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Clay elementary teacher Kimberly Hillard Brody caught in the act partially nude with make minior and charged with sex with teen in Florida

Looks like this teacher got caught in a pickup truck quickie. 
FloridaTimes Union reports a Clay County elementary school teacher was arrested early Monday after being found together with a youth without most of their clothes on, according to an arrest report from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.
Kimberly Hillard Brody, 40, was arrested in the 7300 block of Westland Oaks Drive after police were called there on a report of a suspicious vehicle about 12:30 a.m. Monday.

Brody was in a pickup truck with nothing on but a sweater, the arrest report said. The boy was completely naked outside the truck. It was unclear what the boy was doing at that point, because the report was redacted. But it did say police interrupted them having sex.

Brody is charged with unlawful sexual activity with minor 16 to 17 years old.
She has been a second-grade teacher at W.E. Cherry Elementary School for two years, according to Clay County school district spokesman Gavin Rollins. He said teachers charged with similar crimes are usually placed on paid administrative leave.

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Disgraceful Peter King breaking Reagan’s 11th Commandment attacking Rand Paul and it’s embarrassing

Ronald Reagan 11th commandment was Thou shall not criticize a fellow Republican!  

Rep Peter King(R-NY) has it in his head that if he publically knocks fellow Republicans the corrupt media will make him odds on favorite to get the GOP nomination in 2016.  The man is as delusional as President Obama thinking he can be an effective president.
Commentary Magazine reports Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s strengths as a prospective presidential candidate are generally well known, but there’s one that probably doesn’t get enough attention: he tends to get in his opponents’ heads all too easily. There was his filibuster over drones, which drew the accusation from John McCain that Paul was one of the party’s “wacko birds,” even when many who wouldn’t instinctively agree with Paul on the issue expressed admiration for his principled stand.

And there is his ongoing rivalry with Congressman Peter King, who is apparently contemplating challenging Paul for the GOP nomination in 2016. Paul’s criticism just before Christmas of National Intelligence Director James Clapper–who quite clearly misledCongress to avoid divulging classified information at a hearing–put King right out of the holiday spirit. “It’s an absolute disgrace,” King saidof Paul. “He disgraced his office and he owes General Clapper an apology immediately.”

With all the revelations about the NSA data collection, it was unlikely to be the last installment of the King-Paul spats on the subject. And sure enough, King raised the ante yesterday on Fox:

“Rand Paul does not know what he’s talking about,” King said after being asked to respond to Paul’s comments about the NSA. “And, Rand Paul is really spreading fear among the American people.”

“He was also was comparing General [James] Clapper to [Edward] Snowden,” King continued. “To me, he’s either totally uninformed or he’s part of that hate America crowd that I thought left us in the 1960s.”

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Detroit Police Chef James Craig on GUNS

The government should decide who has the guns

Here's what this is:  This is a dirty political trick to use a black police chief to massage we the people into thinking that he's one who upholds the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights when in fact he's not.  This is a wolf in sheep's clothing as you can see right away here in the interview that he is actually for stricter gun laws and also promotes an assault weapons ban for we the people.  

You can't trust them!  They have an agenda,

More guns for good Americans who are responsible.  Really?  So who decided that we're good Ameircans?  The good lawmakers in Congress and in law enforcement? 



 Using FUKUSHIMA to merchandise the sheeple

How can anyone believe this guy now after George Hemminger A.K.A. "G4T" revealed that these TRUTHERS, PATRIOTS, and ALTERNATIVE NEWS is full of twisted conspiratorial entertainment and is full of stage actors and play actors?  Now INFOWARS wants you to buy their IODINE PRODUCTS and scare everyone about FUKUSHIMA RADIATION.  

Remember that G4T was confederate with INFOWARS and probably still is along with his pals Joe Mendez,  Richard Smith (badfinger05200),  Rudy Davis, Pastor David Manning, and other troublemakers who are in this movement that promotes conspiratorial entertainment.

THIS IS NOT NEWS!  I really don't know what to call it:


Chicago's Ban Of Legal Gun Sales Unconstitutional Federal Judge Ruled

Chicago's city council violated the constitutional right for residents to legally buy guns from license dealers within city limits.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 6, 2014

Chicago, Illinois - On Monday, U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang ruled that Chicago's city council violated the constitutional right for citizens to purchase guns from dealers when it banned the sale of guns within city limits. Judge Chang stayed his enforcement to allow the sale of guns to Chicago residents until city officials decide to appeal his decision.
Chicago and other parts of the state that have stuff gun laws prohibiting conceal carry must also enact ordinances regulating conceal carry, according to a prior state conceal carry law that was previously approved.

California Crop Circle Man Made

No aliens involved in creating man made crop circle for marketing campaign to introduce new processing chip.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 6, 2014

Chualar, California - A crop circle found last week in a Chualar barley farm was man made and not alien origin, according to a promotional campaign by the NVIDIA company who introduced a new processing chip.
Jen-Hsun Huang, president and CEO of NIVIDIA on Sunday confirmed, the crop circle was a marketing project to introduce their processing chip and that everyone involved was sworn to secrecy.
The crop circle drew wide spread media and curiosity seekers who thought aliens might have designed it, but Huang confirmed that NIVIDIA hired a British company that specializes in creating crop circles to design the promotional circle for their product campaign blizz.

Kim DotCom Megaupload Hollywood Villain

Kim DotCom Megaupload Hollywood Villain

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Toppers Pizza In Bay View Robbed By Lone Gunman

Armed robber took more than $300 from pizza place.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 6, 2014

Bay View, Wisconsin - On early Monday, Milwaukee police responded to an armed robbery at the Toppers Pizza fast food restaurant  at the 2200 block of S. Kinnickinnic Ave. after it was reported that a lone robber walked in and demanded cash. He took at least $304.
No one was reported injured. Monica Sosa, the 18-year-old assistant manager posted on Facebook, "It was the most scariest thing I ever was into. But I thank god that he kept me alive and I wasn't killed by someone walking around with a gun robbing places. But, he got us."
The suspect robbed Toppers Pizza around 11:45 p.m. on Sunday and was wearing a mask to hide his face. He is describe as Hispanic or White. Five employees, including Sosa were working the late shift and saw the suspect.
Police are reviewing video surveillance from Toppers Pizza to identify the suspect. No arrest has been made.

Jet skier saves 2 teens from drowning at Bowentown

Nice job by the unidentified Jet skier and God was watching those teen boys.

News TalkZB reports Waikato police are praising the actions of a jet skier who rescued two teenage boys, who had been swimming near Bowentown yesterday.

Senior Sergeant Rod Carpinter says the two 15-year-old boys had been swimming off Anzac Bay when they got caught in a current at around 5.30PM.

They managed to raise the attention of a passing jet skier, who dragged them back to shore.

Mr Carpinter says this should act as a reminder for sea swimmers, to always swim between the flags, and close to the shore in unfamiliar areas.

Peggy Noonan

I give PeggyNoonan credit for knowing more about Bill de Blasio radical Leftism than ready for the old folks home Bob Schieffer.  Unless de Blasio is gonna do something about the 70% illegitimate birth rate in the black community, income inequality will continue to be an issue.
ModerateVoice reports the problem with broadcast journalism today is that many anchors or reporters on political talk shows have a political axe to grind and hold up their axe for all to see. There are fewer on-the-air personalities now who will challenge an outright falsehood. And one of those few is CBS’s Bob Schieffer, a journalist from the Edward R. Murrow/Walter Cronkite school of journalism. Indeed, I have consistently maintained that CBS should have replaced Cronkite with Schieffer.

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Video (H/T) Crooks and Liars

2014: let's do this

Remember that first day back to school after Christmas break? When you would spend the day saying "how was your break?" over and over again? Good times. So...how was your break?

I had an absolutely wonderful vacation. We ate, we wrapped, we partied, we unwrapped, we drank, we shoveled and we cuddled. General merriment all around. And best of all, I didn't open up my laptop once. Truth. Full disclosure, I did occasionally checked Instagram, but I was 'off the clock'. And it felt great.

Like any great love story, I think sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder and I missed you all and my little corner of the virtual world. So I'm excited to be back and in action. Can I get an amen?


And the good thing about a little time away, is that my brain has been going wild with ideas, projects and things to share. So let's hit the ground running my friends, we've got a new year in front of us!

Something B. I. G. Is Coming To America! ... J. D. Longstreet

Something B. I. G. Is Coming To America!    ...   J. D. Longstreet

Something B. I. G. Is Coming To America!
Progressive/Commies Push For Solution To Income Inequality
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

The left tried to make income inequality a major topic for discussion throughout America last year but failed.  So, they've gussied-up  their message, repackaged it, and they're set to re-launch it again in 2014.

This year, however, the democrat's message concerning income inequality is more important than ever.  See, they are counting on their beating the drum for a guaranteed income for every American to turn on the hordes of low info voters, and enough of those on the dole (wards of the state) to trudge to the polls and save the US Senate for the democrats. 

Here's the thing:  If the democrats can hold off the republicans enough that they can get their base to help them save five of the seats up in November, they will retain control of the Senate and, saints preserve us, we will remain in the same deadlock in Congress we are suffering through today with a republican House and a democratic Senate.

 Getting a piece of legislation guaranteeing a "BIG" is not important ... at all.  (More on "BIG" a little farther down in this piece.) It's all the sound ad fury that will accompany the debate.  You can rest assured the democrats will paint the Republicans as heartless with no concern for the middle class and the poor.  If the democrats can manage to have their message reverberate within the low info voter community they may be able to leech enough votes from that quarter to save Democrat Party control of the US Senate.  That's the goal.     

So, what IS income inequality, anyway? I mean, other than a tool the Marxists, Communists, and Socialists use to beat a capitalist nation severely about the head and shoulders until it crumbles and they move in and completely destroy whatever is left of that country.
You would do well to pay particular attention to the source of the plaintive calls for income equality.  You will find it originates from the ranks of the so-called "Progressives."

Remember:  Progressive is only the latest nomenclature for "Communist," "Socialist," and "Marxist." The are all one and the same: "fellow travelers."  The title "Progressive" is only a cover name for "Communist," Socialist," and Marxist."

Over the next eleven months, or so, the "marxocrats" are going to be pounding the drum for redistribution of the nation's wealth.  Their hearts are going to publicly bleed, all over the nation's press, as they opine as to how they care for the poor downtrodden American with less income than the CEO of a corporation, etc. It's not fair, they will cry.

It's true. It's not fair.  But then, neither is life. 
In a capitalist system, one's income depends on many, many things.  First and foremost, however, a nations economy MUST be sound and flourishing so those who want a job can get a job.

For a moment let's get real, shall we? 

A kid flipping burgers is not going to bring home what the CEO of the Widget Corporation does.  Nor should he.  THAT'S income inequality. 

While we're at it, lets clear away some of the smoke and mirrors the Progressive/Commies will be using over the next few months.

"Income inequality" is the cover name for "guaranteed minimum income."   What we are talking about here is "a government-ensured guarantee that all citizens unconditionally receive an income sufficient to meet their basic needs." -- SOURCE: http://www.usbig.net/index.php   

Over the next few months you will hear the word "BIG" bandied about quite a lot.  BIG is an acronym.  It stands for: "Basic Income Guarantee" and that is what the democrats will be pushing for between now and the election in November. 

Here's a bit more on BIG: "The basic income guarantee (BIG) is a government insured guarantee that no citizen's income will fall below some minimal level for any reason. All citizens would receive a BIG without means test or work requirement. BIG is an efficient and effective solution to poverty that preserves individual autonomy and work incentives while simplifying government social policy. Some researchers estimate that a small BIG, sufficient to cut the poverty rate in half could be financed without an increase in taxes by redirecting funds from spending programs and tax deductions aimed at maintaining incomes." -- SOURCE: http://www.usbig.net/index.php   

You DID notice the sentence:  "All citizens would receive a BIG without means test or work requirement." didn't you?

Again, it all boils down to redistribution of the nations wealth, which means -- YOUR wealth -- taken from you and given to someone who did not earn it and does not deserve it.

Look.  America has changed.  In my opinion, there will never again be high employment in the country -- at least not for a few generations.

Manufacturing jobs have disappeared because manufacturing plants have either gone out of business or moved out of the US to other countries more hospitable to business.  They're gone, and won't be coming back.  Their former employees are without jobs and are not likely to find anything they are qualified for simply because those jobs no longer exist... period.

Currently there is a drive on to increase the national minimum wage.  That's another job killer.  At some point -- and we are very near it right now --employers are going to begin replacing men and women employees with machines.  Technology is at such a level now that a hamburger joint could have most of their staff replaced by computerized machines.  This is no longer "new" technology.

Some of us remember Automats, which were fast food restaurants where simple foods and drinks are served by coin-operated and bill-operated vending machines.  They've been around for decades.  Just think of what we could do with today's technology.  We won't have to wonder long, for if the minimum wage goes up too much, a businessman who wants to remain a businessman, will not hesitate to replace his human employees with computers.  That will, of course, mean MORE unemployed Americans out on the streets. 

The answer to income inequality the Progressives/Communists are going to tell us is a BIG, The basic income guarantee. 

Where, pray tell, will the government get the money to hand out each month?  From the rich?  Not for long. The rich will simply flee. They will take their money, and their businesses (which generate jobs), and leave the country.

In fairly short order the entire nation would resemble the derelict city of Detroit.   Soon our entire society would find itself in a deplorable condition.

Democrats know they can depend on the support of those whose family traditions include living off government largesse for generations.  And the democrats can always rely on the Mainstream Media to promote their loving care for the poor and downtrodden while running interference, the whole of 2014, for Obama and the democrats and, lest we forget, for Obamacare.

So, get ready, it's going to be brutal between now and November.  The dems have their backs against the wall and they will be flailing in all directions.

The dems will be intent upon making the GOP look as bad as they possibly can between now and November.  Since they own the bully pulpit and the press in America they WILL be successful to some degree.

Conservatives should dig in and hold fast so that in November we may truthfully say with Saint Paul of old:  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ... " ( 2 Timothy 4:7).  We must remember this admonition, too, from St. Paul: "... Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  (Galatians 5:1)

J. D. Longstreet

Cultural Denigration in America

Cultural Denigration in America

Cultural denigration in America


American culture has been under radical assault for the last five years. Certain ideologies and beliefs, once the norm, became an anathema to those who hated America’s fundamental values and what they stood for. In order to move away from this embedded thinking the power centers had to first recondition how the collective population interprets present social and political trends. This task was performed by metamorphosing language structure. Words and phrases in current use during the initiation of this transformation were either deemphasized or over accentuated as the need arose. Many of us still remember the word “terrorist” being removed from Obama’s lexicon of accepted government words. Jihad was given a similar treatment. When a “terrorist” attacked an American facility on the mainland or abroad Obama’s minions came up with the words “manmade event” or phraseology of a similar nature. Groups of inner city children, en masse, who perform criminal acts against commercial centers, the words “flash mob” entered into common use to deemphasize the nature of the action. Traditional marriage is no longer considered traditional under the eyes of those who wanted to curry favor with a micro-segment of the population.  The term “gay marriage” was crusaded throughout the corridors of state legislatures to allow deviancy to be brought into the mainstream. The words transgender, transsexual or other bizarre mix became a rallying cry in my adopted state of Maryland. Legislators jumped into action to correct this bump in the road. Presently a man can throw on a dress, in this very blue state, if he wants to use the lady’s bath or dressing rooms at your local Walmart. In recent days the concept of illegal was given the liberal treatment. California’s highest court will now permit illegal immigrants to practice law provided they meet the same criteria as their legal counterparts. This decision redefines the legality of illegality. In a short time this concept will be the law of the land. Shifting word and phrase structure has long been a tool of tyrants to amass and retain power. Welcome to the America of 2014. Mass manipulation of the populace is moving along as planned. Do not be surprised when the name of our beloved country is stricken from historical and other references to finish Obama’s transfiguration of American society. It is the next-step in his agenda. Mark Davis, MD President of Davis Book Reviews and Healthnets Review Services.
www.healthnetsreviewservices.com  platomd@gmail.com  Author of the number one book the legal profession hates, Demons of Democracy and the recently released book Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Please use the attached email address for interview requests.