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REPORT: Obamacare Bailout Planned for Insurance Companies...

Although this may be what Obama wants to do to save his sorry law, I don’t see a bailout ever getting through congress. 
WeeklyStandard reports Robert Laszewski—a prominent consultant to health insurance companies—recently wrote in a remarkably candid blog post that, while Obamacare is almost certain to cause insurance costs to skyrocket even higher than it already has, “insurers won’t be losing a lot of sleep over it.”  How can this be?  Because insurance companies won’t bear the cost of their own losses—at least not more than about a quarter of them.  The other three-quarters will be borne by American taxpayers.

For some reason, President Obama hasn’t talked about this particular feature of his signature legislation.  Indeed, it’s bad enough that Obamacare is projectedby the Congressional Budget Office to funnel $1,071,000,000,000.00 (that’s $1.071 trillion) over the next decade (2014 to 2023) from American taxpayers, through Washington, to health insurance companies.  It’s even worse that Obamacare is trying to coerce Americans into buying those same insurers’ product (although there are escape routes).  It’s almost unbelievable that it will also subsidize those same insurers’ losses. 

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pointed in the right direction - arrows in design

I have used my excellent investigative skills to deduce a trend surge hitting the streets. And because of my excellent investigative skills, I'm making a proclamation.

2014 is going to be all about the arrow.

I know, a bold statement. But everywhere I turn, little arrows are popping up. Or shooting out as the case may be.

Kelly Wearstler

Emily Henderson
Apartment Therapy
Amanda Catherine Designs
Dajana B. Strong
Design Sponge
Vintage Revivals
Modern Jane
Paris Heroin Stars' Boutique
Moorea Seal
Shop HDB
One Kings Lane

Pencil Shavings Studio
Biscuit Home

So what do you think? Do arrows make for a good accessory? Will you be participating in this trend? Do you realize how many puns ran thru my head while writing this post? It was a very Carrie Bradshaw moment.

Reeves, A Retired Tampa Cop Killed Oulson For Texting Inside Wesley Chapel Movie Theater

Curtis Judson Reeves Jr., Chad Oulson and Nicole Oulson

Retired police captain shoots 43-year-old man for texting during movie previews in Florida.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 14, 2014

Wesley Chapel, Florida - On Monday, retired Tampa Police Captain Curtis Judson Reeves Jr., 71, fatally shot Chad Oulson, 43, of Land O' Lakes in the chest and injured his wife for texting in a theater. Reeves was charged with second-degree murder.
Reeves apparently told Oulson who was texting his 3-year-old daughter to stop using his cellphone. Oulson ignored Reeves and Reeves got up and walked out to complain to the Wesley Chapel theater manager and then came back to his seat.
Oulson than began to argue with Reeves because he complained to the manager. Reeves pulled out his weapon and shot Oulson in the chest. Oulson's wife Nicole, 33, put her hand in front in an attempt to stop the bullet and was injured.
A off-duty Sumter County deputy arrested Reeves, after he sat down and placed his weapon on his lap. Reeves was at the theater with his wife to see the Lone Survivor.. An estimated 25 people witnessed the shooting.
Reeves retired from the Tampa Police Department about 20 years ago. The Pasco County Sheriff's office determined that Reeves cold bloodedly shot Oulson and can not used the stand your ground law.
Oulson later died at a local hospital.

Welfare Recipients First The Get "Mark Of The Beast" RFID Micro Chip Implant For Obamacare

Federal law mandates that every U.S. Citizens to eventually get a micro chip implant of the Obamacare RFID chip or best known as the "Mark of the Beast."

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 14, 2014

Washington, D.C. - Walmart stores and Sam's Club around the country began installing the Obamacare RFID Chip Scanning SoloHealth Machines (kiosk), which includes a micro chip (RFID) bar scanner. The mandatory micro chip that will contain vital information about the carrier can be scanned and all the information will be uploaded to the machine to provide information about the health care recipients. 
Currently, a user can enter their name, social security, e-mail and other information to get Obamacare coverage information. The robotic voice on the machine even refers to Obamacare by name when in use. 
Federal legislation H.R. 3962, Section 2571, Subsection (B), which identifies the use of Class II and Class III devices and a "Medical Device Registry" in the Affordable Health Act that was passed to make it mandatory for every U.S. Citizen enrolled in the national health care program to get an Obamcare RFID chip, which is now being tested on people or face hundreds of dollars in fines, if not enrolled when it gets approved. The chip will take at least ten minutes to implant and is no bigger than a grain of rice. It will be implanted in the middle area of the index and thumb fingers on the hand or in fatty tissue located on the buttocks. 
One of many set backs about the RFID chip would be, that any foreign government or criminals can used scanners near your body and also download your vital information contained on the chip without you knowing. The chip could also trace your location and whereabouts for the NSA to track.
For now in Hanna, Wyoming, a city ordinance was passed for their citizens and city officials to begin using and testing the chip before the rest of Americans will be forced to get an implant. Also in some states, welfare recipients will be forced to get the RFID chip implant, if they want to continue getting some kind of assistance or food stamps. 

Bridging The Divide Between Left And Right ... J. D. Longstreet

Bridging The Divide Between Left And Right   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Bridging The Divide Between Left And Right
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Establishment Republicans ... take notice!  We are all just getting a taste of what the Left has in store for the GOP for the remainder of this election year. Smear, smear, and then more smears.

I am referring to the Left's campaign to destroy Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.

In the spirit of full disclosure, allow me to state clearly that I am not a supporter of Governor Christie.  The governor is far too liberal for my southern conservative tastes.  Altho, he seems the sort of fellow I'd enjoy having as a friend, I do not agree with his politics.

An astute follower of politics in America could have seen this disaster coming months ago.   Since the day some poll, or other, pronounced Christie the GOP "frontrunner" for the presidential nomination it was a lighted powder keg just waiting for the right moment to explode. See.  This traffic jam fiasco didn't  happen recently.  It happened way back last fall.

There was no way under the sun that the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party was going to allow Governor Christie to even get close to the nomination unsullied.  It is the way of the Left to utterly destroy any opposition.  The Left maintains a scorched earth policy toward any who do not share their Marxist agenda.  They publicly preach tolerance but have none, whatsoever, for any who disagree and/or refuse to knuckle under to their tyranny.

Governor Christie is now the poster boy for those who cross the Democratic Party.

Now, I'm not defending the dumb deed committed by those around the Governor, I'm just pointing out how quickly the MsM leapt upon it as a means to ravage the Governor.  It was as if they have been waiting, cocked and locked, ready to open fire at the first provocation.  Christie's people gave it to them -- in spades.

Methinks this should be a lesson to all "liberal" and "moderate" republicans.  The Left may be smiling to your face but, believe me, they have a blade aimed directly at your back. 

The liberals and moderates who make up the establishment core of the Republican Party should take notice.  Your liberality, your moderation, will not protect you from the fangs of the Left.  They will tear you apart -- when it suits their purpose -- regardless of your support for their agenda.  As someone has said -- in the view of the Left:  "There are no GOOD Republicans."

Christie is a Republican who supports far too much of the liberal agenda to ever get the vote of conservatives in the presidential election ... even if Hillary is the Left's candidate.  Should Christie become the Republican nominee, Republican "stay at homes" on election day will set a record.  Independents who lean Republican will not vote for Christie, either. 

We conservatives have been screaming from the rooftops that liberal Republicans do not get elected as President.  Think back a bit.  Eisenhower was the last "moderate" Republican to be elected and serve two terms in office.       

Why?  Well, the liberal Left will not support a liberal Republican under any circumstances.  The conservative Right will not support a liberal Republican under any circumstances.

Just as the political Left seeks their Utopia, the political Right seeks the political center.  Neither exists. 

Establishment Republicans must understand they can never live in any kind of trust with the Left.  The Left is akin to ravenous lions seeking whom they may devour and -- having a taste for GOP flesh.  And again, like cats, they prefer to attack from behind.

So far as the Mainstream Media is concerned, there are two entirely separate set of rules for the Left and the Right.  Had the bridge/traffic jam hijinks been committed by one of the Left's Marxist operators there would not have been a peep in the press.  But -- as a Republican administration is involved, it is bigger than all the Obama scandals, including the Benghazi Affair, which claimed the lives of four Americans.  Do you begin to see how the rules are different?

And so it begins -- a new year and a new political campaign for President of the United States.  As we said a while back:  "It's gonna be brutal!"

J. D. Longstreet

U.S. DOJ, DHS, DEA And ICE Involved In Alleged Corruption With Sinaloa Cartel

Eric Holder, Vicente Zambada-Niebla, Vicente Zambada and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera

DEA and ICE agents met with drug cartels to allow billions of dollars worth of drugs to be smuggled into the U.S., an investigation by El Universal dot com revealed.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 13, 2014

Mexico City -  The Universal dot com reported that federal agents from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had met with members of the Sinaloa Cartel, Gulf Cartel, including Los Zetas and had reached an agreement to allow billions of dollars of drugs to be smuggle into the U.S. for information leading to the arrest and convictions of rival cartel druglords. The U.S. government and drug cartels scandal involved the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and three major Mexican cartels, which came to light after the arrest in 2010 and extradition of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, aka, "El Vicentillo" in 2010. Zambada-Niebla was the logistic coordinator for the Sinaloa Cartel and son of the second in command, Sinaloa druglord, Ismael Zambada, aka, "El Mayo."
In 2010, Zambada-Niebla was extradited to the U.S. and charged for a billion dollar cocaine and heroin trafficking operation and money laundering in a Chicago federal court. Since, he was charged, Zambada-Niebla has been relocated to an undisclosed location and has been cooperating with federal prosecutors about an alleged agreement that Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera had with the DHS, DOJ, DEA and ICE about being allowed to arm his cartel with weapons smuggled into Mexico under the Fast and Furious gun running operation headed by feds and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona. 
The alleged Sinaloa Cartel and DOJ agreement allowed for tons of drugs to be smuggled into the U.S. for credible intelligence from three cartels about their rival cartels.  The Universal dot com report indicates that Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General must have known about the three major drug cartel agreement with the U.S. government. 
Zambada-Niebla had insisted that he was immune from U.S. prosecution due a prior agreement with El Chapo and the U.S. government. His father, Zambada instructed his son to cooperate with prosecutors, since an agreement had been reach that he would be immune from prosecution, which was collaborated by several DEA agents, Manuel Castañón, David Herrod, DEA assistant regional director, Carlos Mithem and David Gaddis, the DEA regional director who authorized the agents to negotiate with certain drug cartels. The agents, met with Sinaloa Cartel attorney Humberto Loya-Castro various times in Mexico who had been giving information to the DEA since 2005 and was credited for providing information about a 23-ton smuggling operation, which netted the seizure of a cocaine shipment, according to DEA agent Steve Fraga.
On March 18, 2009, DEA agents Castañón and Herrod met with Zambada-Niebla and Castro at a Sheraton Hotel in Mexico around 8:05 p.m. for 30 minutes to negotiate intelligence against rival cartels. No one other than his father, Zambada and El Chapo knew of the meeting with the feds.
Gaddis had arranged the meeting three months before they finally met with Zambada-Niebla. Five hours after the meeting ended with Castañón and Herrod, Zambada-Niebla was arrested by the Mexican military.
The joint agreement between the U.S. government and the three major cartels peaked from 2006 to 2012, according to Universal dot com. In June 2009, the DHS authorized agents from both the DEA and ICE to negotiate with the Sinaloa Cartel the reduction of violence around the Mexican-U.S. border towns without the cooperation of the Mexican government, court documents show.
Twelve major druglords were taken into custody as a result of the agreement with the DEA before 2012. To collaborate the massive informant network created by the initial agreement, in late November 2006, the body of man was found near the International Bridge Cordóba-Las Américas Ciudad Juárez. The body had two business cards from DEA agents Raúl Bencomo and Tod Johnson attached to his forehead and his index finger in his mouth indicating the initial collaboration of information exchange between drug cartels and the DEA.
In March 2010, former Cuidad Juárez Police Captain Jesús Manuel Fierro Méndez and spokesman for the Sinaloa Cartel testified at a court in El Paso, that El Chapo and ICE, including DEA agents met with the druglord in Mexico and had phone conversations with them to exchange intelligence about rival cartels in return for smuggling drugs into the U.S.
In 2009 and 2011, DEA agents from the Houston, Texas office began to negotiate with members of the Gulf Cartel and  Los Zetas, according to court documents. The names of the DEA agents and informants involved have not been made public.
On June 3, 2005, attorney Castro signed an agreement of cooperation with three DEA agents, Castañón, Herrod and Gregg Garza. Court document 109 showed that federal prosecutors presented on September 9, 2011 evidence that Castro had signed several agreements with federal agents in 2005 and 2011.
In a federal court document number 94, the defense attorney for Zambada-Niebla showed how the DHS, DOJ, DEA and ICE were allowed to enter into agreements with mentioned drug cartels for exchange intelligence against rival cartels in return to be allowed to smuggle drugs into the U.S., get weapons and allowed to murder rivals without prosecution and involvement of the Mexican government. The 16-page document shows how Castro was authorized by El Chapo, Zambada and Zambada-Niebla to provide intelligence from rival cartels to U.S. federal agents in return to continue their criminal activity without prosecution by the feds.
The DEA declined to comment about its findings, the Universal reported.

El Universal news article at link: http://alturl.com/3ip94

Texting Allegedly Triggers Movie Theater Shooting by Retired Tampa Police Captain Curtis Reeves, texter shot dead

There’s more to this story I think.  I find it hard to believe that a retired police captain kill somebody over texting at a movie theater.  There’s gotta be more to this. 
ABC Newsreports an argument between a retired police captain and a couple who was texting inside of a Florida movie theater erupted into gunfire today that left one man dead and a woman wounded. 

Police said that two couples began arguing before a showing of "Lone Survivor" over one couple's text messaging. 

The shooting suspect, identified as retired Tampa police officer Curtis Reeves, 71, became annoyed when a couple sitting in front of him were texting during the movie's previews, according to the Pasco County Sheriff's office. 

Police said that Reeves asked Chad and Nichole Oulson several times to stop, and then Reeves left the theater. When Reeves returned, Chad Oulson asked Reeves if he reported his phone use to the theater managers, police said. That prompted an argument which ended when Reeves pulled out a gun and shot Oulson in the chest, police said. 

"The victim was on his cellphone, he was texting. We believe he was making some kind of noise. This noise led to an altercation," Sheriff Chris Nocco said, according to ABC News affiliate WFTS. "During that altercation, the suspect decided to pull out a .380 and he shoots the victim." 

Chad Oulson died of his wound and his wife was wounded.

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Real Interest on Government Debt per Capita

When Will Interest on US National Debt Exceed $1 Trillion? - Mish

As a holder of long-term government debt, I have three different questions in mind.

Click to enlarge.

1. When can we expect to break free from the long-term trend channel?
2. When can we expect ZIRP to permanently end?
3. Of all the things I could worry about in this economy, where should the risk of rising interest rates (and expense) rank on my list?

My answers of "not soon", "not soon", and "low" may differ from yours of course. I'll be much more worried when the majority agrees with my answers. And when do I expect that to happen? Not soon.

This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
Treasury Direct: Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
St. Louis Fed: CPI
St. Louis Fed: Population

Christie's claim he didn't know about Bridgegate is 'NOT CREDIBLE', says head of inquiry, his chief of staf also involved

I curious to see how long GOP establishment types like Karl Rove continue to defend Christie.  The GOP may think Christie is God’s gift to the party, but what do they know?  He’s not the guy for the GOP nod, never was, get over it as he suffers death of a thousand cuts.  
Daily Mailreports the woman now serving as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's chief of staff was directly informed via email about the problematic lane closures on the George Washington Bridge within hours of the closures being reversed by a New York official.

Regina Egea, a longtime member of staff of Christie and the incoming chief of staff to the governor was forwarded an angry message from Patrick Foye, executive director of the Port Authority, regarding the closures on September 13.

Following this latest revelation, the New Jersey assemblyman leading the investigation into the shutdown of the George Washington Bridge has said he doesn't think Christie's assertion he knew nothing about the situation is 'credible.'

Legislative subpoenas could be served to aides of the New Jersey governor as early as Monday according to ABC News, while a special legislative session is due to be held on Thursday to vote on whether to extend the inquiry or not.

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