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Alabama teacher Alicia Gray records video apologizing for sex with 14-year-old student

The rest of the national media is catching with me who reported on Ms Gray very early in the game. 
NY Daily News reports an Alabama teacher convicted of having sex with a teen student half her age issued a video apology for her “selfish actions” as she prepared to enter jail for a six-month sentence.

Alicia Gray, 28, was convicted Friday after agreeing to a plea deal and later that day, turned herself in to serve her sentence, followed by five years probation, AL.com reports.

More here

It’s good that she apologized but she should be doing more than 6 months in prison. Until as a society we get serious about this type of crime, teachers will continue to bed students.


SHOOTER:  12 year old 7th GRADER

The student may have been the victim of BULLYING

Another school shooting.  This one with a SHOTGUN.  Mr. and Mrs. America will somehow get the blame again and the Bill Of Rights will be targeted?  Oh wait a minute it's BULLYING now:

See what BULLYING can do now?  BULLYING is now the new media fetish.  Some say the mainstream media court of public opinion is trying to make BULLYING into some new definition of law or criminal act.  Whatever it is I'm sure lawmakers will have their way with the term very soon:


The real reason Michelle Obama stayed in Hawaii

Obama threatens becoming a Tyrant instead of president: ‘I’ve Got A Pen And I’ve Got A Phone’

President Barack Hussein Obama took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  But today he threatened to turn his back on our most scared traditions and morph into the kind of tin horn dictator we see in other parts of the world.  I see no reason to sugarcoat his threat and call it what it is—Tyranny!    

Do you really want to go there, Mr. President? 
CBS Washington reports aalling for “all hands on deck” to assist the economy, President Barack Obama is urging his Cabinet to identify ways to keep his administration relevant to people struggling in the up-and-down recovery.

With two weeks left before delivering an economy-focused State of the Union address to Congress, Obama is picking up the pace of his jobs message and demonstrating how he can advance his economic agenda administratively and through his ability to coax action from important interest groups.

“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said Tuesday as he convened his first Cabinet meeting of the year.

Obama continued: ”And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward in helping to make sure our kids are getting the best education possible, making sure that our businesses are getting the kind of support and help they need to grow and advance, to make sure that people are getting the skills that they need to get those jobs that our businesses are creating.”

This country was born rebelling against King George of England.  According to our Declaration of Independence We The People maintain the right to oust this government when and if it becomes tyrannical.  So if President Obama wants to go there, he better think again!

Pay close attention to what Kevin Spacey says.

The Oxymoron's Guide to the Stagnating Manufacturing Renaissance (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows real manufacturers sales per capita (November 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

April 6, 2012
The Wall Street Journal: The Great Reversal: Playing the U.S. Manufacturing Boom

Three trends suggest America's "manufacturing renaissance" is just getting started, says Neil Dutta, U.S. economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

We're told U.S. Manufacturing is booming, and yet the chart clearly shows that it is stagnating. Worse, we're still nowhere near the previous peaks (~$1,700). It's an enigma wrapped up in a conundrum.

When it comes to U.S. manufacturing, says Kristina Hooper, head of portfolio strategies at Allianz Global Investors, "It's time to stop looking in the rearview mirror and start looking ahead."

March 8, 2012
See Frightening Pictures Of A Minivan Impaled By A Log

If you weren't already nervous when traveling behind a logging truck on the highway we're afraid these pictures might inspire some anxiety next time you spot one on the open road.

For the record, the log took out both the front window and the rearview mirror.

It's better than bad, it's good!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

CNN movie reviews: More sex and dragons

Game of Thrones

Look at this shit!  I mean really; look at it.  These are what Hollywood is producing now as America runs out of real life and chases fantasy with all manner of role playing and related evil.  The desire for this is growing and I know very little of these myself and am counted as an ignorant person.  Although I know better, for my mind is renewed by Christ Jesus the Lord.  

The world can have it's dungeons, dragons, and all manner of perverseness.  Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Look at this growing desire for WAR and CHAOS...interesting...

Looks to me like the principalities and powers and evil men in high places are getting stirred up.  That day is approaching:


Raw Dog's Economic Update and Rant


The more I watch people try and figure out the economy the more I realize that there simply are not any investments.  There certainly is a load of confusion:


Is Governor Chris Christie a bully?

The new term:  BULLYING

We are going to hear more and more about BULLYING now as that's the next hobbyhorse of the American media.  This is going to casually become law now by the court of public opinion and mainstream media.

How about those of us that have been victims of BULLYING?  Are we able to file some lawsuits?  


Is Justin Bieber a COKE-HEAD?


The new American ALUMINUM demand

ALUMINUM the new precious metal

New ideas for METAL STACKERS

Ford's new F-SERIES pickup trucks are being made with aircraft grade aluminum.  This recent auto industry achievement coupled with increasing demand for aluminum in the aerospace and computer technology sectors is already causing increased demand for the metal.  Investors are watching very closely how this impacts the stocks in these automobile, aerospace, and technology markets:




This is what's important to America...

Will there be PGA TOUR BRIEFINGS?  NFL BRIEFINGS?  Other sports?

America's SPORTS INDUSTRY, AUTO INDUSTRY, and EDUCATION SYSTEM is what's most important to America as we are an entertainment driven economy:


Here's the edited version.  They don't want you to see the gods walk in the room.  There's always something to hide and it's usually the truth:

Nothing brings people together like the Miami heat...

Was the First Lady at the BASKETBALL BRIEFING?

Who dat Mac Daddy?

I don't recall seeing her there but she may indeed have been.   Or was she?

The News UNIT's recent observation: (I do get out once in a while...)

I was just out and about in Milwaukee, Wisconsin recently and I can tell you that this nation is on course for disaster.  This present generation of interracial cultural achievements and rank lasciviousness has bred a large number of young women roughly between the ages of 18 and 30 (and even younger) to be absolute whores.  How did this happen?

The black mafia is taking over

Well in my opinion it started with the black artists who entertained their rap music and brainwashing America campaign into transforming the American culture into a large group of niggas, bitches, and hoes.  This is now a very normal thing for a woman to be proud of being a bitch and a whore.  And I'm 100% serious about this!  It's a very growing and lucrative industry and run by a new breed of mafia never before imagined. 

The country is full of whores, whoredom, and all manner of wickedness.  If you have a young daughter you can be certain if she is fair to look upon that she is in great danger.  The odd thing is that all of this behavior is becoming very acceptable and is almost a society norm.

Although evil men and seducers are waxing worse and worse as they are deceiving and being deceived my personal attitude toward it all rests in this statement:  Even so, come Lord Jesus.


Today we have many women that are allegedly into modeling.  I say modeling because what you think is modeling is simply camouflage for what is a giant and growing PORNOGRAPHY INDUSTRY.   Women are being drawn into this (at their own free will) by MODELING AGENCIES which are none other than GIANT PORNOGRAPHIC MAFIA RINGS.

The American universities are breeding grounds for this industry and many are involved albeit discreetly.  If you think your family is immune from this activity and you ever hear the word MODEL or MODELING you should probably know that it is highly likely that it's not what you think it is.

Are you a model?  Aren't you special!


I have a challenge for you although this may be very dangerous work.  Follow these NFL players and NBA players and other notable sports players after their games and to their social functions.  You will get an education on the great American sexual perversion.  These idols in their high places of athletic achievements are well compensated for their performance both on the field and in the sports centers.  They are also found behaving like the dogs they are when you follow them behind the scenes.  And they love to be worshiped and held in high esteem for their great athletic prowess.  Yet they shall die as men.       



As the New Year begins, government’s policies are still failing us

 As the New Year begins, government’s policies are still failing us
Commentary by James Shott

As the economic non-recovery crawls into 2014, the “good news” on the jobs front – that the unemployment rate dropped .3 percent in December to 6.7 percent – is far less impressive when you look beneath the surface.

The reason the unemployment rate dropped was not that a strengthening economy produced a sharply higher number of new jobs, as should be expected in a true recovery. December showed only a puny 74,000 new payroll jobs were added. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that the drop resulted because five times that many people – 374,000 – became discouraged that they couldn’t find work and dropped out of the labor force.

Adding even a small number like 74,000 to a smaller labor force misleads us into thinking things have improved.

The BLS identifies June of 2009 as the official end of the recession, at which time the labor force participation rate was 65.7 percent (162 million workers). At the end of December, the rate stood at a pitiful 62.8 percent (155 million workers).

Using the size of the labor force in 2009 and the adding back into the equation the 7 million who have dropped out, the unemployment rate is just under 11 percent.

We should not celebrate a drop in the unemployment rate to 6.7 percent when 7 million Americans have given up looking for work because the economy still has not produced jobs for them.

Hopefully, the New Year will bring an infection of fiscal responsibility to our national leaders. It is interesting how liberals see global warming/climate change – a widely popular but unproven theory – as a true crisis, but don’t see years of budget deficits near and above a trillion dollars, and a national debt of nearly $17 trillion, as a problem.

President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 2009, saw a deficit of $1.4 trillion, which gets credited to George W. Bush, but contained the contribution of nearly $200 billion from the Obama stimulus. But over the next four years Mr. Obama racked up more than $4.2 trillion in deficits – FY 2010: $1,294 billion; FY 2011: $1,300 billion; FY 2012: $1,087 billion; FY 2013: $680 billion. This fiscal year the projection is a deficit of $744 billion, and the FY2015 deficit is projected at $577 billion.

To help put this in perspective, The Weekly Standard noted back in November of 2012 that, “According to the White House OMB, we ran up $1.8 trillion in real (inflation-adjusted) deficit spending during fiscal years 1942-45,” and that “we’ve now run up $3.4 trillion in real (inflation-adjusted) deficit spending under Obama — in less time than it took us to fight World War II.”

If there is good news in Obama deficit numbers it is that the deficits are coming down, but real good news would be Congress and the president taking concrete steps to get spending under control.

That seems unlikely, given Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) opinion that “The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make,” a position gleefully adopted by most, if not all, Congressional Democrats.

In her view there is no waste, fraud or abuse, despite more than ample evidence to the contrary, and there’s no unnecessary spending, either.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) issues an annual report on government waste, and in “Wastebook 2013,” he lists 100 examples totaling $30 billion. Heaven only knows the total of all the wasteful spending of the federal government.

* The military has destroyed more than 170 million pounds of useable vehicles and other military equipment, approximately 20 percent of the total U.S. war material in Afghanistan, totaling $7 billion, rather than sell it or ship it home.

* The SuperStop is a $1 million bus stop complete with heated benches and sidewalks, and wireless zones for personal computers. Yet its roof doesn’t protect from the rain, snow, wind or blazing sun.

* One of NASA’s next research missions won’t be exploring an alien planet or distant galaxy. Instead, it is spending $3 million to go to Washington, D.C. and study one of the greatest mysteries in the universe — how Congress works.

* When officials at the Manchester Boston Regional Airport in New Hampshire installed new solar panels costing $3.5 million, they did not anticipate one quarter of them would not be used 18 months later because the reflection from the panels blinds pilots and controllers.

* The Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration discovered the IRS paid up to $13.6 billion in false Earned Income Tax Credits in 2012.

* While millions of Americans continue to pay taxes on their hard earned wages, many federal employees are tax cheats, to the tune of $3.6 billion.

* The feds keep the lights on in empty and little used federal buildings, costing $1.5 billion.

* Out of the $33.5 billion in Pell Grants the federal government doled out last year, individuals posing as students took off with $1.2 billion.

When an elected public servant believes there can be no spending cuts in the face of such wanton waste, it speaks volumes about the integrity and motivation of that individual.

Federal spending is a giant problem that we had better address soon.

Cross-posted from Observations



The man Ted Cruz says is dangerous now is threatening EXECUTIVE ORDERS...



Michoacan Community Defense Leader Rebuked Televisa News Video Demanding To Disarm Groups

José Manuel Mireles Valverde

A Michoacan community defense leader denied that he requested for his groups to give up weapons to the Mexican government.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 14, 2014

Michoacan - On Tuesday, Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde, the leader of the Michoacan community security and defense paramilitary group denied in a YouTube video that was made public around 2:00 a.m. that he ordered his armed groups to give up their arms to the Mexican military as has been announced in a Televisa news broadcast by El Noticiero with Joaquín López Dóriga. Valverde says, the Televisa news cast was manipulated and made to look like he had ordered a disarmament decree.
Valverde explained, that he has no authority to order his people and groups to disarm themselves without a joint council argeement by all the groups involved. He said, that he won't disarm himself until all the druglords and leaders of criminal groups operating in Michoacan are crushed and law is reestablished in the state.
The community defense groups had taken over in multiple municipalities and the Mexican military was sent to restore order after the federal government had ignored requests for about 12 years. Michoacan state officials had previously asked for more federal troops to restore order after various drug cartels had taken over most of the state. Criminal groups even had taken over police departments, had their own people elected to political positions in order to control a majority of cities and towns in Michoacan. 
Now, the community defense groups in Michoacan are under scrutiny because of their well finance operations that includes weapons exclusively used by the military, vehicles and small aircrafts used to patrol the areas they have taken over from criminal groups.
The Mexican government officials suspect that the groups are being financed by rival cartels as previously discovered in other parts of the state where armed civil groups have taken over.
Yesterday, the Mexican military got into a gun battle with a community security group while trying to disarm them in Antúnez in the municipality of Parácuaro and shot 11 people, including four people and a young girl were reported killed. Two of the victims were identified as Rodrigo Benítez Pérez, 25, and Marío Pérez, 50, according to news reports in the area.

11 people were shot in Antúnez by the Mexican military including four death and an 11-year-old girl.

The Auto Sales to Food Sales Ratio

The following chart shows auto and other motor vehicle sales divided by sales at food and beverage stores and food services and drinking places.

Click to enlarge.

Since this is an illusion of prosperity blog, you can probably guess which "sure thing" seems more likely to me over the long term.

1. When the downward trend in blue failed, it failed to the downside.
2. We have fully recovered back to the trend in blue.

This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Pour Some Sugar on Me (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the import price index for green coffee, cocoa beans, and sugar.

Click to enlarge.

Have I mentioned lately that we live in the era of "sure thing" exponential trend failures?

June 19, 2012
Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott Can’t Explain the Lyrics to “Pour Some Sugar on Me”

Forget the sugar, let’s just focus on the pouring part. What does a woman pour on you? Even metaphorically?

It’s not for me to tell you, it’s there for you to interpret.

I’m begging you. Give me a hint.

That ruins the fun of it. It’s like playing hide and seek and telling them where you’re hiding. It’s pointless.

You have no idea what “Pour Some Sugar On Me” is about, do you?

[Long pause.] Not a clue. [Laughs.]

Hahaha! Damn, I love that band. Seriously. :)

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Import (End Use): Green Coffee, Cocoa Beans, Sugar

Florida special needs teacher ' Rhonda Lee Miller starved 80-year-old mother who lived in feces-ridden motel room with 16 cats'

The Lord commands all of us to honor our father and mother.  This teacher did none of that and its heartbreaking.  

WARNING: This story is very upsetting to read!

Daily Mailreports a Florida special needs teacher was arrested this weekend for neglecting her 80-something-year-old mother. 

Apopka Police discovered  39-year-old Rhonda Lee Miller's mother living with 16 cats in a feces-ridden room at the Crosby Motor Inn. 

According to the police report, Miller's mother was covered in flea bites, didn't have access to medical care and hadn't been fed in days. 

'The officers that responded are all veteran, tenured officers. They were all very, very disturbed by what they saw,' Apopka Police Sgt Ed Chittenden told Fox 35. 'They actually had to leave the room because of the smell of urine and the burning in their eyes, and the insect bites all over them.'

Motel owner John Crosby told WESH that he rarely saw Miller, but her mother had been living there since mid-December. 

'From my understanding, since this started, she had been adopting the cats from Petco and places like that for the last three, four weeks and bringing them here,' Mr Crosby said.
He called police on Saturday after noticing an odor coming from the room. 

Mr Crosby said if it were just Miller staying in the room, she would have been kicked out weeks ago but he said he was concerned about the mother, who has dementia.

More here