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try not to labor too much

The only thing better than heading into a weekend is knowing its a three-day weekend. Summer is slipping through our fingers so soak up every last minute of it.

For those in the US - happy labor day! And for all of my other friends, happy weekend!

weekend progress

It's Monday again. Joy.

How was your weekend? Mine was jam packed.

I finished some curtains for a client and they are ironed and ready to deliver today.

We transplanted the almost-dead hydrangeas to a spot in my yard where I know hydrangeas thrive and put in something else. (which needs to be trimmed)

We had a last weekend of summer campout in the backyard which was a huge hit, even if the hub's back is still paying for it.

I made a pillow with my new trim from Fringe Market. And when I say made I mean that I glued the trim onto a plain white pillow cover from IKEA. That's my kind of sewing.

If you don't know about Fringe Market yet you need to. They have amazing trims in all different colors and patterns, they will do any type of custom order you need and they are some of the nicest people of Etsy. Trust that I'll be ordering much more from them. Love them.

And we ended the weekend with a campfire and some neighborly BBQ. Now I've got to get ready for Amelia to start Kindergarten tomorrow. Wahoo!!! How is it possible to have a child in Kindergarten when I'm still a young dewy 18 year old myself?!

How was your weekend? Glue anything? Burn anything? Brave the back to school section at Target?

dip your toes in summer

It is a beautiful day outside. I've got the windows open and I plan to have some good summer fun outside with the girls today.

So enjoy these summer pictures and get outside for some fresh air!

all images via Pinterest

Happy Weekend!

calgon, take me away

Have you ever had one of those weeks? Those weeks where you feel like you are behind on everything and no matter what you try to get done, more things just pile on top? What do they say in Alice in Wonderland?

"The hurrier I go the behinder I get."

Yep, that's me this week sister. No worries though. I'll have met the bulk of my deadlines by the time Monday roles around and then I'll start myself fresh. I've never been so excited for a Monday.

So I'll stop by bellyaching and leave you with this beauty.

A bouquet for you.

Because flowers always make me happy, even the virtual ones!

But on the bright side, make sure to stop by Simply Baby this week, I'm talking nurseries.

weekend plans

Who's ready for a nice long weekend?. School is officially out (cue Alice Cooper) so we are going to do some of this

a little of this

lots of this

and hopefully this

Ahh summer. I'm ready for you baby! What are your plans this weekend?

And don't forget to check out Kelly's feature over at the Simply Baby blog party!

weekend recap

Oy! I hope you all had as much fun this past weekend as I did. It was the perfect mix of shopping, projects, family and good food. Fun was had by all.

Here are some peaks into the last 72 hours.

We took pictures of each other taking pictures of each other.

I got out some ribbon and my glue gun.

Did a bit of shopping/research. Sadly this hot little number didn't come home with me but I'll keep my eye on it. Wouldn't she be saucy in a bathroom holding all types of pretty hand towels and jars of pretty soaps? I miss her already.

But this little tray did come home with me. I'll have to take another shot of the top - think dragons and billowy smoke. Look for that on Instagram.

Finished up one project.

And started another.

All was wrapped up with an attempt at a family selfie. Mouths full of cookies have some sort of power to make the girls look at the camera. Go figure.

Stay tuned for more info on those projects, and make sure to come back on Wednesday for another client before and after!

what's the word

Tired. That's the word. I forgot the word for meat last night. Meat. And I love meat. Does anyone else feel like this was three long weeks rolled into one? Thank goodness the weekend has finally arrived.

I have tons of wonderfulness to share with you - another finished client space, some projects I've started around here and of course all the deets on the party table I did this week. But for whatever reason I'm having trouble stringing together the words. Like I said, just plain tired.

So I will leave you with a beautiful picture as I pretend this is where I'm going for the weekend.


My little (imaginary) house on the river.

And a reminder - if you haven't already please remember to sign up for the Indie Mats giveaway. You only have a few more days left! The winner will be selected Tuesday morning!

And some additional exciting news, I'm a style contributor for Simply Baby's blog party which will be happening every Fridy for the next six weeks! Head on over to the party and check out my blog friend, Beth of Design Post Daily.

Join the party here

Make sure to check it out each Friday because there are some pretty amazing ladies participating:

Tiffany Leigh of Tiffany Leigh Interior Design

Beth of Design Post Daily

Heather of Vivid Hue Home

Cindi and Emily of Scrappy Love

Katherine of Rhymes with Smile

Kelley of Forever's Like a Dream
Like I said, a lot of good things going on! What are your plans this weekend? Working outside? Working inside? Coming to my river house with me?

Happy Weekend!

rollin' down the river

I've been workin' it like Tina in her best leather mini skirt all weekend long. And I've got the pictures to prove it. Here are some sneak peeks...

More on all of these things in the coming days.

Now I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! Did you do anything exciting? Jump in any leaf piles? Discover that you love cucumber water? Me too!