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Painful Possibilities of Obamacare ... J. D. Longstreet

Painful Possibilities of Obamacare   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Painful Possibilities of Obamacare
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


In an article at http://www.express.co.uk  we learn the following:

"THOUSANDS of Britons are carrying out DIY (Do It Yourself)  dentistry, pulling their own teeth with pliers and using household glue to stick down fillings.

Unable to afford soaring charges, almost a fifth of people have all but given up going to their dentist, the Sunday Express has discovered.

There has been a surge in sales of dental kits at pharmacies including chemicals to whiten teeth.

Experts say that up to 200,000 DIY dentists risk injuring themselves and missing out on potentially life-saving check-ups.

Up to a third of adults no longer have an NHS (National Health Service)  dentist, according to the latest figures.

Gulf War veteran Ian Boynton, 46, from Woodmansey, East Yorkshire, pulled out 13 of his teeth with pliers because he was in agony and could not find an NHS (National Health Service) dentist to treat him.

In another case a 46-year-old man from Wandsworth, south London, needed major surgery after he stuck a crown into his mouth with super glue which rotted the bone in his gum.

Other DIY dentists have whitened teeth with household cleaning products and popped ulcers with pins."
  SOURCE:  http://www.express.co.uk/news/health/399032/Now-we-pull-out-our-own-teeth-Boom-in-DIY-dental-kits-as-patients-cannot-afford-NHS-fees

Is this where Obamacare will eventually take American health care?  I believe it is.

I am asked, occasionally, why I still harp on Obamacare so much. The answer is simple.  America was sold a bill of goods. I should probably qualify that last statement.  Only those Americans who bought into the idea of Obamacare, as Obama and the liberal-socialists who make up the modern Democratic Party presented it, were hoodwinked.  Most clear-thinking adult human beings saw through the scam from the beginning and warned and warned and WARNED against it.  We TOLD you what it was -- and is -- and we told you what it would do to America, as a whole, and to you and I as individuals.

Obamacare is a lie, dear reader, one of the biggest lies ever told the American people and one of the biggest lies/hoaxes ever perpetrated upon any nation on the globe. It was -- and is -- a grand “CON.”  It is founded on Marxism and is, in fact, Socialism. But it is more than that – much more.  It brings America to the threshold of becoming a police state.

Oh, uh, gun owners... you're not going to like Obamacare.   Here's why.  Under Obamacare there is a strong likelihood that if you own a gun you will not get healthcare insurance.

Far-fetched, you say?  Maybe.  Before you decide definitively for yourself, check out this article at the Washington Times entitled "U.S. quietly begins to study gun safety."  You'll find it here:   http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/oct/19/nih-funds-study-of-teen-firearms/?page=all 

 And then read this article entitled:  "Stealth Agencies for Gun Control" at:  http://karendecoster.com/stealth-agencies-for-gun-control.html

Why would the national HEALTH agency (NIH) be studying gun control issues or any issue having to do with guns?  I mean, after all -- it is a HEALTH agency, right? Their intention, I believe, is to fix solidly in the collective mind of the public that guns (and gun control) is actually, a HEALTH issue.  It's a lie, of course.  But tell a lie long enough and people begin to believe it.

With the extension of government control into the everyday lives of American citizens, which Obamacare will certainly do, it will provide the perfect vehicle for gun control. 
By establishing gun violence as a health issue it will fall within the purview of the universal health care laws.  Once that is done, it is a very simple step, indeed, to declare that an Obamacare Policy holder who owns guns, even for self-protection in the home, does not qualify for national healthcare.  Turn in your guns and get your healthcare, or keep your guns and don’t get healthcare. 

Wait a minute! It will be against the law not to have healthcare, so you must turn in your guns or be fined, and not have healthcare, or heavens forbid, go to jail and not have healthcare… or simply turn in your guns and have healthcare and all is well.  See?  Is it clear now? 

OK. So maybe not. But I think you begin to understand why it has gun owners across the nation, and a few in Congress worried.

Here's a snippet from the article by Karen De Coster we mentioned above:  “But in the end, even the CDC couldn’t make its research work in favor of its agenda. Its own studies could not link gun control laws to the reduction of crime. Nevertheless, any time the government studies “gun safety,” you know that in spite of the fact that all the research in the world will not support its end goal of the necessity of disarmament, the aim is to produce enough information, studies, and opinions to influence the public against gun ownership and persuade them to internalize the emotional aspect of the issue, thereby leading them to despise guns, distrust gun owners, and desire more government intervention to make gun ownership more difficult.

The anti-gun movement is built on pure emotion – hating guns and being afraid of guns – so building perception among the masses through fear mongering and emotional coercion is much more essential, and uncomplicated, than actually proving a hard case through a mishmash of statistics.”

Obamacare is the law of the land.  Until we have a veto proof conservative Congress, or a conservative controlled Congress AND President, we have no hope of riding ourselves of this plague. The best we can hope for is that the Republican House of Representatives will "starve" Obamacare by cutting off funds for various elements of the law, or at least decreasing funding for it.

Obamacare is ALL about POWER for the government and SERFDOM for the American people.  It always has been.

In the past few weeks and months we have seen State legislatures reassert themselves as sovereign states and begin to nullify federal laws within their states as my native state of South Carolina did just days ago. It won't work, of course, because of the "Supremacy Clause" of the US Constitution, but it allows the states to state publicly -- and for the record -- where they stand on Obamacare. And another thing:  It demonstrates to the world, just exactly where those states stand in the fight for the preservation of freedom in America. 

It is going to get a lot uglier, dear reader, when the federal government decides it must use force to motivate the states to obey those laws the states say are unconstitutional. But, just as we warned way back in 2007 and 2008, THIS is what a nation gets when it opts for socialism and elects a socialist as President and hands over the reins of the Congress to socialists as well.

Ready to do something about it?  Keep the pressure on your Congressperson and your Senators. Hold their feet to the fire. There's an election coming in November of 2014 a little over a year and a half from right now.  Let them know you will be voting for the candidate supporting the repeal of Obamacare.  Be ready.

© J. D. Longstreet

The mood: Neon & Stripes

 Stripes and a burst of neon colors is a combination seen more and more lately; I just love this fusion and I enjoy wearing it over and over again. The brighter the better- this is a rule that I follow and it gives me a great mood :)
Have a wonderful Sunday and a great new week!

                                                                                 Pants: J Crew/ option Here
                                                                                 Pointed-Toe shoes: Zara/ a great version Here 
                                                                                 Bag: vintage
                                                                                 Bangle bracelet: Marni/ I also love this one Here
                                                                                 Top: vintage/ option Here 
                                                                                 Sunglasses: Foster Grant/ similar Here 

The Gray Riders Remain ... J. D. Longstreet

The Gray Riders Remain   ...   J. D. Longstreet
The Gray Riders Remain
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The Confederate Soldier has been slandered and libeled for 150 years.  Those who would drag his name through the muck and mire are still at it… full throttle.

Organizations who claim roots to slavery in this country (whether their ancestors arrived before, or after, 1865, it doesn’t seem to matter) deride the SCV and that beautiful old battlefield emblem the Confederate Battle Flag.

It would seem that the truth doesn’t matter. Their hatred for all things Confederate even includes some of their own ancestors, as it is a fact that African-Americans served in the armed forces of the Confederacy.  We know this.  We can prove this.  But try to convince the campus elite who gain favor with minorities for lambasting all things Southern.  The fact that blacks served in the Confederate armed forces can be documented… means nothing.  They have made up their minds and we have been unable to dent their armor of ignorance.

There is hardly a day that goes by that we don’t hear of, or read of, an incident involving a Confederate symbol of some kind, which has offended somebody.   Our limp wristed, jello-spined, politicians come down on the side of the complainant rather than on the side of truth.  That leaves the southerner, the direct ancestors of the brave men of the Confederacy, to slowly twist in the wind, as we become targets for the real bigots and the real racists in America today.

When I was a boy there was a popular song with these lyrics:  “Save your Confederate money boys, the South’s gonna rise, again!”  Well, the South has risen again.  Today the South is arguably the most prosperous part of the country.  Very much as it was in the 1850’s the South has come under fire again, as a result of envy.  Other Americans are jealous of our prosperity, even of our mild climate, of our tenacious hold on our history and our honor.
We have thousands of visitors to this fair part of the USA from “other” parts of the country.  Unfortunately, they do not return the courtesy, nor the hospitality, offered them, here, by the native Southerners.

Look, down here, if you go… to visit another man… in his house… you don’t criticize the furnishings of that home.  You don’t complain when he says grace over his food and invokes the blessings of God on his family and the guests in his home.  You don’t complain about the way he does things, or doesn’t do things.  We Southerners understand that a person’s home is his, well, his HOME.  We keep any complaints we have to ourselves.

Unfortunately, the influx of “others” into our fair homeland has brought clash after clash as the visitors complain about nearly everything Southern.  The question immediately comes to mind; if they are so dissatisfied with the way we do things here… why did they come down here to begin with?

The thing that really burns me up is that a good number of Southerners who have been indoctrinated in our schools and universities will agree with them.  These mis-led Southerners don’t know their history.  They don’t know who they are.   They have no appreciation for the trials and tribulations the South has met, head on, and triumphed over.

All they know about the so-called “Civil War” is that the North was good and the South was bad because the South had slaves.  Nobody bothered to tell them, during that expensive education their Southern parents paid for, that Slavery was LEGAL… that the North had slaves, too.  Nobody bothered to tell them that the north controlled the slave industry out of the New England states with their fleets of slave ships and their hundreds of rum distilleries which produced the rum with which they purchased the slaves from other Africans, and Arabs, in Africa.  They don’t know how the South was bled nearly dry, by the Federal government, to keep the US afloat economically. 

The story is told that when a politician asked Lincoln why he didn’t just let the South go, he replied:  “but who would pay for the government!”

As the years go by and we become more distant from the great War for Southern Independence, as the intellectuals on our college campuses re-write history to suit themselves, and as the Politically Correct crowd continues to push their agenda to trivialize all things Southern, we are losing sight of our Southern heroes. Their historic deeds are being buried. Our Southern icons, such as the Confederate Battle Flag, are being hidden from public sight. The old song Dixie can no longer be sung in public.

Things have surely changed. I can remember that as a lad in High school, on Friday nights, when the community gathered at the local High School for the weekly football game, the crowd would stand as the Star Spangled Banner was played by the school band   and the crowd would remain standing as the wonderful song “Dixie” was followed hot on the heels of the first national anthem.  Then a great round of applause would roll through the stadium and the game would begin.

Many Southern schools, today, forbid the wearing of any piece of clothing with a Confederate icon -- of any kind -- on it. 

Just a few hundred yards from one such Southern high school is a mass grave of American Revolutionary soldiers massacred by the British Cavalry Commander Banastre Tarleton as they dared to fight the British Crown for our right to free speech.  It is a right those men, who were the grandfathers of the Confederate soldiers, were willing to die for.  It is  a right denied us, as ancestors of the Confederate soldier, today -- AND -- a right those kids, (just down the road from that huge mound which holds the remains of the men who were willing to fight and die for that freedom) are not allowed in order to express their pride in their heritage.

Please remember THAT when you open your news papers and see that another southern child has been sent home from school for wearing a piece of apparel with a Confederate flag on it.  Remember THAT when your see the Confederate Battle Flag removed from State House domes. Remember it when you see Confederate Battle Flags flying over the graves of Confederate Veterans ordered taken down.  I beg you… do not turn away when these things happen. Let your voice be heard.  It is our Southern Heroes whose honor is being denigrated.  It is our family they are calling traitors.  It is our great grandfather, or great, great grandfather, they slander in this way.

On behalf of all those men lying in forgotten graves, in small family cemeteries, all over the Southland and those buried in the finest cemeteries in the South, I thank the SCV for not forgetting.  I thank the SCV for not allowing our heritage to be taken away from us.  I thank the SCV for demonstrating, to the world, that the Southern spirit still lives in our hearts.  For we will not bend, and we will not bow, but we will hold our heads high as proud Sons of the South, as Sons of Confederate Veterans, as proud descendents of those men who wore the gray.    Remember them always, for they are our family.

The unknown poet has said:

“The Gray Riders are gone, yet they remain
 asleep in our soil, and alive in our veins!
 Untouched by the fire, untouched by the frost,
they whisper within us…. OUR CAUSE IS NOT LOST!”

© J. D. Longstreet

Damage Control???...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton take part in the Transfer of Remains Ceremony marking the return to the United States of the remains of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya.

It ain't a cover up but...
Mother Jones - The latest revelations about the Benghazi talking points—as opposed to what actually happened at the US diplomatic facility at Benghazi, where four Americans died—do not back up Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham's hyperbolic and absurd claim that the Benghazi controversy is Obama's Watergate. But neither are they nothing.

As ABC News reported on Friday morning, the most discussed talking points in US diplomatic history were revised multiple times before being passed to UN Ambassador Susan Rice prior to her appearances last September on Sunday talk shows. The revisions—which deleted several lines noting that the CIA months before the attack had produced intelligence reports on the threat of Al Qaeda-linked extremists in Benghazi—appear to have been driven by State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland, who, it should be noted, is a career Foggy Bottomer who has served Republican and Democratic administrations, not a political appointee. Her motive seems obvious: fend off a CIA CYA move that could make the State Department look lousy. (The other major deletion concerned three sentences about a possible link between the attack and Ansar al-Sharia, an Al Qaeda-affiliated group; last November, David Petraeus, the former CIA chief, testified that this information was removed from the talking points in order to avoid tipping off the group.)

But here's the problem for the White House: It was part of the interagency process in which State sought to downplay information that might have raised questions about its preattack performance. That's a minor sin (of omission). Yet there's more: On November 28, White House spokesman Jay Carney said, "Those talking points originated from the intelligence community. They reflect the IC's best assessments of what they thought had happened. The White House and the State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two institutions were changing the word 'consulate' to 'diplomatic facility because 'consulate' was inaccurate."

Assuming the talking points revisions released by ABC News are accurate—and the White House has not challenged them—Carney's statement was not correct. {Read More}

Damage Control? You be the ultimate judge.

Via: Memeorandum

"Secular Bull Market in Equities" (Musical Tribute)

I heard this quote on CNBC today and there was more head nodding than I could stomach. Apparently the financial "experts" have not yet heard that the 1980s and 1990s are actually over.

The following chart shows the S&P 500 index adjusted for inflation (March 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

The next chart shows real wage and salary disbursements per capita (March 2013 dollars).

Click to enlarge.

Red exponential style trend lines in both charts were generated using an artistic license. Good enough for government work! In any event, both trends have failed spectacularly. I would argue that neither are in any condition to resume their former trends over the long-term. Put another way, I have absolutely no desire to invest in the stock market after it has cyclically doubled. Call me crazy if you must.

As a side note, real wages per capita tend to rise during economic recoveries as more people get put back to work. As seen in the chart above, I guess this recovery is special though. And when I say special, I actually mean FUBAR. If real wages per capita cannot rise during this expansion then what will they do during the next contraction? Don't answer. It's rhetorical. Sigh.

The 1980s and 1990s really are over. This is not a popular theory on CNBC. Perhaps it is because CNBC was launched on April 17, 1989. They may not know financial value but perhaps they do know sentimental value. I'm certainly teared up just thinking about the one hit wonders of the 1980s.

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live in cars

As seen in the following link, the future is now.

December 25, 2012
Program to help homeless living in cars off to slow, steady start

In the year since Seattle launched the Safe Parking pilot project for homeless people living in their cars, just two churches have opened their parking lots, providing a total of seven spaces. But the city is expanding the project and hopes to provide more services.

And lastly, The Market Ticker has an interesting take on what the S&P 500's dividend yield will get you over the long-term.

The S&P 500's dividend yield is down to 2.03%. May I also remind everyone that the only actual long-term value in common equity is in fact the dividend cash flow off that equity since all companies eventually cease to exist. Think I'm wrong? Where's RCA, a powerhouse that would never die? Uh huh. There are thousands more just like them.

That was certainly true where I once worked. Sierra Entertainment was founded in 1979. It was "aborted and shut down" in 2009. It only survived 30 years. I'm not sure why the word "aborted" was needed when "shut down" would seem to suffice. But then again, I left as a rat would leave a sinking ship in 1999. I can certainly empathize with the sentiment. Sigh.

See Also:
Sarcasm Disclaimer

Source Data:
St. Louis Fed: Custom Wage Chart
St. Louis Fed: Custom S&P 500 Chart

The Watchful Eye of Uncle Sam...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
erty -vs- Tyranny

File Photo

As to be expected the IRS targeting conservative political groups, Tea Party activists, and patriots during the 2012 election cycle to see if they were in violation of their status as tax exempt organizations. Certainly inappropriate if as appears to be the case liberal groups failed to undergo the same scrutiny.

Following is an excerpt from the
Associated Press on this story.

The agency — led at the time by a Bush administration appointee — blamed low-level employees, saying no high-level officials were aware. But that wasn't good enough for Republicans in Congress, who are conducting several investigations and asked for more.

"I call on the White House to conduct a transparent, government-wide review aimed at assuring the American people that these thuggish practices are not under way at the IRS or elsewhere in the administration against anyone, regardless of their political views," said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

White House spokesman Jay Carney declared it was indeed inappropriate for the IRS to target tea party groups. But he brushed aside questions about whether the White House itself would investigate.

Instead, Carney said the administration expects a thorough investigation by the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration. The inspector general has been looking into the issue since last summer, and his report is expected to come out next week, the IG's office said Friday.

Carney's response to rEpublicans is a reasonable one. Before anybody gets all lathered up (either side) lets see what the investigative report as to say. As a reminder don't forget who was in charge, a Bush administration appointee.

Read the rest here

Via: Memeorandum

Tropical Prints

Celine espadrilles, tropical prints, summer, Bittersweet Colours, Colors

Celine espadrilles, tropical prints, summer, Bittersweet Colours, Colors
Celine espadrilles, tropical prints, summer, Bittersweet Colours, Colors
Celine espadrilles, tropical prints, summer, Bittersweet Colours, Colors

Espadrilles are Spring's go-to shoes and is no more a secret that I became a fan lately. As a color lover I had to include a colorful pair in my mini collection: This Celine bold orange calf skin pair is the perfect one, don't you think?
As for the outfit, is a return to tropical prints, happy colors in casual chic approach. Seeing and wearing these exotic prints I start dreaming to a vacation...

                                                                             Blazer: Coldwater Creek/ I also love this one Here
                                                                             Top: vintage/ option Here
                                                                             Clutch: Samudra/ Here
                                                                             Cuff bracelets: thanks to COOEE.seHere and Here
                                                                             Espadrilles: Celine/ now dreaming on these ones Here 
                                                                             Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV

happy mother's day

In honor of the holiday that should be celebrated every month (in my opinion), I thought I'd take a moment to say a big Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Jan. I owe every inch of my design sensibility to her, she taught me everything I know. I could tell you the difference between Biedermeier and Baroque by the time I was 10 and I was picking out estate jewelry before I could talk. And thanks to her I've toured every old home on the eastern seaboard and been to 46 state capitals. She is a great teacher and friend and there is no one I would rather go shopping with.

Basically what I'm saying is this...


And for something only she will understand - this is as close to a card as you will ever get. xoxo

And speaking of moms, don't forget to check out the Simply Baby Spring Blog Party today. My girl Heather, from Vivid Hue Home is hosting this week and I know she's got something special cooked up.
And stay tuned in the weeks to come for great ideas from

How are you going to celebrate Mother's Day?

Today is Confederate Memorial Day in the Carolinas ... J. D. Longstreet

Today is Confederate Memorial Day in the Carolinas   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Today is Confederate Memorial Day in the Carolinas
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Today, May 10th, in North Carolina and South Carolina, is Confederate Memorial Day.

I am reminded of the local “Sons of Confederate Veterans” Confederate Memorial Day celebration, which I attend every year.  When last I spoke to the gathering I spoke of the  Confederate Soldier, or as I sometimes refer to them, the “Southern Knights.”

As it was a celebration of the southern warrior, I spoke on the attributes of the Confederate soldier… who he was, what he was like, what he did, what he felt, why he did what he did, and why he felt he MUST do what he did, and so on, and so forth.

When one studies the Confederate soldier, one quickly comes to understand that there has never been, before or after the American “War Between the States”, a warrior quite like the “Southern Knights”. As a combat soldier, he was more akin to the various “special forces” of numerous militaries around the world than he was to the “regular” soldiers we are acquainted with today.  He was a killing machine… with good manners. 

It is impossible to overlook the fact that 800,000 badly equipped, badly clothed, badly fed, but wonderfully led Confederate soldiers managed to hold at bay 2-1/2 million federal troops of the US military for four of the longest, bloodiest, years in American history. They were masterful at the art of war.

It is absolutely shameful that political correctness has driven its talons so deeply into American consciousness that to speak of the Confederate soldier in anyway other than as a defender of slavery is totally unacceptable.  Modern day ancestors of the Confederate soldier are taught that their great, great, great, great grandfathers were traitors!  There is no other way to address that accusation but to say it is a bald-faced lie.

The Confederate soldier was a citizen of another country.  He was a citizen of the Confederate States of America, not the United States of America.  One cannot betray a country of which one is not a citizen. Plus, there is this fact:  Something like 97% of the citizens of the Confederacy owned NO slaves.  Common sense says men do not put their lives on the line, in a war, to preserve another man’s right to hold other human beings in bondage! 

An article I recently read persistently nags at me.  It is an article by Paul Gottfried entitled:  “On Loving To Hate The South.”

Referring to my compatriots in the “Sons of Confederate Veterans” Mr. Gottfried said: “You may take pride in those whom you honor as your linear ancestors but equally in the anger of those who would begrudge you the right to honor them. What your critics find inexcusable is that you are celebrating your people’s past, which was a profoundly conservative one based on family and community, and those who created and defended it. For your conspicuous indiscretions, I salute you; and I trust that generations to come will take note of your willingness to defy the spirit of what is both a cowardly and tyrannical age.”  Mr. Gottfried nailed it! You can read Mr. Gottfried’s entire article at:  http://takimag.com/article/on_loving_to_hate_the_south/print#axzz2SnoHOm6E

Mr. Gottfried had said earlier in his article that we “Southern traditionalists are still celebrating a pre-bourgeois, agrarian, and communally structured world. It appealed to hierarchy, place, and family; and its members displayed no special interest in reaching out to alien cultures. Such ideals and attitudes and the landed, manorial society out of which they came, point back to a nineteenth century conservative configuration.”

It is here we find the root cause of the virulent hatred for the ensign of the Southern soldier, the Confederate Battle Flag, and for the hatred of the people of the Southern region of the United States.  It is our conservatism.  It is our unyielding determination to hold on to the conservative values of our Southern ancestors.

Every year, as I attend Confederate Memorial Day events, I watch my fellow Southerners stand in silent reverence as the troops bearing the US flag pass and I watch as we all stand and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag, and then the NC state flag, and then to the Confederate flag. I see no contradiction.  These are gatherings of conservative people who love and honor their country, the USA, just as their Southern Ancestors loved and honored THEIR  country, the Confederate States of America.   We were remembering THEM and honoring THEM and the commonality of that conservative philosophy which is STILL alive and well in their off-spring today.

Many of us in the South today worry that we see many of the same causes of the conflict of the 1860’s reflected in the political conflicts between liberal and conservative Americans today.  Having yet not fully recovered from the so-called “Reconstruction” of the South after that bitter war, we are concerned that, as remote as it may seem, to those not versed in the history of this country, we may be headed for another conflict in which Americans will square-off with fellow Americans. 

These are dangerous times for America.  Standing in silence and watching those two red, white, and blue flags that once flew over the two nations that briefly occupied this land is always a sobering moment. To realize that only the people living below those flags can prevent a repetition of history is equally as sobering.  It is a jolting moment for this scribe when I think that it could happen all over again! 

Never has America been as divided since the War Between the States. We are, today, two countries living beneath a single flag, as a gentleman from South Carolina reminded me a few years ago. As he spoke his eyes were downcast gazing at the sacred soil of that old cemetery and his head was slowly shaking from side to side as if to say “NO” to the unthinkable.   But I could not escape the thought that it obviously wasn’t unthinkable as we stood just six feet, or so, above the earthly remains of a Confederate soldier screaming in silence a warning that history says will go unheeded.

© J.D. Longstreet

A Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give

A Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give
By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

America has lost its decency, manners, politeness……………soon without quick changes character!

Listen to the young people, F-this, F-that, and nary anyone will step up and correct them- even with wife and kids in tow!

New high school principal

We watched high school principal Dennis Prager of Colorado , along with Sara Palin and Tom Brokaw on TV a couple of weeks ago….what a dynamic, down to earth speaker. Even though Palin and Brokaw were also guest speakers they did little but nod and agree with him.
A Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give.
By Dennis Prager.

To the students and faculty of our high school:

I am your new principal, and honored to be so.
There is no greater calling than to teach young people.

I would like to apprise you of some important changes coming to our school. I am making these changes because I am convinced that some ideas that have dominated public education in America have worked against you, against your teachers and against our country.

First, this school will no longer honor race or ethnicity.
I could not care less if your racial makeup is black, brown, red, yellow or white. I could not care less if your origins are African, Latin American, Asian or European, or if your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower or on slave ships. The only identity I care about, the only one this school will recognize, is your individual identity — your character, your scholarship, your humanity. And the only national identity this school will care about is American.

This is an American public school, and American public schools were created to make better Americans. If you wish to affirm an ethnic, racial or religious identity through school, you will have to go elsewhere. We will end all ethnicity, race and non-American nationality-based celebrations. They undermine the motto of America , one of its three central values — epluribus Unum, “from many, one.” And this school will be guided by America ‘s values. This includes all after-school clubs. I will not authorize clubs that divide students based on any identities. This includes race, language, religion, sexual orientation or whatever else may become in vogue in a society divided by political correctness.

Your clubs will be based on interests and passions, not blood, ethnic, racial or other physically defined ties. Those clubs just cultivate narcissism — an unhealthy preoccupation with the self — while the purpose of education is to get you to think beyond yourself. So we will have clubs that transport you to the wonders and glories of art, music, astronomy, languages you do not already speak, carpentry and more. If the only extracurricular activities you can imagine being interested in are those based on ethnic, racial or sexual identity, that means that little outside of yourself really interests you.

Second, I am uninterested in whether English is your native language. My only interest in terms of language is that you leave this school speaking and writing English as fluently as possible. The English language has united America ‘s citizens for over 200 years, and it will unite us at this school. It is one of the indispensable reasons this country of immigrants has always come to be one country. And if you leave this school without excellent English language skills, I would be remiss in my duty to ensure that you will be prepared to successfully compete in the American job market. We will learn other languages here — it is deplorable that most Americans only speak English — but if you want classes taught in your native language rather than in English, this is not your school.

Third, because I regard learning as a sacred endeavor , everything in this school will reflect learning’s elevated status. This means, among other things, that you and your teachers will dress accordingly. Many people in our society dress more formally for Hollywood events than for church or school. These people have their priorities backward. Therefore, there will be a formal dress code at this school.

Fourth, no obscene language will be tolerated anywhere on this school’s property — whether in class, in the hallways or at athletic events. If you can’t speak without using the f -word, you can’t speak. By obscene language I mean the words banned by the Federal Communications Commission, plus epithets such as “Nigger,” even when used by one black student to address another black, or “bitch,” even when addressed by a girl to a girlfriend. It is my intent that by the time you leave this school, you will be among the few your age to instinctively distinguish between the elevated and the degraded, the holy and the obscene.

Fifth, we will end all self-esteem programs. In this school, self-esteem will be attained in only one way — the way people attained it until decided otherwise a generation ago — by earning it. One immediate consequence is that there will be one valedictorian, not eight.

Sixth, and last, I am reorienting the school toward academics and away from politics and propaganda. No more time will be devoted to scaring you about smoking and caffeine, or terrifying you about sexual harassment or global warming. No more semesters will be devoted to condom wearing and teaching you to regard sexual relations as only or primarily a health issue… There will be no more attempts to convince you that you are a victim because you are not white, or not male, or not heterosexual or not Christian. We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately fortunate — to be alive and to be an American.

Now, please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of our country. As many of you do not know the words, your teachers will hand them out to you.

If all schools nationwide adopted this ideology for their schools, I know we would all be better off!

Pass this along if you agree. . . . If not delete …. .and later regret it !

Seal the Border! ... J. D. Longstreet

Seal the Border!   ...   J. D. Longstreet
Seal the Border!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Now, I’m not going to sit here and say to the President, my US Senators, and my Congressmen that if they want me to support the new Immigration Reform Bill, first build a fence along the border.  No, I’m not going to say that.

What I AM going to say is… We don’t NEED the new Immigration Reform Bill!  Not at all.  We don’t even NEED a guest worker program!  Americans will gladly pay more for their produce if it means that can continue to maintain America as an English-speaking nation.  Heck, the money we save on the welfare services we now give, free, to the illegal immigrants would off-set the higher prices for produce at the market!  No, we don’t need either of those things.

What we DO NEED is enforcement of the immigration laws we have on the books today!

To secure the border we need a fence… a physical fence.  Not some piss-ant virtual fence with sensors and cameras and fly-overs by unarmed drone aircraft.  All that does is complicate the process.  When the illegals cross over they still have to be hunted down and sent back.  So, stop them from ever crossing that border with an honest to goodness double fence with a patrol road between the fences.  

Harsh?  I don't think so.   But -- when national security is at stake, harshness may be  the way to go!

Again, the new Immigration Reform Bill soon to be before the US Senate is an Amnesty Bill.  No matter how you slice it, no matter how much perfume they sprinkle over it, it still stinks to high heavens.  And you know what???  They’re going to pass that abomination of a bill over our protests if we don’t rattle the cages of the Senators in Washington, but good!  Actually, I am satisfied that if there is any way, by hook or by crook, the two parties, in cahoots with each other, will see that this bill is passed. 

We have the closest thing to a rogue government in Washington today as this nation has ever had.  They are totally unresponsive to the citizens of the nation.  I don’t believe they cannot hear us, or that they have misinterpreted what we are telling them about this immigration bill. I believe they hear us, loud and clear, and simply don’t give a damn what you and I want.  They intend to do what they want instead.  That behavior, dear reader, is the definition of a rogue government.

As an American citizen I am frustrated beyond all measure at what passes for a government in Washington, DC today!  It is a pathetic bunch of political hacks unfit to run for dogcatcher, let alone an office representing my interests in the nation’s seat of government.

Alas, this is the government we get when that form of Marxism we call Political Correctness takes over a country.  The truth is shown the door for fear of offending someone… anyone!  So, our Congresspersons, our Senators,  and even our President will lie to us and tell themselves they are “protecting” us.  They’ll convince themselves that they know best what is good for us and they will simply tune us out!  That is what this government has done.  Tuned us out!

Now you know what Southerners from 1828 up to April of 1861 felt like!  Their government (the US government) had tuned them out, too.  We all know how that ended.   We Southerners LOST OUR COUNTRY!  And, guess what??? If this continues we are going to lose our country AGAIN, this time along with the rest of  America!  That’s how serious this is.

Not content to lie down and rollover, I intend to rattle cages in DC.  At least, if we lose and the "Amnesty Bill" passes, I will know that I DID make an effort to contribute to the forces trying to stop it. That’s not much consolation, I know, but it is all I, WE, have these days.

© J. D. Longstreet

Exponential Trend Failure of the Day (Musical Tribute)

Click to enlarge.

So here's to the golden moon
Here's to the silver sea

Nov 6, 2007
Yahoo Message Board: Higher Lows & Higher Highs

I've concluded that the momentum behind the price movements of gold, silver, and SSRI is simply too strong to offer me another buying opportunity. At least I've got enough sense to continue to hold onto the shares that I now own. This current gold/silver bull market should provide each of us with a very profitable experience. It's a shame that more of my friends aren't participating in this once in a lifetime wealth accumulation opportunity. - seasonedspeculating


Source Data:
Yahoo: SSRI Historical Prices


46 years ago today the City of David, Jerusalem was reunited after being cut into 2 by the Jordanians and the United Nation.  For 19 years no Jew, no Christian was allowed to worship at their holy places.  In fact, the tombstones on the Mount of Olives Cemetery (One of the oldest Jewish Cemeteries in the world.) were used by the Jordanians as paving stones, building stones, even to make latrines.  And the world said nothing.  Not a peep.

On an almost daily basis, snipers on the walls of the Old City would open fire on Israeli civilians.  And the world said nothing.  Not a peep.

To solve this issue and stop the gunfire, orders were given to liberate the Old City.  And the IDF came through with skill.  The City of David was unified.  All people were free to worship at their holy places.

Click here if the video doesn't load.

Today as Israel and Jews around the world celebrate 46 years of a unified Jerusalem, President Barack Hussein Obama is demanding that the city be split into 2 again.  And the world is cheering him on.

Forget about what happened the last time the city was divided to appease the Arabs.  Forget that for 46 years the city has been whole, united.  Forget that under the Arabs only Muslims could pray at in the city, Jews and Christians were forbidden.  That means nothing to those who have been appeasing the Arabs in the hope that they finish the job Hitler started.

But you can help:

Keep Jerusalem United - Sign the Declaration!

Click here if the video doesn't load.

Sign the Declaration!
I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and strongly support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
Just click here.

 Land for peace with Palestinians doesn't work.  They have taught Israel that.  In 2005 Israel gave up Gaza in the hope of peace.  And was subjected to over 10,000 rockets.  And the horror that became the city of Sderot.

For 46 years Jerusalem has been united.  Let us work to keep it that way!

Click here if the video doesn't load.

Jerusalem United Forever!

Denim suit

  A denim look seems to be my choice for a rainy day and I usually love wearing this boyish combination with high heels. This time I said YES to the flats and I must  admit it wasn't  too bad... especially when you have to walk a lot.                                    

                                                                           Denim blazer: vintage/ a great version Here 
                                                                           T-shirt: thanks to Sheinside/ Here 
                                                            Ballet flats: thanks to Le Bunny Bleu / Here
                                                                           Bag: Zecchino thanks to YeswalkerHere 
                                                                           Cuff bracelet: Chanel
                                                                           Jeans: Hurley/ option Here 


this little light of mine

So, I got a new chandelier for the dining room.

Would this be the dining room that just got a new chandelier last year? Yep, that's the one.

Now, before you go putting me in the loony bin for buying yet another lighting fixture for the dining room (this makes #3), let me state my case. It is a vintage bamboo chandelier at a wicked good price. I couldn't very well leave it behind once I saw it. What if someone bought it who wouldn't have taken care of it? There was a lady with a bedazzled purse and a scrunchie eyeing it at the same time my mom and I were fawning. I couldn't let this light go home with Mrs. Scrunchie, that's just mean. So really I rescued this light from certain doom. I'm a humanitarian. Me and Angelina.

The only problem I had with it was the color. I am a card-carrying member of the black fan club but I've already got a lot of black in the dining room and the walls are darker so adding this big and wonderful black light was just sucking the remaining light out of the room. And the black was hiding all of the great detail that made me love the light in the first place.

I wavered between something sparkly and something with more pop. But while I wavered, I made myself useful and primed.

Sparkle took over and I went with gold. I think I had spent a few hours play dress up with the girls before hand, so that might have influenced my decision. But the subtle, glam, vintagey gold I was looking for didn't happen.


It was a little too Golden Girls for my taste. I suppose I could have taken some rub n' buff to the thing to tone it done a bit, but have you taken a close look at this thing? It has no fewer than 47 sides. It's a mathematical anomaly. It was hard enough to spray it, I wasn't about to hand rub the sucker.

I decided to go with what my gut had told me originally and go with my color pop. Why I ever tried to ignore you gut I don't know. My apologies. After something red, with a bit of orange in it, I went to Michaels to look thru the hard core arty spray paint and landed on Cadmium Red by Liquitex.

The color was perfect and the paint goes on wonderfully. It dries super fast and the odor is almost non-existant.

I will warn you though this stuff chips like a... it chips really bad. I wouldn't use this on anything that would get any sort of day to day use, but since people rarely touch my chandelier, I figure it will be safe.

So up she went, looking beautiful. All of her pretty details showing up so much better now in her bright red. But she was missing one last detail. This was the perfect piece to try out one of my favorite blogger 'I want to try that one day' DIYs.

Yep, I followed Emily's lead and added some polka dot fabric to my plain little candle sleeves. You can go to Recently for the full DIY but I will tell you this was easy as can be. All you need is some fabric, scissors and Mod Podge and you'll be done in 10 minutes.

I love my little lady. She is bringing it. 

So the moral of the story is this - ignore trends and always go with your gut. Your gut will never lie to you. And never pass up a good light because you already have one. There is always room for one more chandelier in your life.

What about you? Have you added something to your house only to replace it with something else a year later? Painted anything with 47 sides? Watched Golden Girls lately?