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Media touting an incompetent Hillary Clinton the same way it touted an equally incompetent Barack Obama

They’re at it again!

The same corrupt media that sold America a bill of goods proclaiming that an inept community organizer was qualified to be president is now selling the idea that Hillary Clinton can handle the job. 

Never mind when Hillary got that 3:00 am phone call from Benghazi she stayed frozen in bed and four Americans died. 

Never mind that she didn’t accomplish anything while she was a New York senator other than playing the role of a victim that was enough to get sappy New Yorkers to elect her. 

Never mind that HillaryCare blew up in her face. 

The only accomplishment Hillary Clinton really has was hitching her wagon to her husband and the media is doing the rest to fill in the huge gaps of non-accomplishments.  The next thing the media will sell is that she wears the best pantsuits in the world.  Sound like White House material. 

Even Democrat Super Pac is knocking ObamaCare

How bad is it going for Obama’s signature piece of legislation?  Democrats are now tearing O’Care a new one. 
NationalReview reports a new ad from a Demcratic super PAC indicates that, despite the claimsof Democratic National Commitee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others, at least some Democrats are wary of embracing Obamacare in upcoming midterm elections. 

In the TV spot, the Democratic political action committee House Majority PAC highlights Arizona congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick’s criticism of the bungled HealthCare.gov website. Kirkpatrick is a vulnerable Democrat running for reelection in November. 

More hee

Parents uneasy after Bay City teacher Sarah Raymo accused of having sex with male student

It’s interesting how the reaction of parents is always the same, shock and disgust.  All understandable.  But, these types of incidents are rampant across the country and the dots are never connected as to this epidemic. 
NBC 25 reports a Bay City teacher is behind bars accused of having sex with one of her students.

Meantime, parents are uneasy after hearing the allegations that the 31-year-old teacher had sex with a male student.

Parent, Renee Chapa found out Wednesday.
"My son told me," she said.

Her 7th grade son attends Bay City's TL Handy Middle School.
Thursday, she wanted him to stay home.

"I didn't even want him to go to school there today. It's something we're going to talk about because I don't think he's going to stay there," said Chapa.
The middle school parent is upset and uneasy after learning of accusations against a teacher at her son's school.

31-year-old intervention specialist, Sarah Raymo was charged Wednesday with two counts of criminal sexual conduct for allegations she had sex with a male student.
According to Bay City Schools Superintendent, Doug Newcombe, Raymo worked at the school for about three years.

Now parents want answers.

"There's not even a letter been sent home or anything. Ithink everybody should know if something like that happened," said Chapa.

According to Raymo's attorney, she was arrested late Tuesday at her home.
"That's the first indication that there was anything wrong," said attorney, Matthew Reyes.

He claims his client knew nothing of the accusations againsther.

More here

Ten Questions for 2014

Now that the consumer price index for 2013 is complete, let's look at the long-term trend of the annual percent change in the average annual CPI.

Click to enlarge.

Ten Questions for 2014

1. How many decades will we be stuck in ZIRP?
2. Will it be as many decades as Japan?
3. Why is the Fed tapering?
4. When will the Fed ramp up QE again?
5. How much more poning can the hyperinflationists take?
6. Why am I so willing to hold long-term TIPS to maturity?
7. Where have all the "bond vigilantes" gone?
8. What are they doing with all their profits?
9. Sears? (It's a rhetorical question.)
10. Why must I use the sarcasm label in nearly every post?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Cruel Mesa kindergarten teacher Thomas Washburn at Adams Elementary School facing child abuse rap for removing 6 yr old girl’s shirt in class leaving her naked from the waist down

I’m speechless!  If that teacher did that to my daughter I would have to beat him to a pulp and do the jail time! 

ABC 15reports police say a Mesa kindergarten teacher is facing indecent exposure and child abuse charges after removing a student's shirt leaving her naked from the waist up.

Mesa police spokesman Steve Berry said the incident happened on Wednesday at Adams Elementary School in Mesa.

Berry said teacher Thomas Washburn, 54, was reportedly upset and shouting in his class causing a 6-year-old girl to hide her face in her shirt.

Authorities said when Washburn told her to take her face out of her shirt and she did not comply, he removed her shirt, leaving her naked from the waist up.

Berry said the girl was left naked for approximately 10 minutes crying as class continued. Eventually Washburn returned the girl's shirt so she could put it back on.
Police said when the girl's mother arrived after school to pick up the child, Washburn told her what he had done.

The girl's mother immediately contacted the principal's office. When school staff learned what happened, they called police.

Berry said the 6-year-old's mother described her daughter as "developmentally delayed" due to being born prematurely. She said the child was frightened by the shouting which caused her to hide in her shirt.

Detectives interviewed the girl and her mother and confirmed what had happened. Police located Washburn and transported him to Mesa police headquarters to be interviewed.

More here

This creep doesn’t belong in a classroom or anywhere else for that matter. 

INFOWARS NEWS: Is there truth in this news?

Alex Jones turns 40 next month

Hey Jones can you tell us if you're telling the truth in the news?

George Hemminger (a.k.a. "G4T") is telling us that truthers and alternative media is all false.   Maybe everything in America is just fine and Jones is a liar?  G4T was one of his former pals:


There is no such thing as MENTAL ILLNESS

The Mental Health Industry is a LIE



Einstein Quote Currently Making Rounds But No Proof He Ever Said It...

Einstein Quote Currently Making Rounds But No Proof He Ever Said It...

I was suspicious of this attribution and when I searched the internet I found another similar saying credited to Einstein in a web forum. This statement was also illustrated with an image of people staring at cell phone screens.
I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.
I have a different fear. I fear the day that individuals will believe that Einstein actually made one of these inane statements. Could you examine these sayings?
Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Einstein made either of these statements. Neither appears in the comprehensive collection of quotations “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein” from Princeton University Press. 1
Both versions given by the questioner were in circulation in 2012. For example, a website called answerbag.com presented a version of the saying in a message with an attached date of October 21, 2012: 2
Einstein: I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots. Was he right?
Dates on websites are sometimes inaccurate because the retroactive alteration of text and dates is easy to accomplish. Sometimes the content of a webpage is altered, and the date associated with the content is not updated to reflect the modification.
A website called imfunny.net currently displays a composite image post dated November 3, 2012 with the title: “The day that Albert Einstein feared may have finally arrived”. The post consists of nine images including one displaying the quotation given below. Two of the images are shown at the top of this article. No name is given for the person posting the message: 3


Everyone in the TRUTH MOVEMENT is faking it

It's all a joke! :-)

George Hemminger says to go after Mark Dice and Alex Jones.  Anyone else faking it George?  The whole country is a joke!

Actually I like this report here.  We're finally getting some truth about the TRUTH MOVEMENT and we are even hearing references to other fakers such as Mark Dice and Alex Jones.

So who's telling the truth?  The liar below--is he telling the truth?


Ted Cruz slams ObamaCare in Ad planned for the Super Bowl

That’s right Ted Cruz fought to stop ObamaCare while the rest of the GOP establishment ran away like scared women!   

(h/t) World Net Daily