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Utah asks Supreme Court to restore gay marriage ban

The Gay marriage debate has been falsely waged into a discussion of equality instead of the real issue being an attack on religious freedom.  The Left loves to use words like “equality” and “fairness” to stir emotions instead of debating on merit.  

LA Times reports Utah’s attorney general asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to restore a state law banning same-sex marriages by issuing an emergency stay of a lower court’s ruling that held gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to marry.
For the high court, which has not been asked to rule on the topic since issuing two landmark rulings in June, Utah’s request could trigger a closely watched decision with nationwide implications on the future of gay marriage in the U.S.

In considering Utah’s request, justices are in effect being asked to make a quick assessment of whether gays and lesbians should have an equal right to marry under the Constitution, a question they carefully dodged in June.

In a 5-4 ruling last year, the court struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and ruled that legally married same-sex couples are entitled to equal benefits under the law. But in a second 5-4 ruling, they relied on procedural grounds to throw out an appeal involving California’s Proposition 8, a decision that had the legal effect of invalidating California’s ban on same-sex marriage without establishing a new constitutional right for gays and lesbians nationwide.

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Colorado, the Pot Head State Starts Off to $578 Million in Weed Sales

Progressives are running wild in Colorado! 

The state that gave the country transgender bathroom usage for little boys to use the girls’ bathroom if they felt pretty and pink, the same state that gave us Columbine and Aurora has now embarked in being the first state to legalize the recreational use of Marijuana.  

Bloomberg reports Toni Fox plans to open the doors of her Denver marijuana shop at 8 a.m. tomorrow to a line of customers including some who camped overnight to be the first in the U.S. to legally buy pot for recreational use.

Fox has arranged for canopy tents, heaters and a food truck to offer donuts and pastries to patrons waiting for the state-appointed hour. She expects sales at her 3D Cannabis Center, operating since 2010 as a medical-marijuana dispensary near the Denver Coliseum, to surge to at least $250,000 a month from $30,000, she said.

“We’ll have people out the door,” Fox, 42, a Salida resident, said by telephone. “It’s going to be a very festive atmosphere. We all feel like we’re walking on sunshine right now.”

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Prelude to Disaster: Comrade De Blasio vows sweeping change as NYC's next mayor

Get ready New York because this is gonna get ugly faster than most people think. 
AP reports Bill de Blasio was to be sworn in as the 109th mayor of New York City on Wednesday, becoming the first Democrat to occupy City Hall in more than two decades while vowing to pursue a sweeping liberal agenda for the nation's largest city.

The new mayor was elected two months ago by a record margin on the promise of being a sharp break from Michael Bloomberg, who leaves office after 12 years that reshaped New York, making it one of the nation's safest and most prosperous big cities but also one that has become increasingly stratified between the very rich and the working class.

De Blasio was to take the oath of office moments after midnight at his modest Park Slope, Brooklyn home. His inauguration will be celebrated on a far grander scale at noon Wednesday on the steps of City Hall when he takes the oath again, which will be administered by former President Bill Clinton.

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Getting administered the oath of office by a president who was impeached is a horrible omen for New York. 

Happy New Year 2014 POLICE STATE


The year of AWAKENING

"Folks this is really happening..."
--Alex Jones

We're all in this together...

THE USUAL HAZARDS and 2014 developments:
  • chemtrails
  • mystery illness
  • California goes into the Pacific Ocean
  • Currency RESET 
  • 240 MILLION people to be killed
Listen to Alex Jones and Steve Quayle warn the sheeple:

We're dead...:-)...

2014 The Year of Extremes says Gerald Celente


  • False Flag
  • War
  • Economic Armageddon

Arresting Obama and Restoring Liberty in 2014





What are we dealing with on the spiritual plane?

You devils -- that's what!

More Steve Quayle nonsense

Doug Hagmann and his son Joe Hagmann and some Mr. Greg Evenson guy along with Steve Quayle explain OPERATION HIGH JUMP and some term "AS ABOVE SO BELOW ME."  This is really getting nutty now!

Of course throw a little God in there and quote some scripture to act like this is some kind of truth:

I'm convinced that this entire TRUTHER and PATRIOT movement is a habitation of devils!


15 yr old hoodlum arrested in Christmas shooting that killed two Newark teens in hail of bullets

It’s all senseless what’s happening in Newark! 

NY DailyNews reports a juvenile was taken into custody for the senseless Christmas day killing of two teens in Newark, prosecutors said Tuesday.

The unidentified suspect was expected to be charged with shooting 13-year-old Zainee Hailey — who was cut down in a hail of bullets while taking out the trash, officials said.
A 14-year-old boy was critically wounded in the shooting.
The Essex County Prosecutor was expected to give more information about the case during a press conference at 3 p.m., a spokeswoman told the Daily News.

News of the arrest came as friends and family gathered in Elizabeth for the funeral of Hailey — who was caught in the crossfire while taking the trash out with her 7-year-old 

More here 
Killer commits murder because he felt disrespected see here

Predictions for 2014 = 2013² ... J. D. Longstreet

Predictions for 2014 = 2013²   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Predictions for 2014 = 2013²
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Pundits, so I am told, on or about, December 31st, are expected to make predictions for the coming year. 

Normally, I don't do this, preferring to make all sort of wild predictions throughout the year, most of which turn out to totally wrong.  The good thing about being a pundit is the reader's very bad and extremely short memory!  It has saved my derriere any number of times.

Howsoever, never let it be said I did not do my part to muddy the future waters of the new year 2014.

So -- here goes:

If you liked 2013 you're gonna LOVE 2014!

This IS an election year. (I'm so old I can remember when we actually had some space between elections!  These days the pols just campaign non-stop!)  We have the Democrats, the Republicans, and the Conservatives (Yeah, I deliberately carved conservatives out of the GOP.  Wishful thinking on my part.  See, I'd like to see conservatives with their own political party.  As I said -- wishful thinking.) all vying for leadership positions that, for the most part, NONE of them is equipped to handle.

In 2014, I see the Obama Administration doing a pretty good imitation of the Hindenburg,  (Oh!  The humanity ... ! Remember?  OK, so Google it!) as it continues to crash and burn.  Ratlines are already being established for "antsy" members of the administration ready to beat a hasty retreat out of Foggy Bottom and lose themselves amongst the proletariat, at least for a few years -- til the furor blows over.

Obamacare has turned out to be the suicide pact for the democrats we warned it would be.   The pay-off for those of us who fought Obamacare tooth and nail will come in November with the pending purge of the Congress of the current brood of vipers now in residence, hopefully ending the polymorphous perversity of that particular band of brigands.  I hope!

Obama will tell more lies. (I don't think that needs any elucidation... do you?)

US troops will continue to leave Afghanistan leaving only a token force to secure Mr. Karzai's head in it's current position atop his shoulders.  However, the Taliban has laid claim to the other end of his anatomy and may yet collect their prize!

There will be no peace between the Israeli's and the so-called Palestinians. (Actually, I cheated on this one.  I read the Bible.)

Iran will continue to manufacture the ingredients for a nuclear bomb, some call the Islam Bomb.  They will continue to smile -- and lie through their teeth -- and string Obama along like the simpleton they believe him to-be.

Resistance to Syria's  Assad will slowly diminish as Assad runs out of fellow Syrians to kill.

The US will become entangled in a militaristic adventure in Africa, which we will not win.  It would be politically incorrect for America to win a war with a black opponent.
Back here at the asylum, er, at home, Obama will pull out all the stops to get amnesty through Congress and into law to grab as many Latino voters as possible in an effort to save the collective rear ends of his Democratic Party cohorts and set the stage for Hillary's run for the Presidency in 2016.

Hillary will deny she's running, of course.  But then: "What difference does it make now" (Sorry 'bout that ... couldn't resist.)

America's paternalistic elite ruling class will continue to lead the nation into a virtual police state form of society and government.  The constitution will be proclaimed null and void.

The Marxocrats in the West Wing will continue their endeavor to fundamentally transform America into that socialist/communist dung heap we have warned of for so long, while those of us in the conservative commentariat continue to call them on it at every opportunity.

Congress will vote to give California to China as partial payment of all the loans we owe them.  Expect China to refuse -- unless we agree to keep Governor "Moonbeam." 

I could go one, but, frankly, it's too depressing. 

It is already shaping up to be another lousy year in the land of the formerly free.

Happy New Year!

J. D. Longstreet

STAGE ACTORS Alex Jones and Steve Quayle

INFOWARS dishes out deceitful news

You're a FAKER Jones!

How do we know?  Your pal G4T said so. 

Guest Starring:  Steve Quayle

2014 The Year of Financial Armageddon

If you own GOLD and SILVER -- yes :-)

I haven't even listened to this but I'm 100% convinced based on past practice that this Steve Quayle is a combination of a false teacher and a false prophet in the name of being a Christian and using God and Christ for their advantage.  These people are a menacing threat that is always growing.

I just gave this report the G4T TRUTHER TEST and now all of these TRUTHERS and PATRIOTS are being found wanting.  Is the U.S. Government really all that dangerous? 

CHECK OUT THIS BLOGSPOT with additional misinformation:

These guys are old hat to me.  They used to inhabit AMATEUR RADIO and SHORTWAVE RADIO frequencies and are now on the INTERNET OF EVERYTHING promoting their falsehood...



Marc Faber explains the dying American Dream

The American Dream is Being Further Destroyed

This rising stock prices have no impact on the ordinary American.  Most people lost their homes and rent homes at rising rent. 

Remember the FED DUAL MANDATE is:
1) maximum employment
2) price stability


And it looks like GOLD turned out to be a BUY HIGH and SELL LOW asset.  Some still cling to the notion that GOLD cannot be debased like currency but everyone is continually watching the CURRENCY debase GOLD:

Learn about The American Dream




TEAM TRUTHERS G4T and Ernie The Apple Investor

Traders get your VIP MEMBERSHIP...

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