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jambox is awesome

I have a new friend. We spend hours together each day and she brings me nothing but pure joy. And what's best, I can carry her anywhere.

"She" is my Jambox. Our neighbors let us borrow theirs one afternoon for a test run and it was about an hour later that we decided we needed to put on our shoes and get one for ourselves. We've had it for about 3 months now and couldn't be happier.
This little honey has bluetooth capabilities which means that she somehow talks to my iPhone and they make sweet music together. I carry her with me to the basement and listen to Pandora while I fold laundry. Then I have her next to me while I listen to podcasts and cook dinner.

The sound it makes is just as good as any big huge stereo and girlfriend can get LOUD when you are ready to jam it out. Which, I try to do most afternoons around 3:30. The English have afternoon tea, I have an afternoon jam. The girls and I turn up the GoGo's and as Yo Gabba Gabba would say, we "get the sillies out".

But I digress.

They even sell a little chain so you can wear it around your neck Flavor Flav style, if that's your bag. You can custom design yours in any color you like and it is so small and unobtrusive it blends right into the room without screaming "look at my sweet hifi system"!

The point is, if you enjoy music half as much as I do, at a volume half as loud as I do, you for sure need yourself a Jambox.

Have you been surprised by a piece of technology lately? Do you ever worry that you've got the music too loud and you'll permanently deafen your children? Nope, not me either.

The Truth About Kevin Oleary - Report On Business

The Truth About Kevin Oleary - Report On Business

“If you walk down a street with Kevin, it’s like parting the Red Sea,” says Stuart Coxe, the television producer who cast Kevin O’Leary on Dragons’ Den in 2006. “It’s ‘Kevin!’ and high-fives.… We’ve never had someone like Kevin.”
O’Leary himself likes to tell the story of being buttonholed by a man in a bathroom at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport not long after Dragons’ Den went on the air. The stranger told O’Leary he was a “total asshole.” This is an anecdote that O’Leary relishes. It shows he’d arrived.

Mattel purchased TLC for about $4 billion in the spring of 1999. (Depending on how debt is considered, the figure ranges from $3.4 billion to $4.2 billion.) O’Leary took over as president of Mattel’s new TLC digital division, having received a hike in salary from $400,000 to $650,000 and an increase in his severance package from $2.1 million to $5.25 million. A few months after the sale went through, O’Leary sold most of his Mattel stock and pocketed nearly $6 million, according to a court document.
Weeks after the sale, CFRA produced a critical report on Mattel, claiming TLC was already experiencing collapsing revenue, a surge in receivables and a deterioration of operating cash flow. In the third quarter of 1999, Mattel expected profits of $50 million from the TLC division. When Mattel revised that estimate to a loss of between $50 million and $100 million, the announcement wiped out more than $2 billion in shareholder value in one day, as the company’s share price slid from nearly $17 to $11.69. The actual divisional loss for the quarter turned out to be $105 million; the next quarter, the loss was $206 million.
In November of 1999, O’Leary was fired, six months into a three-year contract. Four months later, Barad, the CEO, was forced out too. “There is nothing I can say to gloss over how devastating The Learning Company’s results have been to Mattel’s overall performance,” she said.

And I paraphrase but ..."In 2003, Mattel settled the lawsuit for $122 million—considered a “mega-settlement” by Cornerstone Research, a litigation consulting firm. O’Leary has sometimes been called a billionaire due to the size of the original deal. That overstates things: O’Leary in fact netted $11.2 million between his severance package and sale of his Mattel stock. The real money in the transaction was made by Bain and its partners...
...And some Dragons’ Den deals turn out differently than how they’re first conceived. Wendy Johannson and Claudia Harvey invented a glove that makes it possible to work in the garden without ruining one’s nails. They needed $50,000 when they went on the show in 2009. On-air, O’Leary agreed to give them the money in return for 3% of royalties. They eventually gave him 10% of their company, Dig It Apparel Inc. But the $50,000 never materialized. “When he said he’d like to have 10% for $50,000, I thought that would be a cash injection,” says Harvey. Instead, O’Leary offered the pair a line of credit, which Dig It has not used. “He’s never actually given us any money,” says Harvey. “He is acting as a face for our company. We can use his name and we can say ‘Kevin O’Leary is our business partner.’ For that, he has 10% of our company.” Harvey says they’re delighted with O’Leary’s participation and he has helped them expand their market and promoted their products."

U.S. is losing economic freedom and the prospect of women in combat

U.S. is losing economic freedom and the prospect of women in combat

By James Shott

Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, Chile, Mauritius, and Denmark all beat the United States in the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom. The U.S., part of a group of countries termed "mostly free," scored 76.0 out of 100, dropping .3 from last year, compared with 89.3 for Hong Kong. The world average score of 59.6 is only .1 above the 2012 average. All free economies averaged 84.5, well above the U.S. ranking.

The Index is produced by The Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation, and is based on Adam Smith's theory expressed in The Wealth of Nations in 1776. It covers 10 freedoms scored from 1 to 100, from property rights to entrepreneurship, for 185 countries, and has been published since 1995.

Economic freedom is defined as "the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself." That definition applies less to the U.S. each year.

The U.S. has lost economic freedom for five consecutive years and suffered losses in the categories of monetary freedom, business freedom, labor freedom, and fiscal freedom. The U.S. did post an increase in one category, however: government spending, in which it scored lowest of the ten categories.

The poor U.S. position, the lowest Index score since 2000, is due to rapid expansion of federal policies, which have encroached on the states' ability to control their own economic decisions. The authors specifically mentioned the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial bill as having strong negative influences on economic freedom. They also noted that national spending rose to over 25 percent of GDP in 2010, that public debt passed 100 percent of GDP in 2011, and that budget deficits have exceeded $1 trillion each year since 2009.

"More than three years after the end of the recession in June 2009, the U.S. continues to suffer from policy choices that have led to the slowest recovery in 70 years," the authors wrote. "Businesses remain in a holding pattern, and unemployment is close to 8 percent."

Until government stops trying to regulate nearly every facet of life, its tinkering will continue to slow the economy and prolong suffering, and we will continue to fall in the Index of Economic Freedom.

* * * * * * *

The decision to put women in up-front combat roles is troubling, to say the least, perhaps more so to those of us who grew up and served in times when women played important roles in the military, but were not directly involved in combat, or even close to combat.

Fortunately, only a relative few females have been injured and killed in recent military actions, but if this decision stands those numbers will grow, and that prospect is a quite traumatic one for many Americans, and completely unacceptable for many others.

The critical factor in determining whether any group or individual serves in a combat situation is whether they are up to the daunting challenges that exist. Requirements for who fills combat roles must be maintained at levels that guarantee that every person in a combat role is up to it, man, woman, gay, straight or whatever.

There are also practical considerations when males and females are in combat situations in close proximity. Troops are often in sustained operations for extended periods, and living conditions offer no privacy for personal hygiene functions or sleeping. Finding ways to provide needed privacy during high stress and dangerous operations may very well put troops at greater risk. That is not acceptable.

A convincing argument against this is that the decision was made for the wrong reasons: it was driven by political and social considerations, not military need, according to Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, US Army (Ret.), who served for 36 years as an original member of the Delta Force and a Green Berets commander.

Some women believe that their chances of career advancement within the military suffer from being excluded from ground combat positions. And predictably, the American Civil Liberties Union, which frequently takes positions that make no sense in the practical world, agrees and has filed a lawsuit on their behalf.

The safety of our military personnel must not be put at risk in return for achieving some politically correct sense of fairness or even to allow female military personnel access to the career advantages that are available to males, as unfair as that may be. Fairness and equality sometimes must take a back seat.

Despite the strong desires of many Americans, men and women are by nature different biological creatures and distinctly not equal in important ways, one of which is that men are better suited to military combat than women. We shouldn’t fool with Mother Nature.

Cross-posted from Observations

Details from my closet: COLORFUL coats

Another round of "Details from my closet", today's category: the COATS!
It is pretty obvious that in the Fall/ Winter season the statement piece for me is a coat. The colored ones are my favorite but I also love the printed ones, short or long, oversized and fitted... today you can see them all, almost all.
Here is my rainbow collection!

Gun Owners Against Christ? ... J. D. Longstreet

Gun Owners Against Christ?
Tell It To Jesus!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Obama and those leftist democrats have now dealt the religion card in their manic drive to snatch weapons from gun owners in America.

Have they NO SHAME -- ANY?  At ALL?

I suppose separation of church and state only applies when  Christians attempt to place a copy of the ten commandments or a Christmas creche on a courthouse lawn.  But it DOES NOT APPLY when the political left, the progressives, democrats, socialists, Marxists, and communists in our government  -- and, yes,  in the pulpits of the mainline religious denominations in America -- feel it is impeding their Marxist agenda.

Senator Feinstein, herself descended from Polish Jews and grandparents who were of the Russian Orthodox faith and self describes her faith as Jewish, ought to brush up on her New Testament before she allows hauling the "cross," a distinctly Christian emblem, into her anti-gun extravaganzas.

Look.   I am sick, ad nauseum, of the mainline religious denominations in America and across the globe, sticking their self righteous noses into my political ideology.

Heck, it is my firm belief that Christian churches have no business, whatsoever, involving themselves in politics -- at any level.  (Frankly, I an very uncomfortable with churches allowing polling places on their premises.)   In fact, if they were doing the job they were given by Christ, Himself, they would not have time to make fools of themselves belittling others and rolling around in the filth of politics.

I refer, of course, in the paragraph above to "The Great Commission," that with which the Christian church is directly charged by Jesus, Himself, to make its work on earth.  It is simple and to the point -- and -- if carried out the church would find itself entirely too busy to become involved in those things that are Caesar's business.

This is The Great Commission: 

Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (NIV)   

"As Sen. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. opened her press conference on gun control today, she invited Dean of the National Cathedral Rev. Canon Gary Hall to offer a prayer.

Hall spoke briefly before the prayer, calling for Washington lawmakers to stop fearing the gun lobby and fulfill their “moral duty” to restrict guns.

"Everyone in this city seems to live in terror of the gun lobby," Hall said. "But I believe that the gun lobby is no match for the cross lobby."

Hall said that he could no longer justify a society that allowed ordinary citizens to keep and bear "assault weapons."

During the prayer, Hall asked God to “bless our elected leaders with the wisdom and the courage needed to bring about the changes that the people demand.” 
  Source:  http://washingtonexaminer.com/sen.-dianne-feinstein-opens-up-anti-gun-presser-with-a-prayer/article/2519581#.UQPnAvJ0jTg 

This is exactly the kind of leftist political stunt that caused me to walk out of TWO mainline denomination churches a number of years ago --  and I have not allowed my shadow to darken the door of one since.

When a body of believers, gathered together as a church, becomes an apostate church, Christians are commanded to "come out from among them."  That's what I did -- and I highly recommend it for those in fear of the final resting place of their souls.

The whole thing strikes me as the height of hypocrisy anyway.  I mean,  the democrats/socialists screaming about the separation of church and state.  If you want to see overt, in you face, conjoining of religion and politics simply watch the democrats parading into the pulpits of black churches across the nation during a political campaign season. Somehow, THAT is perfectly fine.

OK, I get it:  It's not wrong WHEN THEY DO IT, right?

We have known the Obama machine is going to use every tool they can lay their hands on to attempt to shame gun owners into surrendering their weapons. (Make no mistake.  The final goal of this entire gun control campaign is to TAKE YOUR GUNS ... to disarm Americans.  They only need to complete two easy steps ... registration and then confiscation. Register your weapon and they know what it is, who has it, and where it is.  They next step is to TAKE it from you.)

Gun owners in America are going to be called every dirty name in the book in ad campaigns over the next weeks and months. (Think anti-smoking ad campaign.) Leftist columnists will write stinging tomes concerning our low morals, and our lack of respect for human life. You name it and if it is low-down and dirty enough, American gun owners will be labeled as such.

Right now, though, we are E V I L !   That's why we are seeing the limp-wristed useful idiots of the leftist clergy paraded out to condemn us.

In the words of the ancient prophet Joel:

"...  Prepare for war!
Rouse the warriors!
    Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.

10 Beat your plowshares into swords  and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say,
    “I am strong!” --
  Joel: Chapter 3

 And finally, before our leftist "Christians" get too intolerably pious on us and begin preaching that Jesus would want us to turn in our guns,  Allow me to disabuse them of that bit of deceit.

Back in December of 2012 I wrote a piece in which I noted the following:  "And yes, dear reader, Jesus' boys were packing. Well, they weren't packing "heat" because "heat" hadn't been invented yet.  I am satisfied that had guns been available -- at least Saint Peter would have had at least one on him.  Concealed carry, of course.

What they had were swords.  Not the broadsword with which Hollywood is so enamored, but a short sword similar in some respects to the Roman Gladius, but more akin to the American Bowie knife. (Named for its inventor, famed American gambler Jim Bowie, who died at the Alamo.)
The "sword" the boys of Jesus' posse possessed were "up close and personal" weapons. You could easily kill, gut, and skin an animal -- or a man -- with the same utensil.  It was, to say the least, uh, practical.

Now, you anti-gun types might not want to hear this, but Jesus KNEW they had those swords.  In fact, he directed them to get one, if they did not already own one, even if they had to sell their coats to purchase a sword. 

For the record, here is what Jesus instructed his men:  "And he [Jesus] said to them [His disciples], “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one. For I tell you that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, ‘And he was numbered with transgressors’; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment.” They said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.” And He said to them, “It is enough.” 
Luke 22:36-38  -- You may read the entire article at: http://insightonfreedom.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-did-jesus-do-j-d-longstreet.html

There you have it.   Makes me sort of wonder if Jesus is, today, " ... numbered with the transgressors."

It all makes me wonder just how long it will be before the gun grabber's slanderous campaign against America's gun owners will backfire in the faces of the masters of knee-jerk hysteria.

© J. D. Longstreet

pig in a blanket

I had my sights set on a new secretary for my entry. Not the ‘here is your coffee and you have a call holding on line 2’ type of secretary (are they even called that anymore) but a nice little piece of furniture. It was old, but not too precious that I couldn’t paint or change it up in some way without feeling bad. Character and charm to spare and spots for all the entryway things one needs. Just what I had in mind.
Except, it was 2 inches too deep. Two. Damn. Inches. I could have stuffed it in and made it work. But it would have been like those tight jeans that you can’t wear sitting down; great for one night and then just a regret in your closet…or basement as the case may be. And really what sense would that make? 
I had thought it was a take it or leave it piece and I was the tough cookie who would walk away if we couldn’t get it for the right price. But those extra two inches rejected me before I could reject it. And now that it is for sure not coming home with me, I feel a new obsession to find its replacement.

Something even better. 

I’m going to show those two inches I can live a happy wonderful life without them. I will survive.

Do you have a piece that got away? Have you ever had a design idea that was perfect in your head but never worked out in real life? Do you know anyway to move a wall two inches without having to make structural changes?

American Amazons? ... J. D. Longstreet

American Amazons?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
American Amazons?
Women in Direct Combat
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Amazon: (From Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively)
" ... the call by men for women to fight in their place is the height of cowardice, and worthy of the strongest possible rebuke."  Source: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thoughtlife/2013/01/women-should-not-be-in-combat-says-a-female-marine-captain/


Has the Obama administration gone completely nuts? (THAT is a rhetorical question.) One is required to be at least "nominally" sane before one can go INsane.

Now they are going to place the lives of that half of the human species -- able to reproduce life -- directly in harm's way. 


Have they grown weary of just killing the babies?  Have they now become intent upon killing those capable of producing the babies in the first place? 

Placing women in direct combat teams is so wrong --
on so many levels. 

One thing is for darned sure. I will not recommend my grandson join the US Military.  Not any longer. 

With the advent of gay society into the ranks, and now weakening the war fighting ability of the armed forces by placing women in combat roles, the US military is simply not up to the moral standards -- nor the warrior standards -- to which I would have my son, my grandson, my daughter, or my granddaughter exposed.

The left's social experiments with the US military over the decades has left us with a military that hasn't won a war since the Second World War.  (Desert Storm was basically one huge battle which lasted days.)

As  veteran myself, I am proud of having done the tiny bit that I did for my country in the military.  But that was back in the 1950s when we were marched over to the WAC's barracks at Fort Jackson, South Carolina -- which were fenced off with eight-foot tall fencing -- and we told by our training sergeant  that that was where the women were and if we even went near the place we'd be shot!

I read recently of concerns by some on the political left that America is creating a "warrior class" with our all volunteer military.  Heck, we've had a warrior class since, at least, the War Between the States.  We call 'em Southerners!  When the US decides to go to war, southern males begin lining up and signing up.  Blame our Celtic heritage and ancestry.

President Bush in 1992 created the Presidential Commission on the Deployment of Women in the Military to determine the capability of women severing in direct combat positions. “The Commission showed that women were three times more nondeployable than men, primarily due to pregnancy, during Operations Desert Shield and Storm.” (Hoar 1) The commission used expert medical witnesses and current military policy to show the pitfalls of having potential mothers serving in military units.    SOURCE:  http://www.grossmont.net/musgrave2/Grammar%20Hospital/new%20pages/opponent.example.htm

Look.  Combat is just as mean, just as barbaric, just tough as it has always been. The combat soldier MUST rely on his physical strength, and his mental strength to survive and to aid his fellow soldiers to survive and win the victory.  That is a fact -- period. 

Let's state the obvious here:  Women cannot carry as much as far as fast as men, and they are more susceptible to fatigue.

Women are shorter.  Women have less muscle mass. Women weigh less than men.  This is a great disadvantage when called upon to perform tasks that would require a high level of muscular strength and aerobic capacity, you know, like -- ground combat.  Read more about this issue here: http://www.grossmont.net/musgrave2/Grammar%20Hospital/new%20pages/opponent.example.htm

This just WRONG!  A nation intent upon survival does not, I repeat, does not deliberately place the "life-givers," -- their women -- in danger. It is a basic rule of survival. 

Frankly, I am not surprised. The left places so little value on human life, so little value on human dignity, so little value on the worth of each individual, that, to them, this is just another victory for their progressive agenda. They simply don't care about the consequences.

We've known for many decades that the political left views humankind as a plague upon their Holy Mother Earth.  So, maybe this is just one more way they feel they can rid earth of it's payload of humans and cleanse the planet. 

Consider the following:  "In "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society,"  Lt. Col. Dave Grossman briefly mentions that female soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces have been officially prohibited from serving in close combat military operations since 1948. The reason for removing female soldiers from the front lines was due less to the performance of female soldiers, and more due to the behavior of the male infantrymen after witnessing a woman wounded. The IDF saw a complete loss of control over soldiers who apparently experienced an uncontrollable, protective, instinctual aggression, severely degrading the unit's combat effectiveness.

However, in 2001, subsequent to the publication of Grossman's book, women did begin serving in IDF combat units on an experimental basis. There is now an all-female infantry battalion, the Caracal Battalion."
  SOURCE:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_combat 

Read more about the Caracal Battalion at
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caracal_Battalion

I came across an article while doing a bit of research recently that I think should be read by everyone -- on both sides of the women in combat debate.  It is entitled:  "Women Should Not Be in Combat (Says a Female Marine Captain)
You will find the article here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thoughtlife/2013/01/women-should-not-be-in-combat-says-a-female-marine-captain/   READ THIS ARTICLE.  

"For those who dictate policy, changing the current restrictions associated with women in the infantry may not seem significant to the way the Marine Corps operates. I vehemently disagree; this potential change will rock the foundation of our Corps for the worse and will weaken what has been since 1775 the world’s most lethal fighting force." --  Capt Katie Petronio  --  SOURCE: http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/article/get-over-it-we-are-not-all-created-equal

The quote immediately above is from the article entitled:  "Get Over It! We Are Not All Created Equal."  The article was written by Capt. Katie Petronio, a Marine.  You will find the entire article here:  http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/article/get-over-it-we-are-not-all-created-equal 

Placing women in direct combat war fighting roles within the US military will do nothing to elevate women.  It will, in fact, grind women down even more.

Now that that the ban has been lifted we are left with a fight between facts an leftist ideology.  Women are now caught in the middle of yet another fight in which ideology will trump facts.

No matter how horrible the results of this decision will be for women serving in America's military,  leftists will NEVER admit to being wrong.  So, this disastrous decision will stand while the broken, twisted, and maimed bodies of America's young women, those who would bear our young, those who would rear America's children, will continue to pile up.

© J. D. Longstreet

Amgen Gift Hidden In “fiscal cliff” bill approved three weeks ago by Congress

Amgen Gift Hidden In  “fiscal cliff” bill approved three weeks ago by Congress

Vermont Lawmaker Moves to Repeal Protection for Drug Maker

A Vermont lawmaker on Wednesday introduced legislation that would repeal language passed into law in early January that benefits a California-based biotechnology company, saying the deal “confirms the American public’s worst suspicions of how Congress operates.”
The bill introduced by Representative Peter Welch, Democrat of Vermont, would eliminate the two-year delay in Medicare price restraints that Amgen, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., sought as part of the legislation to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. The provision protects certain oral drugs, including Amgen’s Sensipar, from Medicare price controls, costing the federal government perhaps as much as $500 million in the coming two years.
This special protection, first detailed in The New York Times, was supported by the two top members of the Senate Finance Committee — Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana, and Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah — who are major recipients of campaign contributions from Amgen and its employees.
Aides for the senators, and a spokeswoman for Amgen, said the delay in the price controls was necessary to protect kidney dialysis patients, because so many other changes are already taking place in the way Medicare covers this care. They dismissed any suggestion that the provision was related to political contributions, saying the change was good public policy.
“Patient access to necessary treatments would be compromised,” Kelley Davenport, an Amgen spokeswoman , said in a written statement Wednesday, defending the provision and opposing any repeal.
But critics called the provision an unnecessary giveaway to Amgen.

Amgen Guilty Plea...

Amgen Agrees to Pay $762 Million for Marketing Anemia Drug for Off-Label Use

December 18, 2012 Amgen pleaded guilty to illegally marketing the drug and agreed to pay $762 million in criminal penalties and settlements of whistle-blower lawsuits. Amgen was “pursuing profits at the risk of patient safety,” Marshall L. Miller, acting United States attorney in Brooklyn, said in a telephone news briefing on Tuesday. ... But the repeal of the provision has little chance of becoming law unless a much larger number of lawmakers sign on to the effort, and then move to attach the repeal to some other piece of related legislation moving through the House.

The New York Times Article

Three weeks later they were given this gift...

Amgen Gets a Gift From Congress

Winter White + Neon

No winter without a "winter white"outfit even tough I couldn't help myself and I added a splash of colour. Finally I have the perfect white coat, thanks to Tart Collections and now my coats collection is complete:)
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

                                                                           Coat: thanks to Tart Collections/ Here 
                                                            Sweater: Dockers/ option Here 
                                                                           Pants: Zara/ option Here 
                                                                           Heels: Aldo/ different color Here 
                                                            Scarf: H&M/ another favorite of mine Here  
                                                                           Sunglasses: Betsey Johnson/ option Here  
                                                                           Cuff bracelet: E&L/ option Here