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A Default Averted For Now As The Can Is Kicked Down the Road... Call Me A Skeptic Awaiting Feb. 7th 2014

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Questions: Do you trust this man? Do you think this issue is resolved? Is it just me or has the Tea Party left reason for the realm of wishful dreams?

Then there is the following from FDL ... "It would seem that Senator Cruz should be in a more sour mood given that his plan to stop Obamacare is set to be thwarted. Things really seem to be going poorly for Cruz as the Houston Chronicle, one of his home state’s most prominent papers, took back its endorsement of him."

Houston Chronicle - "When we endorsed Ted Cruz in last November’s general election, we did so with many reservations and at least one specific recommendation – that he follow Hutchison’s example in his conduct as a senator.

Obviously, he has not done so. Cruz has been part of the problem."

And this.

"In three week period following Cruz’s speech — even as GOP’s national approval ratings plummeted — conservatives frantically built their fundraising lists and campaign coffers. In the last quarter, Cruz’s political action committee raised in $797,000, nearly twice what it pulled in the quarter prior, and Heritage Action — which has pressured conservatives to vote against any bill that does not undermine Obamcare — collected $330,000."

And finally, again from FDL, this truth. "So while the country got taken for a bumpy ride and the Republican brand collapsed in national polls – Ted Cruz smashed fundraising goals and posed for the cameras to raise his national profile. A party of one?

No wonder Cruz’s Republican colleagues hate him. His tactics have benefited no one but himself."

Of course there still remains some Senate Republicans trying to at least retain some sense of reason and rational thinking.

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One thing of which we can all be sure. Neither the ugly intra-party republican battle or another partisan battle is yet over. The battle(s) just finished is unlikely to deter the next onslaught by the loonies who believe in their mission to change America back to 1776, 1787, or 1860. The nation has not heard the last of Cruz, Gohmert, Palin, Bachmann, Lee, and legions of complete and utter Malcontents who support them. Via: Reason

Customs caught a man hiding 25 parrot eggs in his underwear

Customs caught a man hiding 25 parrot eggs in his underwear

Swiss customs caught a man hiding 25 parrot eggs in his underwear, leading them to uncover a smuggling operation of rare bird eggs worth 65,000 Swiss francs ($71,800).
Having just arrived from Sao Paulo, the man caught the attention of officials with his awkward gait and was apprehended, Beat Eugster of the Zurich customs office said.
“He was wearing very wide trousers, and because he was walking so strangely the agents decided to stop him,” Eugster said by telephone today. “The agents thought he might have been carrying drugs.”

Governor Walker Wants A Mexican Consulate Office In Wisconsin

Governor Scott Walker

Walker has requested for Mexico to open a Mexican Consulate office in the state.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 17, 2013

Madison, WI - On Monday, Governor Scott Walker (R) announced that he has requested for Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto to open a Mexican Consulate office in the state to serve Mexican nationals in Wisconsin. He also sent a letter to Eduardo Medina-Mora, Mexico's Ambassador to the U.S. requesting a Consulate office in the state.
Walker cites the economic influence Hispanics have in the state and the projected growth in the near future. "Mexico is Wisconsin's second largest export market. Hispanic-owned businesses in Wisconsin are growing at a rate of 7.6 percent, accounting for $2.4 billion in sales and employing 11,000 people. A consulate office in Wisconsin would help continue the pattern of economic growth," Governor Walker's press release stated.
"The Hispanic community in Wisconsin has grown rapidly in recent years," Governor Walker said. "The Mexican Consulate office serving Wisconsin is located in Chicago, and it also serves Illinois and Indiana.  While a mobile consulate is also available, there is a backlog, and Mexican nationals seeking documents in Wisconsin must wait two months or more."
The U.S. Census reports that 355,468 Hispanics reside in the state or 6.2 percent of the total population in 2012.
In Milwaukee County alone, about 13.9 of the County population is Hispanic. Although Governor Walker doesn't estimate the projected total of Mexican nationals or undocumented immigrants residing in the state, he is advocating for better services to be provided to Mexican nationals.
Walker's request for a Mexican Consulate in Wisconsin is a surprise to the state's Hispanic population as much as it is to the undocumented immigrant population residing in Wisconsin. If Governor Walker is really concern about the economic growth and contributions that the Mexican population residing in the state provide, then he could actually advocate for issuing state driver's licenses, which Governor Jim Doyle (D) took away from the undocumented immigrant population. Walker can also allow in-state tuition for Mexican nationals graduating from local high schools and working to enroll in state universities and colleges.
It seems Governor Walker is just attempting to gain support and votes from the Mexican-American community by advocating for a Mexican Consulate in the state. But endorsing Wisconsin driver's licenses and in-state tuition for Mexican nationals could actually swing votes for Walker, if he is genuine in recognizing the rapid economic growth of the Hispanic population in the state. 

Government Expenditures vs. Wages

The following chart shows government total expenditures divided by wage and salary accruals.

Click to enlarge.

The future's so bright I gotta wear rose-colored trend channels.

In all seriousness, I believe with every fiber of my being that we will someday return to the red trend channel. The Great Recession got us there last time. I wonder what we'll call the next one.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Time To Stop The Madness With A Third Party? ... J. D. Longstreet

Time To Stop The Madness With A Third Party?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Time To Stop The Madness With A Third Party?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Those who follow the nation's politics understand that the creation of a viable and effective third political party in the US is the LAST thing Washington wants.  The dems and repubs will fight a third party with all the power, energy, zeal, vehemence, vigor, cunning, and skulduggery they can manage -- and then some.

Look.  Our political system was designed for multiple political parties ... not just two parties such as we have today. 

Having only two parties is extremely risky.  Over the years we have seen the two parties switch positions and recently we have watched as the Republican Party, supposedly the home of those of the conservative persuasion, adopt the liberal and progressive positions of the Democratic Party on a scale that has rendered the GOP as something of a pale reflection of the party that has been the traditional home of Socialists, Marxists, and Progressives-- the Democratic Party.

What that means to Americans is simply this: We actually have two branches of the same party trying to govern in Washington today ... the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party LITE. The GOP (the Republican Party) exists in name only.

Creation of another political party, as a third political party, is something of a misnomer.  In fact, it would be the creation of a SECOND political party as we currently have only one political party -- with two branches -- in authority in the Congress today.

I mentioned at the beginning of this piece that our Founding Fathers actually meant us to have multiple political parties and not just the two we have come to think were bequeathed to us by The Founders.

President John Adams, one of the most intelligent presidents this country has had the good fortune to have, said this: 

    "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

George Washington, the first President under the constitution,  agreed.  Washington said this in his farewell presidential speech:

    "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty

    Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight,) the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

    It serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.

    There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And, there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume."

I have come to believe that the current two-party system in America is -- UNAMERICAN.  Here's why I say that: 

Above I mentioned the two parties had merged their  ideologies effectively blurring the lines between them.  But what troubles me even more is the feeling I get that, between them, the two parties have created a "ruling class" in America and THAT is absolutely un-American.

I fear I would not be welcome in any political party these days.  See, I don't like compromise... period.  Compromise is NOT honesty -- therefore compromise cannot be a virtue.  If one believes one's political philosophy, one's core belief,  is correct, then why compromise? Why LIE?  Seems to me that if a man truly believes that WHAT he believes IS THE TRUTH,  he will hold fast and not budge one iota from that position -- for any reason.  That used to be referred to as "having the courage of one's conviction."  Sadly, few, these days, have such conviction -- or courage.

We have become so used to compromise -- going along to get along, group think, being good little socialists -- that when a person who has the courage to stake out a position and refuse to give it up to those who disagree and stands pat and defends his position against all comers, he is pilloried, said to be a mental case, cursed, metaphorically spat upon, and made an outcast of our hypocritical society.

I must tell you, there is something dead and rotting at the core of any society that treats a courageous citizen in that manner.   Look. I may not agree with that person's conviction, but I admire his courage, his honesty.

In the meantime, get used to the mess we have in Congress today.  It WILL get worse. 

There is no constitutional answer to this particular problem.  We can't recall them and we can't dissolve the Congress and hold national elections and send a new crop to DC.  (Would that we could!) We can only lawfully do it -- a handful of seats at a time in both houses -- every two years.

The title to this piece was posed in the form of a question.  My answer to the question is:  "I don't know."  Believe me, that is not meant as some sort of cop-out.  I REALLY don't know.  I cannot escape the feeling that there is something basically, fundamentally, WRONG with the government today.  Not JUST the government, but society, as well.

Like so many Americans today, I am frustrated to the nth degree.  No matter our protestations, the government isn't listening, therefore nothing is resolved -- no matter how hard we try to get our message through to them and acted upon.  It is as though we are racing in a circle, at an ever increasing speed, in an ever decreasing circle.  Only disaster awaits us.

I fear the old constitution-based America is in a death spiral from which it will not, nay, cannot, escape or recover. 

History tells us that when a democracy crashes and burns it is followed by a dictatorship -- every time.  Already, we see evidence of the encroachment of a dictatorship in America today as many of us are convinced we have already entered the "police state" stage of devolvement.

If my assessment proves correct, then another political party won't make much difference now, will it?

© J. D. Longstreet

Three Wisconsin McDonald's Franchises Used By Owner In Drug Operation

Edward Patterson, Kevin Breitzman and Paul Markiewicz

Feds busted a McDonald's restaurant front to fund a marijuana distribution and operation at three Wisconsin locations.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 16, 2013

Whitefish Bay, WI - On Wednesday, Federal agents from the DEA and multiple law enforcement agencies raided the Whitefish Bay home of Edward G. Patterson, 38, owner of three McDonald's restaurant franchises after a federal indictment alleged that the fast burger businesses were used as a front to fund a marijuana distribution operation. The McDonald's restaurants owned by Patterson are located at 11250 N. Port Washington Rd. in Mequon, 8739 N. Port Washington Rd. in Fox Point and 5344 N. Port Washington Rd. in Glendale were used by Patterson to conspire with other five suspects to launder money from drug sales and to hide proceeds generated from the operation.
Patterson deposited three $12,000 checks into his McDonald's bank accounts. Fifteenth warrants were executed on Wednesday by the feds.
The suspects including Patterson were charged with conspiracy to distribute large amounts of marijuana or a controlled substance and the use of a mail facility to facilitate possession and intent to distribute a controlled substance. If convicted, each suspect is facing up to 40 years in a federal prison.
Feds confiscated 2 pounds of high grade marijuana, 11 weapons and $90,000 in cash, according to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration office (DEA) in Chicago. The investigation into Patterson's drug dealing began last year, according to the DEA.
The five other suspects were identified as Kevin Breiztman, 29, of Glendale; Paul Markiewicz, 27, of Germantown; Andrea Marquardt, 29, of New Berlin; John Webler, 39, of Milwaukee and Paul Heiniger, 42, of Willits, California.
All the suspects in Wisconsin were taken into custody early Wednesday except Heiniger from California who is still at large, according to the feds.

Federal charges and fines for each suspect. (Click to enlarge image) Source U.S. DEA

Le Carrousel -NY-

bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,

bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,
bittersweet colours, New York, full skirt trend, floral prints, COLORS, Meredith Wendell, Ann Taylor, Shoemint, DIY, mirrored sunglasses, street style, Brooklyn Bridge park, Tres Jewellery,

 Yes I did it again!
I went to NY and I wore a full skirt again. But something is different this time! This skirt is made by Bogdan and I ( do you remember the first skirt that we made? see it HERE ) It is our mini DIY project... a few more pieces soon to come... so stay tuned!
New York was beautiful as always, a little bit more colorful since I saw it last time. Of course we enjoyed our Soho tour, shopping and also the main reason of our coming back: A Joe Fresh store opening which now it became a favorite place to shop.

P.S. Congrats Robin Hardeman! You are the winner of Favery.com Giveaway! I will contact you soon for more details!

                                                                              Sweater: Ann Taylor/ Here and Here 
                                                                              Skirt: made by Bogdan and I/ similar style Here and Here 
                                                                              Heels: Shoemint/ similar Here and Here 
                                                                              Bag: c/o Meredith Wendell/ Here and Here 
                                                                              Cuff: c/o Robyn Rhodes/ Here 
                                                                              Ring: c/o Tres Jewellery/ Here  
                                                                              Sunglasses: c/o zaroUV/option Here 

Rodriguez Joins NBC 6 News In South Florida

Laura Rodriguez

Rodriguez who worked at Telemundo 63 and CBS 58 in Milwaukee has joined NBC 6 News in South Florida.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 16, 2013

Miramar, FL - On Wednesday, Laura Rodriguez, a former anchor for Telemundo 63 and news reporter for CBS 58 announced that she has joined NBC 6 News in South Florida. Rodriguez who is fluent in both English and Spanish began her career by working at Telemundo 63 two years ago and was able to produce, do the weather, anchor news along with Carlos Vergara, and was an effective bilingual speaker and writer for the newscasts.
Rodriguez also did news reporting for CBS 58 News and in late August decided to move to the Miami area to continue her news reporting career. 

Medina, Facebook Confessed Killer Denied Bail

Derek Medina and Jennifer Alfonso's body

A Miami-Dade judge has denied bond for Medina.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 16, 2013

Miami, FL - On Tuesday, Miami-Dade Judge Yvonne Colodny denied bond for Derek Medina, 31, who is charged with first-degree murder, child neglect and firing a missle. He previously plead not guilty to both homicide and child neglect without causing bodily harm charges, but has yet to plea on firing a missle.
During the bond hearing, Judge Colodny cited her reasons due to the circumstances in the case to deny Medina bail. She also allowed for the defense to introduce a diary from Jennifer Alfonso, 26, who wrote that she was going to get violent with Medina.
Medina is claiming self-defense for fatally shooting Alfonso multiple times in the kitchen and then posting her photo on Facebook after she was dead. He also posted a confession that he killed her after she punched him.
Medina posted, "I'm going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife. Love you guys miss you guys take care, Facebook people, you will see me on the news...My was punching me and I am not going to stand anymore with the abuse so I did what I did I hope u understand me."
On Alfonso's dead body photo, Medina added, "RIP, Jennifer Alfonso."
Police investigators say, Medina had said that Alfonso had threatened him with a knife. Evidence at the crime scene indicated that Medina had taken the knife away from Alfonso and place it back on a kitchen drawer where it was found by police. 
The coroner's reported showed that Alfonso was kneeling and attempting to shield her herself with her arms when she was allegedly shot multiple times by Medina. Medina then took a photo of her body slumped backwards in the kitchen and posted it on Alfonso's Facebook page to let Alfonso's family know that she was dead and to rush over there and get his stepdaughter before turning himself to police, according to Detective Jonathan Grossman who found Alfonso's body and questioned Medina during the homicide investigation.
In a 26-page sworn statement released by police, Derek states, the altercation with his wife began after he overslept and got his wife mad because they had a date to go out. Alfonso began to throw things at him and began to repeatedly punch him during the altercation. She even took out a knife and pointed at him, but he managed to take it away from her and put it back on a kitchen drawer.
He pulled out his handgun and warned Alfonso to stop punching him until he fired his weapon multiple times at Alfonso who died from the injuries sustained in the shooting.
In a video from inside their townhouse recovered by police, it showed Medina moving away from the kitchen and then returning briefly and then he just fired his weapon at Alfonso in the kitchen at point blank. 
Medina told Detective Grossman that Alfonso had a history of getting physical with him for the last four years and that he wasn't going to take it anymore. So, he shot her, but is claiming that he had a right to self-defense. 

one room challenge - family room week 3

One note before we get started - I am lucky enough to participate in the Take Two series over at designPost today. Make sure to check it out here.

We are at the half way point people! (click here if you missed week 1 or 2) And what am I still doing? Painting. I am sure you are as sick of here about my painting as I am of actually painting. But we are in the home stretch, so stick with me. I promise good things.

Last week we were left with a nice bright, white room and a primed staircase.

But those of you who know me know I can't leave a room white for long. I am, after all, a color girl. Enter those mystery stripes I mentioned on the inspiration board.

The painter's tape came out and I got to work on one of my very favorite "I want to do that some day" pins, a painted stair runner.

And I can't leave the stairs all alone so I thought some stripes on the floor would be fun too.

The floors were simple to tape out. I just measured the length of the room, randomly choose a width for each stripe by eyeballing what 'looked good' and then divided the width out by the total length. Easy peasy.

The stairs were a bit trickier. These stairs, along with everything else in my charming old home, are not level. In fact, I think if you tried to put a level on these stairs you would actually be able to hear laughter coming from the treads. So trying to measure would just result in a trip to the sanitarium. So I trusted those eye balls of mine.

Using the same Porch and Floor paint from Sherwin-Williams, I painted the navy stripes. I went one shade lighter than the navy I used on the girls' dresser. And thanks to excellent paint, the floor only needed two coats. It helps to watch Orange is the New Black while you paint floors, in case you were wondering.

As for the stairs,

they need a little clean up but for the most part I am thrilled. My eyeballing would have been perfect if I hadn't decided to make the skinny lines just a tad bit thicker. I didn't overlap my tape perfectly on the left there, so mamma has some touching up to do. No worries.

And one word of caution if you are thinking of painting stairs: unless you have multiple stairwells in your house leading from one floor to the next, this is a task that can cause some grumpy tenants. When you look at those cute pictures on Pinterest you forget that said stairs need to dry for long periods of time, aka you can't walk on them. Laundry is then sitting, waiting, unable to be reached as though it is on a deserted island. And some people can't go downstairs and watch sporting events on their big TVs and they find this frustrating. Which some other people don't really get because the couch isn't down there anyway. But I digress. Also, painting stairs can cause you to contort your body in weird Cirque du Soleil ways. Just an FYI.

The floor stripes however didn't give me an once of trouble and they look just like I wanted them to. Look at those straight lines! Raise the roof with me people. This picture is right before I put a coat of sealer on so the floor now has just the slightest glow, a happy floor glow.

And in other news, I found the perfect rugs to go on this smashing floor. Some of the outdoor variety and some of the vintage flavor.

A sneak peak.

And one last update,

this is happening.

So I'm moving forward. I also found a few things for the room and am currently in the middle of a fabric do-over conundrum. I'll keep you posted.

What can we cross off the list this week?
Rip up gross carpet (floor and stairs) and replace flooring
Paint and plank walls and bookshelves
- Recover estate sale chairs
- Create some sort of art station for the girls
- Paint chairs and table
- Repair and paint coffee table
- Create toy storage that doesn't involve the words 'pink' or 'plastic'
- Get some art on those walls
- Find rugs
- New Lighting

Be sure to check out how everyone else is progressing:

Now spill it - have you ever painted stairs before? Did you remember to pick your phone off the dryer and put it in your pocket before painting yourself out of the basement for two days? I know I did, I was just checking.

Science Is Hard (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 12-month moving average of annualized production and nonsupervisory scientific research and development services employee hours worked per capita.

Click to enlarge.

Science is even harder when the funding dries up.

October 15, 2013
US Government Shutdown Forces Closure of Antarctica Research Stations

The National Science Foundation has run out of money. It cannot go forward without its proposed $465 million budget. In a statement on its website, the NSF announced, “all field and research activities not essential to human safety and preservation of property will be suspended.”

Source Data:
BLS: Employment
St. Louis Fed: Population

Belgium Officials Set Movie Trap To Capture Somalian Pirate Kingpin

Mohamed Abdi Hussan, aka, "Big Mouth"

Belgium government law enforcement officials pretended to be a movie group interested  in doing a documentary about the Somalian pirate kingpin.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 15, 2013

Brussels,  Belgium - Government prosecutors in Belgium announced the arrest of Somalian pirate kingpin Mohamed Abdi Hussan, aka, "Big Mouth." Hussan was taken into custody by Belgian federal police moments after landing in Brussels on Saturday. He apparently believed he was going to be a chief advisor in movie documentary about his life as a pirate kingpin, but instead was a calculated trap by Belgian law enforcement officials to lure Hussan into country to arrest him.
Belgium had issued an international warrant for Hussan after he mastermind the boarding and hijacking of a Belgian dredger named th Pompei in 2009.
The pirates held the Pompei crew for 77 days and then were released.
Along with Hussan and another man identified as Mohamed Aden, aka, "Tiiceey" was taken into custody as well and both were taken to Bruges to face charges for hijacking, kidnapping and being members of a criminal organization, according to Belgian federal prosecutor Johan Delmulle.
The Somalian pirates have collected more than $160M in ransom from hijacking, attacking cargo and commercial ships, yachts  and tourists vessels along the Arbian Sea and Indian ocean. They have contributed to a cost of $7B loss for the global economy.

Dividend vs. Wage Stability

Click to enlarge.

Eight sigma events are totally sustainable. Don't let the naysayers tell you different.

This is not investment advice. It has been infused with sarcasm for your viewing pleasure though.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Gonna Pop Some Tags (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 12-month moving average of annualized production and nonsupervisory apparel (nondurable goods) employee hours worked per capita.

Click to enlarge.

I wear your granddad's clothes
I look incredible
I'm in this big ass coat
From that thrift shop down the road

Source Data:
BLS: Employment
St. Louis Fed: Population

guest post at living savvy

I'm over at Living Savvy today talking about what I love to do each and every fall to put our house in the autumn mood. Check it out here.

The scare mongering continues on the debt ceiling and default

The scare mongering continues on the debt ceiling and default

There is great wailing and gnashing of teeth over the potential for catastrophe if the debt ceiling is not raised, but whether the ceiling is raised or not, the underlying problem will remain to be reckoned with yet again.

We are warned against defaulting on the national debt, which President Barack Obama tells us will have the most dire consequences. However, default really isn’t an issue, as economist and former long-time Federal Reserve System Chairman Alan Greenspan explained: “The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.”

While Mr. Greenspan’s statement is technically true, printing even more money to pay the nation’s debts has its own set of economic problems, and heaven knows we have enough of those already.

Another reason paying our debt service isn’t a problem is that even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised so that the government can borrow more money, there is more than enough money coming into the treasury each month to pay the interest on the debt multiple times over, although that has its problems, too.

But the best reason is contained in Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which directs, in no uncertain terms, that "the validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned." The Constitution commands the president to make good the debts of the United States, and that includes both what our nation owes to bondholders, and the sums promised in legislation to those receiving pensions set by law, according to legal scholar Garrett Epps.

What that means is that if the debt ceiling isn’t raised President Obama will be forced to make some tough decisions on what won’t receive funding so those mandated payments can be made, and since much of Mr. Obama’s popularity comes from spending money, there could be some uncomfortable and long days in the White House.

However, the scare mongering about the catastrophe facing the nation and the resulting public outrage will likely force an increase in the debt ceiling for the 80th time since 1940.

President Obama tells us this won’t increase spending, but since it does increase the limit on spending, does anyone really doubt that spending will soon increase, and before long the politicians will want yet another debt ceiling increase.

Sometimes there are compelling reasons for deficit spending, like WWII, the 9-11 attacks, and the banking crisis that threw the country’s economic system into crisis, but most times it is just a bail out from fiscal irresponsibility. Sometimes the ceiling has been raised by a small amount, other times by a large amount, and sometimes it’s been raised temporarily with provisions for a "snap-back" to a lower level.

“Weighing benefits against costs is the way most people make decisions – and the way most businesses make decisions if they want to stay in business,” says the eminent economist Dr. Thomas Sowell. “Only in government is any benefit, however small, considered to be worth any cost, however large.”

And that is the crux of the problem. People who are elected to represent the interests of the citizenry do not use common sense and basic economics when making decisions we pay them to make.

Trying to obtain benefits without considering either the cost or the likelihood of success not infrequently produces bad programs, and bad programs breed and multiply in Washington, DC, and live forever.

The federal government is simply too big, too powerful, too intrusive, too expensive, and too undisciplined, and as a result there are dozens of duplicate programs, and more than a few programs that do not, and never have, achieved success, but are still being funded. And there are billions going to fraud and abuse.

Attempts to reign in waste, fraud and abuse have mostly lacked serious action, and efforts to cut spending to match income likewise have accomplished little.

And atop that lackluster record we have the biggest deficit producer in history in the White House.

At the end of FY2000, four months before George W. Bush took office, the national debt totaled $5.67 trillion. At the end of the fiscal year that Barack Obama took office it had risen to $11.91 trillion. That number is skewed higher due to the $151 billion TARP program President Bush implemented, $147 billion of which was repaid after Mr. Obama took office.

At the end of FY2013 the debt stood just short of $17 trillion. Excluding FY2009, when both Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama held the White House, the president and the mostly-Democrat-controlled Congress added more than $5 trillion to the national debt, with average deficits of $1.163 trillion from FY2010 – FY2013.

It is way past time that government face up to reality and live within its means. The president and Congress must get rid of unproductive programs; eliminate, or at least significantly reduce, fraud, waste and abuse; shut down or downsize federal departments; and implement business-like fiscal standards. In short: do their job.