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Random thoughts on the passing scene

Random thoughts on the passing scene

Some of those who think the American health care system needed to be trashed and reformed in the image of the Canadian system might be interested in the opinion of Bacchus Barua, a senior economist with Canada's Fraser Institute.

"Healthcare in Canada is anything but free," he states, noting that the average family of four pays more than $11,000 a year in taxes for hospital and physician care. However, he explains in an article for The American "surely such expenditure is justified if Canadians receive a stellar healthcare system in return for their tax dollars. Unfortunately, that simply isn't the case."

Specifically, he lists some problems with his country’s system:
** Canada has fewer physicians, hospital beds, and diagnostic imaging scanners, and performs fewer medical interventions than its American and European counterparts.
** Canada has one of the lowest physician-to-population ratios in the developed world.
** A recent survey found that Canadians must wait an average of about 4 1/2 months for medically necessary elective procedures after referral from a general practitioner.
** The wait for diagnostic imaging technologies like MRIs is over two months on average.
** Patients in Canada are likely to wait two months or more to see a specialist, six days or more to see a doctor when sick or needing care, and four hours or more in the emergency room.
** Due to the lengthy waits, about 40,000 Canadians leave the country for treatment elsewhere each year [like the U.S.].
** Public drug plans covered only about a quarter of the new drugs approved for sale in Canada between 2004 and 2010.

He concludes: "These realities serve to dismiss the mythical notion that a Canadian-style healthcare system" is highly desirable.

We are headed in that direction.


During the mortgage banking crisis the federal government pressured large banks like JPMorgan Chase to take over the bad mortgage loans sold by failing banks Washington Mutual and Bear Stearns. Now the government is fining JPMorgan $13 billion for helping the feds deal with the crisis. Can you say “shakedown?”


Planned Parenthood involves itself with topics other than planning parenthood on its Facebook page, discussing topics like why some types of sexual activity are painful, transgender issues, and promoting Obamacare. Not exactly family planning.

An article on the Internet site bighealthreport.com reports that on Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page for teens it answers the question: “Is promiscuity a bad thing?” and that the organization defended doing so with the statement, “there’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners.”

Isn’t this the mentality that has led to 40 percent of our babies being born out of wedlock, and males with multiple children from multiple “baby mamas?”

This “advice,” such as it is, increases the likelihood of HPV and cervical cancer among females, in addition to STDs. “Even the Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, considered ‘a person to be at direct risk for STDs if he or she had had two or more partners during the 12 months preceding the interview’ during one of their research studies,” Big Health Report said.

The article notes “a person with low self-esteem has been shown to engage in sexual relations earlier, and engage in riskier, unprotected sex with multiple partners.” Does that sound like “nothing bad or unhealthy” to you?

Seriously? This is what we get for $542 million in federal subsidies?


The “government shut down” really amounted to about 17 percent of the government being “shut down,” and that is somewhat like going to a mall that has 100 stores and finding only 83 that are open for business. So, while things were uncomfortable for some folks, it bore no resemblance whatsoever to the government actually shutting down.

Of course, if the mall management blocked off stores that otherwise would be open, things would be more uncomfortable. No sensible businessperson would do that, but a petty, politics-dominated administration would, and did.


The emotional push to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour for those working the least skilled jobs in the fast food industry puts the spotlight on a fundamental misunderstanding of basic economics.

Advocates think the wage ought to be based upon concerns totally unrelated to the job and the business the job is a part of. “I flip burgers at Burger King, and can’t support my family on what I make, so raise the minimum wage,” is the mentality behind this ill-advised movement. In their mind, if a PhD. in English, mathematics, biochemistry, or any other field somehow ended up ringing up Happy Meals at MacDonald’s, the wage ought to be based upon his/her training, or some arbitrary “living wage” concept.

A job is worth whatever the employer says it is worth. Anyone who doesn’t like the wage is free to not take the job, or to look for a better one. If the employer can’t find people to work at the selected wage, he or she will have to raise it. Anyone who tries to find a better job, but can’t, needs to pipe down and do the job the employer allowed them to have until they can find a better one.

President Obama And Pentagon Generals Labeled War Criminals By Amnesty International

President Barack H. Obama

Amnesty International wants the U.S. to come clean on drone deadly attacks that killed innocent victims and to pay compensation to victims families. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 22, 2013

Washington, D.C. - The Amnesty International (AI) claims that recent U.S. drone attacks on Pakistan and Yemen have killed unarmed civilians. AI investigated six drone attacks, which confirmed that the U.S. had killed unarmed civilians.
AI want the U.S. to take responsibility and compensate victims families. AI reported that the attacks were illegal and war crimes have been committed by President Obama and his Pentagon generals who gave the orders to use U.S. drones in certain attacks resulting in multiple civilian casualties. 
Obama came under scrunity this year for illegally ordering the attack on U.S. civilians abroad, which resulted in the death of an American teenager. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder later admitted that President Obama didn't have the authority to order drone attacks on U.S. citizens abroad or in the U.S. whithout due process. 
Americans abroad were targeted by the Obama administration for alleged terrorist ties, which were never confirmed, but their deaths were ordered by Obama.

Obama Helps Woman That Almost Fainted During HealthCare Speech

President Obama aids pregnant woman who felt ill and almost fainted during his HealthCare speech.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 22, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, President Barack H. Obama spoke about his HealthCare bill that became law and how people can now start signing up in less than a minute. The glitches have been fixed and more people can enroll in the Healthcare dot gov web site.
He also talked about an 800 number that people can call for advice about their health plans.
"Our goal has always been to declare that in this country the security of health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few. It's a right for all to enjoy," Obama said.
While President Obama was speaking, a pregnant woman standing behind him began to get ill and almost fainted. Obama immediately turned around and helped the woman. An aid to Obama came over and took the woman out from the line she was standing to get medical attention.
Obama while helping the woman, then turns back around facing his audience and says, "that's what happens when I talk to much" and went on to finish his speech.
More than 500,000 Americans have enroll for health care coverage through ObamaCare, according to Obama.

Obama to push Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill ... J. D. Longstreet

Obama to push Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Obama to push Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill 
Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
You should be aware that if you are an American and you are an opponent of amnesty for illegal aliens now living in the United States  you are a demagogue.

Don’t believe me? Well take a look at Obama’s answer to a reporter’s question concerning so-called “immigration reform” which, translated, means: “Amnesty” for illegal aliens hiding (in plain sight) in the US today. Here’s what the Prez said:

“Now, am I going to be able to snap my fingers and get this done? No,” said Obama. “This is going to be difficult; it's going to require bipartisan cooperation. There are going to be demagogues out there who try to suggest that any form of pathway for legalization for those who are already in the United States is unacceptable. And those are fights that I'd have to have if my poll numbers are at 70 or if my poll numbers are at 40. That's just the nature of the U.S. immigration debate.But ultimately, I think the American people want fairness, Obama continued. “And we can create a system in which you have strong border security, we have an orderly process for people to come in, but we're also giving an opportunity for those who are already in the United States to be able to achieve a pathway to citizenship so that they don't have to live in the shadows, and their children and their grandchildren can have a full participation in the United States. So I'm confident we can get it done.” That, dear reader, is the current President of the US speaking back in 2009.

Have you stopped to consider how many millions more will pile onto the dole US taxpayers will have to support if this amnesty bill passes? 12 million is a drop in the bucket to the REAL figure, which you are NOT going to hear bandied about by this administration, nor the democrat/socialists in the Congress.

Obama and the democrat/socialists must REALLY think the average American is an idiot! Why, they are so disconnected from the reality in America today that they have no idea the odor they get a whiff of every now and again is the tar and feathers being prepared in their honor! Well, a few of the congressmen and senators attending some of the town hall meetings have felt the heat. But not enough - not nearly enough, to put the fear of God into them!

I have asked before: How is it that Washington cannot feel the anger of the average US citizen toward any relaxing of the immigration laws, especially toward the Hispanics who are flooding our country and bringing our health services, and educational services, and welfare services, to the breaking point? How can Congress and the President not know this? How?

Common sense dictates that they MUSTknow this. So, why are they continuing to refuse to secure our southern border and return those illegal Hispanics, already inside the US, to Mexico… or their country of origin? Instead, they now want to make those who are already here illegally… legal?  Are they nuts???
No, they are not nuts. They just don’t give a damn what you and I think, or want or NOT want, as the case may be. Wedon’t count. Our votes usedto count - but no longer. You see, the democrat/socialists have managed to secure the votes of the less literate among us to override our dissenting votes, anyway. So, I have to conclude our vote truly doesn’t count.

Look, they send armies of “helpers” into the field to register “new” voters from among those whose livelihood depends on the government check they receive the first of each month. And it works! Now, add to those legions the millions of illegal aliens who will be voting for the democrat/socialists after the Obama Regime pronounces them “legal,” and you and I will be overruled at the ballot box in perpetuity.

In the meantime, the GOP continues it's suicide attempt by working quietly behind the scenes to see that the President's Immigration Reform Bill is passed in the US House of Representatives.  

The GOP, somehow, has allowed itself to be sold a bill of goods.. They have come to believe that voting for AMNESTY for illegal aliens will ingratiate them with the Hispanics and draw swarms of hispanic voters to the Republican Party.  

One is compelled to ask: Are there no sentient human beings left in the hierarchy of the Republican Party?  Is there no one in the higher echelons of the GOP with conscious perception left?   Do they not understand that passing the Obama Immigration Reform Bill will consign the GOP to minority party status in the US Congress in perpetuity? 

If the Immigration Reform Bill, the "Amnesty Bill," is passed we will truly lose America… forever.

© J. D. Longstreet

Playful Fabrics

bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,

bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,
bittersweet colours, Christian Louboutin, chunky sweater, fall 2013, Fall trends, Joe fresh, Lace, street style, white on white, yellow,

It is all about the fabrics!
A delicate/ fuzzy combination in nude/ ivory/ yellow shades is something that I dream of for quite some time. I especially love the idea of mixing crochet dress with a chunky warm sweater. Two different textures/ shapes can really make a great "team"together!

                                                                                Sweater: Flea market find/ similar Here and Here 
                                                                                Dress: c/o Sugarlips Apparel/similar Here and Here 
                                                                                Heels: Christian Louboutin/ Here
                                                                                Bag: Joe Fresh/ option  Here 
                                                                                Brooches: DIY(Michaels)
                                                                                Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV/ option Here


Police Seek Parents Of 6-year-old Blonde Girl Found At Greece Gypsy Camp

Maria, 6, known as "Blonde Angel", Eleftheria Dimopoulou and Christos Salis

Blonde girl not biological daughter of two dark skin gypsies arrested for abduction, false identify, falsifying birth records, drugs and possession of weapons. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 21, 2013

Farsala, Greece - Police in Greece and Interpol has launched an international search to locate the biological parents of Maria, 6, known as "Blonde Angel" by authorities. She was taken into care by authorities after they found her Wednesday in a Roma gypsy camp in Farsala, Greece living with a couple who were not her biological parents, according to DNA tests done by police. The couple were identified as Christos Salis, 39, and Eleftheria Dimopoulou, 40, aka, Selini Sali, 40, according to two identification cards found on her, police reported.
The couple have a darker skin color than Maria, suspecting that she might have been abducted by the gypsy couple.
A prosecutor who accompanied police in a raid at the gypsy camp noticed Maria who has light color skin, blonde hair and blue eyes peeking out of some blankets looking at what was happening inside the dwelling where she was living. Her appearance alerted the prosecutor's curiosity and later it was determined she was not the daughter of the couple. 
Dimopoulou has admitted that maybe Maria was adopted in a non-legal way, according to a lawyer representing the gypsy couple.
Dimopoulou has four biological children and police say, she actually had documents that she registered 14 children in different parts in Greece, including six other children born to her within ten months. She was receiving at least $3,800 in child benefits, according to police.
Police suspect, the couple are connected to an international human trafficking ring.
Police are now saying that Maria is actually 6, instead of 4 as previously suspected. She is being cared by Smile of the Child Charity, which has said that at least 10K inquiries concerning Maria have been registered at their site. But police have confirmed that no connection to Maria's parents has been made yet.
Police released the photos of both Salis and Dimopoulou in Maria's abduction to help identify the child.

"What an exciting message they proclaimed--"Millions now living will never die!" Brother Rutherford had given a discourse on this subject in 1918.

"As we have heretofore stated, the great jubilee cycle is due to begin in 1925. At that time the earthly phase of the kingdom shall be recognized." Millions Now Living Will Never Die p.89
"Hence these faithful men may be expected on earth within the next few years." The Harp of God p.340
Largely unknown by most Jehovah's Witnesses today, this was the focus of the Watchtower preaching work between 1918 and 1925. Reading the brief mention of this booklet in theProclaimers book, one could be mistaken for thinking 1925 was of little relevance in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses; yet this was the defining prophecy of Rutherford's leadership. "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" introduced Rutherford's prediction that the earthly resurrection was to begin in 1925, starting with the faithful men of old, men such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

"The year 1926 would therefore begin about October first, 1925. We should, therefore, expect shortly after 1925 to see the awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Melchisedec, Job, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. ... No doubt many boys and girls who read this book will live to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, and those other men of old come forth in the glory of their better resurrection, of perfect in mind and body. It will not take long for Christ to appoint them to their post of honor and authority as his earthly representatives. The world and all the present conveniences will seen strange to them at first, but they will soon become accustomed to the new methods. They may have some amusing experiences at first; for they never saw telephones, radios, automobiles, electric lights, aeroplanes, steam engines, and many other things so familiar to us." The Way to Paradise (1924) pp.224,226


How To Take Profit Out Of Drugs...Uruguay's drug czar says the country plans to sell legal marijuana for $1 per gram,

How To Take Profit Out Of Drugs...Uruguay's drug czar says the country plans to sell legal marijuana for $1 per gram,

29 grams = 1 ounce and in Canada weed is $250-300.00 per ounce

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay -- MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — Uruguay's drug czar says the country plans to sell legal marijuana for $1 per gram, though he's given higher figures in the past.
A law already passed in the lower house of Congress and expected to pass in the Senate later this year would make Uruguay the first country in the world to license and enforce rules for the production, distribution and sale of marijuana for adult consumers.
The El Pais newspaper reported Sunday that drug chief Julio Calzada says marijuana sales should start in the second half of 2014 at a price of $1.
He says the idea isn't to make money, but to wrench the market away from illegal dealers. Calzada said in August that the price would be around $2.5 per gram.
Sales are for locals only.

ACA and the Glitches in the Registration Process, Possibly Many Weeks Away from Correcting...

ACA and the Glitches in the Registration Process, Possibly Many Weeks Away from Correcting...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

As the administration acknowledges the myriad of technical problems with the healthcare exchange marketplace (and feigns anger) contractors have identified most of the problems but worry it may be weeks away before all issues are resolved. This is because the Obama Administration has been slow (remis) in issuing orders to fix the flaws.

From The New York Times.

Federal contractors have identified most of the main problems crippling President Obama’s online health insurance marketplace, but the administration has been slow to issue orders for fixing those flaws, and some contractors worry that the system may be weeks away from operating smoothly, people close to the project say.

Administration officials approached the contractors last week to see if they could perform the necessary repairs and reboot the system by Nov. 1. However, that goal struck many contractors as unrealistic, at least for major components of the system. Some specialists working on the project said the online system required such extensive repairs that it might not operate smoothly until after the Dec. 15 deadline for people to sign up for coverage starting in January...

In interviews, experts said the technological problems of the site went far beyond the roadblocks to creating accounts that continue to prevent legions of users from even registering. Indeed, several said, the login problems, though vexing to consumers, may be the easiest to solve. One specialist said that as many as five million lines of software code may need to be rewritten before the Web site runs properly.

“The account creation and registration problems are masking the problems that will happen later,” said one person involved in the repair effort.


One major problem slowing repairs, people close to the program say, is that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency in charge of the exchange, is responsible for making sure that the separately designed databases and pieces of software from 55 contractors work together. It is not common for a federal agency to assume that role, and numerous people involved in the project said the agency did not have the expertise to do the job and did not fully understand what it entailed.

The people close to the project spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the system’s problems.


A part of the system, hidden from users, draws data from several federal and state databases to determine if consumers qualify for coverage and then calculates the subsidies for which they may be eligible. Another part of the system sends enrollment data to insurers. Several people involved in the project say that problems like those of the last three weeks are not uncommon when software from several companies is combined into a large, complex system.

Insurance executives said in interviews that they were frustrated because they did not know the government’s plan or schedule for repairs. Insurers have found that the system provides them with incorrect information about some enrollees, repeatedly enrolls and cancels the enrollments of others, and simply loses the enrollments of still others.

Correcting those errors, specialists said, could require extensive rewriting of software code. Insurers said it could be weeks before their data and the government’s could be reconciled.

Accurate enrollment data is essential. Even if consumers bypass the federal Web site and go directly to insurance companies to sign up for coverage, the Treasury Department will still need enrollment data to pay tens of billions of dollars in subsidies promised to insurers.

Confidential government documents show that some technical fixes have been made to the federal Web site, and specialists say the site is slowly improving.

Nevertheless, disarray has distinguished the project. In the last 10 months alone, government documents show, officials modified hardware and software requirements for the exchange seven times. It went live on Oct. 1 before the government and contractors had fully tested the complete system. Delays by the government in issuing specifications for the system reduced the time available for testing. {Read the Full Story Here}

As America and her frustrations continue over the current ACA registration process glitches she can only wait and hope the process improves and the ACA itself runs smoother and better than its initial signup rollout. Only time will tell. It is after all the law of the land and it ain't going anywhere. Irrespective of the Tea Party, Cruz, Rubio, Gohmert and the rest of the minority working to find ways to insure its failure.

Via: Memeorandum

Air Marshal Arrested For Taking Up Skirt Photos Of Female Passengers

Adam Joseph Bartsch

Air Marshal charged with disorderly conduct for taking up skirt photos of female passengers boarding Southwest flight 3132 from a Nashville to Tampa flight.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 21, 2013

Nashville, Tennessee - Last Thursday,  Adam Joseph Bartsch, 28, a Baltimore based Federal Air Marshal was taken into custody by Nashville International Airport Police after a passenger complained with Southwest 3132 flight attendants that he was taking unauthorized up skirt photos of female passengers as they boarded the fight. A passenger spotted Bartsch taking pictures with a cell phone and grabbed Bartsch's phone. Bartsch's cellphone was turned over to airport police in Nashville. 
Bartsch admitted to police that he was taking photos with his cellphone, according to the police complaint. Southwest flight 3132 was delayed briefly, according to police.
Bartsch was charged with disorderly conduct and a bond was set at $10,000. He was later released after posting bail and is expected back in court on November 14.
The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA),  which manages the Federal Air Marshal Program confirmed that Bartsch has been relieved from his duties and has been suspended pending the outcome of the case. Bartsch could eventually get fired from his job, the TSA says.

i'm in HGTV magazine, let's celebrate with pillows!

A few months ago I was sitting on the beach, sipping a cocktail (no lie) and watching my girls giggle in the sand. Life couldn't get any better. And then my phone beeped and I saw an email from HGTV magazine. What the what?

I am over the moon to be featured in their "WOW! What Color is That?" article. And not only do I get to show off the raspberry dresser I painted for my living room, but I'm thrilled the picture is also showing off some of my favorite work from my dear friend Jennifer at The Pink Pagoda.

It is so good to get one of my little secrets off my chest and share the good news with you all! I didn't think it was coming out until Tuesday, so y'all should have seen me when I spied it at Target on Saturday night (yes, I was at Target on Saturday night). As Ice Cube would say, it was a good day.

So be sure to check it out! Wahoo!!

And to celebrate, I have a special treat. My friend Brittany of Classically B is expanding her amazing pillow collection onto Etsy, and she is offering 15% off her already great prices to all little black door readers. Make sure you are a follower of little black door and you can use the code HAPPY15 at checkout. The offer expires on October 28th so make sure to order up before then! Early Christmas shopping people.

Magazines and pillows. Now that's a good Monday!

Just Say NO ... To Obamacare! ... J. D. Longstreet

Just Say NO ... To Obamacare!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Just Say NO ... To Obamacare!
Delay Obamacare? 
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
The lies about how America LOVES Obamacare continue to pour from the White House as water over Niagara Falls.  But that is ALL they are ... LIES!

For many Americans, the idea of Obamacare was spawned in Hell, itself, with Satan's seal of approval stamped in red hot letters across the bottom.

Obamacare is nothing more than Obama's redistributing the nation's wealth. It's Marxism, pure and simple. And the people HATE it!

"Social security numbers allegedly passed around in clear sight. Page after page of unworkable code. And no clarity on when it will all be fixed.

Just another day of trying to log in to healthcare.gov.

Two weeks after its launch, the federal health insurance exchange is a "failure," says The Washington Post's Ezra Klein. Some officials deserve to be fired, according to Robert Gibbs, who until February 2011 was one of President Obama's closest advisers.

And those are the Affordable Care Act's supporters."
  SOURCE:  http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/stories/2013/october/17/california-healthline-obamacare-delay-questioned.aspx

Expect some time to elapse, however, before a story is eventually released in the Mainstream Media that the White House is "thinking" about delaying Obamacare for a while, probably a year.

Then there is this from an article by Avik Roy at Forbes.com entitled:  "Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are."  In the article Mr. Roy says:

"A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. Healthcare.gov forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away."  SOURCE:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/14/obamacares-website-is-crashing-because-it-doesnt-want-you-to-know-health-plans-true-costs/

It is entirely possible, gentle reader,  the democrats have themselves a white elephant in Obamacare and it is already beginning to take its toll.  

Americans are NOT signing up -- IN DROVES.
  Only a tiny fraction of those who actually managed to access the website signed up, something like one percent, nation wide, after three weeks in operation.

Seems to me, the smart move is to NOT SIGN UP and pay the fine instead.  Compared to the godawful premiums, the fine is nothing.

Ever since the original tea party in Boston in which Sam Adams and the boys donned Indian (Whoops!  "Native American") disguises and dumped much of a ship's cargo of tea into Boston Harbor, Americans have known the value of "civil disobedience" when the government over them insists on taking their hard earned money for the government's oft frivolous purposes -- or -- simply to redistribute the wealth. 

Obamacare is the largest scheme to redistribute America's wealth our overreaching government has devised to date.
I laugh every time I hear a democrat say the American people reelected Obama because of Obamacare.  That's a hoot! 

Take a look at who, exactly, voted for Obama and you will find that a huge portion of them were Americans who pay no taxes -- at all --  and are, for all intents and purposes, "wards of the government" relying upon the government dole for their very existence.  In many cases it has become a family tradition with generations of the same family suckling from the government teat.  Sure.  THEY'RE going to support ANYONE who guarantees them an income drained from the national treasury.  A Pope once said:  "Anytime you rob Peter to pay Paul -- you can rely upon the support of Paul!"  A truism if there has ever been one.

Maybe it's time to recycle Nancy Reagan's anti-drug message from back in the eighties:  Just say NO!"  This time apply the slogan to Obamacare:  "Just Say No To Obamacare!"  If Obamacare cannot stand on its own, it will collapse of its own weight -- and that would be a glorious day for Americans.

As each day goes by, we learn of more and more problems with Obamacare from the software down to lack of training for so called "navigators."  

The political left is ready to begin, in fact, they have already begun their campaign to replace Obamacare with a completely government run single payer healthcare system just like other socialist and communist countries have.  Articles, editorials, and letters to the editor  are popping up all over the country touting replacement of Obamacare with a single payer system.  Not even a month out of the chute and the dems want to make it worse!

Many Americans have finally come round to wondering how the government will manage their healthcare if that same government can't even manage a website on the Internet?

© J. D. Longstreet

Marco Rubio and Unrelated Issues, His Lack Of Understanding With Respect To Rational Self (and National) Interest...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) 

I am getting more amused every day by the loonies that constitute the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party. Being an advocates of exercising rational self interest in all thing I cannot help by marvel at Senator Marco Rubio's remarks on FOX News this Sunday. Certainly his remarks don't sound much like concern for rational self interest. Of course this is based on the belief comprehensive immigration reform is in everyone's rational self interest.

But maybe it's just me.

Via Memeorandum.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) suggested on Sunday that President Obama’s refusal to compromise with Republicans on Obamacare to re-open the government and raise the nation’s debt ceiling has jeopardized the chances of passing comprehensive immigration reform.

“I think immigration reform is harder to achieve today an it was three weeks ago because of what happened here,” the first-term senator said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, before agreeing with opponents of immigration reform who warn that that the Obama administration will simply fail to enforce border security or other aspects of a bill he disagrees with.

“The president has undermined this effort, absolutely, because of the way he has behaved over the last three weeks,” Rubio added. “This notion that they’re going to get in a room and negotiate a deal with the president on immigration is much more difficult to do…because of the way the president has behaved towards his opponents over the last three weeks.” {Read More}

This sounds more like sour grapes and a United States Senator acting like a spoiled child than it does looking out four our nations rational self interests.

Employee Hours Worked: Durable Goods / Nondurable Goods

The following chart shows employee hours worked in durable goods divided by employee hours worked in nondurable goods. I'm looking for signs of excess.

Click to enlarge.

I can't speak for you, but I see plenty.

Source Data:
BLS: Employment

Private Hours Worked per Capita (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the 12-month moving average of annualized private production and nonsupervisory employee hours worked per capita.

Click to enlarge.

By looking at hours worked instead of the number of those employed, we will not be swayed by the illusionary job growth created by more people working but with fewer hours worked each.

And we wonder why the economy is doing so poorly since 2000?

Let's zoom in a bit and look at growth rates.

Click to enlarge.

As seen in the chart, the growth peaked at just over 2%, just like it did heading into the Great Recession.

The first derivative (growth) is still positive. However, the second derivative (change in growth) is looking toxic. It was looking similarly toxic in August of 2007. In hindsight, August of 2000 was no picnic either. There was less advance warning then though.

It’s dangerous
I’m fallin’
There’s no escape

Nothing is locked in stone. I'm not claiming to be able to accurately predict the future here, although I am definitely not optimistic. We all better hope that there is an escape, otherwise we'll enter the next recession while still in ZIRP. With the stock market hovering at record levels, a party that would be. Not.

In any event, I will be shocked if this is a great Christmas season for retailers. I stand by my relatively long standing prediction that the next recession will hit on or before October of 2014. And yes, if I am correct we'll still be in ZIRP when it hits. Sigh.

This is not investment advice.

Source Data:
BLS: Employment
St. Louis Fed: Population

No Immigration Reform For 2013, Not Buying Your Products!

It's executives of Corporate America that funds the U.S. House GOP stalemate on immigration reform and won't budge.  Time for a 16-day national economic shutdown by La Raza, Hispanic-Americans and supporters to show them we have control of our $2T spending and buying power. "No immigration reform for 2013, not buying your products!"
★ H. Nelson Goodson approves this statement and action.

Former Tijuana Cartel Leader Fatally Shot By Clown At Family Fiesta

Francisco Rafael Arrellano Félix

The Félix family was having a gathering and a clown hired to entertain children at the event took out a gun and fatally shot the former Tijuana Cartel leader.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 19, 2103

Los Cabos, Baja California, Mexico - The State Attorney General's office in Baja California confirmed that a suspect dressed as a clown was able to infiltrate a family gathering at the Ocean House party room in the Marbella Hotel on Friday around 8:00 p.m. and fatally shot one of the hosts. Francisco Rafael Arrellano Félix, 63, was fatally shot in the head and in the torso by a suspect in a clown disguise,  according to Mexican authorities. The suspect after killing Félix, fled the scene.
One of Felix's sons was able to identify his father's identify. Francisco Rafael Arellano Félix was the oldest of three other brothers, Ramón, Benjamín and Francisco Javier.

Fall days like these

bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,

bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,
bittersweet colours, fall colors, fall 2013, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Sam Edelman, duro olowu, DIY, DIY necklace, COLORS, Burgundy, street style, prints,

This year we seem to have a wonderful warm Fall season and I love it. Right now we have "sweater weather" but we still can wear skirts or bermuda pants like in today's outfit post.
I love Fall days like these!

                                                                        Sweater: H&M/option Here and Here 
                                                                        Bermuda pants: Duro Olowu/ similar style Here and Here 
                                                                        Shoes: c/o Sam Edelman/ Here and  Here  
                                                                        Bag: 3.1Phillim Lim/Here and Here 
                                                                        Necklace: DIY, made by Bogdan and I
                                                                        Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren