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Arkansas teacher at eStem Joshua Wayne Cameron arrested for sexual assault

This teacher if guilty is not too bright.  

KATV reports a former teacher at eStem Public Charter Schools is arrested for sexual assault.

According to a Little Rock Police Department report, 24-year-old Joshua Wayne Cameron faces a charge of second-degree sexual assault for an incident last August.

The report states that Cameron placed his hands inside a juvenile's pants at eStem High Public Charter School.

School faculty reported the incident to the child abuse hot-line and Cameron was placed on administrative leave.
Cameron reportedly refused to make a statement to police, but resigned his teaching position on September 4th.  

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A Progressive Says... " Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For"

A Progressive Says... " Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For"
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

If anyone has ANY doubts as to whether the progressive movement, and it's socialist agenda is ALL about turning this nation into a SOCIALIST country you really, realty need to NEED to read this.

Now I get that capitalism in the USA has really botched things up in a big way. Government, in cahoots with business, has developed a huge crony capitalist system whereby subsidies (the taxpayers money) prop up businesses that otherwise would fail.

Businesses (industries) cry for regulations that hamper their better competitors from more effectively, and at a lower cost, serving their customers at a higher level of efficiency.

Labor unions, now clamoring for a ridiculously high minimum wage see no correlation between the effect of increased costs to the businesses and the effect it will have on the price of product or service to the consumer.

Our government, and it hasn't been just the democrats, has been moving towards European style democratic socialism (or if you prefer economic fascism)for many a year. American progressives are pushing this agenda in the media, government, and yes even business.

I suppose, as the USA is a representative democracy, when the majority in the country are able to elect enough representatives and senators in the 50 states and the federal government they will succeed in turning this country into the socialist utopia they dream of.

I guess the truth is, very few things remain static, including politics and government as we have seen over the course of our Nation's history. So, unless saner minds can prevail and find a way to re-energize our once vibrant capitalist system in a way that benefits the broad majority we will be looking at "The United States of New Europe".

Our federal system of government was set up so the people would always have a voice. That vice has moved us to where we are mow. Progressives are gaining a louder voice and are gaining strength because their antagonists have failed to provide a better mouse trap of late.

Following is a list of five things Jesse A. Myerson of Rolling Stone proposes the progressives need to have as their sgenda and vigorously pursue.

1) Guaranteed Work for Everybody
2) Social Security for All
3) Take Back The Land
4) Make Everything Owned by Everybody
5) A Public Bank in Every State

If any of this sh*t scares the h*ll out of you (it certainly does me) I highly suggest reading the complete article below the fold.

Via: Memeorandum

Contrarian Interest Rate Theory

Click to enlarge.

The line in blue shows the 5-year CD rate at commercial banks (left scale).

The line in black shows wages and salaries divided by deposits at commercial banks (right scale).

Here's the theory.

A lender's ability to lend is generally determined by the amount of their deposits (fractional reserve banking notwithstanding).

A lender's desire to lend is generally determined by the stable income streams of the borrowers (NINJA loans notwithstanding).

When wages (a bank's desire to lend) grow slower than deposits (a bank's ability to lend), then all things being equal (which they rarely are), the interest paid on deposits should fall (clearly seen in the chart). It's simply supply vs. demand. Not enough wages. Too many deposits.

Unlike nearly every financial expert on CNBC, I am not a believer that we're in a rising interest rate environment over the long-term. Wage growth is not keeping up with deposit growth. There are no signs of that trend changing any time soon (as seen in the declining black line in the chart). Why would I expect higher CD rates when there is a growing wage famine (nonfarm payroll employment) relative to a growing deposit glut (CPI adjusted deposits)? As seen in the following chart, note that this is a new development that began in February of 2000 (the peak in wages divided by deposits). In hindsight, Y2Katasrophe for the win!

Click to enlarge.

Inflation (or the lack of it) isn't really going to alter the dynamics much in my opinion. Banks aren't going to pay higher CD rates just because food costs more. I would be the last to argue that they're nonprofit food banks (Jamie Dimon sarcastically notwithstanding).

This is not investment advice. If it was, I would have written this post in Japanese as a tribute to Japan's popping housing bubble in the early 1990s and 20+ years of its ongoing low interest rate aftermath.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart #1
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart #2

Former Lutheran Pastor Larry Michael Bollinger Awaits Prison Sentence After Admitting to Sexually Molesting Young Girls in Haiti

This is one of the harshest and well deserved sent aces I’ve seen in this type of case.  However, in other parts of the country sentences for adults having sex with minors vary greatly. 

ChristianPost reports a former North Carolina minister who pleaded guilty in 2013 to sexually molesting underage Haitian girls received a 25-year sentence from a federal judge on Friday.

Larry Michael Bollinger, 68, pleaded with a federal court judge for over an hour to prevent him receiving a maximum 120-year sentence, and admitted that he was a sex addict who for years had been obsessed with pornography, and had solicited sex from prostitutes, as well as frequented adult bookstores.

Once he was in Haiti and the opportunity presented itself to sexually abuse the girls, Bollinger "crossed boundaries I never imagined I would have crossed."
"I'm very embarrassed that I let myself slip to those depths, but I did," he said tearing up in the court room, reported WSOC.

After spending the last year in prison, Bollinger returned to federal court Friday because he entered a conditional guilty plea in his 2013 court hearing that authorized him to "appeal a federal judge's ruling that denies his motion to dismiss the charges against him."

Larry Michael Bollinger confessed last year to molesting four girls who ranged from 11 years old and up, while working at a non-profit in the country. He served as a Lutheran minister for 33 years in North Carolina before he and his wife began working in 2004 with the Lazarus Project in Haiti, which runs a vocational school and medical clinic.
Although his wife often accompanied him to Haiti, she often left the country before he did, which was when he abused the girls, said prosecutors.

In 2009, Bollinger and his wife went to counseling where they signed an agreement permitting the counselor to report any information to authorities regarding the abuse or exploitation of a child. After the former pastor disclosed that he had sexually abused Haitian girls, the counselor reported him.

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America's new commodity: MARIJUANA

The Major Marijuana Industry


Colorado will be one of the richest states

The answer to America's economic issues and jobs

Marijuana could be the investment crop of the future

The news and various discussions on marijuana prohibition and alcohol prohibition is just hitting the headlines across America and the world.  There's no stopping this industry now as it proves to be the answer to America's problems.  If other states don't follow suit they deserve to be broke.

Moreover marijuana is being proven to be health beneficial and a wise alternative to smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol:

More STUDIES and LINKS on these marijuana developments:



There are still restrictions...

The government wants to keep we the people under control.  There's too much to lose in the prison industrial complex...


Happy Hogs and Hemp

Marijuana Meat Heads

Pot Bellies or Pork Bellies?

You might see some vegetarians get some pork back into their diets now with the new news on happy hogs being fed with marijuana, amongst other things...

Smoking Hot Pork and Stocks

Marijuana is smoking hot in the news:

Learn more about HEMP:


Abducted Brooklyn landlord Menacham Stark's badly burned body found on Long Island: cops

Kidnapped during a snowstorm?  This appeared to be planned and the abductors highly motivated. 
NY Daily News reports Stark, 39, was taken from his outside his office on Thursday evening, bound with duct tape and thrown into a Dodge Caravan. Authorities now say a badly burned body they discovered on Long Island is the missing man.

The Brooklyn landlord who was kidnapped near his office late Thursday was found in a dumpster at a Long Island gas station, authorities said Saturday.

The body of Menacham Stark was found in the trash container at the Getty gas station in Great Neck just before 4 p.m. Friday, according to Nassau County cops....

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Maricopa County To Pay Millions To Prevent Sheriff's Office From Racial And Ethnic Profiling Of Illegals

Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio's racial and ethnic profiling policy that was used as a basis to enforce immigration laws will now cost the county millions to halt its discrimination practice. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 4, 2014

Phoenix, Arizona - In 2014, Maricopa County is expected to pay more than $21M to initiate a federal court order to pay for a monitor to oversee the Sheriff's Department operations and create a community advisory board. It will also cost the county an additional $10M for each additional year to maintain the monitor and board. Maricopa County operates on a $2.2B budget, according to Cari Gerchick, the Maricopa spokesperson, CNN reported.
Both the monitor and the board will make sure that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his staff will stop practicing racial and ethnic profiling while enforcing county and state laws.
In May, U.S. District Judge Murray Snow ruled that Sheriff Arpaio must stop targeting undocumented immigrants by racial and ethnic profiling in his practice to enforce federal and state immigration laws. Sheriff Arpaio and his deputies engaged in a pattern of specifically targeting and stopping vehicles with dark skin passengers and detaining them longer than other groups, Judge Snow found. Many of the victims had their constitutional rights violated for merely having a darker skin tone, a language accent and for being Hispanic. 
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office operated with the assumption that Hispanics traveling through the county or living in the area were most likely to be undocumented, according to victims residing in Maricopa County.
Sheriff Arpaio is expected to appeal Judge Snow's decision.

Rand Paul plans CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against NSA

Why does the media call elected representatives "LAWMAKERS?"

ANSWER:  Many of them are LAWYERS

We used to have a constitutional representative form of government here in America.  We used to have the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.  Now we have the bandits and OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATORS called LAWMAKERS which in fact are LAWYERS...

What exactly is Rand Paul doing here?  Creating a new list of revolutionaries who will be targeted by the POLICE STATE?


Hi everybody! Happy New Year!

    2014 The Year of the American Dream

How many years now do we the people have to keep hearing about all these broken promises?  Why can't we just get back to the United States Constitution and Bill Of Rights?

ANSWER:  Because we have enemies of America both foreign and domestic that violate their OATH OF OFFICE and will continue to do so as America continues to be transformed into it's new world order.

"...Republicans should make it their new year's resolution to do the right thing and restore this vital economic security for their constituents right now.  After all our focus as a country this year shouldn't be shrinking our economy but growing it.  Not narrowing opportunity but expanding it.  Not fewer jobs but doing everything we can to help our business create more of the good jobs that a growing middle class requires.  That's my new year's resolution, to do everything I can every single day to help make 2014 a year in which more of our citizens can earn more of their piece of the American Dream..."


MSMBC’s Mellissa Harris Perry offers crocodile teary apology for mocking Mitt Romey’s black grandson

You be the judge and decide if this is a sincere apology.  The reason I’m so skeptical is MSNBC routinely edits video tapes, makes vulgar statements about conservatives, and otherwise is a joke of an outfit.  They have virtually no viewers which is why they do thing like mock a little baby to garner some attention.  Harris Perry is a clown herself who once wore tampon ear rings to make a crass political statement.  

MSMBC’s Mellissa Harris Perry offers crocodile teary apology for mocking Mitt Romey’s black grandson