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Business Loans vs. Consumer Loans (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

As seen in the following chart, I really don't think we're going to make it back to the top of the parabolic trend channel any time soon.

Click to enlarge.

It would seem that businesses (in comparison to consumers) have just about had their fill of Bernanke's Free Money Spell.

Money Spells: Cast a Free Money Spell

Choose this money spell to receive a large sum of money or make someone else receive a large sum of money.

These are Real Spells that work for free

Genius! Why don't more people know about this? It's so simple, it's bound to work!

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

9-year-old Boy Struck By Van While Attempting To Get Yellow Ball In Milwaukee's Southside

A 9-year-old boy was struck by mini van while crossing street.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 22, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Sunday, a 9-year-old boy was struck by a gray mini van around 3:15 p.m. at the 1900 block of S. 16th Street while attempting to cross the street to get a yellow ball. An 8-year-old boy (friend) who was playing with the injured boy says, "they were playing with a yellow ball and it went into the busy street to the other side of S. 16th St." The 9-year-old boy who was identified as David J. looked both ways before crossing the street to get the ball on the West side of S. 16th St. and no traffic was approaching the mid section of the 1900 block of S. 16th. Then, when David was crossing in mid block, he was suddenly struck on his right side by the Southbound van, according to his young friend. 
During the impact, David was thrown about half a block from where he was struck and ended up in the middle of the intersection of W. Rogers St. and S. 16th St.
Milwaukee firefighters arrived at the scene, David was conscious and breathing and answering questions about his extend of the injuries. 
David was transported to Children's Hospital for treatment by Milwaukee Fire Department paramedics. His tearful mother who doesn't speak English was allowed to accompany her child to the hospital. The extent of the injuries is not known.
His 8-year-old male friend was left crying and several other friends were left wondering about David's condition.
Police also responded to the incident and the driver of the gray van was questioned about the incident. No information was released, if the driver will be cited. The driver remained at the scene after striking the 9-year-old boy with his mini van.


Social Insecurity (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 10-year moving average of personal current transfer receipts divided by private production and nonsupervisory employee earnings. I have added a parabolic trend line in red.

Click to enlarge.

Can you say epic trend failure?

AC/DC - Down Payment Blues

Get myself a steady job
Some responsibility
Can't even feed my cat
On Social Security

Hiding from the rent man
They make me wanna cry
Sheriff knockin' on my door
Ain't it funny how the time flies

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Bordeaux Excess

A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,

A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,

A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,
A.L.C leather pants, Americana Manhasset, bittersweet colours, Burgundy, Christian Louboutin, fall colors, Fall trends, New York, street style, Tres Jewellery, vintage,

From deep shades of burgundy color to powdery delicate pink, these days I'm oscillating between these BITTERSWEET COLOURS! This is the kind of mix that I 'm always looking for and the resulat is always great. I wore this outfit last week in New York at the 21st Annual Fall Luncheon & Fashion Show.
I hope you like it!

                                                                                    Jacket: vintage/ great option HereHere and Here 
                                                                                    Sweater: Preswick & Moore/ similar Here and Here 
                                                                                    Leather pants: A.L.C/ Here and Here 
                                                                                    Shoes: Christian Louboutin/ Here 
                                                                                    Bag: Innue/ option Here 
                                                                                    Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren
                                                                                    Ring: c/o Tres Jewellery/ Here 

Whither Goeth America? ... J. D. Longstreet

Whither Goeth America?    ...   J. D. Longstreet
Whither Goeth America?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

In my youth there was a popular song entitled: “Save Your Confederate Money, Boys… the South Is Gonna Rise Again!”

I began thinking about it as I watched a group of talking heads discussing the future of America, as a single entity comprised of 50 states.  The consensus was -- America will not survive as a 50-state nation.  It is a conclusion, which I, unhappily, arrived at years ago.

I am convinced we Americans are being lied to by our government. I am also convinced our economy is on the verge of collapse.  Maybe it is just my natural paranoia, but I simply don’t see the “silver lining” inside the dark clouds hanging low over Wall Street and other financial centers in America. I think we are in for a total collapse of our economic system.

What then?

Well, we start over. I mean, literally, we START OVER.

Stand back, mentally, and take an objective look at the country we call the UNITED

States of America. Can we really say we are UNITED?  I mean, REALLY?  If we are truthful we have to admit the union has been strained since its inception.  Sure, we were united against the British during the Revolution… and several times since. But that lasted only until around 1840.  Things went downhill rapidly in the 1840’s and 1850’s.  By the spring of 1861 we are at war, internally, with each other. It was the most vicious war Americans have ever fought.  United peoples don’t fight each other; certainly not the way Americans did in the War Between the States.
After four years of the bloodiest war this continent has ever seen, my southern ancestors were forced back into “The UNION” at the point of a bayonet – a bayonet, which was wielded by Federal Government very unlike the federal government the colonies/states created to act as their agent. At that moment -- power slipped from the hands of the people into the hands of the government and Americans have never been able to reacquire it, or rescue it, from the grasping fist of that government – a government many now say has gone rogue.

There is an old expression I have heard all my life.  It says:  “When one door closes, another door opens.”  If that is the case, then we Americans may have a chance, and fairly soon, to set aright much that has been wrong with our country since the middle of the 19thcentury. 

The State Sovereignty Movement has been underway for many months now and the last report I saw had the figure at close to two-dozen states already involved, to one degree or another.  That is close to HALF the states!  For more on the State Sovereignty Movement go HERE.

No, I don’t think there will be another civil war in America.  I think we learned our lesson from the last one.  I have come to believe that, when the time comes, we will simply agree to separate.  I'm not sure, geographically, how that will play out.  But, it will not, necessarily, be a north/south split.  Some think the northeastern states will most likely join with Canada.  Frankly, I am not so sure.  I see the northeastern states becoming the countryof “New England.” a socialist nation.
To say that the Old Confederacy will re-emerge, is a bit of a stretch.  Although, there is at least one group, I am aware of, that would certainly like to see that.  But we are a different people than our confederate ancestors.  Having said that, I DO believe, however, that many of the contiguous southern states will make an attempt at forming a country of their own.

Texas will, most likely, revert back to a republic. I’d have to guess that the mid-western states, where the labor unions have such a death grip, would form some sort of union as a socialist confederation of some sort. The plains states and the mountain states, well, I have no idea what they will do, but I do see them forming a country of their own – a republic of some sort.

The states of the west coast will, no doubt, become a socialist/Marxist nation more closely allied with Red China than with it’s former sister states.

Taking a closer look at the southern tier of states I can see them adopting the original US Constitution and making an effort to revive the original country, with the original government, as the founders of the US had intended (as they made clear so many times in the Federalist Papers).

So, there is the possibility what we now refer to, as the USA will become 4 or even 5 different countries. Which of the new nations will blossom and thrive?  My money will be on the southern states… if they heed the mistakes of their forbearers and make every effort not to make those mistakes again.

The important thing is to be able to live peaceably with each other on this continent.  That will be no mean task, for when the socialist states begin to fail; there will be a huge migration of their citizens to the southern states.  That will create immense friction between the states.

This is not an easy thing to contemplate. It is, most assuredly, unpleasant to talk about.  But each of us needs to evaluate our principles and determine our own paths into the future. 
Obama told us plainly, during his campaign for President, that he intended to “fundamentally” change America.  If he has not accomplished anything else, he has certainly accomplished that.

© J. D. Longstreet

Revolving Credit vs. Disposable Personal Income (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 10-year moving average of the natural logarithm of the ratio of revolving credit to disposable personal income.

Click to enlarge.

When using natural logarithms, constant growth is seen as a straight line. We aren't seeing a straight line though. Instead, we're seeing a nearly perfect upside down parabola.

Over the long-term, this particular growth engine is done. Stick a fork in it.

The future's so bright I gotta roll over in symphony. (Pun intended.)

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Michael Kors f/w 2013 Fashion Presentation by AMERICANA MANHASSET

bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,

bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,
bittersweet colours, New York, Americana Manhasset, Michael Kors, Michael Kors f/w 2013 Collection, event,

This weekend I'll take a short break from my NYFW posts to present you an event that I attended this week in New York. 
Americana Manhasset invited me to the 21st Annual Fall Luncheon & Fashion Show- featuring  2013 F/W Michael Kors Collection at the Old Westbury Gardens. Every September they provide a fantastic Fashion Show, each year a different designer, to support Women's Health Committee.
For over twenty years, Partners Council for Woman's Health has devoted their energies and resources to educating woman about their own health and raising significant founds to ensure that cutting-edge programs, facilities and the latest technological advances are always available to the women of our community.
I had the pleasure (for the first time) to be backstage and to see how the models makeup and hair is done and I also had a closer look at the collection, a collection that I really like!
Moments like this when fashion and great causes are united in one event are priceless and I'm grateful that I was a part of it. 
Thank you Americana Manhasset for having me once again!

3-year-old Boy Among 13 Shot With AK-47 Military Grade Assault Rifle At Chicago Park

Deonta Howard

The shooting victims range from ages 3 to 41 years of age and no was reported killed. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 20, 2013

Chicago, Illinois - On Thursday, police responded to a massive shooting at the Back of the Yards neighborhood Cornell Square Park at the 1800 block of W. 51st Street. Around 10:15 p.m., a lone gunman walked up to a basketball court in the southside park and fired an AK-47 military grade 7.62 mm caliber assault rifle at the crowd. Sixteen spent cartridges were later recovered in the park area for evidence.
Thirteen victims were reported injured including Deonta Howard, 3, who was shot in the ear and the bullet exited his cheek. He is expected to have cosmetic surgery to repair facial damage.
The twelve other victims range in ages from 15 to 41-years-old. A boy, 15, was shot in the arm; a girl, 17, shot in the foot; a man, 21, shot in the leg; a woman, 23, shot in the foot; a man, 24, shot twice in the stomach; a man, 25, shot in the knee; a man, 27, shot in his wrist and leg; a man, 31, shot in the buttocks; a woman, 33, shot in the shoulder; a man 33, shot in the leg and a 41-year-old man also shot in the buttocks. Twelve of the injured victims were taken to numerous hospitals for treatment, the 33-year-old man who was shot in the leg drove himself to a hospital, police reported.
All the victims are expected to survive.
Police believe it was a gang related shooting, but no suspects have been arrested. Neighbors near the park report that the area is not patrolled regularly by police and the zone is considered gang infested by authorities. 
Chicago had just been ranked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the number one murder capital in the U.S. Chicago out ranked the City of New York (NYC) with 500 reported homicides in 2012.
In 2011, NYC had 515 homicides compared to Chicago with 431.

The FBI reported that crime statistics showed the following 15 U.S. cities with the most reported homicides in 2012.

1. Chicago reported 500 murders
2. New York, 419
3. Detroit, 386
4. Philadelphia, 331
5. Los Angeles, 299
6. Baltimore, 219
7. Houston,  217
8. New Orleans, 193
9. Dallas, 154
10. Memphis, 133
11. Oakland, 126
12. Phoenix, 124
13. St. Louis, 113
14. Kansas City, 105, and
15. Indianapolis with 101 murders

Source FBI

Senator Rand Paul Getting it Exactly Right...

Senator Rand Paul Getting it Exactly Right...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs-Tyranny

 You certainly won't hear many disagreeing with Senator Paul's position on this one. Well, that is of course unless you're really a big government fanatic that believes Big Bother has every right to every aspect of your life. Keep on pressing on this one Senator Paul. Maybe you could start a "Repeal the Patriot Act" movement while you're at it? Read the the full story  HERE Via: Memeorandum

The Typical Retail Trade Employee's Near Miss

The following chart shows the 12-month moving average of weekly hours worked by production and nonsupervisory retail trade employees.

Click to enlarge.

This is your captain. I have good news and bad news.

First, the good news. Although it appeared to be a sure thing, I am pleased to report that we averted the disaster of hitting the median. The plane stalled just in the nick of time.

Now, the bad news. Similar to the period from 2003 to 2009, we are once again screaming towards the ground again. Please assume crash positions.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
BLS: Employment

Red Lobster in Mourning (Musical Tribute)

September 20, 2013
Revamps for Olive Garden, Red Lobster fall flat

Despite the moves, sales fell 4 percent at Olive Garden restaurants open at least a year in the latest quarter. The figure was down 5.2 percent at Red Lobster, where the company added more non-seafood options to attract a broader audience. Darden has blamed its troubles on a variety of factors, including more cautious spending by consumers.

Red Lobster at night
Investor's delight
Red Lobster in mourning
Investor's warning

This post inspired by Watchtower in the comments found here.

See Also:
Is the old adage “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning” true, or is it just an old wives’ tale?

Peak Covered Employment per Capita

Click to enlarge.

How can any rational person look at that chart and only see the best possible outcome?

As a side note, we're currently being pulled down and away from the long-term parabolic trend by the 41% reading in July.


Here's a chart of the raw data so you can see where we currently are relative to the long-term trend.

Click to enlarge.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Guerrero, Father Of Five U.S. Born Children Awaits An Obama Miracle To Stay His Deportation Order

Ulises Guerrero and Isaac

Photo courtesy of La Opinion

Guerrero was caught in 2008 working after over staying a tourist visa in California. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 20, 2013

Los Angeles, California - Ulises Guerrero, 33, originally from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico is facing deportation, if an immigration judge issues a final order for his removal by next week on September 26, La Opinion reported. Guerrero came to the U.S. as a tourist in 2002 and immediately began to work. In 2008, Guerrero while working at Micro Solutions Enterprises in Van Nuys was taken into custody by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after they raided the company and arrested 138 undocumented workers including Guerrero who didn't have authorization to work and over stayed his tourist visa.
Guerrero is married to Sandra Zamorano and has five children that were born in the U.S., with the youngest, Isaac being just a month old. 
Community members from San Fernando, Panorama City, Ventura, Oxnard, Los Angeles, Lynwood and the organization Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional have launched a letter writing campaign to draw President Obama's attention to Guerrero's deportation case. Guerrero wants to remain in the country.
Community organizations in Los Angeles will hold a march on September 22 for immigration reform and are calling for Obama to halt deportations. At least 1,400 undocumented immigrants are deported daily leaving more than 400,000 families without a mother or father as the main income wage earners annually. 

Eight Unit Building Vacated After Upper Back Porch Collapsed Injuring Two

Department of Neighborhood Services boarded up the building after a back cement porch on the fourth floor collapsed causing two lower porches to also collapse all the way to the ground floor.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 20, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - A southside eight apartment unit at the 2400 block of W. National Ave. on the southwest corner was vacated and boarded up after a 42-year-old Spanish speaking repairman just after 4:00 p.m. fell through multiple back porch cement sections. The injured repairman man was doing some repairs on the fourth floor porch when the cement floor collapsed and went through the other floors below him ending on the ground level.
A 14-year-old girl who was taking out trash and was returning inside with a friend got crushed by some falling debris. The friend was not injured. 
Both the repairman and girl were reported with none serious injuries and were taken to Froedtert Hospital for treatment, according to police.
The City of Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services has vacated, closed and boarded up the eight unit building and has temperarily condemned the building. Several dozen residents were being helped by the Red Cross with a temperary place to stay.
No word, when the tenants can go back into the building and remove their belongings, if it is condemn. 
No record of current repair permits have been confirmed, according to city officials. The repairman might have been doing some repair work without city permits.
Inspectors have gone through the building to see, if it was safe to let people back in to the building.
The aging building had at least 40 building code violations in the last five years and had also received an order to fix several back porch stairwell metal columns, according to city records.


That Losing Summer At The Box Office ... J. D. Longstreet

That Losing Summer At The Box Office   ...   J. D. Longstreet
That Losing Summer At The Box Office
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Hollywood has experienced one losing film after another this summer.  It has been expensive, and it has been embarrassing, as well.  Millions upon millions of dollars were pumped into those major movies and still -- they flopped.

A couple of things:  First, the writing of late has been, in this scribe's opinion, lousy!  So-called "block-buster" movies based on comic book characters, no less, and remakes of past hits, plus remakes of remakes.

The lack of imagination, and creativity is bad enough, but add to that the political activity of the "stars" and it has, in my opinion, soured the audience toward Hollywood's products and that includes the actors and actresses who spout their half-baked Marxist ideas on screen and stage in the middle of a performance for which the audience has just paid good, hard-earned money in hopes on being entertained not indoctrinated.       

 I am sick and tired of Hollywood’s elite “emoting” with their foolish and totally unsound ideas on American politics.  More often than not, their “pearls of wisdom” are counterfeit, and much less than wise, quite often exposing the unfathomable depths of their ignorance of the representative republic the forefathers planned for us.

To attend a paid performance of one of these Hollywood pundits and, right in the middle of the performance you PAID for, have them rattle off their leftist views of the Republican Party is in the poorest of tastes.  But -- whoever thought taste and class was present in the culture of Hollywood.

Have you noticed how their political diatribes bear remarkable likenesses to rehashed communist propaganda film dialogue from the 1950’s?   Is that a coincidence?  I doubt it.

Senator Joe McCarthy tried to warn America that Hollywood was crawling with commies way back in the 1950's.  He was destroyed by the equally left-leaning mainstream media over six decades ago.  

The thing is, you see, once I have heard one of these "stars," these intellectual lightweights, spout their hate of Conservatives it is never out of my mind when viewing, or listening, to them practice their art. 

An actor who spews hatred for conservatives, or for our constitution, or our capitalist system, for instance, and then asks me to accept him as the character he is currently portraying on the big screen, or the TV screen, is asking me to do the impossible.  I cannot do it.  I can only suspend my disbelief so far ... and then only for short periods.  

I wonder: is all this contributing to their gigantic losses at the box office?   Have the leftist actors felt it in their pocketbooks yet?  Oh, they will.  And then their little secret will be exposed:  They ARE capitalists after all!  

The pain caused by the loss in revenue will be even more intense amongst those who put up the money for the production of those terribly expensive flops.  The question then arises, how long will the money men, and money women, of Hollywood put up with the loose lips of the left wing activists among the acting community of Hollywood?

Many of us, myself included, will not watch a movie, even on TV, in which a left wing activist is starring.  I cannot get past their “air headedness”.   I mean these are people hired to play a part because they are good at “pretending” they are somebody else.  How do we know when the acting, the pretending, stops and the real person, if there is one there, steps forward?

I am convinced that one of the reasons the Liberal left is so prominent in Hollywood is the tendency of liberals to base their politics on feelings, on emotions, not fact and reality.  Actors, you see, make a living emoting, using their emotions and playing upon the ‘feelings’ of the public. It, then, is the most natural thing in the world for emoting actors to hook-up with a political party of emotions.  One could hardly be surprised at that.

In the days of the Hollywood studios, actors who made their politics known, let alone publicly supported one political party, or the other, would quickly find himself, or herself, without a contract and out on the street.  Why -- because it hurts business.  Plain and simple.

So, next time Hollywood wants to realistically look at why their revenue from motion pictures is down, maybe they ought to take a look at the political causes with which their actor’s associate themselves, and then compare the actor’s politics with the politics of the majority of Americans.  They will be surprised.  We won’t… but they will.

“Freedom of Speech”, they yell!  Of course it is.  They have the freedom to speak anything they want.  But … I have the freedom not to listen, and, in the case of the actors, not to buy a ticket to one of their movies.

It seems a lot of Americans are exercising that last “right” these days.

© J. D. Longstreet - 2013

Pop Quiz: Bernanke vs. Berezniki

Pop Quiz: Bernanke vs. Berezniki
Which one has the more unstoppable sinkhole policy?


January 6, 2010
Obama Backs Bernanke for Likely 2nd Term - CBS News

The Fed is all but certain to keep its key bank lending rate - it affects a wide range of rates on consumer loans - at a record low near zero when the meeting concludes on Wednesday.

It is also expected to renew a pledge to hold rates at record lows for an "extended period" to nurture the recovery. Economists think that means rates will stay where they are for at least six more months.

At least 6 months! And in hindsight, give or take 5 years or more! Hurray!


13 of the Biggest, Strangest, and Most Devastating Sinkholes on Earth

2. Berezniki

In Soviet Russia, the ground moves you. Berezniki’s sinkhole began in 1986 and just grows worse with each passing year. It’s unstoppable. Currently it’s over 200m deep, 80m long and 40m wide. In case you’re thinking “Berezniki? Who cares?” you should know that 10% of the world output of potash comes from this area, and the sinkhole is very close to destroying the mine’s sole rail line.

Unstoppable! Very close to destroying the mine's sole rail line! Hurray!

Too much sarcasm?

Real Retail And Food Services Sales per Retail Employee (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Pope Francis Continuing to Signal Change Says "Church can't 'interfere' with gays"...

Pope Francis Continuing to Signal Change Says "Church can't 'interfere' with gays"...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

"We must meet one another doing good. 'But I don't believe Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: we will meet one another there." Pope Francis

The behemoth that is the Catholic Church, with all its unbending rigid dogmatic principles just might be undergoing historic changes. Pope Francis is continuing to signal a much greater openness and tolerance in general. He is looking more and more like the right Pope at the right time to attempt reform within the Church hierarchy. Read the full story at CNN.

Via: Memeorandum

Real Annualized International Trade per Capita

Click to enlarge.

Let's zoom in for a closer look.

Click to enlarge.

Sorry, China. It looks like we're pretty much done being your exponential growth engine.

August 11, 2013
China Faces Years Of Slowing GDP Growth, Top Strategist Says

“We need to get used to the fact that the boom is over,” said Andy Rothman, China macro strategist at brokerage CLSA. “The days when you could just roll out of bed and make money, or the days when you could expect that the growth rate for most things was going to be faster next year — that’s done. We should expect that for the foreseeable future, every year on average, most major economic data points are going to be growing more slowly.”

It could never happen here of course. This is America. Thanks to perma-ZIRP, booms will never end again! Hurray!

Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts
If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck
Before an audience of death

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart