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Some Perspective on the "Rising" Interest Rate Environment

The following chart shows the 10-year moving average of the 10-year treasury yield.

Click to enlarge.

Rising interest rates? In my opinion, the bond market is simply trying to climb back to the long-term declining trend.

Long time readers know that I post a lot of exponential trend failures on this blog. You might therefore wonder why I trust this one not to fail. The simple answer is that I don't. It's more of a question of which direction it would fail.

I am definitely in the minority. As seen in the chart, we're currently well below trend. I do not believe this economy is strong enough to support a sustained climb back up.

This chart predicts that the 10-year moving average of the 10-year treasury yield will be 3.0% in August of 2018. That's roughly 5 years away. I shall take the under.

It's just an opinion of course.

Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes. - Voltaire

My opinion isn't going to do much in the grand scheme of things. If I am wrong, no big deal. I'm in the minority here. Who cares what I think? It is the opinion of the masses, those in ivory towers, and those in power that would concern Voltaire most more than likely.

September 3, 2013
5 ways to prepare for higher interest rates

If you don’t like the idea of buying individual bonds but don’t want to get burned by raising rates, short-term bond funds are an alternative.

Yes, short-term bond funds! It's worked out great so far. Just get in there and patiently wait for the end of ZIRP. It is bound to happen any day now!

Yahoo: SHY Performance

3-Year Total Return (Mkt): 0.56%

This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: 10-Year Treasury Yield

CBS 58 General Manager Released Statement About Discrimination Claims From Two Anchors

James "Jim" Hall, Shari Dunn and Carlos Vergara

Several discrimination claims and patterns of bias treatment raised by two news anchors draws statement from CBS 58 general manager.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 13, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, James "Jim" Hall, the CBS 58/Weigel Broadcasting VP/General Manager released a brief statement regarding two discrimination claims and patterns of bias treatment at the television station by management. Two discrimination claims were filed with the EEOC by Shari Dunn, a weekend news anchor at CBS 58 and Carlos Vergara, a news anchor for Telemundo 63. Dunn is African-American and Vergara is Hispanic. Both of them are expected to filed a class action lawsuit in federal court. 
Dunn claims she has been paid less than male counterparts and Vergara alleged that he has not been given an opportunity to anchor on CBS 58 as it was promised when he got hired.
Hall stated, "We have received copies of the discrimination charges that were filed by two employees with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Weigel Broadcasting Co. - Milwaukee has  a strong commitment to equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination.  We take any such allegations very seriously, and we are reviewing them with our legal counsel.   However, as a policy, we do not comment on pending legal matters.  We look forward to addressing these matters through the legal process."
On Tuesday, Eric Ellis, a photojournalist abruptly quit his job at CBS 58 WDJT-TV citing a lack of safety concerns by management, according to an e-mail released on Thursday to mediabistro dot com/TVSpy. Ellis had worked at WDJT-TV for only seven months.
Vergara has more than 18 years of experience in news reporting, producing and anchoring. Vergara's career includes producing in New York City, shooting news in Maryland and Georgia, reporting and anchoring in California, Virginia, Miami and Milwaukee. He also worked for the RCN TV Network in Bogota, Colombia and had been anchoring the nightly news on Telemundo 63 in Spanish, according to CBS 58 website.
Dunn is a graduate of Nicollet High School and Marquette University. She joined CBS 58 in February 2009.

Restaurant Sales vs. Wages

Click to enlarge.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Mexican Fiesta Organizers And WHSF Deny Access To HNNUSA During News Conference In Milwaukee

Ruben A. Burgos and Alexander C. Ayala

Hispanic News Network U.S.A. was denied access to the Mexican Fiesta and Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation's news conference about using the Milwaukee Police Intelligence Center to profile and identify alleged gang members in order to ban them from the three day event.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 13, 2013

Milwaukee,  WI - On Friday, the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (WHSF) and Mexican Fiesta organizers denied access to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), but allowed access to three local Spanish media outlets and CBS 58/Telemundo 63 to their news conference at 2997 S. 20th St. 
Ruben Burgos, retired Milwaukee Police Lieutenant of Detectives, recently named the UMOS Hispanic Man of the Year and active Board member of WHSF said, that he was present at the Mexican Fiesta office to "deny access to HNNUSA."
Although, Burgos was kind enough to provide HNNUSA with a copy of their statement about allegations of violating festivalgoers First Amendment rights at the Summerfest grounds. During the last Mexican Fiesta event, Milwaukee Police Officer Alexander C. Ayala and president of the Latino Peace Officers Association (LPOA) claimed that they were using the Milwaukee Police Intelligence Center to profile and identify alleged gang members, to singled them out in front of the public, family, friends and then kick them out from the event. No prove of the allegations was ever provided to those that were identified and expelled from the Fiesta. None of those expelled were ever given a refund for the last three years.
Fiesta organizers just confirmed, that indeed they are working with the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) to actively identify potential gang members under a "zero tolerance" policy, which definitely violates the First Amendment rights of those accused or label as gang members, despite if inaccurate information is provided by MPD. 
Fiesta organizers and WHSF states, "Mexican Fiesta's policy is that known active gang members will not be allowed onto the grounds. The plan is to have the Anti-gang unit of the Milwaukee Police Department identify known, active gang members as they attempt to enter the Summerfest grounds. Mexican Fiesta security will then deny entry to these identified individuals." 
In fact for the last three years, Mexican Fiesta organizers and  under Burgos, who previously was the LPOA president have actually been profiling, discriminating and kicking out people from the three day event for the way they were dressed and who unfortunately looked differently like having tattoos not in good taste for Fiesta organizers.
Most of these Latino Fiesta organizers and Board members of the WHSF are highly educated people associated with educational institutions, law enforcement, financial businesses, and civil rights national groups like LULAC and NCLR. What good are their accomplishments today some might think?, when they themselves are encouraging discrimination and engaging in profiling of their own community members and treating them like outcasts. 
Since the end of August, Facebook users have been spreading their intent to boycott Mexican Fiesta in 2014.
Some Facebook users have even posted, will the Fiesta organizers keep undocumented immigrants that have violated federal civil laws from attending Fiesta? Fiesta depends on the revenue generated from undocumented immigrants to continue operating and to provide scholarships to certain students, but festivalgoers undocumented children are not accessible to WHSF scholarships! Why?
Only students who are U.S. Citizens or legal permanent residents can apply for WHSF scholarships, according to the scholarship application from WHSF/Mexican Fiesta and LULAC Councils 319 and 322.
Citing several First Amendment prior cases, in 1990, LULAC 9900 (later became WHSF) who managed Mexican Fiesta was sued for banning the distribution of Satélite, a bilingual variety newspaper that featured on its front page a photo of Miss Mexican Fiesta 1990 in a one piece polka-dot swim suit, calling it in "bad taste."
The staff of Satélite were "forcibly removed" kicked out by police for distributing the newspaper inside the grounds. Satélite later filed a lawsuit. They claimed that their First Amendment rights were violated when Mexican Fiesta organizers barred them from distributing the paper at the festival in 1990. They also claimed that Maier Festival Park, which hosts other ethnic festivals during the summer, is public in nature and an appropriate place for the exercise of First Amendment rights.
In June 1992, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge William D. Gardner ruled that the Summerfest grounds are a "public forum" where there is a First Amendment right to freedom of expression,  even when the grounds are occupied by an ethnic festival.
Gardner said, "City government created the grounds to be a place where the public could gather and experience the ethnic and cultural diversity of the community." The Mexican Fiesta attorney had argued that the organization was private and by leasing the grounds, it had discretion to decide what would be allowed on the grounds. Judge Gardner disagreed.
Mexican Fiesta paid Satélite $15,000 in an out-of-court settlement, after Judge Gardner's ruling. It was an important ruling because it was finally determined that the Summerfest grounds are a "public forum" where there is a First Amendment right to freedom of expression. 
In August 2003, three Milwaukee Outlaws filed a federal lawsuit against Summerfest claiming that they were arrested, cited for trespassing and kicked out of the grounds on July 2, 2003 by police for wearing their Outlaws motorcycle club colors. They claimed a First Amendment violation because they had paid their way in to the festival and once inside police cited them and then were kicked out for wearing their colors. The Summerfest grounds is city owned land and leased to the Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.
An attorney for the Outlaws and an attorney for Summerfest later agreed to allow the Outlaws dress how they like when attending events at Summerfest. Thus, eliminating the discrimination against wearing colors. 

fess up friday - animal prints

I'm about to tell y'all something that is probably a big no no in the blog world.

I'm not down with animal prints.

I know that's probably like telling a room full of kids that I hate Santa but animal prints have never been my jam. They always make me think of that horrible lycra outfit Michelle Pfeiffer wore in Married to the Mob. Eww.

The funny thing is, I like them in magazines, and in other people's home, but I've just never gotten on board. But the more I study, the more I find that some of my favorite images have animal prints involved.
Jessika Goranson
Michelle Adams
Kate Jackson
via Pinterest
Jess Nell Graves
Cottage Living

I'm thinking I need to go with a 'What About Bob' approach and take baby steps into this whole animal print thing. Here are some ways to dip your toe into 'the jungle'.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

So now its your turn to fess up - what design secrets are you keeping? Share!

And one last reminder, today is the last day to sign up for your chance to win a $200 gift card to Target! (oh yeah). Giveaway ends tonight at midnight!

We Warned Putin Would Outsmart Obama ... J. D. Longstreet

We Warned Putin Would Outsmart Obama   ...   J. D. Longstreet
We Warned Putin Would Outsmart Obama
Revisiting "Russia's Syrian Trap For Obama" (July 2012)
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

It's not that we conservative commentators are smarter than anyone else, because we most certainly are not. It is, I suppose, because we pay closer attention to current events, especially political current events, that we sometimes see/sense future events before they happen. 

Sending a tenderfoot President like Obama into the "lion's den of world politics" was a REALLY dumb idea.  He was sure to be eaten alive.  And he has been.  His name spoken around the globe illicts snickers from all quartersTHIS is the naive Socialist/Marxist, with the golden tonsils, America elected -- then reelected -- so they could feel good about themselves -- and - vanquishing racism on their shores. (I say "they" because I didn't vote for the man either time.)   The realty is that we don't feel a darned bit better about ourselves than we did before Election Day 2008 and racism in America, well, racism is even worse than  it was before Obama was elected President.

A badly informed, youthful, electorate did not have the depth of knowledge or perception needed to understand that there is a world out there, beyond the oceans on either side of us, that doesn't give a wit about what makes us feel good.  See, those folk live in the REAL world where survival -- just trying to survive from day to day -- is, indeed,  very real.

And -- there is this: Any one elected to be President of the US MUST be qualified to handle both domestic and foreign problems.  In Obama, we got a man who has proven unable to handle either.

Obama may have been an adequate community organizer, but dear reader, America is NOT a community.  Thinking of America that way is a Marxist/collectivist perception. It is NOT real. Trying to deal with America and the world as communities has proven to be disastrous.

One does not have to be a genius to foretell where Obama is going and what he is going to do, or how he will react to certain stimuli.  He simply is NOT that complicated.  What he is -- is a narcissistic Marxist and they are among the most predictable people on earth.

Based on our experience, we told you -- over a year ago -- (July 2012) -- that this Syrian trap was going to snare Obama.   It was clear that with his narcissism, his naivete, his arrogance, he was setting himself up to be eaten alive by Putin.  Mr. Putin, complete with his Cheshire cat smile, simply lay quietly in wait and then pounced at the appropriate moment. 

Actually, it was quite beautiful to watch. All Putin had to do was prepare for lunch. 
Obama did the rest.

From the standpoint of the American public it was a comedy of errors on the part of Obama and the Obama Administration.

Back in July of 2012, I wrote the following:  "Currently Russia and America have narcissists at the helms of both countries -- Obama in America and Putin in Russia.  Both are would-be dictators. Putin, in Russia, will probably be successful. 

Syria is a mess.  The Obama regime (Our narcissist) for some reason yet to be clearly defined to the American people seems to have some sort of vested interest in seeing that the Assad regime in Syria is dumped and a purely Islamic government is installed to rule Syria under Sharia/Islamic law. Now, Obama is never going to admit that, but, all things considered, that is the most likely outcome if, and when, Assad is shown the door -- or taken out the door on a slab.

Russia does not want to lose its warm water port privileges in Syria and it sure as heck does not want to lose such a valued customer for Russian arms, etc.  Plus, the Syrian situation allows Putin a shot at the world stage where he can flex his muscles in the spotlight for all the world to see.  He LOVES that!

Putin is not about to miss the opportunity to give Obama an opened palm slap right across the cheeks and he sees the Syrian situation as his means to accomplish that.

Putin sees an opportunity for a little pay-back (for the Russian version of defeat in Afghanistan) and he is laying it on very thickly. 

Putin is a punk.  A former KGB officer, he is skilled at what he is doing.  Obama is, well, frankly, I don't know WHAT he is beyond being a socialist/Marxist community organizer who would dearly love to make himself dictator of America.  I don't think he has thought much beyond that.  Putin doesn't think so, either.  That's why he is so sure he can make Obama look like a fool in the Syrian Situation.

My money is on Putin.

It is clear to Putin that Obama is in over his head in foreign affairs. It would seem that Putin and American conservatives arrived at the same conclusion rather a while ago ... "
In the event you'd like to read the entire commentary, you'll find it at:  http://insightonfreedom.blogspot.com/2012/07/russias-syrian-trap-for-obama-j-d.html
 In closing last year's commentary, I made the following observation:  "For the US -- Syria is a set-up, a tiger pit, a trap.  Unlike most traps, this one has huge flashing neon-like signs warning the US of its dangers.  But -- with America's boy-king, Obama, fixated on securing reelection for a second shot at fundamentally changing America into a western Socialist/Marxist dung heap, there is every reason for Americans to worry that we will soon be entangled in yet another Middle Eastern Islamic blood feud in which both sides hate us before, during, and after the dust settles."  Source:  http://insightonfreedom.blogspot.com/2012/07/russias-syrian-trap-for-obama-j-d.html 

And so, America's wondrous journey with Obama continues as we lurch from one scandal to another, from one blunder to another, from one debacle to another, from one crisis to another. 

Only three more years to go.

© J. D. Longstreet

CBS 58 Photojournalist Who Quit Job Cites Lack Of Safety Concerns By Management

Eric Ellis

Photo: Facebook

(Click on e-mail image to enlarge)

Photojournalist who abruptly quit CBS 58 for safety concerns goes public and released e-mail sent to other staff members.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 12, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, Eric Ellis, former CBS 58 WDJT-TV/Weigel Broadcasting photojournalist released an internal e-mail sent to all staff members at WDJT to Mediabistro dot com/TVSpy about his reason to quit CBS 58 on Tuesday. Ellis told TVSpy, "I no longer felt safe at work and I was very disappointed with the way that the station handled my attempted robbery."
Ellis claims that he was sent to the North side to cover an anti-violence rally alone, despite an earlier management e-mail assuring no one would be allowed to go alone and cover news reporting after another MMJ (Mobil Media Journalist) staff member had her iPhone stolen at a news coverage assignment.
When Ellis told management that some people had attempted to steal his equipment on September 4 at the same location where a female camera staffer had her iPhone stolen, management said that people were just messing with him and that next time he should video record the attempted robbery. Ellis disagreed, because video recording those attempting to steal from him would react and further endanger his life.
Ellis filed a police report about the attempted robbery and life threats that he received.
In his e-mail Ellis wrote, "I feel that the lack of care for the safety of photographers, reporters and MMJs at this station is appalling. I cannot work at a place where I constantly feel unsafe and am sent to unsafe areas alone."
Ellis told TVSpy that he will continue to do freelance work.
Ellis's recent safety incident concern comes within weeks that a CBS 58 African-American female Anchor and a Telemundo 63 male Anchor had previously filed discrimination claims with the EEOC and decided to expose alleged discrimination practices and patterns of bias treatment by CBS 58/Weigel Broadcasting management towards them. 

The Corporate Profit Singularity (Musical Tributes)

Click to enlarge.

The initial singularity formed in the second quarter of 1968. What a moon shot!

April 18, 1968
The Telegraph: American Space Program Now Gearing Down to Slower Pace

There is a growing feeling in the space establishment that once astronauts have landed on the moon, they will have no other place to go for several years because of budget cuts that have trimmed to the bone all preparations for future missions.

It is as if the astronauts are heading for a dead-end on the moon.

Poppycock! We established an entire moon colony back in 1999. That's common knowledge to everyone who relies on the television for their mainstream information.

Space: 1999 - TV intro (season 1) HQ (1975)

There is no rational reason to panic at these altitudes. Why are we even talking about panicking anyway? I certainly didn't bring it up. What? It was something I said? Just ignore all those exponential trend failures I have posted here in the past if you are that worried about it. The exponential trend channel in the chart above is different. It is totally sustainable. And don't you worry about us being near the top of that trend channel again either. In sharp contrast to 1989, 1997, and 2006, only good things can happen from here. See? No reason to panic! You can invest with the same level of confidence you had back in 1982. Other than an inflation adjusted $8,000 per worker differential in corporate profits between then and now, nothing has actually changed.

The future's so bright I gotta put my space helmet on! We ain't done moon shootin' until I say we're done moon shootin'!

David Bowie- Space Oddity Original Video (1969)

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much (she knows!)

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Food Employee Growth Anarchy! (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

This "recovery" might not end well, but it will end. I have no doubts about that.

You better listen, better do what you're told
You haven't even touched your tuna casserole
You better chow down or it's gonna get cold
So eat it

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed; All Employees: Retail Trade: Food and Beverage Stores
St. Louis Fed: All Employees: Leisure and Hospitality: Food Services and Drinking Places
St. Louis Fed: Population

Asa George, Former CBS 58 Anchor Woman Might Have Been Deceased For Days

Asa George

Photo: Facebook

George might have been dead for days resulting in a delay to positively identify her.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 12, 2013

West Allis, WI - Since first breaking the news about former CBS 58 Anchor Asa George, 34, untimely death, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned that her father had tried to contact George for four days before police were actually called by her aunt to check on her niece's welfare at her residence, according to the Milwaukee Medical Examiner's Office preliminary report released to local media outlets, including CBS 58. Firefighters also arrived at the scene and entered the home through a window at the 2300 block of S. 58th St. and found her decomposing body in the bathroom tub full of water.
The preliminary medical examiner's report says, that family members told investigators that George had an alcoholic addiction and had been forced to take treatment without her consent. Her aunt also confirmed to investigators that George had lost several jobs over her addiction to alcohol.
Several empty bottles of vodka and prescription medication was found at her residence. Also, the report says, investigators found the inside of the house in a messy condition with blood and feces. Her dog was found alive, but malnourished, according to investigators.
Media outlets are reporting that George died from an accidental death, but the medical examiner is waiting for toxicology results to determine cause of death.
It hasn't been determined how long George had been deceased, but the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office has sealed the case pending the outcome of the autopsy results. 
George's brother in his Facebook account confirmed on Saturday, September 7 that she had passed away a day earlier.
Police went to George's residence on September 6 before 11:00 a.m. on Friday and discovered her body. 

The Tapeworm Hungers!

Click to enlarge.

Source Data:
FRB: Z.1 Release

Muslim Persecution Of Christians: June, 2013

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

The Degradation of Christian Women under Islam

The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June. In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old Mariam was kidnapped, repeatedly gang raped according to a fatwa legitimizing the rape of non-Sunni women by any Muslim waging jihad against Syria's government, and then executed.
According to Agenzia Fides, "The commander of the battalion 'Jabhat al-Nusra' in Qusair took Mariam, married and raped her. Then he repudiated her. The next day the young woman was forced to marry another Islamic militant. He also raped her and then repudiated her. The same trend was repeated for 15 days, and Mariam was raped by 15 different men. This psychologically destabilized her and made her insane. Mariam became mentally unstable and was eventually killed."

In Pakistan, Muslim men stormed the home of three Christian women, beat them, stripped them naked and tortured them, and then paraded them in the nude in a village in the Kasur district. Days earlier, it seems the goats of the Christian family had accidentally trespassed onto Muslim land; Muslims sought to make an example of the Christian family, who, as third-class citizens, must know their place at all times.

The rest of June's roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and country in alphabetical order, not according to severity:

Attacks on Christian Worship: Churches and Monasteries
Iraq: During the middle of the night, armed men attacked St. Mary's Assyrian Catholic Church in Baghdad; they wounded two Christian guards, one seriously. Later the same day, bombs were set off at two Christian-owned businesses, both near the church; they killed one Christian shop owner, a parishioner at St. Mary's. Since the U.S. "liberation" of Iraq in 2003, 73 churches have been attacked or bombed, and more than half of the country's Christian population has either fled or been killed.

Kenya: Motorbike assailants hurled an explosive device into the Earthquake Miracle Ministries Church in Mrima village church compound during the Sunday of June 9, injuring 15 people, including one pastor who had both his legs broken, another pastor who sustained serious injuries, and a 10-year-old child. Said another church leader, "The Christians living around the scene of the incident are still in shock and are wondering as to the mission behind the attack, while several pastors looked demoralized. But others said prayers will help them stand strong in sharing the Christian faith." Islamic extremists from Somalia's jihadi organization Al Shabaab are suspected of this and other attacks on Christians in the coastal areas of Kenya.

Nigeria: Four churches were burned in an attack committed by members of the jihadi group Boko Haram in Borno State in the Muslim-majority north of the country. According to Agenzia Fides, "A group of armed men with improvised explosive devices and petrol bombs attacked the Hwa'a, Kunde, Gathahure and Gjigga communities on Gwoza Hills, burning the 4 churches, raiding and looting cattle and grain reserves belonging to the population." Discussing the ongoing terrorism Christians in the north are exposed to, one pastor lamented, "There are Christian villages that have been completely wiped out by these Muslim terrorists… Christian fellowship activities and evangelism outreaches are no longer possible…. For a number of years, the attacks on Christians in these three local government areas have caused the displacement of thousands of Christians there. There is a very lamentable problem, as we are no longer able to worship God as Christians in this part of Nigeria."

Syria: An Islamic jihadi rebel wearing a suicide belt reportedly detonated himself outside the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church in an old Christian quarter in Damascus; the attack left four people dead and several injured. Rebel sources confirmed the attack but said it was caused by a mortar bomb. Around the same time, jihadi rebels massacred the Christian village of al-Duwair near Homs, while destroying its churches. Also, according to Agenzia Fides, a Belgian Catholic priest, Fr. Daniel Maes, 74, of the religious Order of "Canons Regular Premonstratensian," was last reported as being "in the sights of jihadi groups who intend to eliminate him and invade the monastery of San James mutilated in Qara," which dates back to the fifth century. Earlier the priest had denounced the "ethnic cleansing" carried out on Christians in Qusair, after the town was taken by the rebels and jihadi groups: "The surrounding Christian villages were destroyed and all the faithful who were caught were killed, according to a logic of sectarian hatred… For decades, Christians and Muslims lived in peace in Syria. If criminal gangs can roam and terrorize civilians, is this not against international laws? Who will protect the innocent and ensure the future of this country? … Young people are disappointed, because foreign powers dictate their agenda. Moderate Muslims are worried, because Salafists and fundamentalists want to impose a totalitarian dictatorship of religious nature. The citizens are terrified because they are innocent victims of armed gangs."

Attacks on Christian Freedom: Apostasy, Blasphemy, Proselytism
Indonesia: The Indonesian Ulema Council in Tegal issued a fatwa against Catholic schools, saying they are "forbidden" and "morally unsound" for young Muslim students, despite its pupils, both Muslim and Christian, routinely scoring higher than in other schools. "For the schools," reported Asia News, "the fatwa is a great blow, coming in the wake of attacks from Muslim extremists and local governments that included threats of closure that were however eventually dropped… [M]any Muslim families have come to the defence of the two schools, claiming their right to a quality education. In fact, many schools run by nuns, priests and lay Catholics offer such excellence in education that they are sought after by non-Christians." Earlier the influential Indonesian Ulema Council lashed out during flag-raising "because Mohammed never did it;" before that announcement, the Islamic clerics "launched anathemas against Facebook for its 'amoral' nature, as well as yoga, smoking and voting rights, in particular for women."

Pakistan: A 16-year-old boy who converted to Christianity from Islam a year ago, and began attending Bible lessons in a Protestant community, was abducted in Peshawar. Local sources said he was kidnapped by Taliban-linked Islamic militants "and his fate may already be marked, as he is considered 'guilty of apostasy,'" the penalty of which is death. As one Pakistani pastor explained: "If a young Muslim converts to Christianity in Pakistan, he is forced to live in hiding. Every Muslim might feel compelled to kill him. The change of religion is not punished by the civil law, it is punishable by Islamic law. For this reason cases of Muslim conversion to Christianity are very rare and some convert in secret."

Somalia: Islamic terrorists from Al Shabaab ("The Youth") publicly executed a 28-year-old man after determining that he had in fact become a Christian. Aiming at his head, he was shot "to death." As Morning Star News explains, "Somalis are considered Muslim by birth, and apostasy, or leaving Islam, is punishable by death." After the execution, the man's parents, widow and son fled the region. The Al-Qaeda linked Al Shabaab has vowed to cleanse Somalia of all Christian presence, and its members have murdered dozens of Muslim converts to Christianity.

Uzbekistan: Four police officers raided the home of a 76-year-old Christian woman, ill with Parkinson's disease. After removing her from her bed and without producing a search warrant, they "turned everything in the home upside down," and confiscated her Bible and other Christian materials. Since then, the woman has been subjected to innumerable legal proceedings. Most recently, she was convicted of "Illegal production, storage, or import into Uzbekistan with a purpose to distribute or distribution of religious materials by physical persons." The judge ordered that her Bible, 14 Christian books, six DVDs and a video be destroyed. She was told by court officials, "This is a Muslim country and all of your Christian books including the Bible are outlawed." Because these proceedings have caused her extreme anxiety, after one hearing an ambulance was called for her.

Dhimmitude: A Climate of Hate and Contempt
Bangladesh: A mob of some "60 extremists" raided a predominantly Christian village. According to the Barnabas Aid group, "they plundered the residents' livestock and other possessions and threatened to return to burn down homes. The attackers then moved on to nearby Bolakipur and targeted a Christian seminary. Battering down the doors, they forced their way into the building and severely beat the rector and a number of students. The previous day, two church leaders from Tumilia were beaten and robbed."

Egypt: "Unknown persons" kidnapped a 7-year-old Christian girl in Dakhaleya Province in northern Egypt. The girl, Jessica Nadi Gabriel, was attending a wedding ceremony with her family when she was seized and torn away. Her father later revealed that the 7-year-old girl's abductors called him demanding a ransom of 650,000 Egyptian Pounds (nearly $100,000 USD). Two weeks earlier, a 6-year-old Coptic boy who was kidnapped and held for ransom, was still killed and discarded in the sewer—even after his family paid the Muslim kidnapper the demanded ransom. Also, a Coptic Christian man named Milad, living in Tanta, said that "unknown persons" invited him and his family to renounce Christianity and submit to Islam and convert. According to widely-read Egyptian newspaper, Youm7, "They also snatched at the crucifix he was wearing around his neck, and threatened to kidnap his children and wife if he refused to convert to Islam." As they wore the trademark white robes and long beards, the man identified them as members of the Salafi movement in Egypt. Meanwhile, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was urging the Coptic pope to forbid the Copts from protesting against Muslim Brotherhood rule -- even though they, as Christians, would suffer under it most -- while Al Azhar, the world's oldest Islamic university, based in Cairo, called on new Catholic Pope, Francis I, to declare that "Islam is a peaceful religion."

Iran: According to a June 19 Morning Star News report, "Six more Christians were sentenced for practicing their faith last week, while Iran's presidential election of a moderate politician was not expected to soften the regime's persecution of religious minorities." The same six Christians had been arrested earlier in February 2012, when police raided their house-church meeting. Officials rejected their appeal for release on bail; they are being held in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz, which houses hardened criminals and often lacks heating or health facilities, and where officials routinely deny medical treatment to prisoners.

Pakistan: Three months after a mob of 3,000 Muslims attacked a Christian neighborhood in Lahore, burning down two churches and 160 Christian homes, few of the perpetrators are in prison. Hundreds of those detained immediately after the incident were released; of the 83 who were arrested, 31 have been released on bail. "Most of the people who were stopped after the attack were declared innocent by the police and immediately released, for corruption or political pressure," said a Christian lawyer. Meanwhile, the Christian whose arrest on blasphemy charges was the occasion for the rampage has gone on trial, even as he insists he never insulted Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Palestinian Authority: Five schools in Gaza—two Catholic and three Christian—face closure if the Hamas government follows through on an order forbidding co-educational institutions. According to Fr. Faysal Hijazin: "This will be a big problem. We hope they will not go through with it, but if they do, we will be in big trouble. We don't have the space and we don't have the money to divide our schools." In addition to finding additional space, he said, the schools face having to hire more teachers. Under Islamic law, men and women teachers would not be allowed to teach classes to members of the opposite sex older than the age of 10. "It is a concern that in education things are getting more conservative," said the priest. "It reflects the whole society. This is of concern to both Christians and moderate Muslims. It is not easy to be there."

Tanzania: Two Christian pastors were attacked by Muslims. On the night of Sunday, June 2, a Muslim mob broke into the home of Robert Ngai, the pastor of the Evangelical Assemblies of God Church in northeastern Tanzania, and attacked him with machetes. The pastor received serious cuts on his hands and arms when he raised them to protect his head from the blows; when last heard of, he was in the intensive care unit. Two nights earlier, the home of Daudi Nzumbi, Pastor of the Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania congregation in Geita, also came under attack. However, the attackers fled after they were confronted by Pastor Nzumbi's large, barking dogs. When Nzumbi called police, the officer in charge told him, "I cannot protect every pastor!"

About this Series

Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching pandemic proportions, "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
  1.  To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
  2. To show that such persecution is not "random," but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia.
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws that criminalize and punish with death those who "offend" Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like dhimmis, or second-class, "tolerated" citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination.

Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and throughout the West wherever there are Muslims—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.

See Through Plaids- NYFW DAY 6-

3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,

3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
3.1 Phillip Lim, bittersweet colours, COLORS, cooee jewelry, NYFW, nyfw 2013, prints, street style, Zara, Jenny Packham,Alon Livne, S/S 2014 Collections,See through trend, Plaid trend, Fashion Shenzhen,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection

 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Jenny Packham S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Alon Livne S/S 2014 Collection

Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Alon Livne  S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
 Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection

Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,
Fashion Shenzhen S/S 2014 Collection, NYFW, NYFW 2013, BITTERSWEET COLOURS ,

Sachin + Babi

 NYFW day 6 is here!
 See through plaid top and grey shorts were my go - to pieces that I chose to wear on a very hot day!
I hope you enjoyed my posts during this week in New York. I really wanted to send you every day a glimpse ( through my lenses) of what I saw here and of what I wore... ( i have more outfits from New York to show you, so NYC posts are not ending here ..)
A very special thanks to the amazing Polyvore team for having me once again as a community corespondent and to all of you for the constant visit and the wonderful comments!
See you soon:)

                                                                              Top: Zara/ option Here and Here  
                                                                              Shorts: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ similar Here and Here
                                                                              Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim/ Here and on SALE Here
                                                                              Shoes: Shoemint/ similar Here
                                                                              Necklace: c/o Cooee/ Here
                                                                              Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren