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Tellstyle.com GIVEAWAY

Happy Tuesday everyone! To make this day more joyful I have a new GIVEAWAY: $50 gift card to spend on Tellstyle.com. You are going to find a great selection on their online shop! To enter follow the requests:

                                        - Follow Bittersweet Colours with Google Friend Connect OR Facebook Page (here)
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                                                                           Unfortunately this giveaway is open U.S only.
                                                                                      Last day to enter is October 22.
                                                                                             Good luck to all of you

Women Voters In Swing States Push Romney Ahead...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Could it be possible? Female support for Romney in the all critical Swing States maybe holding the keys to a Romney win? Another strong debate performance could tip the scales further for Romney. As the race goes down the stretch it's now a sure bet the Obama Team is biting their fingernails. Or knuckles...

Source: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of Swing States taken Oct. 5-11 in Colo., Fla., Iowa, Mich., Nev., N.H., N.M., N.C., Ohio, Pa., Va. and Wis. Margins of error: +/- 4 to 6 percentage points. Nationwide head-to-head matchup based on Gallup daily tracking poll of registered voters Oct. 10-11. Margin of error: +/- 4 points.Kevin A. Kepple and Susan Page, USA TODAY

USA Today — Mitt Romney leads President Obama by five percentage points among likely voters in the nation's top battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and he has growing enthusiasm among women to thank.

As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, the survey of voters in 12 crucial swing states finds female voters much more engaged in the election and increasingly concerned about the deficit and debt issues that favor Romney. The Republican nominee now ties the president among women who are likely voters, 48%-48%, while he leads by 12 points among men.

The battle for women, which was apparent in the speakers spotlighted at both political conventions this summer, is likely to help define messages the candidates deliver at the presidential debate Tuesday night and in the TV ads they air during the final 21 days of the campaign. As a group, women tend to start paying attention to election contests later and remain more open to persuasion by the candidates and their ads.

That makes women, especially blue-collar "waitress moms" whose families have been hard-hit by the nation's economic woes, the quintessential swing voters in 2012's close race.

"In every poll, we've seen a major surge among women in favorability for Romney" since his strong performance in the first debate, veteran Democratic pollster Celinda Lake says. "Women went into the debate actively disliking Romney, and they came out thinking he might understand their lives and might be able to get something done for them."

While Lake believes Obama retains an edge among women voters, the changed views of Romney could be "a precursor to movement" to the Republican candidate, she says. "It opens them up to take a second look, and that's the danger for Obama."

Female voters are a critical part of the president's coalition. Four years ago, he led Republican rival John McCain by a single point among men, according to surveys of voters as they left polling places. The decisive Democratic margin of victory came from women, who supported Obama by 13 points.

Now, the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows Romney leading Obama 51%-46% among likely voters in the swing states. Men who are likely voters back him 54%-42%. The states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Romney pollster Neil Newhouse says the poll shows "encouraging movement" in the wake of the first debate in Denver. Obama pollster Joel Benenson calls the method used to identify likely voters flawed.

"In the last election, Gallup's registered voter model — not its likely voter model — was a much more accurate predictor, with their likely model missing the mark in 2010 by 9 points right before the election," Benenson says. "That explains why Gallup's results are way out of line with a dozen recent swing state polls that show the president with a double-digit lead among women."

Among all registered voters in the survey, Obama leads by nine points among women and by two points overall, 49%-47%.

The poll of 1,023 registered voters, including 869 likely voters, was taken Oct. 5-11 — just after the first presidential debate and before the second one in Hempstead, N.Y. It is the 10th in USA TODAY's series of surveys in the swing states that, in the Electoral College system, are likely to determine the outcome. For the first time, with Election Day looming, the poll includes a screen to identify likely voters.

Romney's improved standing among female voters is "likely to cause major consternation among Obama supporters," says Richard Eichenberg, a Tufts University political scientist who is studying gender differences in state-level polling with Elizabeth Robinson. "If Mr. Romney has tied President Obama among women in swing states, then he has likely taken a step toward winning the election.

"But a word of caution is necessary," Eichenberg adds. "Although swing states share many similarities, President Obama's support among women is holding up well in some of them and less well in others. For example, his support among women is largely unchanged since the first debate in Ohio and Wisconsin, but it is definitely down in Colorado, Virginia and Florida." {Read More}

As it gets closer it gets more interesting.

Via: Memeorandum

rug-less dining rooms

I'm currently working on a little experiment in the dining room. As much as I love that big chunky sisal rug, it is a pain in my arse. It is not very easy to clean when little ones drop their food and it sheds like a...something that sheds a lot. It's like having another dog in the house.

So after cursing at it and complaining about it, I had the hubs help me to roll it up and take it out. Just to see how it felt.

And so far I'm loving it. It's like cutting off all your hair, or a long hot shower after a camping trip. I feel lighter, and my vacuum is happy for a rest.

I was a bit perplexed about a room without a rug but the more I see it around, the more I like it.

Home of Tanja Vibe via Pinterest
Anna Spiro
Bailey McCarthy
Nate Berkus via Pinterest
Elle Decor via Pinterest
So, a dining room without a rug (gasp). What do you think?

Bogus Hoax Email- Ontario Health Commitee

Bogus Hoax Email- Ontario Health Commitee

TORONTO - An email with bogus information about healthcare changes originally targeting the Obama administration, has now moved north with Dalton McGuinty’s name replacing that of the US president.
The email, which is being forwarded to people in Ontario claims that an ethics committee will now decide whether people over the age of 75 will receive life saving procedures. 
It quotes a Dr Suzanne Allen, head of the “Wilson Medical Center in Toronto” as saying some elderly patients will no longer be accepted for dialysis treatment because of cutbacks.

Liberal MPPs have been receiving calls from concerned constituents who have read the e-mail.

“We’re aware of this email hoax. It is unacceptable to frighten patients with patently false information” said Ministry of Health spokesperson Zita Astravas. 
According to the internet rumour busting website Snopes, Dr Allen works for the Johnson Medical Centre in Tennessee and never said any of the things reported in the email about Barack Obama’s changes to US Medicare, let alone anything about Ontario.

The McGuinty Liberals are currently embarking on a transformation of healthcare to try and reduce costs.

The government is also engaged in a high profile fight with Ontario doctors about the reduction of fees that doctors can charge OHIP.

None of the claims in the bogus email are being made by the Ontario Medical Association.

Read it on Global News: Global Toronto | Bogus e-mail circulating in Ontario about life-saving procedures for elderly 

Nouveau in: 3.1 Phillip Lim

A new bag landed at my door step last week :) I will say just that: Bogdan knows how to surprise me and he also knows my love for Phillip Lim designs, especially for the bags...
I'm ready to wear this red beauty and you will see it soon on a post here on my blog and for sure a sneak peak on Instagram( here)


coloring the grey

Back to my grey skinny jeans, and this is only because I wanted to wear them in combination with this excellent and comfy knitwear that I received from Tellstyle.com. Probably some of you already saw a photo of the wonderful rapped box on Instagram. How great is this sweater shaped as a sweatshirt?  My answer will be : a perfect mix! and if you want to see more great pieces, visit Tellstyle.com HERE.
As you can see, I wore my DIY necklace again, as it matchesd perfectly the texture of the sweater  and it gave this monochrome outfit an extra splash of colors. Because the look wasn't colorful enough for me, I added more colors with these Zara shoes and this blazer ( a pop of yellow). After that, I could say there were  enough colors in my outfit . What do you think ?

                                                                      Sweater: thanks to Tellstyle.com/ Here
                                                                      Bag: Costume National / another favorite of mine Here
                                                                      Jeans: Mango/ similar Here
                                                                      Heels : Zara/ another excellent pair Here
                                                                      Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                      Blazer: vintage

A Break From Politics...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Journey Into A Dream
Last Sail

Today is a day I have chosen to take a break from political blogging. Politics can be ugly. Too much time spent in the the battle over political ethics, philosophy, and the general sad state of our nation can, and all to often does color ones view of life and the things that add deeper meaning and beauty to our daily existence.

The pictures displayed above have special meaning for me. They are just two examples of the artistry and talent of someone I am very proud of. The young women who drew the pictures has been developing her talent and ability for some time. Watching her grow in scope and depth over the past few years has been, to say the least very rewarding.

There isn't a lot I can do for this aspiring young artistic talent, except to give her just a little more exposure by posting examples of her work here on the pages of Rational Nation USA. For those who find beauty in the two works posted here please visit Art by Lindsay Carpenter where there are many examples of her artistry. For those who may wish to purchase any of her work you can obtain further information off of her website.

Introducing My Beautiful and Talented Daughter... Lindsay Carpenter

Lindsay Carpenter

Not only can the women draw, paint, and do fantastic photography, she can write extremely well also. I've been trying to get her to write columns for Rational Nation for a couple of years. Guess she is just too busy with her art. That and being smart enough not to get drawn into the game of politics. Sometimes the kids are smarter and wiser than their parents.

Love ya Squirt... I am very proud of the women you have become.

Romney's Recent Gains in Polls Showing "Staying Power"...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Nate Silver, the guy who has a rather remarkable record of accuracy in predicting outcomes is now saying Romney's gain in the polls following the first debate is showing signs of staying power. Good news for the Romney campaign and his supporters and reason to cause alarm in the Obama campaign and among his progressives supporters.

The New York Times - Mitt Romney continues to surge in the FiveThirtyEight forecast, and Friday may have featured his best set of polls all year.

The best way to track a change in the polls is to look for instances in which the same firm has surveyed the same state (or the national race) multiple times. The FiveThirtyEight forecast model relies on a procedure very much like this to calculate the overall trend in the race.

Fifteen polls were released on Friday that provided a comparison with another survey conducted between the Democratic convention and last week’s debate in Denver. Mr. Romney gained an average of 4.6 percentage points in these surveys.

That is actually a bit larger than we were showing earlier in the week, when the same exercise put Mr. Romney’s postdebate bounce more in the range of three or four percentage points.

It is not clear whether Mr. Romney is still gaining ground — or whether he benefited from a couple of outlying results. The median change in the polls, which will be less sensitive to potential outliers, was a three-point gain for Mr. Romney, more like earlier in the week.

But unlike earlier, Mr. Romney is now seeing some of his best results in swing state polls. Six of the seven polls published on Friday from such states had him ahead.

Thus, just as the hypothesis of a fading Romney bounce was damaged on Friday, so was the idea (which we critiqued in an earlier post) that his gains would be more modest in the swing states. {Continue Reading For More Analysis}

In his article on October 11th Nate Silver pointed out the President's "swing state firewall" is showing signs of thinning, or becoming "brittle."

At this point in time the momentum is shifting and headed in Romney's direction. It is going to be critical for Romney to repeat his successful first debate performance against the President (two more times) for him to have a shot at winning the election.

Accomplishing the task of defeating Obama in both of the remaining debates won't be easy...

Via: Memeorandum

Socialism Through the Eyes of One Who Saw the Results First Hand...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

A very big h/t to the Left Coast Rebel. An excellent find!

Thomas Peterffy's personal story via. Youtube...

Thomas Peterffy grew up in socialist Hungary. Despite the fact that he could not speak English when he immigrated to the United States in 1956, Thomas fulfilled the American dream. With hard work and dedication, he started a business that today employs thousands of people. In the 1970s, Thomas bought a seat on the American Stock Exchange. He played a key role in developing the electronic trading of securities and is the founder of Interactive Brokers, an online discount brokerage firm with offices all over the world.

The journey towards socialism can be a slow one. A journey on which our country has been drifting (or sliding) for many years, albeit more in the fascist variant than Marxism. This immigrant from Hungary, a socialist state under the iron fist of the USSR knows first hand what evils can, and often do accompany any of the variants of socialism. A condition of existence in which the individual, and individual initiative is subordinate to the state.

Sound eerily familiar? Just a slight bit? If so do your part to spread the word. If not perhaps you might want to study up some.

Take a trip to CNN for commentary and comments. Indications are this nation is well on its way to the bottom of the slope.

Mr. Wonk -vs- Mr. Smirk...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Associated Press/Pool

After last night's Vice Presidential debate, if one can really call it a debate, we have little more information on Romney/Ryan specific policy positions than we had before the debate.

We learned that Smirking Laughing Distracting Gaffe Man Biden can be an effective disruptor. Whether this will play well with independents and those preferring a more serious tone remains to be seen.

At the end of the day the reasonable bet is that the debate won't change the dynamics of the race at all. So, on to the next two Presidential debates where hopefully the rubber finally meets the road. I won't be holding my breath.

WSJ - So now we know what Team Obama's comeback plan was following last week's defeat in the Presidential debate. Unleash Joe Biden to interrupt, filibuster, snarl, smirk and otherwise show contempt for Paul Ryan. The carnival act contributed to the least illuminating presidential or vice presidential debate of our lifetimes.

From the opening bell, Mr. Biden seemed to take to heart the interpretation that President Obama offered this week of his debate performance—that he had been "too polite." That was not a problem for the Veep, whose marching orders were clearly to steamroll the overmatched moderator Martha Raddatz and dismiss everything Mr. Ryan said with a condescending sneer.

By unofficial media counts, Mr. Biden interrupted the Republican some 80 to 100 times. Mr. Ryan let the bully get away with too much for our tastes, at least until he finally pushed back on the interruptions or until Mr. Biden lost steam in the last half hour. But as anyone who's been in a tavern past midnight understands, it's hard to win a fight with a guy who is shouting from the corner bar stool.

No doubt the performance cheered Democrats who needed cheering after last week, but we wonder how well it played with independents or undecided voters who tuned in to learn something.

To the extent that substance mattered, and it didn't count for much, Mr. Biden had his strongest notes on foreign policy. He too glibly rolled past the murders of four Americans at the Benghazi consulate a month ago, attributing the Administration's false early explanations to "the intelligence community." We doubt that's what the investigation will ultimately show. But on Afghanistan, Syria and to a lesser extent Iran, Mr. Biden was more sure-footed than Mr. Ryan. On Syria in particular, Mr. Ryan never said what a Romney Administration would do differently.

Mr. Ryan was stronger on domestic issues, calmly laying out the facts of Mitt Romney's proposals on taxes, Medicare and job creation. Even here, though, the debate devolved into an exchange between Mr. Ryan's policy details and Mr. Biden's free-association appeals to emotion and class solidarity—"Who do you trust on this?" {Read More}

Via: Memeorandum

Fall colors

We can never get enough pair of shoes in our closet, right? so, I decided to buy this Zara burgundy  heels last week because I noticed that I needed more colorful shoes:) I may still needed more colors on this department ... New pair of shoes required a lovely outfit and this is what I decided to wear last Tuesday : burgundy jeans, mustard sweater and my yellow vintage bag ( Fall colors). Accessories : this pair of sunglasses received from zeroUV and bracelets  gifted by Happy Wrist by Itchelita . I kept it casual, and as always, with a burst of color/s.
 If you like it, check out my latest feature in Glamour.com  here 

Today we have a winner to the Robyn Rhodes Giveaway : Congrats Maria Bastida ! I will contact you soon for more information!
Thanks to all of you for participation and next week I will have a NEW GIVEAWAY, here on my blog !

                                                                            Sweater: Zara/ different color Here 
                                                                            Jeans: H&M/ similar Here
                                                                            Shoes: Zara/ another great option Here
                                                                            Bag: vintage
                                                                            Bracelets: thanks to Happy Wrist by ItchelitaHere
                                                                            Sunglasses: thanks to zeroUV/ Here 

Romney Finding the Center...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Source: Getty Images

Mitt Romney had a very effective debate night in round #1 versus President Obama, although some of his statements were, to say the least stretches. But I guess that's normal for politicians because Obama had a few stretches as well.

That aside, does anyone really know which side of the fence Romney really stands on? I mean he has actually said he "is seriously conservative" while recently scrambling to the political center.

Now don't get me wrong, the middle ground is perhaps where an elected official ought to be. I mean after all is said and done, once elected aren't elected aren't officials supposed to represent ALL the people of their district, state, and nation, depending on their specific office?

Okay then... Isn't Romney's shift from "seriously conservative" to the center is indicative of  precisely what Romney did as Governor of Massachusetts, a state that is 87% democratic and one of the most liberal states in the nation. If the issue is finding ways to "get the job done" then is can be argued that it is precisely what Romney did in Massachusetts. Something Obama has failed to do as President.

Yeah, Romney is a bit wishy washy for my taste, however, given the alternative he IS the preferable lesser of two evils, at least in my never humble opinion. Certainly at the very least Romney would slow done the growth of government and the headlong rush to the cliff's edge.

For a more left leaning take, just to be fair and balanced, I encourage you to read the following.

The Washington Post - The final weeks of the presidential campaign are bringing Mitt Romney full circle, back to a question that has tugged at him for nearly two decades: What does he really believe?

Although he declared himself “severely conservative” during the ­Republican primaries, the former Massachusetts governor has been sounding more moderate in recent days.

There may be room for argument as to whether Romney’s positions are changing. But the emphasis and tone with which he describes them unquestionably are — on issues that include immigration, taxes, education and health care.

On Tuesday, the candidate, who has repeatedly vowed that he would be “a pro-life president,” told the Des Moines Register editorial board that “there’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”

In an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, President Obama said the comment was “another example of Governor Romney hiding positions he’s been campaigning on for a year and a half.”

What remains to be seen is which Romney will be judged as the real one by voters. Will they consider his flexibility disturbing evidence that he lacks principles or a reassuring signal that he would not govern as an ideologue?

At a rally in Las Vegas, former president Bill Clinton mocked Romney’s shifts, saying they were evident in last week’s presidential debate, which was almost universally regarded as a win for the Republican.

“I had a different reaction to that first debate than a lot of people did,” he said, laying it on with his buttery Arkansas drawl. “I thought: ‘Wow, here’s old moderate Mitt. Where ya been, boy? I miss you all these last two years.’ ” {Read More}... Click here for the video.

Thanks so much Bubba for reminding America that back in the day you did the "center shift" from the left to center as well to govern effectively. For this America is grateful.

For those like me who view issues in a more philosophical and ethical light there remains the more ethical alternative.

Via: Memeorandum

FLorida govenor rick scott huge blunder ...

FLorida govenor rick scott huge blunder ...
TALLAHASSEE, FLA. - In an embarrassing mistake, Florida Governor Rick Scott gave out a phone sex hotline number to Floridians seeking information on a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak.
Scott was providing an update on the outbreak at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday when he announced what he said was the hotline’s toll-free phone line, but gave out the wrong number.
The governor’s office was alerted by a public radio station in Tampa, WUSF, which was monitoring the cabinet meeting and posted the number on its website.
The station said it was “quickly notified by a reader that the number instead connected to an adult telephone line.”
Callers are greeted with the recording of a woman’s voice saying: “Hello boys, thank you for calling me on my anniversary.”
Contacted Wednesday, Scott’s spokeswoman Jackie Schutz said the governor inadvertently misread the number. He was informed of the error and was able to correct himself about 20 minutes later in the same meeting.
The correct number for the Florida Fungal Meningitis Hotline is 866-523-7339, but Scott got one of the digits mixed up.
Since the outbreak began, 138 people have contracted meningitis and 12 have died, including one in Florida, according to the latest tally from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday.

The Over Sixty Crowd Gets Tips From AARP + CARP

Security Lax In Benghazi as Foreign Fighters Flow Into Libya From Egypt and On To Benghazi...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny


ABC News - ABC News has learned that Eric Nordstrom, the former Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, has told congressional investigators that security at the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was “inappropriately low” – and believed that State Department officials stood in the way of his attempts to change that.

Nordstrom and the commander of a 16-member Security Support Team, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood, heard that foreign fighters were flowing across the Egyptian border and were making their way across the border to the Libyan city of Derna – which is to the east of Benghazi — and from there were making their way to Benghazi. But State Department officials seemed oblivious to their Benghazi post’s vulnerability.

Nordstrom was worried -he did not know how much the Americans could rely on members of a local Libyan militia in Benghazi that provided security — the “17th of February Martyrs Brigade.” Mostly merchants and shopkeepers before the war, they seemed eager, but they hadn’t much experience and other than a daily $30 stipend for food from the U.S. Embassy, they hadn’t been paid in months.

Nordstrom had “no idea if they would respond to an attack,” he told investigators.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., will hold hearings on what went wrong today at noon ET. Nordstrom will testify at that hearing.

Nordstrom twice wrote to the State Department – in March and July 2012 — to beef up the presence of American security officers in Benghazi, but neither time was there a response. At no point from December 2011 through July 2012, when he left Libya, were more than three Diplomatic Security Service agents permanently and simultaneously stationed at the Benghazi post. {Read More}

If we are going to have American Ambassadors and staff in known unfriendly and dangerous area's of the globe wouldn't it seem prudent to significantly elevate the level of security? Apparently such isn't the case with the Obama State Department.

It will be very interesting watching how the investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif will proceed. Given the State Department and Obama White House spin...

Rice and White House officials now say those initial accounts were based on early intelligence, since corrected. State Department officials now call the attack unprecedented given the number of gunman, weapons and lethal force used.

it is most certain Obama and his State Department will accept no responsibility.

Via: Memeorandum

now that's a deal

Have I got a treat for you.

BirdAve is sharing the love! If you are a follower of this site, (just click on the blue 'Join this site' button to the right there), you can use the code BIRDAVE25 to get a 25% discount on the print of your choice. These are so reasonably priced already, this is a great deal!

Here are some of my faves.

Christmas is closer than you think. Now is your chance to get a jump on your Christmas list like you always swear you will do but never get around to doing. Check them out!