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SURVEY: 98% of Faith Driven Consumers Dissatisfied With 'NOAH'

I don’t know how faithful this film will be to the Scriptures.  I won’t know until I see it for myself.  But, this is not a good sign here. 
Variety reports despite its Biblical inspiration, Paramount’s upcoming “Noah” may face some rough seas with religious audiences, according to a new survey by Faith Driven Consumers.

The religious organization found in a survey that 98% of its supporters were not “satisfied” with Hollywood’s take on religious stories such as “Noah,” which focuses on Biblical figure Noah. Faith Driven Consumers has been tracking the viability of major Hollywood films courting faith-based audiences this year.

“As a Faith Driven Consumer, are you satisfied with a Biblically themed movie – designed to appeal to you – which replaces the Bible’s core message with one created by Hollywood?” asked the survey.

Faith Driven Consumers surveyed its supporters over  several days and based the results on a collected 5,000+ responses. They are also the group behind IStandWithPhil.com, which campaigned for Phil Robertson in light of his suspension from A&E’s “Duck Dynasty.”

“Noah” will be released in March starring Russell Crowe and directed by Darren Aronofsky, with a reported budget of $125 million.

Believe me Hollywood is not making this movie out of the goodness of their heart.  They're reacting to the popularity of the cable series The Bible and are trying to cash in.  

Simon Cowell cradles newborn Adultery baby, Eric Cowell, in first photos

The corrupt media loves to go gaga whenever a celebrity baby is born.   

However, they tend to gloss over other factors…oh…like this baby was conceived in a sleazy affair Simon Cowell had with the wife of a close friend.  

And yes even though Lauren Silverman got a light speed divorce from her husband Andrew to be with Simon, everyone knows that a relationship that starts like this is doomed to fail.  Call it Karma, what goes around comes around, or reaping what is sown, life is funny that way.  

NY DailyNews reports say hello to the new baby idol.
First-time dad Simon Cowell and girlfriend Lauren Silverman brought their new bouncing bundle of joy home from Lenox Hill Hospital Sunday.
Hours before the grand exit, the tart-tongued media mogul tweeted mushy photos of his two-day old baby boy, Eric Cowell.

One of the black and white photos shows the diaper-donning newborn peacefully resting on his father's chest. In another adorable pic, the former "American Idol" judge's hand can be seen gently caressing the little tyke's head.

The 6-pound baby already has an entourage.

He was carried out of the hospital by his doting dad a hospital staffer in blue scrubs. They were followed by Lauren and her dad, Steven, and stepmother, Rosy Davis.

Cowell plans to spend the next month with his new progeny at his Upper East Side pad, a family friend told The News.

"They are really happy to all be together and get Eric home and introduce him to Squiddly and Diddly," Cowell's two Yorkies, who the source said flew over from London on Cowell's private jet on Friday.

It's a fairy tale ending to the couple's rather tumultuous ride that began while Silverman, a fetching New York socialite, was still married to Cowell's pal Andrew Silverman.

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Slut artist Miley Cyrus performs a VERY risque routine with a Bill Clinton impersonator on stage in Vancouver

This pothead is really desperate for attention.  Unfortunately for her is the wrong kind of attention as she fritters her talent away by thinking up ways to be a bigger slut bag. 
Daily Mailreports Miley Cyrus delivered a spectacle with furry creatures, a dwarf, a gigantic hot dog and a back-up dancer dressed up as former US President Bill Clinton.

The 21-year-old was having a good time as she showed off her X-rated moves during the first show  to kick off her Bangerz Tour on Friday.

Miley's most shocking move was when she performed a racy song-and-dance with the Clinton impersonator during her Party In The USA finale number.

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The more she freaks, the faster her act gets old. 

Hollywood reporter confuses Samuel L. Jackson for Laurence Fishburne ‘We don’t all look alike!’

This is mildly amusing has Jackson makes the anchor scrum for making a mistake. 
NY DailyNews reports Samuel L. Jackson had a very important message for news anchor Sam Rubin: "We don't all look alike!"

The "Robocop" star was mistaken for Laurence Fishburne during a KTLA interview that aired Monday, an error Rubin will likely never forget.
"Did you get a lot of reaction from that Super Bowl commercial?" the TV anchor asked.
"What Super Bowl commercial?" Jackson asked bewildered.
Rubin can be seen looking off camera stunned and embarrassed. As he attempted to continue the interview, Jackson quickly interrupted and went on a two-minute tirade.
"You're as crazy as the people on Twitter," the 65-year-old actor said. "I'm not Laurence Fishburne. We don't all look alike. We may be all black and famous, but we all don't look alike. You're busted."

As Rubin tried to apologize, Jackson interjected again.

"You're the entertainment reporter for this station?" he asked. "And you don't know the difference between me and Laurence Fishburne? There must be a very short line for your job."

Jay Leno says goodbye

Deadline reports “I don’t like goodbyes – NBC does – but I don’t care for them,” an emotional Jay Lenosaid, kicking off a star-studded final broadcast show as host of The Tonight Show. “Tonight is our last show for real. I don’t need to be fired three times — I get the hint,” Leno joked to a friends-and-family studio audience as he ended his 22-year run Thursday night. It’s his second very-last-time-as-host — having been pushed aside in 2009 by NBC to make way for Conan O’Brien, who lasted seven months.

“I’ve got to tell you, the outpouring from people has really been touching. Anthony Weiner sent me a photo of his penis looking really sad.

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