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Real Oil Price: Old Normal vs. New Normal

Click to enlarge.

The Fed wants 2% inflation per year. If real household median income and real household debt per capita can't get us there, then oil will have to do.

Here's the good news. If real household median income starts to fall again, then the Fed may help raise the price of oil to compensate again. In fact, the lower real median income goes, the more help they may offer! Genius!

Put another way, the less you make at work the more it may cost you to get to work! You know, just to balance it out and what not. This is such a great idea. Should give you all the motivation in the world to get paid more.

What label should we use to describe what's going on?

1. Deflation.
2. Inflation.
3. Stagflation.
4. All of the above.

You make the call. As for me, I'm calling it hyperdefstaginflation! We'll need two words to describe what we're feeling as well.

For the optimists: hyperdefstaginfelationed!
For the pessimists: hyperdefstaginfestationed!

As a side note, one can probably deduce the typical feeling based on how little it costs to fill one's gas tank as a percentage of net worth. The closer you are to the top 1%, the more you'll feel hyperdefstaginfelationed! Well, not always. There may be a little bit of whining involved.

January 28, 2014
VC legend Tom Perkins apologizes for comparing attack on rich to holocaust

Perkins told Bloomberg Television that he made the analogy between wealthy Americans and Jews because the rich are a minority, like the Jews who made up just 1 percent of the German population before the Holocaust.

File:If-us-land-mass-were-distributed-like-us-wealth.png (Stephen Ewen)

The 1% minority are being persecuted by that little red dot. Oh the humanity! Although none have lost their lives so far, there's been a great deal of emotional damage. When your net worth is over a billion dollars and you experience even 2% emotional damage, that's tens of millions of dollars! For a 200 pound billionaire, that's easily $6,250 per ounce in tainted self-worth! Don't the poor realize this?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

5% Interest Rates and $500 Gold! Hahaha!

The following chart shows the natural log of the quarterly average of the 10-year treasury yield. When using natural logs, constant exponential growth (or decay) is seen as a straight line.

Click to enlarge.

I have added a parabolic trend channel in red that uses the data points shown in red. I have also added a parabolic trend in blue that uses all of the data points. Note that the correlation of the blue trend line is 0.89.

The long-term trend shows that the 10-year treasury yield has been decaying (not exactly rocket science here). It's not a pure exponential decay though. Since a parabola fits the data extremely well, I think the best way to describe it is as an exponential decay trend that has been accelerating to the downside. In other words, it has been exponentially decaying at a faster and faster rate. Hello Japan?

I know past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future, but where is the actual evidence that we are in a long-term rising interest rate environment? (And not just a short-term cyclical bounce within a declining trend channel?)

You may be wondering why I singled out the 5% interest rate target in the chart (with a natural log of 1.61). Well, wonder no more! It is inspired by the financial "experts" at MSN Money. Long time readers know that I'm not all that bullish on inflation adjusted gold prices at these levels, but I believe that the following article is a study in ridiculousness. I am therefore willing to place a "gold bug" hat on my head, if only for a day. You know, it's just an effort to balance things out a bit.

January 22, 2014
MSN Money: How gold could fall below $500 an ounce

If the 10-year Treasury yield rises to 5 percent, gold will fall to $471 an ounce.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts then we'd all have a Merry Christmas. What hubris! The price of gold is pegged to 3 digits of "scientific" precision. All you need to know is a future long-term nominal interest rate? Forehead. Desk. Whack. Whack. Whack.

To be sure, a comprehensive model of gold's price needs to include more than just interest rates.

You think? Yeah, inflation might be a good backup plan if nominal interest rates aren't enough I suppose. For example, if inflation is running at 10% and the 10-year treasury yields 5% then I think we can pretty much forget about $500 gold. Call me silly if you must. (This is not a prediction that we will see 10% inflation and 5% interest rates of course. It's just an example.)

But, according to Claude Erb, who conducted these statistical analyses, we should not be too quick to reject his simple "behavioral" model relating gold's price to the 10-Year Treasury yield.

I wish you could have seen how quick I was to reject his simpleminded "behavioral" model. It may have even been a personal best! Unfortunately, I did not have a stopwatch at the time. And even if I had a stopwatch handy, I'm 49 years old and my reflexes aren't what they once were. I'm therefore not entirely sure I could have accurately timed such a short period to 3 digits of "scientific" precision.

In the case of the gold-interest rate correlation over the last decade, Erb told me in an interview, the r-squared is a very high 0.78. ( Click here for a summary of his findings. )

Most correlations on Wall Street don’t come anywhere close to being that high. Indeed, many of the drugs that get FDA approval have lower r-squareds between their use and positive medical outcomes.

Wow! 10 years of cherry picked data offered up a very high 0.78! Color me impressed. Of course, it is based on the premise that my 28 years of cherry picked data (as seen in the chart above) with a much higher 0.89 correlation has to fail spectacularly before his prediction even kicks in. In order to get to 5% interest rates, the natural log needs to rise to 1.61 on my chart. That is well outside the channel and well removed from the blue trend line. It would indeed be a spectacular fail. Could it happen? Of course it will, someday. That someday could be a very, very long time from now though. And in the meantime, who really knows what gold will be doing?

So, in the battle between cherry picked data sets, who are you going to believe? The very highly correlated 10 year model for gold's price that does not concern itself with inflation or the extremely highly correlated 28 year model of long-term interest rates that has a certain Japanese housing bust feel to it?

Put another way, if one assumes that we are in a rising interest rate environment when we very well might not be, then all kinds of crazy predictions are possible. Why stop at 5% interest rates? What will gold's price be if interest rates hit 50%? Better not tell me $47.10 or I will laugh my motherf#$%ing @$$ off! Seriously, lol.

This is not investment advice. I'm simply offering up an alternative theory for where interest rates are headed that matches my own beliefs. It is not proof of anything. If I had a crystal ball that could accurately predict the future, then I certainly wouldn't spend time making charts or offering up gold price predictions with a whopping 3 digits of "scientific" precision. Now would I? No, sir. I'm compelled to heckle instead. It might even be a disease. Please, for the love of all that's holy, someone help me stop! :)

See Also:
The Pulp Fiction of Rising Interest Rates

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Industrial Mining Production vs. Real Gold Price (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

The black line shows the annual average of the industrial mining production index (left scale). Note that it recently set a new record.

The blue line shows the annual average gold price adjusted by the consumer price index (right scale, December 2013 dollars). It grew exponentially starting in 2000 and very nearly set a new record. It has recently backed off though.

Let's zoom in a bit.

Click to enlarge.

Satellite of love, we're gonna fly

September 23, 2007
Productivity Miracle

If I'm wrong to be a stagflationist, this is the sort of thing that would do me in. It is also something one needs to factor in when hoarding hard assets in general.

May 22, 2013
20 Insane Bitcoin Mining Rigs

If you still had any doubt about their commitment to the mining career, the next pictures will show you that they’re here to stay. These next 20 mining rigs are totally insane!

Mining rocks to hoard? Mining bitcoins to hoard? It's all good if it adds to GDP! Right?

This is not investment advice. As always, just opinions.

And on that note, here are a few bonus opinions. I find it insane that we needlessly waste any of the world's resources to mine bitcoins. Is the world really going to be a better place because of it? Is this the kind of productivity miracle that will lead to future prosperity? It's shameful that bitcoins require any energy at all to create. Good grief. At the very least, they could have made a computer game out of it that's fun to play. But no, it's just automated computers (in ever greater numbers) mining virtual bitcoins (in dwindling numbers). Put another way, it requires ever increasing streams of energy to generate fewer and fewer bitcoins. What a frickin' long-term plan of wasted effort that is (not necessarily from a miner's perspective, but for society in general).

At least gold gives you something shiny to fondle once the mining's complete. I say this as one who owned gold from 2004 to 2006. It treated me very well over that period. No complaints. No desire to buy it again though (at these prices anyway). Your opinions may vary of course.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart (Long-Term)
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart (Short-Term)

The Death Of Services Pricing Power

The following chart shows the consumer price index for services divided by the consumer price index for nondurables.

Click to enlarge.

Goodbye service economy tailwinds.
Hello service economy headwinds.

Perhaps Bernanke can give our service economy some inflation but he sure can't seem to target where it goes. As seen in the chart, we eventually managed to get back to the trend line in the aftermath of the 1970s. We're sure making feeble progress these days though. Fantastic. Get out the party hats.

In fact, I am not confident that we will ever return to the trend line. This is yet another epic exponential growth failure. Using the power of future hindsight, we might even consider ourselves fortunate if we can maintain present levels. Sigh.

Why is this bad? When nondurables rise in price faster than services then this service economy's many, many service employees get the short end of the stick (even less stick than they currently think they are getting).

Durable good

Examples of nondurable goods include fast moving consumer goods such as cosmetics and cleaning products, food, fuel, beer, cigarettes, medication, office supplies, packaging and containers, paper and paper products, personal products, rubber, plastics, textiles, clothing and footwear.

While durable goods can usually be rented as well as bought, nondurable goods generally are not rented.

Nondurables are generally not rented yet? Say what? I sense a business opportunity!

May 4, 2012
Renting Prosperity

Americans are getting used to the idea of renting the good life, from cars to couture to homes. Daniel Gross explores our shift from a nation of owners to an economy permanently on the move—and how it will lead to the next boom.

Rent the good life! Premium Gasoline! Beluga Caviar! Gurkha Black Dragons! Samuel Adams' Utopias! Lucentis! The Nondurable Rental Corporation of America will fulfill all your nondurable rental dreams and then some with low, low payments amortized over your remaining expected lifespan (with only modest surcharges of course)!

Have I mentioned lately that I'm a permabear? This is not investment advice. It's a business opportunity! Tap those severely tapped consumers before they are entirely tapped-out again! What could possibly go wrong? Genius!

In the epic battle between health care services, college education services, and nondurable fuel prices, which pain will ultimately reign supreme? Stay tuned! It's sure to be a hoot!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

The $420 Question

The following chart shows real monthly exports per capita (September 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

Got fork?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Gold vs. Crude Foodstuffs & Feedstuffs

In theory, how far could gold drop in price relative to the basic necessity of food?

In the following chart, I'm adjusting the price of gold for inflation but instead of using the CPI I'm using the producer price index for crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs (which has doubled since 2000).

Click to enlarge.

It appears to me that gold could drop quite a bit more (relative to crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs). The exponential trend in blue has failed and the median is a long ways away. That doesn't mean that gold will drop of course. I'm simply saying that it could.

How to Live on a Deserted Island

5. Find food sources. The ocean is filled with life. Try constructing a low V shaped wall out of stones at low tide, with the point of the V pointing out to the sea. At high tide, fish should swim inside but become trapped as the tide flows out.

12. Find food... There are lots of edible roots and berries, but watch out! Some are poisonous. Only eat them if you are sure they are safe. The best, and most reliable source of food is bugs. Yes, bugs. They are everywhere and an excellent source of protein. If deciding to fish with the bugs instead, a hook can be fashioned by carving out a stick into a hook shape and putting a barb on it. Tie string to it and you're in business.

Note that there is no mention of borrowing money to buy gold.

Monex: How to Buy Gold

Or, you may elect financing of your precious metals, using as little as a 25% down payment and taking advantage of investment leverage of as much as 4-to-1, through our exclusive Atlas Account program.

I love the term "exclusive" to describe the account. Who would Monex exclude? Investors who would fold under the massive weight of a margin call?

As of 2006, I no longer own gold nor do I have any desire to buy it back at these prices (relative to the price of toilet paper anyway). That said, I figure it never hurts to buy a few extra large bags of rice at Costco though. Things happen.

In my opinion, we've replaced risk-free investments with risky free lunch investments. I'm not referring to gold specifically. I'm referring to the entire system. For example, here's another exponential trend failure. Check out dividends compared to crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs. Kind of ominous don't you think? That one definitely requires its own post. Coming soon to a blog near you! (Well, within 24 hours more than likely anyway.)

There is no safe store of value. - Alan Greenspan (1966)

We live in an era of epic exponential trend failures. Be careful out there. This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Peak Vehicle Miles Traveled per Capita (Musical Tribute)

ZIRP: How Long?

Click to enlarge.

I'm not suggesting that World War III will soon break out, but I am suggesting that ZIRP may be here for far longer than most think possible. We're currently "only" four years into the chart.

November 18, 2009
Fed official: Rates could stay put until 2012

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said policy makers may not start to raise rates until early 2012 while facing a “too low for two long” argument that may “weigh heavily” on the central bank.

August 17, 2011
Plosser Says Federal Reserve May Have to Increase Rates Before Mid-2013

Charles Plosser, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, said the Fed will probably need to raise interest rates before mid-2013 and that policy makers should have waited to see how the economy performed before pledging to hold rates at record lows for two years.

January 25, 2012
Fed: Benchmark Rate Will Stay Low Until ’14

Federal Reserve officials said their benchmark interest rate will stay low until at least late 2014 and anticipate that unemployment will remain high and inflation “subdued.”

December 12, 2012
Fed Officials Forecast Main Rate to Stay Near Zero Until 2015

A majority of Federal Reserve officials don’t expect to raise the main interest rate until 2015, when they forecast the jobless rate will fall to between 6 percent and 6.6 percent.

The date of the interest rate hike is a procrastinator's dream. It *always* appears to be about 2 years away. You know what they say. Never put off for tomorrow what you can do two years from now! This is no doubt a big shocker to the ivory tower crowd.

For what it is worth, this has definitely been one of my better calls since starting this blog.

January 31, 2008
The Death of Real Yields Continues

If I had but one prediction, it would be that it will grow increasingly difficult to make money off of money going forward. That's why I continue to track what I call the death of real yields.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate