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This Christmas Season Filled with Hope and Wonder!

The following chart shows quits in the retail trade industry.

Click to enlarge.

September 4, 2013
Abused Retail Staff Quits With Epic Resignation Letter [UPDATE]

Dear Jamie,

Since you decided to say "cancer is not an excuse" and think it's OK to swear at your employees like you do ALL the time ... WE QUIT. THIS is why you can't keep a store manager longer than a year. YOU ABUSE your roll AND staff. ENJOY the fact that you lost a store manager, co-manager, and key holder in the middle of Back to School. THINK next time you treat people the way you do. We Aren't Allowing It Anymore.

Niki, Jess, TJ

See Also:
WikiTubia: Charlie the Unicorn

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

The Devil Responsble for Organizing Allegations of Sexual Misconduct...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Herman Cain

The following is an excerpt from RealClearReligion. It is concerning the allegations of sexual misconduct by Herman Cain during the 2012 presidential campaign. It seems he has been able to identify the perpetrator and organizer of what he claims were (are) fallacious allegations. Come to find out is is the DEVIL himself.

Then he speculated as to who may have orchestrated the allegations: the Devil.

"It made me realize that there was a force bigger than right," Cain said.

But that doesn't mean Cain has given up. Nowadays, Cain fights against the Evil One from the pulpit. Cain has been a member of the same Baptist church in Atlanta -- "a church in the hood" -- since he was 10, where he now serves as an associate pastor.

Cain preaches that the Devil is "determined to destroy our culture" and that "the family is at the center of our culture and the center of the family is its religious beliefs." {Read the Full Story}

Just another small example of reason existing the Republican party. Oy Vey!

Via: Memeorandum

Waiting for the 21st Century Voice of Reason in American Politics and Governance...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

James Madison

Why are there no great thinkers anymore in American politics? Is is merely that we no longer notice them? A sign of the times? A result of the me first generation where the desire for and realization of instance gratification overcame long term rational self interest? Or is it just another phase in the current backwards evolution of the American electorate?

Perhaps the questions are rhetorical. However, it is certainly in the rational self interest of the people of the nation to find the answers and take the appropriate actions to correct our national trend towards the lowest common denominator.

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the
great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control
the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." --
Madison, Federalist No. 51

Where is the voice of reason in either political party? Perhaps most importantly when will it surface?

ROBERT B. REICH says..."biggest problem is the decline of the middle class"

ROBERT B. REICH says..."biggest problem is the decline of the middle class"

"Our biggest problem is the decline of the middle class and increasing ranks of the poor, while almost all the economic gains go to the top." 
Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley; Author, 'Beyond Outrage'

(chairman of Mr. Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors. and former labor secretary, endorsed Mr. Obama)             Mr. Reich, 64, is one of several prominent liberal economists who despair of what they say is this president’s political caution, and his unwillingness to duel with an emboldened Republican Party. )

Conservative Republicans have lost their fight over the shutdown and debt ceiling, and they probably won't get major spending cuts in upcoming negotiations over the budget.
But they're winning the big one: How the nation understands our biggest domestic problem.
They say the biggest problem is the size of government and the budget deficit.
In fact our biggest problem is the decline of the middle class and increasing ranks of the poor, while almost all the economic gains go to the top.
The Labor Department reported Tuesday that only 148,000 jobs were created in September -- way down from the average of 207,000 new jobs a month in the first quarter of the year.
Many Americans have stopped looking for work. The official unemployment rate of 7.2 percent reflects only those who are still looking. If the same percentage of Americans were in the workforce today as when Barack Obama took office, today's unemployment rate would be 10.8 percent.
Meanwhile, 95 percent of the economic gains since the recovery began in 2009 have gone to the top 1 percent. The real median household income continues to drop, and the number of Americans in poverty continues to rise.
So what's Washington doing about this? Nothing. Instead, it's back to debating how to cut the federal budget deficit.
The deficit shouldn't even be an issue because it's now almost down to the same share of the economy as it's averaged over the last thirty years.
The triumph of right-wing Republicanism extends further. Failure to reach a budget agreement will restart the so-called "sequester" -- automatic, across-the-board spending cuts that were passed in 2011 as a result of Congress's last failure to agree on a budget.
These automatic cuts get tighter and tighter, year by year -- squeezing almost everything the federal government does except for Social Security and Medicare. While about half the cuts come out of the defense budget, much of the rest come out of programs designed to help Americans in need: extended unemployment benefits; supplemental nutrition for women, infants and children; educational funding for schools in poor communities; Head Start; special education for students with learning disabilities; child-care subsidies for working families; heating assistance for poor families. The list goes on.
The biggest debate in Washington over the next few months will be whether to whack the federal budget deficit by cutting future entitlement spending and closing some tax loopholes, or go back to the sequester. Some choice.
The real triumph of the right has come in shaping the national conversation around the size of government and the budget deficit -- thereby diverting attention from what's really going on: the increasing concentration of the nation's income and wealth at the very top, while most Americans fall further and further behind.
Continuing cuts in the budget deficit -- through the sequester or a deficit agreement -- will only worsen this by reducing total demand for goods and services and by eliminating programs that hard-pressed Americans depend on.
The President and Democrats should re-frame the national conversation around widening inequality. They could start by demanding an increase in the minimum wage and a larger Earned Income Tax Credit. (The President doesn't' even have to wait for Congress to act. He can raise the minimum wage for government contractors through an executive order.)
Framing the central issue around jobs and inequality would make clear why it's necessary to raise taxes on the wealthy and close tax loopholes (such as "carried interest," which enables hedge-fund and private-equity managers to treat their taxable income as capital gains).
It would explain why we need to invest more in education -- including early-childhood as well as affordable higher education.
This framework would even make the Affordable Care Act more understandable - as a means for helping working families whose jobs are paying less or disappearing altogether, and therefore in constant danger of losing health insurance.
The central issue of our time is the reality of widening inequality of income and wealth. Everything else -- the government shutdown, the fight over the debt ceiling, the continuing negotiations over the budget deficit -- is a dangerous distraction. The Right's success in generating this distraction is its greatest, and most insidious, triumph.
ROBERT B. REICH, Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written thirteen books, including the best sellers "Aftershock" and "The Work of Nations." His film, "Inequality for All," will be out in September. He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause. Watch the trailer for his new film,Inequality for All:

The Cruzifiction of Ted ... J. D. Longstreet

The Cruzifiction of Ted   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Cruzifiction of Ted
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

I don't know Senator Ted Cruz.  Never met the man.  But I have friends and family in the great state of Texas and THEY are thrilled with Cruz's, shall we say ... "zeal."

Last weekend Senator Cruz was met with an eight minute standing ovation at a gathering in Texas.  Eight minutes!   That's a lot of applauding!  A lot, indeed!

 Here in the South, we STILL cherish our "firebrand"politicians.  We love it when they take the fight to the opposition.  We also love it when they take a position right up front and plant their flag and declare their immovability. 

 In the few months Cruz has been in Washington he has become a "thorn in the flesh" to moderates and liberals and socialists and Marxists, and progressives, well, everyone --with the exception of conservatives.

 Shortly after Cruz was elected, I asked friends in Texas if Cruz was for real.  It was still early days and they would commit only to say he APPEARED to be the real thing.  I then opined that if he was, indeed the "Real Thing" he would be crucified by the left and the Mainstream Media, which is, of course, one and the same.
 It didn't take long. 
Boat rockers are not welcome, it seems, in Congress -- by either side.  Cruz has managed to keep the boat rocking since he had the temerity to stride away from the back benches and insist that Congress and the President follow the dictates of the Constitution.  THAT was unheard of behavior, especially from some pipsqueak southerner with a decided Texas accent.  How dare he insist the Constitution be followed!
 And that was from his own political party!  

 Oh, he was also assigned a new nickname courtesy of that old reliable RINO from Arizona, John McCain -- "Wacko Bird." 

 Cruz instantly became the face of the Tea Party in Washington.  Both democrats and Republicans HATE the Tea Party.  Even though the Tea Party is largely responsible for the GOP gaining control of the House of Representatives, The republicans, that is to say, the "establishment republicans" (The blue bloods and the country club set, the moderates, liberals, and progressives within the GOP) took umbrage at the gall of the "Kmart republicans" when they refused to "go along to get along."

Look.  The GOP had better get used to the fact that the party's base loves Ted Cruz.  Every time some pompous stuffed shirt repub takes another cheap shot at Cruz, the base takes it personally. 

 The conservatives in the GOP, that is to say -- the base of the party, is on the verge of a mass migration AWAY from the Republican Party to become either Independent voters, or, to form another political party, a conservative political party.  In either event, the GOP will be relegated to minority status as far into the future as the eye can see -- if it survives at all.
 Is Cruz positioning himself to run for President in 2016?  Possibly.  He’s doing and saying all the things pre-candidates do and say.  He’s visiting the early primary and caucus states and such.  But frankly, I’ll be surprised to see him actually make a try for it simply because I do not think Senator Cruz is eligible to be a candidate for President of the US.  He is NOT a natural born citizen of the United States.  Do not delude yourself into thinking the democrats and/or the Mainstream Media will let that pass.  They will crucify Senator Cruz around the clock.  See, there IS a double standard in national politics – one for the democrats and an entirely different standard for republicans.
 Senator Cruz, notwithstanding, the Republican party is leaderless and will remain so as long as the party is split and at war with itself.  

 I have never believed the Republican Party needed a “Big Tent.”   The GOP is not the Democrat Party; at least it WASN’T until recently,  when ,for whatever reason, it decided to become democrat-lite.  

 The Democrat Party is not really a party -- per se.  (with respect to its inherent nature) It is more a conglomeration of special interest groups than it is a political party.   That does not work for the GOP’s conservative base. 

Conservatives are seeking a national leader, a champion, if you will.  At the moment, more and more conservatives are turning to Senator Cruz.  Anything that plays havoc with Obama’s plan to destroy the Republican Party -- and crush conservatives -- is just fine with me. 

 © J. D. Longstreet

Statement Extras

bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend

bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend
bittersweet colours, A.L.C leather pants, Burgundy, Sam Edelman, Cynthia Rowley, street style, fall 2013, Fall trends, leather pants, burgundy trend

The "burgundy chapter" continues...
Until now, I wore it with light pink Here, fuchsia Here , blue Here , white Here , green Here  and in today's post with grey! Surely this is not the last color combination... so... to be continued :)

                                                                               Shirt: vintage/ option Here and Here 
                                                                               Bag: Cynthia Rowley/ great option Here and Here 
                                                                               Leather Pants: A.L.C/ similar style Here Here and Here 
                                                                               Ankle boots: c/o Sam Edelman/ Here and Here  
                                                                               Necklace: c/o My Jewel Candy/ Here 

Waste Not, Want Not (Musical Tribute)

The following chart shows the amount spent on sewage and waste disposal construction as a percentage of wages and salaries.

Click to enlarge.

Waste not, want not

If you do not waste anything, you will always have enough.

I must admit that some posts are done mostly for the puns.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Leal, Mexican Boxer Dies Three Days After Knockout By Hilares

Francisco "Frankie" Javier Leal

Mexican boxer remained in coma and never recovered after being knocked out at a Saturday bout in Mexico.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 23, 2013

San Diego, CA - On Tuesday,  Francisco "Frankie" Javier Leal, 26, aka, "Pequeño Soldado" succumbed to his injuries from a Saturday night boxing match with Rául Hilares in Cabos San Jose, Baja California, Mexico. The fight was televised live by Box Azteca.
Hilares knocked out Leal in the eight round and he later went into coma, which he never recovered. He was taken to a San Diego hospital where he died on Tuesday, according to family members.
Leal leaves a record of 20  fight wins, 8 defeats, 3 tied and 13 knockouts. 

Problem Rogers Explorer 8642 HD PVR Randomly loses audio fluctuations driving you nuts- read this!

These are the type of problems that numerous people are experiencing incluing the writer>

Explorer 8642 HD PVR and it randomly loses audio.  Just like in your case, if I turn my TV off and on, the sound comes back.  Here's what I've done to try to resolve this problem:

- hard reboot (unplugged terminal for 5 minutes)
- factory reset
- changed audio settings from variable to fixed * from narrow to normal
- tried different HDMI cables
- tried different HDMI ports on TV

None of this has worked.  I'm going to swap the HDMI cable with a component cable to see if that makes a difference.  At first I thought the terminal was defective but since the sound comes back after I power off and then power on the TV, I'm wondering if the problem is poor signal strength as someone else mentioned in this thread.
 If you're able to figure out what the problem is please let us know and I'll do the same.

The writer has found a solution: 

Receiver Software Configuration

It appears that the receiver must be configured to use optical audio while using HDMI for video.
This resolved my audio fluctuation problem I hope it solves yours.

My equipment 
  1. Sony str dn840 , 
  2. Sharp Aquos 52 inch, 
  3. Next Box 3.0 PVR model 9865 (6-20-2013)
  1. HDMI cable from back of PVR to Sony HDMI input
  2. Optical cable back of PVR to input (assignable input on Sony)
  3. Open Sony software change settings as below
  4. Change input settings to optical (from PVR) 

Two Million Of Undocumented Immigrants Deported By ICE Under The Obama Administration

Obama and Democrats have failed to pass immigration reform, but his administration has succeeded in deporting 2 million of undocumented immigrants. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 23, 2013

Washington, D.C. - In one week, ICE will have deported 2M of undocumented immigrants under the Obama administration. Only two months and several days left to end 2013, President Barack H. Obama and the Democrats are running low on fuel and innovative ways to help pass immigration reform in 2013.
A group of conservative business owners and major corporate CEO's and other groups will be in Washington, D.C. to lobby for immigration reform on October 28, according to media reports. Most of those conservatives involved are Republicans and they are expected to talk to members of the U.S. House GOP about approving a comprehensive immigration reform bill. Will they succeed where others have failed?, only time will tell. 
The fact is that ICE continues to detain and deport undocumented immigrants in the U.S., which the agency was designed to do. But in recent years, ICE has engaged in illegal activity in many parts of the country and its media relations department continues to deny illegal activity even when certain cases are documented, reported and exposed. One significant case was the Moises Roger Mory-Lamas case in 2010, where Mory-Lamas was forced by three ICE agents to go to a Peruvian consulate and made him sign an ACT document to be removed from the U.S. Mory-Lamas was in the process of trying to get legal status. 
Mory-Lamas accused, Peruvian Consul Beoutis, and three ICE agents identified in the ACT signatures as Juan Mezarina, Oscar Torres and James Laforge of violating his rights, under immigration law and the U.S. Constitution.
A Peruvian citizen has a right to enter a Peruvian Consulate for official purposes, but with U.S. agents as escorts is considered illegal, and they have no diplomatic status to sign such an Act inside the Consulate, considered foreign soil.
ICE agents deported Mory-Lamas to Peru, despite a pending immigration appeal case and a petition for amnesty, including residency and work authorization until 2011. 
In November 2010, Mory-Lamas received a letter from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) in his residence in West New York informing him of an interview for November 16, but he was already deported on September 9.
Mory-Lamas had fought and challenged his deportation for more than 11 years.
ICE spent more than $400,000 in the Mory-Lamas case alone, including flight passages for two ICE agents to accompanied him to Peru.
ICE isn't suppose to deport anyone while in the process of getting legal status. In the Mory-Lamas case, ICE deported Mory-Lamas, despite any pending case to seek legal status.
ICE deportation data indicates that a majority were deported for non-criminal offenses contradicting the ICE current priorities. ICE's has said, that only those deemed to be a threat to the U.S., gang members, violent and drug related criminals are being deported. ICE has become the most corrupted agency engaging in rogue criminal activity in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its agents are never sanction, discipline, terminated or convicted of violating the Constitutional rights of detainees by coercion, illegal acts, warrant less home invasions including arrests at private properties and U.S. County courts. The U.S. Congress has yet to investigate such gross violations by ICE and to implement laws to hold ICE agents and its supervisors accountable for many widely documented and reported illegal acts by ICE agents.
Recently in Bakersfield, CA, the ICE office based agents have been illegally arresting non-criminal immigrants at the Kern County Court Houses while paying traffic citations, attending court hearings or getting married, according to the ACLU. The ACLU also claims that ICE agents have been arresting suspected undocumented immigrants in Santa Clara, CA County courts without warrants as in Kern County.
In Tucson, Arizona, an Operation Streamline Court managed by ICE gets to convict between 80 to 180 of undocumented immigrants at once. An immigration judge sentences all to 30-130 days in jail at private immigration prisons before they are removed from the U.S. Not1More activists who staged a protest in early October and blocked several immigration buses transporting undocumented immigrants to the Streamline Court say, the immigrants are denied due process, appeals, legal advice by attorneys or family members including the Mexican Consulate.
In 2012, a total of 409,849 were deported including 184,459 non-criminals; in 2011, 391,953 were deported including 203,571 non-criminals and in 2010, 385,100 were deported including 215,444 non-criminals were removed from the U.S. under the Obama administration. 

Pope Francis temporarily expels ‘luxury bishop’ from German diocese after $42M home reno

Pope Francis temporarily expels ‘luxury bishop’ from German diocese after $42M home reno

VATICAN CITY—Pope Francis temporarily expelled a German bishop from his diocese on Wednesday because of a scandal over a 31-million-euro project to build a new residence complex, but refused calls to remove him permanently.

The Vatican didn't say how long Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst would spend away from the diocese of Limburg and gave no information on where he would go or what he would do. It said he was leaving pending the outcome of a church commission investigation into the expenditures and his role in the affair.
Limburg's vicar general, the Rev. Wolfgang Roesch, who had been due to take up his duties on Jan. 1, will instead start work immediately and will run the diocese during Tebartz-van Elst's absence, the Vatican said.
At the centre of the controversy is the 31-million-euro ($42 million) price tag for the construction of a new bishop's residence complex and related renovations. Tebartz-van Elst has defended the expenditures, saying the bill was actually for 10 projects and that there were additional costs because of regulations on buildings under historical protection.

one room challenge - family room week 4

Before I jump in on Week 4 progress, I want to thank everyone for your sweet comments on the HGTV Magazine feature. It wasn't totally real until I could share it with y'all and I'm still on cloud nine. Actually I'm kind of hoping that euphoria will carry me through the next few weeks because I feel like this project is growing. The list should be getting smaller at this point right? My design ADD is killing me. (catch up on previous weeks here.)

Now that the painting is done and I'm ready to get going on the meat and potatoes of the room I wanted to take this week to share some details on what will be sitting on those newly painted floors.

If you are new to LBD then I should let you know; I like a good bargain. And I love things that have a story to tell. (my furniture likes to talk almost as much as me) So when I can marry those two things and satisfy my 'thrill of the hunt' fix, then I am a happy girl.

For those that follow me on Instagram, these might look familiar but let's take a tour, shall we?

The couch. I found this beauty at Goodwill and loved it right away. Then the 'do I or don't I' debate started and I decided I would walk away and check back tomorrow. If it was still there it was meant to be. I thought about it all night and couldn't wait for the store to open the next morning. I rushed in and paid the $30. That's right. $30. I picked it up the next day in a surprise (and severe) snow storm with it hanging out of the back of my car for the 2 miles home. Zero visibility on the roads but 100% happy with my find.

The chairs. My friend and I go to an annual high school garage sale every spring and we usually come away with something great. The lines are long, we have to go super early and it is pure madness when we get in. We love it. This past spring we went and came up with a big fat nothing until we headed toward the exits. I saw these chairs and said to her that I had no more room for armchairs in my house (I have 4 extras in my basement), but don't they have great lines? And then she said the best thing a friend could say - "They are $8. Get them!" (thanks Becca). And so I did. They won't look like this the next time you see them, but they are again in excellent condition and I love their shape. And that's $8 for the PAIR by the way.

The lamps. Both were from Goodwill. Separate trips but equally ugly. :) Big plans for these. They were $8 for both.

The table. I knew I wanted something for the girls to draw and create on, but I didn't want to spend a lot since...they wold be drawing and creating on it. I saw this one at, wait for it, Goodwill, and emailed my lovely Linda to see what she thought. She assured me I could find some way to paint over that veneer and I pulled the trigger. $20. The dust was free.

The chairs. The green one was my dad's 'homework chair' growing up and the other chair has sat in my parents basement for 30 years. I come by my furniture hoarding honestly. Best part - FREE.

The coffee table. Snatched it up while at a retirement home sale with a client (they had great stuff). My monkeys girls' broke the glass top during an illegal dance party so it needs to be fixed and spruced up. She is the perfect length though and I love her height. $15.

So now the plan is take this motley crew and make them look cohesive and fresh. Less junky, more funky. Some of them have already been made over, some are still in process and some I still need to start (ugh!). Will I make it?!

Rip up gross carpet (floor and stairs) and replace flooring
Paint and plank walls and bookshelves
- Recover estate sale chairs - at the upholsterers 
- Create some sort of art station for the girls
Paint chairs and table
- Repair and paint coffee table
- Create toy storage that doesn't involve the words 'pink' or 'plastic'
- Get some art on those walls
Find rugs
- New Lighting

Be sure to check out how everyone else is progressing:

Former Female Racine Correctional Workers Charged For Sexual Assault Of An Inmate

Karina Herrera, Lisa Hawkins and Mario Barrios

Both former corrections staff workers facing 40 years each, if convicted.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 22, 2013

Racine, WI - On Tuesday, Karina Herrera, 40, and Lisa Hawkins, 33, appeared in a Racine County court for a bond hearing after they were both charged separately for having sexual contact with Mario Barrios, 39, an inmate at the Racine Correctional Institution. Barrios was convicted in 1995 for two felony counts, 1st-degree reckless homicide and physical child abuse. He pleaded no contest to both charges.
Herrera was charged on September 30, with two felony counts, one for 2nd-degree sexual assault of an inmate by corrections staff and a second count for delivery of illegal articles to an inmate. A $2,000 signature bond was set for Herrera on Tuesday. She is expected back in court on November 7.
Herrera is accused of providing a cellphone to Barrios last year in exchange for having sex with him. Barrios has admitted to investigators that Herrera gave him the cellphone and that he also had sexual contact with Hawkins various times.
A routine search of Barrios cell led to the discovery of three SD memory cards that contained pornographic photos and videos showing Herrera performing sex acts to Barrios. Barrios attempted to dispose of the SD's by flushing them down the toilet, but was intercepted and the memory cards were recovered by the guards.
Hawkins was also charged with one felony count for 2nd-degree sexual assault of an inmate by corrections staff and one misdemeanor count for resisting or obstructing an officer. A judge set a $2,000 signature bond for Hawkins on Tuesday and she is expected back in court on November 14, according to court records.
Hawkins worked as a nurse for Guardian Health Care at the Racine Correctional Institution and Herrera worked in the health services unit at the correctional institution. 
Both Herrera and Hawkins are facing up to 40 years each in prison, if convicted.
Barrios has since been transferred to the Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution, according to court records.

The Glass Driving Ceiling

Click to enlarge.

A glass driving ceiling is a political term used to describe "the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps a society from exponentially growing the number of miles driven each year, regardless of population increases and the level of automobile advertising dollars spent."

See Also:
Glass Ceiling

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed; Custom Chart

Investment Advice vs. Used Car Advice

The following chart shows how much production and nonsupervisory investment advice employees are earning compared to their used car dealer counterparts.

Click to enlarge.

Forehead. Desk. Whack. Whack. Whack.

Source Data:
BLS: Employment

Thoughts on the Employment Report

Today's employment report was exceptionally weak.

It's worse than the headline numbers suggest. That drop in the unemployment rate from 7.3% to 7.2% isn't all it is advertised to be. Some might even call it mostly rounding error. The following chart uses the data that's used to calculate the rate.

Click to enlarge.

Note that the unemployment rate actually fell less than 1/2 of 0.1%, give or take statistical error (which is no doubt quite high). The rate was rounded up in August and rounded down in September.

Three days ago I posted the following chart.

October 19, 2013
Unemployment Rate: What's the Worst That Could Happen?

Click to enlarge.

As seen in the next chart using today's new data, we bounced solidly off the bottom of the channel.

Click to enlarge.

We are tracking the worst-case scenario with alarming precision. If we continue to do so, then the unemployment rate will soon begin to rise again (confirming that the Fed has not permanently put a stop to the business cycle, much to the surprise and dismay of those embracing risk assets at any price).

It's not all bad news though. Sue Herera of CNBC told us today that 80% of 20-year-olds don't trust the stock market. That means 20% still do! Amazing! Once they've paid off all that monstrous student debt, find employment someday (hopefully in a field that requires a college degree), paid for health care, and possibly helped support their parents in retirement, they can invest whatever is left into it. Just think of all that remaining cash flow!

This assumes of course that we don't have another recession that pops all that optimism.

Don't let it concern you that the unemployment rate of those aged 25 and higher with college degrees rose from 3.5% to 3.7% over the last month. That's probably just sampling error and not the start of a new trend. If nothing else, the unemployment rate of those aged 25 and higher without a high school diploma fell from 11.3% to 10.3%. Whew! We needed that in order to get that unemployment rate headline number to fall. It would have been anarchy without it!

In summary, it was a fantastic employment report for our short-term financial system, and isn't that all that really matters? It means ZIRP will continue to be with us longer than most expect, which is kind of funny when you think about it. The end of ZIRP is always two years away!

This post does include some sarcasm. Just look for anything even remotely optimistic to spot it.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Facebook Lifts May Ban On Beheadings And Violent Posted Videos

Graphic videos including beheadings will survive Facebook restrictions, if they're posted to raise awareness and not to promote or encourage violence.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 22, 2013

Menlo Park, CA - Facebook (FB) decided to lift its temporary May ban on violent and beheading videos as long as postings raise awareness instead of glorifying or promoting violence.
FB in May place a temporary ban on such violent videos after receiving numerous complaints. A spokesperson told CNNMoney that if the posting is to raise awareness and is condemning the violent video and doesn't encourage killings, it will be allowed to be posted. "If the video were being celebrated, or the actions in it encouraged, our approach would be different," a spokesperson told CNNMoney.
Most graphic beheadings and violent videos can be found on numerous Internet web sites and easily accessible to anyone searching for them.
Warning: Beheading video real or altered of woman being executed by an alleged Zeta suspect for snitching. Sharpest small knife ever used in a beheading, leads to believe video altered.  What do you think, is it real or fake? 

Beheading graphic video link at: http://ow.ly/q4DdS

GOP Majority Potentially Vulnerable

GOP Majority Potentially Vulnerable

Just over 80 percent disapprove of the shutdown, a Washington Post/ABC poll finds, and wide majorities say it has damaged the United States' economy, its image abroad, and the morale of federal employees. Even more -- 87 percent -- say it's indicative of broader problems in Washington...

Congressional approval is at a miserable 12 percent in the Post/ABC poll, its lowest point in 39 years. More Americans disapprove than approve of their own representative for the first time in at least 24 years. In a USA Today/Princeton Survey Research Associates poll, 47 percent of Americans say Congress would be improved if every member were voted out, while just 4 percent think it would be worse...

In the Post/ABC poll, 48 percent of registered voters said they would prefer to vote for a Democratic House candidate, while 40 percent would vote for a Republican, although those numbers are unchanged from a May survey.


The Great American Income Shift...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

There has been a great shift in wealth in America. As the video will show the shift is decidedly and hugely in the direction of the very top income earners. If this continues unabated our nation is staring down the barrel of great social unrest and the upheaval that always follows. Simply put the present income distribution scenario, if it continues on its current path will result in the system collapsing on itself. One way or another.

Fixing Capitalism so a much broader base of Americans can create a measure of wealth and security for themselves and their family, thus growing the American middle class once again, is not socialism or collectivism. It is good common sense and it is the only thing that will ultimately save Capitalism. Corporations and CEO's were doing just fine back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's and so was the rest of America economically speaking. What has changed? Watch the video to find out.

Hat Tip: Progressive Eruptions