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Congress must address the serious immigration problem. But first …

Congress must address the serious immigration problem. But first …

Commentary by James Shott

When illegal immigration is the subject, a large faction keeps saying that immigrants contributed greatly to building America into the greatest nation on Earth, and that we should therefore give all those illegals citizenship or some sort of legal status. And it is true that smart, dedicated, hard-working people who came here for a better life made tremendous contributions to the American success story.

But those people came here the right way, by following immigration procedures. Right now, there are some 4.5 million people following in their footsteps waiting to come to America legally.

Currently, however, there are some 11 million people inside our borders who did not come here the proper way. About 40 percent of them are foreigners who arrived legally, frequently on tourist Visas, and simply didn’t leave when they were supposed to.

Most of the other 7 million illegals are low-wage workers and their families who sneaked over the southern border, and even though they did not enter the country honorably by obeying immigration laws are people who are here for honorable purposes. And then there are the punks and thugs bent on committing vicious crimes, including murder, against American citizens.

For every 100 actual American citizens there are roughly 3 people residing in the country illegally, and that is a huge problem.

Actually, there are two separate problems: One problem is what do we do with the people here illegally, and the second, and most important, is how do we remedy the circumstances that allowed this intolerable situation to develop so that it never happens again?

Our immigration system has been both neglected and mismanaged, and as a result the country has endured substantial harm. This situation has been the genesis of frequent and strong calls to reform the immigration system. But the immigration system is not what failed; the people in positions to competently operate it and enforce the laws have failed – and in some cases, refused – to do their jobs.

So, the question is: What do we do about the fact that we have 11 million illegals now in the country?

Perhaps past history will be a good guide as to how we should proceed. What the bipartisan US Senate “Gang of Eight” is proposing today is very similar to what was done in the 1986 amnesty when Ronald Reagan was President.

According to Mr. Reagan’s Attorney General, Edwin Meese, writing in the Heritage Foundation’s “The Foundry”: “The path to citizenship was not automatic. Immigrants had to pay application fees, learn to speak English, understand American civics, pass a medical exam, and register for military selective service. Those with convictions for a felony or three misdemeanors were ineligible.” That is quite similar to the “Gang of Eight’s” idea.

When the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 was enacted, there were approximately 5 million illegal aliens in the country, and about 2.7 million of them benefitted from the IRCA. What has happened since then is that the number of illegal aliens has more than doubled.

What went wrong after that compassionate act to grant legal status to those illegal aliens that caused not a decrease in the number of illegals, but a dramatic increase?

“Well, one reason is that everything else the 1986 bill promised—from border security to law enforcement—was to come later,” Mr. Meese said. “It never did. Only amnesty prevailed, and that encouraged more illegal immigration.” Had we done all that the IRCA required, we likely would not have the problem we have today.

In fact, Mr. Meese writes, the failure of the federal government to implement all of the elements of the IRCA to protect the nation from people entering illegally in the years after its passage caused Mr. Reagan to regard the amnesty as the greatest mistake of his administration.

Now that we see what happened after 1986 when we failed to prevent people illegally entering the country, and this time we have to make sure that does not happen again. We therefore have to yield the strong demand for securing the borders and putting improved control programs in place before doing anything to provide legal status of any kind to any illegal alien.

We have to become more sensible and less ruled by compassionate impulses. The country and the states cannot afford amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants, or for half that number, no matter how nice they may be.

What must happen first is to do whatever is necessary to secure the borders. After that – but only after that – whatever steps we take must protect the interests of the United States before considering the interests of illegal aliens. And we must honor the 4.5 million who are waiting to come to America the proper way before helping illegals.

If you steal food because you are hungry, you have a good reason, but you still broke the law. If you want a better life and sneak into a country that offers promise for a better life, you have a good reason, but you still have done something wrong.

We must not endorse wrongdoing by rewarding it.

Cross-posted from Observations

Neon Yellow

bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress

bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress
bittersweet colours, Michael Kors, Paul & Joe sister, Fabiola Pedrazzini bag, COLORS, Summer 2013 trends, mirrored sunglasses, street style, fashion, macrame dress

Sundays call for casual looks and again I found myself picking a nude dress. For Summer I love mixing nude with brights and to be more precisely_ with Yellow_
So here I'm wearing this combination and also a new haircut (really necessary).
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

                                                                     Dress: Paul & Joe Sister/ similar options Here and Here 
                                                       Bag: thank to Fabiola Pedrazzini/ Here 
                                                                     Shoes: Michael Kors/ similar Here, Here and Here 
                                                                     Bracelet: c/o Poshlocket/ different color Here 
                                                                     Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/ affordable Here, splurge Here 

Bulger, Known Winter Hill Gang Boston Mobster Found Guilty For 19 Homicides

Whitey Bulger

Federal jury found Bulger guilty of conspiracy, racketeering and connection to 19 murders.

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 13, 2013

Boston - On Monday, Whitey Bulger, 83, a known Winter Hill gang mobster was convicted of 19 homicides, racketeering (RICO), conspiracy to commit extortion, money laundering and drug distribution. Bulger is facing life in prison.
He was arrested in 2011 along with his long time girlfriend, Catherine Elizabeth Greig, 62. He was wanted since 1999 and a $2 million dollar reward was offered for information leading to Bulger's arrest. A $100,000 dollar reward was also offered for any information leading to Greig's arrest.
A tip led to their arrest in Santa Monica, California. Bulger also agreed to forfeit $822,000 that was found in his hideout, according to court records. 
Bulger's case inspired the 2006 movie making of the "Departed," starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg.

America: The Divided ... J. D. Longstreet

America:  The Divided   ...   J. D. Longstreet
America:  The Divided
By: J.D. Longstreet


It has been said: “Freedom stands on five boxes: The Soap Box, The Ballot Box, the Jury Box, the Witness Box, and… the Cartridge Box."

Just as so many of us predicted, gun sales and ammo sales went through the roof in America when Obama was elected (the first time) in 2008. It did not take the use of my crystal ball to foretell this still  on-going event.  All it took was a wee bit of common sense and paying attention to the world around me.

Back in November of 2008, Americans forsook much of what The Founders of this great country taught us and much of what The Founders, themselves, had interwoven into the fabric of this great republic.
  Americans elected a president whose political philosophy can only be described as socialist. And then… the American voters bolstered the strength of the already very large socialist element in our Congress with even more socialists who continue to refer to themselves as democrats even though their façade is crystal clear allowing the truth of what, and whom, they are to come shining through   (“You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time!”) Now America, for (NEARLY) all intents and purposes, has a socialist government in place.

If you take the time to read up on socialism you find, almost immediately… in every definition, that socialism is defined as the first step a nation takes towards communism. 
As of this hour, America stands divided --- right down the middle.  Half the country has expressed a desire to go socialist/communist, and the other half has expressed a desire to remain a free, constitutional republic.  Even an idiot knows “a nation divided cannot stand.” 

As much as I despise saying this, it does appear a fight is brewing.  Those Americans who wish to preserve America as a free nation are “gearing up” with the intention of “manning the barricades” to defend liberty in this country.  Somehow, and this is really depressing, somehow, the socialists in America cannot get their minds wrapped around the fact that “liberty loving Americans” are prepared to take up arms to defend their country.  Indeed, those “liberty loving Americans” are rushing to procure arms and ammunition for what they fear might, at some point, become more than a verbal fight… more than a battle fought with rhetoric.

Those who say there is no way "American freedom fighters" can win against the socialist government now in power should lend an ear to what one of our founding fathers had to say when the exact same objection was offered as a reason colonists should not go against Great Britain.

It was March 23rd, 1775, in Virginia.  Virginian Patrick Henry was addressing the Virginia legislature.  He explained:  " ... the British plainly meant to subjugate America by force. Because every attempt by the Americans at peaceful reconciliation had been rebuffed, the only remaining alternatives for the Americans were to accept slavery or to take up arms. If the Americans did not act soon, the British would soon disarm them, and all hope would be lost."  SOURCE:  http://www.davekopel.org/2A/LawRev/american-revolution-against-british-gun-control.html

Then Henry attempted to strengthen the spines of the doubters among that august body by saying the following:  “The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us,” he promised.   SOURCE:  http://www.davekopel.org/2A/LawRev/american-revolution-against-british-gun-control.html

A single event, totally unexpected, could easily be the spark that ignites the next American revolution.  

I don't think most of America understands just how close we came, earlier this year, to armed conflict on our shores.  The national argument over gun control came very close to providing that spark. 

Students of history will recall that it was confiscation of guns and gun powder by the British that provided the spark that ignited the First American Revolutionary War and eventually led to a rag-tag bunch of farmers and tradesmen whipping the world's superpower on the field of battle and wining independence for the American colonies, which would soon become the United States of America.

Yes, even wars can be initiated by people who do not know their history and are, therefore, doomed to repeat it.     

Other nations of the world are looking at Americans and they see it, as well.  The  Chinese Communists, who have been underwriting America’s debt for many years now, are concerned that if America begins to break apart, they, the Chinese, stand an exceedingly good chance of losing all the money they have lent us over the years.  They are worried.  China’s Premier, Wen Jiabao, has said: "We have made a huge amount of loans to the United States. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I'm a little bit worried, I would like to call on the United States to honor its words, stay a credible nation and ensure the safety of Chinese assets."  Wen made those comments at a news conference at the close of China's annual legislative session March 13th, 2009.

Just how serious is it?  It is far more serious than the average American knows, at the moment.  I don’t expect the MSM will cover this story any more than they absolutely must. 

To get a true feel for what is happening in America today you have to go to the regional news outlets, such as regional newspapers, and small town papers and even, as we said above,  “off-shore” news organizations. The Mainstream Media, especially the US branch, is not going to report anything that might bring into question the great Socialist Utopia they supported by diving headlong into the tank for Obama.  Even as their great journalistic empires crash down around their shoulders, as is happening today, they simply cannot let loose of their leftist agenda and report the news that accurately reflects what is happening in American society today.  To learn the truth you have to look elsewhere.  I have learned that to acquire timely knowledge about current events in America today a visit to off-shore press publications is an absolute necessity.        
There is an excellent article at the “Tulsa World” site.  It was posted in 2009 just a few short months after Obama;'s election. It is entitled: “Sales of guns, ammo still high” with a subtitle of: “One shop says the "hoarding" of ammunition since Obama's election has created a shortage.”  You’ll find it at:  http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Sales_of_guns_ammo_still_high/20090313_11_a1_aruger442781

If you have been laboring under the mistaken impression that an Obama presidency would “unite” the nation this article might shed some light on the just how wrong you are.  It is entitled: “Liberals told to leave.  An instructor for a hunter safety course orders Obama voters to get out of his class.”  You’ll find it at:  http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Liberals_told_to_leave/20090307_16_a1_thirte498540   

If nothing else, this story demonstrates the depth of the distrust and the degree of repugnance of, and for, the socialists now in charge of our country, by a huge cross section of the American population.

The fact is that public confidence in the government, by Americans, is low and getting even lower…and it is doing so rapidly! 

The socialists and the neo-socialists, who populate Congress today, have done exactly as we expected and even predicted they would do.  They have over-reached.  That was not tough to predict.  As someone recently said, betting that democrats will over reach is like betting that democrats will commit voter fraud.  It is a sure thing!
Allow me to rephrase my statement above reference over reaching:  "They have overreached in so far as freedom, and liberty loving American are concerned."  One must remember that today, as difficult as it is to believe, nearly one half of the American electorate is happy with socialism -- and Obama's socialist government -- and would blissfully make a present of their allegiance to a communist government in America -- in the blink of an eye.
Those Americans who still cherish freedom and liberty must take, in my opinion, a realistic view of the situation as it exists at this moment in America.   And realistically -- we are NEVER going to win those lost souls back.  They are gone. They have willingly accepted slavery in exchange for security, or what they THINK is security.  In fact, it is voluntary servitude to the state. They climbed into their cells, closed and locked the door, and tossed the key to their caretakers.

Again, realistically, maybe it is a good thing we can now identify the socialists and communists among us.  (Historically they are the least informed among us: the least educated, the least sophisticated, the most insecure, and quite often the neediest, and the laziest among any society.) For when the divide of America moves from rhetorical to physical, it is THOSE PEOPLE we do not want on our side of the border.      
When the backlash has begins, I am afraid  tar, feathers, and rails will no longer suffice as they once did in the days of yore.  Pity.

© J. D. Longstreet

Driver In N. Farwell Fatal Hit-and-Run Arrested After Vehicle Recovered

Andrea Barringer

Barringer was struck as she attempted to beat traffic while running across a crosswalk by a speeding hit-and-run driver, who briefly stopped and then kept going, according to witnesses.

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 12, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - Police confirmed that a tip led to the arrest of a 48-year-old man in connection with last Sunday's fatal hit-and-run that claimed the life of Andrea Barringer, 32, at the 1900 block of N. Farwell Ave. Barringer had just left the Comet Cafe with some friends and was attempting to beat traffic while running across a crosswalk when a speeding vehicle struck her. She was thrown about 120 feet and later died, according to police.
Barringer had just gotten engaged three days earlier, according to friends.

Top 10 Assets of Households and Nonprofit Organizations

Click to enlarge.

Real estate tops the list at #1. I'm sure we'll bounce back someday. Just need to keep pushing this asset higher and higher so that people can finally sell the darned things again (the mortgage liability is not included in the asset chart for somewhat obvious reasons). And as an added bonus, the higher we can push this asset price the higher we can get those property taxes. Everybody wins!

Pension fund reserves come in at #2. Other than record pension underfunding even as the stock market has risen 160% from the bottom in 2009, what could possibly go wrong with that asset class?

Corporate equities come in at #3. It's nice to see them doing so well lately. It does make me wonder though. The people who warn me about the treasury bond bubble also tend to be the ones who tell me that the retail investor hasn't gotten back into the stock market yet. It's very confusing to me because it looks like about 60% of the stock market value is sitting right there in the hands of the retail investor. Very odd.

Deposits come in at #4. Don't forget to load up on the 0.5% 5-year CDs. They might not yield nearly as much as their treasury equivalents, but they are still a bargain at any price. Has anyone ever warned of a certificate of deposit bubble? I think not. Perhaps it is because CDs are held to maturity by default but it takes maturity to hold a treasury to maturity. Just a theory. Of course, if you aren't much of a risk taker then you can pick something with a shorter maturity. You'll have to sacrifice some of that juicy yield though! Mwuhahaha! Sorry, there I go being immature again.

Equity in noncorporate business comes in at #5. I've got to tell you. That takes guts. It's a tough world out there. Could strike it rich. Could be stomped by big business. At least the Great Recession II can't happen. The Fed has permanently put a stop to recessions. I can't personally prove it, but if everyone believes it then it must be true. Only rising rates can cause a recession. Therefore, ZIRP makes recessions impossible. Just because we're very deep into uncharted territory, doesn't mean that investors don't understand exactly how the future will play out. It's self-evident, especially when CNBC repeatedly tells us just how self-evident it is.

Mutual funds come in at #6. There are some bonds in there, but my guess is that the majority is stocks. That would be even more exposure to the equity markets for the retail investor (who I am continually told is missing out on the rally). Mutual funds are the safer way to go of course, because nobody wants to risk a 20% loss all at once when that same 20% loss can be locked in and guaranteed over 20 years (assuming 1% per year in fees). Whatever you do, do not underestimate the power of a "professional" active fund manager to add value just because 76% fail miserably when trying to outperform the market index.

Durable goods come in at #7. That's my favorite! As I've mentioned in the comments recently, the United States dominates the self-storage industry with "almost 90% of the global market". Don't let that deter you from buying even more durable goods to protect your wealth though. One place near me only charges $696 per year for a 5'x5' unit. That's a screaming bargain for someone with too many plastic coat hangars. Paying someone to store them for you is money well spent. Somebody needs to fund the CEO's $3.23 million salary. Do you have any idea how hard it is to manage other people's money stuff? Not just anyone can point a person towards their stuff without actually wanting to do inappropriate things with that stuff when they aren't around. It takes serious discipline. If only the banking system could do the same!

At #8 we've got corporate bonds. They can't ever seem to offer enough to satiate our appetites. I'm especially interested in chasing the yields of the non-investment grade bonds. What's the worst that could happen again?

We're to #9. Finally some safety! Yes, sir. As long as each municipality has its own working monetary printing press (in sharp contrast to Detroit's broken one) and we can work through the serious injuries of the dotcom and housing bubbles, then you'll no doubt sleep very well holding tax-free municipal bonds to maturity and/or racing towards the sell button on your trading platform of choice someday.

And lastly, we've reached #10. It's funny that so much time is spent warning us about a treasury bubble when individually purchased treasury bonds make up such a tiny amount of our personal assets (less than 2%). In my experience, very few people even know how to buy them directly from the government. I'm not judging. I've seen many hours of financial TV in my life and I've never seen anyone offer advice on how to buy a treasury bond. I don't recall the term I-Bond ever coming up either. It's almost like there's no money in it for them if bonds are purchased directly from the government.

This is not investment advice!

Source Data:
FRB: Z.1 Release

All In Good Fun Or...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Perhaps this was just a bit over the top. But kinda funny nonetheless. Beside, political caricatures and comedy have been around a very long time. But this is President Obama and therefore requires a greater degree of sensitivity.

(AP Photo/Jameson Hsieh)

AP - A clown wearing a President Barack Obama mask appeared at a Missouri State Fair rodeo this weekend and the announcer asked the enthusiastic spectators if they wanted to see "Obama run down by a bull."

The antics led the state's second highest-ranking official, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, to denounce the performance in a tweet Sunday. He said it was "disrespectful" to the president.

"We are better than this," the Republican tweeted.

State Fair officials said the show in Sedalia was "inappropriate" and "does not reflect the opinions or standards" of the fair. "We strive to be a family friendly event and regret that Saturday's rodeo badly missed that mark," they said in a statement Sunday.

It wasn't clear if any action will be taken against the performers. {Read More}

Wondering what the reaction would have been from the left had it been a Bush mask. Just sayin given the enunciated and immense hatred the left has for GWB.

Via: Memeorandum

It Just Makes Common Sense... To The Rational Thinking Anyway

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

RALEIGH — Gov. Pat McCrory Monday signed into law a bill requiring voters to produce a photo ID when they go to the polls, a measure that was hailed by Republicans as a means for heightening ballot security but which was criticized by Democrats as a thinly disguised effort at voter suppression.

The measure signed by McCrory also reduces the early voting period by a week, ends early voting on Sunday, ends same-day voter registration, and does away with pre-registration of 16 and 17-year olds.

“North Carolinians overwhelmingly support a common sense law that requires voters to present photo identification in order to cast a ballot,” McCrory said in a statement. “I am proud to sign this legislation into law. Common practices like boarding an airplane and purchasing Sudafed require photo ID and we should expect nothing less for the protection of our right to vote.” {Read More}

Only the far left, those with a political agenda beyond reasoned thought oppose this common sense law.

Via: Memeorandum

As Ricky Keeps on Keeping On...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Brought to you from the Santorum universe. A special place were you learn alternative reality.

Via: Memeorandum

Popular Milwaukee Bachata Singer Colón Suffered A Leg Injuring Requiring Operation To Heal

Miguel A. Colón

Photos: Facebook

Colón was injured on Saturday while playing baseball with the local Yankees from the Liga Christiana.

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 12, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, Miguel A. Colón, a popular Bachata co-lead singer and owner of the local Bachata 4K-Torce group posted on Facebook that he was seriously injured during a baseball game with the Liga Christiana. Colón plays with the local baseball Yankees team who actually won first place. He posted, that his leg injury would have hurt more, if his team would have lost.
Colón says, that he can't remember much about what happened,  but a doctor told him that he ruptured (tore) his tendon that connects his foot ankle to his knee and would need an operation to heal. Colón posted, "How CRAZY is this, I've been told by three doctors, in order to heal my leg I "definitely" need the operation, but no one wants to do it, since I have no insurance. SMH!!!"
Colón later posted that he found a doctor at St. Luke's Hospital that will do the surgery. He is scheduled for surgery on Thursday, according to Colón.

Harry Reid "seriously" hopes Republicans aren't racists

Harry Reid "seriously" hopes Republicans aren't racists
Harry Reid, the Democrat Senator from Nevada who is the Majority Leader of the US Senate said this about Congressional Republicans opposition to President Obama in an interview yesterday:

“It’s been obvious that they’re doing everything they can to make him fail. And I hope, I hope — and I say this seriously — I hope that’s based on substance and not the fact that he’s African-American.”

Republicans are the ones who appointed the first two African-Americans to serve as Secretary of State (Colon Powell and Condoleezza Rice), elected the first African-American to the US Senate (Tim Scott), and appointed an African-American as US Ambassador to the UN (Alan Keyes) and the US Supreme Court (Clarence Thomas), to name a few African-Americans who have served their country as Republicans.

So I say to Harry – and I say this seriously – I hope your idiotic statement is based upon your being severely addled when you said that and not the fact that you are a complete and utter idiot.

Milwaukee Police Sgt. Lopez Charged With Felony Stalking His Ex-girlfriend

Alex Lopez

A Milwaukee Police sergeant charged for stalking and sending hundreds of text messages, including threatening rape of ex-girlfriend. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 12, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Milwaukee Police Sergeant Alex Lopez, 38, was charged with one felony count for stalking his former girlfriend. Lopez was suspended from the department pending the outcome of the case. He posted a $2,500 signatured bond and was freed from custody, but was ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device as a condition for his release, according to court records. If convicted, Lopez is facing up to three and a half years in prison.
His former girlfriend complained to Milwaukee police that Sgt. Lopez was stalking her after she ended a five month relationship in May with him. The woman began to date Sgt. Lopez in January 2013, but by May she ended the relationship after he became sexually violent with her.
Lopez apparently send more than 500 of text messages between June 18 to August 5 to her that were threatening, including some indicating he wanted to rape her and another wishing she was dead, according to the criminal complaint.
Lopez is expected back at a Milwaukee County Circuit Court for a preliminary hearing on August 27. 

"You Can't Lose on Stocks" - Jeremy Siegel

The following chart shows the year over year change in inflation adjusted retail sales per retail trade employee (excluding nonstore retailers). I've used semiannual data to smooth out the trends.

Click to enlarge.

Should the value on the chart drop to zero (we're just barely above it now), retailers will no longer need to hire new workers. Any value below zero means retailers will need to start letting workers go. They will probably be slow to do it at first on the hopes of a rebound. Good luck on that. In any event, a recession probably wouldn't start to hit until they figure it out.

August 6, 2013
Siegel: Keep buying—you 'can’t lose'

"The market is totally spooked by whether QE continues or not," Siegel said, but the Fed "would never accelerate tapering unless the economy was so much stronger, which has got to be good for earnings. So in one way, you can't lose on stocks—either the economy's weak, the tapering will end; or the economy's strong, they'll taper, and earnings will be strong. That's why I think stocks are still a win-win situation."

Professor Siegel, you never cease to amaze me. Stocks are up 160% from the bottom in 2009. Can't lose on stocks? What hubris! No wonder Robert Shiller thinks the stock market bubble is back.

It is my opinion that the market is "totally spooked" because the retail trade data comes out tomorrow and this ballgame is in its 13th inning (still tied ZIRP to ZIRP). As seen in the chart above, the downward trend in growth is even more horrendous (steeper slope) than it was heading into the Great Recession. I see it. Supercomputers using advanced trading algorithms at investment banks no doubt see it too. Meanwhile, Siegel's taking his cues from Ben "There Is No Housing Bubble to Go Bust" Bernanke? Swing for the fences! Can't lose! Forehead. Desk. Whack. Whack. Whack.

That's not to say that the retail trade data will be awful of course. I'm just saying that the trend looks awful and I have no great desire to bet against that trend.

You may be wondering why I excluded nonstore retailers from the chart. They don't create jobs; they automate them. I'm more concerned about the 14.6 million jobs that are left. JC Penney employees are too no doubt. I can tell you first hand what lousy morale can do to a struggling company.

Once again, just opinions! I cannot accurately predict the future. Nobody can. At best, all I can do is offer a somewhat educated guess. This is definitely not investment advice. Alan Greenspan had some good advice back in 1966 though. It did not include "can't lose" in it. That's for sure.

"There is no safe store of value." - Alan Greenspan (1966)

See Also:
Trend Line Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

best of pinterest - bathrooms

Happy Monday y'all. Raise your hand if you could have used an extra day this weekend. Me too. And thanks to everyone for your ideas on the battle of the dying hydrangeas. I think I've found a solution which I'll share as soon as I get around to fixing it.

But for today, let's talk pretty bathrooms. I've had bathrooms on the brain lately, must be all of that potty training madness, so I thought we could ease into the week with some eye candy.

I like the idea of a his and her sink but with each side having a bit of its own personality. Especially since right now all we have is one his/her/her/her sink.

A large shower would be fun because this is a dream and why not have a large shower.

And of course a soaking tub with a view so I can look out at the ocean just beyond my pool.

In a master bath I like the idea of keeping everything white

and then adding some amazing fixtures

and marble. Some sort of marble.

The room will be bathed in natural light thanks to a skylight or two. (C'mon, that was a good Monday morning pun.)

And the cherry on top, some wonderful scones

Yes, it might be a lot of space for CoCo to clean. but he loves to stay busy. And since he makes his own organic cleaning solution, the whole place is left smelling like lavender. That CoCo, he's the best.

How about you? What does your dream bathroom look like?
And don't forget to come back on Wednesday to see how the bench turned out.

Find more great bathroom idea on my Pinterest board.

Michigan Doctor Fata Allegedly Defrauded Medicare Of $35M With False Claims

Farid Fata

Dr. Fata administered unnecessary chemotherapy to patients in remission and made staff members to submit false claims to Medicare to collect up to $35 million in payments within a two year period.

By H. Nelson Goodson
August 11, 2013

Detroit, Michigan - On Tuesday, Dr. Farid Fata, 48, of Oakland Township is expected to return to the U.S. Court of the Eastern District of Michigan to face federal charges stemming from filing false claims to collect up to $35 million from Medicare.  Fata was taken in custody early last week after he was indicted for giving "unnecessary chemotherapy to patients in remission" and then filed false claims with Medicare to collect millions. 
He allegedly gave unnecessary medical treatments to patients for cancer and hematalogy who didn't need it, according to the criminal complaint.  If convicted, Fata is facing up to 20 years in a federal prison.
The U.S. Attorney's Office of Eastern Michigan reported that Fata owns and operates the Michigan Hematology Oncology (MHO) Centers, which has offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.  It was through MHO that Dr. Fata allegedly submitted fraudulent claims to Medicare for medically unnecessary services, including chemotherapy treatments, Positron Emission Tomograph (PET) scans and a variety of cancer and hematology treatments for patients who did not need them.  In the course of the scheme, Dr. Fata falsified and directed others to falsify documents.  MHO billed Medicare for approximately $35 million dollars over a two-year period, approximately $25 million of which is attributable to Dr. Fata, according to the complaint. 
The complaint further alleges that Dr. Fata directed the administration of unnecessary chemotherapy to patients in remission; deliberate misdiagnosis of patients as having cancer to justify unnecessary cancer treatment; administration of chemotherapy to end-of-life patients who will not benefit from the treatment; deliberate misdiagnosis of patients without cancer to justify expensive testing; fabrication of other diagnoses such as anemia and fatigue to justify unnecessary hematology treatments, and distribution of controlled substances to patients without medical necessity or are administered at dangerous levels.
Dr. Fata also directed that chemotherapy be administered to patients who had other serious medical conditions that required immediate treatment before he would permit them to go to the hospital.  In one instance, a male patient fell down and hit his head when he came to MHO.  Dr. Fata insisted that the patient receive his chemotherapy before he could be taken to the emergency room.  MHO administered the chemotherapy, after which the patient was taken to the emergency room.  The patient later died from his head injury.  In the second instance, a patient came to MHO with extremely low sodium levels, which can be fatal.  Dr. Fata again directed that the patient first receive chemotherapy before being taken to the emergency room.  MHO administered the chemotherapy and the patient was taken to the emergency room and hospitalized.
The MHO website says that, Dr. Fata received a Bachelor of Science from Lebanese University in 1992.  He completed his Internal Medicine Residency at Maimonides Medical Center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, NY, in 1996.  Dr. Fata attended Cornell University Medical College, NY and completed his Hematology Oncology Fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in 1999.

Conflict Between The Christian Church And The State ... J. D. Longstreet

Conflict Between The Christian Church And The State   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Conflict Between The Christian Church And The State
America Needs The Church Militant!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

I am personally aware of a minister who will not marry a couple if either of them have been divorced.  His religious denomination is one of the largest protestant denominations in America. 

As a lad, I grew up in a protestant church that required a female member to stand in church and be dressed-down from the pulpit by the minister for her dalliance with other men not her husband.  She was publicly stripped of all her offices in that church and told she could remain as a member but would never hold a leadership position in the congregation again. (I was sitting just feet away from the weeping, humiliated,  lady as I witnessed the entire event.)

As I recall, the married couple remained married until the husband's death, some years later, and the humiliated wife remained a member of that church, at least, until his demise.

That was in the 1940's.  I am still conflicted by it.

I have no doubt the church did the right thing.  It was the manner in which they did it that bothered me then, as a child, and today as a man.  If it were to happen today there would be a chain of laws suits as far as the eye could see!

As a society, we have managed to tame the church.  And , frankly, I'm not so sure that's a good thing.

See, the church USED to set the standards for morality in the US.  Now the US Supreme Court and Hollywood set those standards.

The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees religious freedom in the US, right?  Sure it does.  Uh-huh.   Tell that to the government -- especially the Internal Revenue Service.

I can remember when preachers stepped into the pulpit with nothing but a bible tucked under their arms.  When asked about their notes or their sermon script, they would reply that they spoke that which the Spirit "laid upon their hearts" to speak.  See, they made themselves available as a conduit for the  "Holy Spirit" to speak directly to the congregants there gathered.  Believe me, there were some powerful sermons delivered back in those days.  On occasion, one would affirm, one could smell the stench of sulfur.

But, by and large, those days are gone.  So is the church militant. 

The Church Militant (Ecclesia Militans), is supposed to be comprised of Christians who struggle against sin, the devil and "..the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).

In the letter by Paul to the Christians at the church in Ephesus, written around 60 AD,  Paul was careful to point out that the battle was  "against spiritual wickedness in high places."  Seems to me Paul could write that same letter to the Christian Church in America today -- and be spot on!

It is my contention that America needs the church militant today. 

We hear often of the War on Christianity in America.  I submit to you that there is NO WAR ON CHRISTIANITY because -- ONLY ONE SIDE IS FIGHTING! 

The church has gotten fat, lazy, and quite comfortable with the government doing the work it was assigned by the Almighty.

The hammer is about to come down on the Christian faith in America.

How long do you suppose it will be before a pastor is dragged into court for preaching that homosexuality is a sin? Not long, I warrant.

At the moment pastors across the land are avoiding any reference to the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin because they fear for their job -- or even their freedom -- if they do preach that which their faith, their bible and most importantly, their God says is so.

Look at America today.  Observe how she has shrunken in on herself. Today she resembles more the evil city depicted in the scriptures in this manner:  "And another angel, a second one, followed, saying,  "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality."  (Revelation 14:8)  America has gone from the "shining city on a hill" to a fallen heap of shame.

Look. Many of us have been calling for a movement to take our country back, to restore America, to save our beloved country. WE NEED THE CHURCH TO DO IT.  We need the Church Militant to get off its backside and get in the fight, IF we are to have any chance -- at all -- of saving America.

I'm so old that I actually remember when Ezra Taft Benson, served as both the Secretary of Agriculture under President Dwight Eisenhower -- AND -- the 13th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Benson once said something that explained why it is so important for America that the church maintain a leadership role in this nation. Benson said:  “The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.” 

I do not agree with some that recognizing the will of the majority regarding gay marriage while also protecting churches, clergy, and the laity from governmental bullying is the proper stance for the church to take today.

While I DO agree that protecting churches, clergy, and the laity from governmental bullying is rightfully a stance the church should take, I do not feel it is right for the church to sell out a tenet of the faith that is well over 2,000 years old existing even BEFORE the birth of the Christian church.
THIS is how the church lost so much of its moral authority.  This is how the church handed over it's leadership role to the government -- just in case you were wondering.

In my opinion, the church should be working -- non-stop -- to move legislative protection through the Congress and the 50 state legislatures that would prevent churches ever being forced to provide gay marriages under the cover of equal treatment or anti-discrimination laws. 

Whatever happened to freedom of religion?  Whatever happened to separation of church and state?  

One must understand that there is a double standard in America for the political left. The two issues above, freedom of religion and separation between state and church, are only raised when the leftist agenda is threatened by either or both.  Therefore the religious community in America need not expect to be allowed to maintain their stance, you know the one they have had for thousands of years, a tenet of their faith, that homosexuality is a sin, and NOT have the political left -- using the power of the government --come down on them much as a ton of bricks!  It WILL happen.

America will soon learn the churches with true devotion for, and to, the scriptures -- the very foundation of the faith they claim -- and those churches which are no more that civic clubs with no interest in furthering the cause of Christ on this earth.

As I look around me, assessing the condition of the church in America today, it has become clear (at least to me) that the church of true believers is fast approaching that remaining "remnant" of believers predicted by the scriptures in the so-called "end-times."

You can see them for yourself.  These are the Christians who feel they are called to repentance, obedience, prayer, proclamation, steadfast courage -- and sacrifice.  Their voices can be heard in our church pews, in Godly homes, in schools and in the public square. They are found in every denomination and among every community of faith. A fellowship of saints among saints, the grassroots voice of the Remnant is growing louder and stronger as the day approaches. SOURCE:  http://voiceoftheremnant.webs.com/

In the months and years ahead, as America continues its downward spiral, that remnant will be the only group standing between the church and those determined to destroy the church.  The remainder of the church, sad to say, will not be in the battle. 

Yes, the church militant is badly needed today.  But, I don't expect much from a clutch of Nervous Nellie's who won't even allow the old hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" to be published in their hymnals.

© J. D. Longstreet

It is So Comfortble to Not Need to Give a Rat's Arse Anymore About What Idiots Think...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I have my share of disagreements with the progressive mindset. Especially, and particularly with the far out leftists that haven't a clue about what liberty and individual freedom means or the value of retaining the same.

However, every once in a while a person with a considerably (and I mean considerably as in a boatload of) more overall progressive viewpoint than my own comes along that makes a whole lot of sense. When these occasions arise I think I would be remiss if I did not consider the author's views as well as passing them on to a different and broader conservative libertarian audience than might be otherwise reached.

Tao Speaks - I am not a big fan of either of the two major political parties that exist today in the United States and the minor parties that do exist seem to cherish being extreme and exist for no other reason.

I do understand the economic policies of the Republican Party and I believe they are fundamentally flawed. I honestly can say that as far as the Democratic Party goes its policies are not all that much different.

In all honesty I think the concept of “fundamentally flawed” is based on the fact that I believe that an economic system, especially capitalism, has at its core a goal of creating wealth, creating an opportunity for wealth, and creating an environment for economic equality, that is equal to none.

Jobs should be a pathway to wealth and increasing income equality; our economy cannot create jobs.

Do you realize that from December 1999 until December 2009 our economy created a net of ZERO JOBS? Did you know that since December 1999 to December 2008 that middle-income households suffered a NET INCOME LOSS, when adjusted for inflation?

With the passage of NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagall coupled with the supply side economics and anti-unionism of the 1980′s we have witnessed to slow but total destruction of our economic system in our country. This is reflected in our GDP where corporate, after tax profits, make up 11.1% of our GDP while wages and benefits have dropped to 43.5% of our GDP: Corporate profits have been growing and wages have been shrinking as a percentage of our GDP and there is no way to change that trend.

I want to know whose side are we on? {Read More}

After reading Tao's article this fiscally conservative social libertarian site would be most interested in your comments.

Being reasonable and of active mind is far superior to being locked into any ideological dogmatic drumbeat.

The Sarcasm Report v.177

August 8, 2013
Obama Urges Greece to Grow Its Economy

In a meeting in the Oval Office, Mr. Obama told Antonis Samaras, the Greek prime minister, that policies focused only on spending reductions would not help Greece return to economic prosperity.

This isn't rocket science. Greece just needs to crank up the monetary passenger car registration printing presses.

Click to enlarge.

Phase 1: Print 30,000 passenger car registrations
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Economic prosperity restored

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Household Net Worth vs. Wages

July 17, 2013
Bubbles Forever by Robert J. Shiller

Because bubbles are essentially social-psychological phenomena, they are, by their very nature, difficult to control.

As seen in the following charts, the bubbles are definitely getting increasingly difficult to control. In my opinion, it's not a coincidence that the housing bubble was worse than the dotcom bubble.

Click to enlarge.

The high points form an exponential trend. The low points form a 2nd order polynomial trend. In addition to the extremely high r-squared values, both trends have plenty of data points to support them. If current trends remain in place then the following is what we can expect to see in the distant future.

Click to enlarge.

The risks do not end here. Real wages per capita have fallen since 2000. These charts would imply that wages are very important to real net worth per capita, especially if we ever start to hug that blue trend line again. I could definitely see that happen. Just look at the period from 1952 to 1980 on the charts. There was no growth in the household net worth to wages ratio. The 1980s and 1990s are over. What comes next is anyone's guess.

In my opinion, this is long-term uncertainty of biblical proportions, especially for those who thought we were past the worst of it and have gone all in on risk. I can't speak for others, but baby most definitely does not need new shoes.

This is not investment advice.

See Also:
Trend Line Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Leisure and Hospitality

The following chart shows leisure and hospitality employment as a percentage of all nonfarm employment.

Click to enlarge.

This exponential trend shows no signs of stopping any time soon. Apparently this is where the jobs of the future will be. We keep cranking out college graduates with massive student debt though. Woohoo! Sigh.

The next chart shows leisure and hospitality earnings as a percentage of total private earnings. I'm only including production and nonsupervisory employees.

Click to enlarge.

Generally speaking, these jobs pay about 41% less. It's actually a bit worse than that. Average private earnings are being pulled down by these low paying jobs (more and more so as these jobs expand). Put another way, if leisure and hospitality jobs grow to 100% of employment (which they clearly won't), then leisure and hospitality jobs would pay the same as overall employment. They'd be one and the same thing.

The next chart shows how many years the typical leisure and hospitality production and nonsupervisory employee would have to work to buy a house with cash, assuming 2,000 hours worked per year and no other expenses (like interest on a mortgage loan, home maintenance, appliances, property taxes, income taxes, food, clothing, furniture, gasoline, new car purchases, auto maintenance, health care, and so on).

Click to enlarge.

As seen in the eyes of a leisure and hospitality employee, hello Housing Bubble II. Fantastic. This is where many of the jobs are being created and yet these employees cannot afford to make a median new home purchase. Hello?

The next chart shows how many hours the typical leisure and hospitality production and nonsupervisory employee would have to work to fill a 15 gallon gas tank (assuming no payroll taxes of any kind).

Click to enlarge.

4.6 hours! Is it any wonder that vehicle miles traveled per capita has peaked? This "new and improved" economy apparently requires workers to move very close to where they work. Unfortunately, the old economy was all about trapping people in the 'burbs.

Let's summarize. Leisure and hospitality is apparently the "growth" engine of the future. Production and nonsupervisory leisure and hospitality employees currently earn an average $11.76 per hour. They make roughly 41% less than the typical production and nonsupervisory employee. They have seen their real inflation adjusted earnings fall throughout most of this "recovery" (other than an initial dead cat bounce). They are working 4.6 hours to fill a 15 gallon gasoline tank (with additional hours to pay the payroll taxes on those earnings). They'd have to work 11.3 years to pay for the median house with cash (assuming no other expenses or taxes of any kind).

This is not investment advice. If it was, I'd suggest that the nearly 1.3 million leisure and hospitality employees added since the bottom should probably not be looking at new homes to purchase in the weeks ahead, especially if they have massive student debt. That's just the crazy opinion of a permabear though. What do I know?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Leisure and Hospitality Employment Analysis
St. Louis Fed: Leisure and Hospitality Earnings Analysis
St. Louis Fed: Leisure and Hospitality Housing Analysis
St. Louis Fed: Leisure and Hospitality Gasoline Analysis