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au natural

Who's excited to start another week? Anyone? Yeah, me neither. It was another busy one around here and I could use a day or two to recover. A girl can dream.

Last week I started another refinishing project (I'll share details when its a bit further along) and it got me thinking about furniture in its natural state. No paint, just a bit of stain and a whole lot of beauty. Crazy, I know.

Now don't get me wrong, I love painted furniture as much as the next gal (as I've proven here, here and here) but I think every room can benefit from at least one piece of good old wood.


How about you? Do you have any 'wood' around the house? Do you like yours stained dark, light or with a side of ketchup?

Syria is a "NO Win" for the US ... J. D. Longstreet

Syria is a "NO Win" for the US   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Syria is a "NO Win" for the US
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Don't know about you, but I haven't lost a cotton-picking thing in Syria! And I am not eager to have the US become entangled in another Middle Eastern civil war in which there are NO GOOD GUYS!

Involvement in the Syrian mess is a no win situation for the US. Any faction we back has the potential to turn the arms we provide them on us -- now or later.

The first thing the White House ought to do, it seems to me, is shut up!  Obama should stop creating so-called "red lines," "lines in the sand,"  and "game changer" scenarios. 

Assad is not afraid of Obama. Hardly anybody is, for that matter.  He is seen world wide as a motor-mouth with no spine to back up his threats.

Obama's pronouncements of future action in Syria are not taken seriously -- and with good reason. His empty threats are now seen as more comical than serious.   Frankly, it makes America look bad internationally, and it embarrasses many of us here at home.

Worst still, it nullifies America's implied power abroad.  Our allies look at us and wonder if we can be trusted any longer.  America's word is in question. To this ole southern boy it is worst, even, than that.  It means our HONOR is in question.

When one looks objectively at the Syrian mess, there simply are no good options for America. 

As the well qualified "armchair general" that I am, I an say without hesitation I see no way to "win" in Syria.  It looks, for all the world, like another Iraq and another Afghanistan.  The scenario I see is that we'd send in thousands of US troops (and materiel), and months, or years, later we leave having spent gobs of our treasure and gallons of our blood only to have Syria revert right back to the mess it is in currently -- even before the dust of our last exiting deuce-and-a-half has settled.

Gone are the days when the American military would land on the beaches of Syria and drive inwards all the way to he borders of Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, cutting down all before it like a scythe.  That's not going to happen. 

If there is military operations against Syria, it will probably be in the form of cruise missiles lobed from ships standing well out in the Mediterranean Sea so as not to come in contact with Russian warships anchored or cruising just off Syria's shoreline.

There is considerable talk of imposing a "no-fly" zone over a part or parts of Syria.  As I understand it, this would create humanitarian zones in hopes that the Syria refugees now flooding surround countries could stay in relative safety inside their own country without fear of being shot or strafed from the air, bombarded by artillery, or fired upon by missile and rocket firing combat helicopters.

Establishing no-fly zones is not easy. It entails dong extensive damage to the target country's air defense system, likely its air force, most certainly bombing air fields and landing strips and shooting down Syrian aircraft in the air and on the ground, and even clearing and maintaining an artillery free zone for more than a score of miles around the designated humanitarian zone.

And the maintenance of the no fly zone would be extraordinarily expensive for it requires twenty-four hour a day air patrols to insure that, indeed, nothing flies in than zone other than approved aircraft.  It is NOT an easy task.

The US is the world's premier breaking and entering military.  In our own form of blitzkrieg, or "lightening war," we have the ability along with the equipment and the combat tested and hardened troops to smash our way into a country swiftly and violently.

The real warriors in the US military will tell you that imposing a no fly zone anywhere over Syria will, no doubt, be answered by Assad's military, which will then have to be dealt with.  That may, very well, entail US boots on the ground and what every US commander hates -- "mission creep."  Next thing you know, we are in a full blown war in Syria with no pre-planned end game in place.

Taking out, or securing Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons wold be a nightmare.  It would require thousands of US troops on the ground searching for those chemical weapons, which Intel informs has been moved to various locations in the country. 

And what about a coalition of like minded countries joining America in Syria?  Well, according to our newly minted Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel,  there is no appetite for any such coalition at present.  His exact words reportedly were:  "no international or regional consensus on supporting armed intervention now exists."

The British and the French can usually be counted on to watch our backs and, I expect, they'd be right in there with us.  But there is a strong possibility they would be it so far as a coalition is concerned.

It is clear America is edging ever closer to a reluctant military involvement in Syria and this commentator is not convinced the American people are with the President if, that is, he actually does decide to commit militarily to Syria.  I know at least one commentator who is certainly not ready for another Middle Eastern War unless, of course, it is with Iran.

Iran is a whole "nuther story" for another day.

© J. D. Longstreet

Wild Bill for America "Little Less Talk, Lot More Action"

A call to action by from that believe in Freedom and Truth.

Details from my closet: Spring inspiration

my NEW Celine espadrilles 

DELPOZO 2013 Collection- daily inspiration-

Springboard  collage inspiration on the wall

MeChar clutch

Boucheron  parfume cream (one of my favorite)

Fuzzy bag:)

 my DIY necklaces

On Sundays I always like to take photos of little details and things that inspires me... so here are some photos that I took during this month, another round of "details from my closet "( you also can see HERE , HERE and HERE details from my closet from the past).

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone and thank you for your visit!

Is Abortion Murder? ... J. D. Longstreet

Is Abortion Murder?   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Is Abortion Murder?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


To many Americans abortion is an offense so serious that capital punishment would be considered appropriate.

Of course, it must be against the law first -- and it isn't.

Personally, I simply cannot think of a deed more dastardly, more evil, more repulsive than deliberately killing babies.

In the Scriptures, if someone injured a pregnant women so severely that the infant inside her died, that person's life was taken -- even though it may have been an accident.

"It is unconscionable that 1.3 million unborn and even born babies are murdered annually in America. To put this atrocity into perspective, 1.3 million is even more than the number of Jews the Nazis gassed annually during the Holocaust."  SOURCE:  http://www.godvoter.org/abortion-bible-verses.html

My personal feelings on the matter are these: I do not support abortion, except in the case of incest, rape, or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy.  In the case of incest and rape, if the mother does not wish to keep the child then, I would prefer the child be given up for adoption rather than aborted. 

"Rape and incest deserve one further note: They (thank God) represent a relatively uncommon cause of pregnancy - and figure in less than 2 percent of abortions. The other 98 percent are done for the sake of convenience (not that of the baby). Abortion represents the most common surgical procedure performed in America today."  SOURCE:  http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Abortion%20is%20Murder/physician_explains.htm 

Did you know the term "Murder" applies only to humans?  You cannot "murder" any other species on the planet.  You can kill them, you can slaughter them, but you cannot murder them. Why is that? 

Well, let's begin at the beginning... in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

Genesis chapter 9, verse 6, says the following: "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man."

It is obvious, then, that a human life is precious in the sight of God.  The life of a totally innocent baby, I would think, would be super-precious in the eyes of the Creator of all life.

All murders are homicide, but not all homicides are murder.  Homicide defined is:  The killing of a human being by another human being. 

An accidental killing of one human by another is homicide, but it is not murder.  The intentional killing of a human by another human is also homicide, but as the act was intentional, it is, therefore, murder.

I believe that human life begins at the moment of conception.  It is an article of faith for me.  I cannot prove that life begins at that instant, but, I BELIEVE that it does. It is MY  unshakable belief without need for proof or evidence.

More than 50 million babies have been slaughtered since the US Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade back in 1973.  Nobody even really talks that much about this issue anymore.  For many it is NOT an issue and for those for whom it IS an issue, there are the threats, spoken and unspoken, to motivate them to remain silent and/or hold their peace.
"A Department of Homeland Security report that was released in January 2012 says that if you are “anti-abortion”, you are a potential terrorist.  Unfortunately, there have also been other government reports that have also identified “anti-abortion” protesters as potential threats."  SOURCE:  http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/19-facts-about-abortion-in-america-that-should-make-you-very-sick

Today America has become a vast "killing field" where the blood of innocents has been, and continues to be, spilled my the millions. Call it infanticide, if you will, but it has become a full blown massacre. The blood of those innocents has stained America with an eternal guilt that can never be cleansed from our nation's soul.

Consider this:  "America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father's role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts -- a child -- as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters.

And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign."
  -- Mother Teresa

I repeat, the stain on America's soul is indelible.  There will be a day of reckoning from which we cannot escape.

© J. D. Longstreet

Floral meets Leather

Just a casual outfit for a busy day but still with my trademark by injecting a popping color here and there( BLUE color this time). Actually this time is a bitter- sweet combination of styles: floral girly tunic shirt meets masculine military jacket and this is the result!
Have  a wonderful and relaxing weekend everyone!

                                                                               Cuff bracelet: thanks to COOEE.seHere
                                                                               Jacket: thanks to Tokyo LaundryHere
                                                                               Tunic shirt: Zara
                                                                               Pants: H&M/ I love this pair too Here
                                                                               Shoes: thanks to PersunMallHere
                                                                               Sunglasses: Ray Ban/ Here
                                                                               Bag: c/o PLNDR

Rep. Louie and the Fear Propagators ...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

Louie Gohmert - One Scary Idiot
As it goes Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is one slightly unbalanced and therefore rather disturbing individual. His "way out in left field" claim that President Obama's administration has Muslim Brotherhood members is, IMNHO opinion based on one of two things. The fact "good ole Louie" is incapable of accepting we have a mixed race President, or he is simply stirring the pot of fear. Much like Senator McCarthy did in a bygone era.

In either case he is doing a great disservice to the American public. As a fiscally conservative social Libertarian I challenge the fear mongering right to provide some significant evidence in support of the delusions they would have us all accept as factual reality.

TPM - Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went after the Obama administration's handling of the Boston Marathon bombing investigation in a radio interview Thursday -- and along the way he claimed that Muslim Brotherhood members are in the administration and influencing its decisions.

"It's very clear to everybody but this administration that radical Islam is at war against us," Gohmert told WND Radio. "And I’m hoping either this administration will wake up or a new one will come in at the next election before irreparable damage is done. Because radical Islam is at war with us. Thank God for the moderates who don't approve of what's being done. But this administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.”

Gohmert cited the Benghazi attack, Algeria hostage crisis and the recent Boston Marathon bombings as examples of the administration's pattern of incompetence. One of the Boston bombing suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was added to two U.S. government watch lists, according to the New York Times. He was also interviewed by the FBI, but was ultimately cleared of any suspected connections to extremist groups.

Gohmert isn't the first Republican to claim that members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the U.S. government. Back in July 2012, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) led the charge, pointing a finger at top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Bachmann's accusations were widely condemned at the time.

Note the "news source" Louie Gohmert is using for his avenue of distorted reality. Nuff said?

Listen to Rep. Gohmert's interview HERE.

Via: Memeorandum


if it's pretty it's on instagram

As we prep for another weekend (thank the heavens) I wanted to make sure you are all aware of some series eye candy going down on Instagram. I know you are told this all the time but if you are not on Instagram yet, you need to be.

And when you get on there and set up your account start the party with these three. They have been making me all kinds of giddy as of late.

Parker Kennedy Living
They took the most insane pictures at High Point. Wicked good people.

Grant K Gibson
He has a way of taking beautiful shots of ordinary things and he goes such wonderful places. Living vicariously. And side note -he totes loves my green couch (he 'hearted' the picture on my Instagram). We are so gonna be besties.

Rethink Design Studio
An amazing design firm in Savannah that does a lot of historical work. One day when I get my old river house, I'm calling them.

So am I right or what? And make sure to follow me (@littleblackdoor) too. We'll totally hang out. It'll be a ball.

And don't forget to head over to the Simply Baby's spring blog party today. My fellow style contributor and blog buddy Tiffany Leigh is featured today and she's got great things up her sleeve. And look forward to these style contributors in the weeks to come too.

Any good plans this weekend? Share them with me...on Instagram.