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Judson ISD: Wagner HS in San Antonio teacher resigns after class sees porn on his computer

Never leave a computer unattended with kids around. 
KENS 5reports Spanish teacher at Wagner High School resigned Friday after pornographic photos appeared on his personal computer while his students watched, according to Judson Independent School District officials.   

The high school instructor had set up an instructional video for a substitute teacher to show his class while he was gone, Judson ISD spokesman Steve Linscomb said. Everything was fine until the video finished playing.

That's when, district officials said, the teacher's log-in for an adult website popped up on the screen with explicit photos.

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Another American Scandal...

Another American Scandal...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

It appears the nation of scandals has yet another scandal to its long list of scandals. While this time it is a local scandal (San Fransisco, California) machining its way all the way to national notice, it is nonetheless a scandal worthy of mention.

This time the scandalous party is none other than the liberal progressives exacting their pound of flesh from an actress that had the audacity of endorsing a Tea Party candidate for California Governor.

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) - SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — A famed actress is facing backlash in San Francisco’s Latino community, after she voiced support for a conservative candidate for California governor.

Maria Conchita Alonso starred in a campaign ad for Assemblyman Tim Donnelly of San Bernardino County, a Tea Party favorite who is seeking the Republican nomination.

Donnelly has voiced strong views against illegal immigration and was once involved with the Minutemen Project, a group that patrolled the border with Mexico to catch immigrants coming across.

“Politicians and big government are killing our prosperity, pushing welfare costs through the roof and driving our schools into the ground,” Donnelly said in the ad.

Standing next to Donnelly, Alonso jokingly translated in Spanish, “We’re screwed.”

Alonso is an actress of Cuban and Venezuelan descent. She is perhaps best known for her role in the movie “Moscow on the Hudson” which also starred Robin Williams.

The actress was to perform next month at the Brava Theater Center in San Francisco’s Mission District in a Spanish-language version of “The Vagina Monologues,” scheduled for a run from February 14th through 17th. The show is being produced by none other than Eliana Lopez, wife of San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi.

“We really cannot have her in the show, unfortunately,” Lopez told KPIX 5. She said Alonso abruptly resigned from the cast on Friday, given the backlash on the immigration issue.

“Of course she has the right to say whatever she wants. But we’re in the middle of the Mission. Doing what she is doing is against what we believe,” Lopez said.

Alonso received an earful from listeners of Spanish-language radio station KIQI 1010 AM in San Francisco on Friday, after she said in an interview that she supported many of Donnelly’s views on illegal immigration. Several listeners took her to task after she used the term “illegal” to describe undocumented immigrants.

There you have it folks of the active mind,... the open hypocrisy of the liberal progressive left.

Continue reading the about the scandal below the fold.

Via: Memeorandum

Time past and the ages to come

What time is it?


America is PREPPING for disaster

The SHTF SCENARIO is approaching

If you haven't been stocking up on freeze dried foods, water filters, guns, ammunition, chemical suits, and various other essential survival gear you better get busy.  The SHTF SCENARIO is getting closer and is will likely sneak up on America unawares.  Even FEMA and our entire MILITARY/LAW ENFORCEMENT FORCES are not ready for this.

America is distracted

America is distracted now and the masses are currently focused on SUPERBOWL XLVIII instead of watching the hidden hand.  The hidden hand is difficult to discern as the dangers of mainstream and alternative media have been recently revealed by the G4T WHISTLEBLOWER.

It's time to have a BUG OUT BAG at the ready...


Where is Lindsey Williams?

Has Lindsey Williams disappeared?

Is Lindsey in danger?



Are the sons of God stirring around?

There are some things going on these days as the powers of heaven are being shaken.  Man is busy trying to figure it out as some see the day approaching.

Some say the government is busy suppressing the news and manipulating it to keep this information from getting out to the general public to warn them about what is coming upon the Earth.

Underneath the Earth

Some say that there is a very large and ever growing underground transportation system beneath the surface of the Earth such that stretched out across this nation are underground highways and transportation systems on rails that run from places like Washington D.C. to areas in Colorado, Kansas, and various other arteries of major geographical interest.

If you know anyone in the trucking industry that has been to some large underground facilities you might have heard some of these leaks concerning these facilities.  Some are reported to be as large as various cities such as the size of an entire city such as Denver or Colorado Springs.  Missouri is supposed to be a location where much of this underground development is occurring for already years in the making.  

Has anyone ever been underground in Pennsylvania at Iron Mountain?  That's nothing according to what some say stretches across this country.  There is reason to believe that there is 25% of the population of the United States under the surface of the earth that is generally unknown.  But some of this is slowly being revealed by various sources.

The focus on the heavens

Right now there is a major focus on the heavens but be careful of what sources you may be hearing from.  Many of these people are just another category of TRUTH or PATRIOT that like to thing thay have been enlightened or the term they like to use is awakened.  Have you heard people say how they are woke up to the truth now?  Many of them love to dabble in science fiction and various wild conspiracy theories.  Be careful where your information is coming from.

Whether the powers of heaven are being shaken or there is something moving around and going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it I care not for any of it since I am in Christ Jesus by faith.  I might hear about it from time to time and it doesn't increase my faith or add any validity to the scriptures and power of God.  

All I say about what is coming upon the earth and the world is this:  Even so, come Lord Jesus.


Where's the beef?

America could see beef shortages

Our thriving and wasteful fast food industry throws burgers away daily and so do other restaurants in the industry.  Not to mention the price of beef that is rising and will continue to rise due to a CATTLE SHORTAGE.

This is survival time now.  We're going to find out who the real preppers are.  YOU TUBE PREPPERS for the most part are really not preppers at all.  Those of us that don't call ourselves preppers probably are the real ones:


President Obama’s Income Inequality Hustle is Destroying American Drive

Mired in the muck of a sinking presidency, President Barack Hussein Obama is doubling down on his own destructive economic policies that have produced more government dependency than any other president. 

To do this he’s going to scream about the unfairness of income inequality without telling the public that progressives like himself and the Democrat Party make it worse. 

First of all the phrase “income inequality” is a nebulous term invented by liberals to trick people.  The term somehow denotes the false premise that no person’s income should be vastly more than anyone else’s.  Aside from the fact that this thinking is pure Communist thought, incomes will be inherently unequal simply because of the nature of human beings.  

However, progressives take advantage of this human frailty by catering their message to people that don’t work as hard as others, get hooked on drugs or alcohol, or make bad life decision that seriously hampers one’s development.  
Further, they absolve all personal responsibility and cast blame on others, like rich people or Republicans for their plight.  

Progressives foster the idea that it’s socially acceptable to be envious of others.  This is in stark contrast to Judeo-Christian belief of not to coveting they neighbors goods.  Why do you think God Almighty made it the tenth commandment?  He knew of the dangers of being envious of others and how it corrupts the human soul. 

Take myself for example.  My salary is extremely unequal to Bill Gates.  Yet, I have a home and family and feel truly blessed with my life.  However, to get what I have I had to stay in school and not drop out.  I had to go to college and graduate.  Then I got a job and after that I got married then came a child.  If one follows those steps finish school—get job—get married—then have children the chances of being in poverty drops to 2%

But what does Obama’s base do?
First comes the child, they don’t finish school, the marriage never happens and the job doesn’t come along either.
That’s Obama’s income inequality hustle.    

He comes along and blames the Rich. 

He comes along and blames the Republicans for a War on Women. 

He comes along and blames Global warming. 

The biggest reason income inequality is as great as it is is because of social rot and progressives encouraging everyone if it feels good do it.  We know who to blame.   

2 students wounded in Philadelphia charter high school shooting

This is the first I’ve seen a shooting at a charter school.  Usually these are the better schools.  

ChicagoTribune reports two students were shot and wounded on Friday at a charter high school in northern Philadelphia, police said, in the latest string of school shootings that have helped fuel a national debate over gun laws.

The injuries were not believed to be life-threatening, according to Philadelphia Police spokeswoman Christine O'Brien.

  Investigators have not said who fired the shots. A boy was taken into custody, but later cleared, said Philadelphia Police Lieutenant John Stanford.

"Initially, he was thought to be the shooter, but investigators were able to determine the kid was not a shooter, Stanford said. "He was there but I don't believe he was involved."

Another boy turned himself in and was being interviewed by police late Friday night, Stanford said. A third boy was also supposed to turn himself in, but had not yet done so.

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Conservative Magazine answers Time’s Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

I’ve said it before and very likely say it many times more that Hillary Clinton is just as much a media myth as Barack Obama.
  The advantage Obama had had over Hillary in 2008 was the he was blank canvas that allowed the media to paint whatever picture they wanted.  That’s not the case with Hillary.  She’s got baggage that’s 10 miles long. 
Weekly Standard reports this week’s Time magazine splashes the question on its cover: “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?” The Weekly Standard is happy to provide our friends at Time with an answer to their query: Yes. Hillary Clinton can be stopped. How? Let us count the ways.

The easiest way Hillary can be stopped is if she stops herself. She can choose not to run. Indeed, Time reports “on good authority” that “Hillary Clinton has not decided whether to run for president again.” There is a reasonable chance she’ll decide not to. She’s an intelligent woman. She remembers that her last experience of running for president wasn’t fun and didn’t end well. She knows that winning the Democratic nomination won’t be as easy as the media now pretend and that the general election will be, at best, a 50-50 proposition. Time points out that Hillary is now “able to dominate discussion of 2016 even as she sails above it.” Of course, the moment she announces, Hillary will no longer be “sailing above it.” It will be all downhill from the announcement. Why bother?

Because there’s so much she wants to accomplish as president, and only she can accomplish those things? No. Hillary has no agenda different from that of other generic Democratic candidates, or for that matter from Barack Obama, the man she would succeed. Hillary’s first term would in reality be Obama’s third. She’d be tinkering with his successes and trying to cope with his failures. Becoming president in 2009 after eight years of dastardly Republican rule, with a chance to make things anew, was an exciting prospect for a liberal. Succeeding the modern liberal president after two terms? Hillary may well decide it’s not worth the candle.

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