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friday party

Today is the last installment of the Simply Baby blog party and Elisa of Fancy Me Free is taking us out with a bang! Check it out!

Any big plans for this weekend? Feel free to come over and help me if your bored. Follow along on Instagram and see if I can get it all done. I've got a lot of work to do before this rain hits.

Happy weekend friends!!!

calgon, take me away

Have you ever had one of those weeks? Those weeks where you feel like you are behind on everything and no matter what you try to get done, more things just pile on top? What do they say in Alice in Wonderland?

"The hurrier I go the behinder I get."

Yep, that's me this week sister. No worries though. I'll have met the bulk of my deadlines by the time Monday roles around and then I'll start myself fresh. I've never been so excited for a Monday.

So I'll stop by bellyaching and leave you with this beauty.

A bouquet for you.

Because flowers always make me happy, even the virtual ones!

But on the bright side, make sure to stop by Simply Baby this week, I'm talking nurseries.

weekend plans

Who's ready for a nice long weekend?. School is officially out (cue Alice Cooper) so we are going to do some of this

a little of this

lots of this

and hopefully this

Ahh summer. I'm ready for you baby! What are your plans this weekend?

And don't forget to check out Kelly's feature over at the Simply Baby blog party!

it's all in the details, trim details

I'm in love with trim. I want it everywhere and I can't get enough of it. It might border on addiction, but since it is so awesome, I'm happy to call myself an addict.

We all know how amazing it looks on drapes, pillows and even walls, but how about your furniture? Particularly to finish off the bottom of furniture. I think it can be like a great pair of shoes - it 'makes' the piece.

Let's take a look shall we?

Nick Olsen for Lee Jofa
So what do you think? Amazing right? It's pretty major. Now I've got to go and trim something.

And don't forget, it's Friday which means another great week of the Simply Baby Nursery blog party. This week's party is hosted by the lovely Katherine of Rhymes with Smile. Check it out!

happy mother's day

In honor of the holiday that should be celebrated every month (in my opinion), I thought I'd take a moment to say a big Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Jan. I owe every inch of my design sensibility to her, she taught me everything I know. I could tell you the difference between Biedermeier and Baroque by the time I was 10 and I was picking out estate jewelry before I could talk. And thanks to her I've toured every old home on the eastern seaboard and been to 46 state capitals. She is a great teacher and friend and there is no one I would rather go shopping with.

Basically what I'm saying is this...


And for something only she will understand - this is as close to a card as you will ever get. xoxo

And speaking of moms, don't forget to check out the Simply Baby Spring Blog Party today. My girl Heather, from Vivid Hue Home is hosting this week and I know she's got something special cooked up.
And stay tuned in the weeks to come for great ideas from

How are you going to celebrate Mother's Day?

healing and a blog party

Sorry for the radio silence my friends. It appears that I've developed a case of carpal tunnel and it has totally ruined my quality blogging time. I'll be back at it next week but was told to take the next few days off. (I'm going to pretend that doesn't include being on my iPhone). 

In the meantime, head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributors Cindi and Emily from Scrappy Love are hosting today and I can't wait to see what they put together. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Have a great weekend!

if it's pretty it's on instagram

As we prep for another weekend (thank the heavens) I wanted to make sure you are all aware of some series eye candy going down on Instagram. I know you are told this all the time but if you are not on Instagram yet, you need to be.

And when you get on there and set up your account start the party with these three. They have been making me all kinds of giddy as of late.

Parker Kennedy Living
They took the most insane pictures at High Point. Wicked good people.

Grant K Gibson
He has a way of taking beautiful shots of ordinary things and he goes such wonderful places. Living vicariously. And side note -he totes loves my green couch (he 'hearted' the picture on my Instagram). We are so gonna be besties.

Rethink Design Studio
An amazing design firm in Savannah that does a lot of historical work. One day when I get my old river house, I'm calling them.

So am I right or what? And make sure to follow me (@littleblackdoor) too. We'll totally hang out. It'll be a ball.

And don't forget to head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributor and blog buddy Tiffany Leigh is featured today and she's got great things up her sleeve. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Any good plans this weekend? Share them with me...on Instagram.

what's the word

Tired. That's the word. I forgot the word for meat last night. Meat. And I love meat. Does anyone else feel like this was three long weeks rolled into one? Thank goodness the weekend has finally arrived.

I have tons of wonderfulness to share with you - another finished client space, some projects I've started around here and of course all the deets on the party table I did this week. But for whatever reason I'm having trouble stringing together the words. Like I said, just plain tired.

So I will leave you with a beautiful picture as I pretend this is where I'm going for the weekend.


My little (imaginary) house on the river.

And a reminder - if you haven't already please remember to sign up for the Indie Mats giveaway. You only have a few more days left! The winner will be selected Tuesday morning!

And some additional exciting news, I'm a style contributor for Simply Baby's blog party which will be happening every Fridy for the next six weeks! Head on over to the party and check out my blog friend, Beth of Design Post Daily.

Join the party here

Make sure to check it out each Friday because there are some pretty amazing ladies participating:

Tiffany Leigh of Tiffany Leigh Interior Design

Beth of Design Post Daily

Heather of Vivid Hue Home

Cindi and Emily of Scrappy Love

Katherine of Rhymes with Smile

Kelley of Forever's Like a Dream
Like I said, a lot of good things going on! What are your plans this weekend? Working outside? Working inside? Coming to my river house with me?

Happy Weekend!