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Silverfuturist reveals GOLD Inside the New York Federal Reserve Bank

Is there any GOLD in there?


We are now finding out that there's quite a few interesting things going on in one such branch of the Federal Reserve at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  
A few things of interest include the Federal Reserve Restaurant, museum, shooting range, large amounts of security.

Down in the depths of the FED VAULT

Here we find out that there is indeed GOLD in The Federal Reserve Bank of New York VAULTS down in the depths of the bedrock with Joe a.k.a. "silverfuturist" who was there to see it for himself...

Another FED visit revealed GOLD findings


Are Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Greg Hunter TWO SHILLS?


I think so?  What do you think?  :-)


FED to continue tapering on solid U.S. economic growth

Economy looks better and better

(Does the news make anyone dizzy?:-))

WALL STREET poised for further upside


Ben Bernanke's last FOMC meeting is approaching at the end of January and the FED is expected to announce cutting bond buying form $75 BILLION per month to $65 BILLION per month.  Some analysts expect the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other indexes to continue making record highs:

The Conspiratorial Contrarians

Meanwhile there are a number of conspiracy theorists that believe we are on the precipice of a major financial nightmare scenario as foreign nations are stacking up on GOLD to make war against the U.S. DOLLAR.  There is already a concern by a former U.S. Treasury Official that the U.S. GOLD reserves may be about empty:



Widener University Shoting near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Widener University Shooting results in LOCKDOWN

Another campus shooting:

Celebrating Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson's Birthday ... J. D. Longstreet

Celebrating Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson's Birthday   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Celebrating Gen. T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson's Birthday
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


He was Gen. Robert E. Lee's strong right arm.  He was unarguably one of the best battle field commanders of any army, anywhere, ever.  His tactics are still taught in military institutes around the world to this day.

Jackson was a brilliant military strategist.  But he was much more.  He was the lynch pin upon which southern victory in the War for Southern Independence depended.

 Thomas J. Jackson¹ was born in Clarksburg, Virginia (Later to become West Virginia)  WV on January 21st, 1824. At the tender age of two years he was at his sister's bedside when she died of typhoid fever.  A few days later, his father died, also.   That left Thomas' mother, Julia, with three small children to support through teaching school and sewing, so she remarried one Blake Woodson.  Then, she died in 1830 during the birth of Thomas' half brother.

Thomas then moved in with his uncle Cummins Jackson and worked on the farm.

Jackson's education was basic, rudimentary, even.  In fact, Thomas taught himself to read.  Later he became a school teacher. 

Thomas was appointed to West Point in 1842 and as a result of his lack of formal education, he had to begin at the very bottom of the class.  When he graduated, in 1846, he had worked his way up to 17th in a class of 59 students. By the way, Thomas' class at West Point supplied 24 generals -- for both sides -- in the War Between the States.

He served in the Mexican War as a 2nd lieutenant but received brevet promotions to 1st lieutenant and then to major for his bravery.

When the Mexican War was concluded Jackson accept a teaching position at VMI (Virginia Military Institute).  He was a professor teaching Natural  and Experimental Philosophy, and he was also an artillery instructor. He was a tough, no nonsense, instructor and his students did not like him very much.

When the WBTS began, Jackson was given a colonelcy in the Virginia Militia.  A month later Jackson was promoted to  brigadier general and given command of a brigade consisting of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 27th and 33rd Virginia Infantry regiments. 

Jackson was utterly fearless under fire.  In the early fighting at Manassas, federal troops were making advances and appeared to about to win the day. Jackson refused to budge his troops and eventually the tide of battle turned and the Confederates won a decisive victory.

Jackson's cool demeanor under fire at Manassas caused Brigadier General Barnard Bee to remark:  "There stands Jackson like a stone wall.”  The name stuck and Thomas Jackson became "Stonewall" Jackson and his brigade the "Stonewall" Brigade. 

" ...  Jackson’s operations became strategically critical to the entire eastern theater of the war.

Stonewall would march south, to McDowell, and defeat troops under US Brigadier General Robert Schenck.  From there, he would move north and defeat Banks’s army at Front Royal, and Winchester.  He would push Banks clear out of the Shenandoah Valley.  Jackson would turn south, and defeat US Major General John C. Fremont, at Cross Keys, and then turn on US Brigadier General James Shields at Port Republic.  Accolades would abound for Jackson after his brilliant Shenandoah Campaign.  With the valley secure, Jackson was ordered east, by R.E. Lee to reinforce the Army of Northern Virginia, now under his command.  He would arrive in time to participate in the Seven Days battles, pushing McClellan from the peninsula.

Jackson would continue to command brilliantly, with an overwhelming victory at Second Manassas, a tactical, well fought draw at Antietam and another sound victory in December 1862, at Fredericksburg.  For his efforts, Jackson would be promoted lieutenant general, along with James Longstreet, in October 1862.
-- SOURCE:  http://thismightyscourge.com/2009/01/21/thomas-j-stonewall-jackson/ 

May 2nd, 1863 was to be a fateful day for "Stonewall" Jackson and for the South.  After successfully routing federal troops under Gen. Joe Hooker near Chancellorsville, " ... after dark on May 2, Stonewall, along with A.P. Hill and staff, were reconnoitering the enemy lines – making plans to finish Hooker off, on May 3.  When returning, his contingent would be fired on by his own troops.  Jackson was seriously injured in the shoulder.  He passed command to A.P. Hill, who due to his injury was unable to command, passed it to J.E.B. Stuart.  That night, Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Hunter McGuire would amputate Jackson’s left arm.  Upon hearing of Jackson’s wounding, Lee was heard to say, “he has lost his left arm; but I lost my right arm.”  -- SOURCE: http://thismightyscourge.com/2009/01/21/thomas-j-stonewall-jackson/ 

Jackson was taken to Fairfield Plantation near Guinea Station, Jackson appeared to rally, but then contracted pneumonia.  When Jackson's wife told him that Sunday that he was dying, Jackson said: “It is the Lord’s Day; my wish is fulfilled.  I have always desired  to die on Sunday.”

Dr. Hunter McGuire, the attending physician, recorded Jackson;s last words:  “Order A.P. Hill to prepare for action!  Pass the infantry to the front rapidly!  Tell major Hawks….”  Then Jackson stopped.  Finally, with a faint smile on his face he said, “Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.”  At that point, Jackson stopped breathing.   -- SOURCE:  http://thismightyscourge.com/2009/01/21/thomas-j-stonewall-jackson/

It was a devastating blow to the south.   Many believe the WBTS would have had a different ending had "Stonewall" Jackson lived.  There has been much speculation that Had Jackson been there to advise General Lee at Gettysburg, that awful battle would likely never have happened.  Had it happened,  it is fairly certain that Pickett's Charge would  not have occurred.

Jackson was a devout Christian who believed in predestination.  Some say he saw himself as an instrument of God’s will, an Old Testament–style commander of armies in the service of his Lord. (http://www.historynet.com/stonewall-jackson)

"Like many Southerners, Jackson struggled with his feelings about the institution of slavery, but it obviously was God’s will that it exist—a belief widely held in the South. In 1855, he began teaching Sunday school classes to slaves in Lexington, a violation of Virginia’s segregation laws. Slaves came to know him through these classes and sometimes begged him to buy them so they wouldn’t be sold into the Deep South where they might be worked literally to death. In 1906, long after Jackson’s death, Reverend L. L. Downing, whose parents had been among the slaves in Jackson’s Sunday school, raised money to have a memorial window dedicated to him in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, Virginia—likely making "Stonewall" the only Confederate general to have a memorial in an African American church." -- SOURCE:  http://www.historynet.com/stonewall-jackson

The only man held in higher esteem than Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson in the South is General Robert E. Lee.   He was tough.  He demanded nothing less than 100% effort by his men and he got it -- every time.

Stonewall is a hero worthy of our praise. We proudly remember him today, on the anniversary of his birth.

J. D. Longstreet

U.S. GOLD is gone says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Are Greg Hunter and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts SHILLS?


Using a former U.S. Treasury SHILL to pump GOLD

We just found out there's gold in the NY FED VAULTS:




What does this mean for the U.S. DOLLAR?


There's incredible market manipulation going on by The Federal Reserve according to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who is a former Reagan administration official that served in the capacity of Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary.  There are also reports that the U.S. Mint is not meeting proper demand criteria for silver bullion in accordance with U.S. Treasury Policy and may indicate some sort of unlawful financial collusion going on within the U.S. Government.

How exactly will this criminal activity affect the economy and markets soon?  We shall soon see.  Eyes open!

If the U.S. DOLLAR fails now it looks like China and the BRICS nations are going to have the rule globally.  Perhaps they will own the U.S.A. outright and take over the government at their own discretion?  We certainly cannot completely and accurately pinpoint all the conceivable outcomes of this unprecedented news however it would do well for all interests to take immediate and necessary financial safety precautions by buying GOLD and SILVER: 

FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HEED THE WARNING consider that you have been warned enough times now.  We know that G4T a.k.a. George4Title has warned that much of this information is false.  But then how can anyone believe he is telling the truth?  The best thing now is to be prepared:






Palin To Obama: Honor MLK By Not Playing The 'Race Card'

I slammed the president pretty well on a prior post for disgustingly playing the racecard in a sad attempt to wash his hands from blame for his own record of failures, lies and deceit.  

Talking Points Memo reports former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin seized Martin Luther King Day as an opportunity to lob vague criticism at President Barack Obama.

"Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card," Palin wrote Monday on her Facebook page, after quoting from the civil rights icon's famous "I Have A Dream" speech.

Obama said in an extensive New Yorker profile published this weekend that he believes “there’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President."
"Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President," he added.

Palin didn't point to any specific instances of the President playing the race card in the short post.

More here

I think it’s obvious and, TPM is slow on the upkeep, that Palin is reacting to Obama’s pathetic comments in the New Yorker.  Obama is just diverting from his on inability to accept responsibility for his presidency. 


A new idea for GOLD STACKERS


Will they do this with silver?

I predict Chris Duane will do something...

This is so exciting and is even better than Mike Maloney and Peter Schiff's Valcambi Combi bar that's divisible.  It can be stored, traded, or melted down.  It's very paper like.  But I think it's a store of value:

The GOLD AURUM NOTE contains FRACTIONAL GRAMS of GOLD.  You see now the world is coming up with new money innovations:


Obama insinuates he's a victim of racism

Here we go with racism America

Is this nation divided, dead, or just plain chaos?

Don't give me this gas about racism!  But you need to check this new NIGGA NATION CULTURE out of here and send it back wherever it came from.   JAY-Z dancin' around like a bitch at an inaguration!  Know wh' I'm  sayin'?  Hit me!

And so where's the interview?  Candid transparency.

What kind of regime is running the White House and Congress?  And the state and local governments are in a mess too across the land.  Perhaps the wrath of God is next for America?  I think it might be so:

Is America nigged-out yet?

This new culture of niggas, bitches, and hoes and their rap culture complete with drug use, killing cops, raping and degrading women, exalting hoes, and all manner of lawlessness and filth is exalted today while we call these men "artists."  Artists? 

And of course the LGBT crowd is also exalted while marriage is no longer honorable but met with government agencies and even our military that claims Christians and Tea Party members are potential terrorists. 

Nigga Nation and Superbowl XLVIII

It doesn't take much to see the real state of a nation if you look behind the fair speeches of those who keep their brainwashing campaigns going on via mainstream media to the casual observers.  For those who dig a little deeper into the truth of the news you might be learn something about what's really important to the Washington D.C. Corporation and it's Chief Executive Officers and management officials:


The term "Nigga Nation" is actually in the URBAN DICTIONARY.  Since when did we think we'd have an URBAN DICTIONARY in America? 

The DEA and our nation's drug interdiction teams along with DARE PROGRAMS are a joke:

And once again I ask are you going to the Superbowl XLVIII?  You go and behave like a good little Soviet:

What matters is Wall Street and The Stock Market

What matters is Wall Street and The Stock Market rallying as we create a TWO CLASS system here in the gold ol' U.S.A and destroy the MIDDLE CLASS...

Meanwhile in The White House we now have BASKETBALL BRIEFINGS with the NBA:

And may God bless America right?


If Housing Is the Long-Term Driver of This Economy...

Click to enlarge.

...then we are in big trouble.

The blue trend line uses all of the data points.
The red trend line uses just 3 of them.

The optimists would point to the splendid short-term recovery we've had since the Great Recession (2009 to 2013, as seen in the chart). Well, woo frickin' hoo on that one.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Two Mexican Nationals Arrested At McAllen U.S. Border Crossing With 112 Mexican Bank Brand Fraudulent Credit Cards

Mary Carmen Garcia and Daniel Guardiola Dominguez

Both suspects bought tens of thousands of dollars with fraudulent credit cards using data stolen from South Texas Target customers during the Minneapolis based Target security breach involving millions of dollars.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 20, 2014

McAllen, Texas - On Monday, McAllen Police Department Chief Victor Rodriguez announced Sunday's arrest of Mary Carmen Garcia, 27, and Daniel Guardiola Dominguez, 28 from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico at the U.S. border crossing Anzaldua's International Bridge after U.S. Custom agents discovered 112 fraudulent credit cards made with Mexican bank brand cards. The suspects were attempting to cross into the U.S. to once again initiate a second spending spree at Walmart, Toy R Us and Best Buy. 
On January 12, they were able to buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise with credit card stolen data information from South Texas Target customers. The couple managed to transport the merchandise into Mexico before the banks would determine that the purchases were from fraudulent credit and debit cards data stolen a month ago. The merchandise was distributed to other people at the border town involved in the scheme and then taken to Mexico. 
The Secret Service confirmed that 112 credit cards from Mexican banks confiscated from the suspects contained the account information of South Texas Target customers. The Mexican bank credit cards were made from account information to process expenditures from the Minneapolis based Target security breach that included stolen data from 40 million credit and debit accounts and personal data from 70 million Target customers. The suspects confessed to the fraudulent expenditures. 
The break came when federal authorities reviewed video surveillance footage at stores and narrowed the credit card fraud scheme to the suspects and a vehicle with Mexican plates.
Federal authorities and McAllen police got warrants and then waited for the couple to return to the U.S. and continue their fraud scheme. The suspects had the same vehicle when they were attempting to cross into the U.S. on Sunday, according to Rodriguez. 
Rodriguez says, the Target data breach was connected to Europe and Russian hackers.

False credit and debit cards confiscated.

Rinat Shabayev and Sergey Tarasov

(HNNUSA) - The Los Angeles cyber security company IntelCrawler reported that it trace the cyber BlackPos/Haptoxa (Potatoe) malware attack of the Minneapolis based Target customer credit and debit card data breach to Russian hacker Rinat Shabayev, 23, aka, "Ree4," of Saratov and his alleged technical assistant Sergey Tarasov, 17, of Novosibirsk.
Shabayev told Life News in Russia that he created the malware BlackPos and that other friends (hackers) added code features to it. At least, 40 versions of the malware were sold to cybercriminals in Europe and other countries.
Tarasov has denied his involvement and has sought legal advise after his mother got sick when a news report named him as an accomplice to the Target data breach, according to a Russian newspaper.
Shabayev admitted that he was aware of his malware that was originally created to test security systems could be used by cybercriminals to gain access to retail stores systems.
The BlackPos malware might be also linked to the recent attack of the Neiman Marcus attack, according to IntelCrawler.

NYPD assaults J-WALKERS and beats them

Pre-season POLICE STATE in action

This is how they get ready for SUPER BOWL 46 subjects

Are you going to Super Bowl XLVIII?

Good job guys!  Did you get one today?   I wonder how many of these go unreported?


Sarah Palin's Way Of Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...

Sarah Palin's Way Of Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Sarah Palin, former Republican Vice Presidential candidate honored Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. today. Following is what be had to say.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin seized Martin Luther King Day as an opportunity to lob vague criticism at President Barack Obama.

"Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card," Palin wrote Monday on her Facebook page, after quoting from the civil rights icon's famous "I Have A Dream" speech.

Obama said in an extensive New Yorker profile published this weekend that he believes “there’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President."

"Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President," he added.

Palin didn't point to any specific instances of the President playing the race card in the short post.

The remarks by President Obama that the Ex Alaskan Governor was referencing to can be found below the fold.

Isn't it heartening to see a ex Republican Vice Presidential candidate stoop to such brazen political tactics as to use the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to backhandedly criticize the first American President of partial African descent?

And Republicans wonder why the black community distrusts them.

Via: Memeorandum

New Jersey Lieutenant Governor's Response to the Climbing on Board Hoboken Mayor's Allegations...

New Jersey Lieutenant Governor's Response to the Climbing on Board Hoboken Mayor's Allegations...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

New Jersey's Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno is pushing back hard against allegations by Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer. The Lieutenant Governor is calling the Mayor's allegations false and illogical.

As this "scandal" heats up, and it most certainly will, Rational Nation USA will continue to provide pertinent updates as they come in. It is apparent, given Governor Christie's potential 2016 presidential challenge to what appears will be the shoo in democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton that  this "scandal will continue well into 2015 as the Obama justice department delves deeper into what is really limited to the New Jersey New York geographical area. Story by POLITICO below the fold. Via: Memeorandum

Climbing On...

Climbing On...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer coming forward (belatedly) with more allegations about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. There are certainly some credibility issues with the Mayor's late allegations but nonetheless in the interest of getting it "all out there" here it is. As questionable or not as it may be.

Story from TPM under the fold.

More om this continuing saga later.

Via: Memeorandum

What cops should do more of...

We need more cops like this

There are those of us who pay taxes that could care less if cops wouldn't have to write one ticket or make any arrest in their entire career.  And they should stop and visit us, play catch, or whatever else is worthwhile.  Actually there are still a few good cops left.

Notice the kid acted like he was in trouble.  Sadly that's the first reaction today when approached by police.  Then everything was good and a game of catch began.  

Meanwhile watch the NYPD's finest POLICE STATE:


Martin O'Malley's final assault on Maryland businesses

Martin O'Malley's final assault on Maryland businesses

Martin O’Malley’s final assault on Maryland businesses


Maryland’s Governor O’Malley has proposed to raise the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 an hour, in three phases, over the next two years. His proposal also consists of automatic increases to keep pace with inflation. Martin O’Malley’s intention to extort funds from private businesses is not new. From the day he became the state’s Chief Executive Officer his desire was clearly to destroy the business community. Under his tutelage dozens of taxes, fees and outright levies have increased with the burden ending up on the heads of those who generate the majority of state funds, our businesses. His latest gambit to increase the minimum wage is fraught with landmines that he and his minions may not have considered. As the so-called minimum wage increases matching Medicare and Social Security taxes increase, as well as unemployment taxes and workers compensation reimbursements. Worse, O’Malley’s proposal robs more funds from business budgets by automatically forcing them to raise wages based on the quasi formula which establishes inflationary trends. The Governor’s irrational train of thought never takes into account the stresses businesses have to stay afloat. His excuse that 21 other states have higher minimums is a ruse to create the illusion the raise is justifiable. Of these 21 most are a few percentage points elevated over Maryland’s present 7.25 hourly rate. Twenty-nine other states’ rates are at or below Maryland’s. During one of the Governor’s diatribes he noted the unfairness of the minimum wage structure which impedes a worker from supporting his/her family. Entry level jobs, paying minimum wage, were never designed to support a family. Maneuvering state legislatures to manage their entitlements by drawing funds from the private sector is a ploy by the left to keep the gravy flowing to their constituents. In a recent gathering of elected officials concerning the minimum wage Douglas Gansler, Maryland’s retiring Attorney General, displayed his usual enthusiasm to stick it to the business community. Unfortunately, the next Governor Anthony Brown is also onboard with O’Malley’s intended folly. Governor O’Malley’s agenda closely parallels that of our President, neither one cares about the ramifications their insults bring to society only the votes they garner in an election. Raising the minimum wage brings the danger of pushing more businesses to the edge, resulting in less jobs available to entry level workers. Worse, the change in wage structure will accelerate the exodus of businesses leaving the state. In the waning days of Governor O’Malley’s reign he intends to do as much destruction to the Maryland economy as possible. Perhaps there are a few decent legislators left in Annapolis who have the sense and sensibility to impede O’Malley’s last financial fiasco. If not the jobless rate will grow exponentially adding further burden to an entitlement structure already seeing red.


Mark Davis, MD author of the book lawyers hate Demons of Democracy and the recently released book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.


GOLD BEAR MARKET slowing down


Sid Roth discusses David Jones' open vision

Is the wrath of the Lamb of God coming soon?

Here's another pack of b.s. from those who have visions and dreams and cannot rightly divide the word of truth.  They are heading for the lake of fire.  Even so, come Lord Jesus.

People are going to urinate on themselves?  Really? :-)  Just like dogs.

David Jones and Sid Roth talk together about David Jones' open vision about the last day coming soon and hearing from the Lord.  Send them your money! :-)  They're a nice NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION:

I suppose Steve Quayle will endorse this on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report. Either that or they will have their own revelations:

The COMEX experts on SILVER and GOLD

Another commodities expert explains the COMEX

Jim Comiskey explains the COMEX

Most people that trade on the exchanges do not take delivery or make delivery...

Learn what "THE BIG BANG" is...

Jim you're no expert.  You need some lessons from guys like jsnip4. :-)

Yes the contracts are deliverable but most people don't take delivery...



KITCO's IN-DEPTH Chart Analysis