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South Carolina School psychologist Megan Snipes arrested after 16-year-old's Mom finds sexually explicit messages between them on son's phone

Usually I report on teachers engaging in sex with students.  This is the first story I’ve found involving a school psychologist.  This is very disturbing and attention needs to be paid to other school psychologists.  

Daily Mailreports a school psychologist in South Carolina was arrested on Friday after the parent of one of her students found sexually explicit messages between the two on her son's phone. 

The 16-year-old student had been attending regular counseling sessions with Battery Creek High School psychologist Megan Snipes, 28.

In the course of their investigation, police found that Snipes did engage in a sexual act with the victim in the area of Bob Jones Field on Jones Avenue in the town of Beaufort.
According to the report, the unspecified sexual act that occurred on October 18 was consensual and Snipes did not use aggravated coercion or force.
This was the second arrest in two weeks involving a Beaufort district employee who is accused of inappropriate sexual acts with a student.
A long-term substitute at Hilton Head Island High School was fired after her arrest earlier this month. 

Snipes has been placed on administrative leave by the Beaufort County School District, pending an internal investigation which means she continues to be paid her $46,012 salary.
Snipes was a certified employee meaning she can't be terminated without the approval of the school board and the next board meeting if scheduled for January 7.

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Why I Cannot Blame Russia and India for Taking on the Gays By Robert Oscar Lopez

Here’s a perspective from a man who was raised by a Lesbian mother in the Gay life style.  The one day he saw the light!

Russia and India: Defenders of Decency, Bogeymen of the Gay Lobby

Russia remains stalwart in its laws that aim to curb the influence of the West's gay-friendly culture on Russian youth.  Meanwhile, last week, in a stunning turn of events, India's high court reinstituted a nineteenth-century law against sodomy.  On cue, the ligbitist kibitzers are going crazy in such homophile haunts as the New Yorker and the Guardian, expressing total outrage that there should exist, anywhere on the globe, nations that do not think it's normal or appropriate to subsidize and celebrate men sodomizing boys.

I cannot blame Russia, India, or any nation for reacting to what they see in the West with measures that I would ostensibly oppose on principle.  Russia's ban on promoting homosexuality to children does impinge on free speech.  India's ban on sodomy is an intrusion into the sex lives of consenting adults.  But we don't live in an ostensible world.  We live in a real world, where there are real gay organizations in the West, who are engaging in real machinations to spread their sickness all over the globe.

It's time to admit it, my gay brothers: Our culture is sick

Gay male culture in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and much of Europe is sick.  It is literally plagued with disease -- not only HIV (which is rising again), but also syphilis (which has made a comeback).  And Michelangelo Signorile, the dowager prince of gay news at the Huffington Post, admitted at long last what gay watchdog groups had been denying for decades upon decades: the chronic, timeless state of the homosexual man is to chase after pubescent boys.

Signorile has been busy defending 39-year-old Dustin Lance Black, the screenwriter who seduced a 19-year-old boy -- and yes, a teenager is a boy, period, even if he is a gold medalist; for heaven's sake, he can't even legally drink alcohol in the U.S.  Signorile called the sleazy predation "intergenerational sex" and explained to all the "homophobic" people who might object that in the gay world, it's normal for old men to sodomize boys.

Signorile says this is "nurturing" and educational, kind of like being someone's private tutor, only the tutelage involves lubricant, preparatory enemas, and the tearing of the boy's rectal lining, all in the name of initiation.  It's also unsanitary, painful, and likely to interfere with whatever development the boy might have toward eventual sex with women.

Two weeks after Signorile's ode to sleaze, the Daily Mail broke yet another story of a homosexual dad sodomizing a boy and sharing him with his male partner.  This time, the boy in question was not a teen, but nine, and he was Carl Herold's own son.  So in two weeks we go from "it's legal, so why not?" to "oh, darn, it's illegal; I guess I shouldn't be encouraging this."

Scratch that second quote, since the gay writers at Salon and such will never admit wrongdoing.  I assume Michelangelo Signorile would rather die than admit that by glamorizing the act of sodomy between men and boys, he would have anything to do with Carl Herold's rationalizing of his own kind of "nurturing" "intergenerational" 

sex.  Sometimes the people who are plunging down the slippery slope don't see the slippery slope; those of us standing at the top screaming "stop the madness" can see it, but nobody listens to us.

More hee

Florida's Martin County High School teacher Olivia Sprauer aka Victoria James Poses For Hustler After 'Bikini Teacher' Said She Wouldn't

I guess money talks!
The Huffiington Post reports it was May. The weather was warm, the days were long and Olivia Sprauer was not going to pose for Hustler magazine.

The former freshman English teacher at Florida's Martin County High School had just been forced to resign from her job after racy photos of her came to the attention of the school's principal.

The scandal propelled Sprauer, who also goes by the name "Victoria James," to Internet fame and prompted modeling offers from several outlets, including Hustler.
"I don't do spread-eagle shots for the camera, so I don't think Hustleris going to work out," Sprauer told HuffPost in May.
The seasons have changed, and so has Sprauer's mind about posing for Hustler.
Sprauer, "graces the cover and indulges her inner Lolita" in the March 2014 issue of the magazine, according to a press release promoting the "Bikini Teacher's" 14-page pictorial.
"If getting naked betters my life, that’s a positive thing for me,” Sprauer said, according to the release.

But we had to know, what made the "Bikini Teacher" decide to strip down for Hustler?

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Five Israel teens suspected of brutally raping 12-year-old girl at school party

 This is really a shock.  I didn’t think this type of stuff happened in Israel.
Times of Israel reports police in Tel Aviv over the weekend arrested five teenage boys on suspicion of gang raping a 12-year-old girl at an illicit party on school grounds, it was reported on Sunday.

Police said that a group of boys, most of them aged 14, invited the girl to a evening party thrown at a school many of them attend, where they coerced her to undress and perform oral sex on them, before they raped her one after the other, Walla reported. It was not clear how the group gained access to the school. 

At least some of the rape was recorded by the alleged perpetrators on their mobile phones. Part of the recordings made their way to the police, who opened an investigation on Thursday. The victim was questioned by police and five of her alleged attackers were arrested and questioned. Police said they believed they would make more arrests in the “brutal” case, and that there were more videos circulating of the incident.

According to the boys’ testimony, they admitted to inviting the girl to the school, but said that the victim, who looked older than her age, presented herself as a 17-year-old and consented to all the acts. The age of consent in Israel is 16.

Obamacare pitched at gay clubs; condoms overshadow...

Maybe the Obama regime is trying to replace Millennials with Gays as the new risk pool to keep O’Care afloat? 
Politicoreports Washington’s new health insurance exchange dispatched a sign-up envoy to one of the city’s gay clubs one recent night to get out the word about Obamacare. It envisioned men mingling on the dance floor, a cocktail in one hand and enrollment information in the other.

But the brochures about DC Health Link, as the exchange is called, weren’t snapped up as quickly as the free condoms provided by a local clinic.

Like other health exchanges and coverage advocacy groups across the country, DC Health Link is reaching out to people wherever they may be, including bars. President Barack Obama even urged bartenders — who may themselves be uninsured — to hold happy hours to talk about health insurance and what it can offer young adults.

That strategy has clear challenges, however. In a packed nightclub like Town Danceboutique in Northwest D.C., music smothers conversation, dimmed lights make reading difficult, and health coverage is not what’s on people’s minds.
“They’re looking to let loose. They’re not looking to talk about serious topics,” patron Maven Saleh said as he surveyed the Town crowd on a winter weekend.

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Chase limit debit card customers who shopped in Target during the computer hack to just $100 cash withdrawal and $300 of purchases PER DAY

Not good if you wanna buy X Box for the kids.  
Daily Mail reports about 2 million Chase customers that used their debit cards at Target stores between November 27 and December 15 will have their daily spending and withdrawal limits drastically tightened to prevent thieves from stealing their money.

JPMorgan Chase & Co announced on Saturday that those customers now have a $100 daily withdrawal limit and $300 purchasing limit with their cards.
In an email sent to customers, the subject line read 'Unfortunately, your debit card is at risk by the breach at Target stores,' Al Jazeera reports.

Chase said the changes 'could not have happened at a more inconvenient time.'

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Wages vs. Personal Consumption Expenditures

The following chart shows wages and salary accruals divided by personal consumption expenditures.

Click to enlarge.

This truly is a typical post-recession recovery! Note the lack of anything significant happening to the upside again.

I probably should have put quote marks around the word recovery to imply sarcasm.

If the overall downward trend in this chart is a good thing, then we clearly need more recessions. That's pretty much when the perma-drop (a drop with no recovery) happens.

More spending! Less pay! Long-term! Food-stamp utopia!

December 18, 2013
Most Americans Want Tougher Food-Stamp Requirements

National Journal poll finds two in three people think the biggest problems with the program are waste, fraud, and abuse.

Those are certainly the "biggest" problems with the food-stamp program, right behind rising income inequality, bubble growth, and the Lesser Depression of course. That said, one in seven people may strongly disagree with two in three people. Hard to say!

Whew! Got those sarcastic quote marks around the word that time! Yes!

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Rule 5 Sunday - Beyonce