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Governor Christie and the George Washington Bridge Lane Closing Scandal Pt. 2...

Governor Christie and the George Washington Bridge Lane Closing Scandal Pt. 2...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Polls are merely a snapshot in time indicating the public's perception relative to something which concerns, or ought to concern the public. A recent NBC News/Marist poll shows 70% of Americans have not changed their opinion of the New Jersey Governor and 44% believe the governor is telling the truth. What is telling is that by far more view Governor Christie as a strong leader rather than a bully some are attempting to make him out to be.

Equally as interesting is the 20126 potential republican presidential candidate has lost grounf since news that a Christie administration staffer(s) was involved in the George Washington Bridge four day lane closings in September 2013. Governor Cgristie is now trailing Hillary Rodam Clinton by 13%.

Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, explains that, overall, this is good news for Christie.

“The numbers suggest it’s far from politically fatal for him,” he says of the scandal, adding: “This is a developing story, so the extent of the damage down the road is an open proposition.”

But the down side for Christie, according to Miringoff: Americans “are getting to know to him, and that’s maybe not the best way to introduce himself to a national audience.”

The poll – conducted Jan. 12-14 – comes after released emails showing that a top Christie aide, as well as his Port Authority appointees, conspired to close local-access lanes to the busy George Washington Bridge as retribution against the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, N.J.

“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” Christie Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly emailed Christie Port Authority aide David Wildstein back in Aug. 2013, just weeks before the lane closures.

“Got it,” Wildstein replied.

In a subsequent news conference last Thursday, Christie announced that he had fired Kelly, but also said that he had no knowledge of or role in the lane closings.

Read the full poll here and the complete NBC News article below the fold.

It would make sense, at least IMNHO, to let the investigation conlude so we have a completer accounting before making or passing judgement. The video knda sorta shows that isn't happening.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Via: Memeorandum

As the Liberal/Progressive Media and Blogosphere Attempt To Destroy Governor Chris Christie...

As the Liberal/Progressive Media and Blogosphere Attempt To Destroy Governor Chris Christie...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

As the liberal/progressive media and bloggers attempt to trash Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey over the George Washington Bridge lane closings, ostensibly because he is a formidable threat to their darling would be 2016 democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, there remains NO EVIDENCE he had any involvement or was aware of the actions by his underlings. If Governor Christie indeed had no involvement in the closings, and at this point is is prudent to assume he didn't, the valid question is... should he have known? If we believe an executive sets the tone and culture for his administration then indeed the actions of his loyal staff at least become somewhat understandable. Wrong, but understandable.

From NorthJersey.com

Nothing in the approximately 2,000 documents released on Friday by the Assembly committee investigating the matter suggest that Christie knew of the lane-closure scheme beforehand. And they shed little new light on whether administration officials targeted the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee because he did not endorse Christie.

It is now time to prepare to watch the New England Patriots kick the ever lovin beJesus out of the Indianapolis Colts!

More on the above story under the fold.

Via: Memeorandum