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fess up friday - chez v

Have I got a yarn to weave for you today. I've got my partner in crime Emily from Chez V over for Fess Up Friday today and we've got a good one for you. Freshen up your drink and enjoy. And Zuck, if you want to use us for a Facebook commercial, we're open to offers. Emily, fess up with Part 1...

Is there anything better than the thrill of the chase?  Well here is a little ditty for you about a desperate chase, the power of social media, and the
kindness of strangers. 
As a linking participant of the One Room Challenge, I was on a frenzied search to locate a pair of affordable sconces for my bedroom plan aka Project Chinoisy Safari Chic.

With little time, I knew my search would be a lot like trying to avoid bread and cheese.  Not gonna happen.  On a Wednesday, mid-challenge, I headed to IKEA in search of some drapes to hack.  Imagine my glee when I stumbled across the Ranarp clamp spotlights.  I was completely smitten upon first sight considering all the other sconces I was contemplating for my ORC room carried hefty price tags and long lead times.
Ranarp - $19.99.  Say what?!  Done and done.
But like all too-good-to-be-true dreams, I awoke from my design euphoric nirvana state only to realize that they were sold out.  Of course you are, little gorgy industrial glam thingy, you!  Immediately, I sent out a request on Instagram asking if anyone knew of any in stock anywhere.  Like the shot heard round the world, my fellow design soldiers started rallying to the call, one of which was one of my favorite gals in all of blogland, Elizabeth.  It seems she too was on the hunt for the coveted Ranarps.
In the meantime, while my little was busy hopping herself up on a cinnamon roll, I sweet talked a very accommodating IKEA customer service guy into doing a country wide inventory search (which I do not necessarily suggest as it took forever and garnered a lot of evil side eye from the long customer svc queue) only to discover that the lamps were indeed, sold out everywhere with the exception of 17 in Paramus, NJ and 3 in Houston, TX.  I shared this info with Elizabeth and thus began a dual mission to score these lamps through one of our varied networks.
We schemed, we commiserated, we called, emailed, blogged, IG’d and FB’d in an attempt to reach anyone who had peeps near Paramus, NJ or Houston all to no avail.  I even contacted my master finder-of-all-things bestie in Berlin, Germany.
This is the
kinda gal who has a vast network of contacts willing and ready to do her bidding.  She said, yes, she could probably pull it off but to keep checking with other sources as it would take a few to orchestrate.
, on Friday evening of that same week, at 7pm, my sister’s father-in-law, who lives in NJ, happened to be near the Paramus store, and agreed to go pick some up, but would I mind calling to verify stock first.  Hoo-ray!!!!  No problem!!!! Except when I called IKEA another very nice customer svc lady informed me that no, in fact, Paramus did not have ANY in stock.  Is it possible that all 17 sold out in 2 days?!  No, turns out that when my customer svc dude did the country wide search, the 17 he ‘found’ in the Paramus, NJ store where actually in the Elizabeth, NJ store.  Which was no where near where my sister’s father-in-law happened to be at said moment.  Wha wha wha.

Are you still with me?
I know, me neither.
I am exhausted just retelling it. 
Clearly it was time for wine and more commiseration.  Off went another email to Elizabeth detailing how the Holy Grail had slipped through our fingers, yet again.  At which point, I hand off the story baton to her which involves that Friday evening spent feverishly exchanging updates via email over many glasses of wine on my side and probably many G &Ts on hers while my much ignored and frustrated husband could not understand even a little bit about what all the fuss was about. 
Thankfully, Elizabeth’s hubster could!

kisses,  mrs. V

Part 2...

It was not a good night for Emily and me. As y'all may have gathered, I can get myself a wicked case of tunnel vision when I want something. I am like Miley Cyrus when she sees a foam finger - I cannot be stopped.
After days of back and forth, and a Friday night spent emailing at a rapid pace, we were left empty handed. Damn that IKEA customer service rep and his lack of New Jersey geographic knowledge. My New Jersey adjacent sources were tapped as well and worst of all I was running out of gin.

Luckily this happened just as the hubs was finishing his movie. "Are you two still talking about those dumb lights?" he said (in an ultra supportive voice). I updated him on the latest and he said, "let's just put this on Facebook". And like that he sent out an SOS on his feed.

Just an hour and a half later he had a response from a friend from high school (which was in Chicago) who now lives in Dallas. Yes, Dallas is not Houston, but she has a friend who lives in Houston who would probably be up for it. "She loves to shop."

Good lord, we might have a winner. I told Emily right away and we both held our breath as my husband texted Dallas and Dallas texted Houston and back again. Houston was in, we just needed to confirm in the AM that the IKEA store did in fact have the lights in stock and she would be there as soon as they opened.

So a perfect stranger agreed to go to IKEA on the worst IKEA day of the week a Saturday to pick up three lights, the LAST three lights in stock in the lower 48, for two crazy ladies in two different states that she had never met. Emily and I squealed and lit a candle that some early bird Texan wouldn't get our lights before our shopping angel arrived.

I had already committed to go to an auction that morning with a client so I called IKEA on my way and they were as (un)helpful as ever, telling me that it 'looks like there are 3 available' but they couldn't be sure. Awesome.

So we waited, and waited, and just as I lost a bid on some fab ginger jars this popped up on my phone.

Three left and they were all ours. I cheered silently and forwarded the picture to Emily. IKEA, I love you again.

As if this woman couldn't get any better, she sent a few more texts asking if there were any other forms of the RANARP we wanted while she was there (the desk lamp is especially lovely). Can this wonderful person please move to St. Louis so I can hug her?!

She shipped them out first thing Monday and on Wednesday morning I had the best package on my doorstep along with the sweetest note (on fab monogramed stationary I might add). Not only did this woman make this trip for people she doesn't even know to a store that is crazy on a quite day but she did it all while sick. And my favorite part - "I took it upon myself to also buy the lightbulbs that were recommended for the light, just in case." I love her.

So in the end this

and this

would not have been possible without our little slice of heaven in Texas. Thank you Marnie and Ann for your kindness. Emily and I would like to buy you ladies a drink.

Have you ever been desperate to get your hands on something? Ever need something and then when you find out it is hard to get it becomes an obsession? Ever want to kiss a stranger?

Macedo Crowned Miss BumBum Brazil 2013 For Her Oversized Butt

Photos courtesy of Barcroft Media and Splash

Macedo's oversize bottom (butt) was the judges choice to represent Miss BumBum for 2013.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 15, 2013

SÃ¥o Paulo, Sáo Paulo, Brazil - On Friday, the Miss BumBum pageant announced in that Dai Macedo, 25, was crowned this year's Miss Butt 2013 for having a 107 cm (42.125") butt and out sizing 15 other contestants. Macedo is an administrative student, a model and is originally from the state of Goiás, according to pageant organizers. 
Macedo didn't expect to win, but said she was happy with the judges decision. She confirmed that she had a liposuction to improve and lift her butt.
Macedo won about $2,100 dollars and $21,000 in advertising promotions. 
Eliana Amaral, 27, of Pernambuco was selected as second place for a 100 cm (39.379") butt and Jessica Amaral, 22, of Para took third place with a 102 cm (40.157") butt.

Lies and Deceit ... J. D. Longstreet

Lies and Deceit    ...   J. D. Longstreet
Lies and Deceit
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

I'm tired of writing about Obama and Obamacare.  I'm tired of writing about the idiots in Washington who have driven our country into the ground and "reformed" us into a third world banana republic akin to so many of the socialist dung heaps staining the southern hemisphere of the globe.

Just days ago, I was reclining betwixt the white sheets of a hospital bed with tubes attached to my veins dumping -- Lord only knows -- what into my fairly used-up body.

Suffice to say that, as of this writing, I remain on the sunny side of the grass and am able, to some extent, to continue my campaign of aggravating the living daylights out of my political opponents on the left.

Yes, it IS cathartic, and does SEEM to aid in the healing process.  But with the nation's attention totally drawn to the most recent assault on the middle class, by way of a socialized medicine scam perpetrated by the Democratic Party,  I have become BORED writing about all the things we warned America would happen if the democrats passed Obamacare into law.

See, NONE of the shortcomings of Obamacare are surprising to this old scribe.  I saw it coming, and said so -- publicly -- and became something of a Jeremiah-like prophetic voice sans a sackcloth garment and ashes dripping from my unkempt hair and beard.

It seems I had become quite used to being "out there," along with  a handful of other like minded conservative "boat-rockers" and "cage-rattlers."  Now, however,  Americans who have suddenly had their lives touched by -- and thrown into confusion by -- Obamacare victims  are flooding into our once lonely space. 

You'd think I'd be happy that so many Americans have come over to my side, right? 
OK, I suppose I am.  But I must, in all honesty,  admit to a bit of annoyance(?) that, suddenly, the truth that I (and my conservative brethren and sisteren) have been imparting for years now seems to have come as such a surprise to so many. 

Everything we warned of, has either already happened, or is about to happen, and NONE of it HAD TO HAPPEN.

We live, dear reader, in an atmosphere of lies and deceit.

Look.  The whole MESS in Washington, DC is the result of apathy and ignorance on the part of everyday working Americans, the middle class, if you will, who just could not find the time to pay a few minutes attention each day to what the so-called leadership in our national legislature was doing.

As I observe the heads of agitated and frightened Americans popping up and screaming bloody murder when accosted by Obamacare it reminds me of the old expression "submarine Christians."  Yeah, submarine Christians are the so-called Christians you never hear from until they are in trouble.  Like a submarine they surface when in trouble.  Submarine Americans are popping to the surface all over the place today.

Problem is -- it may already be too late.

WE have a REAL national crisis on our hands -- one which must be handled decidedly and decisively -- if we wish to have a constitutional republic left for our children and grand children.

Now that we have your attention, at least for a short while, please understand that even if we are able to repeal this godawful law and save what's left of our country, we can never disengage from the job , no -- the DUTY -- of keeping a tight rein on the people who we have selected to govern us.

The current crop, for the most part, are drunk on power.  They have become addicted to the power and perks of public office in America.  Forcing them to go "cold turkey" is going to inflict much pain on them and they are bound to lash out, even at those who placed them in office by their sacred vote.

It is my opinion that we need to purge the Congress a year from now to the extent allowable under law and then finish the job in 2016. 

There is a certain group of US Senators and Congresspersons who should, every single one, be targets of campaigns to replace them in Congress.  See, It was DEMOCRATS WHO BROUGHT AMERICA OBAMACARE. Remember, not a single Republican cast a vote in favor of Obamacare in either house of the Congress.  No Republican voted in favor of Obamacare -- not one.

The Democratic Party is running sacred today, in a deep panic, as they understand the chickens are about to come home to roost.  They brought this upon themselves, they deserve what they are about to receive at the polls.

Over the next year we will experience every kind of witch's brew the alchemy of the Democrats can formulate to save their collective behinds.  And, unfortunately,  some of it will work.

If we want America to survive, if we want America to come back in all her greatness, we will work tirelessly to thwart the machinations of Obama and his minions to fulfill his promise to "fundamentally change" America.

Obamacare is but a taste, a bad taste,  of the socialist America Obama and his cohort of socialists, Marxists, progressives, and 21st century liberals will create here in what was once this "goodly land."

J. D. Longstreet 

TEAL it like it is

bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,

bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,
bittersweet colours, burgundy color, color blocking, COLORS, fall 2013, fall colors, Fall trends, Joe fresh, oversized coats, RAY BAN, Sam Edelman, street style, teal color, vintage,

The essence of Fall (chromatic speaking) is embracing deep colors and adding a bit of drama- colors drama-
I'm falling all over again with oxblood and teal, a classic autumnal color-block and I think this is the first time this year when I'm matching them. Accessories are almost absent in this look because I've always said that I like to focus on the colors that I wear and I prefer to keep the entire look clean, sort of minimalist.
How do you like to wear a bold/ colorful look?

                                                                                    Coat: vintage/ option Here, Here and Here
                                                                                    Bag: Joe Fresh/ similar style Here
                                                                                    Jeans: H&M/ I love/want this pair Here 
                                                                   Shoes: c/o Sam Edelman/ Here
                                                                                    Sunglasses: Ray Ban c/o SmartBuyGlassesHere

Dickerson-Hendricks Wounded By Milwaukee Police And Taken Into Custody At Children's Hospital

Ashanti Dickerson-Hendricks

A woman called police that Hendricks was at Children's Hospital, had a felony warrant and could be armed.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 14, 2013

Wauwatosa, WI - On Thursday, Ashanti Dickerson-Hendricks, 22, was taken into custody after he grabbed a two month old infant inside the Newborn Progressive Care Unit on the 7th floor of the Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa. He was visiting and holding his baby when Milwaukee police attempted to serve a warrant at the neo-natal premature care unit. Police say, they got a tip from a woman that Hendricks was at the hospital visiting his only child and that he was currently wanted and possibly armed. 
Just before noon Milwaukee police officers were dispatched to take him into custody. The baby's mother apparently believed Hendricks was going to kill his child. But, Hendricks father told reporters that the infant was his son's only child and wouldn't harm him.
Police arrived at the hospital unit and told Hendricks that he had a warrant and was under arrest. Hendricks was holding his baby and seemed to cooperate with police. He put down his child and then darted out of the unit.
Hendricks then pulled out a weapon when cornered in a nearby hallway. Hendricks pointed a .40 Cal. Glock at police and failed to lower his weapon. A Milwaukee policer officer fired several shots striking Hendricks in the arm and wrist. 
Hendricks was taken to Froedtert Hospital for treatment and was placed in custody. He was wanted on a felony conviction warrant for possession of a weapon by a felon, eluding police and a drug charge, according to court records. Hendricks failed to show up for his sentencing several weeks ago and a warrant was issued.
Milwaukee police are being criticized about their attempt to take Hendricks into custody inside the Children's Hospital by Hendricks family members. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that it "was not a situation where a guy came in to shoot somebody."
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn defended the action taken by his officers who were serving a warrant at the newborn Children's Hospital unit. An investigation had been initiated to see, if Milwaukee police acted properly to arrest Hendricks at the Children's Hospital.
Officers from Wauwatosa Police Department and deputies from the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office also responded to the incident. The Children's Hospital was locked down for nearly several hours, according to police.

The $420 Question

The following chart shows real monthly exports per capita (September 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

Got fork?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Mayor Rob Ford Crashing And Burning Daily Basis - Ontario Premier Must Remove Him!

Mayor Rob Ford Crashing And Burning Daily Basis - Ontario Premier Must Remove Him!

  • Rob Ford claims he has 'more than enough to eat at home' | National ...

    1 hour ago - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he is receiving help from health care professionals and apologized for profane comments made earlier Thursday, ...

  • Police documents offer glimpse of chaos in Mayor Rob Ford's office ...

    10 hours ago - Newly released court documents reveal the alleged dysfunction inside Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's office after reports first surfaced of a video that ...

  • Rob Ford vows to sue, stuns city with oral sex comment | Toronto Star

    4 hours ago - Mayor Rob Ford threatened to sue former staffers Thursday, but it was his reference to allegations of oral sex with a former staff member that ...

  • Rob Ford's staff told police they were worried about mayor's drug ...

    www.theglobeandmail.com › NewsToronto
    19 hours ago - The information comes from nearly-500-page document containing police evidence used to acquire a search warrant for Mayor Ford's friend ...

  • Rob Ford holds on as mayor despite new allegations - Toronto ...

    7 hours ago - It's clear now, amid more damning allegations and public embarrassment, that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has no intentions of relinquishing his ...

  • Mayor Rob Ford's staff saw him drunk, doing drugs and with ...

    1 day ago - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's aides say they tried in vain to curb the mayor's erratic behavior involving drugs and alcohol use.

  • Rob Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to Mayor - Mayor. Ford at a Toronto Maple Leafs practice in Trinity Bellwoods Park, 2010. After the election, Ford had outgoing councillor Case ...

  • Mayor Ford wants mandatory drug tests for councillors ... - Toronto Sun

    19 hours ago - Admitted crack smoker Mayor Rob Ford wants to make drug and alcohol testing mandatory for Toronto city councillors.

  • Mayor Rob Ford sorry for 'graphic' language, calls latest allegations ...

    2 hours ago - Embattled Mayor Rob Ford dug in even further Thursday.
  • We’re at home one evening, and someone is banging on the front door!

    We’re at home one evening, and someone is banging on the front door!
    Commentary by James H. Shott

    There was banging on the door at 8:20 p.m. The 14 year-old daughter answered the door and found some 30 armed Washington, DC police officers in full tactical gear with a search warrant. She let them enter the home.

    After entering the house, the police immediately went upstairs, pointed guns at the heads of the homeowner and his girlfriend, and forced them to lie facedown and be handcuffed.

    The 16-year-old son was in the shower. “They used a battering ram to bash down the bathroom door and pull him out of the shower, naked,” said his father. “The police put all [four] children together in a room, while we were handcuffed upstairs. I could hear them crying, not knowing what was happening.”

    The police shut down the streets for blocks and spent more than two hours searching the house. “They tossed the place,” the homeowner said. He provided photos to the writer of an article in The Washington Times that he had taken of his home after the raid to document the damage, which he estimated at $10,000.

    What horrible crime had the man committed to justify a 30-man SWAT team to block off streets, point guns at and handcuff the adults present, isolate and terrify the children, and trash the home in a two-hour search of the premises?

    The search occurred because of a charge by the man’s estranged wife, who had persuaded a court clerk to issue a temporary restraining order against him, charging he had threatened her with a gun. As it turns out, a judge later found the charge to be without merit.

    The squadron of SWAT police was searching for guns, for which registration with police is required in DC, based solely on the estranged wife’s fraudulent charge. They found none. They did find other things, according to The Times: “The police found no guns in the house, but did write on the warrant that four items were discovered: ‘One live round of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition,’ which was an inoperable shell that misfired during a hunt years earlier. [The homeowner] had kept it as a souvenir. ‘One handgun holster’ was found, which is perfectly legal. ‘One expended round of .270 caliber ammunition,’ which was a spent brass casing. The police uncovered ‘one box of Knight bullets for reloading.’ These are actually not for reloading, but are used in antique-replica, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifles.”

    In DC only registered gun owners can possess ammunition, which bizarrely includes spent shells, and because of this the homeowner, Mark Witaschek, a successful financial adviser with no criminal record, is facing two years in prison for possession of unregistered ammunition.

    This is an outrageous use of force, misapplication of the law, and simple overreaction. Did the police perform due diligence before subjecting a good citizen, his girlfriend and children to this intolerable episode? Obviously not. How many of those responsible for this outrage will lose their job or be charged for their malfeasance? Given the increasing number of such asinine actions, it sometimes seems that police breathlessly await an excuse to play army against the citizens for whom they work.

    To make this hyperactive episode seem even more ridiculous, one month earlier, thinking he had nothing to hide, Mr. Witaschek allowed the “Gun Recovery Unit” to search his home without a warrant. Ninety minutes later, the police had found one box of Winchester .40 caliber ammunition, one legal gun-cleaning kit and a Civil War-era antique revolver that he kept on his office desk, and even though antique firearms are legal and don’t have to be registered, the gun was seized. Mr. Witaschek keeps his hunting weapons at his sister’s home outside the District.

    Such episodes result from the anti-gun hysteria that grips the nation, and this one is an example of the increasing militarization of local police. DC’s 1976 gun law is one of the strongest in the nation, but appears to have had little effect on gun crime.

    In the weeks immediately after the law was passed, The Times reported on several gun crimes that occurred, one in which a U.S. Senator was the victim. “Since the ban was passed,” the story continued, “more than 8,400 people have been murdered in the district, many killed by handguns. Nearly 80 percent of the 181 murders in 2007 were committed with guns.”

    Looks like the hoodlums didn’t get the message about the new gun law in the District of Columbia.

    Based upon data from the Centers for Disease Control and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, a study found that Washington D.C. has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil, one of the deadliest nations for gun violence in the world.

    In DC, the people who carry weapons are primarily law enforcement and criminals. The criminals are always up to no good, and the police may be too busy terrorizing law abiding citizens who might have accidentally run afoul of the broad, over-achieving gun law to fight the crimes that are being committed against citizens who are restricted from using guns to defend themselves against thugs with guns.

    Cross-posted from Observations

    Bulying: felonious actions, rite of passage or something else

    Bulying: felonious actions, rite of passage or something else

    Bullying: felonious actions, rite of passage or something else


    Bullying has come a long way from the time individuals would handle such matters between themselves or through a second party. Children naturally intimidate each other as the socialization process moves forward. Whether it was in the sandbox or concerning the contents of a lunch box entanglements somehow always found you. With the advent of the new millennia the face of bullying took a radical change. Third parties created an industry that now employs tens of thousands to ameliorate a problem once left to a few to resolve. Defined as the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or is in a more vulnerable situation bullying has become the newest gold mine for lawyers. To make matters worse the criminal justice system is hungry to try cases that moms and dads could resolve with opposing parties in a matter of hours. Initiation into fraternities, sororities, sports teams and the like one could always expect a bit of hazing to humiliate the new member. Does this call for the prosecutorial machinery from local government sources to move on them? Absolutely not! Yet the legal system has injected its self-righteous hands where they do not belong. The argument exists bullying can lead to extreme harm or even death of an individual is true but rare. Several recent suicides attributed to bullying have made national headlines. Those left behind are children facing felonies for juvenile tactics common to their age-related antics. The question remaining unanswered: why was there no intervention earlier? In the last few weeks a form of hazing was revealed against a player for the Miami Dolphins Jonathan Martin, who happens to be six foot and five inches weighing 312 pounds. With such bulk and height one would think he was the bullier, yet he claims to be the victim. A person’s ego structure will interpret acts against them in different manners. Martin’s emotional distress may derive from many factors and he indeed may have a valid case against those who he accuses. Rites of passage in a person’s life indicate certain transitions and or milestones that are achieved to move on to the next stage of life. Many children do not move through the socialization process appropriately causing them to be either victims or victimizers in society, through no fault of their own. With the traditional family structure disintegrating, guidance into adulthood by responsible adults is diminishing rapidly. Bullying will not be solved by passage of laws, jailing children or destroying the future careers of sportsmen. Intervention must occur as early as possible by those closest to the situation. If not, the unwanted involvement of third parties will quickly be realized. Mark Davis, MD. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews.  Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. www.healthnetsreviewservices.complatomd@gmail.com

    If At First You Don't Succeed ... ... J. D. Longstreet

    If At First You Don't Succeed ...    ...   J. D. Longstreet
    If At First You Don't Succeed ...
    A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

    The old saw about "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again" may seem apprapo to the democrats dilemma with Obamacare, but, it isn't.

    I would be laughing my bippy off -- rolling on the floor, holding my sides in uproarious laughter, save for one thing:  the Obamacare mess is so darned serious!

    This scribe, along with a few thousand others, warned for years,  years mind you, that all these problems WOULD occur if Obamacare became law. 

    We were laughed at, hooted down, made the punch line of off-color jokes, and generally derided for our temerity to even question the superior intellect of Obama and his coterie of brainy brats and computer models and their exclusive circle of leftist whiz kids all with the common purpose of saving us --  the lowly peons of the proletariat  -- from ourselves.

    Well, they failed... failed miserablyAnd we have God to thank for it. 

    As my family gathers round the Thanksgiving table in a few days, I intend to offer thanks to God for all the blessings of the past year -- among them His interference in the machinations of the wicked political left as they have so forcefully attempted to curtail and deny Americans the rights granted us by God, Himself, through the entanglement of a law spawned in the deepest, darkest, bowels of Hell, itself, Obamacare.

    And NO.  I am not kidding.  I feel THAT strongly about the dangers to myself, my family, and my country presented by Obamacare.

    Have you wondered just WHY the government is having so much trouble setting up Obamacare and getting it running?   There is a very good reason why they are failing so miserably.

    See, the government of the United States was NEVER intended to do such a thing. It was not devised by the minds of the Founding Fathers to run the lives of its people.

    When America was founded, the LAST THING Americans wanted was a strong central government. They fought a revolution to rid themselves of just such a government.

    America was never intended as a nation of people who were wards of the government.  That's one reason our laws were centered on individual freedoms. 

    The Founding Fathers -- and all early Americans -- simply understood that Americans were responsible for themselves.  They knew there was no such thing as a "right" to healthcare.  Had one raised the question one would have been laughed down as a complete idiot back then.

    Yes, Americans have rights.  They are  the rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. And that's it!

    The people who founded this country knew there was a demarcation line, a conceptual separation, if you will,  between governing and meddling in the lives of their citizens.  They also knew that government meddling would end in reduced freedoms for the citizens of the country.  So,  they deliberately stayed their hand to leave us the most free people on the globe.

    At first that list of guaranteed rights for American may seem short.  Ask yourself why ONLY those rights were codified in our laws.  Then consider this:  "Why only THESE? Observe that all legitimate rights have one thing in common: they are rights to action, not to rewards from other people. The American rights impose no obligations on other people, merely the negative obligation to leave you alone. The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want—not to be given it without effort by somebody else." (Emphasis mine)   SOURCE:  http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?id=13873

    Am I saying that they (the early Americans) were smarter than modern Americans?  Yes, in fact, I am. They were certainly better educated and far more intelligent than most of our intelligentsia today.   And as smart politicians go, they were light years ahead of the Washington brain trusts in our government today.

    America's government was never supposed to do what the ACA (Affordable Care Act -- aka-- Obamacare) calls for it to do today. 

    Americans were intended to be FREE!  The ACA slaps a ball and chain on EVERY American -- effectively stripping Americans of the right to think for themselves, fend for themselves, and be responsible human beings and good citizens.

    Not even completely out of the starting chute yet and already Obamacare is a massive failure.  It will only get worse.

    Now the political left is offering up every possible explanation as to why it isn't working and offering all sorts of "fixes" for it. 

    Now they want to "reform" it.  BEWARE!  Reforming Obamacare will only make it worse. 

    Obamacare MUST be REPEALED, not reformed. If Americans wish to save their country, they must repeal Obamacare -- and forget any sort of socialized medicine for America.

    Look.  Let me make it as plain as I know how:  We can have either America or socialized medicine.  WE CANNOT HAVE BOTH.

    J. D. Longstreet

    Lest We Forget ...So We Don't Get Fooled Again : Iraq War = Oil


    Misinformation Services

    The following chart shows the 5 year moving average of the percentage of employees in information services who are not production and nonsupervisory employees. In other words, it basically shows how many supervisors there are.

    Click to enlarge.

    1. How are we going to get accurate propaganda in this environment? Anarchy!!

    2. The higher paid propaganda jobs are vanishing before our very eyes! Why don't we hear more about this? What does this mean for college students expecting to get these jobs?

    3. There's a black helicopter circling overhead. I don't think I'll be able to...

    4. Please make a comment on our blog and include your full name and address. We are still who you think we are. Nothing to worry about. We are most certainly not highly compensated employees of the National Security Agency. Let us assure you of that. We just need to know where you live so we can deliver fresh tasty pizzas to you and your loved ones. We have so many fresh tasty pizzas. Oh, they smell so fresh and tasty. There are more than enough for everyone but we cannot guarantee their freshness if you do not respond immediately. It is just a small token of our appreciation for showing interest in the Illusion of Prosperity blog.

    Source Data:
    St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

    Fasting Becomes Fruitless To Move Immigration Reform Forward For A Vote

    John Boehner, U.S. House Speaker

    House Speaker Boehner says, the House GOP leadership has "no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate (immigration) bill," thus killing any hope immigration reform will be brought to the House floor for a vote before the 113th first House session ends in less than two weeks.

    By H. Nelson Goodson
    November 13, 2013

    Washington, D.C. - On Wednesday, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters that "we made it clear that we are going to move on a common sense step by step approach in terms on how we deal on immigration. The idea we going to to take up a 1,300 page bill that no one has never read, is what the Senate did, is not going to happen, and frankly, I'll make it clear we have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill...I want us to deal with the issue, but I want to deal on a step by step way." The U.S. Senate passed their immigration reform bill version and Boehner's confirmation that a conference or any negotiations to incorporate ideas to pass a House bill "is not going to happen" for 2013. Speaker Boehner's statement on Wednesday affirms that any hope, efforts and influence by immigrant rights activists around the country of pushing an immigration reform bill forward before the first House session ends is unlikely. Despite Boehner's confirmation that immigration reform is dead for 2013, immigration activists and religious groups began to hold a fasting approach in an attempt to move forward the bill before 2013 ends.
    As a last resort for 2013, religious groups have set up a fasting camp near Capitol Hill and other immigrant rights groups will launched a one day fasting in an attempt to resurrect a dying immigration reform movement for 2013. The GOP U.S. House leadership has confirmed that no attempts to bring an immigration reform bill to the floor for a vote will take place before the House of Representatives leave for the holidays and get ready for the upcoming elections and the second 113th session, which begins in January 2014.
    The Democrats are being blamed for their failure to pass an immigration bill when they initially had control of both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate back in 2007. Then U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the former House Speaker failed to bring forward a bill for the first six months of their control. Soon after, the Democrats began to gradually lose control of the U.S. House and including the U.S. Senate. While the Obama administration ramped up the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation quotas and succeeded in deporting at least 2 million of undocumented immigrants, most none criminals from the country.
    Immigration activists are focusing on resurrecting their immigration reform movement in the last days of the House session, but no indication has been made public of any new approach in their agenda for 2014. 
    But a strong indication is that the immigration reform bill issue is definitely dead for the next six years, depending of who will control the House, Senate and the White House in the next few years.

    Boehner's Wednesday brief statement on immigration reform at link: http://alturl.com/yehti

    Toronto Mayor Rob Ford The Ultimate Bobblehead

    Several hundred people lined up for hours to buy a bobblehead figurine of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Part of the $20 cost went towards the City of Toronto United Way Employee Campaign.

    Ford promised he’d be back Wednesday selling Ford Nation t-shirts, also for $20 with an undeclared amount of the proceeds going to the United Way.

    Those lined up had assorted plans for the collector’s item, dozens of which were already being resold online. One seller in Etobicoke is asking for $25,000: “only 1,000 sold, it will be worth millions one day. Only crack-smoking mayor in the world.”
    Another seller, looking for $500 promised the money would go to a charity dealing with addiction: a “win-win for everyone, even Rob Ford.”


    Rob Ford has been asked in a letter signed by 30 of Toronto's 44 city Councillors to take a leave of absence.


    Thirty of Toronto's 44 city councillors have signed an open letter asking Mayor Rob Ford to take a leave of absence.
    Councillor Jaye Robinson read the letter on the council floor on Wednesday morning. In a dramatic and unprecedented display, the councillors who signed the letter rose one by one as she listed their names. Ford stared straight ahead and did not speak.


    The results of the Vote 37-5 to ask Mayor Ford to take a leave of absence



    i've got my sources

    One of the best parts about the ORC is hearing everyones comments. It is so interesting what people notice and what sparks their interest. I've had several source requests so I thought I'd lay it all out nice and neat, just like this room was - for about an hour. I am happy to report it is now perfectly trashed, and will probably stay that way for the foreseeable future. Also, the sun finally came out so I got some more true-to-life pictures.

    The rug towards the front of the room is an outdoor rug from Home Decorators and I love it. I may or may not have spilled a small bit of paint on it and it wiped up as though it were water. (thank god it was latex). Trust that I'm not the only messy one in the house though, the girls have dropped and spilled on it as well and it always cleans up like a champ. And to know that I can take it out in the spring and hose it down makes mamma very happy.

    The vintage rug in the play area was found in an antique store down in Sarasota, FL. It is soft and plush and very well warn. And because of its...age spots I know it can take a beating from toy strollers, legos, and the occasional glitter nail polish and still look great.

    The white stools were purchased several years ago at my favorite local antique store and have been in just about every room in the house and every color in the rainbow. I had just barely enough Les Touches to cover them and I love how they tie the red accents from the front of the house to the back of the room.

    The console is an outdoor buffet table. It folds up, has a zinc top and weights practically nothing.

    The blue and white is from my collection that has made its way around the house and the lovely brass hardware is from Rejuvenation.

    The backs of the bookshelves are planked, just like the far wall. Tutorial to come soon.

    The fabric for the slipcovers is plain white denim from housefabric.com (they are local for me). All the fabric was prewashed and the slipcovers were made without piping to prevent shrinkage when they are washed. And they will be washed. Frequently.

    The red and white pillow is from Etsy, the white table used to be black, the mirror is from the side of the road (classy) and the toy under the table is probably Fisher-Price. (real life)

    The plaid fabric, floral fabric and blue and white fabric are all from housefabric.com. They know me well there.

    The color on the chairs is Rust-Oleum Lemongrass. The green pillow is from World Market (although I don't think it is available any more) and the ikat pillow is from Etsy. Rainbow Pom-pom garland from Furbish and sconce from IKEA.

    I told you it was a sunny day. Can you believe all of this light came in from the door at the top of the stairs?!

    I think that about covers it. Do you have furniture that you recycle from one room to the next? Ever dump something in storage for a while and all of a sudden it seems new and exciting? How excited do you think HouseFabric.com is going to be when they hear I'm actually sewing now?

    Israel World's Only Hope! ... J. D. Longstreet

    Israel World's Only Hope!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
    Israel World's Only Hope!
    The Cloak of Authority Now On Israel's Shoulders.

    A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet****************

    We have told our readers many times over the past five years that Obama would not attack Iran's nuclear facilities and would, in fact, allow Iran to gain the nuclear "Islam Bomb."

    We are seeing the final details fall into place as the scenario above becomes reality.

    Just as we warned of the dangers of Obamacare we have warned about the dangers of Iran getting its hands on a nuclear weapon.

    Iran has promised time and time again that it intends to bomb Israel out of existence with nuclear weapons and then turn those weapons on the US.  There is absolutely no reason to doubt their sincerity.  THIS scribe is absolutely convinced that the mad mullahs of Iran will do exactly that as soon as the idiots now negotiating with them are finished getting "rolled" and made complete fools of as the Persians laugh uproariously behind their hands at the amateurish machinations of Obama, Kerry, et al.

    It is now clear as crystal to anyone not self-blinded that the US President is not a leader.  He is most certainly not a military man, nor a very good strategist.  He is weak, thin-skinned, narcissistic, and arrogant with a greatly inflated idea of his own importance.    He tends to wallow in unwarranted importance out of his own overbearing pride.  Like Nero of ancient Rome, he is dangerous to his country.  Unlike Nero, however, he is also dangerous to the entire world.

    As the Commander-in-Chief of the only military on the globe with the unquestioned ability to stop Iranian nuclear aspirations and save the world from the coming global nuclear conflagration, he refuses to step up to save the world.  There is no excuse for such inaction.  None whatsoever.  It hasn't been that long ago that such inaction in the face of such danger was referred to as "cowardice."

    So now, the mantle falls upon the shoulders of little Israel.  The cloak of authority has now shifted from the US to Israel.  It is to tiny Israel the world must look for salvation from the barbarism of the Muslim hordes threatening to overrun the world and set up a worldwide califate, or global theocratic government.

    But first there must be a world wide cataclysm to pave the way for the return of the Twelfth Imam who, it is believed, will lead the Mohammedans to world wide domination.

    Israel's military is prepared to undertake the mission to impart as much damage as possible to Iran's nuclear facilities as they possibly can.  They have been in constant training for years now and are "leaning forward."  Israeli military assets have been moved about what is expected to be the middle eastern theatre of war in the coming fight and are on station prepared to strike at a moment's notice.  That moment is drawing nigh... swiftly. 

    A large portion of the remainder of the world community will publicly decry the attack, expressing strong disapproval of Israel's actions, when they come, but secretly urge Israel on to the highest degree of victory possible for their limited forces.

    And yes, that is pathetic, but that, unfortunately, has been the history of the European states when time comes to put up, or shut up.  There are exceptions, of course, such as Great Britain, France, and Germany, and a handful of other nations, which have managed to hold on to their manhood.

    Many in the Israeli air forces understand that theirs will be a suicide mission.  Yet they are prepared to go the distance, put their lives in the balance to save, not just Israel, but the entire world. And yes, they DO understand that even if they succeed they will still be reviled through out much of Europe with an anti-Semitic passion not much less than that of the Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's. 

    As an American, it shames me that that the President of my country is such a wimp.  As a Christian American I remember the edict handed down by God concerning the treatment of Israel:  "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you."

    Obama has set America up to be the recipient of God's curse on our nation.  The warning is plain and extremely clear:  "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Galatians 6:7

    Obama has sown the whirlwind in America's name, and the whirlwind we shall reap. Indeed, the fields are white for the harvest, and the day draws near.

    Once again, Israel has become the center of attention as she has been since the earliest days of human settlement.

    For five years, Binyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned the world that Israel was ready for military action to preempt a nuclear-armed Iran.  SOURCE:  http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2013/November11/111.html#eDJSpQlIUFBAeme7.99 

    As a final note -- do not be lulled into believing Israel will be all alone in the fight when it comes.  This scribe is convinced that Providence has not only removed the mantle of authority from America's shoulders and placed it upon Israel's shoulders. He has also removed His protection from America and added it to the centuries old protection afforded his "chosen" people.

    The world, including Iran and the Obama administration, should understand that Israel reserves the right to retaliate --  and they have the capability of retaliating -- if attacked -- even if they are the recipients of a devastating nuclear attack from Iran.  The Persians should understand that if they issue a nuclear death warrant against Israel, they will have signed their own nuclear death warrant, as well.  There can be no question that Israel will  retaliate and the country of Iran will no longer exist as a viable nation state.

    We suggest you read an article I wrote sometime back (September 2012) in which I referenced Israel's "Samson Option."   It will raise the hair on the back of your neck.  You'll find it at:  http://insightonfreedom.blogspot.com/2012/09/never-again-j-d-longstreet.html

    For the first time in America's history we will be engaged in a global war completely alone, without a reliance on God, for having spurned God, He will not be there.

    J. D. Longstreet

    Charges Dropped Against Young, Two Additional Suspects Sought For Cypress House Party Shooting Melee

    Randy Stewart, Ariel Shepherd, aka, Arielle Oliviaa and Queric Richardson

    Harris County District Attorney's office dropped all charges against Willie John Peters Young after investigators determined he was a party attendee and not one of the shooters as previously believed. 

    By H. Nelson Goodson
    November 12, 2013

    Cypress, Texas - On Tuesday, the Harris County District Attorney's office decided to drop all charges against Willie John Peters Young, 21, after homicide investigators determined he was not a shooter at the Mariah Boulden, 18, birthday house party in Cypress. Some party participants had alleged that Young was an active participant, but other partygoers contradicted those allegations and authorities decided to release Young and drop any charges pending. Young was facing one felony count for deadly conduct in connection with two deaths and 18 people wounded during a house party shooting melee. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson would not comment on Young's release, but that testimony from party participants indicated that Young was not involved in the shooting melee. Investigators are now looking for two additional alleged suspects involved in the deadly indoor house party that claimed two lives. They have not identified those suspects. One suspect has been charged in connection with the shooting that left 18 teens injured with gunshot wounds and another teen with a broken leg.
    On Monday, Randy Stewart, 18, was arrested and processed by the Harris County Sheriff's Office and charged with felony deadly aggravated assault in connection with a double homicide and 18 victims being injured by gunfire. Stewart's bail was set at $250,000 and remains in custody. Multiple attempted homicide charges and possible capital murder charges are pending against Stewart. He could face life in prison without parole or the death penalty, if convicted on all charges.
    On Saturday, Harris County Sheriff's deputies responded to a mass shooting at a Houston suburb residence at 7318 Enhanted Creek Drive at 10:45 p.m. where a Twitter, Facebook and Instagram advertised house birthay party for Mariah Boulden, 18, was being held. When deputies arrived at the residence they found multiple teens wounded and called ambulances. The wounded teens were taken to five Houston area hospitals. One of the victims, Queric Richardson, 17, of Katy died at the scene. He was fatally shot multiple times by the suspects. His 16-year-old brother, Kenneth Guidry was also wounded as he tried to save Queric. Guidry didn't know until ten minutes later that he had been also shot, according to his father Lawrence Guidry, reported KTRK TV News 13. The second victim, Ariel Shepherd, aka, Arielle Oliviaa, 17, later died at a nearby hospital. Both deceased victims attended Morton Ranch High School.
    Eighteen other victims suffered gunshot wounds from minor to critical, and one other teenager suffered a broken leg in the melee.
    The injured victims are expected to survive, according to Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia.
    Witnesses at the party told investigators that Stewart and two other suspects refused to get searched for weapons before going into the party. They left and decided to crash the party after they jumped a neighbors fence and entered through the back door. Once inside, someone fired a gunshot inside in celebration of Boulden's birthday. Then Stewart and another suspect reacted and took out their handguns and began to target and shoot at the teenagers inside the party. Stewart apparently got on top of a chair and targeted teens as they fled in panic and shot at them.
    Richardson was hit and ran outside, one of the suspects chased him and shot him again. Richardson died at the scene. Shepherd was shot inside and was later taken to a nearby hospital where she died.
    The party was attended by known gang members and many of the teens at the party knew Stewart and the two other suspects, which made it easy for authorities to arrest Stewart on Monday. The two other suspects remain at large.
    A $5,000 dollar reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects sought for Boulden's birthday deadly shooting melee.
    Stewart has multiple incidents with local authorities and had been charged for other unrelated criminal activity.

    The Long-Term Inactivity Index

    Click to enlarge.

    A zero value for the index indicates that the national economy is expanding at its historical trend rate of growth; negative values indicate below-average growth; and positive values indicate above-average growth.

    Source Data:
    St. Louis Fed: Chicago Fed National Activity Index