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bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,

bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,
bermuda shorts, bittersweet colours, Gorjana jewelry, Joe fresh, mirrored sunglasses, Shoemint shoes, street style, stripes, Summer 2013 trends, sweatshirt, Zara,

Something Yellow, something easy + a dash of burgundy = Summer Ensemble! Stripes and yellow never gets old and I think this outfit is very easy to pull off.

                                                                               Sweatshirt: Zara/ option Here 
                                                                               Bermuda shorts: thanks to Joe Fresh/ Here
                                                                               Shoes: Shoemint/ option Here and Here 
                                                                               Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/ option Here 
                                                                               Necklace: c/o Gorjana/ Here
                                                                               Bag: Innue/ Here and Here

The Last Days of America ... J. D. Longstreet

The Last Days of America   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Last Days of America
Obama's Bread and CircusesA Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Panem et Circenses
"In modern usage, the phrase "Bread and Circuses" is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes a supposed triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Republic prior to its decline into the autocratic monarchy characteristic of the later Roman Empire's transformation about 44 B.C."
SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses

"Roman politicians devised a plan in 140 B.C.E. to win the votes of these new citizens: giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", would be the most effective way to rise to power."  SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses

If the above strikes you as being frighteningly like America today, in my opinion, you would be correct to be concerned and yes, even frightened.

How else does one explain the Obama Administration's exponential increase in welfare and food stamp rolls in America.  How else does one explain the sudden presidential executive order awarding certain illegal aliens  the right to remain in the US and even provides a pathway to citizenship.

This is NOT NEW!  It's bread and circuses.  Obama ain't from Rome but he sure as heck IS from Chicago (or, at least, he SAYS he is!)  and -- all things considered -- the pols from Chicago could teach the ancient Roman pols a thing or two about manipulating the voters to win an election or to stay in office -- once they secure it in the first place.  The Romans were no slackers when it came to stealing elections. 

I have often thought that America in decline parallels ancient Rome in decline.

It is striking, at least to me, how accurate those in politics are who assess the electorate's intellect.  It infuriates me that the political left, especially, tends to see the ENTIRE electorate as dumb and stupid, wandering mindlessly, and just waiting to be told what to do. 

Then, we have a couple of elections, as in 2008 and again in 2010, and the results prove the left was absolutely correct in that assessment! 

The democrats played the American electorate in 2008 and 2010, as if it were a Stradivarius.  And they are still trying to do it.  But now -- the violin is out of tune.     

One of the advantages, or disadvantages, of a long life is that one lives long enough to see history repeat itself -- over and over and over again.  Sometimes ad nauseum. It never fails to surprise and disgust me at how easily fooled the general public is when politicians run a con game on the electorate with great success time and again.

See -- nothing much changes in politics.  Names, faces, dates change -- but the tried and true tactics never change -- because the American voter is basically dumb as as a fence post insofar as knowing how our republic is SUPPOSED to work.
Explaining that the US has a constitution is, for them, some sort of ethereal concept that has no equal in their consciousness.    Oh, they've heard about it, seen snapshots of the parchment page on TV, heard quotes from it, but -- they've never actually read it.  And they, sure as heck, have never studied it. 

Dear reader, in a constitutional republic, such as America,  that is a death wish!  And America has just the people currently in charge of the government to insure a very nice funeral for a free America.   

Four and a half years into Obama's administration of the country and Americans of all political leanings are learning that the constitution is an afterthought for Obama, a speed bump, a temporary impediment to be overcome with whatever means necessary.

If you like Obama's governing by fiat, or executive order, then you should be happy with the cloudburst of decrees from the man who would be king of America. 

See -- the left not only THINKS you're dumb -- they KNOW you are dumb, and they KNOW, beyond doubt, that THEY are far superior to you in intellect and, by some celestial right, it is THEY who should be caring for you, as one would a simple-minded child.  For the political left THAT is the NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS.  They believe that Providence would have commanded it so, had God had all the facts.
  (Yeah.  There are a few on the left who actually believe in the existence of a god.... gender neutral, of course.)
So far as the bread and circuses for America is concerned, my deepest concern is that it is working.  Obama gives them "free stuff" like welfare, or food stamps, and a free phone.     Like the free cheese giveaway with people lining up down, and around, city blocks to get a hand-out of a huge block of cheese -- I am sorely afraid the beneficiaries of the bread and circuses actually believe, like the cheese, that it is free. And the few who DO understand that you and I (the taxpayers) are paying for all that "free" government largesse don't give a damn.  The left is counting on that. 

The taxpayers of the United States paid for that "FREE" cheese.  EVERYONE will have to pay for the "free" bread and circuses. The currency to be used in this exchange is freedom. Just freedom. That's all.

In the end, bread and circuses did not save Rome -- and it will not save the United States.  It will, however, hasten our demise.  Just as the Roman Empire eventually broke up into numerous countries, the United States will certainly do the same.

If you are sick and tired of being played for a fool then you have roughly sixteen months to pay attention to both sides of the argument and decide which side is playing to the lowest common denominator amongst us and which side actually thinks you are not a simpleton and that you have the ability to think for yourself.

Mr. Obama has already told you that you had nothing to do with making this country great.  Government did it -- not you.  He made a mistake.  He accidentally revealed what he and the left actually believe.  

The bells tolling America's death knell are growing louder.  Many are now of the opinion that is too late to rescue and restore America to her once great glory.

There is an old expression that says:  "It must be dark before you can see the stars."  Well, it IS dark in America and yes, we CAN see the stars of freedom and liberty piercing the shadows cast by socialism and Marxism.  If America resets her compass, takes a new bearing, and maintains her heading toward those stars, we will find our way through this present darkness into a new day with all the promise afforded us by all the Americans who went before us and dared to build that "Shining City on a Hill."

These do not have to be America's last days. But they WILL be if we don't rescue her from the hands of those who have stated their intentions of "fundamentally changing" her into something she was never, ever, supposed to be.  

© J. D. Longstreet

The Fed's Long-Term Plan to Save This Economy!

The following chart shows how much total credit market debt has grown over the previous year compared to annual wage and salary disbursements.

Click to enlarge.

Although we did not hit 100% on the previous 2 attempts (as seen in the blue and red exponential trend line failures), I'm feeling really lucky about attempt #3! Baby needs new shoes!

We're already back to collectively borrowing nearly one dollar for every three dollars paid in wages. Just two more dollars to go! Woohoo!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Kitchen Grease Fire Shuts South Side Honey Dip Donuts Down

Popular donut place in Milwaukee's South Side is closed until Monday, police say.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 27, 2013

Milw., WI - On Saturday, the Honey Dip Donuts restaurant at the 800 block of S. Layton Blvd. was temporarily closed after a grease fire was reported just before 8:00 p.m., according to police. Police say, no one was reported injured and the grease fire was under control. Honey Dip Donuts is expected to open by Monday.

$27.7 Trillion Below Trend

Click to enlarge.

Perhaps it would be best to start searching the couches for loose change?

I'm only suggesting it on the off chance that the economy can't sustain its historical long-term growth rate without it. I know, crazy talk. What's $27.7 trillion among friends?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: All Sectors; Credit Market Instruments; Liability

Real GDP per Capita Growth

The following chart shows annual GDP per Capita growth adjusted for inflation.

Click to enlarge.

What's the worst that could happen?

I'd be tempted to answer that we could stay in the long-term trend channel. I mean, that's really bad long-term, right?

I'd be wrong to answer with such optimism though. There's clearly something even worse. We could move to the middle of the trend channel again. That would be really bad. Note that the middle of the trend channel shows roughly -2.5% annual real GDP growth per capita. Ouch.

That's still not the worst that could happen though. In theory, we could actually move from the top of the channel all the way back down to the bottom again.

I'm not suggesting that the trend channel can accurately predict the future. I'm also not suggesting that we will move to the bottom of the channel even if it is valid going forward. I'm simply saying that the trend channel could be valid and that we could move to the bottom of it. Since 2004, I am a permabear. These are the things that would keep me up at night if I was a stock market investor.

In any event, I think it helps explain why I prefer long-term TIPS and I-Bonds. I'm just not much of a risk taker these days. I value my sleep.

This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Real GDP per Capita Growth

Demographics vs. Yields (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

The black line shows the employment level of 16-24 year old workers divided by the employment level of 55+ year old workers (left scale).

The blue line shows the 3-month treasury yield (right scale).

Coincidence? Let's make a scatter chart of that data.

Click to enlarge.

That's a fairly high correlation. I bet we can do better though. The data is noisy. Let's smooth it out by using 10-year moving averages and try again.

Click to enlarge.

Coincidence? I think not. Let's do another scatter chart.

Click to enlarge.

That's a very high correlation. If this chart is any indicator, then those anxiously awaiting a return to the interest rates of the 1970s may be in for an extremely long wait.

This is not investment advice.


I noticed a labeling error in my charts. It has been corrected.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Milwaukee's First Latino Carnaval 2013 Parade And Festival

Juan Carlos Ruiz


More than a thousand participated in the First Latino Carnaval in Milwaukee's south side.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 27, 2013

Milw., WI - On Saturday,  the First Latino Carnaval parade and music festival with more than one thousand participants began at the 1100 block of W. National Ave. and made its way eastbound to the lakefront, ending at the Wherehouse Night Club festival grounds, 818 S. Water St. At the Wherehouse grounds, food, music and other events continued until late afternoon.
The 58 degree and cloudy cool weather didn't keep the hundreds of festivalgoers from attending. Saturday's Latino Carnaval grand parade was part of a week long celebration of Latino cultures represented in Milwaukee, according to Juan Carlos Ruiz, this year's coordinator of the Latino Carnaval and Grand Parade. Ruiz said, the event was sponsored by 34 partners that included JCS Consulting Solutions, LLC and other institutions, organizations, businesses and community groups to present a diversity of cultures and a celebration of their rich folkloric cultures that includes a variety of flavors of food, music and dance combined to bring a "Carnaval" celebration setting from each of the Latino Amercian countries represented in Milwaukee. This year's Latino Carnaval honorary Queen title went to Maria Monreal-Cameron, according to Ruiz.
The Latino Carnaval (LC) held a Salsa and Bachata dance competition at the event and the 1st place winners were Beth Weinrich and Jason Weinrich who won a trip to Mexico, according to Daniel Balderas, an LC Committee member.
This year's organizing committee for the Latino Carnaval (Carnival) were, Amber Rivard, Jaime Bernabe, Karen Valeria V., Paul Mueller, Daniel Balderas, Toni Ordoñez-Hodge, Barbara Leigh, Kathleen End, Julio Pabon and Adam Smith.
Marisa Hernández, Erica Hernández and H. Nelson Goodson posed for the crowds during the Latino Carnaval festival at the Wherehouse Night Club grounds.