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Obamacare: A legacy unraveling

Obamacare: A legacy unraveling

Obamacare: a legacy unraveling


While the majority of the population slept our misdirected government engineered major changes to their legacy legislative effort, Obamacare. Most startling of the alterations, many will be able to keep their traditional plans intact deep into 2017. Thirty other changes, through Executive edicts, have been implemented to make this egregious law more palatable to voters in 2014 and  subsequently for the presidential election in 2016. Driven by political considerations candidates running for Democrat seats in the House and Senate are running away from this catastrophe in evolution. Many ardent supporters of Obama are having second thoughts concerning his agenda, as the President tweaks the legal nightmare he has inflicted on the nation. Dozens of mandates have been modified, extended and or simply circumvented to keep the Affordable Care Act afloat. Insufficient numbers of paying subscribers have signed up in the Exchanges. Reportedly four million have enrolled. Those in the know question the mix of this group. White House officials are mum whether these new Exchange patrons have been moved off Medical Assistance to this newest of subsidized programs. This leaves a small window of possibility that a few paying customers joined. Many are asking the question whether the Affordable Care Act is on life support. Omens of failure are omnipresent. Insurance premium nightmares are being reported throughout the country, rising by as much as 100%.  Those who have not lost their jobs are seeing their hours cut by 25% or more. Clever means have been purported to deny patrons of this disaster the very elements advertised by the President and his minions. Obamacare was never about improving health care in America. Instead it was designed to usurp one-sixth of the economy and create a unitary payer system with the central core controlled by the Washington D.C.  bureaucracy. Confusion has been introduced into the health system, at every level, which completely defeats its endgame, better medical care for all.  Affordable care Act has been found to be not so affordable. From the perches of many Obamacare is unraveling and could sink under its own weight. In subsequent articles the dangers of Obamacare will be discussed.


Mark Davis, MD author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. http://amzn.to/1d4poKi.  https://www.createspace.com/3801630
platomd@gmail.com   President of Davis Book Reviews and Healthnets Review Services. www.healthnetsreviewservices.com

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues

Phase Two: the Obamacare nightmare continues


Derelict in their duties implementing phase one of Obamacare, the Exchanges, phase two will be a nightmare for those trying to bring this legislation into reality.
Based on a series of fraudulent algorithms and guided by the legal elites in Washington the steps to failure are written into every page of this egregious Ponzi scheme. Three years was not enough time to establish the portals to access PPACA’s promises, then thirty years will not be sufficient to build the supporting structures and bureaucracy to manage its medical services. Complexity of America’s health care system is best represented by the number of facilities and people who support their function. With nearly six thousand hospitals, thousands of clinics and tens of thousands of physician offices to oversee the numbers only get worse when factoring in the people delivering services through these sites. Nine hundred thousand physicians, three million nurses, millions of auxillary personnel and an array of other health professionals combine to create an untenable situation for any government agency to manage. Yet this is the task Obamacare  has set-out for itself. To control costs one must pare down services, no doubt this was a primary consideration when this mess was originally envisioned. Under the traditional system MRIs and CT scans are available in hours to days, not anymore. Reflecting on the Canadian system, weeks to months will become the norm. Routine surgeries are not routine anymore. A vast array of bureaucrats will allow the privileged few into the operating suites. Bogus medical studies have already emerged, from quasi government panels, to dissuade physicians from performing certain lab tests, surgeries and procedures. Many have already been published, more are on the way. Mammograms were one of the first tests government officials attacked for overuse.  PSA testing, to determine prostate cancer, has been challenged by physicians outside this specialty working in Obama’s corner.  The parade of changes coming to traditional medicine will be alarming to the end-user, the patient, as Obamacare is fully implemented. Irony has a way of uncovering deception. Those who pushed this legislation through will be hammered by the same rules which will limit medical care for others. Phase 2 is the treacherous road ahead as the promise of more care becomes less in the face of skyrocketing costs and diminished access. The nightmare is just beginning, are you ready. Mark Davis, MD author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster, the one book that details how phase 2 to will affect you and ways to circumvent this tragedy. americassage@gmail.com, www.healthnetsreviewservices.com

Thoughts on the "Fiscal Cliff"

First my apologies, for these comments on the "fiscal cliff" will not be as complete as I would like.

Based on information from a financial advisor, I understand the "fiscal cliff" to consist of the following events:
  • Expiration of general tax cuts, which will result in $255 billion revenue
  • Expiration of payroll tax cuts, which will result in $112 billion revenue
  • Sequestration hits which will cut $55 billion from the military budget (which could continue each year for 10 years), and cut $55 billion from non-defense spending in 2013
  • Implementation of an Alternative Minimum Tax patch, which will increase revenues by $38 billion
  • Implementation of PPACA (Obamacare) taxes on investments, which will generate $21 billion in revenue
This will result in a total of about $536 billion in additional revenue, or 3.5% of America's GDP, which will result in a negative GDP for early 2013--the "fiscal cliff."

I find it reprehensible that our national "leaders" are posturing as if they are our saviors from the "fiscal cliff" when they are the ones who created this problem.

Our "leaders" involved us in two wars, one (Iraq) most certainly a war of choice, on the cheap, meaning that the American people got tax breaks while the debts from the wars piled up.  It was as if we were being bribed to accept the wars, and now we are paying the price.  Anytime America chooses to go to war, the price of war needs to be immediately felt by the People so that we are more thoughtful about the wars we undertake in the future.  Now we see these wartime tax cuts going away--one component of the "fiscal cliff."

Our "leaders" passed Obamacare, another (unnecessary) component of the "fiscal cliff"...and a threat to our liberties.

Sequestration will happen because the budget supercommittee could not reach an agreement on how to cut $1.2 trillion deficit reduction package as per the Budget Control Act (August 2011). (source)  Another component of the "cliff."

And now we expect our "leaders" to do the right thing.  How can we when their behavior is to the contrary?  For example, the Senate has failed to pass a budget for the past four years.  This is clear dereliction of duty and Congress should either not receive their salaries until they pass a budget, or just go to jail.  And these are the people who will "save" us now?

Our current crisis has been generated by the national "leadership" on both sides of the aisle, not by some alien from another world.  They should be held accountable.  We need to go over this "fiscal cliff" and more so that the American people finally wake up and see our "leadership" for who they are and demand accountability.

It is clear by their actions that the people in all three branches of the government no longer represent We The People, but something else.  This drama being played out over the "fiscal cliff" obscures the real problem which is a true existential threat to our nation: our accelerating national debt.

--Against All Enemies

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Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.