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Continuing our head-long slide down the slippery slope of abortion

Continuing our head-long slide down the slippery slope of abortion

When people challenge and attempt to liberalize valued traditions, there is usually great concern that doing so is the first step down the "slippery slope," which ultimately leads to bad results. The “slippery slope” is considered a logical fallacy, but in the case of abortion, evidence supports that it is an apt argument.  

We started down this slope when abortion was legalized 40 years ago. If it was not the original intention, abortion certainly has become a thinly disguised mechanism for after-the-fact birth control. Pregnancy is not a mystery; we know what causes it. There are numerous ways to prevent pregnancy whenever people decide to forego the one certain way to prevent pregnancy: abstinence.

Birth control devices, while not perfect, are very dependable when used properly. However, somewhere along the way it was recognized that there were a lot of people facing the eventual birth of an unwanted child, and some thought that society was obligated to find a way to relieve these folks of having to bear responsibility for their actions. Abortion became the solution for unwanted pregnancy, under the curious label, "a woman's right to choose."

Each now-pregnant woman and her male partner had the right to choose to abstain from sexual intercourse and chose not to. They had the right to choose to use birth control, and either chose not to, or chose not to use it consistently or correctly, or it just didn't work one time. In the great majority of cases, birth control measures do work when used properly, and that means that in the majority of cases the right to use birth control actually was not chosen.

The "right to choose" is little more than a mechanism for prospective parents to avoid creating a child at an inconvenient time: In 2004 fully 74 percent of women getting an abortion said a child would "dramatically change their life."

Since Roe v Wade imposed legalized abortion on the nation in 1973, 55 million abortions have been performed, and approximately 1.2 million future Americans were aborted in each of the last several years. Nearly half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, and nearly half of those are aborted.

Planned Parenthood is the nation's most prolific provider of abortions, performing about 1-in-4 total U.S. abortions each year, chalking up 334,000 in 2011. It received $542 million from taxpayers that year, about 40 percent of its total revenues.

And since 1973 we have witnessed the slide down that slippery slope. It has been considered acceptable by a significant number of Americans to end a pregnancy anywhere from the morning after to the day when the baby should be born healthy and ready for life.

We have been treated to horrors such as partial birth abortion where the baby is allowed to be born, but not completely, with part of the child still in the birth canal so that a butcher with MD or DO after their name can kill the child before it is "born." This nefarious procedure takes hair-splitting to a new level.

A year ago a giant slide down the slippery slope occurred when two Australian ethicists – Alberto Giubilini with Monash University in Melbourne, and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne – provided an answer to the question, "When does a fetus become a person?" Their answer: it doesn’t matter. They argued in the online edition of the Journal of Medical Ethics that if abortion of a fetus is allowable, so, too, should be the “termination” of a newborn.

This cold-blooded idea has now infected the United States. That same concept appeared in testimony at a Florida legislative committee that was considering a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion and is moving on the table and struggling for life. A Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates lobbyist endorsed the right to "post-birth abortion." The lobbyist, Alisa LaPolt Snow, stunned legislators when she said that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion "should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician."

This is nothing more than pre-meditated murder, and is not so different from first responders executing a seriously injured accident victim. And just how far does this "right" to post-birth abortion extend? The first birthday? The difficult years of adolescence? Or perhaps it will extend many years after the botched abortion when under as-yet-unknown elements of the Affordable Care Act bureaucrats may be in the position to determine that it will cost too much to keep an elderly patient alive.

Fortunately, the tide appears to be turning against the grizzly practice of abortion. Last June a Gallop poll showed that 50 percent identified themselves as "pro-life" compared to 41 percent who said they were "pro-choice." And, 51 percent said abortion is morally wrong, compared to 38 percent who said it is morally acceptable. And some state legislatures have passed tighter restrictions on the procedure.

This attitude favoring preserving life and restoring personal responsibility is one small ray of light in America's otherwise darkening culture.

Camel & Blue for BCBG Max Azria Fall preview in NY

As I told you in the previous outfit post, I had the pleasure to take a closer look at BCBG Max Azria, Herve Leger and BCBGeneration Fall preview collections. This was the reason that I came back so soon in the Big Apple (after my birthday).
After I saw Herve Leger show at NYFW and missed the BCBG Max Azria show, this preview was exactly what I was looking for. Nothing compares with taking a closer look at the collections and seeing all the details. I have a full post about it soon.
Here is what I wore that day: Joe Fresh pants, vintage camel coat, Zara floral tunic  and Costume National bag.
I hope you like it!

                                                                             Coat: vintage/ option Here
                                                                             Pants: Joe Fresh/ option Here 
                                                                             Floral tunic: Zara/ similar style Here 
                                                                             Bag: Costume National
                                                                             Heels: BCBGeneration/ similar Here 
                                                                             Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren

Rotting The Soul Of A Nation ... J. D. Longstreet

Rotting The Soul Of A Nation   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Rotting The Soul Of A Nation
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Nothing much REALLY changes.  Nearly a half century before the birth of Christ a wise man said:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.   An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, but the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.  For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.  He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.   A murderer is less to fear."   --- Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 BC.

I count myself fortunate, and even lucky, to have been born into the last generation of independent freedom-loving Americans.

That’s on the one hand. 

On the other, I feel depressed that my generation will be the first to see a free America voluntarily choose slavery as a way of life. 

As we look about us today, we can see the effects of socialism: A nation in decline, a nation financially broke, a nation of people depressed, hurting, and angry, a nation deeply divided by the race baiting and class warfare imposed on them by a major political party in its grab for the power to rule America as the “elite class” in a socialist America.  We refer, of course, to the Democratic Party.

Slavery?  Yes!  Socialism is slavery to the state (and to those elite socialist politicians who will run your life from the cradle to the grave).

Under the Obama Administration, it has already begun.  The evils of Pandora’s box can’t hold a candle to the evils of Obamacare.   

Socialism is the slavery of forced labor.  Americans will work for the government. I don’t mean the 48% of the American workforce already on the government’s payroll. I mean 100% of the American workforce, which will be receiving those wages the government decides you need to exist and continue working at your government assigned job.

So many Americans are nothing more than the “useful idiots” Vladimir Lenin used to mock.  He was referring to westerners, including Americans, Who publicly and privately sympathized with the socialist movement in what would become the Socialist Soviet Union. He was, of course, right about one thing:  They were, and are, idiots -- and they were, and are today, useful to the cause of socialism and communism. This time, however, the targeted country is the United States.

Today, those of us in America who see what is happening to our country, to our freedom, to our future as a free country, are derided as some sort of alarmists.  To that, allow me to say:  “You’re darned right, I’m ALARMED!”  It is as clear to me as sunrise this morning that a free America will only be a legend to my grandkids.

I expect that in the not too distant American future there will be a time when those of us who pen such comments as these will be arrested as enemies of the socialist state of America … if we live long enough. As I have been spouting these kinds of commentaries and public addresses since I was a sophomore in high school, I expect they will have a lot to work with!

Again, I remind readers of this column -- socialism is a killer of nations.  It is a terminal illness that rots a nation’s core until it is hollow and then it implodes in upon itself -- taking that nation’s society along with it.

Today in America we are awash in socialism.  There is Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, socialist feminism – and --  the Democratic Party.  The Republican Party is badly infected, as well.

I mentioned Obamacare above.  Obamacare is socialized medicine … socialism!  Americans have no idea how much freedom and liberty Obamacare will strip from the citizens of the USA.  But it’s coming -- and it will be startling! Already we are getting hints, just hints,  of that which is in store for America once Obamacare is fully in place. You are going to recognize the USA.  

Distressingly, I see no push-back against the steady encroachment of socialism in America. Make no mistake about it, socialism is on the march in the USA and we will awaken one morning to find that America is no longer a free country but a slave nation shackled to a socialist government… and even sadder, Americans will have no idea how America came to be socialist.

Even now the chains are being forged for America’s enslavement.  The foundry is working 24/7 turning out the bonds that will hold a nation of once proud, free, Americans. 

Well over one-third of our national government is already socialist … the executive branch.  One half of the Legislative branch, the Senate, is controlled by socialists, and the Judicial branch is very close to falling under the control of socialist sympathizing justices.  Within the next four years we likely see a socialist court in place.

Do you begin to understand the threat America is living under today?  I hope so, because the change from freedom to slavery is going to be rapid and startlingly complete.

©  J. D. Longstreet

Socon rEpublicans Proving Yet Again...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Call me stupid if you like. But the looney tune (IMNHO) Georgia "top rEpublican" Sue Everhart, chairwoman of the Georgia Republican Party lives in a totally different reality than any sane rational person.

But then again stepping back and thinking about it... Sane and rational is NOT something the present day rEpublican party is into. Fear mongering, yes. Power, yes. Control of the lives of the individual, yes.

This inanity from what's her name? Oh yeah, Sue Everhart is the final straw for this independent Classical Liberal and Objectivist who REFUSES to be lead around by ignorant and clueless collectivists. Which by the way folks is something this Classical Liberal, Objectivist, and fiercely individualistic liberty loving person has grown to recognize is precisely what identifies the rEpublican party as well as the current state of conservatism.

Here then is the article that elicited my ire. Willful ignorance really sets me off. Sorry all you collectivist conservatives that march in lockstep to the insanity of the unthinking.

TPM - A top Republican in Georgia has sounded an ominous warning that legalization of same-sex marriage may also lead to fraud.

Sue Everhart, chairwoman of the Georgia Republican Party, told the Marietta Daily Journal in a story published Saturday that once gay nuptials are legally permitted, there will be nothing to stop a straight person from exploiting the system in order to claim marital benefits.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Everhart said. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal. I believe a husband and a wife should be a man and a woman, the benefits should be for a man and a woman. There is no way that this is about equality. To me, it’s all about a free ride.”

Everhart also expressed a distaste for homosexuality, which she argued is unnatural.

“Lord, I’m going to get in trouble over this, but it is not natural for two women or two men to be married,” Everhart said. “If it was natural, they would have the equipment to have a sexual relationship.”

Brian Keahl, executive director of the Georgia GOP, told TPM on Monday that he hadn't seen Everhart's comments and would have to confer with the chairwoman before commenting. When TPM followed up later in the morning, a man at the Georgia GOP said the group has "no comment at this time" before refusing to provide his name and hanging up.

Yes Ms. Everhart, you are in trouble. For reasons you will NEVER understand. But then again I'm sure you really don't care, do you?

Via: Memorandum

i heart katie ridder

Morning y'all. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend celebrating spring weather, celebrating Easter or celebrating the Walking Dead season finale - whatever you choose to celebrate.

We had a lovely time being outside as much as possible, soaking up that lovely vitamin D (aka the Sun) and eating way too much candy. Lots of chocolate of course but also some good eye candy.

While looking for some inspiration for my new couch, I came upon this lovely picture.

Katie Ridder and I totally have the same taste in couches. We will be having cocktails over lunch and talking about the RHOBH reunion before you know it.

But until she calls me back about where our reservations are, I thought I would share some more Katie.

all images via Katie Ridder

images via Pinterest
She likes color and she's not afraid to use it.

How about you? Do you like Katie's style? Would you silver leaf your ceiling? Do you know where to get a disco ball chandy?

Forbearance Of Incompetence IS Limited ... J. D. Longstreet

Forbearance Of Incompetence IS Limited   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Forbearance Of Incompetence IS Limited
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Whoa!  Hold on a consarned minute!

This was not supposed to happen.  Americans were expected to to just lie down and roll over for the gun grabbers this time.  

See.  It was all for the children.  Works every time the progressive/Marxists try it.  Except that -- it didn't work THIS time.


Because the Marxists overstepped, overreached, went beyond the pale.  Ignoring a fundamental constitutional right, one that is included in the Bill of Rights, which, by the way, a number of states demanded be included before they would ratify the constitution, was just TOO much.

Obama miscalculated.  He screwed-up!  His thirst for power blinded him to the limits placed upon him by the constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. 

Obama bit off more than he could chew.  The American people bit back.
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto  said there was a gun behind every blade of grass in America.  That was in the late 1930's.  If there wasn't then, there sure as heck is at least one, possibly more, guns behind every blade of grass in America today.
Methinks Washington is, uh, concerned.  And, indeed, they ought to be.

The Second Amendment was never intended to protect hunter's and sportsmen's ability to go hunting or skeet shooting.  It was intended to arm the American citizenry so they might defend themselves against an American government gone rogue ...  to defend against tyranny in an American government ... to defend their freedom from such a government. The founders knew hunting would take care of itself. 

Unfortunately, for the gun grabbers, Americans remembered that particular right and they are using it today to arm themselves to the teeth and take a stand to protect their freedom.

THIS is what makes America exceptional.  We will lean over backwards to accommodate an overbearing government -- 'til we have enough.  We swallowed King George's guff until we had enough.  And we have allowed the current occupant of the Oval Office enough rope to metaphorically hang himself.

We are rapidly approaching the point at which we will have had enough.  Once reached -- it's "Katie bar the door!"

Even though the government is finding it a bit more difficult than they had presumed to confiscate America's guns, they HAVE managed to nearly dry up the ammo supply through massive government purchases of ammunition from the manufacturers.

As government orders take priority, ammo manufacturer's inventory and production must first go to the government BEFORE any product is shipped to private ammo dealers across the nation. 

Think about it for a moment:  An empty gun is virtually useless. So, Americans can have all the guns they want, but -- so long as they have no ammunition for those guns they are no threat.

The law of "supply and demand" is working in favor of the gun grabbers, as well.  As soon as demand increased, supply decreased, and the prices for ammo shot upward at an astronomical rate. So, ammunition that IS available is extremely costly.

Another conspiracy theory?  No.  I don't think so -- not this time, at least.  But -- even if it IS a theory, that doesn't mean there ISN'T a conspiracy! 

If this "theory" turns out to be correct, I expect there will be a public backlash the Obama Administration will be hard-pressed to withstand.  But, hey!  They don't have to face the voters again!   

We urge Congress to immediately initiate hearings and grill the Obama administration, under oath, to get to the bottom of it.  If the results are found to be less than satisfactory, we urge Congress to defund those government departments responsible. 
In the meantime, gun owners are finding ways around the ammo shortage just as they have invented ways around any future government gun confiscation.  Hey!  It is the American way! 

Here in the American south we have a long history of going head to head with government "revenuers"  (Internal Revenue agents chasing moonshiners).  In recent years it has become something of a lost art -- but -- one sure to see a quick revival if the Obama administration continues on its ill-advised trek toward universal background checks and gun registration and possible confiscation of firearms from the hands of lawful citizens.  Believe me -- it won't be pretty.

It is historical and even traditional for the American people to allow a government all the rope necessary to hang itself -- and THEN draw the noose tight.  We suggest that NOW would be a good time for the current administration to reassess its attack on legal gun owners in America -- while we are still paying out the rope.

© J. D. Longstreet

Big City lights- back in N.Y

I guess I can't stay away from you New York!
The reason that I had to comeback in The Big Apple was a invitation to take a closer look of BCBG Max Azria, Herve Leger and BCBGeneration Fall collection preview. I also received a few more invitations but I couldn't go in NY for each one :( but I was happy to attend this one.
Here you can see my travel outfit with popping accessories, white jeans and a striped top.
More photos from this mini trip in New York soon!

                                                                         Coat: Topshop
                                                                         Jeans: Mango/ option  Here
                                                                         Oxford shoes: Jeffrey Campbell, thanks to shopAKIRAHere
                                                                         Bag: Proenza Schouler
                                                                         Top: vintage
                                                                         Cuff bracelet: thanks to CooeeHere
                                                                         Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV

America/Sodom/Gomorrah ... J. D. Longstreet

America/Sodom/Gomorrah   ...   J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I began writing this piece on "Good Friday," the day upon which we Christians remember the crucifixion, death,  and entombment of Christ.

Christians have waited since for the sun to rise on this Sunday, Easter morning.

Today, Easter Sunday, we rejoice as we celebrate Christ's resurrection, his victory over death, hell, and the grave. The Christian faith is founded upon the events of the period from Christ's arrest until his ascension.

Sadly, today the tenets of the Christian faith have been turned and are now being used by those of little or no faith against the Christian Church.

Where are the Christian warriors?  (Maybe we need a modern day Knights Templar organization to confront those who have turned America on its head.  Just a thought.)
America used to be a Christian nation.  She can not lay claim to that title any longer. 

Look.  The very word "Christian" means "Christ-like."  There is very little in America that could be classified as Christ-like today.  In fact, America reassembles Sodom and Gomorrah more than a nation that subscribes to the teachings of Christ.

The scriptures tell us that God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by raining fire down from heaven  and incinerating both towns -- and all within them. 

As I write, America is under a threat from North Korea to rain down fire from the heavens upon our nation.  You don't suppose there is a connection  -- do you?

America's culture is a carbon copy of the wicked culture of Sodom and Gomorrah.  The leaders of our nation have sanctioned the very same culture, for which Sodom and Gomorrah paid the ultimate price.

Let's be clear.  Those two ancient cities were NOT destroyed by God because of bad hospitality (inhospitality) .  They were destroyed by God for the sin of practicing every kind of vice imaginable -- including the practice of homosexuality.  The scriptures are exceedingly clear about that.

 "America, is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." ... Joseph Stalin 

Uncle Joe was spot on with that assessment. His accuracy is evident all around us today.  America is, indeed, collapsing from within.  Practicing Christians know this.  They see the evidence, they recognize it for what it is, for they live, like everyone else, in the muck and mire of the degenerate decadence that is modern America.  It is all around us day in and day out. America's indulgence in sensual pleasures, its excessive and immoral activities involving sex, alcohol, food, and drugs has swamped our beloved country much like a tsunami embracing a beachfront village.  We are awash in hedonism. We have created a society that values the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good.  

The perversions of Roman Emperor Caligula can barely hold a candle to the "egalitarian" hedonistic escapades of we Americans.  We have even gone so far as to urge our Supreme Court to decree such behavior as constitutionally protected.

This behavior by a people, a nation, is nothing new.  Thousands of years ago a prophet wrote:   "The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves." -- Isaiah 3:9 .  Read that short piece of scripture again and then turn on a TV news channel and observe as "they parade their sin as Sodom."

I ask you:  How much farther can America fall before she hits the bottom.  Instead, maybe the question ought to be how much farther MUST America fall before she hits the bottom.  I pose the question because our arrogance, our stubbornness, will not allow Americans to recognize and then accept our enslavement to a death wish.  For, believe me, it is a death wish.

No less an authority that the Scriptures tells us flat-out that:  "The wages of sin is -- death." (Romans 6:23 -- The Bible)

There has been a complete moral breakdown in American society.  Since the 1960's there has been a spiraling descent of Americans into the depths of hedonistic squalor.  "Moral relativism," in my opinion, has greased the rails leading to chaos, ruin, and eventually, to  perdition for our once great country.   We know it by another name today -- political correctness --and -- at least SOME of us can see the hefty price tag.

Social conservatives championing "family values" were mocked and shouted down just a bare few years ago. It was reminiscent of those who laughed at --and derided -- a fellow named Noah as he sweated profusely to build a huge float-able barge in the heat of a dry, dry, desert.  The laughter and derision ended abruptly when the water began to rise.  By then, of course, it was too late.

Thomas Huxley once said: "It doesn't take much of a man to be a Christian, but it takes all there is of him."   In America today Christians are fighting a holding action.  We hear often of the war on Christianity. It IS real and no quarter is given by the opponents of Christianity.

I had not intended to deliver a sermon when I began this piece. It just sort of evolved into, well, whatever you may chose to call it.

To America's Christian community, I offer encouragement.  But -- we MUST take a stand.  In fact, those are our instructions: "Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."  (Ephesians 6:13 -- The Bible)

As we look around us, there can be no doubt THIS is the EVIL DAY.

As Brother Martin Luther, the Great Reformer, was on trial for his life, he refused to recant and he left us with words that echo down through the ages.  As he refused to recant he said:  "Here I stand, I can do no other, God help me. Amen."

So, I would call upon my fellow Christians to "stand".  Don't give an inch. And may God help us.  Amen.
© J. D. Longstreet

Pagan America ... by J. D. Longstreet

Pagan America   ...   by J. D. Longstreet
Pagan America
Creating God In Our Own Image
By:  J. D. Longstreet
As socialism wraps it’s cold, icy, fingers around freedom’s throat  As I think back, the most obvious of the “warning signs” was/is the so-called “Green Movement.”
In America, many Americans have slowly come to the realization that the socialist takeover of America did not happen overnight. There were plenty of warning signs over the past few decades.

Those who follow the Green Movement, the acolytes of the Global Warming “religion,” are easily identified by their unbridled compulsion to bow down to the false idols of science, to socialist politics, and, let us not forget… M O N E Y!  You find them everywhere these days. Turn on a TV and there they are straining to burden you with a guilt trip about the damage YOU have done to the planet and how YOU must atone for your wickedness in order to be redeemed from your sins against the “Earth Mother.” 

Go to church, and there they are, often in the pulpits, railing about YOUR sins NOT against God, but your sins against the Earth, the climate, the Polar bears, etc, etc. 

In America’s schools YOUR children are being indoctrinated in the world’s newest religion and they are instructed to act as missionaries taking the message of the new salvation back home to their parents and family and friends and neighbors.  They are made to sit through propaganda movies by Nobel Prize winners which scare the living daylights out of them and help mold those malleable mental crucibles into warriors of the LEFT armed with lies, deceit, and more propaganda. 

Spreading the Green Gospel ain’t easy.  If the Greenies get them at birth, and all the way through 16 to 20 years in our public education system, they are lost.  The Green culthas got them… unless there is an “Intervention.”

Our politicians sold out, longs ago, to the "greenies.They preach energy independence and then refuse to allow America to become energy independent by using the oil and coal we have right here beneath American soil or under American waters or in the rocks that litter some of America’s landscape. And now we have a President absolutely committed to the green religion.  

Back to the new/OLD religion.  (That was not a misprint, or an editorial screw-up.)  See, that’s what this new Green religion is… O L D!  It is out and out paganism.   

The first time I heard a minister preaching on the merits of environmentalism from the pulpit, I nearly burst out laughing!  The man was obviously educated beyond his abilities!  There was a man, supposedly a man of God, speaking from a sacred spot in a building set aside for the worship of God, endorsing paganism, which, itself, is the world’s OLDEST religion!  I ask you, how is it possible for any reasonably educated individual NOT to recognize the Green Movement for what it is… pure Paganism, the worship of Gaia, the “earth mother, or “Mother Earth”.  

Many believe that paganism died after Constantine in the third century.  Not so!  It DID recede but the practice of paganism continued in the jungles of Africa and right here in what we now call America, and even in Europe where the practice went, for all intents and purposes, underground. 

Paganism has survived into the 21stcentury.  Not much about it has changed except the name by which it is known today…. environmentalism. It is the worship of the earth.  It is the deification of the planet and raising it up above that which Christians and Jews refer to as God, Jehovah, and Yahweh.  It is, for Christians and Jews, a violation of the First Commandment:  “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” 

Even now, as I write this, I envision modern day Americans bowing down to trees and rocks and rivers and oceans paying homage to Gaia the “earth mother”. How utterly disgusting it is to see grown men and women make complete fools of themselves in pagan worship services on Earth Day.  What makes it truly disturbing is that these same men and women who, on Earth Day bow down to the idols of a false god, a pagan god, Gaia, will rush to church or temple or synagogue on Saturday, or Sunday, and keep a straight face while they go through the motions of worshiping the creator of all this is, seen and unseen.

Yes, the pagans are back from the fringes of society and the shadows of civilization to take advantage of mankind’s deep yearning for something to worship that he, or she, can see and hold and touch and pay tribute to in order to, somehow, redeem himself/herself from whatever his/her, darkest fears happen to be.  They call it environmentalism, but those of us who recognize it for what it is call it by its real name… paganism.

It is important to understand the link between paganism and socialism. Here in America we now have a socialist government, as does much of the rest of the world.  Here’s the link…socialism is the incubator and the nursery for paganism.

You see, America is now in it’s “Post-Christian Era.”   We are no longer a Christian nation. America, today, is, at best, a Socialist/Pagan nation. There is a price America must pay for her failure to live into her promise, to live up to her role as the leader of the world.   

Make no mistake, America forsook her leadership role and joined the mob.  If you have been surprised at the rapidity with which America has crumbled, then you have not been paying attention. Stand-by, for the worst is yet to come. We are only at the cusp of the troubles and tribulations this nation must yet suffer. 

Already, today, I chafe under the yoke of socialism.  The knowledge that the burden is only going to grow heavier makes the chafing even worse. Watching America desperately seeking redemption through the pagan worship of the earth, this oldest of old religions, it occurred to me that, at least here in America, we have finally succeeded in creating God in our own imageand it is an abomination! 

J. D. Longstreet

We Believe It Is Okay To Murder The Child If The Parent Doesn't Want It!

We Believe It Is Okay To Murder The Child If The Parent Doesn't Want It!
By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

Is basically the statement given by Planned Parenthood's lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow when asked if a child is born alive during a botched abortion what should be done with it.  This goes along with the teachings of Planned Parenthood and the writings of Alberto Giubilini of Monash University in Melbourne and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourn.  Professors (and I use the word loosely) Giubilni and Minerva believe that a parent has the right to murder her child until the child reaches the age of 2.  They claim the child is NOT a human and there is no soul.  Now it seems that Planned Parenthood is spouting this idea.
A representative from Planned Parenthood is raising some eyebrows for her response to questioning on Florida legislation that would require baby's born alive during a botched abortion to receive medical care.

Alisa LaPolt Snow, a lobbyist with the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified this week at a committee hearing on the bill, sparking expressions of disbelief when she underscored that such matters be left to the woman, her family and her physician.

"Planned Parenthood condemns any physician who does not follow the law or endangers a woman's or a child's health, but we don't believe that politicians should be the ones who decide what constitutes the best, medically appropriate treatment in any given situation," she said in a prepared statement.

One of the lawmakers asked her what Planned Parenthood's position would be if a baby is born as a result of a botched abortion.

"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family and the physician," she said.

When another lawmaker asks her specifically what Planned Parenthood does when such a scenario happens at its clinics, she said simply, "I do not have that information."

Another lawmaker made the point that the baby born alive would become a patient as well, not just the mother.

"That's a very good question," Snow said. "I really don't know how to answer that."

She had said earlier that Planned Parenthood's primary objection to the legislation is that it doesn't include a "neutrality clause" that would make clear it does not change the legal status of a baby before being born alive.

Has anyone else noticed that this debate is going from aborting children before birth to now murdering children after they are born?  And at what age do we consider the child "Human"?At what age does their murder become a crime?    2? 12?  21?  50? A week ago a pair of teens shot a 13 month old little boy in the head, killing him.  Today they are charged with murder.  If Alisa LaPolt Snow and Planned Parenthood have their way, they would be given medals and a monetary reward.

I fear this is the next "right" that the Sandra Flukes and Planned Parenthood cronies will impose upon us.  And I can just hear Satan laughing his head off.

Unbelievable!... At Least for Me

Unbelievable!...  At Least for Me
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Dr. Benjamin Carson, a world renowned neurosurgeon. A man whose character and integrity has heretofore been unquestioned. A man who quite possibly has given the world more than any number of less capable individuals ever has or ever could.

Because of ill advised remarks on gay marriage (ill advised from the PC perspective anyway) Dr. Carson has come under fire by progressives. Because of this he has apologized for his remarks. Even though I personally disagree with his remarks I wish he had not apologized for his beliefs.

Clarifying the meaning of his remarks for those who failed to understand them is fine. Something that occurs throughout the day across the USA in schools, businesses, and in the homes of families everyday.

The fine Doctor and Surgeon is not a politician. He represents no constituency. His entire adult life has been about finding ways to improve the human condition and the preservation of life. We should have nothing but admiration for this man.

THE BALTIMORE SUN - Dr. Benjamin Carson, the famed Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, apologized Friday for his "choice of words" and use of examples in discussing gay marriage on Fox News earlier in the week.

During Sean Hannity's show on Tuesday, when asked about the matter before the Supreme Court, Carson said, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."

The comparison of gays to members of the North American Boy/Man Love Association and those who engage in bestiality set off a backlash of criticism in the media, online and on campus. There is now a petition circulating at Johns Hopkins Medical to have Carson removed as commencement speaker in May at the School of Medicine.

"I think people have completely taken the wrong meaning out of what I was saying," the 61-year-old surgeon said in a telephone interview Friday. "First of all, I certainly believe gay people should have all the rights that anybody else has. What I was basically saying is that as far as marriage is concerned that has traditionally been between a man and a woman and nobody should be able to change that."

"Now perhaps the examples were not the best choice of words, and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone," he added. "But the point that I was making was that no group of individuals, whoever they are, whatever their belief systems, gets to change traditional definitions. The reason I believe the way I do, I will readily confess, is because I am a Christian who believes in The Bible."

The Bible, he explained, "...says we have an obligation to love our fellow man as ourselves, and I love everybody the same -- all homosexuals. Everybody who knows me knows I would never say anything to intentionally hurt someone."

Given the "if I offended anyone" tone and language of the apology, it will be interesting to see how it's received. I hope readers will weigh in here.

The Sun has also obtained a copy of the petition aimed at getting Carson, who is on the eve of retirement this spring, removed as a speaker at the School of Medicine graduation ceremonies in May.

"At the time of his nomination, Dr. Carson was known to most of us as a world-class neurosurgeon and passionate advocate for education," the petition says. "Many of us had read his books and looked up to him as a role model in our careers. Since then, however, several public events have cast serious doubt on the appropriateness of having Dr. Carson speak at our graduation. If you believe he is an inappropriate choice of speaker at a ceremony intended to celebrate the achievements of our class please complete the petition below."

When asked about the petition Friday, Carson told the Sun, "I've caught wind of it and I've sent back a message that this is their graduation, their big day, and if they think me being there is going to be a problem, I am happy to withdraw." {Read More}

We see how the progressive and closed minded at the university has reacted. Dr. Carson, in his response to the graduating class displayed both humility and class.

Lets just chalk it up to youthful intolerance and hope the 2013 graduating class grows up.

Via: Memeorandum

The Korean Penisula... The Next Military Engagement?

by:Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Is it surprising... I mean really?

As tensions on the Korean Peninsula heat up the Obama administration responds just as the GWB's administration would have, as well as all prior U.S administrations would likely have responded. No surprise because standing behind alliances is what America does.

The maniacal North Korean leadership has responded in a fashion that fuels concern, and the possibility of further hostilities. Up to and including a strike on the U.S. mainland. In fact (based on the following report) North Korean leadership has stated exactly that. We'll have to wait to see.

Should such a thing actually occur I personally am comfortable that the current President would take decisive and appropriate action in response. We all of course are hopeful this does not occur.

NK News – North Korea News - South Korean intelligence agencies have spotted increased activity on North Korean mid-to-long range missile platforms, an unnamed official told Yonhap in Seoul: “We are closely watching for the possibility of a missile launch,” the anonymous government source said.

Kim Jong Un signed off on a plan to ready his forces to target the U.S. mainland and American bases in East Asia following yesterday’s U.S.-led B-2 stealth bomber runs, the KCNA reported after the North Korean military conveyed an “emergency meeting” in the early hours of this morning.

In a photo published in the Korea Worker’s Party (KWP) paper the Rodong, plans for a strike on the U.S. mainland are clearly –and therefore probably deliberately– visible. The newspaper is widely distributed in cities, and often displayed in public places for easy viewing.

“He finally signed the plan on technical preparations of strategic rockets, ordering them to be on standby to fire so that they may strike any time the U.S. mainland, its military bases in the operational theaters in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in south Korea,” a KCNA report in English said.

Skip... For Photos and specifics Click Here.

“All the available technical evidence suggests that the North’s claims to be able to hit (let alone target precisely) geographical sites in the United States are highly implausible,” John Swenson-Wright, senior lecturer in East Asian International Relations at the University of Cambridge told NK NEWS.

“It seems reasonable to suppose that the target map is designed for home consumption and to create an impression of war-readiness for DPRK-citizens that is part of a wider policy of strengthening national resolve,” Swenson-Wright added. If the marks on the map are intended to demonstrate the flight path of a missile, they would most likely not be straight.

The development appears to be a tit-for-tat response to a U.S. stealth bomber training run Thursday that saw two B-2’s fly from Missouri to drop ordinance on an island in the southern half of the Korean peninsula. U.S. officials said the flights were not designed to raise tensions, but reduce them by bolstering deterrence in face of North Korea’s recent vitriolic provocations.

However, North Korea sees ongoing U.S. military drills as part of a plot to conduce a full-scale nuclear invasion of their country. This week, Pyongyang put its military on the highest level of alert possible and cut a second military hotline. A KCNA report published earlier today added to tensions by saying that the North Korean military was preparing to “blow up the strongholds of aggression…through precision strikes no matter where they are.”

Observers worry that, with tensions running high and two new leaders in Pyongyang and Seoul, there is significant potential for escalation in the event of military confrontation. Both Kim Jong Un and Park Geun-hye are under domestic pressure to show strong and decisive leadership in the face of each other’s threats, and a lack of direct communication between the two sides is worrying for some.

Could Korea be our next engagement? Being the policeman of the world insures we will continue to be engaged around the world as dictated by alliances signed many years ago both preceding and following WW II and the Cold War.

Indeed we are obligated to honor our agreements. Ill advised or not. Hindsight at best gives us the opportunity of not repeating errors of the past.

If anyone is actually paying attention.

Via: Memeorandum

What Should We Cut USA?

Check out the video, 

Clear picture of why the USA will never balance the budget.  

The Sheeple want cuts in the budget.. 
but they cant think of a department? Go Figure.

Why not the Defense Budget, 

"Bill Maher stated We spend more on defense than the next 17 nations combined. Our Navy is bigger than the next 11 Navies combined. Do we need this much?"

And Almost all of them Are Allies In Defense!

The Beauty, and Danger of Selective Quoting...

The Beauty, and Danger of Selective Quoting...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Oops, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) selectively quoted President Abraham Lincoln when speaking of the imposing national debt. Lincoln, back in the days of a significantly more limited government, a much smaller economy, and a smaller population it seems had to deal with fiscal realities similar to those are facing today. Albeit certainly not on such a grand scale.

Although it is done all the time, selective quoting that is, the liberal biased media, in this case the Huffington Post, was quick to point out that Lincoln at the time also called for a tax increase or tariff (revenue enhancement) to balance the books and set the fiscal ship right.

The Huffington Post - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) quotes Abraham Lincoln in a memo released Thursday as warning of debt, but ignores the former president's call for a tax or tariff.

The messaging to House Republicans quotes Lincoln expressing concern over debt:

"The book Congressman Lincoln by Chris DeRose, which I recently read, includes a chapter focused on Abraham Lincoln’s efforts to help craft a new national agenda. At one point in the book, young Lincoln warns that government debt is “growing with a rapidity fearful to contemplate.”

“[Government debt] is a system not only ruinous while it lasts, but one that must soon fail and leave us destitute,” Lincoln warns his countrymen in Congressman Lincoln. “An individual who undertakes to live by borrowing, soon finds his original means devoured by interest, and next no one left to borrow from –- so must it be with a government.”

Lincoln’s words ring true today, perhaps to a degree greater than ever before."

Lincoln, however, while warning of debt, also said that the debt had been created by the unwillingness to consider new revenue.

"By this means a new national debt has been created, and is still growing on us with a rapidity fearful to contemplate -- a rapidity only reasonably to be expected in time of war. This state of things has been produced by a prevailing unwillingness either to increase the tariff or resort to direct taxation. But the one or the other must come," Lincoln wrote in the Whig Circular in 1843.

Boehner and House Republicans are unwilling to consider revenue to solve the cuts put in place by sequestration. "The president got his tax hikes on January 1. The talk about raising revenue is over. It’s time to deal with the spending problem," the House speaker said in a recent interview with ABC News.

In his writing, Lincoln goes further, calling for a direct tax or tariff. "We repeat, then, that a tariff sufficient for revenue, or a direct tax, must soon be resorted to; and, indeed, we believe this alternative is now denied by no one," he wrote. Lincoln then goes onto debate the various merits and pitfalls of establishing a direct tax versus increasing tariffs. {Read More}

I remain a small government Classical Liberal (that what the founders were) that believe we must act in a fiscally responsible way to keep the fiscal ship solvent and afloat, with a course set to insure prosperity for future generations of United States Citizens.

The rEpublicans need to recognizes that the mess we find ourselves in is one of our own making. The size of the debt and the amount of the annual deficits cannot be reversed and the books balanced by budget cuts alone. Cuts are absolutely necessary, but alone will not carry the nation out of its bone crushing national debt.

Simpson-Bowles had it right, and they were ignored by both parties largely for political reasons. This is unfortunate for the fiscal health of the nations and ultimately for it's people.

Just one more thing. Size and scope of government is, as I've come to understand a relative state. Think about it rEpublicans.

Via: Memeorandum