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Thousands Of Immigrant Voices Flooded The Washington D.C. National Mall, But U.S. House GOP In Deaf Mode

The U.S. House GOP remains defiant and vowed not to move forward with any passage of an immigration reform bill for this session.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 8, 2013

Washington, D.C. - Today's immigration reform march, rally and gathering at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. was expected to draw between 30 to 100 thousand before the end of the day, but only an estimated 15,000 attended compared to prior events that were organized seeking immigration reform.
An estimated 15,000 people showed up at the National Mall to hear Los Tigeres del Norte perform and the speakers that were invited. After the Mall concert gathering, people marched to the Capitol where 160 people, including eight U.S. Congressmen were arrested by police for civil disobedience actions to draw attention for the need to pass an immigration reform bill, Reform Immigration for America reported.
The eight U.S. Representatives arrested were identified as John Lewis (D-GA), Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Al Green (D-TX), and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL). All those arrested on Tuesday were charged with obstructing, crowding and incommoding, according to D.C. police.
This year's rally events and civil disobedience tactics undertaken by organizers, public elected officials and immigrants have been taken less seriously by the U.S. House majority GOP, which has vowed not to pass any immigration reform bill for this session.
The next opportunity to deal with immigration reform will be in 2015, if any promising Democrat or Republican presidential candidate can convince they can be instrumental in passing a bill.
The yearly marches and the recent organized events nationally on October 5 throughout the country have drawn less attendance compared to the 2006 massive national marches. The lack of any advancement of a just immigration bill has left many wondering, if in fact a comprehensive bill will ever be passed by the House GOP?
Several bills have been introduced in the House, but every time a debate is undertaken, the bill is weaken and division between the House widens making the bills mute.
Many immigration reform supporters see the attempt to resurge the massive marches to the 2006 level has steadily failed, simply because President Barack H. Obama and his administration have failed to influence a passage of a bill. Instead, in a few months, the Obama administration will make history by actually deporting at least 2 million of undocumented immigrants who were considered a low risk and non-criminal during the Obama presidency. 
At today's rally, hundreds of people at the National Mall carried LULAC signs in support of immigration reform, but in reality LULAC does discriminate against undocumented students who would like to attend colleges or universities with the aid of LULAC scholarships. LULAC continues to deny access to scholarships for undocumented immigrants. 
Last August in Milwaukee, the annual Mexican Fiesta sponsored by the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation including LULAC Councils 319 and 322 draws thousands of undocumented immigrants to its three-day festival and generates revenue from them for scholarships, but their children are deny access to those same scholarships. 
The House GOP recently voted for a government shutdown leaving many federal workers without a paycheck and just the other day they approved a back pay for those workers.
Immigrants and immigration reform organizers, immigrant rights organizations, unions and clergy need to change their strategic action from marches and civil disobedience to a national economic shutdown to influence change. Undocumented immigrants and Hispanic-Americans have a spending and buying economic power in the hundreds of billions nearly reaching several trillion that hasn't been tapped to influence change.
An national economic shutdown will no doubt raise eyebrows and will most likely get major results for immigration reform.
Just a brief point, that the Democrats won control of both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate in 2007, including the White House in 2008, but U.S. House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi  (D-CA) in 2007 wouldn't allow any introduction of an immigration bill within the first six months of their control. President George W. Bush favored a comprehensive immigration bill and would have signed it into law, if Democrats would have approved one.
Then the Democrats lost control of the U.S. Senate and the issue of immigration reform gradually diminished as they also eventually lost the U.S. House majority as well.
A national economic shutdown by the nation's immigration reform movement, its supporters in the country and abroad is paramount for reform!

Carrie Loses It In Coffee Shop

New $100 U.S. Bill To Begin Circulating

Federal Reserve released the new $100 and banks, including savings and loans institutions to begin circulating the note on Tuesday.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 8, 2013

Washington, D.C. - After a 10-year wait including a two year production delay, the new $100 note will begin circulating nationally and worldwide on Tuesday, the Federal Reserve Board announced. The note was unveiled on April.
The $100 note is designed with technology to prevent counterfeiting, but keeping a U.S. currency design. An estimated 3.6 billion new notes will begin circulating and the estimated 6.5 billion older designed bills will continue to remain as legal tender. The U.S. currency user don't need to trade in their older notes for new ones, according to Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben S. Bernanke.
"There are a number of security features in the redesigned $100 note, including two new features, the 3-D Security Ribbon and the Bell in the Inkwell. These security features are easy for consumers and merchants to use to authenticate their currency.
"The blue 3-D Security Ribbon on the front of the new $100 note contains images of bells and 100s that move and change from one to the other as you tilt the note. The Bell in the Inkwell on the front of the note is another new security feature. The bell changes color from copper to green when the note is tilted, an effect that makes it seem to appear and disappear within the copper inkwell.
The new design for the $100 note retains three effective security features from the previous design: the portrait watermark of Benjamin Franklin, the security thread, and the color-shifting numeral 100.
"The new $100 note also displays American symbols of freedom, including phrases from the Declaration of Independence and the quill the Founding Fathers used to sign this historic document. Both are located to the right of the portrait on the front of the note.
The back of the note has a new vignette of Independence Hall featuring the rear, rather than the front, of the building. Both the vignette on the back of the note and the portrait on the front have been enlarged, and the oval that previously appeared around both images has been removed," the Federal Reserve Board reported.
The new note is expected to prevent counterfeiting and make it harder for counterfeiters in Peru to circulate counterfeit currency. Peru criminal organizations engaged in counterfeiting import $5.00 U.S. notes and then wash them to remove the ink and print $10's, $20' s and $100 bills on the genuine $5 banknote paper. They are so sophisticated that they can remove the $5 strip and replace it with a $100 strip.
In the last decade, about $103 million of fake U.S. bills have been confiscated in Peru. The Peruvian $10 and $20 U.S. fake bills are circulated in Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina and are difficult to detect. The $100 U.S. fake bills are even harder to detect because they are made by hand instead of an inkjet printer.
Peru counterfeits about 17% of all fake bills in the U.S., but largely circulates the fake $100 bills in the U.S., europe and asia.
The Secret Service says, that counterfeiters earn $20K of real legal tender or currency for every $100K of false bills they produce after expenses.

The five disgusting Ps of the Obama/Reid Government Shutdown

   The five disgusting Ps of the Obama/Reid Government Shutdown

We are led to believe the government shutdown is one of the worst things to afflict the country since … well, pick something.

But that’s just more exaggeration from the left in Washington and in the media. The vast majority of Americans would not notice the shut down absent the barrage of horror stories we’ve been treated to, and one other factor.

Shutdowns aren’t that unusual. Since 1976 there have been 17. Six occurred during the Carter administration, 8 during the Reagan administration, one during the elder Bush administration, and 2 during the Clinton administration.

Most lasted less than a week, but in the Carter administration 4 lasted 10 days or more, and the longest of all those shutdowns in 1996 lasted 21 days. On average, government shutdowns last about 6.5 days. There has been a lag in shutdowns since 1997 in the second Clinton term, through the George W. Bush administration, and through the first Obama term.

There is obvious discomfort among furloughed federal workers. However, the House of Representatives voted Saturday to fund back pay, which is what usually happens in shut downs. So, the real pain will be felt by some of the American people, due to the aforementioned “other factor.”

Three things are true about this shutdown: First, the Republican-led House passed three bills to restore government funding. Second, each House measure also sought to delay or defund the Affordable Care Act (ACA). And third, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to act on the House measures and President Barack Obama threatened to veto them.

From this we see: a) House Republicans want to reopen the government and passed three measures to do so, and also wanted to save the American people from the ACA with its broken promises, serious problems, and goodies given to large employers and Members of Congress and their staffs. And b), to Sen. Reid and President Obama, putting the furloughed employees back to work, activating the inactive government functions and opening closed facilities are far less important than implementing the highly flawed ACA.

Mr. Obama is comfortable in his “It’s good to be the king” self-indulgence. But, he’s not “the” king, or even “a” king; he is merely the President of the United States, which is certainly an important and powerful position, but the Executive Branch of which he’s the head is just one-third of our government.

Those who took civics or other classes in American government know that among the ingenious features of the U.S. Constitution are the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances, which were designed to prevent any one branch from acquiring more power than the other two.

Mr. Obama – who was reportedly a constitutional law lecturer – believes that the president is the most important figure in the government, ignoring the Constitutional prohibition of any branch gaining the degree of power and control he desires.

Democrats hold this perspective about the ACA:
*It was passed by Congress and signed by the president.
*The Supreme Court found it constitutional.
*There was an election that confirmed the country’s support for Obamacare.
*Thus, the matter is settled: the ACA is the law of the land. End of discussion.

This scenario is rife with weaknesses. Every Republican in the House also won election in 2012, and nothing prevents a law being repealed or amended. And remember that at one time slavery was the “law of the land,” and Congress made a huge error in abolishing the sale of alcohol through the 18th Amendment.

Congress can right wrongs in the law, as it did with slavery; it can repeal bad laws, as it did with the 18th Amendment. And, it can repeal, defund, or amend the error-ridden ACA.

Because Republicans did not lie down and let the Democrats have their way, we have been treated to the aforementioned “other factor,” the 5 Ps: the petulant, peevish, petty, and punkish political behavior that characterizes the shut down.

Faced with an obstinate opposition party, President Obama convened his strategy team from a nearby elementary school, where members of the third grade gathered on the playground to formulate a plan.

Noting that monuments and memorials were not closed during previous shutdowns, they recommended this tactic to cause pain: Close national parks and monuments, as well as some facilities that receive no federal funds and are not federally owned, like Mount Vernon. Close Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay to commercial fishing. Place barriers to block the World War II Memorial that has no gates and is wide open to visitors. Tell people who rent slips for their live-on boats or own homes on Lake Mead they can’t stay there. Block scenic overlooks, like at Mt. Rushmore, by placing traffic cones that prevent drivers from pulling over to view the monuments. Perfect third grade strategy.

Wesley Pruden, writing in The Washington Times, quoted an angry Park Service Ranger, who confirmed that attitude: “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” he said. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

You see, if the shutdown doesn’t hurt people, it doesn’t help the Democrats.

Obama Wins Because America Is Dumb As A Post! ... J. D. Longstreet

Obama Wins Because America Is Dumb As A Post!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Obama Wins Because America Is Dumb As A Post!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I am sick and tired of the lie that the GOP shutdown the US government.  That's what it is -- plan and simple -- a bald-faced lie.  Anyone repeating it is a lier.  God hates liers -- as do I.  If a man will lie, he will do anything -- especially if it is deceitful.

Obama could not get away with his avalanche of lies if the American people had the least  acquaintance with their constitution.

Let's clear some of the BS away.

Consider something Thomas Sowell,  a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, wrote recently: "There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for ObamaCare."

Mr. Sowell continues:  "The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies — unless they are in an agency that would administer ObamaCare."

Mr. Sowell points out: "The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for ObamaCare."  Mr. Sowell makes clear: "The Senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for ObamaCare."

Mr. Sowell puts the cork in the bottle with this:  "If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility."   (Emphasis by underlining --mine.) Please read the source of these quotes at: http://rare.us/story/sowell-who-shut-down-the-government/

I mentioned the constitution at the beginning of this rant.  See, the constitution states that all spending bills must originate in the US House of Representatives.  It is they, the Representatives, who decide what will be paid for -- and -- what will not be paid for.  It is their constitutional right -- and duty -- to do that.

"But Obamacare is the law of the land," you insist.

m sick and tired of the lie that the GOP shutdown the US government.  That's what it is -- plan and simple --
It makes no difference.

Look.  If the House decided not to put up,the money for the EPA, it would be within its rights to do so.  Not to mention -- I'd stand and applaud!

All of this is laid out in the constitution. It's there for all to read in Article 1, Section 7. "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."  SOURCE:  US Constitution  http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec7.html

Have you even read the constitution?  If not -- why not?  It is easily accessible.  Pull it up on your computer.  It'll take a couple of seconds. (I keep a hard copy of the US Constitution in a loose leaf binder sitting at the left side of my computer monitor at all times, except when I am referencing it.) 

Think of the constitution as the "Owner's Manual" for the US Government.  When you want to know how that hunk of steel you drive back and forth to work every day works, you consult the car's owner's manual,  Same thing applies to the US Government.  Want to know how it is supposed to work?  Consult the owner's manual. 

When I was a lad in school, we actually read the constitution, we actually studied the constitution and even argued it back and forth in class.  We had written tests on it.  As a teenager I wrote, and delivered, several speeches on the constitution.  I became fairly well acquainted with it.  But, these days, as decade after decade has expired, I find that I have to brush up on it every now and again ... and I do.  Why?  Because this is MY COUNTRY, and I want it run correctly ... by the instructions laid out by the men who founded this nation.

America is in deep trouble today because "we the people," not the politicians, WE-- you and I -- have allowed it to degenerate into some kind of "socialist-lite" society/government  that is recklessly determined, I mean --  hell bent -- on failure.  I contend that the primary reason for this condition, in which we find ourselves, today is IGNORANCE, plain and simple.

Example:  Leftists are insisting today that there is a "right" to healthcare in America. They claim it is a "constitutional right."  They are absolutely WRONG! There is no right to healthcare for Americans.  None!  If you claim there is -- then show that to me -- in the constitution -- and I will admit my error.  You can't -- because it simply isn't there.  And yet we allow their BS to go unchallenged.

Consider this from at article by Bob Meyer at www.capitolhilloutsider.com"In Christ‘s message, we see help for the needy is accomplished directly through personal charity. Nowhere are we told to accomplish this indirectly through governmental wealth redistribution by proxy. The Good Samaritan helped a wounded man with his own resources. He did not petition the Roman government to create a healthcare program."

Mr Meyer goes on "... societies trending toward socialism and accomplishing that objective through forcible egalitarianism via governmental mandate, wind up becoming functionally godless. In addition, placing all distribution of wealth under the thumb of the government replaces an attitude of gratitude with a posture of entitlement, and diminishes concentration on personal responsibility."  SOURCE:  http://capitolhilloutsider.com/red-letter-christianity-or-red-flag-socialism/ 

If you are REALLY concerned and want to REALLY know how your country, America, is SUPPOSED to work, then read two owner's manuals:  The Bible -- and -- the US Constitution.  Once you have done so you will agree that "malfeasance" doesn't begin to cover the horrible manner in which our current government has exercised its stewardship toward this once great nation.

Ignorance is an excuse only once, if at all.  Once you have been made aware of your lack of knowledge, then there is no excuse.

© J. D. Longstreet -- 2013

Pastel Frenzy in October

2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,

2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,
2013 trends, American Apparel, bittersweet colours, Fall trends, HM, Joe fresh, metallics trend, New York, pastel trends, pastels, street style, Zara, full skirt trend, cooee jewelry,

This past Sunday Bogdan and I spent a lovely day in New York with 2 adorable people, Alexandra and her husband Gerrit (newlyweds)! New York seems to be THE PLACE where the "web friendships" becomes reality.
Alexandra ( fashion-bridge.blogspot.com/) and I finally met in person after almost 2 years of friendship and constant support. 
I just love moments like these:)
I also love to wear unexpected colors, as this pastel look in October when everybody seems to be into the Fall hues. Just for one day I put my Bitter colors on hold :) and I wore something Sweet...

                                                                       Shirt: c/o Joe Fresh/ Here Now you can shop online!!!
                                                                       Skirt: H&M/ in love with this one Here 
                                                                       Clutch: American Apparel/ similar Here and Here 
                                                         Shoes: heels Zara/ great option Here and Here 
                                                                                  flats MIA/ option Here and Here 
                                                                       Bracelets: c/o COOEE/ Here and Here 
                                                                       Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/ similar style Here and Here 

Debt vs. Wages

Click to enlarge.

If the prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s taught us one thing, it is that the key to long-term prosperity is simple. We need to increase total debt relative to wages at a rate not less than 2.7% per year but not more than 2.9% per year. Sustainability above all else!

So let's put our thinking caps on and decide how we're going to keep the prosperity trend alive. Will it be more debt, less wages, or both?

Despair.com: Illusions

He who chases rainbows may eventually catch tornadoes.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Burke To Challenge Republican Governor Walker In Wisconsin

Mary Burke

Former Trek executive and Dane School Board member to challenge Walker.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 7, 2013

Madison, WI - On Sunday, a YouTube video was posted announcing that Mary Burke, the former Trek Bicycle Company executive and Commerce Secretary, including a first term Madison School Board member is seeking the Democratic nomination for Wisconsin Governor. If successful, Burke as a Democrat will challenge Republican Governor Scott Walker.
The YouTube video is aimed at explaining why she is running for governor.
Democrats believe she is a front runner for the Democratic bid for governor. But, Republicans are criticizing Burke for being part of a team that created a $3.6 billion deficit that Governor Walker fixed, according to Joe Fadness, executive director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. 
"Wisconsin needs a governor who will work every day to make sure our state is a place of opportunity for everyone, not a stepping stone to higher office or a haven for special interest giveaways," according to Michael J. Tate, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Tate has yet to endorse a Democratic candidate. 

Giguere Abruptly Resigns From Historic Mitchell Street BID Board 4

Ron Giguere

The Historic Mitchell Street BID Board 4 will meet Tuesday to discuss Giguere's resignation. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 7, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Nancy J. Bush, the executive director of the Historic Mitchell Street BID Board 4 confirmed that the BID president Ron Giguere had resigned on October 2. Giguere who had been president of the BID abruptly resigned after allegations of questionable irregularities under his leadership as president surfaced, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned.
The irregularities has even drawn concern from members of the City Common Council including Alderman José Pérez who remains silent for the moment. The Historic Mitchell Street BID Board 4 has not issued a statement either about Giguere's departure from the BID attributing to a growing concern that has spread throughout the business section that the BID represents. 
Multiple Historic Mitchell Street business owners are now asking why did Giguere resigned and why hasn't the BID notified the merchants along Mitchell Street of his resignation?
Bush told HNNUSA that she will be releasing more information concerning Giguere's resignation in an upcoming e-mail. She wouldn't go into details on Monday and most likely her information will be limited.
Some merchants on Mitchell had brought up questions about the vendors allowed to participate in last Summer's Sun Fair and the lack of Latino entertainment as previously presented in the last two years.
HNNUSA continues to review the issues being raised by some merchants under Giguere's presidency. On Monday, Giguere could not be reached for comment. 

The Lake Mead Syndrome

The Lake Mead Syndrome
The Obama shutdown has forced the people of Lake Mead to move off of their rented land, to come out of their little cabins, and to go quietly into the night.
These people own their own homes, and may have built their own homes on land rented from the federal government! So in effect, they have improved the land that they do not own. Nor do they have any control over their situation. That's not exactly the American dream.

A man featured in an article called, 
"Shutdown forces owners to leave Lake Mead homes," is understandably upset, but he's decided against fighting it. He's also a lifelong Republican. See: http://m.reviewjournal.com/news/government/shutdown-forces-owners-leave-lake-mead-homes

We can forgive Mr. Hitchcock his inability to stand his ground, and to refuse to leave because he's an elderly man. But is this a sign of something more? If standing your ground means that you might have to face the citation, or Jail, or face anything uncomfortable, do you just turned tail and run?

There are at least 60 families who have been forced to leave their homes by the federal government Obama shutdown. Did any of these people stand their ground and just say "No?" I somehow doubt it. 

We Americans may have become too softened to stand up for our own rights if it means pain or sacrifice.

This past week some of our well-known Republican congressional representatives showed up when the shutdown can't veterans from entering their Memorial. That was a very popular thing to do. But where are those representatives today when people are being forced out of their homes?

So is this standing our ground and righteous civil disobedience, all for political show? 

Where on a few takeaways from the lake need syndrome. 1. Buy and own your own land. If you lease you don't control anything. 2. You can't trust any government. 3. Try to recapture the American Dream. 4. Be willing to fight for what is rightfully yours or lose everything. 

Final thought: if you leased land there's usually a contract and a landlord can't just "throw you off your land." Oh but were talking about the federal government where nothing is sacred!

Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory, Hoax Or The Real Deal?

Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory, Hoax Or The Real Deal?
Note several of the following images are copyright, and are used here under "fair use", as non-profit, educational, and critical usage.

Defoliant spray run, part of Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War by UC-123B Provider aircraft.
A high-flying jet leaving a condensation trail (contrail)
The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public and directed by various government officials.[1] This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, as there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory.
Because of the popularity of the conspiracy theory, official agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation.[1][2] The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by scientists and government officials around the world, who say the trails are normal contrails.[3]
The term chemtrail is a combination of the words "chemical" and "trail," just as contrail is a contraction of "condensation trail." The term does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as agricultural spraying ('crop dusting'), cloud seedingskywriting, or aerial firefighting.[4] The term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks. Supporters of this conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for solar radiation managementpsychological manipulationhuman population control,[1] weather modification,[2] or biological or chemical warfare, and that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.[5][6]


kitchen updates thanks to lamps.com

It is only Monday morning and I already feel behind. How is that for the start of the week? Aces. I hope your weekends were delightful though. And thanks so much for all of your comments on Fess Up Friday. I now have quite a shopping list started for myself.

Today I wanted to share a recent experience I had with the good folks at Lamps.com. As I've eluded to in crazy code like ways (I promise I'll divulge more soon) I've been working feverishly to get a laundry list of items done to our little cottage and addressing the light over our kitchen window has been on that list for a while.

Our old light was a bit large for that small window and those that are blessed with long, tall legs (I don't have this problem) would often knock their heads on it. Not the best memory for guests to leave with. So when the team at Lamps.com offered to have me try something out I screamed "sign me up!" Actually, I think I typed it, but you get the point.

The decision was not an easy one and I even started plotting all of the other places I could add pendants just so that I wouldn't have to choose just one. But after a lot of back and forth, I landed on this hot little number - the Feiss Brushed Steel Urban Renewal Mini Pendant.

As soon as it arrived I ripped open the box to find it looked even better in person (wahoo) and I cleared the hubs schedule so he could put it up for me right away. He's such a good sport.

Everything was laid out and easy to follow and as someone who has ordered a lot of lights in her day, I was thrilled that we didn't have to make a trip to Home Depot for any parts. Everything was included - hallelujah!

And in no time flat, I had a new light. She is so light and pretty. I just love her.

Her shape is so sculptural and I think adds just the right amount of fun to my kitchen window. Now if only my view was of the ocean rather than my neighbors. One thing at a time I guess.

Sometimes the little details make the biggest difference.

Have you made any little changes around the house lately? Do you have a pretty view out of your kitchen window? Have any wish list lighting items?

This post was sponsored by Lamps.com. All opinions are my own.

Van Hollen Won't Seek Third Term As WI State Attorney General

J.B. Van Hollen

Van Hollen wants someone else with fresh ideas to run for the position that he is vacating.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 7, 2013

Madison, WI - On Monday, J.B. Van Hollen, the Wisconsin State Attorney General announced that he won't seek a third term. In his statement, Van Hollen a Republican wrote, "Today I wish to share with you my decision not to seek a third term as Attorney General and to thank you for the confidence you have placed in me."
Van Hollen cited his accomplishments for the last eight years, but said, he doesn't believe someone should be Attorney General for too long or for life and Wisconsin voters need new choices with fresh ideas.
Van Hollen will remain in office until his term expires in 15 months.
Van Hollen, became Wisconsin's 43rd Attorney General, when he was elected on November 7, 2006, and took office on January 1, 2007. After winning re-election by an overwhelming majority, he began his second, four-year term on January 1, 2011. 
Since taking office, Attorney General Van Hollen has prioritized forensic DNA analysis at the State Crime Lab, cutting the average turnaround time for sexual assault cases in half. Overall, the average DNA case turnaround time is a third of what it was, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice website.

Real Output per Hour (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the annual growth in real output per hour of the nonfinancial corporations sector. I'm using the semiannual data to smooth it out a bit.

Click to enlarge.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Nonfinancial Corporations Sector: Real Output Per Hour