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Obamacare: A legacy unraveling

Obamacare: A legacy unraveling

Obamacare: a legacy unraveling


While the majority of the population slept our misdirected government engineered major changes to their legacy legislative effort, Obamacare. Most startling of the alterations, many will be able to keep their traditional plans intact deep into 2017. Thirty other changes, through Executive edicts, have been implemented to make this egregious law more palatable to voters in 2014 and  subsequently for the presidential election in 2016. Driven by political considerations candidates running for Democrat seats in the House and Senate are running away from this catastrophe in evolution. Many ardent supporters of Obama are having second thoughts concerning his agenda, as the President tweaks the legal nightmare he has inflicted on the nation. Dozens of mandates have been modified, extended and or simply circumvented to keep the Affordable Care Act afloat. Insufficient numbers of paying subscribers have signed up in the Exchanges. Reportedly four million have enrolled. Those in the know question the mix of this group. White House officials are mum whether these new Exchange patrons have been moved off Medical Assistance to this newest of subsidized programs. This leaves a small window of possibility that a few paying customers joined. Many are asking the question whether the Affordable Care Act is on life support. Omens of failure are omnipresent. Insurance premium nightmares are being reported throughout the country, rising by as much as 100%.  Those who have not lost their jobs are seeing their hours cut by 25% or more. Clever means have been purported to deny patrons of this disaster the very elements advertised by the President and his minions. Obamacare was never about improving health care in America. Instead it was designed to usurp one-sixth of the economy and create a unitary payer system with the central core controlled by the Washington D.C.  bureaucracy. Confusion has been introduced into the health system, at every level, which completely defeats its endgame, better medical care for all.  Affordable care Act has been found to be not so affordable. From the perches of many Obamacare is unraveling and could sink under its own weight. In subsequent articles the dangers of Obamacare will be discussed.


Mark Davis, MD author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. http://amzn.to/1d4poKi.  https://www.createspace.com/3801630
platomd@gmail.com   President of Davis Book Reviews and Healthnets Review Services. www.healthnetsreviewservices.com

State of the Disunion Speech: more of the same

State of the Disunion Speech: more of the same

State of Disunion Speech: more of the same


President Obama’s speech before Congress and the American Public on January 28th contained the same rhetorical nonsense he has repeated year after year. His push to maintain the entitlement economy was especially egregious. Introduced as the President of the United States, the tepid audience response set the tone for the night. President Obama wasted no time spinning his ideas to take America further from the prosperity it deserves. Each section of his speech concentrated on enhancing employees’ opportunities and financial status over those who create jobs. Pushing for a federal minimum wage of 10.10 per hour his uninitiated mind could not conceive the impact this would have on the business community. On education he called for more opportunities for students. These are code words to enhance the wallets of teachers. School districts already spend too much on education with results that are close to appalling.  Especially noteworthy were the President’s comments on Obamacare.  His emphasis that three million people had signed up for Obamacare was a reflection of the sophistry he utilized throughout his long winded diatribe. Many people were shifted from state and federally subsidized programs to the Exchanges where more subsidies were awaiting them. His statement that many were youthful who took up the reins of Obamacare was another fabrication. Calling for ideas from the Republican side of the aisle to improve his legacy program continued his stream of misrepresentations. Republicans have offered hundreds of ways to amend Obamacare, he has yet to act on any of them. Looking straight into the camera his vocalizations of America’s job picture were especially disturbing.  Job programs were one part of his broader initiative to reduce the huge number of jobless Americans. Thousands of job programs are already on the books, unfortunately there are no jobs available to take these people in. More money to help businesses was a secondary element of his plan.  The President claimed many companies have availed themselves of federal funds to enable their businesses. Try to obtain a business loan, banks will send you away knowing the reason for your visit. Who has received these loans is anyone’s guess. Countless misrepresentation, fabrications and outright fibbing marked the President’s State of the Disunion Speech. Ironic as it sounds President Obama believes his prior initiatives have helped America move forward. The reality is he has set us back five years. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Book Services and Davis Book Reviews. www.healthnetsreviewservices.comand platomd@gmail.com. Author of the book lawyers hate, Demons of Democracy and the most recent release, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.

ObamaCare, aka ACA, Continuing To Lose Support...

ObamaCare, aka ACA, Continuing To Lose Support...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Washington (CNN) - The Affordable Care Act, which is the signature domestic achievement for President Barack Obama, was passed along party lines in 2010, when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Since that passage, Republicans have fought to either repeal, defund, or severely restrict the law. A push by congressional conservatives to defund the law was the catalyst for October's 16-day long partial federal government shutdown, the first in nearly two decades.

As Americans began to better understand the flaws in the ACA and struggle through perhaps the most customer unfriendly sign up experience in human history, as well as more and more people now realizing the Affordable Care Act is really the Unaffordable Care Act for many, support for ObamaCare continues its descent.

CNN, a slightly left leaning cable news network has just released a nationwide CNN/ORC International poll indicating ObamaCare is decidedly more in disfavor than in favor with the American people. Where the rubber meets the road ObamaCare has just hit its record low. More below the fold.

Via: Memeorandum

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues


Derelict in their duties implementing phase one of Obamacare, the Exchanges, phase two will be a nightmare for those trying to bring this legislation into reality.
Based on a series of fraudulent algorithms and guided by the legal elites in Washington the steps to failure are written into every page of this egregious Ponzi scheme. Three years was not enough time to establish the portals to access PPACA’s promises, then thirty years will not be sufficient to build the supporting structures and bureaucracy to manage its medical services. Complexity of America’s health care system is best represented by the number of facilities and people who support their function. With nearly six thousand hospitals, thousands of clinics and tens of thousands of physician offices to oversee the numbers only get worse when factoring in the people delivering services through these sites. Nine hundred thousand physicians, three million nurses, millions of auxillary personnel and an array of other health professionals combine to create an untenable situation for any government agency to manage. Yet this is the task Obamacare  has set-out for itself. To control costs one must pare down services, no doubt this was a primary consideration when this mess was originally envisioned. Under the traditional system MRIs and CT scans are available in hours to days, not anymore. Reflecting on the Canadian system, weeks to months will become the norm. Routine surgeries are not routine anymore. A vast array of bureaucrats will allow the privileged few into the operating suites. Bogus medical studies have already emerged, from quasi government panels, to dissuade physicians from performing certain lab tests, surgeries and procedures. Many have already been published, more are on the way. Mammograms were one of the first tests government officials attacked for overuse.  PSA testing, to determine prostate cancer, has been challenged by physicians outside this specialty working in Obama’s corner.  The parade of changes coming to traditional medicine will be alarming to the end-user, the patient, as Obamacare is fully implemented. Irony has a way of uncovering deception. Those who pushed this legislation through will be hammered by the same rules which will limit medical care for others. Phase 2 is the treacherous road ahead as the promise of more care becomes less in the face of skyrocketing costs and diminished access. The nightmare is just beginning, are you ready. Mark Davis, MD author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster, the one book that details how phase 2 to will affect you and ways to circumvent this tragedy. americassage@gmail.com, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com

ObamaCare and Rationing, Fact or Fiction?...

ObamaCare and Rationing, Fact or Fiction?...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs-Tyranny

As the floodgates of bad news for ObamaCare and President Obama seem to continue to widen. Or, is it just more anti Obama nutter talk fueled by the wacko right wing extreme obstructionists of the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party?

According to Mark Halperin health care rationing and "death panels" are going to be a reality of the ACA. This from TPM

One of the Beltway's best-known pundits gave credence this week to perhaps the fringiest of all Obamacare conspiracy theories.

In an interview on Monday with the conservative Newsmax, Time's Mark Halperin said that so-called "death panels" are enshrined in the Affordable Care Act.

"It's going to be a huge issue," Halperin said. "And that's something else about which the President was not fully forthcoming or straight-forward."

"So, you believe there will be rationing, a.k.a 'death panels'?" host Steve Malzberg asked Halperin, the co-author of the 2012 election chronicle "Double Down."

"It's built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled," Halperin said before arguing that it's necessary to ration care. {Read More}

Well there you have it. You, the loyal readers be the judge because I haven't an idea who to believe anymore. I guess it's time for more popcorn and beer because this ObamaCare thing is becoming almost as interesting and exciting as any Sunday NFL game.

Via: Memeorandum

And Now A Bit From Dr. Seuss

Nuff said?

Do Social Security and Medicare show that Obamacare can be successful?

Do Social Security and Medicare show that Obamacare can be successful?

The loyal defenders of President Barack Obama and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) keep pointing to Social Security and Medicare as examples of successful government programs whenever someone points out that government doesn’t do anything very well. The nearly perfect record of dismal performance in federal programs is a key reason that critics doubt that the massively flawed rollout of health insurance reform lovingly referred to as “Obamacare” will eventually turn into a success.

Liberal commentator Juan Williams proudly notes how “popular” both Social Security and Medicare are, citing them as having received 70 percent support among those asked whether they like the programs or not. But just because lots of people like a given federal program doesn’t mean it is a beneficial or successful program.

It is certainly true that Social Security and Medicare are very popular and proponents vigorously oppose balancing the budgets of the two programs by reducing benefits. But, again, by the “popularity” standard, programs that create dependency like welfare, food stamps, and free cell phones are successes, too.

However, reality paints a far different, and much less rosy picture of Social Security and Medicare.

These programs are not giveaways funded by taxpayers, they are funded primarily by payroll taxes on employers and the employees who benefit from them. Even so, because of mismanagement and a failure to adapt to changes in demographics, both programs are broken and broke, running annual deficits.

This is the typical sort of success we find in “successful” government programs, and we have to wonder if there isn’t a better solution to most problems the government thinks it can solve. And the answer is, “yes, there is.” The private sector can do it better, as evidenced by multitudes of successes over our 230-plus-year history.

What too often happens is that when government sees the private sector not completely solving a problem, it thinks it can do better, and a new federal program is born. But the ultimate result is that the federal government does no better at trying to solve the problem than the private sector, and often does much worse.

In contrast to the self-funding process involving the beneficiaries of Social Security and Medicare, other programs give handouts to both those who need help and to those who really don’t need it, and these recipients pay little or nothing in taxes to support the giveaways.

These programs are rife with waste, fraud, and abuse, because government does not manage them efficiently. You can make a very good argument that government is inherently unable to manage these expansive programs competently.

Giving people money is one of the first priorities of politicians; it’s how they buy popularity, which translates to votes.

But as examples go, Social Security and Medicare, while intended to be self-sustaining without support from general tax revenue, are not examples of good government programs because they have been mismanaged and neglected.

Social Security began running a deficit in 2010, will run a deficit near $75 billion this year and the projected deficit will reach $344 billion in 2035 if something isn’t done. Social Security is beginning to fail in its ability to take care of seniors because government has failed to properly operate the program.

A panel determines Medicare reimbursements, a panel that meets in secret and relies heavily on the recommendations of the American Medical Association. Many doctors already do not treat Medicare patients because the low reimbursements don’t cover costs. Medicare providers have to balance low Medicare payments by shifting lost dollars to insured patients.

So that’s a brief glimpse into Juan Williams’ idea of successful government programs. Is this what the ACA also promises, or will it somehow be different?

Even if we believe the ACA is a good idea, even if it had been competently designed and implemented, and even if we overlook the disgraceful manner in which it was created and jammed through Congress before being read by the Democrats who enacted it, it is still a government program that supposes it will be more effective at running 18 percent of the nation’s economy, and one of the most important personal concerns Americans have, than the private sector.

And now $716 billion will be taken out of Medicare to fund Obamacare, meaning reimbursements and senior care will suffer, or the deficit will increase.

Obamacare attempts to do by force what Republicans attempted to do by choice through initiatives focused on the problem areas of the then-current system, and Democrats opposed and defeated those efforts.

Despite Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ phantasmagoric redefining the fines imposed by Obamacare as taxes, the U.S. Constitution did not intend for, and does not authorize government to commandeer one-sixth of the economy.

Those who think government is the answer to everything need to remember that the only reason there is a government of the United States of America is because the people – remember “of the people, by the people, and for the people?” – created it by assigning government limited powers in certain specific areas.

It is perverse in the extreme for the people now to be controlled by that which they voluntarily created.

ObamaCare Will Negatively Affect the President and Democrats In General...

ObamaCare Will Negatively Affect the President and Democrats In General...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

The President signature, and flawed legislation, the ACA is unquestionably going to impact the President and the democrats who solidly supported him and his push for the legislation. With the President's credibility, indeed even his honesty in question by many, his task over the remainder of his administration is formidable.

Some, like Nancy Pelosi, the loyal soldier she is have a different opinion...

Washington (CNN) – House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Sunday neither she nor President Barack Obama misled the American people when they said, during the run-up to the passage of Obamacare, that people could keep their health insurance plans.

Pelosi clarified their remarks, saying they only meant people could keep their plans if they had already signed up before Obama signed the bill in 2010.

But there is this...

He said it over and over again.

Like this time:

“So let me begin be saying this to you and to the American people: I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage. They like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor. …And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like you healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away from you, no matter what.” … President Obama at the annual conference of the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009.

Of course there was this which the President failed to mention...

The catch was the Administration knew that many of these policies would be changed by the insurance carriers. In 2010 HHS estimated that 40% to 67% of individual plans would lose their grandfather status.

And yet, despite this estimate Obama kept repeating his mantra that if you liked your plan, you can keep it, leading many, including the Washington Post Fact Checker to conclude that, at best, the president was being disingenuous, and, at worst, deceitful.

Keep standing tall Nancy, you'll do your party proud.

Now, while this is not an impeachable offense anyone in their right mind must find themselves questioning the President and his credibility after finding out about this little oversight. One that as much as I'd like to believe otherwise certainly seems to have been planned and therefor intentional.

Bob Woodward I think hit the nail pretty squarely on its head.

POLITICO - “What this is, it’s a mess, clearly, but what it isn’t, and I think you have to look at the question of motive. And the president’s motive here, even though there were deep problems with the implementation, he wants to do something good for 30 million people and get them health insurance,” Woodward said on “Fox News Sunday.” “So this isn’t Watergate, this isn’t [Bill] Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.”

Asked by Fox host Chris Wallace if the Obamacare implementation revealed “rank incompetence,” Woodward agreed.

“There’s no question about that,” he said. “But you see all of these stories and this frenzy out there, the game over, the presidency is over some people are saying, and I think that’s not the case.”

“When you go down the road, it’s going to get worse,” he said. “It’s going to blow a hole in the budget when you go two or three months from now… All of a sudden this is going to come on the table and people are going to say, ‘My God it’s going to cost much more money than we thought before. How you disentangle this is now on Obama’s head.”

The only question really is just how much Pelosi and her fellow democrats will attempt to spin a bad credibility situation situation into a positive. There certainly is going to be those who no matter what will believe whatever they are fed by their party.

Via: Memorandum