffiliated” in North Carolina).   I had come to believe that the GOP no longer represented my political belief nor my core values.  I was, and I am, a conservative first. I have never looked back.

There is no “good time” to found a political party.  An election is always “just around the corner.” Having said that … it seems to me that now, RIGHT NOW, is as good a time as any, possibly the best time we’re going to get, to lay the foundation for a conservative party, THE party of record for conservatives. 

I am convinced that if conservatives are to ever again have meaningful influence on the national politics of America; we are going to have to do it marching under our own colors. 
We conservatives need to disassociate ourselves from a political party that has adopted so much of the left’s agenda that, at times, the difference is indiscernible.

We find ourselves at one of those proverbial crossroads that all living persons, all organizations, and all movements approach from time to time in their life spans. Everything changes (or not) depending upon the direction of travel we choose from this point forward.

Our nation has sunk so far, so fast, that many of us are reeling from the destructive momentum.  The national morality has tanked. The very word “America” has become as a noxious odor in the nostrils of God.  It is truly frightening to recall that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for far lesser infractions than those of which America is guilty today.

I am convinced that if America is to be saved, IF American CAN be saved, the conservatives of this nation MUST be in the vanguard of the liberating force.  We can’t do that from the back benches of the Republican Party.

© J. D. Longstreet

Imagine Dragons Drew Capacity Crowds At Summerfest 2013

Photo of crowd from YouTube

Thousands of Summerfest attendees added to the overcrowding conditions during the Imagine Dragons performance at the Miller stage. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 30, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, the Summerfest grounds reached overcapacity with overwhelming crowds during the Imagine Dragons gig that drew over 10,000 fans to the stage area. Officials had to stop selling tickets at the gates, then the crowds outside made their way inside Summerfest for free without getting checked, according Facebook users.
Festivalgoers reported the largest drunk crowds in Summerfest history. People had to wait between 1 1/2 to over two hours to buy an admittance ticket into Summerfest. 
Others posted in Facebook, their first hand accounts of having difficulty moving from stage to stage, which some wrote they were stepped on, pushed, elbowed disrespectful drunks. While others pished their way to the front of the stages in order to move from the overcrowed areas.
After closing, the crowd movement was even more chaotic then expected, which people had to push their way out of Summerfest. Most festivalgoers who took a shuttle or bus to Summerfest had to wait between 30-45 minutes for them.
Summerfest 2013 will go down in history for the largest capacity crowds in one day. Officials at Summerfest haven't relased the attendance totals for Saturday yet.
Some festivalgoers also posted their accounts of what happened at Summerfest on the Today's TMJ 4 Facebook page. Sarah Olsen posted, "No one was carding for alcohol. Went at 6 and the miller oasis was already packed. Had to leave. Tons of drunk kids underage, no parental supervision. Kids under 18 shouldn't be let in without an adult. Left around 10pm, crowds outside gates were large and unruly, practically no security checks. I love summerfest but this was insane."
Kat Bubash posted, "Miller was horrific..some punk tried getting in a fight with me because I was "touching" him..ridiculous...ive never seen it that bad."
Lisa Girmschid posted, "Update: my teen is safe at home. Said she didn't have to pay to get in, because while she was standing in line they announced they weren't selling any more tickets. So the crowd just stormed the gates and everyone was allowed in for free. I asked my teen if she would have changed her mind about going if she knew it would be that bad. There was a very long pause before she responded....lol."

Casa Mexico -USA To Open Satelite Office In Milwaukee To Help Mexican Nationals Get Their Official Birth Certificates

Alfonso Morales

Chicago base Casa Mexico-USA to open a Casa Mexico-USA - Milwaukee, a consulting service at Las Reynas Bakery and Ice Cream in the Milwaukee's south side.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 29, 2013

Milwaukee,  WI - A recent agreement between the Binational Institute of Human Development (BIHD), a nonprofit organization from Chicago who operates Casa Mexico-USA (CMUSA) with three Wisconsin business owners, Roberto Franco, Alejandro Mazatl Franco and Alfonso Morales will soon open an official satellite office to be called Casa Mexico-USA-Milwaukee (CMUSAM), a Milwaukee consulting service operation by July. Morales, spokesman for the Wisconsin busness group confirmed that by this Sunday, June 30, Mexican nationals can visit Las Reynas Bakery and Ice Cream, 1238 S. Cesar Chavez Dr. in Milwaukee where the CMUSAM will begin to operate before the official grand opening on July 20. Mexican nationals can now easily filed through CMUSAM for a request of their official civil registered copies of birth certificates, marriage licenses, divorce and death certificates from Mexico, which have been difficult to acquire from the U.S. Other services by CMUSAM will include is a consulting service in assessing which documents are needed to be filed with the consulate to get other legal documents and help small business growth and development.
Morales says, having a consulting service like Chicago's CMUSA in Milwaukee, it will greatly provide the much needed services for filing civil and legal documents request in Mexico.

Zimmerman case: a mock trial in a kangaroo court

Zimmerman case: a mock trial in a kangaroo court

Zimmerman case: a mock trial in a Kangaroo court


George Zimmerman’s mock trial continues in a kangaroo courtroom within the boundaries of Sanford Florida. Prosecution witnesses are making the case for Zimmerman’s attorneys, who are picking them apart one by one. Plaintiff witnesses appear unprepared, ill-informed to subject matters under discussion and deceptive on cross examination. Prosecutors have a mountain of exculpatory evidence, which displays Zimmerman’s innocence. Yet an orchestrated rush to judgment by media moguls and an out of control Department of Justice caused this mock trial to go forward. Trayvon Martin’s death is a tragedy no doubt, but the fraudulent substance of this case should never have seen the inside of a courtroom. Trayvon Martin’s parents have profited handsomely from this egregious event, receiving a multiple million dollar settlement from the community where he died. Neither guilt nor innocence were on the minds of community leaders when they forked out the money. Instead, reprisal in some format was their greatest fear.  Martin’s parents continue their travels to receive support, while the case is still hot.                 


Race has been the central core of this prosecution. Plaintiff’s attorneys have stumbled in their attempts to flood the jury’s ears with any element of race they could bring to bear in this case. The ugliness of the prosecutions overreach to find an innocent man guilty goes to a deeper issue, plaintiff attorneys manufactured a racial issue to move this case forward, enabled by the media. In the event the prosecution had one ounce of honesty within its legal team they would have stated Zimmerman’s lack of knowledge of Trayvon’s race. As a reminder this horrific event occurred in the early evening hours of the 26th of February 2012. Darkness was encroaching the area involved, accompanied by rain. George Zimmerman initiated his ill-fated follow of Trayvon without any preconceived notion of his race. Crime in the community was on an upswing and neighborhood watch groups were attempting to get a handle on the problem. In Zimmerman’s mind Trayvon appeared suspicious and he followed him. The rest is history. The Department of Justice forced a case based on race down Florida’s proverbial throat. In essence, the Justice Department and Eric Holder are on Trial.  With their win at all costs attitude Zimmerman’s innocence is secondary. Accusing Zimmerman of a racial hate crime, when all the facts point in another direction, displays a Department of Justice that has no sense of righteousness or morality. When George Zimmerman wins this case and he will, Holder should be forced to relinquish his position. Unfortunately, Holder has immunity from prosecution, yet he deserves the same legal wrath he brought to bear on Zimmerman. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com, platomd@gmail.comtwitter.com/americassage, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. In the event you would care to debate this issue or others, join us in the group, Government in Transition, on LinkedIn.