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Graphic Grids

Oh yes, once again I'm hiding in this magic garden and I decided to "lock"myself behind the grids. Just temporary and only behind the grid prints. But if you ask me, I could leave here forever...

                                                                               Dress: thanks to Babe New York/ Here 
                                                                               Clutch: 3.1 Phillip Lim
                                                                               Pointed heels: Shoemint/ option Here 
                                                                               Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                               Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

party like its 1963 - 50th wedding anniversary

Happy Monday to all! Anything exciting to report? We had rain, with a side of rain and large helping of humidity. Summer in St. Louis y'all.

So I blabbed long enough about this anniversary party I thought I should at least share a few pictures with you. My parents celebrated 50 years of marriage and in my book, 50 years of anything deserves a party. And party we did.

Now a (long) side note - I have had lists upon lists over the past few months to keep things organized for this shindig and we were on schedule. The hubs was on board and the weekend before the party he and I sat down and made a list of what we needed to get done each day that week to be ready for the party on Saturday. Teamwork is our middle name.

Then Monday night the hubs got sick. Tuesday morning I had to take him to the ER and by Tuesday night he had an emergency appendectomy. Which was kind of weird because I didn't remember 'surgery' anywhere on our to-do list.

Que increased stress level.

And to add to the fun, surgery was followed by an infection which kept him in the hospital until late Friday. Coupled with a mystery plumbing leak, a surprise tree removal and a daily increased threat of rain, my stress level runneth over.

I will save all of the gory details for cocktail hour, but needless to say by the time Saturday arrived I was just happy to have showered and brushed my hair. I didn't get as many pictures taken as I would have liked, and some are with my iPhone so they aren't the best quality but you'll get the idea. And we were lucky enough to have the talented Jeremy Keltner there during the party and he got some great shots as well.

Lesson learned. As my great-grandfather always said - don't bother worrying because you will always be worrying about the wrong thing.

So with all of that said, a great time was had by all and the party was a success. We did end up with a downpour shortly after the cake was cut but the fun just moved inside and we didn't skip a beat.

Now enough talk, let's look at some pictures.

Almost ready to go.

The welcome wreath that greeted everyone at the gate as they entered.

Would have been awesome if I had gotten a picture of these things filled out with the drink labels filled in but this will have to do.

I made the menu using the same monogram that appeared on the invitation and the cake.

Each table was decked out in ribbons in my mom's colors, blue, green and yellow, and pictures of the happy couple through the years. The frames were a DIY project I'll share at some point.

They were a pain to hang, but the lanterns were great. All the lanterns were battery operated and worked off of one universal remote which was heaven. Thanks Pier 1.

Inside was a table full of wedding pictures and albums.

And the yummy cake.

Which we cut just in time to move inside before the monsoon hit.

It was a late night but a great time.

Happy Anniversary mom and dad!

Have you thrown any parties lately? Any great outdoor celebrations on your calendar? Wanna come over for a drink? The house is clean.

Garcia Denied Candidacy For National LULAC President At 84th Annual Convention

Margaret "Margie" Moran, Domingo Garcia and Darryl Morin

Photos: FB

Moran was easily re-elected as the National President of LULAC after main opponent, Domingo Garcia was ousted from elections in the Las Vegas 84th Annual National LULAC Convention. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 24, 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada - On Saturday,  Margaret Moran of San Antonio, TX was re-elected as the National President of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and Darryl Morin of Milwaukee,  WI was elected as LULAC's National Vice President for the Midwest at the 84th Annual National Convention in Neveda. Moran has been a LULAC member for 33 years and served in various positions throughout her membership. She has served as LULAC National Parliamentarian, National Vice President for Women, Texas State Director, Texas Deputy State Director, San Antonio District XV Director, District XV Treasurer and President of Council #4421.
Moran was first elected in 2010 and is the third woman elected as National President since the organization was created in 1929. The first woman president was Belen Robles and the second to hold the position was Rosa Rosales. LULAC is the oldest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, according to the LULAC's website.
Morin a self proclaimed Republican is president and CEO of Advanced Wireless, Inc. in Franklin. In 2008, the United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS) organization after his name was nominated, Morin was selected as Hispanic Man of Year.
Morin in Wisconsin has served LULAC as Council President, Deputy State Director, State Director and at the national level as Convention Co-Chair and as Advisor to various National Presidents, according to Morin's dot org. 
An unprecedented election was held by members of LULAC before the actual presidential election on Saturday. An estimated 2,000 LULAC members attended the event. The first election process drew controversy and a decision by less than 2/3 voting membership was made to disqualify Moran's main opponent Domingo Garcia from Dallas, TX. Garcia needed at least 2/3 of the membership vote to challenge and stay in the presidential elections.
Apparently, Garcia did not serve as a full member for three consecutive years as required to run for president, according to LULAC's legal advisory board decision. 
LULAC in March filed a lawsuit in Dallas in an attempt to keep Garcia, a former Texas State Representative and Dallas mayor pro tem from seeking LULAC's presidency. LULAC claimed, Garcia didn't pay his LULAC Council 102's membership dues in 2012. Garcia, who has a lifetime membership claims, Council 102 attempted to pay the dues in September and December, but LULAC applied it to their dues for 2013.
Garcia filed a counter lawsuit in April claiming the LULAC Board rewrote rules to technically prevent him from running for president and that the 2012 dues "payment was manipulated by incumbents and applied to 2013," according to Garcia's Facebook posting of Dallas News dot com article about the lawsuits.
In May, a Dallas County judge denied Garcia a temporary or permanent injunction to keep LULAC from keeping him off the ballot for president. The judge cited that the organization had a Board to resolve their own issues, membership was voluntary and members were expected to follow set rules.
At least 100 of Garcia's young supporters from the Phoenix, Arizona area and Texas were stripped from their right to cast a vote at the convention, even though they were in good standing with LULAC. Because their candidate Garcia was disqualified. With Garcia ousted, Moran easily won re-election. 
Garcia and other LULAC members at the convention alleged dirty politics and Moran's supporters of suppressing the membership vote from those who have paid their dues. 

Domingo Garcia's lawsuit filed in Dallas at link: http://bit.ly/11XMTxH

I Want To Be Free! ... J. D. Longstreet

I Want To Be Free!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
I Want To Be Free!
Bring Back the Magna Carta!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I have had it, up to the gills, with the federal government acting as some sort of over-protective parent or nanny. I just want to be let alone! In other words -- I want what the US Constitution is supposed to guarantee me. I want to be FREE!

Just leave me, the h**l, alone!

Pathetic, huh?  You bet it is.

The last thing you're gonna get in America today is --- let alone!   

Heck, we even fought a war over it and over 700,000 Americans lost their lives because a
portion of the country asked -- and then insisted -- upon being let alone.

"We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honor and independence; we seek no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms."  Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, Monday, April 29, 1861.

Well, we all know how THAT turned out. 

It should have been a tip-off as to the direction the US would be taking during and after the war.  And it WAS.

For those who have spent the time and devoted themselves to the study of that period of US history it is obvious that the southern states where suspicious that the US was moving toward a far stronger central government than they were comfortable with -- what with their Celtic ancestry.  But that's another story for another time.

I nearly wrote that "we'd made full circle" ... but we haven't ... not really.  In fact, ever since the American Civil War the United States government has grown ever stronger squeezing the personal freedom and liberty of all Americans into a smaller and smaller box.

Today we find ourselves without privacy, our lives laid bare before the prying eyes and

ears of the government -- in and out of our homes.  The Fourth Amendment to the constitution has been all but shredded.  American citizens are now approaching the conditions Englishmen were enduring as vassals to their king before the Magna Carta which was signed 798 years ago this month (on June 15th).

The Great Charter of the Liberties of England "was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges."  SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta     

The Magna Carta is extremely important to Americans as England's legal system was used as a model for most of the American colonies in developing their own legal systems.

Back when our public school system, oft referred to today as the "government school system," taught REAL history, not the revisionist propaganda they teach today, every American schoolboy knew that the Magna Carta influenced the early settlers in New England and inspired later constitutional documents, including the United States Constitution.

Ask an American schoolboy today about the Magna Carta and you are likely to get remarks referencing a large bore hand gun or a powerful all terrain vehicle, uh, between the blank stares, that is.

Yes, Americans are cursed with repeating history.  This should explain why we so-called "senior citizens" sometimes appear so smart.  It's not that we are any smarter than anyone else.  It is simply that we are able to predict the future by knowing what Americans have, as a lot, not paid heed to in the past.  We recognize it -- and call it -- with a great deal of accuracy.  It's really quite easy. It just SEEMS like magic.

I have concluded it is going to take another Magna Carta moment pretty much as they experienced in England in 1215 to force, yes, I said FORCE, our government back within the prescribed parameters of the US Constitution.  Once they have tasted corrupt power, rogue governments rarely, if ever, voluntarily give that power up.  Americans can expect a fight to the bitter end in any contest to reclaim their freedom and liberty from our "progressive overlords."

Frankly, I believe America needs a Great Reformer in the mold of Brother Marin Luther,

who (in my opinion) saved the Christian church from the rot at its core, to (metaphorically) nail the constitution to the door of the US Supreme Court, the doors of the US Senate, the House of Representatives, and the front door of the White House. 

You may recall that Luther lived his life afterwards under a death threat.  But he never recanted. NEVER.

It will take a leader with the character, the strength, the determination, the belief that he is right, and the fearlessness of an archangel, and, most importantly -- a reluctance to place himself above other men, to spearhead a successful movement to reclaim the constitutional rights of Americans.

The freedom movement in America is nearing a critical mass.  The government knows it and has been preparing for the coming American apocalypse for some time now.   They know it will be a cataclysmic event. 

Yet one thing is lacking -- that leader we described above for America's freedom movement.  When he appears on the scene -- and he will -- the curtain will go up.
Neither side is assured of victory.  We can only pray God that freedom wins out.

© J. D. Longstreet 

Sonido Condor Launched Flyer Campaign To Locate Stolen Truck And Thieves

D.J. Arnulfo Aguilar Vásquez

(Click on flyer image to enlarge, print and post.)

Vásquez to post hundreds of flyers throughout the California area where the Sonido Condor's truck with music equipment was stolen. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 23, 2013

Commerce, CA - On Saturday, D.J. Arnulfo Aguilar Vásquez,  53, from Sonido Condor announced through a YouTube video that he will circulate and post flyers throughout California about his stolen truck loaded with sound equipment in an attempt to locate it. A reward is being offered by Vásquez for information leading to the arrest and conviction of several suspects in connection with the stolen truck.
The Sonido Condor's truck had just arrived in California from Mexico loaded with the entire sound, light and D.J. equipment to be used during the U.S. multistate touring nightclub and dance hall gigs. 
Vásquez described the truck as an 18 foot long White Ford E450 truck van with California plates 68487G1. It also has the word "Marathon" in front of the upper cabin.
Several suspects driving a Green SUV Toyota Runner went into a parking lot and stole the parked Sonido Condor's truck on Tuesday morning next to a Ramada Hotel, which the theft was caught on several video surveillance cameras in the area.
Video from the day before also caught images of a similar Toyota SUV scoping the place around 5:15 p.m., according to Vásquez. 
Police continue to look for the suspects and the stolen truck.
Vásquez says, most likely by Monday the license plates of the Toyota will be made available through image enhancement. 
Hundreds of the Sonido Condor fans and other sonido groups in the area launched a campaign through Facebook and other social networks around multiple cities and suburbs where the truck was stolen in an effort to locate it.
Vásquez couldn't confirm, if a truck spotted in a Los Angeles neighborhood was his missing truck. But according to a tip, police had surrounded the area where a white truck was parked and no-one was allowed to get close to the scene. Los Angeles police hasn't released any information about the incident. 

D.J. Arnulfo Aguilar Vásquez sends out message to fans about his Sonido Condor truck at link: http://is.gd/oQuTlV

Sonido Condor released the following list of items stolen in Commerce, CA along with truck, total worth in the thousands of dollars.

Click on image to enlarge

Kelly To Star In Major Wesley Mission Campaign Of Hope Ads

Emmanuel Kelly

Photos: FB

Major campaign of Hope to air in August featuring Wesley Mission Victoria Ambassador of Hope Emmanuel Kelly, an aspiring Australian song writer and former X Factor contestant whose rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" captivated millions of fans around the world.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 22, 2013

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Last month, Emmanuel Kelly, 19, of Melbourne announced on his Emmanuel Kelly Official Facebook page and Twitter accounts that a major campaign of Hope sponsored by the Wesley Mission Victoria (WMV) will officially be launched on August 4. Kelly, who is the official Ambassador of Hope spent several days in mid May filming the ad campaign for WMV.
According to WMV's website, the organization is commitment to social justice. WMV cares about people who experience loneliness, disadvantage, vulnerability, isolation and disability. Through a range of programs and services, we respond to people's diverse needs and empower them to lead full lives as equal members of our community. WMV also helps to address the structures in our society that contribute to disadvantage through our policy, research and advocacy work.
Kelly is the famous former Australian X Factor participant who on August 2011 during an audition did a rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" song that captivated the judges, audience and millions of people around the world. His YouTube video performance and song of the rendition went viral. Today, the YouTube video had 14.4 million viewers, which continues to spread today on the Internet and social media. His audition song even won phrase by Lennon's widow Yoko Ono. She tweeted, "Thank you, Emmanuel. You sang beautifully!  Thank you. John would have been proud of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love, Yoko."
He was later cut from the X Factor in September 2011 and didn't make it to the top 24 contestants. Despite his cut from the X Factor for not doing well in the physical aspect of the show, Kelly has gained more than 14 million fans and most likely has doubled since then, with added fans from Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Puerto Rico and other Latin American countries.
Kelly wants to become a respected song writer and singer, according to his FB, but he has surpassed his dream even though, he is modest about his success and fan base. Kelly wrote on FB, "I am an aspiring singer song writer, and my dream is to become a professional commercial artist, it is my dream to become one of the most respected and admired singer song writer."
Kelly and his brother, Ahmad as babies were found in a shoebox by nuns in Baghdad Park in Iraq. Both brothers suffer limb deficiencies due to chemical warfare. Kelly suffers from Scoliosis in his hips, which only surgery could reverse damage or he would have to use a wheelchair in the future.
Kelly and his brother don't know their real birth date, since no birth certificate or passport were included along with them.
They were rescued from an orphanage by Moira Kelly from the Children First Foundation who became their legal guardian and mother, since childhood.
Last month, Moira Kelly created the Global Gardens of Peace organization and is working to build a garden in the war torn Gaza Strip with a playground and green scenery by planting plants and trees from Australia that can adapt to the dry climate in Israel. Today, no birds can be found in the Gaza, but the new garden is expected to bring serenity and a sense of peace to children and their families in the area. Moira also hopes that the garden can attract birds to the Gaza.

Emmanuel Kelly song video at link: http://is.gd/Fh5cNe

Cool Blue

Embracing great weather lately and one of those days I opted for a pair of sporty leatherette shorts, printed oversized shirt and electric blue accessories. Instead of flats shoes I chose these nude Zara sandals that I think will be my go-to pair of the season.
Sporty chic anyone?

                                                                             Top: Costa Blanca thanks to Lulu's/ Here
                                                                             Shorts:  thanks to Jovanista/ Here 
                                                              Sandals: Zara/ option Here
                                                                             Bag: Cynthia Rowley/ great option Here 
                                                                             Sunglasses: thanks to zeroUV/ Here
                                                                             Shield cuff bracelet: thanks to Cooee/ Here


Former U.S. Border Patrol Villarreal Brothers Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison For Human Smuggling

Raul Villarreal and Fidel Villarreal

Photo: PGR

The Villarreal brothers made between $700K to $1M for smuggling hundreds of illegal Mexican nationals and Brazilians into the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 22, 2013

San Diego, CA - On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge John Houston sentenced former U.S. Border Patrol agents, Raúl Villarreal,  42, to 35 years in prison and was fined $250K and Fidel Villarreal,  44, to 30 years in prison, both of San Diego. They were convicted in 2012 for operating a lucrative human smuggling ring that brought hundreds of Mexicans and Brazilians illegally into the United States using official agency vehicles.
The federal prosecutor estimated at least 1,000 of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Brazil were smuggled into the U.S. In groups of ten at a cost of $10,000 for each group. Judge Houston lower the smuggling number to 500.
Both brothers made between $700K to $1M in the smuggling operation and taking bribes. 
The investigation began in May 2005 when a woman tipped authorities that the Villarreal brothers charged her $12,000 to get her across border patrol check points in the U.S. The Villarreal discovered they were being investigated and quit their jobs in June 2006 and fled to Tijuana their birth place. In March 2009, they were extradited along with two othersl suspects from Tijuana, Mexico.
They were charged with human smuggling, witness tempering and bribery.
Two other suspects were also convicted in the case. Armando Garcia, 44, of Tijuana, Mexico, who acted as a foot guide for the ring, was found guilty by a jury on multiple felony counts of conspiracy to smuggle aliens, money laundering and receiving bribes. Claudia Gonzalez, 35, of Tijuana, pleaded guilty in December 2009 to conspiracy to smuggle aliens for financial gain, bribery and money laundering. Gonzalez is scheduled to be sentenced in September.
According to court documents, ICE special agents conducted extensive surveillance of the defendants' smuggling operations, using surveillance aircraft, GPS devices and video cameras mounted on poles along the California-Mexico border. The video showed Fidel Villarreal picking up groups of illegal aliens with his official Border Patrol vehicle and transporting them to designated staging locations to await their transportation into the interior.

Feds Charged Whistleblower Snowden In Secret Indictment

Edward J. Snowden

Whistleblower of the century seeking asylum in Iceland.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 21, 2013

Alexandria, Verginia - On Friday, a federal three-count criminal complaint filed in a U.S. District Court on June 14 against a former National Security Agency (NSA) contract employee from Booz Allen Hamilton was unsealed. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) filed the complaint against whistleblower Edward J. Snowden charging him with theft of government documents, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence information to an authorized person.
If convicted, Snowden is facing 10 years in prison for each count. The feds filed a "provisional arrest warrant" with the Hong Kong police requesting for the immediate arrest of Snowden, who is believed staying in Hong Kong. No word, if the Hong Kong police will honor the U.S. government's warrant request.
Last month, Snowden leaked to The Guardian and the Washington Post damaging information that the NSA and the British governments were collected phone and internet data for at least seven years from Americans in the country and abroad. Snowden also provided information that the British government tapped, gathered internet information and phone details of calls made by diplomats while attending a summit. That information was shared with the NSA and data gathered by the NSA from Americans was also shared with the British intelligence agency.
Snowden recently released documents confirming the NSA had been also collecting e-mails and information from phone users and reading such data, which the NSA and President Barack H. Obama have denied of doing so.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange confirmed that Snowden lawyers have contacted him and have asked to helped Snowden get asylum in Iceland.
Five other former whistleblowers that had worked for the NSA have confirmed that the information leaked by Snowden was true. Snowden has become a hero for some Americans and to others, especially former Vice President Dick Chenny (R) a traitor. 
The U.S. Congress has not provided legislation to protect whistleblowers from prosecution, if they reveal or expose illegal activities by the NSA or other branches of the federal government. When the NSA states, they can't provide any information because of national security, it is most likely the activity engaged by the NSA is an illegal act.
The NSA has an oversight, which is a secret court that has given broad powers to the NSA in the guise of national security.

Radical Islam, a Growing Worldwide Threat or Simply More Hype? You Be the Judge...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
rty -vs- Tyranny

Following is the text of an email that recently found it's way to the inbox of Rational Nation USA. After reading this many times over several days I finally determined to publish it.

While many will disagree with the points made by Dr. Tanya, many others will agree. Certainly at the very least they are worth considering. History often repeats itself becaue good people decide to do nothing in the face of a growing threat of evil.

A German's View on Islam:

This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, and easy to understand. The author of this is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and respected psychiatrist. A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II. His family owned a number of large industries, as well as estates.

When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.’

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

Now Islamic prayers have been introduced into Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in Ottawa too while the Lord's Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?) The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.

In Australia, and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft has the halal emblem, just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation’s shores.

In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of “no-go” zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the
Muslim community in those areas refuses to acknowledge British law.

As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts -- the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

The solution to this potentially very real threat will not be easily found. Even if it is the implementation will likely face extreme resistance. In the name of political correctness.

In reality the west has themselves to blame for this threat. It has been in the making for several decades. But nobody wanted to recognize or discuss it. The reasons should be self evident.

Consider the future...

Growing the Dream, at Taxpayer's Expense...

Growing the Dream, at Taxpayer's Expense...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Perhaps this is the New Democratic Version of nation building?

Hold on to your hats folks. Increased aid isn't far behind.

As the deficit and national debt continues to grow.

Republicans and Democrats differ how?

Yahoo News - President Barack Obama makes the first extended trip to Africa of his presidency next week—but he won't be stopping in his ancestral homeland.

Obama's weeklong trip—June 26-July 3—which he's taking with his wife, Michelle, and daughters Sasha and Malia, as well as with members of his economic and trade team, is to signal America's interest in trade, democracy and economic development in Africa. He will visit Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania.

"We see Africa as one of the most important emerging regions in the world," deputy national security adviser for strategic communications Ben Rhodes told reporters on a conference call Friday. He added that the administration sees "growing economic opportunities [in the continent] for increased trade and investment" by U.S. businesses.

The trip will also focus on "democracy and democratic institution-building," Rhodes said.

Rhodes acknowledged the president's "deep personal and familial connections" to Kenya and noted that Obama has visited the country as a private citizen and as a senator. But Rhodes said it "wasn’t the best time for the president to travel to Kenya" given the recent election of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice President William Ruto, who both face charges of crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court.

The trip has drawn some controversy at home related to its projected costs, which have varied in multiple news reports.

Rhodes said on Friday the White House can't confirm the cost because it's not being determined by the White House.

"We don't have the exact figure on costs—frankly we don't own or control those numbers," he said. "The security requirements, which make up the bulk of the cost, are determined by the Secret Service, and they don't publicly release the breakdown of the costs for these types of trips." Rhodes added that the Secret Service and White House military office determine the security costs for overseas trips of this nature.

Obama will pay tribute to former South African President and anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela while in Africa, and he has planned a visit to Robben Island, where Mandela was imprisoned.

But as for a visit with the former president, Rhodes confirmed on Friday that the White House will allow the Mandela family to lead on that front due to Mandela's health issues. He is currently hospitalized with a lung infection.

It is what it is. It will continue to be what it has been. With no end in sight.

Tic Toc, Tic Toc, Tic Toc...

Via Memeorandum

Why the Conservatives Don't Stand a Chance...

Why the Conservatives Don't Stand a Chance...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
iberty -vs- Tyranny

Perhaps the most tedious speech head of late. Rep. Louie Gohmert at perhaps his worst. Not that he has ever made a speech that has been noteworthy for its substance or even coherence for that matter.

 Did anyone suffer through the entire ramble. If so did you come away with anything, and I mean anything of merit? What is amazing is conservatives actually elected this guy. Via: Memeorandum

Rodriguez Villava To Join Mexico's Department of Treasury

Juan Carlos Rodriguez Villava and José Antonio Peral

Rodriguez Villava leaving ProMexico Chicago to join Mexico's Department of Treasury. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 21, 2013

Chicago, Illinois - On Friday, Juan Carlos Rodriguez Villava, the ProMexico Deputy Trade and Investment Commissioner of Mexico for the Mid-West announced that he is leaving ProMexico Chicago on June 30 to join Mexico's Department of Treasury (Secretaria de Hacienda). ProMexico Chicago Trade Commission of Mexico develops and supports business leads between Mexico and the Mid-West by supporting companies deciding to expand or develop operations in to Mexico, according to its government industry relations profile.
Rodriguez Villava stated, "These past 2 years have been very significant and intense for the commercial relationship between the Midwest and Mexico, and specifically, this Trade Commission has participated in the completion of projects worth more than $950 Million USD with a portfolio that keeps growing.
"Agreements between authorities, trade missions, investment seminars,  amongst many other initiatives have marked this period and I am certain that they will continue to grow stronger, with one particular set of purposes: more efficiency, more jobs, more profitability, and ultimately, more Midwest of the US in Mexico and more Mexico in the Midwest."
A new Trade Commissioner has been appointed to lead ProMexico Chicago. José Antonio Peral was recently appointed Trade Commissioner and will head the ProMexico Chicago team, according to Rodriguez Villava. Peral was a former Trade Commissioner in Korea and recently the Trade Commissioner for Toronto.

freshening the foyer - part 1

Thanks everyone for your great potty training tips and ideas. Today the fun begins, so I'll keep y'all posted.

A few years into our marriage, I gave my husband a valuable little nugget of truth that has helped him to accept deal with my never ending project list - "by the time I mention something to you, know that I've already been debating the idea in my head for quite some time." I know, poetry right?

So when I told him a few weeks back that I had plans to overhall the foyer, his response was music to my ears -"Cool". He's a good egg.

Now I may get some slack for this because this little image is pinned quite a bit, but I'm tired of it. That wallpaper was one of the first projects we (aka the hubs and my dad) tackled in the house. Seven years ago. It is faded, scratched and is starting to come off on the corners.

Also, as much as I like the yellow table on its own, I was never in love with it with the wallpaper. It was all a bit too ketchup and mustard for me.

And the third strike, as great as this layout is in theory it isn't real life. We don't come in the door and put our mail and keys down. We come inside and take off our shoes. And 50% of the residents of this little cottage need to sit down and take several minutes to get those little shoes on and off. So its time to pull a Dr. Phil and 'get real' - we need a spot for all of this action.

Enter my new favorite. You may remember I was fortunate to snag my beauty of a bench a while back and it fits perfectly in the foyer. But the wallpaper isn't doing it any favors. This bench deserves a snazzy space.

So the wallpaper came down.

No one in this house is exempt from a good DIY.

Thanks to plaster walls, I was able to remove all of that wallpaper, all of it, with just my hands. No tools needed. See, I told you it was ready to come down. An important tip in removing wallpaper though, once the paper is off the wall, don't think you are finished. You still need to give the wall a good scrub with a wet sponge to get off all of the glue that remains on the wall. That sponge also helped to loosen up those pesky little pieces that hung on.

After about an hour before bed and then an hour or so the next morning I had a blank palette. I'm already in love with how much brighter and bigger the space feels. And let's face it, anything I can do to make this tiny space feel bigger is a thumbs up. So I painted the entry the same color as the living room (Arrowroot by Pratt & Lambert) to help with that bigger space feeling trick.

But fear not, I didn't just leave it that way. You know I can't go without a good dose of color. Next week we'll see where that color went and what to do when DIY goes wrong. (how's that for a tease?)

What are your plans for the weekend? Any DIY projects planned? Any plans to fix a DIY project?

Fourteen 7-Eleven Stores Seized By Feds For Exploiting Illegals, False Documents And Stealing Wages

Feds expanded their investigation by executing search and seizure warrants and inspecting at least 30 other 7-Eleven franchise stores, which has become the largest criminal immigration forfeiture for the Department of Homeland Security's history.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 21, 2013

Long Island, New York - On Thursday, after Monday's federal immigration raid that seized fourteen 7-Eleven franchise stores for exploiting illegal immigrants, Darren Rebelez, the 7-Eleven's CEO and executive vice president sent out a mass letter to all franchises that field consultants and market managers will be conducting I-9 work status compliance checks on site. Rebelez wrote in a letter to all franchises that, "This letter is to remind you of the required I-9 compliance steps and to outline some of the consequences for failure to comply. These requirements are mandatory for all franchisees. Failure to comply will result in serious consequences, including the possible termination of your franchise agreement." 
For noncompliance, Rebelez wrote that those franchises with incomplete or incorrect I-9 forms could be fined by the feds between $110 to $1,100 per form. 
On Monday,  Loretta E. Lynch, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York announced in a news release that eight men and one woman from Long Island, New York, were charged with conspiring to commit wire fraud, stealing identities, and concealing and harboring illegal immigrants employed at 7-Eleven, Inc. (7-Eleven) franchise stores located throughout Long Island and Virginia. The suspects were identified as Farrukh Baig , 57,  a Naturalized United States Citizen from Head of Harbor, New York; Bushra Baig, 49, a Naturalized United States from Head of Harbor, New York; Malik Yoisaf, 51, a Naturalized United States from South Setauket, New York; Zahid Baig, 52, a Naturalized United States from Chesapeake, Virginia; Shannawaz Baig, 62, a Naturalized United States from Virginia Beach, Virginia; Tariq Rana, 34, from Pakistan residing in Chesapeake, Virginia; Ramon Nanas, 49, from the Republic of the Philippines residing in Great River, New York; Azhar Zia, 49, a Naturalized United States from Great River, New York; and Ummar Uppal, 48, from Pakistan residing in Islip Terrace, New York.
Lynch says, that through this scheme, the defendants, who owned, managed and controlled fourteen 7-Eleven franchise stores during the course of the conspiracies, allegedly hired dozens of illegal immigrants, equipped them with more than 20 identities stolen from United States citizens, housed them at residences owned by the defendants, and stole substantial portions of their wages.
The illegal employees were forced to work up to 100 hours and were paid a fraction of their wages earned.
If convicted, the defendants will face 20 years' imprisonment on wire fraud conspiracy and alien harboring charges, as well as multiple counts of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory, consecutive two-year term of incarceration. In addition, all property used to facilitate the harboring of illegal immigrants, together with all proceeds of the wire fraud conspiracy and alien harboring charges, are subject to forfeiture. The defendants were in court for an  arraignment on Monday at the United States Courthouses in Central Islip, New York and Norfolk, Virginia.
The indictments, arrests and seizures are the result of one of the largest criminal immigrant employment investigations ever conducted by the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security.  As set forth in court filings, the government has moved to forfeit the franchise rights to ten 7-Eleven stores in New York and four 7-Eleven stores in Virginia.  In the indictments, the government has also moved to forfeit five houses in New York worth over $1.3 million.  According to the Department of Homeland Security, the case constitutes the largest criminal immigration forfeiture in its history.  In addition, federal agents fanned out across the country to execute multiple search and seizure warrants and inspect approximately 30 7-Eleven franchise stores.
The actions taken are the initial results of an ongoing investigation into the employment and exploitation of illegal immigrants at 7-Eleven franchise stores nationwide.
According to court filings, from 2000 until the present, the defendants collectively and systematically employed more than 50 illegal immigrants at fourteen 7-Eleven franchise stores in Long Island and Virginia.  Rather than transmitting the true identification information of the illegal immigrant employees to 7-Eleven headquarters for processing, the defendants allegedly used more than 20 stolen identities, submitting stolen names and Social Security numbers of United States citizens to conceal the presence of illegal immigrants on the 7-Eleven franchise store payrolls.  7-Eleven headquarters processed the payroll and sent the employees' wages to the defendants for distribution.  The defendants then allegedly stole significant portions of the illegal immigrants' wages, rather than paying the workers in full.  The defendants also required the illegal immigrant to live in residences owned by the defendants and to pay rent in cash to the defendants. 
As alleged in court documents, the victims of the identity theft hail from seven states, range in age from 8 to 78 years old, and include a child, three dead people and a Coast Guard cadet.  In addition, the defendants, together with others, caused the 7-Eleven payroll service to transmit this false information, including the stolen identity information, to United States regulatory agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration.
During the scheme, the defendants allegedly generated over $182 million in proceeds from the 7-Eleven franchise stores.  Profits from those stores were shared by the defendants and 7-Eleven.