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Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed of Al Sharpton

When Martin marched the streets seeking racial equality he did so in a deeply segregated America.  He didn’t carry a gun nor threatened to use one.  He didn’t have to.  All he needed was the words of the Declaration of independence and his faith in God to carry him and the civil rights movement through. 

Eventually, although it took some years to cone to pass, Martin’s dream of his people being judged by the content of their character has begun to take shape.     

But, a pretender to King’s thrown has come along and poisoned Martin’s well.  He speak outside the bonds of faith with a message of division to distort Martin’s call for assimilation.   He speak half truths, champion the killing of the unborn, and most unfortunately fixate on skin color, skin color, skin color and never focuses on the kind of charter that Martin believed in:
People should be married before they have children
Life conceived should be given the right to live. 

But, instead we have a cheap pretender who lines his pockets with threats of boycotts and he never seems to give the IRS their fair share. 

Yes, Martin we miss you more than you know.  You left us a King and we wound up with a snake.    

Unhinged progressive NY Times columnist Paul Krugman writes the latest attack on The Rich and his eyes bleed green with envy

There’s a reason the 10th commandment says “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods”.   
But that doesn’t stop progressives like PaulKrugman from bemoaning the success of the Rich in a pathetic attempt to point out contrived unfairness. 

He writes:

“American capitalism as currently constituted is undermining the foundations of middle-class society — shouldn’t be up for argument.”

Progressives love to declare that the debate is over.  It’s one of their favorite tactics to bully their opponents.  But, ten times out of ten its also a sure fire indication that they have no provable argument in the first place.  (See Global Warming).  
Incomes are supposed to be unequal!  Doctors are supposed to make more money than the burger flippers at Mickey Ds.  The key in life is to strive TO BE the doctor, or the lawyer, or the engineer, or any of other of dozens jobs that one can do instead of the burger flipper.  But, that takes dedication and hard work and that’s something progressives don’t bother mentioning. 

As far as capitalism goes, there is no other economic system in the history of the worlds that has lifted more people out of poverty.

Feudalism didn’t do it.

Socialism didn’t do it.

Communism didn’t do it.     

The success of the United States proves the point.  In only a scant 238 years no country has accumulated the amount of wealth we have.  And the standard of living of the poor in the U.S. significantly beats the Rich of the middle ages in Europe. 

What progressives seek is for everybody to be poor, nobody having more than anyone else and it’s the government that does the providing.  That’s their dirty little secret.  Margaret Thatcher was hip to the income inequality game. 

The Good Fed/Bad Fed Routine

The following chart shows the real home equity loans at all commercial banks per civilian employed (December 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

A linear trend failure *and* an exponential trend failure? All in the same chart? I think I just died and went to trend failure heaven!

October 27, 2005
Bernanke: There's No Housing Bubble to Go Bust

U.S. house prices have risen by nearly 25 percent over the past two years, noted Bernanke, currently chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, in testimony to Congress's Joint Economic Committee. But these increases, he said, "largely reflect strong economic fundamentals," such as strong growth in jobs, incomes and the number of new households.

Wikipedia: Good cop/bad cop

The good cop/bad cop routine is a common dramatic technique in cinema and television, where the bad cop often goes beyond the boundary of legal behavior. A common variant to subvert expectations is to seemingly introduce the 'bad cop' first, only to reveal that he's actually the 'good cop' despite his harshness and that the real 'bad cop' is even worse.

If credit is the lifeblood of this economy, then we just need to work through this "soft patch" and all will be well again. Right?

Investopedia: Soft Patch

This term gained popularity when former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan used it in his review of the overall U.S. economy. Central banks often cut interest rates in an attempt to spur the economy through the soft patch.

Two quick questions and I'll let you go.

1. Where the @#$% is the good Fed?
2. Is it normal for a soft patch to last more than 5 years?

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Queens mother Deisy Garcia and her 2 children ages 1 and 2 stabbed to death, police seek husband

This is a horrible incident in a city that’s off to a bad start when it comes to crime.
NY DailyNews reports a 21-year-old woman and her two toddler daughters were stabbed to death Sunday night in an apparent triple homicide in Jamaica, Queens, cops said.

Deisy Garcia and her two girls, ages 1 and 2, were found stabbed multiple times each in an apartment on Sutphin Blvd. near 90th Ave. just after 7 p.m., cops said.

Police recovered multiple knives on the scene and were looking for Garcia’s husband, cops said.

The tragedy in Jamaica capped off a spate of stabbings across the city that left six other people wounded.

More here

stock pile those lightbulbs people

Today is a holiday so the girls are home and I am playing hooky but I did want to throw something out there. I think I missed the memo. I knew that the end was near for normal lightbulbs (I even talked about it here), but I thought I had more time to build up my stock pile. Now I learned that this is the year 40 and 60 watt lightbulbs are being phased out. Why mean government are you trying to deprive us of good lighting?!

So in anticipation of the day when my stockpile will run dry, I need to know - what kind of lightbulbs do you use? Have you found a CFL or whatever they are called, that you like? And one that doesn't make you look like a corpse?

Help a girl out!

Americans vs. Americans? What a mess in the U.S.A.

The Obama Government continues to brainwash America

Paul Revere would love the NSA

This country is an absolute disaster now as we turn against each other which is exactly what this globalist conglomerate regime wants as it turns our land into complete chaos by design.  We're shot.  Time to watch Superbowl XLVIII and keep your heads down.  By the way if you go to the game you'll get a good dose of the police state and the new military style law enforcement.  And they are watching Americans.

Don't forget to give this report below the G4T TRUTHER TEST because along with the criminal Obama government we have these alternative news maggots who are making an equal amount of trouble while masquerading as the good guys.

Hey Jones are you telling the truth below?   Your pal G4T says no but we already know he's a liar:


The Ultimate Super Bowl

The following chart shows the inverse of manufacturing employment.

Click to enlarge.

Yes! The Ultimate Super Bowl! That's what I'm talking about.

Did you really think that I was going to post something about the Seahawks just because I live in the Seattle area? I'm not even going to dignify that question with a long response.

Go Seahawks!

And um, well, go manufacturing employment too I guess. Yeah, that's right. I'm sure that the long-term trend in the chart is finally reversing. Sure. Why not? Humans are finally winning over robots. Who couldn't see that one coming? Just look at the trend since the end of the Great Recession. The inverse is finally falling. It's clearly sustainable and we should therefore expect everyone to be working in manufacturing within the next few years. Oh, sure. It might be starting to curve upwards again but that's just something a pessimist might say. This is not a day for pessimism! Go Seahawks!

If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Spock

It is common knowledge that the Fed has permanently put a stop to recessions. As seen in the chart, the inverse generally only starts to climb higher during recessions. That leaves us with the improbable. Right? The inverse is therefore not attempting to climb higher! It's all just a figment of our imaginations! Someone back me up on this. This is Puget Sound logical thinking at its finest. Did I say Puget Sound? Oops. Freudian slip! Go Seahawks!

Yes, yes. I'm filled with a renewed sense of irrational truth-seeking optimism and absolute faith in all officials! If everyone says the Fed won't allow another fumble gone bad, then who am I to argue differently? ;)

And lastly, I just have to say one more thing to be absolutely clear here.

Go Seahawks! :)

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Holy Bible confusion vs. rightly dividing the word of truth

America's Honor Besmirched ... J. D. Longstreet

America's Honor Besmirched    ...   J. D. Longstreet
America's Honor Besmirched
Appeasement Assures War!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


It has been said that the quickest way to end a war is to surrender.  Obama has found an even quicker way -- surrender BEFORE the war!

In numerous articles we have told our readers how the US is living the 1930's all over again.  Indeed, the world is parroting the foreplay of WW-II as if were a script torn from the pages of one of the bloodiest centuries in human history.

But it's no play -- and if we continue to act out this script we will, inevitably, find ourselves at war beginning on a regional scale then quickly expanding to a global conflagration.

We have to same sort of narcissistic,  conceited, elite diplomats and politicians in the same positions of power their forerunners occupied in years immediately leading up to World War Two.

The stage is set, the actors are on their marks, and we wait for the curtain to part and the lights to come up.

Our pitifully naive President and our socially and culturally elite Brahman Secretary of State are walking the US into certain military conflict on a major scale simply because they both are in over their heads. 

If we paraphrase Winston Churchill's objection to the Munich agreement back in  1938 (Remember Chamberlain's :  "Peace in or time!"):  "Obama had to choose between war and dishonor.  He chose dishonor.  He will have war."

The threat to the world from Iran equals the threat of Nazi Germany to the world some seventy-five years ago. 

Nothing much changes.  Only the players and the backdrops on the stage have changed since. The script remains the same as that which played out three-quarters of a century ago.   Unfortunately, the current crop of leaders of the so-called free world are made of no sterner stuff than were the leaders back then.  The US President has accepted defeat and dishonor at the negotiating table in return for a promise of peace from Iran.  As Churchill said... he shall have war.

Weakness invites war. Perceived weakness also invites war. The very act of SEEKING negotiations with Iran gave rise to a perception of weakness on the part of the United States.   The Persians have been crowing to high heaven of how they have defeated the USA, how the US has surrendered to Iran, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

I have often thought that the current Obama administration does not know  the definition of "honor."  They sure as heck do not understand the value of a nation's, a people's honor.  They continue to bring disrepute upon America's honor.

Once again, Obama has painted himself into a diplomatic corner.  This time, the only option for escaping that corner is military action against Iran. 

The folks on the left side of the political  spectrum are infamous for stating:  "Nothing is worse than war" and "War solves nothing."  They are demonstrably wrong on both counts.

Slavery is worse than war.  As for the latter dictum, this very nation, the United States, was born out of war.

Obama's deal with Iran is nothing more than appeasement. Appeasement brought the world WW-II and appeasement will bring the world WW-III. 

For five years we have suffered the indignity of watching our country deliberately removed from it's leadership position in the hierarchy of nations and assume the attitude of a third-world banana republic. No enemy did this to us. Our very own leaders did it to us.  The leaders WE elected. That means, gentle reader --  we did it to ourselves!  We bought and under-wrote Obama's agenda to diminish America and (some have suggested) encourage and aid the spread of Islam around the world. 

Our current President is a great talker.  But that is all.  He is not a leader.  And he is certain not a military leader.  Obama has no concept of military power nor how to apply it.  He is one of the world's worse diplomats and negotiators.  He is "rolled" (or mugged) every time he approaches a negotiating table.  He comes down heavily on our friends and lightly on our enemies.

I simply cannot believe that the Obama Administration is stupid enough to actually believe their recent appeasement of Iran will, in any way, prevent Iran from producing a nuclear weapon.   Iran WILL have a nuclear weapon unless there is military action taken against them devastating enough to slow down, deter, or destroy Iran's nuclear program.  In any event, Obama has just insured war in the Middle East.

Obama is making exactly the same mistake Chamberlain made in 1938 with his Munich Agreement with Herr Hitler. 

Only a fool refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past.

No matter Obama's concessions to the Iranians, America remains the "Great Satan."  What in the world would induce Obama and Kerry to even entertain the idea that somehow, someway, Iran will spare America from it's rage directed at infidels and it's obsession to create one great caliphate covering the face of the earth? 

Obama's agreement with Iran is the lighted fuse to World War Three.

J. D. Longstreet


The U.S. MINT and American Silver Eagles


Physical silver market seeing higher premium prices

Coin collectors and precious metals enthusiasts including gold bugs and silver stackers are encountering higher premium prices attached to their precious metals products.  Some say this is the result of a notable increase in demand for these products regardless of recent falls in the spot price as seen on the futures markets.  This is actually verifiable on the U.S. MINT website for sales of American Silver Eagle coins as the American Eagle market data put out by the U.S. MINT shows a confirmed increase in demand which is also being reported by several sources including Drutter and other notable silver consultants in the financial community.

U.S. MINT is not meeting public demand

Notice that the U.S. MINT by law is required to produce enough American Silver Eagle coins to meet public demand and has not been doing so.   This is both illegal and unacceptable.  It is also being reported that the U.S. MINT is reporting a silver shortage.  Learn more below:

The price of PROOF ROUNDS is climbing

Here's a SILVER enthusiast that's not happy with the price increases.  However if you look on EBAY at many of these products you will find that they are selling higher and higher. 

Many collectors and dealers are trying to stock up now on silver anywhere they can get it.  A recent news report from J.P. Morgan analysts suggest that a bottom may be in now in the gold market.  This is an obvious precursor to silver prices moving much higher.  In the meantime even the premium prices are rising.

Silver which also is experiencing a rising industrial demand has been known to coin collectors as "poor man's gold."  However there are some that say that the price of silver could rise exponentially in a short time frame and whilst there has been a large short interest in this market a giant short squeeze may be about to occur.  A growing number of analysts are even expecting the price of silver to exceed $100 per ounce in the very near future.  Perhaps silver will no longer be considered the "poor man's gold."

Since I am an auctioneer I study products and markets including that of precious metals.  It is imperative that I have a handle on product knowledge and prices.  Although I'm not making any forecasts at this point I am noticing an increasing interest in buyers looking for silver and gold items, especially coins and related bullion products.  We are starting to see higher sales prices again.


The kingdom of God

The scripture must needs be fulfilled...


This is an old INFOWARS report on the DHS

I'm posting this for review

Former DHS Officer Julia Davis (married to a Hollywood producer) is interviews by Holland Vandennieuwenhof on INFOWARS of her story of persecution and harassment on the job.

There have been people who have done their job in the U.S. Government only later to be deemed potential terrorists and subjected to retaliation, etc...

--the UNIT :-)




We just keep getting safer and more ready


Who?  Richland County Sheriff's Deputies and MILITARY PERSONNEL UNITS from Ft. Bragg


Where?  RIchland County South Carolina

When?  January 20th and 21st 2014 (MONDAY and TUESDAY)


What would anyone expect in a U.S. CONSTITUTION FREE ZONE?  Sounds like this particular Sheriff is an OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATOR:


The Next War is CYBER WARFARE says John McAfee

Are we ready for this?

Has technology gone too far?

"How do we protect ourselves from ourselves?"
--John McAfee



President Obama says MARIJUANA is no worse than ALCOHOL

President Obama says he's focused on making current MARIJUANA LAWS more FAIR...

The president knows that MARIJUANA is widely used as is ALCOHOL but of course it's a different criteria that is beneficial to keep big government operating in their law enforcement and drug interdiction agencies and divisions.  So he has to be careful here as he knows that lawless law enforcement such as the DEA deals very deeply into these lucrative industries such as the COCAINE INDUSTRY and various other drug trafficking while maintaining a self-righteous "for the sake of our children" type of appearance with DARE PROGRAMS and all manner of hypocrisy.  Remember America has been transformed from the land of baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet into this NEW CULTURE of niggas, bitches, and hoes...and everyone knows that:


Get a load of the nigga nation culture.  Them niggas sing more about dope, bitches, hoes, and even like to call each other bitch-ass-niggas.  The whole culture at large is turning this way even in places never before imagined.  Sometime I have to listen to this while I fill my gas tank:


Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Reform

Here's a great example of the U.S. GOVERNMENT working on drug trafficking in a place like Afghanistan.  Our "lawmakers" like Senator Dianne Feinstein below are working hard at making the world a better place while they take part in Wall Street insider trading and have all manner of government benefits for their job well done.  Of course we all believe that--right?

So what about Afghanistan?  She knows the truth but remember these are all "lawmakers" or basically "attorneys" that run the nation and they have clients in Afghanistan.  So there's quite a bit of attorney client privileges that are going on behind the scenes. 

Why such a concern about Afghanistan and other drug production countries?  WATCH THE NEXT SERIES OF VIDEO BELOW and compare it to the first:


Gray Matter

bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,

bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,
bittersweet colours, fuzzy coat, gray coat, Levis, reebok, Proenza Schouler, RAY BAN, jeans trend, oversized coats, winter trends, street style, gray matter,

I was stepping in 2014 in a very casual way, nothing complicated just an oversized coat, jeans and sneakers (white sneakers). I always had a little obsession with white sneakers since I was a kid and now is time to retake this mini childhood habit and wear it in a more grown up way, or maybe not :)

                                                                                Coat: H&M/ option HereHere and Here 
                                                                                Clutch: Proenza Schouler/ options Here and Here 
                                                                Jeans: Levis/ similar style Here 
                                                                                Sneakers: Reebok/ I also love this pair Here
                                                                Sunglasses: Ray Ban/ Here
                                                                                Scarf: from Marshalls/ option Here