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Certainly Worth Reflecting On...

Certainly Worth Reflecting On...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Continuing on the individual -vs- collectivism struggle if you will, I found the following most interesting. Hopefully you will as well.

By Ray Thomas - People think the basic conflict today is between liberals and conservatives. It’s not. It’s between believers in collectivism and those who believe in individualism. They think that it is the difference between simply their own definition of “compassion” and “mean-spiritedness.” It isn’t that. at all. It’s the difference between collectivism and individualism.

Collectivism is really pretty simple, no matter how much collectivists want to complicate it so you will not understand what they’re trying to put over on you. It is defined thusly by one of the best known collectivists, Karl Marx, author of communism, in his “tome,” the “Communist Manifesto:” “From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need.” Meaning it is okay to :take from one who earned it and give that taken to those who did not. This gave permission for government to steal from one and give to another to gain power over both.

They want you to think the fight is between “right and left.” It is not. The real fight is, while it is still between right and left, on the left, counter to common belief, is always a despotic government, in complete control of its populace while on the right, contrary to what they want you to think, is not fascism or Nazism, but complete freedom, which is sometimes called anarchism.

Neither is something we want to have, for different reasons. We need to be somewhere in the middle, with just enough government to keep us from each other’s throats, but only that much.

It has always been thus: remember back when every country was ruled by a king or queen, who had a bunch of “lesser” officials called many things such as “barons” and such? The king or queen was a liberal who thought he/she was better, smarter than the “commoner.” The “barons” and such, too. They lived off the work and sweat of the “commoner.” They thought they had “the divine right of kings” to do that. They didn’t. Robin Hood has always gotten a “bad rap,” being pictured as “stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.” Not true, as is so with most of the “changed history” that has been written by those rulers. What he did was take back what was stolen by the king in the form of excessive taxes and give that to its rightful owners, the “commoners.”

Crisis Government

One of the most oft used methods, used to this day by those who would run your lives is taking advantage of any “crisis” that comes along, and if one doesn’t come along, creating one. Have you ever wondered why it seems like there is a new “crisis” announced just about every day? President Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, is famously quoted as saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” That’s because to “cure” a crisis, those who wish to control you can get laws passed that they could not have hoped to pass without that “crisis.”

Massive Conspiracy

Some think there is some kind of a “massive conspiracy” to control the world, run by the international bankers. They’re wrong. But there are conspiracies, and that is one of them. A single conspiracy would soon collapse under the weight of individual egos. Many conspiracies based on a philosophy do not. Most of today’s conspiracies are based on the philosophy of collectivism. Which is the reason why they look like a “single conspiracy to many. But it doesn’t matter who is right. The answer is investigation and exposure. These conspiracies can’t stand the “light of day.” {Read More}

Philosophy, does it really matter?