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Comrade Bill de Blasio deep-pocketed 1% donors exploited loopholes allowing double, triple giving

As I’ve said many times before progressives like Bill De Blasio never let hypocrisy get in the way of class warfare rhetoric.  This Neo Communist is itching to set New York back 30 years.  The poor will stay poor as he and his rich 1% donors get richer while convincing the masses the gap is closing with finger-painting in a universal pre K class. 

NY DailyNews reports Mayor de Blasio took political fundraising to new extremes during his come-from-behind campaign, a Daily News review has found.

Deep-pocket donors showered him with checks far in excess of the usual campaign finance limitations, thanks to loopholes that allowed for double and even triple-giving.
De Blasio was able to raise money on three fronts in the same election cycle: first for his campaign, then for a $300,000 fine he still owed from a 2009 campaign, and finally for his inauguration and transition costs.

That meant individual donors limited to giving no more than $4,950 per election cycle were able to give the maximum amount again and again, writing checks to de Blasio — who railed at loopholes as a candidate — twice and even three times

"It compounds the influence one (donor) might have," said Dick Dadey of the non-partisan watchdog Citizens Union. "This the shortcoming of the program that allows current donors to make contributions toward fines that go back to prior campaigns and allows donors to increase their impact on the campaign."

Most of those able to come up with that much cash just happened to be lobbyists, real estate developers and a lineup of special interests who do business with the city.

More here

2014 goals

The time has come for me to put down my goals for the year on paper, or uh screen, so that I am held accountable come December 31. If I don't put them out there for y'all to read I won't have the fear of judgement as my motivation. And really, isn't that what gets us all out of bed in the morning? Right. So I spent the weekend shaking my magic eight ball and I've narrowed down my list to these five challenges, in no particular order. In honor of the Golden Globes...may I have the envelope please.

1. Fix the backyard.
I've whined discussed my backyard as long as this blog has been around (and even before that). And each year I talk about working on some privacy, but this is the year. And here's the reason - I can't look at my neighbors any more. They really are lovely people, but I just can't. While our side yard is vast and relatively private, our backyard, the space right past our deck and patio is rather close to our neighbors. And over the years our neighbors have added on to their homes, making our breathing room even smaller. And with the addition of a new neighbor and his many outdoor apparatuses, this is the year damn it.
 And while I'd love a tall ivy covered stone wall and boxwood hedges,

we are probably looking at something more economical. I know, economical and landscaping never really go together, but I'm going to try my best. We were able to redo our deck on a budget, so who knows what we will come up with. Maybe we'll find more $5 trees.

2. Organize closets
I have something that is a rarity in a house this age and size - two walk in closets. But I'm ashamed to say that I don't use them to their full potential. And in a house this size, that just isn't cool.

Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti's amazing closet
So I've got painting, construction, elbow grease and a lot of DIYs up my sleeve for these suckers. Note - I can not guarantee they can stay organized. (Do I hear a goal for 2015?)

3. Find a dishwasher that doesn't suck and a vacuum that does.
I told you how much my Maytag sucks and this is the year I'm doing something about it. There has got to be a high performance dishwasher out there and I am on the hunt.

Zoey cleans better than my Maytag does
I also have a vacuum on its last suck. Hmm, I need a new dishwasher and vacuum. Maybe it would just be cheaper to get a maid.

4. Focus on the details.
I find myself looking at different things these days. Table linens, candle sticks, picture frames, vases. The cherries on top of the sundae. The things that take a room from done to complete. And a hard, and dangerous rule for me this year - only permanent pieces. I'm not getting something just because it was cheap. I have a basement full of those purchases. Quality, unique and long term are the key this year.

Lesley Glotzl

5. Post more.
I really do have the best time getting to know you all and I think we have a really good time together. And well, we've been dating for a few years now, so I think it's time to take our relationship to the next level. Do I sound like The Bachelor?

I've got a lot to say, a whole backlog in fact, of things that I just don't get around to. So this year I'm going to make a hard effort to work four posts a week into my schedule. Gulp. And I want you all sharing more on here with me as well. You all are the best and I want to give more. 4 days a week. There I said it.

So ta-da, there she blows. My list for the year. What do you think? Do you make yourself a guideline for the year? Did you think Tina and Amy did a good job last night? Can you believe that Jordan Catalano won an Golden Globe?!

A Lion of Israel ... J. D. Longstreet

A Lion of Israel    ...   J. D. Longstreet
A Lion of Israel
A Warrior and a Leader of Warriors
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister of Israel, was buried today in the Jewish state of Israel.

To say, as we did above that Sharon was a former Prime Minster of Israel is far, far, too simplistic and does not give Sharon the credit he deserves for a life of service to his beloved country.

This is the way the New York Daily News put it:  "He was a soldier. He was a statesman. He was an Israeli. He was a Jew. And Ariel Sharon was one of the great men of the modern era.

When the times forced warring upon him, he led with brilliance and courage, his against-odds victories crucial to his country’s survival. When the times offered openings toward peace with enemies — openings that often only he could see and use — he was bold in seeking the way forward."
  --SOURCE:  http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ariel-sharon-lion-israel-article-1.1576467#ixzz2qCAWHCLM 

Sharon was one of the great generals of the Israeli Defense Forces. It was Sharon who led the IDF across the Suez Canal and into Egypt cutting off and capturing Egypt's entire Third Army and securing much, if not all, of the Sinai for Israel in the Yom Kippur War in October of 1973.

Lest the world forget, it was Ariel Sharon who sent Israeli fighter bombers to Iraq and bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor. Sharon, along with the entire state of Israel, was publicly scorned for the attack.  Secretly, however,  world leaders thanked him for his bold action that saved the world from a nuclear armed Saddam Hussein. 

Below is a brief time line of Sharon's public life from the United Kingdom's Independent:

"1928: Born to Russian immigrants in farming community of Kfar Malal north of Tel Aviv.

1948: Having joined Jewish guerrillas at age 14 in war against British rule in Palestine, Sharon serves with distinction in Israel's war of independence and is severely wounded in battle.

1953: Heads Unit 101, force carrying out reprisals for Palestinian attacks. After the killing of an Israeli woman and her two children, Sharon's troops blow up more than 40 houses in Qibya, a village in the Jordan-ruled West Bank. Sixty-nine Arabs die, about half of them women and children. Sharon says later he thought the houses were empty.

1956: Rebuked after engaging his troops in what commanders regard as unnecessary and unplanned battle with Egyptian forces at Mitla Pass in Sinai Peninsula.

1957: Studies military theory at the British Army's Staff College at Camberley.
1967: Receives broad praise for the command of an armoured division in Israel's “Six-Day War,” in which Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula.

1971: Placed in charge of curbing Arab violence in Gaza Strip. More than 100 suspected militants are killed and hundreds detained. Attacks by Palestinians go from 34 in June to one in December.

1973: Commands drive by Israeli troops across Suez Canal into Egypt during war. Assault cuts off Egypt's 3rd Army and helps turn the tide in fighting. His head grazed by bullet during fighting.

1973: Elected to Parliament representing the Likud party.

 1974: Resigns from Parliament.

1975: Appointed by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin as an advisor on security affairs.

1977: Likud wins election and is joined by Sharon, who has been elected to parliament.

1977-81: As Menachem Begin's agriculture minister, begins the push to build dozens of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, despite Palestinian and international protests. Settlements are one of the most contentious issues in current peace negotiations.

April 1982: As defence minister, overrides resistance from Jewish settlers in the Yamit settlement during the Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula, and has their homes bulldozed to rubble.

June 1982: Engineers Israel's invasion of Lebanon, portraying it as a quick, limited strike to drive Palestinian fighters from Israel's northern border. But Israeli troops advance to the outskirts of Beirut and war escalates. Fighting continues in southern Lebanon until Israel withdraws in 2000.

September1982: Loses job as defence minister after an Israeli-allied Christian militia kills hundreds of Palestinians at refugee camps in west Beirut, sparking international outrage.

1986: Sharon wins libel suit against Time Magazine in the US, where a jury finds the magazine made a factual error in claiming a secret Israeli report said Sharon had discussed revenge with Lebanese officials before the massacre. But the jury says Time is not liable for monetary damages.

1997: An Israeli court dismisses another libel suit filed by Sharon against an Israeli journalist who wrote that Sharon had deceived former Prime Minister Menachem Begin in leading the country to war. An appeal is also rejected.

2000: As opposition leader, Sharon visits Jerusalem's Temple Mount to emphasize Israel's claim of sovereignty. Muslims, who call site the Noble Sanctuary, erupt in violence. Palestinians say Sharon's visit triggered resumption of uprising, while his supporters contend violence was already planned by Palestinians.

2001: In the midst of a political crisis, wins landslide victory over premier Ehud Barak in the election for Prime Minister.

2003: Wins early elections and remains Prime Minister. Later starts the construction of Israel's separation barrier in West Bank in response to wave of Palestinian suicide bombings.

February 2005: Announces, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a cease-fire in Palestinian uprising.

August 2005: Begins a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and a small part of the West Bank, after reversing decades of support for Jewish settlement construction and expansion.

November 2005: Amid growing dissent within Likud over the Gaza withdrawal, leaves the party with many key allies to found centrist Kadima with eye on elections set for the following March.

December 2005: Suffers a mild stroke and leaves hospital two days later.

January 2006: On the eve of a scheduled heart procedure, suffers a massive stroke and falls into a coma.

May 2006: Sharon, still in a coma, is transferred from Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem to a long-term-care facility at Tel Aviv's Chaim Sheba Medical Center.

August 2006: Doctors announce that his condition has greatly deteriorated.

2010: Sharon is moved to his ranch in southern Israel. But days later, he is returned to Sheba.

2011: One of Sharon's sons says his father can move his eyes and fingers when spoken to.

January 2013: Medical experts say new tests show significant brain activity by Sharon, but say he remains in a deep coma.

11 January 2013: Dies at age 85."
  -- SOURCE:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/timeline-the-life-of-former-israeli-prime-minister-ariel-sharon-9053308.html

A number of conservative commentators have voiced concern that President Obama will not be attending Sharon's funeral.  Instead, Obama issued the following statement:  "Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the family of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and to the people of Israel on the loss of a leader who dedicated his life to the State of Israel. We reaffirm our unshakable commitment to Israel’s security and our appreciation for the enduring friendship between our two countries and our two peoples." Obama then went on to restate his "commitment to the goal of two states living side-by-side in peace and security."

Vice- President Joe Biden led the US delegation to Sharon's funeral.

Mr. Obama is sending a message, loud and clear, by attending the funeral of Nelson Mandela -- but not the funeral of Ariel Sharon.  Mr. Sharon was not a communist.

"Arik" has left an indelible mark on history --  both Israeli history and world history. His like will not be seen again.  And the world will be the worse for it.

J. D. Longstreet

6.5 quake hits off Puerto Rico coast

I have a lot of family living in Puerto Rico inclusing my Mom.  So I’m very concerned. 
RT reports a strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck at sea off the Puerto Rican coast at a shallow depth of less than 30 km early on Monday, the US Geological Survey reports.

The quake hit some 56 km off the northern coast of the island. The capital, San Juan, where 400,000 people live is located on the same side of the island.

No immediate injuries or damage has been reported. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake could trigger a local tsunami.

"There is the small possibility of a local tsunami that could affect coasts located usually no more than a hundred kilometers from the earthquake epicenter," the tsunami center said.

S N O W light

bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,

bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,
bittersweet colours, winter trends, Pink coat, PINK TREND, white on white, street style, Mango, vintage, Kayu bag, fuchsia color,

Since "last year " we live in a Winter Wonderland scenery and I could not be happier. Perhaps this is the reason that lately I wear more white outfits than in the Summer days. One thing is for sure: I can't put together one white outfit, head to toe without injecting a positive color. This time is a -fuchsia- explosion in the mix.
Never say never, maybe one day I will surprise you with one winter white look and NO colors:)

                                                                                  Coat: vintage/ option Here and  Here
                                                                                  Sweater: Flea market find/ option Here and Here 
                                                                                  Jeans/ Mango/ great option Here 
                                                                                  Boots: Daniblack/ I also love this pair Here 
                                                                                  Bag: c/o Kayu/ Here
                                                                                  Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

Lizzie Velasquez Victim Of Lowlife Hackers

Lizzie Velasquez

Hackers victimized Velasquez by hacking her social network accounts and deleting years all her personal blog postings.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 12, 2014

Austin, Texas - On Sunday, Lizzie Velasquez, 24, of Austin posted on her Facebook (FB) account that years of personal posts in her blog have been compromised and deleted by lowlife hackers. Velasquez has for most of her young life dealt with bullies and evil minded people who rediculed and made fun of her because of her personal appearance due to a medical condition (syndrome) that only three people in the world, including her are blessed with that makes them physically different from others.
Velasquez has overcome the bullying and became one of the most interesting woman in America to come to know in the last 25 years. Despite suffering from a medical condition, Velasquez has turned her experience into an inspiration for others to define who they are, instead of letting bullies, evil minded and lowlife people define her. Velasquez's YouTube video "How Do You Define Yourself" has gone viral worldwide, since just last week when she only had more than 40K view hits and in just six days has exploded to over 3.07M and more than 71K subscribers in her YouTube channel has blown her mind.
She just posted a humbled tearful thankyou video as well on FB, where she is overwhelmed by the recent support of millions of people and the thousands of e-mails that she has received, which she says, she will read everyone of the e-mails and will do her best to respond.
Since Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) first posted an article about Velasquez hoping to reach at least 50K on Monday, within days she had received more than 3 million views and thousands of subscribers only indicates that her inspiring video has touched millions of people around the world and has become a role model for those seeking hope in life to succeed and make it through day by day.
Velasquez has become a sensational and movtivational speaker that has shown people how to define themselves. She also posted on Sunday that hackers had managed to delete all her postings from her personal blog.
Velasquez posted on FB, "Dear Hackers, Hacking into all of my social media accounts and deleting all of my personal blog posts that I've been writing for YEARS, absolutely blows my mind. Who in their right mind thinks its okay to break into someones personal accounts?! I've done absolutely nothing to hurt anyone. I'm going to be praying for whatever is going in your life. Love, a very angry Lizzie."
Velasquez's "How Do You Define Yourself" video is expected to reach about 10M views before or by the end of the month.

Velasquez latest tearful, a humbled thank you video at link: http://bit.ly/1aihr1N

Velasquez book titles include "Lizzie Beautiful" and "Be Beautiful, Be You" and they are also available in Spanish versions.

Lizzie Velasquez, motivational speaker video at the TEDx Austin Women conference: http://youtu.be/c62Aqdlzvqk

13 yr old San Antonio teen charged in on-campus stabbing of Devine middle school teacher in Texas

This is a nasty kid for sure.  We have 13 yr olds stabbing teachers.  Who said teenagers aren’t dangerous?  In some cases they’re more dangerous than adults because of immaturity. 
KHOU reports the 13-year-old Devine Middle School student who stabbed a band teacher on campus Friday has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in a weapons free zone, according to the Devine Police Department.

The male teenager was magistrated and has been transported to the Atascosa County Juvenile Detention Center, police said.

The attack happened in the school's band hall around noon. School officials said the teacher was hospitalized for her injuries, but is expected to be OK.

The student's name has not been released because he is a juvenile