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Business Loans vs. Deposits

Click to enlarge.

For the love of all that is holy, please stop depositing so much cash in the banks. They've already got the Holy Grail. They certainly don't need yours!

Some of us would like to actually earn more than 0.49% on 5-year CDs again. So stop already!

1.0049^5 = 1.0247

2.47% total return in 5 years? I say bury that cash instead! What's the worst that could happen?

The Worst that Could Happen

Do *not* weasel your investment! Bury it deep! Cash makes a horrible mulch!

This is gardening advice and as such should not be confused with investment advice.

See Also:
Hyperinflation Theories Poned Again

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

The Great Nation That Was...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

"Declaration" by John Trumbull depicting the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

As Americans watch and witness the evolution of our democratic republic as it locks itself into partisan ideological positions that may result in the shutdown of our government and have far reaching global economic implications I found some solace, and hope, in the following article. I have reproduced it here (in full) in the hopes that authentic modern day Patriots will rally around our defining principles and "do the right thing."

By James Roger Sharp - This year marks the 237th anniversary of our revolution and independence. And while we celebrate this milestone, it should not be lost sight of that the American Revolution is universally viewed as one of the most extraordinary and significant events in modern history. A major catalyst for revolutions throughout the globe, it made the United States the very symbol of human freedom.

As Americans seemed to be moving inexorably toward independence in 1776, they shared a strong sense that they were seeking something that had far greater significance than simply gaining independence from England. Rather, they saw themselves as inventing a new kind of society based upon the sovereignty of the people and their natural rights to freedom--a society that would be the envy and goal of all peoples on earth.

In a bold and electrifying document, the Declaration of Independence, our Founders proclaimed to the world that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Clearly, the Revolution did not accomplish all of these lofty aspirations immediately. Millions of Africans remained in slavery until the Civil War, and women and minorities are still fighting to become fully equal partners with men. But, as incomplete as the Revolution was in the fulfillment of its remarkable idealism, it was the impetus for a process of change that is still working itself out within our society to fulfill those noble objectives.

Abraham Lincoln later eloquently summed up the meaning of the Declaration when he said that the Founders had not intended to declare "all men equal in all respects." But rather had meant to "set up a standard maxim for free society, which should be... constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence, and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people of all colors everywhere."

But how successful are we in the twenty-first century in measuring up to the expectations of our Founders? Are we "constantly" laboring for and "spreading and deepening" the values and beliefs of the Declaration?

In a number of categories, we seem to be falling short.

For example, wealth is more unequally divided today than in the age of our Founders. At the time of the American Revolution, the wealthiest 10 percent owned approximately 45 percent of the wealth. In this century the top 10 percent own roughly 66 to 70 percent of it. Furthermore, it is estimated that the United States now has a greater gap between rich and poor than any other western democracy.

This disparity undoubtedly would have alarmed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Louis D. Brandeis (1916-1939). He is reported to have said that "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

In addition, our political system often appears to be a closed, isolated and stultified one run by politicians more concerned with being reelected than carrying out their governing responsibilities.

Despite the historic low approval rating of Congress, incumbents have become nearly unbeatable. With their name recognition and money from lobbyists and other special interests acting as formidable deterrents to challengers, incumbents were reelected to their seats in Congress 94.1 percent of the time in the 22 years from 1988 to 2010.

Furthermore, state legislatures redraw congressional district boundaries every 10 years to take into account new census data and carve up states in such a way as to almost guarantee a solid majority in those districts for one party or another.

This gerrymandering aggravates the undemocratic non-competitiveness of Congress. In the 2012 election, for example, Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives won a national plurality of 1.4 million votes. Despite this, the Republicans--because of the congressional redistricting after the 2010 Census--retained their 234 to 201 majority in the House. Only one other time since World War II has one party won a plurality of the vote, without gaining the majority in the House of Representatives.

The 4th of July, then, is perhaps the best time for each of us to take stock of our commitment to our Founders' vision of a society dedicated to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.

It is obvious that we have made enormous progress as a nation since the American Revolution. We are still the beacon of hope for oppressed peoples throughout the world. But, there cannot be a relaxed resting on our laurels attitude, but rather the safeguarding of our democracy requires a jealous and vigilant guarding of our democratic principles and a constant striving to bring our society in harmony with the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, which was and continues to be the emblematic credo that defines us as a nation.

The following words of Louis Brandeis are making a lot of sense in our current climate of believing the reciting Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" on the floor of the United States Senate should be considered representative on 21st century American beliefs.

'We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.'

Good night and good luck America. We're certainly going to need it.

Via: Memeorandum

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day
September 26, 2013
China investment opportunities today: Jim Rogers

"In the 19th century in America, we had 15 depressions, with a 'd', and yet we became the most exciting and successful country in the 20th century."

"China's gonna have a lot of problems. I don't know what or when or why, but I know it's coming. But when they happen, take advantage of the opportunity, don't throw up your hands and say 'oh gosh, now I'm going to Denmark to learn Danish' or something."

Based on what I've heckled about China on this blog in the past, I'd definitely be throwing my hands up if I moved to China to learn Chinese. I'd be surrendering to the totalitarian authorities. No doubt about it. Sigh.

So yeah, if forced to choose, I'd prefer to go to Denmark to learn Danish' or something.

I consider myself very fortunate to have been born in America. This freedom allows me to publicly state that I believe Jim Rogers is a total doofus. This is not his first quote of the day. He's always full of inspiring "sarchasmic" witticisms!

This post inspired by "The High Price of Digging Up Dirt in China" as seen at Credit Bubble Stocks.

Has Iran Gone Nuclear Already?

Although the report comes originally from Maariv, an Israeli paper notorious for being far left and their reports have been far from the truth, I submit this to you, my truth seeker, so you can make an honest assessment.
Some Israeli government analysts believe Iran already has at least one nuclear bomb, an Israeli journalist wrote in an article published Friday.

Shalom Yerushalmi, writing in the national daily Maariv, said that “government security sources up to date on development in Iran,” told him recently that Tehran has crossed all points of no return and already has its first nuclear weapon, and maybe more.

The report marks the first time a government official has been quoted saying Iran already has a nuclear weapon. No sources in the piece were named.

The information, if true, would mark a major shift in international relations and would be a game changer in terms of a regional power balance.

“It’s too late for Israel [to prevent an Iranian bomb]. Iran has crossed all the borders and all the constraints, and it has a first nuclear bomb in its possession, and maybe more than that,” Yerushalmi writes, basing himself on what he says is the assessment he heard this week from state security sources. ”We are facing a historic change in the strategic balance of forces in the region.”

He then quotes a source who he says is deeply familiar with what he calls the relentless war against the Iranians. “This is no longer about how to prevent a bomb,” the source is quoted saying, “but about how to prevent its being launched, and what to do if and when.”

Yerushalmi, still basing himself on the anonymous security sources’ assessment, goes on to compare the current behavior of Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei, and new President Hasan Rouhani, in their interactions with the West, to a soccer coach at the end of a hard-fought match which he knows he has now won. The Iranian leadership is behaving with the air of “those who have achieved their target, and therefore can today afford to be more generous and to offer new (self-serving) messages.” The Iranian leadership can afford to be friendlier, he writes, “because victory has been secured.”

Maariv led its Friday paper with a photograph of a smiling Rouhani, alongside the headline, “What’s hiding behind the smile,” and a sub-headline quoting the security sources saying Iran now has “at least one bomb.” It then adds that most in the security establishment, however, still believe that this “nightmare scenario has not yet been realized.”

While most Western countries believe Iran’s nuclear program is intended for military purposes, officials in Israel, the US and elsewhere say Tehran has yet to “break out” toward a bomb, a process that could take over a year.

Iran, which on Thursday agreed to renewed talks with world powers on curbing its nuclear program, says its program is for peaceful purposes.

On Friday, Iranian and UN officials met to discuss whether to resume inspections meant to determine whether Tehran worked on atomic arms, in a test of pledges by Iran’s new president to reduce nuclear tensions.

Iranian envoy Reza Najafi said in Vienna that it would be unrealistic to expect that “in just one day of meeting we can solve our problems.”

Herman Nackaerts of the International Atomic Energy Agency said only that he hoped the meeting could “intensify the dialogue.”

The UN agency wants access to a site it suspects was used to test conventional explosive triggers meant to set off a nuclear blast.

A report released last month by the IAEA said that while Iran was testing new centrifuges, which could help it eventually create a nuclear weapon, its uranium stockpile was still below the amount needed for a bomb.

“It is unlikely, at this point, that Iran could dash toward further enrichment to weapons-grade without the IAEA detecting Tehran’s activities,” Reuters quoted the Arms Control Association, a Washington-based advocacy and research group.

Israel sees an Iranian nuclear weapon as an existential threat, and Jerusalem has campaigned vigorously around the world for heavy sanctions to be placed on Iran, with a threat of military action should those fail to stop the nuclear program.

Next week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to deliver a speech at the United Nations during which he is expected to press for maintaining pressure on Iran despite a recent easing of tensions between Tehran and the West. In comments Tuesday, Netanyahu urged the world not to be “fooled” by Iran’s newly moderate rhetoric, which he said was a “smokescreen” to obscure its continued drive toward nuclear weapons.

Israel would welcome a genuine diplomatic solution that truly dismantles Iran’s capacity to develop nuclear weapons,Netanyahu said. “But we will not be fooled by half-measures that merely provide a smokescreen for Iran’s continual pursuit of nuclear weapons. And the world should not be fooled either.”

If true this would explain why Iranian President Hasan Rouhani is talking about the UN stopping the sanctions.  After all they have already gotten nuclear weapons and sanctions did not stop them.  But President Barack Hussein Obama's appeasement not only is helping Iran, he is pleased with the progress they achieved.  Along with forcing Israel into the Auschwitz Borders, Obama is well underway to appease his Muslim masters and destroy the West in the process.  For after all  Obama has been in communications with Iran, capitulating to their demands, and accepting the fact that Iran not only has a nuclear weapon, but will attack Israel with the weapon while the world stands by as they finish the job Hitler started.


bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,

bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
I had a great time shooting together with this lovely lady, Ange...

bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, Fall trends, floral prints, Lincoln Center NYFW, NYFW, nyfw 2013, polka dots, polyvore, Ralph Lauren, Reed Krakoff, street style, vintage,

Finally it came the moment to post this outfit that I wore while we shot a video with Polyvore team. Let me tell you that this video was my first one and I was really nervous, but after a while I started being a little bit more comfortable with the whole "video idea"
We recorded at the Polyvore office, in the taxi on our way to Rebecca Minkoff Fashion Show, at the Lincoln Center and in our Hotel room. The result will be soon ready!
About this outfit I want to tell you a short story that is very close to my heart!
My mother had an influence in my style since I was a little girl and that day I actually wore one of her dresses ( and my all time favorite). I was probably 10 years old when my mum was wearing this floral printed dress and now after 21 years I wore this dress at NYFW... I hope this will pleasantly surprise her!

                                                                               Dress: vintage/ option HereHere and Here 
                                                                               Trench coat: Ralph Lauren/ Here and Here 
                                                                               Bag: Reed Krakoff/ Here and Here 
                                                                               Heels: Christian Louboutin/Here  
                                                                               Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren/ similar Here 

Guerrero Gets A Six Month Stay And Avoids Deportation To Mexico

Ulises Guerrero and Isaac

Photo courtesy of La Opinión

Immigration judge gave Guerrero six months to find an alternative to stay in the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 28, 2013

Los Angeles, California - Ulises Guerrero, 33, originally from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico was facing deportation on September 26, but won a stay for six months, La Opinión reported. U.S. Immigration Judge Robert E. Coughlon told Guerrero's attorney to look for an alternative for his client to remain in the country. Guerrero's next step would be to marry his live-in girlfriend who is the mother of Guerrero's two children, according to La Opinión.
Guerrero had prepared a suitcase, just in case the judge would have ordered him removed from the U.S.
Guerrero came to the U.S. as a tourist in 2002 and immediately began to work. In 2008, Guerrero while working at Micro Solutions Enterprises in Van Nuys was taken into custody by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after they raided the company and arrested 138 undocumented workers including Guerrero who didn't have authorization to work and over stayed his tourist visa.
Guerrero has been living with Sandra Zamorano and had two of his children that were born in the U.S., with the youngest, Isaac being just a month old. 
At least 1,400 undocumented immigrants are deported daily leaving more than 400,000 families without a mother or father as the main income wage earners annually. 
A recent study by the University of California-Merced reported that by 2014 nearly 2 million undocumented immigrants will be deported. The Obama administration will deport more people compared to prior administrations dating from 1892 to 1997, according to the study.

The Path to Infinite Leverage (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the inverse of the 10-year treasury yield. Why the inverse? At 0%, one could borrow an infinite amount of money and still pay the interest payments in full (without even breaking a sweat). When seen this way, 0% isn't a floor. It's infinity!

Click to enlarge.

Note that there has been a trend change. As seen in the difference between the red and blue exponential trend channels, the inverse is growing even faster than it once was. What does this mean? Rising interest rate environment my @$$! That's what. Just an opinion of course. Your opinion can and probably does vary.

But before you disagree, consider this. Our modern financially innovative over-leveraged society *requires* an exponentially increasing amount of leverage, lest it seize up (again). If not, please provide evidence to the contrary. I'm all ears. Further, an economy seizing up tends to be disinflationary (compared to what it was before it began to seize).

If I am right, then we better start learning Japanese economics, because that's where we are headed apparently. Welcome to the era of perma-ZIRP. And when I say perma-ZIRP, I do not mean over the next 10,000 years. It could easily be a LOT longer than most people think though. For savers looking for a relatively safe return, I expect the beatings to continue until morale improves. It's one reason I have not been scared about locking in long-term interest rates whenever the opportunity presented itself.

When you're at the end of the road
And you've lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

This is not investment advice. It's just the opinion of a perma-bear. That said, who honestly believes that the hangover is passing? We're not just drinking a hair of the dog that bit us. We're attempting to drink the whole frickin' dog again. Good luck on that one long-term!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

American Exceptionalism Diluted by Illegal Immigration ... J. D. Longstreet

American Exceptionalism Diluted by Illegal Immigration   ...   J. D. Longstreet
American Exceptionalism Diluted by Illegal Immigration
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Throughout history governments had lied to their constituents.  It is an indisputable fact of life. We Americans have been lied to, by our government, mercilessly, since our founding.  No matter where in the world you are reading this, rest assured your government has lied to you and may, even now, be lying to you… even as you peruse this article.

Today, in America, the Big Lie the government is peddling to Americans (I mean OTHER THAN OBAMACARE!) is two fold.  The first part of the lie is:  we can’t get rid of the 12 million, or so, illegal immigrants in this country.  The second part of the Big Lie is the current immigration reform bill proposed by the Congress is NOT an AMNESTY BILL.

I mean, come on folks, don’t tell me we can’t get rid of 12 million illegal aliens in this country!    Because we can! 

Prosecute the employers who have them on their payrolls.  Put an employer in jail for hiring them!  I mean mandatory jail time, not just a fine or a slap on the wrist. 

Repeal the “Anchor Baby” law.  (Any baby born in the US is automatically an American Citizen.)  It’s being used as a loophole to bring the families of those babies across the border and onto all the welfare programs offered to American citizens.  It’s draining the American taxpayer. As a matter of fact, if there were absolutely NO government benefits for illegals in this country the flow of illegals north, across the US/Mexico border, would be cut, overnight, by at least 2/3rds!

Plus, stop sending them back to Mexico only to have them return at the earliest opportunity.  Put them in jail.  I mean, put them to work on the roads, as we do chain gangs in the Southern United States.  I don’t mean for a few months, I mean for a decade or more.  

Put a bounty on all illegal immigrants within the borders of the US.  Allow private citizens to detain them and turn them in at police stations, anywhere, and collect the bounty on the spot.  Why, my own county would have the area football stadia filled by the end of the weekend!  I expect I could take a couple of dozen into custody within a mile, or two, of my own home!  Here in NC, Tar Heels would relish an opportunity to do something constructive for their state and their country… such as rounding up these criminals.  Already, some Tar Heel store owners are publicly wearing side arms to protect themselves and their businesses, as a result of high concentrations of Illegal aliens in their neighborhoods.

We have vast areas of uninhabited desert in the southwest of this country.  Why not locate “internment camps” in those deserts, away from civilization, and intern those breaking into our country… indefinitely!

But, you say, there are 12 MILLION of them!  Well, if that figure overwhelms you, consider that when the bill before Congress is signed into law, that 12 million will be able to bring over about 4 more, per head, and you are looking at a figure closer to 50 MILLION than 12 Million!  How does that grab you, huh? 

Dear reader we are looking down the barrel of the largest transfer of wealth in the history of America! 

… And build a damn WALL (not a flimsy fence) along the US/Mexico Border replete with machine gun emplacements, land mines, and electrified barbed wire, and anything else that will stop that illegal flow into our country!  I am way past tired of being preyed upon by our neighbors to the South!  If we can patrol the borders of Middle Eastern nations, then we can damn well patrol the borders of our own country!

While I am at it, I am sick and tired of being told by the liberals to be compassionate!  Look, I’m on compassion overload! It tends to anger me when I offer a helping hand to someone only to have him, or her, lift my wallet!  So, don’t try to put a guilt trip on me about being compassionate to my fellowman!  I’m way past that!

If you are as fed up with this Bovine Scatology the politicians in Washington are trying to sell us then let them know.  And keep telling them until they understand that if they pass this legislation they will be out of a job!

Look, we all know what is behind this.  The two major political parties in this country see amnesty for the 12 million illegals, and their relatives, as 50 million new voters for the Democrats and 50 million cheap labor hands for the GOP! It’s as simply as that!  Frankly, they’re not considering what is good, or bad, for the country… they are seeing the advantage for them, and their political party, and nothing more! 

Never in my lifetime have I seen a national legislature of the US as totally disconnected from the citizens of this country as the current crop in DC.  From the White House, to the Congress, to the Supreme Court, they have managed to isolate themselves into some sort of cocoon in which they insulate themselves from contact with the Great Unwashed… you and I!  What we have… is a government out of control!  And that is totally unacceptable in America.

The latest iteration of the "AMNESTY Bill" must be stopped!  Otherwise, America, as we know it and have known it, will be no more!  This is one invasion America cannot survive. 

© J. D. Longstreet

Global warming 'extremely likely' to be man-made, UN panel says

Global warming 'extremely likely' to be man-made, UN panel says

Scientists can now say with extreme confidence that human activity is the dominant cause of the global warming observed since the 1950s, a new report by an international scientific group said Friday.
Calling man-made warming "extremely likely," the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used the strongest words yet on the issue as it adopted its assessment on the state of the climate system.
In its previous assessment, in 2007, the UN-sponsored panel said it was "very likely" that global warming was man-made.

Belen Sentenced To 18 Years In Prison For Triple Child Neglect House Fire Deaths

Angelica D. Belen

Belen was sentenced to 18 years in prison and 18 years of extended supervision for three felony counts of child neglect related to her three children who died in a blaze while they were locked inside an upper second floor bedroom.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 27, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Angelica D. Belen, 24, was sentenced to 18 years in prison and 18 years of extended supervision for three felony counts of child neglect in connection with last April's West Allis house fire that killed three of her children. Belen had been also charged in late March with six misdemeanor counts of child neglect for two separate incidents. The misdemeanor charges were dimissed and won't be prosecuted in the future, but those charges were read during her sentencing for child neglect. 
Belen was facing up to 40 years in prison and up to $100,000 for three counts of child neglect.
The criminal complaint states, Belen admitted to police that she locked her three kids in an upper bedroom so they wouldn't mess up her house or running the risk for neighbors to notice they were home alone. She apparently was on her first day of work and couldn't find a babysitter. Belen decided to go to work after locking Alex and Adrian Colón ages 4 and Nayeli Colón, 5, in the bedroom, according to the complaint. 
Fire investigators confirmed, that the upstairs bedroom door where the children's burnt bodies were found was locked from the outside. The fire started after an electrical short ignited a blaze behind a wall under the bedroom. The children were trapped inside the bedroom and died of smoke inhalation and suffered severe burns, according to the Milwaukee County medical examiner's report.
A fourth child survived, the youngest was with Belen's estranged husband, Wilfredo Belen who took an extra dayoff to take care of the baby. Wilfredo had filed for a divorce. 

fess up friday - in the weeds

Great praise! The weekend is finally upon us! I know everyone says they need a weekend to recharge, but I really need it. I have what you could call a lot of good problems - lots of work (wahoo and thank God), two big secret projects I can't share yet but they are mongo time suckers, and a new school who "encourages" a lot of participation from their Kindergarten parents. Oy people!

So because of all of that, I apologize for being patchy as of late. I might be that way for a few more weeks but hang in there with me, I promise it will be worth it.

And although all of that is true, it isn't the most exciting fess up. So I'll share another with you...

Bruce Willis was my first legit crush. And because of that crush, I was compelled to create this...work of art.

I ripped this page out of the TV Guide, (I couldn't be bothered to take the time to cut the page out - a sign of DIY sloppiness to come) and covered that horrible Cybil Shepard's face with my own. It appears that there was no tape in the house, as I made due with band-aids. (again, a sign of my future DIY prowess) And, I obviously pinned this on numerous bulletin boards by the pin marks in my nose and eye. This is me, 100%. As my husband says, "I love how shoddy your workmanship is."

A bulletin board was not its first spot though as I vividly remember taking Elmer's glue (again, I couldn't find tape) to GLUE this to my bedroom wall. Yes, you read that correctly.

So there you go. How is that for a confession? I heart Bruce Willis - circa 1986. He was a funny smart ass - what's not to love?!

It should be noted that I did move on to more legit crushes (for the time) - like a Johnny Depp, circa 21 Jump Street, life size poster and so on. I know, I do have good taste in men.

Now your turn. Who was your first crush? How did you share it? Wasn't Moonlighting a good show? And by the way, per the picture, I wonder what the 'special surprise' was!

7-year-old Stripped From Miss Hispanic Delaware Crown For Non-Hispanic Ancestry

Jakiyah McKoy

Image courtesy of El Tiempo Hispano

McKoy won the Miss Hispanic Delaware Pageant in Wilmington, Delaware in late August, but after questions were raised about her Hispanic ancestry,  no prove was provided by parents.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 27, 2013

Wilmington, Delaware - On August 31, Jakiyah McKoy, 7, of Wilmington was selected as Miss Hispanic Delaware, but her reign didn't last long after questions were raised about her Hispanic ancestry. She was chosen as the winner from seven other young contestants. 
According to El Tiempo Hispano, McKoy had to at least prove she had a 25% Hispanic ethnicity to Nuestras Raices Delaware, the sponsor of the pageant. 
McKoy's mother was given opportunity to provide proof of her daughter's ethnicity, but had failed to do so, according to Maria Perez from Nuestras Raices Delaware organization. McKoy gets her 25% Hispanic ethnicity from her grandmother who was undocumented and is now deceased. Her grandmother is originally from the province of Vega in the Dominican Republic. 
Perez says, that everything was done to get any type of documentation of her grandmother's ancestry, but she is not recorded as deceased in any state nearby. McKoy's mother birth certificate should say where her grandmother was from and ethnicity,  Perez explained. 
McKoy's mother decided to forego her burden to provide any proof about her daughter's ethnicity and the organization disqualified McKoy for lack of prove of ethnicity. 
McKoy lives with her father in Wilmington and her mother resides in Brooklyn, New York.
Meriana Ayala, the first runner-up was crowned Miss Hispanic Delaware after McKoy was disqualified, the second runner-up was Eleiana Santiago. Perez says, it's not the first time that a contestant can't prove her ethnicity in the pageant. 
Rumors began to spread that McKoy was not Hispanic enough, but Black, which contributed to her being ousted from her reign. Those rumors are believed to have been initiated and spread by the McKoy family, according to Perez.

Senate MUST NOT Ratify UN Small Arms Treaty! ... J. D. Longstreet

Senate MUST NOT Ratify UN Small Arms Treaty!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Senate MUST NOT Ratify UN Small Arms Treaty!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


We have warned our readers numerous times that the Obama Administration WILL make an effort, at some point in his term in office, to institute some form of gun control on Americans. He has made a number of attempts so far and he is not done yet -- not by a long shot.

There can be no question the "Obamatons" have little regard for the US Constitution.  It is but a speed bump in their drive toward establishment of a Socialist/Marxist America.  And they will use whatever method or means necessary to accomplish their goal. 

After their withering pressure on the Supreme Court produced a ruling in their favor on Obamacare they are convinced they now have the highest court in the land in their pocket and, therefore, only one thing stands in the way of their goal of that Socialist/Marxist America -- millions of guns in the hands of some pretty PO'ed Americans!

But, WAIT,  as they say on the TV commercials.  Obama has help coming from, where else -- the UN! 

Remember the UN Small Arms Treaty we have warned about for at least four years now?  Well, it's here.  John Kerry, the current US Secretary of State, just signed the accursed thing.  

The Washington Times said:  "The language of the draft agreement is so expansive it wouldn’t take an Obama-appointed judge very long to extend the treaty to cover the domestic firearms market as well. If American jurists continue to be enamored by the popular trend to consider international precedence when making U.S. rulings, you can kiss the Second Amendment goodbye."  SOURCE: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jul/5/the-un-is-coming-for-your-guns/

Back in October of 2009, the then US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, publicly announced that the US WOULD support UN negotiations of an Arms Trade Treaty to regulate international gun trafficking.  The Bush administration, you may remember, and, notably, former Permanent U.S. Representative to the United Nations, John Bolton, OPPOSED negotiations of this treaty for years.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has said: "Conventional arms transfers are a crucial national security concern for the United States, and we have always supported effective action to control the international transfer of arms. The United States is prepared to work hard for a strong international standard in this area."

The US then joined a vote, which was almost unanimous; to adopt a resolution, which would set a schedule, a timetable, on the proposed Arms Trade Treaty.  Within that resolution was a proposal to finalize the accord in the year 2012.

It is now 2013 and the process has officially begun -- and our President supports it.

Do you begin to understand, just a bit maybe, why those little militia units continue to pop up in the woods across America?  Still think they are ALL completely crazy, huh?  Look.  There are times when paranoia can be your friend -- especially when someone is out to get you! 

It would be a mistake to think we have a "delusional" Commander-in-Chief.    You may think he SEEMS to believe he has dictatorial powers already. 

Take a deep breath.  You might want to sit down for this ...

The plain truth is -- HE DOES HAVE SUCH POWER -- and he is giving himself even more by issuing executive orders the American public knows nothing about -- but -- when enacted will have the force of LAW and will place every single American under the direct command of the President of the United States. 

Congress? Forget Congress. They will have zero power.  The ONLY person with power will be the President and he will be, IN FACT, the Dictator of America.

I've been taken to task a few times for my defense of "honor."  Maybe some of my critics will begin to see why I feel honor is so extremely important in our national leaders. 

I believe the Founders of this country, when they wrote the founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution,  just ASSUMED that the generations of Americans to come would instinctively elect "men of honor" to fill the important post of President.  As we now know -- they were mistaken.      

Of course, I have no way of knowing, for certain, what is in the minds of the people who would take America's freedom and make Americans slaves. but I must tell you, I took an oath, way back in the 1950's, as a soldier, and again in the 1960's as a law enforcement officer,  and for the life of me, I do not recall an expiration date on that oath.  All of us who raised our hands swore to uphold the constitution and to protect it. We swore to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am not unique.  Millions of Americans have taken the same oath.  It seems to me that I am bound by that oath to alert my fellow Americans to a threat I perceive aimed at this country and its citizens.

America has reached a tipping point.  Events over the next few weeks and months will determine if America holds on to her remaining freedom and liberty or slides into the septic tank of socialism and enslavement to the state.  We are already a far distance down that slippery slope.

I suggest that we all contact our Senators (while we still have that freedom) and insist that they resist ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty when it comes before them.   

And finally, the powers of the President, I mentioned above, can only be brought under control by amending the constitution.  Since "honor" can no longer be assumed in our Presidents, or our presidential candidates, then I suggest we need to amend the constitution in order to protect the constitution, itself, and the freedom of the American people from a "rogue" President.

Yes.  Sadly, we HAVE come to this.

© J. D. Longstreet

Greenfield Officer Roszak Charged With Felony After Lifting And Tossing Female Into Cell Metal Stool

Thomas P. Roszak and Amanda M. Luke

Surveillance camera caught Officer Roszak lift Luke and then threw her inside her cell hitting a metal stool while using explecit language at her.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 26, 2013

Greenfield, WI - On Thursday, Greenfield Police Officer Thomas P. Roszak, 30,  was charged with one felony count for misconduct while in office and using excessive authority for a July 27 incident inside the Greenfield Police Department booking section. Apparently, Amanda M. Luke, 30, was taken into custody for fleeing and eluding police. She was charged with one felony count for eluding police and a misdemeanor count for driving while her license was revoked and refusing a sobriety and control substance test.
Luke was being booked by Roszak when she began to demand to use a phone to call someone. She put her hands on Roszak's chest and was saying, "I F..king hate you!" to the officer. Roszak then grabbed her from the torso, lifted her, carried her to her cell and then tossed her into the cell. Luke's body hit a stationary metal stool inside the cell and Officer Roszak told Luke, "F..king bitch." He locked the cell door and didn't even check, if Luke had injured herself. Luke's body later exhibited bruises. 
The whole incident and verbal expletive exchange between both Luke and Roszak was caught by surveillance cameras in the booking section and cell, according to the criminal complaint.
Luke pleaded not guilty in her case and remains free on a $500 cash bond and must remain sober and must take random drug tests.
Roszak who has been suspended with pay was ordered to report for booking on Friday at the Milwaukee County jail and will be set free on a $2,500 signature bond.
An internal investigation by the Greenfield Police Department was also initiated to determine, if Roszak violated department policy.

You earned it Teddy Baby!!!!

h/t Progressive Eruptions

T'Paper (Musical Tribute)

Here's what we now know about monetary tapering policy:

1. The paper must be tapered. T'Paper!
2. The last attempt was a one hit wonder.

Give a little bit of heart and soul
Give a little bit of love to grow
Give a little bit of heart and soul
And don't you make me beg for more

Give a sign, I need to know
A little bit of heart and soul

Walking on the water, walking on the air
That was the heart of the love we shared
Do you keep secret left untold
Can't give love, heart or soul

I used to have a lover with a Midas touch
I turned to gold but he turned to dust
Left me for another, I turned to stone
Now give me love, heart and soul

Living in a fantasy
There's never any room to breathe
Hoping every waking hour
You'll turn around and say that we can start

The New Republican Party... The Party of "Green Eggs and Ham"

The New Republican Party...  The Party of "Green Eggs and Ham"
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation U
Liberty -vs Tyranny

Please excuse any misspellings or word salads as I've just returned from a Green Eggs and Han dinner (party).

We just witnessed the agonizing and self serving theatrics from Texas Republican Senator Ted the Green Eggs and Ham Man Cruz making a mockery of our system of government. With his monumental waste of time and money he put on full display the sad reality that the party he represents has nothing to offer the American people that would be better, and thus more cost effective than ObamaCare, aka the ACA.

There was a time, in the now rapidly fading past, that America actually had a opposition party that had principles, a vision, and a plan for the nation. Today this party (the party of Republicanism) has been overtaken by the most militant and willfully intransigent segment of our society. Our nation as a result has become more divisive and less reasoned than our wise and forward thinking forefathers most certainly would have envisioned and wished for their progeny.

But, after all is aid and done it is the 21st century and as we are all aware this is the time of the special interests and corporate supremacy. Of course we all know the common working stiffs and conscience peons (aka the ones without health insurance because they don't earn enough to both support their families and still have enough left to afford to pay the $6,000 plus/year premiums that their company can't afford), are nothing more than lackeys and thus undeserving of government sponsored healthcare insurance. Of course we all know about those lazy individuals that can't find work because it is better for business to ship jobs offshore for lower wages than to spend time being concerned over the long term impact to our nation and it's security. Besides, we have insidious and invisible bogeymen to conquer.

But enough of this off the wall, illogical, unreasoned and outside the box thinking by a strong advocate for constitutionally sound as well as forward looking limited government patriot.

From the NEW REPUBLIC - Draw your conclusions as you will.
What the hell is John Boehner thinking? I don’t mean that strictly in a rhetorical sense, though it’s hard not to slap your head when you see the most powerful Republican in the country lurching from one cockamamie strategy to another. I mean it quite literally: What is Boehner’s personal calculation when it comes to navigating the various challenges—potential government shutdown, potential debt default, lunatic Republican caucus—he faces over the next few weeks?

The conventional wisdom is that Boehner cares most about avoiding a government shutdown, since he knows how damaging it would be to the Republican Party, which would take the overwhelming share of the blame. “[M]ake no mistake, the incentives are still heavily for Boehner to cut a deal and avoid a shutdown at all costs,” political scientist Jonathan Bernstein wrote last week in The Washington Post. Smart commentators on the right have echoed this analysis. “Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are just as convinced as ever that a partial government shutdown would not advance any conservative goal, and just as determined to avoid one,” wrote National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru a few days later.

But while it’s certainly the case that Boehner thinks a shutdown would be terrible for the party, and that he’d prefer to avoid one, it’s not at all clear it’s in his interest to do so. Why? Because there are two things Boehner presumably cares about more than avoiding a shutdown: not being ousted as Speaker, and raising the debt ceiling by mid-to-late October so as to avoid a debt default. The latter would be far more damaging to the economy than a shutdown, and therefore more devastating to the Republican brand. Unfortunately for Boehner, the only plausible way to both keep his job and avoid a debt default is … to shut down the government when the fiscal year ends next week.

Here’s why: Tea Party conservatives in the House, following the lead the distinguished non-filibusterer from Texas, are all keyed up for a confrontation with Obama in which they refuse to fund the government unless they can simultaneously defund (or rather, “defund”) ObamaCare. {Continue Reading}

PS: Check in with Thomas Paine and contemplate his views. All of them. Yes, the same Thomas Paine that penned Common Sense, the small publication that moved a group of colonists to fight for INDEPENDENCE and throw off the yoke of an unrepresentative government. A government that didn't give a s*it about the common man..

Via: Memeorandum

Sotelo, "El Piolín" Denies Falsifying Immigration Reform Letters To Federal Legislators In 2007

Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo

Sotelo in a second segment of an interview with Al Rojo Vivo denied that he helped falsify immigration reform letters sent to federal legislators. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 26, 2013

Los Angeles, CA - On Thursday, Eddie "El Piolín" Sotelo, 42, gave his second television network interview with Carmen Dominicci from Telemundo "Al Rojo Vivo." During his interview, Sotelo denied allegations that he falsified immigration reform letters seeking reform during a radio show campaign promotion that were sent to federal legislators during 2007. He also stated that not everyone that you come into contact have good intentions for your well being and then thanked all his supporters for their well wishes and prayers that helped him get through this difficult times.
Sotelo's earnings and investments have nearly totaled $15 million, one reason Sotelo says, that his co-workers from Univisión Radio have made false allegations against him. Because "they want my money and envy has led to those allegations," Sotelo said.
On Wednesday, Sotelo didn't go into depth about a lawsuit filed against him by Alberto "Beto" Cortez for sexual harassment, physical abuse, fraud and causing emotional stress for at least three years while working with Sotelo. Cortez allegations forced Univisión Radio executives in July 22 to take Sotelo off the air permanently. Univisión apparently ended a contract with Sotelo, abruptly ending his national syndicated Spanish language radio show after working for Univisión Radio for ten years.
Sotelo said during the Telemundo interview, that he wasn't fired because of Cortez allegations, but both Univisión Radio executives and Sotelo decided it would be better for him to leave the syndicated radio show. "It was just time to part ways," Sotelo admitted. 
Sotelo told Dominicci, that what happened to him, he wouldn't wish it to anyone else. He also became disappointed with his former co-workers after they falsely accused him that he sexually harassed them as well. Sotelo wouldn't go into details and didn't named any of his former co-workers due to pending litigation. 
Several weeks after Sotelo went off the air on July 22 at Univisión Radio, Cortez publicly made his allegations against Sotelo. Three weeks later, six other former co-workers from Univisión sent Sotelo a letter that they would be willing to keep their silence of what went on between them, claiming allegations he sexually harassed, committed fraud and physically abused them during their employment at Univisión. They wanted $4.9 million for not saying anything about Sotelo's behavior while they worked with him. Sotelo allegedly groped Cortez groin, according to a lawsuit filed by his attorney.
In late August, Sotelo and his lawyers cried foul and filed a lawsuit at a Los Angeles Circuit Court claiming that Tomás Alejandro Fernández, Samuel "Cusuco" Heredia, Domingo Rodrigo Ochoa, Gerardo "Chiquirruco" Palencia, Bertha "Betusha" Velasco and Sergio "Checo" Vera were attempting to scam and extort Sotelo for $4.9 million to keep silent of what went on while working with Sotelo.
Sotelo and his attorneys submitted the letter as prove and evidence of an extortion attempt by the six defendants and their attorneys. 
El Show de Piolín, which is Sotelo's new Spanish language satellite radio show is expected to air on Sirius XM in October, according to Sotelo.
Sotelo says and makes fun that, he is the "ugliest DJ" in the radio.

Medrano Express Facing Consumer Complaints That It Failed To Deliver Packages Abroad

Some consumers have yet to be contacted by Medrano Express or its agents about undelivered packages abroad for over a year.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 26, 2013

Madison, WI - On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) announced that it "has received calls and complaints that the international shipping company, Medrano Express has failed to deliver packages to their destinations.  Consumers and businesses say that they are unable to reach Medrano Express or locate their goods, and some have spent more than a year attempting to recover shipments and money from the company."
"In late July, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) revoked the ocean transportation intermediary license of Transporte Medrano, Inc. (d/b/a Medrano Express).  According to the FMC, the company is no longer authorized to provide ocean transportation services, and consumers and businesses should not tender cargo to Medrano Express or its agents for the international shipment of goods," the DATCP reported.
Medrano Express customers who are having problems with their international shipments should file a complaint with the FMC at their website.
The FMC's Office of Consumer Affairs and Dispute Resolution Services is currently working with Medrano Express customers (complainants) to locate their cargo or assist in the release of their cargo. Customers requesting assistance should contact FMC and provide a written request and submit a copy of the Medrano Express invoice and contact information. All FMC assistance requests and information should be e-mail or fax to complaints@fmc.gov or 202-275-0059.
Medrano Express and is agents in the U.S. offer a "100% delivery system" of packages to Mexico and Central and South America, according to its website. They provide shipping and delivery services from twelve states, CA, LA, FL, MA, GA, MD, IL, MN, NJ, NY, TN and TX.
But consumers and businesses using Medrano Express for delivery of their packages abroad to its recipients may no longer be a guarantee of delivery anymore, but a major headache to locate and to recover packages, according to the DATCP.

Comunicado DATCP en español

Medrano Express no entrega los bienes

MADISON - Medrano Express anuncia un sistema "100% garantizado" para la entrega de paquetes a México y América Central y del Sur, pero a los consumidores y las empresas que están esperando para que su carga llegue al destinatario, lo único que se les puede garantizar es un dolor de cabeza.

El Departamento de Agricultura, Comercio y Protección al Consumidor (DATCP) de Wisconsin ha recibido llamadas y quejas de que la empresa de transporte internacional ha fallado en entregar los paquetes a sus destinos. Los consumidores y las empresas dicen que no han podido comunicarse con Medrano Express ni localizar sus bienes, y algunos han pasado más de un año intentando recuperar sus envíos y dinero.

A finales de julio, la Comisión Federal Marítima (FMC, por sus siglas en inglés) revocó la licencia de intermediario de transporte marítimo de Transporte Medrano, Inc. (que comercia como Medrano Express). De acuerdo con la FMC, la empresa ya no tiene autorización para prestar servicios de transporte marítimo, y los consumidores y las empresas no deben entregar carga a Medrano Express o sus agentes para el transporte internacional de mercancías.

Si usted es cliente de Medrano Express y se enfrenta a problemas con el transporte internacional de su carga, puede presentar un reclamo siguiendo los pasos indicados en la página web de la FMC en http://www.fmc.gov/alerta_al_consumidor-fmc_licencia/.

Además, usted puede comunicarse con la Oficina de Asuntos del Consumidor y Servicios de Resolución de Disputas de la FMC. Ellos están trabajando para ayudar a los consumidores a localizar su carga y ayudar con la liberación y/o entrega de los bienes. Las solicitudes de ayuda por escrito deberán incluir una copia de la factura que usted recibió de Medrano Express y su información de contacto. Mande su información por correo electrónico o por fax a complaints@fmc.gov o al 202-275-0059.

Para obtener información adicional, visite el Buró de Protección al Consumidor en datcp.wisconsin.gov, envíe un correo electrónico a datcphotline@wisconsin.gov o llame a la Línea de Protección al Consumidor al número gratuito, 1-800-422-7128.

Our Flubbered Economy

Click to enlarge.

Department store sales per employee and adjusted for inflation are going parabolic! Yay.

September 26, 2013
Fox Business News: JCP Shares Rebound; Retailer Pleased with Progress

Retailer J.C. Penney Co Inc (JCP) said it was pleased with the progress of its turnaround efforts and still expected positive comparable-store sales trends coming out of the third quarter and throughout the fourth.

The headline actually makes sense! Way to go Fox Business News!

The cost to insure $10 million of J.C. Penney bonds against a default for five years now requires an upfront payment of about $2.2 million plus quarterly payments of about $300,000 for the duration of the contract. The contract's pricing reflects a default probability of nearly 65 percent.

The retailer must be very pleased indeed! Let's look closely at the rebound in shares too while we are at it. Shares fell a whopping 15% yesterday and are currently bouncing back up 3% today. Yes, indeed! Very pleasing!

September 24, 2013
Sears Canada CEO to leave amid clash over revamp

In a surprise move, Sears Canada Inc. chief executive officer Calvin McDonald is leaving more than two years after having spearheaded a transformation of the struggling retailer, raising questions about its revival in the industry’s increasingly tough landscape.

Boo! Hiss!

Sources familiar with the situation said the departure was sparked over differing views with parent Sears Holdings Corp., whose controlling shareholder is Edward Lampert. The disagreement was tied to “the pace at which capital was being deployed to keep the momentum of the transformation going,” according to a source.

Boo! Hiss!

What about Macy's? No need to worry! That stock's been on fire lately! Just like it was in 1999 and 2007! What's the worst that could happen?

Click to enlarge.

Macy's stock has been flubbered! To infinity and beyond!

Flubber is a non-Newtonian fluid that flows under low stress, but breaks under higher stresses and pressures.

No more stress! No more pressure! From here on out, it's nothing but exponentially increasing corporate profits! Thanks to this new and improved Fed, recessions will never be tolerated again! Hurray!

Flubber trends were first discovered by Rob Dawg in the comments found here. Genius!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart
Yahoo Finance: Macy's Historical Prices
St. Louis Fed: CPI