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Funky Chart of the Day (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

For at least 16 years (1980 through 1995) one could very accurately predict what the 10-year average of real median home prices would be simply by knowing the 10-year average of total vehicle miles driven.

Welcome to the new era of wiggle.

Be patient with the song. Just like the chart (and the bridge), it really picks up in the 2nd half, lol.

Gallows humor. Sigh.


Click to enlarge.

This chart shows where we currently are (without the 10-year moving averages). The red dot is September 2012. We are well below the peak miles driven and the peak real median house price.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Certainly Worth Reflecting On...

Certainly Worth Reflecting On...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Continuing on the individual -vs- collectivism struggle if you will, I found the following most interesting. Hopefully you will as well.

By Ray Thomas - People think the basic conflict today is between liberals and conservatives. It’s not. It’s between believers in collectivism and those who believe in individualism. They think that it is the difference between simply their own definition of “compassion” and “mean-spiritedness.” It isn’t that. at all. It’s the difference between collectivism and individualism.

Collectivism is really pretty simple, no matter how much collectivists want to complicate it so you will not understand what they’re trying to put over on you. It is defined thusly by one of the best known collectivists, Karl Marx, author of communism, in his “tome,” the “Communist Manifesto:” “From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need.” Meaning it is okay to :take from one who earned it and give that taken to those who did not. This gave permission for government to steal from one and give to another to gain power over both.

They want you to think the fight is between “right and left.” It is not. The real fight is, while it is still between right and left, on the left, counter to common belief, is always a despotic government, in complete control of its populace while on the right, contrary to what they want you to think, is not fascism or Nazism, but complete freedom, which is sometimes called anarchism.

Neither is something we want to have, for different reasons. We need to be somewhere in the middle, with just enough government to keep us from each other’s throats, but only that much.

It has always been thus: remember back when every country was ruled by a king or queen, who had a bunch of “lesser” officials called many things such as “barons” and such? The king or queen was a liberal who thought he/she was better, smarter than the “commoner.” The “barons” and such, too. They lived off the work and sweat of the “commoner.” They thought they had “the divine right of kings” to do that. They didn’t. Robin Hood has always gotten a “bad rap,” being pictured as “stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.” Not true, as is so with most of the “changed history” that has been written by those rulers. What he did was take back what was stolen by the king in the form of excessive taxes and give that to its rightful owners, the “commoners.”

Crisis Government

One of the most oft used methods, used to this day by those who would run your lives is taking advantage of any “crisis” that comes along, and if one doesn’t come along, creating one. Have you ever wondered why it seems like there is a new “crisis” announced just about every day? President Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, is famously quoted as saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” That’s because to “cure” a crisis, those who wish to control you can get laws passed that they could not have hoped to pass without that “crisis.”

Massive Conspiracy

Some think there is some kind of a “massive conspiracy” to control the world, run by the international bankers. They’re wrong. But there are conspiracies, and that is one of them. A single conspiracy would soon collapse under the weight of individual egos. Many conspiracies based on a philosophy do not. Most of today’s conspiracies are based on the philosophy of collectivism. Which is the reason why they look like a “single conspiracy to many. But it doesn’t matter who is right. The answer is investigation and exposure. These conspiracies can’t stand the “light of day.” {Read More}

Philosophy, does it really matter?

Hoover Warning of Collectivism 1929...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

Herbert Hoover - 31st President of the United States

Herbert Hoover, perhaps one of America's least understood yet most maligned presidents of the early 20th century. While thinking about, or perhaps better said reflecting on our history I came across the following short article on President Hoover.

Arguments about whether or not Hoover was responsible for the Great Depression aside (he actually wasn't and much of The New Deal of FDR was merely an extension of policies Hoover had started) Hoover was correct when he warned of a collectivist government of business.

THE MORAL LIBERAL - Herbert Hoover was born AUGUST 10, 1874. The son of a Quaker blacksmith, he studied at Stanford and became a world renowned engineer.

Trapped in China when the Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900, Herbert Hoover directed the building of barricades under heavy fire while his wife worked in the hospital. In World War I, at the request of the AmericanConsul, Hoover helped 120,000Americans stranded in Europe return home

He directed the feeding of Belgium after Kaiser Wilhelm II overran it and orchestrated feeding the Allied nations while avoiding rationing at home. After the war, Herbert Hoover arranged the feeding of millions starving in Central Europe and Russia.

He served as Secretary of Commerce for Presidents Harding and Coolidge. When the Mississippi River flooded in 1927,leaving 1.5 million people displaced from their homes, Herbert Hoover mobilized state and local authorities, militia, army engineers, the Coast Guard, and the American Red Cross, and set up health units which stamped out malaria, pellagra and typhoid, gaining him nation appreciation.

In 1929, Herbert Hoover became the 31st U.S. President. In his Inaugural, March 4, 1929, President Herbert Hoover entreated:

“Ill-considered remedies for our faults brings only penalties after them. But if we hold the faith of the men in our mighty past who created these ideals, we shall leave them heightened and strengthened for our children


Less than eight months later, the Stock Market crashed due to domestic and international conditions. Though implementing a volunteerism plan of aid through the States, political opposition tended to prolong recovery, thereby sabotaging his reelection.

Hoover warned in a speech at Madison Square Garden, NY, October 31, 1932, against his opponent’s collectivist “New Deal” plans of the government taking control of businesses:

“To enter upon a series of deep changes . . . would be to undermine and destroy our American system . . . No man who has not occupied my position in Washington can fully realize the constant battle which must be carried on against incompetence, corruption, tyranny of government expanded into business activities . . . Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die.” Read More

President Hoover, like most of our national leaders was a deeply devout Christian whose values and principles were formed my his sincere belief in the Almighty. For those who are devout I encourage you to read the balance of the article. You will find many things that will ring true for you.

For those not unlike myself who abide deeply by our founding principles and the documents our Republic was founded on it is enough for us to know they are ethical and moral based on criteria other than religious faith. Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and her belief in laissez faire capitalism, individual rights, limited role of federal government, and her faith in the United States Constitution is one shining example of which I speak.

Perhaps President Hoover was prophetic. Fast forward to now as we hear our now President in his own words on August 8, 1995, 13 years before becoming our President.

Without the need to run for reelection the progressive tendencies are undoubtedly going to become stronger and want to push to the fore in the Presidents thinking. In as much as the nation is tired of gridlock and contentious government, maybe it is a good thing we still have "divided government" in the structural sense of it's current make up.

Much needs to be addressed as our nation deals with debt, deficits, the looming fiscal crises, and the myriad of other issues both domestic and internationally the leader(s) of the free world has to address. Lets hope the President and Congress does so with a clear eye to the Constitution, the benefits of capitalism, and with the understanding that individual and property rights are two of the hallmarks of of our Republic.

A Thanksgiving Day Chart

Click to enlarge.

That turkey don't hunt.

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Chart

Truth From Oscar Wilde...

Truth From Oscar Wilde...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
-vs- Tyranny

The foregoing quote by Oscar Wild sums up democracy quite well. Of course this is precisely why our founders established a representative democracy and provided for the rule of law. Indeed we have much to thank them for. It remains to be seen however whether we will keep our republic for much longer, given the political and government proclivities of both major political parties.
"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning
of the people by the people for the people."

Worth a Thought, or Two...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

Something to consider. Especially for those who only see black or white. Or, for those who might be offended buy the black and white reference, agonist or antagonist.

Impressionism inspired with Lulu's.com

If the first two art inspired outfits in the Lulu's.com Project were monochromatic, now is time to "speak"COLORS! The next inspiration ? Impressionism art. (See Baroque HERE and Art Deco HERE)
Probably this current doesn't need any description! It is enough to look at Monet's paintings and you are sold on it. Vibrant colors, as well as landscape patterns are what define the most Impressionism art in fashion.
This floral shiny suit is like a wearable art in oil technique. I was incredible happy with this colorful look and I hope you like it too.


                                                                         Blazer: Spicy Girl thanks to Lulu's.com/Here
                                                                         Pants: Lucy & Co thanks to Lulu's.comHere
                                                                         Sandals: Anne Michelle thanks to Lulu's.com /similar Here
                                                                         Bag: Cynthia Rowley/ option Here
                                                                         Sweater: Ralph Lauren/ similar Here
                                                                         Ring: thanks to Lulu's.comHere
                                                                         Coat: Forever 21/ similar design Here

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
As seen within the following link, 5 years ago I said, "It is a time to be thankful for all we have. Things could be worse!"

November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!

Three More Years of Goldilocks? - Larry Kudlow, November 21, 2007

S&P 500 on 11/21/07: 1,416.77
S&P 500 on 11/21/12: 1,391.03

It is once again a time to be thankful for all we have. Things really could be worse! Five more years of Goldilocks?

In all seriousness, may you and yours have a holiday filled with non-sarcasm! :)

Source Data:
Yahoo: S&P 500 Historical Prices

thankful living room updates

In honor of those getting ready to give thanks tomorrow in the US, I want to give thanks for finishing my living room list and cleaning it to snap a few pictures. Some are only iPhone pics, but you get the idea.

Black ball fringe. My new favorite thing.

LOVE my Pink Pagoda prints.

Finally found a coffee table, down in Florida. The proportions worked out perfectly with the couch.

Now to change it all for Christmas!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend for those celebrating. See you all on Monday!

NEW GIVEAWAY: 2 winners, 4 pairs of sunglasses each

Today I have a different GIVEAWAY for you all ! The difference is that there will be 2 WINNERS! each winner will chose from zeroUV, 4 PAIRS of SUNGLASSES + a premium gift box. That sounds great? I hope so!
In the photo above I chose to show you  some of my favorites, but you can see many more designs HERE.
To enter to this giveaway all you have to do is:

-Follow Bittersweet Colours with Google Friend Connect , and/or Facebook page HERE, and/or Instagram HERE
- Leave a comment below with your name and email address.

This giveaway is WORLDWIDE and the last day to enter is December 5th.
Good luck to all of you !

P.S We have a winner of 5 great Canvas Land's End items: Congrats Giovanna! I will contact you soon  for more details !

Happy Thanksgiving All!...

The First Thanksgiving 1621


Enjoy the holiday, drive safely and defensively if you'll be on the highway traveling to be with family and/or friends.

Hope to be back sooner than later, time will tell. In the meantime keep on keeping on, and I'll see ya on the flip side...

make new friends but keep the old

...one is silver and the other gold. If I knew why that song was in my head, I'd tell you. But I have no explanation  I've also got Flock Of Seagulls in my head so go figure.

I've been in a mixing mood lately. Maybe it's the crispy gold of fall, turning into the icy silver of winter (woah, can i get a holla for that line of poetry?) but I'm way into silver and gold. Living in harmony, just like ebony and ivory. The odd songs flow, what can I say.

I'm especially loving it in the kitchen. Which really is stainless and brass, but you get where I'm going with this.
Veranda Interiors
The Long and Short of it via the Everygirl
Amy Meier Design
White + Gold Design
Traditional Home
Makes for a very glam kitchen. It works best, I think, when it's tempered and subtle but when it works right, it is oh so good.

So what do you think? Do you mix you metals? Do you mix your cocktails? Thank goodness for a short week ahead!

Masculine-Feminine equation

   Hello everyone !
Today, I will start this post by saying that GREY MATTERS, especially when it is paired with black and red-the iconic combination-. One of my recently purchased pair of shoes, these snake printed pumps, are displayed in my today's look, as well as this NEW coat (courtesy to Sheinside.com). What I love about this coat is that it has that menswear influence and clean lines. Clean lines can be seen in this whole look, even on the bag, and it gives to this outfit the touch of toughness that I love to approach from time to time.
What do you think ?

                                                                         Coat: thanks to Sheinside.com/Here
                                                                         Sweater: Levi's
                                                                         Bag: Phillip Lim/similar Here 
                                                                         Jeans: thanks to Lulu's.com/ similar design Here 
                                                                         Shoes: Deena & Ozzy/ option Here
                                                                         Gloves: H&M/ similar Here