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seeing spots

You know my love of polka dots. And then there is my obsession with gold (here, here and here). So how about blending them together into a big ol' mix of awesome.
1st Dibs
Sugar Paper
Kate Spade
Kate Spade
Sugar Paper
Top Shop
Those lamps are...there just aren't words. I dream of them. I love them. For those of you in the Bay Area, go by and pet these for me will ya?

Ryan Not Ready For Prime Time

Ryan Not Ready For Prime Time
UPDATE: 7:25 p.m. -- Danny Kanner, a spokesman for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, said in a statement that the TV interview shows Ryan "not ready for primetime." The statement continues:
First, he attacked the President for the very same Medicare savings that he includes in his own budget. In the same breath, he falsely claimed that the Romney-Ryan budget protects Medicare -– in fact, their plan would end Medicare as we know it, leaving seniors with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today.
Then, Ryan refused to name a single tax loophole they’d close to pay for their $5 trillion tax plan. We know what that means: as independent experts have confirmed, Romney and Ryan’s tax plan would either explode the deficit or raise taxes on middle class families to pay for their tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. As Romney and Ryan run away from the plans they have laid out -- and in Ryan’s case, passed through the Republican House twice -- they’re revealing that they’d take the American people back to the same failed policies that crashed our economy in the first place, and have zero interest in the bold, honest, substantive debate that they claim is at the center of their campaign.

Stripes are not just for sailors

The maximalist approach of STRIPES. Horizontal and vertical lines in one outfit may be challenging, but I had to try it and I must admit it that I liked it . Thanks to Sheinside.com I have this comfortable pair of striped pants that is great Summer days. A colorful necklace and the red vintage bag is the only burst of color in this monochrome and graphic look. I hope I don't cross the line :)

                                                                     Pants: thanks to Sheinside.comHere
                                                                     Blouse: Express/ similar Here 
                                                       Shoes: Zara/ another great pair Here 
                                                                     Bag: Vintage / a cute one Here 
                                                                     Necklace: Portland Art Museum shop/ another colorful one Here 

elephants and eggs

One of my living room challenges is the layout. I believe, in fact, it is number 3 on my list. Now normally I have no problems with layouts. In fact, that's usually how I put myself to sleep at night (instead of counting sheep I move furniture).

But this time, I've got an elephant in the room. She is big and bossy and I love her.

The 'egg piano'.

For years my grandmother saved the money she earned selling eggs each week (from her chickens. on the farm. not her eggs.) to buy this piano. It was her pride and joy. It was later passed on to my parents and was the piano I took lessons on. Then, a few years ago my parents downsized and the piano came to live at my house.

But that wahoo comes with a however.

This baby is big. And there are very few places she will fit. And after finding her spot, there is the even bigger issue of how to treat her. For whatever reason, styling a piano seems daunting to me. Even Pinterest didn't have many examples. (bite my tongue, I know)
via Pinterest
The Selby
Miss Mustard Seed
Home Life
Residence via Scandinavian Chic 
So what say you? Have you ever worked with a piano? Any ideas on how to integrate it? What would you buy with your egg money?

Neon bag from Lulu's.com

"Summer is blue"and so is my outfit today !
A light and aery outfit with neon and baby blue colors. A contrastant combination that I wore a couple of weeks ago where I took this neon yellow bag, received from Lulu's.com. for a ride for the first time.  Hight voltage hues accessories complements perfectly this blue outfit ( aka suit) and nude pumps. What do you think ?
Have a lovely week everyone !

                                                                   Shirt: New York & Company
                                                                   Bag: Rocky Mountain thanks to Lulu's.com /Here
                                                                   Skirt: French Connection/ another lovely one/ Here
                                                                   Shoes: Aldo / similar Here
                                                                   Necklace: thanks to Sira&Mara USA/ Here

Ayn Rand's Objectivist Ethics - Rational Self Interest...

by:Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan to be his running mate has the left twisting themselves into knots in the early attempts to misrepresent Paul Ryan's intellect and ability.

Not content to attack Ryan the lefties have determined to attack Ayn Rand as well. Rand is the author and philosopher that Ryan freely admits had a positive impact on his thinking with respect to governance and ethics.

The reason the left has such obsessive fear (that borders on hatred) of Ayn Rand is she stands for individualism over collectivism, a limited and proper role for the federal government, and she vehemently denounced the very statism that the leftist power structure in America has grown to embrace and herald as proper government

Just as the founding fathers of our democratic republic were classical liberals and enlightened thinkers, Ayn Rand embraced, and advocated classical liberalism. Modern liberals (liberal today means collectivist) fear of the strong individual who is self reliant and lives their life by rational self interest is what drives the collectivist left to destroy individuals like Paul Ryan and distort and lie about the philosophy of Ayn Rand. They will stop at nothing, and will stoop to the lowest levels to defeat that which can and should defeat them.

Isn't it time those of us who value individualism, liberty, a non intrusive federal government, a government that takes a non interventionist foreign policy posture, and who desire fiscal sanity to not be afraid nor embarrassed to advocate for the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand? Rational Nation over the coming days will be posting videos and pertinent excerpts from Rand's philosophical writings .

It is indeed more important than ever before to keep the philosophy that advocates for limited government, maximum individual liberties, individualism, and protecting the minority against the tyranny of the majority alive. Defeating the collectivist onslaught that only leads to dependency on the nanny state and thus loss of freedoms must be the goal of everyone that cherishes their liberties...

From the Virtue of Selfishness

Information can be found at the Ayn Rand Institute.

Pale pink

I'm like a kid in a candy shop when it comes to choosing the color combination of my outfits. There are so many combinations that I want to try every day! Today's outfit is an example of that: pale pink & red is one fusion that got stuck in my head since last year, when I saw The Row S/S collection, and now I'm wearing it :)
And now let's announce the winner of the PLNDR 50$ gift card :nr. 17, Congratulation Annika ! Please send me your email address for more informations!
Many thanks to all of you who participated! More giveaways to come soon!

                                                                       Maxi skirt: Forever 21/ similar Here
                                                                       Flats: Zara/ similar Here
                                                                       Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                       Bag: Furla /a lovely version Here
                                                                       Cardigan: No brand
                                                                       Sunglasses: Betsey Johnson/ similar style Here


Mitt Romney names Paul Ryan as running mate

Mitt Romney names Paul Ryan as running mate

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney introduced Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate on Saturday, turning to the architect of a deeply conservative and intensely controversial long-term budget plan to remake Medicare and cut trillions in federal spending.
In the campaign to come, Republicans will present economic solutions “that are bold, specific and achievable,” Mr. Romney said as he presented his political partner to cheering supporters. “We offer our commitment to create 12 million new jobs and bring better take home pay to middle class families.”...
(And this key point)   Mr. Ryan and other supporters say the change is needed to prevent the program from financial calamity. Critics argue it would impose ever-increasing costs on seniors.
Other elements of the budget plan would cut projected spending for Medicaid, which provides health care for the poor, as well as food stamps, student loans and other social programs that Mr. Obama and Democrats have pledged to defend.
In all, it projected spending cuts of $5.3-trillion over a decade, and cut future projected deficits substantially.

The Faces of Tyranny in America

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I don't often bring back and reprint articles published previously. However, after spending a fair amount of time in what is known as progressive blogistan (or more appropriately the stated... The Pit of Confusion) I decided to visit my own archives. Mostly to refocus my attention on the task ahead. Which of course is to debunk the vile rhetorical venom the left is so full of.

Before moving ahead I suppose I should explain to the more conservative and high Libertarian readers why exactly I decided to subject myself to the myriad of misrepresentations, as well as being called everything from a raaaaacist, to a anti Semite, to a bigot, to a drunk, to a child molester, and many other things the confused hate filled left has called me, with not one iota of proof to substantiate it.

The "tolerant" left, as they like to called (never mind that it is an erroneous description) has the most effective attack machine and evasive methods known to mankind. They were sure as hell not going to accept an outspoken conservative/libertarian in their midst. UNLESS of course I bought everything they said hook line and sinker. Something this independent thinker has never been willing to do, for anybody. In short, a lot of the left are nothing but hypocrites.

To be fair, using a word the left understands well, they would because it is a non concept, I must state, unequivocally, that there are indeed many left leaning individuals who are reasonable and present rational arguments. Many show no malice when you with them and do not attack you personally just because you disagree with them. They simply accept the disagreement and go on their merry way as do rational conservatives and Libertarians.

It is the elitist snobs that are in control of the progressive movement that we of the rational Libertarian and conservative movement must attack, and attack viciously. Attack by underscoring their lies and the tactics they use. Expose the politicians they control for the real dangers they present to all Americans. Americans of ALL races, ethnicity, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, ages, and socioeconomic standing. Remind the liberty loving people that it about control over the lives of the individual that the left is most hungry for. If anyone doubts this truth just look at all the regimes of the socialist totalitarian left of the past; The Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Fascist Spain, Communist China, Communist Southeast Asia, add more if you need to.

Irrespective of what the leaders of movement left will tell you THEY want nothing less than to snuff out individualism, freedom of speech, and the liberties that past generations have fought and died to preserve for their posterity. I say, Enough is Enough! It is time to dismantle the progressive machine that is bent on destroying freedom and liberty in the United States of America.

Having said the above, as this site is really about liberty prevailing over tyranny, I must also point out those on the far right who support things such as the Patriot Act, Citizens United, that would deny the right of homosexuals the same freedoms and happiness as heterosexuals, that would deny women their reproductive rights, that demonize any religion but Christianity and Judaism, that attempt to restrict equal opportunity for all regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, that seek to demonize our black President on groundless accusations of not being an American, etc. are just as dangerous as the seething left I have described above. We of the Liberty Movement must be better. We must rise above our opponents on the left and on the neocon and socon right that would oppress us in a heartbeat were we to allow them.

This nations is in the throes of great and unsettling times. The decisions we make today, the politicians and bureaucrats we allow to run OUR GOVERNMENT will determine not only our liberties and freedoms, but the liberties and freedoms of yet unborn individuals for generations to come.

The question to be answered is this, are we willing to fight for the liberties that our Constitution guarantees us? Or are we going to march like good lemmings to the sea of oppression that the extreme left and neocon and socon right have in store for us if we do not resist them.

This site is not a supporter of either the Republican Party and Mitt Romney or the Democratic Party and President Obama. This site is a supporter of liberty for all, both political and economic, and a strong advocate for the candidacy of Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party for president of these United States of America.

Now, if you have stuck with me this long here is the article from the archives that I believe is truer today than when I wrote it.  Certainly it will re-inspire me going forward to fight the insidious forces of tyranny and oppression. I hope that in some small way it might inspire you as well.

Long live truth and the American Republic!!!

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

When you spend enough time in progressive collectivist blogistan, aka the land of the lost, it imparts a certain feeling of being lost in a fog. Sort of like the feelings you experienced on those foggy and dreary mornings waiting at the bus stop for the school bus to arrive. You just knew it was going to be another very long day when the teachers were going to expect you to learn something when you would rather bring doing something else. At least that's the way it was for me, and it's just how it was in progressive collectivist blogistan.

Really though, putting the analogy aside, there are similarities and differences.

One, I chose to subject myself to the the incessant kool aid of the left, whereas I had no choice but to go to school if I wanted to learn and some day be able to support myself. Two, I learned nothing from my experience in left blogistan other than ... nope, like I said nothing. Three, I learned a great deal from my school experience and for the most part was fortunate to have teachers that taught facts and allowed me to think for myself and draw my own conclusions.

That of course was back in the day when educators actually spent their time educating rather than indoctrinating. Having said that I must acknowledge there are many teachers who are dedicated and aspire to teach their students how to develop critical thinking skills. In fact, my baby sister is an educator and she does just that. She is a conservative with an open mind that teaches her students it's okay to think differently if you can back up your position with reasonable supporting arguments.

For all the talk you hear from the progressive collectivists about progressives being the true defenders of liberty and free thought it amazes me just how closed minded and fanatically adverse they are to anything that differs from their cherished and usually emotional viewpoint. For the most part they consider themselves to be the elite and thus have all the appropriate answers. If you don't believe it just ask them.

My time in the land of the lost also reminded me of the book Animal Farm. The book that pitted the animals (the working class) against their owners (the bourgeoisie) in what depicted the classic class struggle. After the animals threw their masters off the farm and ran it as a collective with all animals being equal things were okay for awhile. But before they knew it the pigs, who were the smartest begin to change the rules of the democratic collective and gradually installed themselves as the rulers of the people. They declared themselves more equal because of their superior intellect and knowledge.

By the end of the story the animals wanted their old masters back because they were treated by far better with them running the farm than with the pigs running the farm as progressive collectivist dictators.

The thing I noticed in the land of the lost is that if you agreed with the progressive line all was well. They all seemed to sit around in their fog and echo the same chorus line about how everything would be so much better if only the nasty, dirty, bigoted racist, homophobic, delusional right (as in republicans, libertarians, and conservatives) would just go away and let them play and romp in the nirvana fields of progressive collectivist thought.

As much as I would love to disclose the most virulent of these sites where anybody who dare oppose their views, or in any way make a curt disparaging remark about one of them will be threatened and intimidated so as to shut the person up. I know because I faced such intimidation. Yet on the pages of many of these sites all conservatives, Tea Party supporters, and republicans are maligned, called the most disparaging names, and mocked. However should I name any of these sights there will no doubt be more intimidation.

Progressive collectivist blogistan, aka the land of the lost is truly Animal Farm. And they wish to impose their elitism and world view on the rest of us. If you haven't read Animal Farm by George Orwell, I highly recommend it. The political ideology is still alive and well in the progressive collectivist movement. And that my fellow true defenders of liberty is where the danger lies.

Note: The term blogistan I borrowed from fellow RN USA writer Silverfiddle. Thanks and I hope you won't think of me as plagiarizer.

Editors Note: Graphics compliments of Left Coast Rebel.