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The tradition of 125th Rose Parade tarnished by hosting first same-sex wedding

This was totally inappropriate for the Rose Parade to host a Gay wedding!   

Stunts like this are what angers so many about how a small minority of progressive elites at every opportunity trashes traditional institutions to force the majority of society to accept an illicit life style!   

AOL News reports standing atop a giant wedding cake float, Aubrey Loots and Danny Leclair exchanged vows New Year's Day in the first same-sex marriage during the Tournament of Roses Parade.

Throngs of spectators cheered as the men, dressed in dark suits, faced each other and held hands before the Rev. Alfreda Lanoix, who officiated the ceremony aboard the AIDS Healthcare Foundation float.

Days earlier, a San Diego woman launched a Facebook page urging people to boycott the 125th Rose Parade after learning of the couple's plans. But some like Jennifer Adair, who cheered along with her girlfriend, lined the streets just for this moment.
"We're a modern-day society, so accept it. Don't worry about

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Commnets from AOL readers

deweese100 2 minutes ago
The Tournament of Roses Parade is not the place for a political agenda, it was degrading, disgusting and totally out of place. The Tournament of Roses Officials should be ashamed of themselves. I do not have to accept it as suggested, I can turn off the parade very easily and will do so if this is the type of parade they continue to have.
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Pam 4 minutes ago
I just keep wondering "How do gay marriages impact the lives of those who oppose them so much"? Live and let live. They're hurting no one by marrying. If you're saying it goes against God's teachings, let God deal with it - not you.
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pacrowderholyoke 5 minutes ago
Everyone who disagrees with this needs to stand up and speak out, because otherwise the PC police and politicians will think everyone approves of such disgusting behavior!

NEWS FLASH ----- You can try to shove it in our faces all you want, but we will NEVER EVER accept it NOR condone it. Of that you can be 100% sure.
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Terry & Cyntha 7 minutes ago
Vile, disgusting and distasteful!!! Why wouldn't you depict something honorable, like our military, or even a survivor of cancer..has a hetrosexual couple ever been granted this moment. I will never watch the Rose parade again!!!!
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asronce 10 minutes ago
This is the kind of response the gay community wants to their salacious ideas of a healthy union.
A big fat in your face kiss on national tv intimidates the masses which really floats their boat. This country has gone to pot.
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plewdawg 11 minutes ago
Disgusting and uncalled for
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Rob King 11 minutes ago
This is what marriage is to liberals a float in a parade once the parade is over its nothing...
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dhendr3229 12 minutes ago
At what point in time does the homosexual mafia stop bullying America into thinking they are 'normal'?
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Terry & Cyntha 5 minutes ago
Great comment..well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pacrowderholyoke 12 minutes ago
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kjplf 12 minutes ago
This was just simply disgus

Chicago Siblings Wounded in dubious Officer-Involved Shooting Early New Year's Day

Cops say one thing and a family member claims another in the chain of events that led to siblings getting shot. 
NBC Chicagoreports several people were wounded in a police-involved shooting early New Year's Day in Chicago's Roseland neighborhood, but accounts of exactly what happened and even the number of victims remained in dispute nearly 12 hours later.

In a statement to the media, police said three people were shot at a house party on the 100 block of West 105th Street. The family in the home said four people were wounded.

It was just before 2 a.m. when police say they heard gunshots on the block while chasing someone on foot. Officers said they approached one house and saw someone on a back porch holding a gun.

An officer shot that person when he or she refused to drop the weapon and pointed it at the officers, they said. Two other people were wounded in the incident, but it was unclear whether they had been shot by police, according to police News Affairs Officer Michael Sullivan.

But the homeowner said his cousins had just walked out the back when shots were fired by police.

"They went out that door to go smoke," said Charles Lewis. "No sooner did that door close I heard shots. The door opened back up. They were coming this way ... and the police stood in my doorway and continued to shoot."

Lewis said the wounded were all siblings: Michael Williamson, 26, who is a sailor in the United States Navy; Princeton Williamson, 24, who was possibly hit in the stomach; Kierra Williamson, 22, who was shot in the stomach; and Thaddeus Williamson, 24, who was shot in the face.

Two of the men were taken in critical condition to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Fire Media Affairs Spokesman Juan Hernandez said. A woman was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in critical condition, he said.

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The News UNIT New Year's Resolution

I'm scaling back on the TRUTHERS and PATRIOTS

Weeding out the TROUBLEMAKERS

Many of you know I follow current news events and how I started The News UNIT when friend of mine was in California and the Japan earthquake and Fukushima disaster began.

Now I've reached a point where I'm going to scale back from the idiots who want to create so much conflict with their ultra-conspiratorial nonsense and all manner of other deceptions.  At times it will remain difficult as some sources are at times still necessary for information gathering but as a whole I'm dropping many of them that I do not deem credible.  

Obviously I get the occasional itch to be satirical and cover a few things but plan to diminish much of that as very often it is simply too distracting and unproductive.  So I'll let the children continue to play with themselves while I'm more interested in the weightier matters of news and information. 

For those who read what's posted here continue to do so AT YOUR OWN RISK as I also do as this rapid dissemination of information can be difficult to process.  Also remember your COMMENTS and SUGGESTIONS are always welcome in the COMMENTS below.

Happy New Year to all of you.

The News UNIT

Karl Hormann on investing in the markets

This guy has some good advice

One of the few that puts his money where his mouth is.

The News UNIT is getting tired of all the goofballs on YOU TUBE and various places that come across as being ALTERNATIVE NEWS sources and INVESTMENT ANALYSTS of one form or another.   So I'm going to scale back on covering the idiots and instead try and focus on some more credible sources.  By now even the casual reader here should have some idea who the troublemakers are:

Mental Health to Combine with Law Enforcement

Mental Health and Law Enforcement



This is true about psychiatry and psychology.  Psychiatrists are labeled as M.D.'s and are drug pushers.  This is not a fairy tale or some G4T TRUTHER nonsense.  Many lives have been and are going to be ruined by this industry:


Recreational Marijuana Shops Open In Colorado

Recreational Marijuana Shops Open In Colorado
For more than 70 years, the sale of marijuana for recreational use has been criminally prohibited in the United States. But that ban, as it has existed for decades, ended Wednesday in Colorado.
The historic first, legal sales of recreational marijuana to those 21-and-older began in the morning at select dispensaries in Colorado -- the first state in the nation, and the first government in the world, to control and regulate a legal recreational marijuana industry.
"This is a big day," said Tom Angell, chairman of drug reform group Marijuana Majority, to The Huffington Post. "With what Colorado is doing now, and what Washington state and Uruguay will do later this year, we're finally getting a chance to show the world the benefits of legalizing and regulating marijuana that we've been talking about for so many years. Bringing the market above ground will generate tax revenue, create jobs and take money out of the hands of the violent drug cartels and gangs that control the trade where marijuana is illegal. Once other states and countries see these proven results, they'll want to get rid of their prohibition laws too."
Voters in both Colorado and Washington approved recreational marijuana in 2012, but Colorado was quick to implement the laws allowing approved marijuana businesses to open on New Year's Day. Washington state's recreational marijuana shops are expected to open later in the year. Uruguay recently became the first country in the world to create a legal, regulated marijuana market for adults.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Phil Robertson, the extreme right's new hero. Yep, a bible thumping racist and bigot. You go Phil!

Just in from Mediate - The controversy surrounding Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has now taken a step beyond his comments about homosexuality and bestiality, along with his assertion that black people in the Jim Crow South were happier and equating Muslims with Nazis.

Now with yet another video that’s surfaced, we’re once again reminded that this is nothing new for Robertson, who explained to an Arkansas congregation in 2008 what would “do in the Muslims,” as well as “the Chinese,” and that Muslims are “famous for murder.”

“What will do the Muslims in?” Robertson asked in the middle of his speech before the Hillsboro Church of Christ in El Dorado.

“Violations of the law, that’s what’ll do ‘em in,” he said waving his bible in the air.

Continue reading below the fold.

Via: Memorandum

Only invest a SMALL AMOUNT in GOLD and SILVER

The GOLD and SILVER Cookbook

Who's cooking up these METAL RECIPES Jim? 



Jim Comiskey:  Is this your recipe for the muppets?

What is stacking?  Investing? Hedging your stack?  Of all the COMMODITIES this GOLD and SILVER shit is really getting ridiculous.  You never hear this about oil, natural gas, wheat, corn, oats, soybeans, cocoa, coffee, and other commodities.  It's only this unusual fetish over GOLD and SILVER.  Jim Comiskey asks this question:

"How is it that people (muppets) can accumulate metals and they keep getting smoked and you got central banks the world over scooping it up all over and yet the price continues to be suppressed?"
--Jim Comiskey

Come on Jim.  You work in Chicago right by the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.  You don't know what's going on?  You do know what's going on.  Is this entertainment?  

Jim Comiskey makes no sense here.  I'm wondering about this information being presented now because I'm even starting to see real analysts who work in firms dishing out unusual information.  Jim has a history of videos when silver was falling from around $40 down to where it is now below $19 and he's always said "Keep stackin'." 

GOLD and SILVER is a collection

GOLD and SILVER product and coins whether bullion, numismatic or otherwise is none other than collectibles.  As Ben Bernanke pointed out they are not money but they are a tradition.  When President Nixon removed the nation from the gold standard what was created was unconstitutional money.  And some how this became law through the Federal Reserve Bank, and all manner of IRS enforcement besides.  Tricky isn't it?

So what's the verdict on GOLD and SILVER?  I don't even think they are a useful gauge of market conditions anymore.  I think it's all a big mess in the markets.  The best thing to do is to trade stocks.  Go long and short and just basically gamble.  This GOLD and SILVER isn't a gamble at all because no one ever cashes out.  At least at a real casino you cash out.  Some people don't do that either but I do.  I always cash out.  Cash is not trash! :-)

I think if you own physical GOLD and SILVER you might want to CASH OUT and go play a local slot machine.  You'll find that your cash is much safer in physical form than in those other elements on the PERIODIC TABLE known as Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd.  It's even safer in the banks of the banksters.

Metals are a currency that cannot be debased?  Are you serious!  What are you talking about?  The metals have been getting debased all along.  What is this you're saying Jim?  Who are these people anymore?  What am I missing here?  This is both strange and beyond unreal!

Dude I don't want to put you in the same stack with the stackers and pumpers.  Maybe you can clarify all this nonsense?  I'll leave it up to you.

I will say this much about this stacking:  The prices are looking more reasonable but the returns on the DJIA, NASDAQ 100, and S&P 500 are much more positive.  Would you agree?

Suppose the SHTF SCENARIO happens

Those of us who have any interest in the financial solvency of our country, especially those of us who are actively involved in financial monitoring probably watch CNBC, FOX Business News, or some equivalent market news feed of one form or another.  But this YOU TUBE COMMUNITY is full of questionable suspects (many of them traders) who have been dishing out odd information now especially over the last 4 to 5 years. 

So suppose we have a FINANCIAL COLLAPSE in America.  What about it?  Perhaps the markets fall 20% or so.  Is that a financial collapse?  To some it might be to others it's just a buying opportunity.  Same goes for this GOLD and SILVER.  To some it's a buying opportunity, to others it's a loss, to others it seems like a religion of sorts.  To me this is all one big casino.

The Wall Street Casino

To me it's like walking into a casino.  I wouldn't play craps, roulette, or Omaha Poker.  I would only play things that I know or at least have a fraction of understanding to give me a better chance at a positive financial return.  And there's only one good button on slot machines known as CASH OUT.

Actually the Wall Street Casino is somewhat safer at the moment.  But with increased high frequency trading algorithms and advanced computer trading systems I think that entire platform is going to become increasingly difficult.  I would expect in just a few short years the markets are going to increase with what I'll call such HYPER-VOLATILITY that it will be next to impossible to trade without some attendant software to think for you.  Then it's time to go back to the casino and play poker.  

How about that CASH TRASH?

Have you ever heard that CASH IS TRASH?  Who told you this?  G4T?  Maybe one of his associates?  They are all chasing the U.S. DOLLAR together and they want more of your dollars. 

If you believe cash is trash then you can send me a LOVE OFFERING via the DONATE BUTTON on the top left of this page.  I'd love to stash your trash for you.

Do I love money?  Nope.  But I like it. :-)  I can do things with it in this present evil world.  So I'll recycle your trash for you and make it useful.  Go ahead---make my day. 

The straddle to nowhere

And what's with the hedging and straddling this physical stack?  This is basically an investment that goes nowhere.  It's like buying 1,000 shares of IBM stock and shorting 1,000 shares of IBM stock at the same time.

I just searched for some old articles about this STRADDLE POSITION and now I'm finding more missing videos.  WTF Jim?

The News UNIT's 2014 prediction

S&P500 to 2014 and beyond

At the risk of being wrong I'm going to make a prediction for 2014 and here it is:

You are going to see GOLD hit $800 and SILVER dip down below $10.  And what does that mean?  It means absolutely nothing because the DJIA, the NASDAQ, and the S&P 500 will continue to make RECORD HIGHS the entire year.  Don't be surprised to see the DJIA at 20,000 very soon.

In fact I'm going to call the S&P500 going to 2014 and beyond for 2014.  How's that one?  Think I'm wrong?  I'm not an analyst but you don't really have to be to figure this one out:

The fact is there are WINNERS and LOSERS

I do agree with many of Jim Comiskey's rants however some of his sources come from the PRECIOUS METALS PUMPERS so I have to discard that information.  My own conclusion is we have a complicated market where LONG and SHORT positions are playing a never ending tug-of-war with each other and creating an environment where the word INVESTING is now obsolete.  Let me describe it this way:

It's a HYPERACTIVE and HYPER-VOLATILE MARKET that is simply a large CASINO run by what appears to be the BANKING SYSTEM.  The advanced computer algorithms have now created a real monster.  It's not for the timid. 

Invest in U.S. DOLLARS instead

The greatest pyramid scheme in history will continue:


Prediction: Bill de Blasio will be disastrous for New York City

This prediction is not by any means a stretch.  I’m not claiming to be a clairvoyant.  Unfortunately, New Yorkers will find out soon enough that Bill de Blasio will set this city back 30 years in a relatively short time.  Like all progressives de Blasio will over shoot in his zeal to prove a failed ideology can actually work.  It won’t and the results will cause much pain. 

After record murder low in 2013, 2 killed on New Year’s Day in Bill de Blasio’s new No Stop and Frisk Zone

You got what you wanted Mayor de Blasio!  Now the criminal element in NYC is emboldened to walk around with their guns.  

What are you gonna do, Bill?
New York Post reports a man was killed in at a Queens house party gone bad marking the city’s first homicide of 2014, police said. 

The 22-year-old victim was fatally attacked in the basement of a home on 113th Avenue near Sutphin Boulevard in St. Albans, around 1:15 a.m., Wednesday, cops said. The man, whose name has not been released, was one of two young men killed as the city rang in the New Year.

Investigators were waiting for an autopsy to determine whether the victim was shot or if he had been stabbed with a screwdriver, sources said. The victim died at the scene, authorities said.

No suspects are in custody and it was not immediately clear what sparked the deadly assault but neighbors believe it was over a spilled drink.

Shakeema Williams, 33, said the house was full of drunken revelers and cops were called several times.

“There were a bunch of incidents there last night,” she told the Post. “The cops were here for the first incident before 11 and then they left. I heard people inside asking them to go. I was outside and I heard what sounded like a gunshot and we ran inside.”
“It’s crazy,” Williams said. “There was all this commotion right after the ball dropped. It’s terrible.”

A 17-year-old was also killed in Bushwick after leaving a house party around 2:55 a.m., Wednesday, police said. 

He was shot in the chest, cops said. The teenager was rushed to Brookdale Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. No one is in custody and investigators do not have a motive in the slaying, police said.

The murders began on New Year’s Day as incoming Police Commissioner Bill Bratton took over the NYPD with the challenge of maintaining or beating a record-low homicide rate that claimed 333 victims in 2012.