The following chart shows the Leading Index of the United States. I have added a 5-year moving average in red and a trend channel to go with it.
Click to enlarge.
The following chart shows the year over year change in the Leading Index of the United States. I have added short-term trend lines in blue and an apparent long-term floor in red.
Click to enlarge.
The following chart shows the real GDP per capita in the United States divided by the real GDP per capita in Japan. As seen in the chart, real GDP per capita growth has been extremely synchronized between the two countries since 2000 (a flat horizontal line in the chart means we're growing or shrinking at exactly the same pace). I might even argue that we've finally caught their disease.
Click to enlarge.
The 2-year treasury bond in Japan yields 0.11%.
The 1-year treasury bond in the U.S. yields 0.11%.
We don't seem to believe yet that ZIRP could be with us for a long time, even though it has already been with us for nearly 5 years. Perhaps investors expect the leading indicators to start ramping back up again at some point? I think they might, but only after the next recession, and even then only temporarily. Just an opinion. Sigh.
This is not investment advice.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Leading Index for the United States
St. Louis Fed: Leading Index for the United States (YoY Change)
St. Louis Fed: Real GDP per Capita: U.S. vs. Japan
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Palermo Villa To Rehire Eight Fired Pizza Striking Union Supporters
Fired Palermo Pizza workers will get rehired with back-pay after eight months of the National Relations Labor Board (NRLB) decision to reinstate them.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 30, 2013
Milw., WI - On Tuesday, Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) announced that Palermo Villa, Inc. (Palermo's Pizza) under a settlement agreement with the fired striking workers, eight of 100 striking workers (union supporters) that were terminated for attempting to organize a union at the company will finally get rehired (reinstated) with back-pay totaling ten of thousands of dollars. "Palermo's Pizza has also agreed to post a notice to employees that they will no longer violate federal labor law," VDLF wrote in an e-mail news release.
VDLF reported that the settlement agreement, negotiated as a result of charges brought by the Palermo Workers Union, requires Palermo Villa, Inc. to immediately offer all eight employees the opportunity to return to their previous jobs; award a lump sum payment for back pay to all eight employees within two weeks; post a notice inside the factory explaining that Palermo's will commit to not breaking the law again when it comes to workers rights to form a union. The notice to current employees will also outline the terms of the settlement agreement, and must be posted in multiple languages for 60 days.
In a released statement, CEO Giacomo Fallucca said, "We have reluctantly agreed to this settlement, despite believing that the facts strongly support our position,” said Palermo President and CEO Giacomo Fallucca. “We do not admit to any fault in this negotiated settlement, but it’s time to move forward and let the voices of our workers be heard.” He noted that Palermo’s has long supported giving its employees the right to vote on this important issue and reiterated that the company will respect whatever decision the workers make in a fair and legal election.
There are at least another 92 fired striking Palermo Pizza employees who supported and signed a petition to form a union that Palermo Villa's administrators won't reinstate pending confirmation of their legal status to work in the country. Further negotiations between the fired workers, VDLF, and a union representing the terminated Palermo workers who are mostly Hispanics is ongoing.
In a released statement, CEO Giacomo Fallucca said, "We have reluctantly agreed to this settlement, despite believing that the facts strongly support our position,” said Palermo President and CEO Giacomo Fallucca. “We do not admit to any fault in this negotiated settlement, but it’s time to move forward and let the voices of our workers be heard.” He noted that Palermo’s has long supported giving its employees the right to vote on this important issue and reiterated that the company will respect whatever decision the workers make in a fair and legal election.
There are at least another 92 fired striking Palermo Pizza employees who supported and signed a petition to form a union that Palermo Villa's administrators won't reinstate pending confirmation of their legal status to work in the country. Further negotiations between the fired workers, VDLF, and a union representing the terminated Palermo workers who are mostly Hispanics is ongoing.
VDLF confirmed that there is a pending NRLB settlement with BG Staffing, a temp agency that was the employer for numerous fired union supporters.
The NRLB is currently investigating recent charges that Palermo's illegally fired an African-American employee who was engaged in pro-union activity at work.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is expected to open an investigation into Palermo's refusal to release federally mandated records of injuries which have been requested by a lawfully designated representative of numerous employees.
Palermo's has so far refused requests from elected officials to provide evidence that they fulfilled promises to create family supporting jobs with some of the $48 million in taxpayer money they have received in recent years, including loans they received via the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is expected to open an investigation into Palermo's refusal to release federally mandated records of injuries which have been requested by a lawfully designated representative of numerous employees.
Palermo's has so far refused requests from elected officials to provide evidence that they fulfilled promises to create family supporting jobs with some of the $48 million in taxpayer money they have received in recent years, including loans they received via the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
Posted by Unknown
at 14.52,
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Obama criticizes Republican "phony scandals," "short-term thinking"
When questions arise about why four American foreign service personnel died at the hands of Libyan terrorists, or why a Border Patrol agent was murdered by Mexican drug cartel thugs possessing US-provided guns, or why the Internal Revenue Service improperly delayed action on some religious and conservative applicants for non-profit status, or any of the numerous other irregularities under this administration, Democrats and the agenda-driven media say, "That's old news. Move on," as if relevance depends upon the calendar, not the substance of the events.
And that is a pretty convenient modus operandi: They avoid coming clean with the American people on legitimate questions of competence for months on end, virtually never hold guilty parties accountable, and then complain that those asking the questions are living in the past and the answers they seek no longer matter. And they do so knowing that millions of people won't care.
All the while President Barack Obama blames every problem in the country on someone or something else, and calls the government's disgraceful handling of the aforementioned boondoggles a bunch of "phony scandals" manufactured by Republicans. It's a great game of Beat the Clock.
But honest Americans realize that their government failed miserably to do its job as dictated by the US Constitution and want to know who screwed up and what penalty they will pay for their gross incompetence and/or illegal behavior. So far, only lip service has been paid to accountability, and some of the most likely culprits have escaped reaping their just reward, while others have been promoted to higher positions.
Several months after Mr. Obama took office the Department of Justice's (DOJ) gun running operation known as Fast and Furious began. Intended to track gun sales to Mexican drug cartels, it backfired and Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered in 2010 by people possessing two of those guns provided by the DOJ. The Obama administration's response was something like: "Ooops! Gawrsh, we didn't expect any o' them guns to be used against us. Sorry 'bout that. Nothing to see here; keep moving."
On September 11, 2012, after multiple requests to beef up security at the American diplomatic sites in Libya had been denied or ignored, terrorists attacked the facilities in Benghazi, resulting in the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Politics demanded that 2 months before a presidential election no screw-ups be under investigation or terrorist activity be fresh in voters' memories, since President Obama had declared the War on Terror over, so the administration concocted a lame excuse that a video that hardly anyone in the entire world had seen, let alone in Libya, caused a spontaneous demonstration at the US consulate. That idiotic story was repeated for weeks by administration spokespersons, including President Obama himself.
Barack Obama, the “news” media, and millions of liberals showed little interest in the inconveniently-timed deaths of these brave Americans.
Unanswered questions persist, but instead of keeping these important events in front of the American people, the media most recently have focused on the shooting of a black high school student by a "white Hispanic" in Florida and the birth of a future monarch in Great Britain. Perhaps if the five murdered government employees looked like Trayvon, Mr. Obama and the media would give a hoot.
Not everyone is as cavalier about these tragic government failures as the administration, Congressional Democrats and the agenda-driven media. A group called Special Operations Veterans, the mission of which is to uncover the truths about the Benghazi terror attack, took its demands to Capitol Hill last week in the form of a 60-foot-long petition, which was unfurled near the steps of the Capitol. It demanded that the government “End the cover-up” of the attack. The petition was signed by more than 1,000 people and called for a special congressional committee to investigate the incident.
Each of us either believes that the deaths of the five government workers are important, or we don't. Apparently, most people don't, or are too-easily satisfied with the partial information provided that doesn’t explain what went wrong.
The Internal Revenue Service targeted scores of conservative religious and political organizations seeking non-profit status with improper questions, and denied action on their applications for up to two years, then tried to blame it on a couple of rogue agents in Cincinnati, Oh. It turns out there were 12 different IRS offices involved. Now the administration tells us that the targeting was actually non-partisan. That's a low threshold; even one liberal organization makes that technically true. But the reality is that 292 were conservative; 6 were liberal.
Each of us either believes that our government must operate honorably and follow the rules set forth for it in the US Constitution, or we don't. There is a shockingly large faction of Americans that apparently don't, because they are not demanding answers to these questions, or that people responsible for these events be disciplined, or that such dishonorable and un-American activities be stopped and government restored to functioning constitutionally.
Which side are you on: Honorable government or the status quo?
Posted by Unknown
at 07.21,
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Linear Trend Failures of the Day
Click to enlarge.
I have taken the liberty of running a red trend line through the blue points in the chart. Doesn't it just fill you with unbridled optimism?
Just because there have been three linear trend failures doesn't mean that there necessarily has to be a fourth. That's especially true now that the Fed has permanently put a stop to recessions.
Just because the overall long-term trend is down doesn't mean that it will necessarily continue to go down over the long-term. A ZIRP-induced prosperity wave could appear at any moment.
All sarcasm aside, I'm not attempting to predict the future here. I'm simply pointing out a very serious risk. If the downtrend continues, and it fails yet again, especially at a time when few others think a recession is even possible, then watch out below. It could get very ugly. It is definitely not a risk that I am willing to take with my nest egg. That said, what's new?
This is not investment advice.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Posted by Unknown
at 06.12,
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I couldn't let this Summer pass without wearing this RED trousers in a complete red look. I purchased them since Spring and I was looking for a perfect event to wear them.
Sunday I decided to wear them even though it wasn't any special occasion, but at least I was feeling special dressed like this...
Pants: Diane von Furstenberg/ on sale Here
Clutch: thanks to Me Char/ Here
Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren/ similar Here
Posted by Unknown
at 05.32,
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Teenage Girls Taken Into Protection After FBI Nationwide Prostitution Sting
100 suspects, mostly women were taken into custody for prostition operations using teenagers.
July 30, 2013
Milw., WI - On Monday, Acting Special Agent in Charge Patricia M. Ferrick for the Milwaukee FBI Division announced a nationwide recovery of teenage girls and young female adults that were lured into prostitution. At least 100 suspects, mostly women were arrested in Wisconsin during the federal sting called "Operation Cross Country VII" (OCC7).
Ten teenage girls from Wisconsin were recovered, 6 were from Milwaukee, 2 from Madison, 1 from West Allis and 1 from Oakcreek were taken off the streets. "All the women and girls were offered to be connected with a variety of services within the community, such as job training, housing, counseling, and medical and education assistance," according to Special Agent Ferrick.
The young female adults told authorities that they were lured and forced into prostitution as junveniles by women and handled by pimps who were included in the 100 arrests by feds and 21 local, county and state law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Attorney's Office in Eastern and Western Wisconsin, Milwaukee County District Attorney and the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
Other recoveries were in:
● San Francisco, 12 recoveries
● Detroit, 10 recoveries
● Denver, 9
● New Haven and New Orleans, 6 recoveries and
● San Diego, 5 recoveries.
Posted by Unknown
at 23.25,
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Descendents Of Revolutionists And Rebels ... J. D. Longstreet
Descendents Of Revolutionists And Rebels
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Sometime ago I mused:
Change is not always good. This “changed” America is definitely not as good as the America we had before we decided to exchange freedom for socialism.
Today, Americans are just beginning to awaken and learn the nightmare they are experiencing is not a nightmare one experiences during REM sleep. In fact, they learn, to their utter surprise, they are NOT sleeping. This nightmare is NO DREAM. It is REAL. And, Americans who THOUGHT they wanted, and yes, even NEEDED change brought it on.
Many of the votes that were cast for “change” back in 2008 were votes from young people who had no idea what they were trading and what they were getting for the trade. They are the product of a public education system in America now almost totally ruled over by the political left, which still seeks the Nirvana of Utopia through socialism. After 12, or more, years in the public education system, then 2, 4, or 6 more years in those bastions of liberalism/socialism we refer to as colleges and universities, is it any wonder their Pavlovian response in the voting booth was to pull all the levers by the names of the candidates who were decidedly left-wing candidates? Hardly! They were simply reacting to the stimuli implanted in their malleable minds as they made their way through an education system designed to do just that.
And now we are watching our country collapse around us.
Those of us who knew socialism’s sad story of lies, deceit, and destruction are not surprised at America’s perilous position today. We knew it would happen. We have watched socialism nearly from its birth. We watched socialism’s struggle to grow as it murdered its host countries all the while. Like a physician trying to heal a patient, by draining the patient’s body of all its blood, socialism drains a nation of its life-giving force and leaves it a broken shell of its former self. Even as robust a nation as Russia required assistance from former enemies, just to survive, after throwing off the bonds of socialism a few short years ago.
Pope Pius XI once said: “It is wrong to withdraw from the individual and commit to the community at large what private enterprise and industry can accomplish. So, too, it is an injustice, a grave evil, and a disturbance of right order for a larger and higher organization to arrogate to itself functions which can be performed efficiently by smaller and lower bodies.”
Now we are observing this “wrong,” and this “injustice,” Pope Pius XI warned of, play out right before our eyes right here in America.
The “old” America was truly “something else!” She was a dream. She was a land of unlimited opportunities and horizons that went on forever. She was the envy of the world!
Americans were optimistic people who threw themselves into the task of firing the furnace of the engine of democracy and delighting in the rewards of their own labor. The “American Dream” was so big and so multi-faceted that no one could even describe it!
One British author, John Keegan, described America this way:
“Left to themselves, Americans build, cultivate, bridge, dam, canalize, invent, teach, manufacture, think, write, lock themselves in struggle with the eternal challenges that man has chosen to confront, and with an intensity not known elsewhere on the globe.
Bidden to make “War” their work, Americans shoulder the burden with intimidating purpose. If I were obliged to define the American mystery, I would say it is the ethos - masculine, pervasive, unrelenting - of work as an end in itself. War is a form of work, and America makes war in a particularly workmanlike way. I do not love war; but I love America!” - John Keegan, author of “Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America,” a British military historian, lecturer, and journalist.
Mr. Keegan had it right This is what America used to be like. And for those of us who STILL remember her, as she was, today’s “changed” America is a bitter pill to swallow!
Theodore Roosevelt said: "The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life."
The renown men above speak of an America hardly recognized today. We have forgotten as President Dwight D. Eisenhower said: " Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine."
We have forgotten as President Harry Truman once said: "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."
Where is our revolutionist spirit, our rebellious spirit? Where is our courage, our imagination, our determination? Where is it?
We have forgotten that we are the off-spring, the children, of heroes -- not mythological heroes but real, flesh and blood, men and women who stood, head and shoulders, above the remainder of the human population on this earth.
Former Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney , during the latest presidential campaign said: "And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God- loving, family-oriented American people."
Well, Mr. Romney, we USED to be! That's why you lost the election, sir.
It has taken, literally, generations to wipe the collective memory of America of any useful recollection of its roots. People who remember the "blood of heroes courses through their veins" do not lie down and roll over when adversity strikes. If they fall back at all-- it is only to fall back to that "steely resolve" instilled in them by heir hero forbearers.
The edifice that is America may be crumbling and in a state of great disrepair -- but our foundation is intact! And today that foundation is under continuous, incessant, attack by the forces that would wipe America from the face of the earth.
Our founding documents -- the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights remain as a bulwark against every effort the enemies of America have thrown at them -- so far. They have withstood every campaign against them to date. But they need our help.
It is said that today we are living in a "Post-Constitution America." We are told the constitution is simply too old to apply anymore. We are told the constitution is a living, breathing, document with the malleability to be twisted and contorted into any shape necessary to fit any agenda our political leaders are attempting to foist on the citizens of America on any given day.
Of course -- it's a lie!
The constitution says what it means -- and means what it says -- plain and simple. The US Supreme Court is tasked with determining exactly what the Constitution means when asked. Now, however, Americans no longer trust their Supreme Court!
I recently saw a video clip of a gentleman offering a petition to passers-by on a beach boardwalk that petitioned the President of the US to repeal the Bill of Rights! My jaw dropped as I watched them all but line up to sign away their freedom and liberty! It was mind-blowing! It served to remind me of just how little value is placed on individual liberty in America today. Basically -- NONE!
Lady Liberty is being gang-raped by the political left today while the sons and daughters of America's early heroes are standing by and, in some cases, cheering on the assault on their freedom.
Just as God's Spirit "will not always strive with man," neither will the spirit of freedom and liberty always strive with Americans. It can be quenched. Much of America has already become tone-deaf to liberty's call.
For America to survive, we must reclaim that which is ours by birthright.
Alexis de Tocqueville said of America: "The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."
It is long past time for us, as Americans, to employ that inherent ability to heal ourselves, to repair our faults, to restore that which is good and right about our country. There is not a moment to waste. We must reach down deep inside and tap the reservoir of revolutionist and rebellious spirits that each of us received as blood-bought gifts from our forbearers. Along with our faith that God will not abandon a country with yet a remnant of the faithful, THIS will be our source of strength for the struggle to restore America to her former greatness.
© J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Sometime ago I mused:
Change is not always good. This “changed” America is definitely not as good as the America we had before we decided to exchange freedom for socialism.
Today, Americans are just beginning to awaken and learn the nightmare they are experiencing is not a nightmare one experiences during REM sleep. In fact, they learn, to their utter surprise, they are NOT sleeping. This nightmare is NO DREAM. It is REAL. And, Americans who THOUGHT they wanted, and yes, even NEEDED change brought it on.
Many of the votes that were cast for “change” back in 2008 were votes from young people who had no idea what they were trading and what they were getting for the trade. They are the product of a public education system in America now almost totally ruled over by the political left, which still seeks the Nirvana of Utopia through socialism. After 12, or more, years in the public education system, then 2, 4, or 6 more years in those bastions of liberalism/socialism we refer to as colleges and universities, is it any wonder their Pavlovian response in the voting booth was to pull all the levers by the names of the candidates who were decidedly left-wing candidates? Hardly! They were simply reacting to the stimuli implanted in their malleable minds as they made their way through an education system designed to do just that.
And now we are watching our country collapse around us.
Those of us who knew socialism’s sad story of lies, deceit, and destruction are not surprised at America’s perilous position today. We knew it would happen. We have watched socialism nearly from its birth. We watched socialism’s struggle to grow as it murdered its host countries all the while. Like a physician trying to heal a patient, by draining the patient’s body of all its blood, socialism drains a nation of its life-giving force and leaves it a broken shell of its former self. Even as robust a nation as Russia required assistance from former enemies, just to survive, after throwing off the bonds of socialism a few short years ago.
Pope Pius XI once said: “It is wrong to withdraw from the individual and commit to the community at large what private enterprise and industry can accomplish. So, too, it is an injustice, a grave evil, and a disturbance of right order for a larger and higher organization to arrogate to itself functions which can be performed efficiently by smaller and lower bodies.”
Now we are observing this “wrong,” and this “injustice,” Pope Pius XI warned of, play out right before our eyes right here in America.
The “old” America was truly “something else!” She was a dream. She was a land of unlimited opportunities and horizons that went on forever. She was the envy of the world!
Americans were optimistic people who threw themselves into the task of firing the furnace of the engine of democracy and delighting in the rewards of their own labor. The “American Dream” was so big and so multi-faceted that no one could even describe it!
One British author, John Keegan, described America this way:
“Left to themselves, Americans build, cultivate, bridge, dam, canalize, invent, teach, manufacture, think, write, lock themselves in struggle with the eternal challenges that man has chosen to confront, and with an intensity not known elsewhere on the globe.
Bidden to make “War” their work, Americans shoulder the burden with intimidating purpose. If I were obliged to define the American mystery, I would say it is the ethos - masculine, pervasive, unrelenting - of work as an end in itself. War is a form of work, and America makes war in a particularly workmanlike way. I do not love war; but I love America!” - John Keegan, author of “Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America,” a British military historian, lecturer, and journalist.
Mr. Keegan had it right This is what America used to be like. And for those of us who STILL remember her, as she was, today’s “changed” America is a bitter pill to swallow!
Theodore Roosevelt said: "The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life."
The renown men above speak of an America hardly recognized today. We have forgotten as President Dwight D. Eisenhower said: " Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine."
We have forgotten as President Harry Truman once said: "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."
Where is our revolutionist spirit, our rebellious spirit? Where is our courage, our imagination, our determination? Where is it?
We have forgotten that we are the off-spring, the children, of heroes -- not mythological heroes but real, flesh and blood, men and women who stood, head and shoulders, above the remainder of the human population on this earth.
Former Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney , during the latest presidential campaign said: "And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God- loving, family-oriented American people."
Well, Mr. Romney, we USED to be! That's why you lost the election, sir.
It has taken, literally, generations to wipe the collective memory of America of any useful recollection of its roots. People who remember the "blood of heroes courses through their veins" do not lie down and roll over when adversity strikes. If they fall back at all-- it is only to fall back to that "steely resolve" instilled in them by heir hero forbearers.
The edifice that is America may be crumbling and in a state of great disrepair -- but our foundation is intact! And today that foundation is under continuous, incessant, attack by the forces that would wipe America from the face of the earth.
Our founding documents -- the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights remain as a bulwark against every effort the enemies of America have thrown at them -- so far. They have withstood every campaign against them to date. But they need our help.
It is said that today we are living in a "Post-Constitution America." We are told the constitution is simply too old to apply anymore. We are told the constitution is a living, breathing, document with the malleability to be twisted and contorted into any shape necessary to fit any agenda our political leaders are attempting to foist on the citizens of America on any given day.
Of course -- it's a lie!
The constitution says what it means -- and means what it says -- plain and simple. The US Supreme Court is tasked with determining exactly what the Constitution means when asked. Now, however, Americans no longer trust their Supreme Court!
I recently saw a video clip of a gentleman offering a petition to passers-by on a beach boardwalk that petitioned the President of the US to repeal the Bill of Rights! My jaw dropped as I watched them all but line up to sign away their freedom and liberty! It was mind-blowing! It served to remind me of just how little value is placed on individual liberty in America today. Basically -- NONE!
Lady Liberty is being gang-raped by the political left today while the sons and daughters of America's early heroes are standing by and, in some cases, cheering on the assault on their freedom.
Just as God's Spirit "will not always strive with man," neither will the spirit of freedom and liberty always strive with Americans. It can be quenched. Much of America has already become tone-deaf to liberty's call.
For America to survive, we must reclaim that which is ours by birthright.
Alexis de Tocqueville said of America: "The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."
It is long past time for us, as Americans, to employ that inherent ability to heal ourselves, to repair our faults, to restore that which is good and right about our country. There is not a moment to waste. We must reach down deep inside and tap the reservoir of revolutionist and rebellious spirits that each of us received as blood-bought gifts from our forbearers. Along with our faith that God will not abandon a country with yet a remnant of the faithful, THIS will be our source of strength for the struggle to restore America to her former greatness.
© J. D. Longstreet
Posted by Unknown
at 22.17,
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Alleged Pacific Drug Cartel Queen Avila Beltrán Freed From A U.S. Federal Prison
Sandra Avila Beltrán
Avila Beltrán will be deported to Mexico where she is facing additional charges for using elicit drug money to operate a criminal organization, according to her attorney in Mexico.
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 29, 2013
The Milenio Newspaper reported that Avila Beltrán's Mexican attorney Jorge Alfonso Espino Santillan had said, Mexican federal authorities are expected to arrest his client for using drug money to operate an alleged criminal organization once she returns to Mexico. Mexican federal prosecutors have filed charges in a federal court in the state of Jalisco, according Santillan.
She is facing charges for using elicit drug money to buy multiple million dollar life insurance policies and at least three properties, the Milenio reported.
Avila Beltrán was previously indicted in the U.S. for alleged charges of organized crime and importing large quantities of cocaine to the U.S. for distribution. She was wanted in the U.S. for importing at least 9.6 tons of cocaine in 2001.
She is facing charges for using elicit drug money to buy multiple million dollar life insurance policies and at least three properties, the Milenio reported.
Avila Beltrán was previously indicted in the U.S. for alleged charges of organized crime and importing large quantities of cocaine to the U.S. for distribution. She was wanted in the U.S. for importing at least 9.6 tons of cocaine in 2001.
She was arrested in Mexico City in 2007 for organized crime and drug trafficking, but was acquitted in 2010 by a Mexican federal judge.
In 2001, she paid several million dollars in ransom for her son's release after he was kidnapped in Mexico drawing attention to the ransom playoff by Mexican federal authorities.
Avila Beltrán also paid to have a cosmetic doctor perform botox treatments while she was incarcerated.
Avila Betrán was considered ruthless for her tactics used against rival drug cartel members. She is the niece of Miguel Angel Félix Gallardo, who is now serving a 40 year sentence in the U.S. for the homicide of a U.S. DEA agent in 1984.
In January 2010, her great uncle Juan José Quintero Payán, 69, was extradited to the U.S. for drug trafficing, using drug money to invest in U.S. real estate and laundering money, according to a federal indictment.
In December 2011, Payán who was the founder of the Juarez Cartel was sentenced to 18 years in prison and fined $250,000 by a federal judge in San Antonio, Texas.
Posted by Unknown
at 21.58,
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Peruanos In Milwaukee Celebrate Their Independence Day
By H. Nelson Goodson
July 29, 2013
Milw., WI - On Sunday, Enrique Henry performed a typical Peruvian cultural dance during the one day Peruvian Independence Day Festival in Milwaukee's south side. The one day event at Wilson Park was sponsored by La AsociaciĂłn de Peruanos en Milwaukee, WI.
Food, beverages, games, DJ music and other activities took place during the day.
Posted by Unknown
at 20.18,
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A Constant Fear of Rising Interest Rates
Click to enlarge.
That's 5+ years of fear so far.
I can't speak for others, but as a saver I tend to fear the opposite even more. What if ZIRP sticks around a lot longer than most expect? You know, like it has been doing.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Posted by Unknown
at 19.31,
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The Florida Real Estate Recovery
Click to enlarge.
It would seem that the Florida real estate market has nearly fully recovered.
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
October 27, 2005
Bernanke: There's No Housing Bubble to Go Bust
Many economists argue that house prices have risen too far too fast in many markets, forming a bubble that could rapidly collapse and trigger an economic downturn, as overinflated stock prices did at the turn of the century. Some analysts have warned that even a flattening of house prices might cause a slump -- posing the first serious challenge to whoever succeeds Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan after he steps down Jan. 31.
Bernanke's testimony suggests that he does not share such concerns, and that he believes the economy could weather a housing slowdown.
Bernanke's testimony suggests that he does not share such concerns, and that he believes the economy could weather a housing slowdown.
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Posted by Unknown
at 17.42,
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Three Full Years of Port Stagnation
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In my opinion, the ZIRP will continue until morale improves.
Source Data:
Port of Long Beach: Statistics
Port of Los Angeles: Statistics
The X-12-ARIMA Seasonal Adjustment Program
Posted by Unknown
at 15.36,
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The Fed's Silly Putty
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Just look at all that red silly putty! I wonder what will happen if it stops appearing?
Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Posted by Unknown
at 13.35,
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Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2013
Christian Suffering Under Jihadi Extremism
Before Egypt's President Muhammad Morsi was ousted, April was one of the worst months for Christian Copts there. On April 5 near Cairo, when a longstanding feud between a Christian family and a Muslim family—based on male Muslims sexually harassing Christian girls—culminated in the violent deaths of six Christians, including two of the participants, a Christian and a Muslim, being set on fire, and local Muslims went on another "collective punishment" spree. It resulted in the injury of at least 20 other Copts, an Evangelical church being set on fire, and an attack on a Coptic church, Two days later, after Copts had mourned their dead in the St. Mark Cathedral—Coptic Christianity's holiest site and home to the Coptic pope—Muslim mobs, who had waited outside, launched yet another attack—aided by state security forces. Eyewitnesses said as many as 40-50 tear gas canisters targeted the mourners, many of whom were women and children hiding in the cathedral. Two more Copts were killed and many dozens wounded as other officers stood by while the Muslim mob tried to destroy the cathedral.
On one Friday after prayers, the Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque in Cairo was turned into a "torture chamber" for Egyptians, many of whom were Christians, protesting the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the victims, Amir Ayad, a Christian, said he was severely beaten before being left for dead at the side of the road. He suffered a fractured skull, a broken arm, bleeding in his right eye and pellet wounds. Coptic Christian children, mostly boys, were targeted for kidnapping and held for ransom; one 6-year-old, after his family had paid the Muslim kidnapper, was killed. And a video appeared on Arabic-language websites showing a crowd of Muslims in Egypt assaulting and raping two Christian women on a crowded street and in broad daylight. Throughout, the women scream in terror as the men shout Islamic slogans such as "Allahu Akbar!" "["Allah is Greater!"] None of the many passersby intervenes in any way.
Also in April, during Easter week in Nigeria, Muslim herdsmen launched a series of raids on Christian villages, killing at least 80 Christians. Most of those slain were either children or the elderly. Over 200 Christian homes were destroyed, eight churches burned, and 4,500 Christians displaced. According to a pastor present at the time, "It was a helpless situation, as no Christians had any weapon to fight back. Women, children, and the elderly who were not able to escape were shot and killed. Luckily, all my children are in school, so this made it easier for our escape from the Muslim attackers. We sneaked away in the midst of the confusion and trekked for more than 20 kilometers [12 miles] to find a place to stay."
Categorized by theme, the rest of April's Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and in country alphabetical order, not necessarily according to severity:
Central African Republic: A number of church buildings were attacked and the homes of Christians looted in the aftermath of a bloody coup by Sharia-adherent Muslim rebels. During the chaos, as in a standard jihad, Christian property was targeted for plundering, while Muslim property was spared. The leader of the Muslim rebels, Michel Djotodia, "assumed the presidency from the ousted François Bozizé, becoming the predominantly Christian nation's first Muslim president." According to one Christian, "We are no longer at home. They pillage our goods which are then sold by the Muslims, who export them."
Indonesia: Local officials, at the behest of Islamist forces, demolished the Batak Protestant Church building in West Java and threatened to close others, causing hundreds of Christians to protest in the streets. Once again, as happens with increasing regularity in Indonesia, congregation members then held services in the street, near the site of the destroyed church. As the Morning Star News added: Indonesian officials routinely delay or deny church building permits… thus providing Islamic extremists a pretext for protests and attacks." Newspapers covering the event posted photos of "church members in tears—singing hymns, crying and begging local officials not to demolish their facility. Hundreds of police and army officers guarded the area while Muslim militants, shouting Koranic verses, cheered the excavator."
Saudi Arabia: Apparently once again "The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia—the top Islamic official in the country of Saudi Arabia—has [again] declared that it is 'necessary to destroy all the churches of the region." (First reported here over a year ago.)
Sudan: In the latest of a series of moves that have put pressure on Christians, a Muslim government minister announced that no new licenses will be granted for church buildings; he claimed that the existing churches are sufficient for the number of worshippers. Building churches has, in fact, been disallowed since South Sudan seceded in July 2011; the Islamist government of Khartoum responded by making the lives of Christians in Sudan even more difficult than usual. Days before this latest measure, the government deported a senior church leader and two expatriate missionaries who had been working with children in Khartoum. No reason was given. The government has also demolished countless church buildings on the pretext of paperwork irregularities.
Turkey: A 13th century church building, the Hagia Sophia of Trabizon (not to be confused with Constantinople's famous Hagia Sophia) is set to become a mosque again.
After the Ottoman conquest it had been turned from a church into a mosque, but later, under Turkey's secularist President, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and apparently due to its "great historical and cultural significance" for Christians, it had been turned into a museum. Local authorities decreed that its Christian frescoes must again be covered in preparation for its reopening as a mosque. [Update: As of July, the Hagia Sophia of Trabizon has become a functioning mosque.]
Indian Kashmir: In Srinagar, a Muslim mob attacked two men, five women and two children, all of British origin, on the accusation that they were preaching Christianity. The mob also threw stones at their vehicles and tried to destroy their home. The police, however, when they arrived, arrested the two men on, according to Asia News, "false charges of forced conversions." The local imam told police that, "if they try to convert anyone, I will prevent it at all costs." According to a Christian close to the case, "The false and defamatory accusations of the imam and the complicity of the police in arresting these Christians are a serious threat to religious freedom, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of India." Also in Srinagar, another Muslim mob attacked a Christian-children's home, beat the staff and visitors, tried to kill the pastor and kidnap the children, destroyed property, and killed the home's pet dog—again on the accusation that the group running the home was converting Muslim children to Christianity.
Somalia: Muslims from the Islamic organization Al Shabaab ("The Youth") shot to death 42-year-old Fartun Omar, a widow and mother of five, for converting to Christianity. Months earlier, they had killed her husband for the same "crime," and had been hunting for the wife, who, after abandoning Islam, had gone in hiding. She leaves behind five orphaned children. Separately, Al Shabaab Muslims also seized Hassan Gulled, 25, for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, and imprisoned him, and tortured him. According to local sources, "Al Shabaab have been torturing him to see whether he would deny his Christian faith. Since last week, no information has surfaced concerning Gulled. There is a possibility that he could have been killed."
Tanzania: After a visit by an evangelist, Lukia Khalid, a Muslim mother of three, and nearly seven months pregnant, converted to Christianity; she later said: "My husband asked me whether I had left Islam, to which I said 'Yes.' He threatened to kill me if I was to stay with him. I then decided to escape that night with my three children to a neighbor's house…. We left only with the clothes that we were wearing. The command was so urgent that we could not wait any longer. We had to leave immediately." Unable to pay school fees and supplies without her husband, the children have stopped attending school.
Iran: A new report, based on interviews with 31 Christians and produced by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, has found "that the authorities consistently treat standard Christian practices, such as being a member of a house church or attending a Christian conference, as criminal acts. Although the Iranian government claims to respect the rights of its recognised religious minorities, it does not do so in practice. The report found that Christian converts and members of unregistered churches are denied the right freely to practise their faith, and that they face violations of their right to life through extrajudicial killings and even execution for apostasy (though only one Christian convert is known to have been executed since the 1979 Islamic Revolution)."
Pakistan: According to the Morning Star News, "Incited by calls from mosque loudspeakers after a dispute between Muslim and Christian youths, which started when Muslims told Christians not to play music [forbidden in Islam] a Muslim mob attacked a Christian neighborhood in Gujranwala today, injuring at least five Christians and damaging a church and dozens of shops and vehicles…. A resident of Francis Colony, where 2,000 Christian families have settled in the overwhelmingly Muslim-majority country, said police bias was evident in today's attack. 'The police was doing what it does best – nothing!' said Asif Barkat, who received minor injuries as he and other Christians tried to defend themselves. 'Their bias towards Christians is quite evident, because when the Muslims were raiding our church and property, they just watched, but when we confronted them, they started hitting us with batons and used live ammunition to deter us.'" Separately, two unidentified men tried by force to stop the car of the president of All Pakistan Minorities, Saleem Khursheed Khobar, a Christian, and when that failed, opened fire on him. As with other Christian human rights activists who have been assassinated in Pakistan, Khobar is being hounded for vocally representing the nation's downtrodden religious minorities: "I am being threatened and have gone into hiding to protect myself," he said from an undisclosed location. "Law enforcement agencies know that I am being followed. My whole family is under threat but the government doesn't care."
Syria: Christians continued to be targeted by Islamic rebels, especially for kidnapping. Among those abducted were two bishops, Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Bishop Paul Yazigi. An armed group of Chechen jihadis stopped their car, killed the driver, and took the two bishops hostage. Meanwhile, thousands of Christians continued to flee Syria. In in one instance, 500 crossed the border into Turkey, where church officials are considering building a "tent city" to house the refugees. Adds AINA: "Assyrians and other Christians in Syria have been disproportionately affected by the war, and have been targeted by the Muslims rebels. The Muslim Jihadists have kidnapped Assyrians for ransom, attacked places of worship and created a climate of fear, forcing many Assyrians to abandon their homes and villages and seek safety in Turkey."
Turkey: Erdal Dogan, a human rights defender, who played an important role in the trial of the 2007 Malatya massacre, against those Muslims who tortured and slaughtered three Christian men working in a Bible publishing house, "remained in life danger Friday, April 12, after receiving death threats," including from the defendants, one of whom threatened him during a hearing.
Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching pandemic proportions, "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws that criminalize and punish with death those who "offend" Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like dhimmis, or second-class, "tolerated" citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and throughout the West wherever there are Muslims—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Before Egypt's President Muhammad Morsi was ousted, April was one of the worst months for Christian Copts there. On April 5 near Cairo, when a longstanding feud between a Christian family and a Muslim family—based on male Muslims sexually harassing Christian girls—culminated in the violent deaths of six Christians, including two of the participants, a Christian and a Muslim, being set on fire, and local Muslims went on another "collective punishment" spree. It resulted in the injury of at least 20 other Copts, an Evangelical church being set on fire, and an attack on a Coptic church, Two days later, after Copts had mourned their dead in the St. Mark Cathedral—Coptic Christianity's holiest site and home to the Coptic pope—Muslim mobs, who had waited outside, launched yet another attack—aided by state security forces. Eyewitnesses said as many as 40-50 tear gas canisters targeted the mourners, many of whom were women and children hiding in the cathedral. Two more Copts were killed and many dozens wounded as other officers stood by while the Muslim mob tried to destroy the cathedral.
On one Friday after prayers, the Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque in Cairo was turned into a "torture chamber" for Egyptians, many of whom were Christians, protesting the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the victims, Amir Ayad, a Christian, said he was severely beaten before being left for dead at the side of the road. He suffered a fractured skull, a broken arm, bleeding in his right eye and pellet wounds. Coptic Christian children, mostly boys, were targeted for kidnapping and held for ransom; one 6-year-old, after his family had paid the Muslim kidnapper, was killed. And a video appeared on Arabic-language websites showing a crowd of Muslims in Egypt assaulting and raping two Christian women on a crowded street and in broad daylight. Throughout, the women scream in terror as the men shout Islamic slogans such as "Allahu Akbar!" "["Allah is Greater!"] None of the many passersby intervenes in any way.
Also in April, during Easter week in Nigeria, Muslim herdsmen launched a series of raids on Christian villages, killing at least 80 Christians. Most of those slain were either children or the elderly. Over 200 Christian homes were destroyed, eight churches burned, and 4,500 Christians displaced. According to a pastor present at the time, "It was a helpless situation, as no Christians had any weapon to fight back. Women, children, and the elderly who were not able to escape were shot and killed. Luckily, all my children are in school, so this made it easier for our escape from the Muslim attackers. We sneaked away in the midst of the confusion and trekked for more than 20 kilometers [12 miles] to find a place to stay."
Categorized by theme, the rest of April's Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and in country alphabetical order, not necessarily according to severity:
Church Attacks
Central African Republic: A number of church buildings were attacked and the homes of Christians looted in the aftermath of a bloody coup by Sharia-adherent Muslim rebels. During the chaos, as in a standard jihad, Christian property was targeted for plundering, while Muslim property was spared. The leader of the Muslim rebels, Michel Djotodia, "assumed the presidency from the ousted François Bozizé, becoming the predominantly Christian nation's first Muslim president." According to one Christian, "We are no longer at home. They pillage our goods which are then sold by the Muslims, who export them."
Indonesia: Local officials, at the behest of Islamist forces, demolished the Batak Protestant Church building in West Java and threatened to close others, causing hundreds of Christians to protest in the streets. Once again, as happens with increasing regularity in Indonesia, congregation members then held services in the street, near the site of the destroyed church. As the Morning Star News added: Indonesian officials routinely delay or deny church building permits… thus providing Islamic extremists a pretext for protests and attacks." Newspapers covering the event posted photos of "church members in tears—singing hymns, crying and begging local officials not to demolish their facility. Hundreds of police and army officers guarded the area while Muslim militants, shouting Koranic verses, cheered the excavator."
Saudi Arabia: Apparently once again "The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia—the top Islamic official in the country of Saudi Arabia—has [again] declared that it is 'necessary to destroy all the churches of the region." (First reported here over a year ago.)
Sudan: In the latest of a series of moves that have put pressure on Christians, a Muslim government minister announced that no new licenses will be granted for church buildings; he claimed that the existing churches are sufficient for the number of worshippers. Building churches has, in fact, been disallowed since South Sudan seceded in July 2011; the Islamist government of Khartoum responded by making the lives of Christians in Sudan even more difficult than usual. Days before this latest measure, the government deported a senior church leader and two expatriate missionaries who had been working with children in Khartoum. No reason was given. The government has also demolished countless church buildings on the pretext of paperwork irregularities.
Turkey: A 13th century church building, the Hagia Sophia of Trabizon (not to be confused with Constantinople's famous Hagia Sophia) is set to become a mosque again.
After the Ottoman conquest it had been turned from a church into a mosque, but later, under Turkey's secularist President, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and apparently due to its "great historical and cultural significance" for Christians, it had been turned into a museum. Local authorities decreed that its Christian frescoes must again be covered in preparation for its reopening as a mosque. [Update: As of July, the Hagia Sophia of Trabizon has become a functioning mosque.]
Apostasy, Blasphemy, Proselytism
Indian Kashmir: In Srinagar, a Muslim mob attacked two men, five women and two children, all of British origin, on the accusation that they were preaching Christianity. The mob also threw stones at their vehicles and tried to destroy their home. The police, however, when they arrived, arrested the two men on, according to Asia News, "false charges of forced conversions." The local imam told police that, "if they try to convert anyone, I will prevent it at all costs." According to a Christian close to the case, "The false and defamatory accusations of the imam and the complicity of the police in arresting these Christians are a serious threat to religious freedom, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of India." Also in Srinagar, another Muslim mob attacked a Christian-children's home, beat the staff and visitors, tried to kill the pastor and kidnap the children, destroyed property, and killed the home's pet dog—again on the accusation that the group running the home was converting Muslim children to Christianity.
Somalia: Muslims from the Islamic organization Al Shabaab ("The Youth") shot to death 42-year-old Fartun Omar, a widow and mother of five, for converting to Christianity. Months earlier, they had killed her husband for the same "crime," and had been hunting for the wife, who, after abandoning Islam, had gone in hiding. She leaves behind five orphaned children. Separately, Al Shabaab Muslims also seized Hassan Gulled, 25, for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, and imprisoned him, and tortured him. According to local sources, "Al Shabaab have been torturing him to see whether he would deny his Christian faith. Since last week, no information has surfaced concerning Gulled. There is a possibility that he could have been killed."
Tanzania: After a visit by an evangelist, Lukia Khalid, a Muslim mother of three, and nearly seven months pregnant, converted to Christianity; she later said: "My husband asked me whether I had left Islam, to which I said 'Yes.' He threatened to kill me if I was to stay with him. I then decided to escape that night with my three children to a neighbor's house…. We left only with the clothes that we were wearing. The command was so urgent that we could not wait any longer. We had to leave immediately." Unable to pay school fees and supplies without her husband, the children have stopped attending school.
[General Abuse of Non-Muslims as Second-Class "Citizens," or Dhimmis]
Iran: A new report, based on interviews with 31 Christians and produced by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, has found "that the authorities consistently treat standard Christian practices, such as being a member of a house church or attending a Christian conference, as criminal acts. Although the Iranian government claims to respect the rights of its recognised religious minorities, it does not do so in practice. The report found that Christian converts and members of unregistered churches are denied the right freely to practise their faith, and that they face violations of their right to life through extrajudicial killings and even execution for apostasy (though only one Christian convert is known to have been executed since the 1979 Islamic Revolution)."
Pakistan: According to the Morning Star News, "Incited by calls from mosque loudspeakers after a dispute between Muslim and Christian youths, which started when Muslims told Christians not to play music [forbidden in Islam] a Muslim mob attacked a Christian neighborhood in Gujranwala today, injuring at least five Christians and damaging a church and dozens of shops and vehicles…. A resident of Francis Colony, where 2,000 Christian families have settled in the overwhelmingly Muslim-majority country, said police bias was evident in today's attack. 'The police was doing what it does best – nothing!' said Asif Barkat, who received minor injuries as he and other Christians tried to defend themselves. 'Their bias towards Christians is quite evident, because when the Muslims were raiding our church and property, they just watched, but when we confronted them, they started hitting us with batons and used live ammunition to deter us.'" Separately, two unidentified men tried by force to stop the car of the president of All Pakistan Minorities, Saleem Khursheed Khobar, a Christian, and when that failed, opened fire on him. As with other Christian human rights activists who have been assassinated in Pakistan, Khobar is being hounded for vocally representing the nation's downtrodden religious minorities: "I am being threatened and have gone into hiding to protect myself," he said from an undisclosed location. "Law enforcement agencies know that I am being followed. My whole family is under threat but the government doesn't care."
Syria: Christians continued to be targeted by Islamic rebels, especially for kidnapping. Among those abducted were two bishops, Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Bishop Paul Yazigi. An armed group of Chechen jihadis stopped their car, killed the driver, and took the two bishops hostage. Meanwhile, thousands of Christians continued to flee Syria. In in one instance, 500 crossed the border into Turkey, where church officials are considering building a "tent city" to house the refugees. Adds AINA: "Assyrians and other Christians in Syria have been disproportionately affected by the war, and have been targeted by the Muslims rebels. The Muslim Jihadists have kidnapped Assyrians for ransom, attacked places of worship and created a climate of fear, forcing many Assyrians to abandon their homes and villages and seek safety in Turkey."
Turkey: Erdal Dogan, a human rights defender, who played an important role in the trial of the 2007 Malatya massacre, against those Muslims who tortured and slaughtered three Christian men working in a Bible publishing house, "remained in life danger Friday, April 12, after receiving death threats," including from the defendants, one of whom threatened him during a hearing.
About this Series
Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching pandemic proportions, "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
- To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
- To show that such persecution is not "random," but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia.
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws that criminalize and punish with death those who "offend" Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like dhimmis, or second-class, "tolerated" citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and throughout the West wherever there are Muslims—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Posted by Unknown
at 06.39,
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DEFUND OBAMACARE ... or ELSE ... J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
A big, nasty, battle is coming up. It will involve republicans against democrats and republicans against republicans.
We are coming hard up against either stopping Obamacare or having it as a part of US law for, well, FOREVER!
Ronald Reagan once said: "The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."
How right he was! (In more ways than one!)
Once Obamacare is up and running, full time, it will NEVER BE CUT from the Law Books of the nation. Never.
"NO federal program ever gets eliminated once it is put into place. NO federal program ever suffers an absolute real cut from this year's levels because of baseline budgeting (which always projects an overall increase of at least the expected inflation rate plus 1%-2% in future overall growth in federal spending)." SOURCE:
As soon as our national lawmakers return to Washington, after their August recess, they will begin the debate over funding the government, keeping it open and operational.
The debate will provide an opportunity to defund Obamacare -- and kill it, or do nothing and have it kill the US.
If you are a regular reader of this scribe's rants then you know I have been against Obamacare long before it was ever introduced into a congressional hopper as a bill. If it is possible, I am even MORE against it today.
Anything that has to do with socialism is anathema to me. And Obamacare is nothing more than socialized medicine which will destroy this country.
Sen. Ted Cruz, a republican from Texas, is urging conservatives to join a petition drive to defund Obamacare, calling it the last chance to stop the national health-care plan before it goes into effect on January 1st of next year.
Here's what Senator Cruz said recently: “On Jan. 1, the exchanges kick in and the subsidies kick in. Once those kick in, it’s going to prove almost impossible to undo Obamacare. The administration’s plan is very simple: Get everyone addicted to the sugar so that Obamacare remains a permanent feature of our society.” SOURCE:
In the same speech, Senator Cruz went on to say: “Right now we don’t have the votes. Right now we’re not even close. There’s only one way we’re going to get 41 Republicans in the Senate and 218 Republicans in the House of Representatives, which is if they hear from the American people in overwhelming numbers.” SOURCE:
The Continuing Resolution to keep the government funded and running is scheduled to be voted on in September. The debate on it will begin next month when the August recess is over.
"Utah Senator Mike Lee along with Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky are currently trying to lead the effort to defund Obamacare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution by vowing not to vote for any CR or appropriations bill that provides funding for the much hated Obamacare. There are roughly a dozen Republican Senators and more than 60 members of the House who have signed on to the idea of not funding Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution scheduled to be voted on in September. They are willing to fully fund the rest of the federal government, just not Obamacare." SOURCE:
North Carolina Senator Richard Burr who called the defunding of Obamacare effort, “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard” last week.
The Hill has more:
“I think it’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard,” Burr told journalist Todd Zwilich on Thursday. “Listen, as long as Barack Obama is president the Affordable Care Act is gonna be law.
“I think some of these guys need to understand that you shut down the federal government, you better have a specific reason to do it that’s achievable,” Burr continued. “Defunding the Affordable Care Act is not achievable through shutting down the federal government.” SOURCE:
You can easily see the politicos are much more concerned about saving their own backsides than in saving the country. Their political careers and the health of their political party is far more important to them than the welfare of the nation and its people.
We can all see now that when saving the country actually MIGHT cost them something, they shrink away from their duty. (I have already alerted my republican senator that he no longer has my support.)
We need to watch the upcoming debate closely and, in my opinion, we need to "primary" any republican who fails to back defunding Obamacare in the CR debate over the next few weeks. If they are NOT going to represent us, then we need to get them the heck out of Washington before they can do anymore damage -- or -- allow any more damage to be done. It is past time to be rid of these feckless empty suits strutting the halls of Congress.
© J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
A big, nasty, battle is coming up. It will involve republicans against democrats and republicans against republicans.
We are coming hard up against either stopping Obamacare or having it as a part of US law for, well, FOREVER!
Ronald Reagan once said: "The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."
How right he was! (In more ways than one!)
Once Obamacare is up and running, full time, it will NEVER BE CUT from the Law Books of the nation. Never.
"NO federal program ever gets eliminated once it is put into place. NO federal program ever suffers an absolute real cut from this year's levels because of baseline budgeting (which always projects an overall increase of at least the expected inflation rate plus 1%-2% in future overall growth in federal spending)." SOURCE:
As soon as our national lawmakers return to Washington, after their August recess, they will begin the debate over funding the government, keeping it open and operational.
The debate will provide an opportunity to defund Obamacare -- and kill it, or do nothing and have it kill the US.
If you are a regular reader of this scribe's rants then you know I have been against Obamacare long before it was ever introduced into a congressional hopper as a bill. If it is possible, I am even MORE against it today.
Anything that has to do with socialism is anathema to me. And Obamacare is nothing more than socialized medicine which will destroy this country.
Sen. Ted Cruz, a republican from Texas, is urging conservatives to join a petition drive to defund Obamacare, calling it the last chance to stop the national health-care plan before it goes into effect on January 1st of next year.
Here's what Senator Cruz said recently: “On Jan. 1, the exchanges kick in and the subsidies kick in. Once those kick in, it’s going to prove almost impossible to undo Obamacare. The administration’s plan is very simple: Get everyone addicted to the sugar so that Obamacare remains a permanent feature of our society.” SOURCE:
In the same speech, Senator Cruz went on to say: “Right now we don’t have the votes. Right now we’re not even close. There’s only one way we’re going to get 41 Republicans in the Senate and 218 Republicans in the House of Representatives, which is if they hear from the American people in overwhelming numbers.” SOURCE:
The Continuing Resolution to keep the government funded and running is scheduled to be voted on in September. The debate on it will begin next month when the August recess is over.
"Utah Senator Mike Lee along with Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky are currently trying to lead the effort to defund Obamacare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution by vowing not to vote for any CR or appropriations bill that provides funding for the much hated Obamacare. There are roughly a dozen Republican Senators and more than 60 members of the House who have signed on to the idea of not funding Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution scheduled to be voted on in September. They are willing to fully fund the rest of the federal government, just not Obamacare." SOURCE:
North Carolina Senator Richard Burr who called the defunding of Obamacare effort, “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard” last week.
The Hill has more:
“I think it’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard,” Burr told journalist Todd Zwilich on Thursday. “Listen, as long as Barack Obama is president the Affordable Care Act is gonna be law.
“I think some of these guys need to understand that you shut down the federal government, you better have a specific reason to do it that’s achievable,” Burr continued. “Defunding the Affordable Care Act is not achievable through shutting down the federal government.” SOURCE:
You can easily see the politicos are much more concerned about saving their own backsides than in saving the country. Their political careers and the health of their political party is far more important to them than the welfare of the nation and its people.
We can all see now that when saving the country actually MIGHT cost them something, they shrink away from their duty. (I have already alerted my republican senator that he no longer has my support.)
We need to watch the upcoming debate closely and, in my opinion, we need to "primary" any republican who fails to back defunding Obamacare in the CR debate over the next few weeks. If they are NOT going to represent us, then we need to get them the heck out of Washington before they can do anymore damage -- or -- allow any more damage to be done. It is past time to be rid of these feckless empty suits strutting the halls of Congress.
© J. D. Longstreet
Posted by Unknown
at 23.53,
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