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Privacy under attack? Stop-and-frisk vs. NSA surveillance

Privacy under attack? Stop-and-frisk vs. NSA surveillance
As Americans, we each have a guaranteed right to privacy. The online legal site FindLaw explains it this way: “The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects personal privacy, and every citizen's right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into their persons, homes, businesses, and property – whether through police stops of citizens on the street, arrests, or searches of homes and businesses.”

That seems plain enough, but how one interprets the word “unreasonable” provides ample opportunity for mischief, as well as for good law enforcement.

As for good law enforcement, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has credited the City’s stop-and-frisk policy with helping drive crime to record lows since the policing policy was implemented in 1994, with the murder rate falling by an astounding 82 percent by 2009.

New York’s stop-and-frisk policy seeks to prevent crime before it happens by deploying officers with pinpoint precision to critical street segments in high-crime areas where they interact with individuals displaying suspicious behavior: they approach, question, and sometimes frisk the individuals. That practice has led to fewer people, such as members of street gangs, risking arrest by carrying a weapon on their person, and with fewer gang bangers carrying weapons, there are fewer spur-of-the-moment shootings in New York, and correspondingly fewer deaths.

You might think that, given the obvious level of success in reducing the murder rate in the Big Apple, such a policy would fall outside the Fourth Amendment’s proscription against “unreasonable” searches. But you would be wrong, according to U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin, who believes that the policy indeed does violate the Fourth Amendment protection.

Mayor Bloomberg believes that the judge's decision will cause a reduction in the use of stop-and-frisk, which would reverse crime reductions and make his city a more dangerous place. And data indicates he is correct. In 2011, guns were used in 61 percent of all homicides, but in black neighborhoods 86 percent of young black males died from gunfire. Stop-and-frisk reduced the total number of deaths by reducing the number of guns on the streets.

The challenge to the policy arose because officers stop minority residents at a rate disproportionate to their number in the general population. But those stops are not disproportionate to the minority resident population in the crime-ridden neighborhoods or disproportionate to the number of crimes minorities commit in those neighborhoods.

As we have seen recently, there is the possibility that authorities may lose perspective and become abusive in the use of policies like this one, but supervisors are charged to competently manage their operation. And due to the depths of its crime problem when the policy was implemented, New York police applied stop-and-frisk more aggressively than other cities. But whether or not the City is too aggressive ought not be decided without considering its unique circumstances and surprising rate of success in reducing murders.

An opposite approach to systematically and thoughtfully targeting areas where crimes mostly occur and populations that most often commit them like New York City is doing is the blanket, indiscriminate, suspicion-less spying on telephone, email and other private communications and activities of millions of Americans by the National Security Agency.

The government’s spying on Americans is so egregious – eavesdroppers broke privacy rules or overstepped their legal authority thousands of times every year – it’s no wonder the administration wants to arrest and try Edward Snowden for making the information about its spying public.

Where New York police might appear to have been over-aggressive in implementing stop-and-frisk, the federal government’s policy itself is over-aggressive by design. Surely, observers familiar with the Fourth Amendment’s restrictions on searches would be unable to conclude anything other than that NSA spying is precisely why there is a Fourth Amendment.

As reported in The Washington Times, “A Top Secret internal NSA audit, leaked by Mr. Snowden to freelance journalist Barton Gellman earlier this summer and published online by The Washington Post Thursday night shows that, in the 12 months prior to May 2012, there were 2,776 incidents of ‘unauthorized collection, storage, access to or distribution of legally protected communications’ — those between Americans or foreigners legally in the United States.”

“Most were unintended,” according to The Post. “Many involved failures of due diligence or violations of standard operating procedure.” Even if the problems were unintended, sloppiness certainly is no excuse: The infringements are no less wrong, no less a breach of individual privacy, and no less intolerable.

The larger the scope of a program, the greater the chance that something will go wrong, and the more opportunities there are for something to go wrong. Congressman Peter King (R-NY) defends the program, saying that the situation is being blown out of proportion, that the rate of error is miniscule.

Maybe so; however, since the NSA program seeks to find a few fake grains of sand on a beach, and involves millions upon millions of records. For every million records, ten thousand mistakes can be made, affecting the privacy of ten thousand Americans, and the success rate is 99 percent.

Even if such gargantuan programs are run efficiently and competently, they are examples of unjustified government excess, and should not be allowed.

Harry Reid "seriously" hopes Republicans aren't racists

Harry Reid "seriously" hopes Republicans aren't racists
Harry Reid, the Democrat Senator from Nevada who is the Majority Leader of the US Senate said this about Congressional Republicans opposition to President Obama in an interview yesterday:

“It’s been obvious that they’re doing everything they can to make him fail. And I hope, I hope — and I say this seriously — I hope that’s based on substance and not the fact that he’s African-American.”

Republicans are the ones who appointed the first two African-Americans to serve as Secretary of State (Colon Powell and Condoleezza Rice), elected the first African-American to the US Senate (Tim Scott), and appointed an African-American as US Ambassador to the UN (Alan Keyes) and the US Supreme Court (Clarence Thomas), to name a few African-Americans who have served their country as Republicans.

So I say to Harry – and I say this seriously – I hope your idiotic statement is based upon your being severely addled when you said that and not the fact that you are a complete and utter idiot.

Making Sense Objectively of the Absurd...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Everywhere in today's liberal, or progressive lexicon we hear of the evils inherent in Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Indeed the general consensus, or so it seems to this individual, is that Ayn Rand herself was an evil person.

So, perhaps some object liberal, or progressive can explain the evil in the following...

Thank You...

Black Liberation Theology

Reverend Jeremiah Wright pastored Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago from 1972 until 2008.  Reverend Wright is "an animated apostle of Black Liberation Theology"(BLT), so it is important to know what this theology teaches.  What follows is a quick summary of what "Black Liberation Theology" really believes as found in "The Gospel According to Barack" by Jefrey D. Breshears.
"Jesus, who was an 'African Jew,' was first and foremost a radical social prophet and revolutionary who preached a Gospel of social justice and equality and whose mission it was to liberate all humanity from social, political, economic and religious subjugation.  For this, he was criticized, harassed and eventually executed as a common criminal by the white power structure of his day." (p. 24) 
Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers
"...rather than focusing on individual sin as the root cause of humanity's problems, it shifts the focus to social and institutional injustice.  Therefore, the solution is not spiritual transformation and a renewed heart and mind but radical social change...humanity is basically good but 'society' corrupts..." (p. 24)
"...rather than emphasize forgiveness and healing for past wrongs, BLT tends to focus almost exclusively on retribution." (pp. 24-5) 
"...Black Liberation Theology is a volatile mix of two very toxic elements: (1) Racialism and (2) Neo-Marxim....  Racialism...is an obsessive fixation on race to the extent that it primarily determines one's sense of self-identity and becomes one's paradigm for processing the personal, social, economic, political and religious issues in life." (p. 25) 
"In [BLT], 'white'  represents a history of oppression, exploitation and imperialism--i.e., a culture of evil.  'Black,' on the other hand, represents victimhood--those who have been (and still are) subject to oppression, exploitation and imperialism." (p. 26) 
"Neo-Marxism perpetuates this kind of simplistic social stereotyping [as found in Classical Marxism regarding socio-economic divides], except that now the 'good' are the victimized minorities--feminist women, blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, etc.--and the 'bad' are white males, non-feminist white females, Christians and conservatives in general." (p.26) 
"...racial politics is a uniquely 20th century concept, and [BLT] expropriated the idea to formulate a unique racialist and Neo-Marxist Christian synthesis.  ...BLT divides humanity along the lines of white oppressors and black victims.  So in effect, God is not only 'black' but also 'red.'" (pp. 26-7)
I recommend that you read "The Gospel According to Barack" by Jefrey D. Breshears to gain a deeper understanding of this topic.

All quotes taken from "The Gospel According to Barack" by Jefrey D. Breshears, 2012 Areopagus Publishing.

Cross-posted from Against All Enemies

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Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.

Exposing Racism...

Exposing Racism...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Racism is indeed alive in America. I know that bigotry and racism continues to exist in our diverse American culture because like most I've witnessed it in some of the people I meet. Racism, or judging a person based on their race is one of the most reprehensible acts anyone can commit. I think Ayn Rand was spot on when she wrote the following.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.

Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

Martin Luther King Jr. in a few profoundly moving words said; "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Yet today, even with America's first bi racial president there exists pockets of extreme bigotry, racism, and hate that is enough to make one physically sick. You may be asking yourself why I chose to write about racism at this time. A reasonable question, so here is my reason.

Last week I visited the Swash Zone, a liberal site that I often find myself in disagreement with politically but that generally always causes me to give my views greater scrutiny. One of the contributors there, an attorney and black women named Sheria has a couple of posts dealing with racism and specifically a site with racial content. After reading her posts, Post Racial America? Hell to the No! Boxing with Racism--Do Something!, and Revealing the Boogeyman I visited the site she linked to, Niggermania and literally became physically ill. The depth of depravity found on the site cannot be adequately described in polite civil speech. It is just that bad.

The sites apparent owner/administrator, Tom Shelly, must be as sub human as it gets as Tom Shelly Publishing is as evil, depraved, and as sickening as it gets. Of course he has side kicks that are just as pathetically deranged as he is.

I decided to do this post from a desire to help expose the pockets of pure evil and hatred that drives bigotry and racism. Decent and honorable people have a responsibility to expose sites such as these and the low life sub human animals that operate them.  Sheria, who writes from personal experiences and is a much better writer than I, says it best;

What about black children? As an adult, my pulse grew more rapid and I began to feel that someone was standing on my chest as I read through this site. What about black children who stumble across sites that proclaim that they are not human and which cite to studies by Arthur Jensen featuring his declarations that blacks are inherently intellectually inferior to whites? What psychological damage is wrought by exposure to these unrelenting racist lies?

Sites such as these may make an argument for their right to exist as a first amendment issue. I suspect that they continually assert that the site is not about hate to protect themselves against a possible challenge of their 1st amendment rights based on the use of hate speech to incite violence against a protected class--race, religion, national origin, etc. I lack the skills to mount a cyber attack against the site as one of my friend suggested. Besides, it would accomplish nothing; they would still be slithering around corners fomenting racism.

What I would like to see is a lot of attention focused on these people. Turn the spotlight on their sickness and expose them for the rotting carcasses that they really are. They are vampires; they don't feed on blood but on ethics, on morality, and everything that makes us decent. A stake through the heart isn't the only way to end a vampire; dragging them into the light will render them into a pile of dust.

So pass along the information about these sites. Tell your friends. Tell anyone who insists that the only issue with race is that black people keep playing the race card. No matter how well intentioned, burying one's head in the sand and pretending that the monster doesn't exist never works out well. To save the day, the heroine must kill the monster and destroy its lair.

Evil is made stronger when good women and men choose to do nothing in the hopes the evil will just go away. As Sheria so aptly points out only by shining a spotlight on the evil of racism and hateful racial sites can we hope to ever eradicate it from society.

Black Lotus Communications (BLC) is the company that hosts Niggermania. Please take a moment to call BLC at 1-800-789-1977 or 1-866-477-5554 and register your complaint as well as sending an email to them at abuse@blacklotus.net and register your concern over the content of the sight they host. Be sure to visit the Swash Zone via the linked articles for more information. Sheria provides the text of her email to BLC HERE.

The Face of Fundamental Christianity in America?... You Be the Judge

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

The face of Fundamental Christian Bigotry!

The face of a strong diverse America!

Mrs. Rational and I took our dynamo back home to Mom and Dad yesterday as he will be going with them to Myrtle Beach Friday for two weeks. Yes, he is one lucky, and very appreciative dynamo. His family is hard working and as a result he is able to enjoy some of the fruits of their labor. With continued perseverance, and maybe a bit of luck this dynamo will be as educated and forward thinking as his supportive family.

Coming home for a day before heading south to the casinos I could not resit the temptation to visit the ever present Memeorandum and catch up just a bit on current events. During my diligent review of the "news" on Memeorandum I could not help but notice the still present bigotry and racism that apparently continues to exists in the dark pockets of Christian fundamentalism. Perhaps it is but a few who support this disgraceful conduct, however it is never the less disgraceful as well as despicable.

The question for all intelligent, reasonable, and rational individuals to ask themselves is whether they want America to be a bigoted and racist nation (as apparently some Fundamentalist Christians do) or whether they want America to be the diverse nation that has always been the wellspring of our strength.

Sadly, I fear the worst. In 2012 for any organization, especially a "Christian" organization of Pastors to take the position of  "All White Christians Invited" simply defies any sense of understanding or logic.

As Mrs. Rational and I leave for the casinos we leave wondering just what exactly has been lost on a  certain share of the American population.

Another interesting read, however the bigots and racists in America likely won't get past the first paragraph before zoning out. Sad. Sad indeed!

There are simply some things which should transcend liberal -vs- conservative doctrine. This issue happens to be one of them.

Via: Memorandum